SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 23, 1919. 8 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. SOCIETY Aslstl At T. . Mn. Ivan Procter, Jr., and Mm. Hubert Holdinf assisted Mesdames J. O, Brantley ind Lynn Wilder in the receiving line at their tea at the Wo man') Club Friday afternoon. K Sathrtn)-Stvaa. ' Warsaw, Nov. SI. A quiet and sim ple marriage wis eoatuninuitr-d at the liOiae of the bride in Hi is city Thursday evening, .when Mrs. & rah Htevens nnd Francis Sutlierlund were united in mar riage, Kcv. K. W. Cawthon performine; the ceremony in the rtrcsi'nce of a num ber of relatives and friend. Both ot the extracting parties are members of prominent families. The hride it a wonn of sterling rh.irnrter nnd flic traits. The groom in well and popu larly known here and ntMount Olive, where he lived for several year?. A number of frirnils gave the bride a atorm shower-party, following the rere- iirniiy, nhen refreshment were crvei and many urerty nifts given the bride. WASHINGTON. Washington, Nov. I;. Mr, lieverlv Mess cntertuiui'd a few of her friemU on' Satiir.lry ii:;;iil at a l.ridRe- lurtv. he invited 111 mo ti'.iia tit Kiu'sts- to pi;rtieipn:e in the Alter a must tieli'litiul evening was hjieiit tlu liost served a delicious salmi tons', lo her guest. All oyster roant wns K'vt'IL WB f riy sight ct riKlit o'elu'k in tlic rear end Hi-'oUf.iu's music store by the ladies -f firck- -No. I rf tlte i"iti Rantiiit 1 thi'mii, Mi'iiy atlcndi d nnd nil enjoyed the caning hot oysters on the frosty ttwniMg. Tlia roast n kivcii lor ine benefit of the niiu urijiiu In nil. A moat loelv ignl simple w eliding ..... ..j . , i - UnE. .... I it .t....!.t.r Mi.. ,.1IVII UH wi'ij n.iuftivi, ........ , " 1 homas7"TKrc I .Bobbins, of Plymouth. The wedding ' was very dimple nith only u lew inti mate friends ;.nd relative present. The brrrts wore a navy blue traveling suit v.ith blnek hut and accessories. The young couple left for Norfolk, where tliey will take the boat to Baltimore HIJil other northern cities. The o Club held its meeting tlinf nrvk ' tvitn MTsn K. M. Hoyt on ; TsVuredny efternooil i t .'1:.'10 o'clock, j Two splendid papers wero rend during' tho eoursj of the ufternooii and sev eral business matters were brought np " before the social hour. Miss Hoyt servcM delicious refreshments to her gucaik. m . . In Honor Of Miss Strickland. I nun to Kinfonl, Nov. 22. On last Wednes day evening from 7::iU until 11:00, Miss bdsic Bell entertained a nuuilier of her friends tit nil announcement party given it honor of Mlits Noll Btrlcklnnd, whose tiprproacbiug marri.igi) to Mr. lid ward U;egory Haminons will take place some time in December. The bouse v. us beautifully decorated int potted plants and cut flowers. The i guests wero met at tha door by Miss i.mily Thompson and Air. Jobu Hell, it and wero ushered into the. living! roogi, where table wero nrranged for I Progressive Rook. After the score hud j been made, the guests proceeded to the. parlor, and there to the uiusie ot both, piano and victroln, they tripped the , light fantastis toe, until a messenger from Dsn Cupid, in the peraon of lit- ' tie Miss Barbara Orrcll, appeared at ' the door bearing a proclamation from thl eovernor of the htnte of Matrimony. stating that Mba Nell Htricklund and Mr. Edward Gregory Mammons, being eligible, were thereby permitted tc en ter said state. Realizing there was soon to be a bride in their midst each of the guests wer asked to v. rite a few points on "How to Maiingo n Husband. ' These were tied with white ribbon and pre sented to the hridc-to-hc, with the wish thit she might uso them to the best of het advantage. Xlisi Idlliemue Wilklo won the prise by making the highest score in Prog ressive Rook. later she gracefully pre sented it to Miss Htrlekliiiid. v Delightful refreshments, . consisting of an ice course wu served by Misaet klary Vtley and Clara Beth Bell. At 11 o'clock the guests departed, declaring Miss Bell a most charming hostess. Among the out-of-town guests were ( Mis Lillie May Wilkie, of Ral eigh; Misses Murguret Keith, of Vass; L'.,i Im t n:i. i , . ii.i.i 1 11. V. Orrell. of Wilmington and At laata, and Mrrl Nelson MeCaskill, of Tesas. Those also present were: Mis Nell Strickland, houores: Misses Lillio - llarkney, Mary I'tley; ' Messrs. Robert Utley, Ben I'tley, W H. Mann; Mr. and Mrs. C I. Orrell, Mr. and Mrs. . H. D. Uunter and. Mr. and Mrs. C. . Bryan. MAN WASTES AWAY BY INCHES I all sawtiaaa af this aauntrr are man who naad. a ha wtronr, virtla man -apkndld snacl. nans af hawlUi. but whoa aiulltj and atransla hara fallaa from thaw. Thar have baruma this and naja and narvwaa. Thalr arabltloa baa all ona and kft thant snabta to parforra evaa th almplaat kuka without faar at fallura. Tha lar od Ilia la Ilka a aloaad baok to tham. laar apan4 aakra brenMn avar faaaaad waansa. Ttoiv aanaot a leap alahla. bat lis waka wcarylna aawr Unpandln evil. Than vlulllr w araatrarad. Thalr axlatanaa nart Ilk a Uvtn daatk thaa Ufa. What kt ta causa af It t Moat af thaaa Ola ta ana ar aauaad kr arid alaanaaa, tha fraat auraa of tha Amarteaa natkm. anal what aaak ma naad la Papalaol tai build tham ap.. to raatora thalr atransU ta) than. Papaiaoi la an aotraa dlsaaUnt. rant la laaauVa anal loan. It lavtcurataa tha antlrs rataaa and is ts.rua awwa man and arawiaa) haartv appatlta, aoond haalthful alsmbar, atraw. wtrlla bads aad aanaa aad af wall bain that saskaa tkam eapahk af dolna 1 II aorta at thlnaa that m I hair vraakaaal 1 conditloa thr oaald not aaar awataulal wlthawt foraaaaln hilar. , Faoolnol aida duroaUoat tad aatiatla aoaati. pattoa, o br traatin tha araaptoana, but hr aaaaearia th cava of thaa dlaordara. It praaatit tha aaeuramlatlo In tha aralaaa pf uon-laaatad food. Papanwl It a blood purl, tlar. Papa in ol kaaps tha baarala warrains (raalr and hatarallr avarr dar. Paaainad alaaaaa tha hrarar bewal wbara traat ma War famanta and oanarata Balaam that paaaaa lata th bload. Papalnol tlaara tha aranplaifca, and kaapa K elaar. Papalaol kaawa tha braatb wort, raa-lnol a.arauauaa nraaaas and arorar. Papainaf doao i) aritb dktar apalla. I'apaltMl Is tba fooadaitia af rood baaltk. l apalsal aairtuaiai paraadM haadarhss, aaarV burn. tnaeaaBMh Uvw tmWaa, law vitallta and riwjuanatian. ' At iaa-ty-va roe sartlralartr ttaaw Papalnol It la acriou tton af Ufa ta am aa wall aa woma. It ai tha ttraw af Ufa whoa tha whole vawai vaoVviraa a cbaaco and tarads tha ' mi-, atransthanlna, baoaltaiaj affart at I "inal. . , v w won think ef " think of Papalnol. - mils Popoinot la faibia only bv Th Peptai "'"ii Cak. Mamnhiay Tann., and kt ia atrtet r.iana with tha aladiaal Ptarwaard af tha i.d riuta rtarwiaeooaa. Ta ba eonvahiant avervborir and pat ta praaawt awbatteutaa arl-t for Fatal aol, wa baaw appolntad a I "Papain! . Aacait" la aach atiaa af a- ... . -Tro"H TVnar Cm downtown : Walton 'a -v, tov NilUlnm atraat i Martin Straat -y, awrnar W artin and llloaint straata t -mina. iss t Martin atraat) Bhara' a. i i- -h. N. C. i i- no ' iapaiaMl Asvnt" in paw la - i-'rj via. penorme, .e wn ... -r. nnu & Montgomery Barnes, of Cynth kin. erate Thomna on Tburly night , . . f PT.rir, and' Kmith. of WARSAW. IMty Hunter, who. on Wednesday eve ling became the, bride of W. U. Vfil limns, Jr- a miaeellaneoua ahower was civen at the home of Mr. 1. C Robin son oa last Thursday afternoon from half ps four till fen o'clock, the host esses being ilisao Margaret Harden. Iuiie Anderson, Olivia Brat. Brookie 1 lines, and Louis Pridgea. ' Roses ia the dining-room and rhrva- antbemuma in the living-room were the lloral decorations. The nosteiuee re ceived at the door, and Me-sdame W B. Ayeock and V. P. Koriveilie preaided ut the punch bowl. When all the gueat had arrived, to the strain of LoheugrinV wedding march, rendered by Mrs. Clarence Hrown, tiuy Mis leonine farrier, at Hrd et a bride, with Vaster Jack lne in a prooin ia fall evening dress. marched into tha 'room, followed by Master Charles Peine drawing a wagon filled with number of useful aad dainty eiits fur the bride-alert. A delightful salad course was served bv Mesdames A. 11. Anderson, J. ft, Peine, I), E. licit, and J. U. Carter, ui'ter whit-li toasts were given to the bride by Mrsilanie J. C. Hum. Charles Carroll, and .Miss Mattie Williams, the I; tier bring from (ioldsboro and the i uly Riiest. Jliss Atnry Tapp and L. B. Jenkins entertained at supper, complimentary to Mesxrs. llnry Miller, of Cincinnati. Ohio; Wm. Houk, of Cynethiana, Kv and the forman and assistant of the U B. Jenkins Tobacco Company, on but 8nlurluy evening at the home of Mrs. T. B. Peiree. Chrysanthemum formed the centerpiece of the table, and " . rr . ktir.A i. . . important part, was partaker of. Covers were laid for fourteen, the . - ; i . i : i r ; 1 1 ...i vuesis iiiciuitiua " wi- .miiiw. Painful Piles A Pre Trial ef PrasM Ml Treat, seat la One at Ike GraaetaM Evsmts Vsms Crrr apesieswesl. Tou are suffering dreadfully protruding vllh Itching, bleeding, protruding piles or hemorrhoids. vow, go over Tea PsastHverr Casus. AMmr4 t Isjaewt) Thoeo esaarsiaMe PyvaasMa. to any drug store and get a Vcent bos of Pyramid Plla Treatment. Re lief should come so quickly you wilt Jump for Joy. If you are In doubt, send for a free trial package by mall. You will then be convinced. Don't delay. Tk no aubaUlute, FREE SAMPLE COUPON PYRAMID DRUO COM f ANT. m Pyramid Building, Marshall. Mich. Kindly send m a Free sample of ,e"l PUa Treataseai. In plain wrapper. XT- t o Street if" I "j""' i ism, . Jm -..4iihaHMBssssssaBk A ALMO PRESENTS Robert Warwick in , Secret Service Throbbinsr with Love, Humor. Pathos, Patriotism and Heroic Deeds. Filled with Powerful Scenes that Stir and Inspire the Soul. Played by a Cast that has never been equaled on the Screen. ' Performed by its Author, William Gillette, over Two Thousand Times on the Stag-e in this country and abroad. More than a Picture A Thrilling; Event in Your1 Wanda Hawley Raymond Hatton Robert Caine ' Edythe Chapman Guy Oliver- Kinstoni Gray Miller, . J. Thomas. Browsv- ill.-and ilrs 1'tisQl . Priree. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Basnes, and Mrs. T. B. Peiree. The Christian Endeavor meeting was led by Mr. Charles Csirroll on last Thursday evening. The leader made a brief talk on, "How To Avoid Failure." There were readings by Mesdames James Peiree nnd W. O. Kingletary and Misses Maria Loftin and Nannie L Adkins, as well as an enjoyable song service. Mrs. James M. Hines. of Greenville. spent the past wwk with her mother. Mr.,T. B. Peiree. . i Mrs. Claude Beat rettrmed Monday from a visit of several days to Wil- mington. ' ' Miss Ktella Garrett spent last weea- ed with friends at LaOrangr. George Steele spent hist Sunday with hi mother, Mr. Geo..M. Steele. Misses Lenora Womack and Mary White Carroll, of Castle Hayne, spent last week-end her. Ir. 8. E. Butler and J. J. Barden : motored to Clinton last Sunday. Mrs. Ralph Huneycutt gave a lovely hose and handkerchief shower, compli mentary to Miss Betty Hunter, a bride of the past week, at her home Wednes day from eleven till one. Upon enter ing, the cuests mere served with punch and cheese-straws, by Mrs. J. T. Ores ham. They then wrote ''good wishes' j for the bride in a Hunsltine Calendar. presided over by Miss Annie Kate Pow ell. At this time Mrs. C. A. Womack ushered ia Mrs. R. E. U Wheeless. dressed as a Oypsy fortune teller, who foretold to the bride-elect the appear auce of a fairy, who' entered hortly SWAMP-ROOT FOR KIDNEY AILMENTS There is only one medicine that really stands out pre-eminent a a medicine for curable ailments of the xiuneys, liver a nd bladder.""" " - . . - Dr. Kilmer's 8wmp-Root stands the Inchest for the reason that it has proven to be just the remedy reded in thru sands upon thoussnds of distressing ease. fiwimp-Root makes friends quick ly, because its mud and immediate effect is soon realized in most cases. It is a gentle, helling vegetable compound. start treatment at once. Hold at all drug store in bottle of two sires, mediui and large. However, if you wish first to test this great preparation send ten cents to Dr. Kilmer Co., Binghnnitnn, Is. Y., lor a sample bottle. When writing be eure and mention the Raleigh News and Ob server. Adv. Great Lakes String Quartet December 6th WOMAN'S CLUB AUDITORIUM "The Pride of the Najr' All members of the Great Lakes Naval Training; Sta tion, Great Lakes, 111. . Car! Fasahaaer, Second Violin. Robert Dolejst, Viola. Carl Pseehaaer, Seeoag Violin. Walter Braaer, Cello. Lawrence Schaaffler, Assisting Artist, Plane. TOL'R Or AMERICA, SIX TRANSATLANTIC TRIPS. V M Monday and Tuesday Tow Moot $uccaaful PUjr on the .. American Stag CAST MAJOR ROBERT WARWICK Theodore Roberts ' Irving Cumming Canaon Ferguson Lillian Leighton Normsn Selby Kid McCoy Enough Stars For Ten Pictures in the person of little Miss Celeste LaoeMie presented Miss Hnnter with a wand, and telling her to wove it three times, and follow her tnd she would be led to a pot of gold at tho foot of the rainbow. Acting on thi suggestion, and followed by the guests, the bride to be was taken to the dining room, where' arched over the table was a very realistic rainbow with its end buried in pots of golden chrysanthe mum. Cpon drawing a ribbon, she wa ''showered" with dainty handker chiefs and silk hos. Mr. A. B. Haines and Miss Bettie Cox nerved an attractive salad course. W, H. Williams, Jr., entertained the young men, who were attendants t ins wedding, with a stag slipper at a local restaurant, Monday evening. . . EMMA ROBERTS HAS ATTRACTIVE PERSONALITY Emma Robert who will appesr in re- A Reflection of Good Judgment. The ELECTRIC CLEANER Demonstration on request THOMPSON . Electrical Co. 132 Fayetteville St. Life. i i l,iiiiissws'aa APEX cital at The Academy of Musi on Thanksgiving is one of the most at tractive personalities of the concert stage." Her majestic appearance well becomes a contralto and her attractive natural smile', the result of a keen sense of bnmor, will cheer anyone out of the Jumps. Her college work, previous to concentrating on voice, gave her com prehensive view of many subject and bss enabled her to see the intellectual side of music and to grasp the meaning ia foreign songs so a to ling something more than word. 8he ha been repeatedly chosen to sing at festival with big orchestra and the Icademy HIR VOICC. Ona of Um Fwv GrMl Voloss Uist ba ooms Mm Um suhlls la nonl .( Yark aim. A mmm of Lantf Oiulltr, llk Partlmlar Lmdomnm is ta 1 kne-ntw-Braokln BwUl ' A woim at Bcrals ProwrtJoM and nMuurul QtisUlr. Uffrull ha rms. A ?il at aplndul QuaHtr tae aonorltr- CladaosU 1'irinrrrltl Trtbuu. Most I'nuftial In aifhn.M. slw ba.lnc Oial flluw ur Winnih and Lrr Ww ap of roww. WIUut-Bwn lUcant. THIS IS A CONCERT OF TREMENDOUS EDUCATIONAL VALUE AND WILL BE LARGELY PATRON IZED BT THE TEACHERS' ASSEMBLY Priceai Stc. TSe, $1M, tlJ Bozea .. oat Safe Oaaaa Maaday. Nanaihar Sara., at Taatar BaHdra. HaH Ordan r Iliad aad Praaaatlr RalniS Is Ordar Raaahad. Add I Par Saat War Tu sad Maka Caaaki aad Mawa Ordan Pajiakls ta i. . Uaaaaraa. , in i : I - m m . FLOWERS l4; . 1 I-1 "Say It o i m: ' r lowers ; - , lb Vj Let the Bearer of your Thanksgiving:. j y I ' J Menage be at pure and undeiiled as ji 1 i j' : :! li ! the sentiment it expresses. j: jl ""( M ': . X-LD'OUINNtScCO;.';- 09' ' - ; - 'RALEIGH . ' " K" diligent stmly she pat on the part she is to sing is evidenced by her splendid rendition "orthfnrr One -seidora-flnrts an artist with as many engagement Mis Robert whe has so much time for study but thi is because she truly con centrate on her work. - ktusie lover of this section ran in deed consider themselves very fortun ete ia being able to hear such splen did singer and everyone who expect to hear Miss Roberts ran feel assured that they will not be disappointed. Seat sale for thi attraction begins tomorrow morning at the Tinker Building. Press Agent. of Music, MS 27th ft ' - VI a V -: X EMMA ROBERTS. America' Foremost MIR INTfgfRETATIONt Sh Putt Drain aila Hrr Shir lu. ai wtuuHit OaUtUu linn. Km lark Sun. Bha Palnu wtlb Ear Volet. Km Turt Hum. aha can !aiant aonss wlia Ap pradatlao and Impan la Uwbi tha Hixrtto. iha W it. tna Husat ar tha pauwa that acn oaaaaiMfeL Na Yet BMoin WackL Bba Imarsnai U attb tha Mrb Inulllanw That Malua lliv a Tralr tlrrat Artist. ,r York Bnolue Kail, aha brtnea ta tha tatarpralatlva Ida af har raak a Bare Cora mahanatoa, ruiahuxh IMapalth. HI TVtg Tha Sntaacd b-autr oT tha Garra. Ina lll.I Italian BdwaL Nt yk Man, CarrteU air Srat iMnora. thanks to h-r ekar and dutlnfuwhnl tllrtlaa and har Buparloc Cum maml ml Bula. .Naw Tort rlunaaUnclr BMatiTal IMalh at aula. Poushaaavala Kanins Star. HE PtMONAIVV roaaabr. dark, vmaloaa. hat ya not aitbaut a wtaitUii malka. fear saarv urtful, Hrr llaniwr Uraolaua. riaw York Tim. , A rhjrmlrtf Slaaa Pkta. -Nrv Tark KaaaiB World. 3for ton's Ityotos 'it - Contralto. A rhamtnt Parvonalitr alilrtl ' srwatly kuuta bar rich rontral Ui In Wlnlilnc Har Kaarara. Waahlaston Ktanlac Star. ' Ptaaslni and OradoiB WUkal Bam aaawd. HER P0RAM nna of tha Mnat Oallthtful at tha Yaw Broaklra (Hk Nkvbr Adhiatad ta a Blah Ma Mar of liar UaauUTol Voloa. Nr York Soli. Know how u tsaka n s Wall llalaneed and Intaraattn Llat of Haa-Claaa!4nd Plala Daalar. HVIaeU Muara that hai Charal and Dlathvtraa t'haractar. Naw York Btaulns MaU.' V X s j L r - . - X