12 - THK NEWS AND OBSERVER. SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 191& MC-JinR; r Digest Aitoaobik Activities TkiwiUt The .-- Werld. ' Japa o ha 8,000 motor ear. Gasoline told for 6 ceati a galltfa l jros. - ' Licensed haaffesr ia Miehlewa total -43.283. . Th first six-cylinder car m pro duced la England. Ther nero only four automobiles la th United States In 196. Pennsylvania hat 2.419 fnrm trac tor! la operation throughout the State. The State of Ohio hat more motor trucks than asy- other Wat ia the Unioa. ' EiffUty-fl per rent, of all the auto- tnobtlei ia the World are in the Uui- . Ud States. Greece ia t upend .T00XW0 in hav ing road bsilding machinery of the molt mndefS tviwi. Ia the pant twenty years, T.ffXI.ftOO sutoatobiles have bcea produced in the United Btatea. There are more motor care on the streets of-Calcutta, India, than any other kind of vehicle, the average for the 6,14,00o an tomotiilea in us in the United Btntcs Ii valued at kinoo each. There were 4,326 passenger cara of . 114 different makea registered ia the mntapTae ll4ndi la 1918. According to tax retem from Cleveland, Ohio, the motor industry lead all othera in that City. Bine 1917 the cam of ant aiobilea in the Souther States hai In creased more than 100 per eeat. The present demand for autofrlo bilefl ia Sweden -it 3a per cent great er than that prevailing ia 114. Before thia year eloaea it ia ex pected that 7,602,000 motor vehicle wilt be ia operation in this country. ft require 38,000,000 tires to equip the pBiaenger automobiles and motor truck uted ia the United States. 'hile there are 2.50,000 milet of railway in the United States, the motor ear hat the ire of 2,000,000 miles of highway. An Engliea ynflf hat pur chased all of the rewKrv motor vehicles from the American Third Army it Ooblcni, Germany. Automobile manufacturrrt In the United States shipped in one month 6,28 passenger cara and 1,250 truckt to foreign countries. Queen's I'nivcmity, In Toronto, Canada, intends establishing a eonrae in read-makiflsj in connection with it a practical serene department. ' The r M of condemned Oen rrnment ftrtW vehicle am held at Camp HolrtMrdfj M.I.. The material dia pose of brought a total of 112.027. Much Interest It being ahown in Chimt in motorcycles, due to the fact that they ea travel on the narrow path! uted hy foot passengers Mf fof hcemarrowi. American' motoriata will have spent ever 1,000 ,000,000 for automobile and truck tires during 1919 Thia anveant does at ineltxle money expended for - Inner tubei and repair materials. --ApfrrWlmaf ely ,finrr,oot (a r available for highway construction in Nevada up to the end of 1921 through tneh sources aa Htate revenue, State 4d county bond issues, Federal aid, Mr. - The National Motor As.lilrlj law is aaw ia effect and it ia a liil of fense, punishable by a line oT 13,000 or k prison term op to five years, to steal 4 automobile ia oae Btate and drlva it Istto another. Senator Pittm 14 Nevada, has In troduced a bill wmtef wfriek an auto mobile, which naw bee Recnsed in end State, will ifot M reiwrred to par license ia any' Mhef Bfate a mntter Ihew lone tha KrtN t 1 Bratif ImpVrrted H.OOrt." wevtN t ntomoblle and wrOfof torts' frmw 1h Halted Btatef Vlf tmf lel yeat have lovely BROWN HAIR TRIAL TACtAtii NIK. Why tolerate atreakf. Cray or bleach 44 hair when it ia Just as eaay to tint ur tresses a beautiful browa as it is t powder your facet Iirdwnatene gives the hair bewitching beauty and charm, producing instantly My shade of browa or black if de- aired. "femraateas Makea Ma Lok Tea Years VeaagrH K ether pre pa ratio a is so simple to apply. Light spots, gray strands or streaks, and all un natural shades la th hair are tjuirkly restored to all their riglaal beauty. - AhoelaUty Harm lees. Browaatona ia guaranteed perfectly safe and harmless to tha hair aad skin Contains a poisonous ingredients such 41 sugar of lead, sulphur, silver, Iher eory, anilike er coal tar products. It has no odor aad la greaselcsa. Apply" it ia a few moment with comb or brush. Sold by all leading druggists. Two col ors: "Light to Medium "Brew a," and "Dark Browa to Black." Tws lists, Xk and $1.15. Demand tha gravies, BaeHal Free Trial Offer. Scad onif Us with thll coupes for Free trial package and helpful booklet B th ears ef the hair. Will quj cnaihTuSe3lrl9IJ."Tliir TTin-la-rream ef .19 per cent, over th vain ef tha 1916 shipments. Excise taxes paid by tneaiifactarer ea th sale ef ears nd ftMtreyele for the ffrl year ended June SO totaled 17131C1. Commercial ear taxes en tires, pflrt. and accnaories amount ad W M179.1, la a New Yerk ef 6il iavestiga tioa it was shows that the motorists were losing about 2 per cent through incejrreet gsMIia measuring pamps. As the eoestiSiplron fiere i about 60.000 HOD nllena a rear, th lot l ifiuepm gallon C year, ef 4250,000. x-HltB its HeaaqMnera in rarja, m trad organization of anteanebile maa afselarera ef Vailed fctatea, Mreat Britain, r"ro-e, Belgium aad Italy have farmed a permanent orgaaiaatioa, known at the Bureau Permanent Inter allie des ConalrueleMfs. d'AutomOblles. At the ret talon in the First Internatietial Bxhibitien held since 191.H in Par la, (here wtf on exhibition tho leading ears manufactured la France. Knfland. Italy, Belgium, Spain, and BwitMrland, whil th United Mates was represented by shout doMn dif ferent makes. I 1 ' NICHT DIV10 MADE SAFE . BY CADILLAC HEADLIGHT. Deflect! of Light Give Complete View of the Road 1 Passing Other Cars. To illumlnat the roadway thorough- flyrind yet divert th intense light tay from the eye of peiwtMj . , long beta th effort ef sstometive en gineer. Dimiantlon ef light ia known to artste grave dangers beeaas th roadway la not adequately lighted, and th eyes at the driver are temporarily afferted by the sudden change ia tho intensity ef the light. To provide adequate illumination, lad st the same time protect the vlaion ef sn approaching driver from glare, Cart llhve engineers have devised a .headlight In which th refteetwT can be tilted st Will. . ' Th tilting is done by means of a lever on th steeriag column, aad a simple arrangement ef rods leading to the lamps. The light, Which aermelty l projected 300 feet, may be deflected 1 ; 1 . to sir that it shine not mors (haa 7j feet ahead ef th ear. Th roadway I tha InUaaely Illuminated, aad th rsyg ef light deflected, front tee eye , ef th pasailg material. Deraageateat ef the viatoa aeeaaee ef aaddea dimming f light I latirely ravd. , Th treat advantsi ef the Cedilla tiltllf hedJight U la th tafety it prw tides. Clear tiaioa aad adequate ilia anlattiea ar aeesary for saf aad pleaanrtbl tight driving. NEW ROAD MOVEMENT" LAUNCHED IN COLORADO . Not content with th $S,0rj6)00.bea4 fawue which wasTeferrtd' to the toters fof feetalot ia 1930 by the last Legis late re, toad advocates ia Calorado are baadiag together to pre a pUns for a 23,000,000 iaaue. Th saoartneat was laaaehed at a meetiag ia Fort Collins ooansCMissn it-j GUABaisrnxo Cdtt fof It tt Aryj DnAj Slcjfe Kwnvtrruste wv . N0""SHAKE UP IN CASCARETS Youll Not De Sick, Upset and Sorry NdxtDay if Yoiii Take "Cascarets" for Liver and Bowels and sine fiasf Woa the eadoTSeaieat ef th aoteaiebll ergaaUatioaa, chamber of commerce, rotaryeljbe and ether State bediea. The eampaiga for th beads wilt a Baked tip with th ad voeaey ef a aatioaal highway ytca such aa that proposed by Geaatot Charles TowaaOd, ef Iih:gaa. Cafcarsts fiever gripe, alekea ec ia eoavetiene on lik Halt, OIL Calomel of harlh Fill. Feel bully 1 B efficient Uoa't aiajr sink bllioas, headachy, tea atipkted. Remev th live ad bowel pole whieh 1 keapnf your head dllty year tangae Mated, year breath bad aad stomach sotif. .Why not tpead A few eents for a boa of Cascareta) ghd enjoy th aleest,, featleest lativ-ctlitrtie mi m nmmmMA t 7 Tha AMt'k ahha yon tip aad keep yon la misery all day. iney worn wniie yon sierpt dwikb to gentl Cseftl--aat, r.AifJKr,srAfvFiESo! I - lAiCI(r4 L-.td ' ', ' - . : -r, . . ., 4 ' VAX ' Mail Thia Ceases isw. Th Kato Pharssacml CV, 41 coppta bids, CoHnatnw, Rr. IjyU. Bd 11 Mnki (ta envr test. trm, packin and war tax) for TrhU Pack as at Urawnstona. I wht Masioaa Brews e t Uark ltrttwa a Blark. v.rk -'h X ahad vuM aa4 ssaQ OTHER ERANKLIN TYPES RQNAB0UTA0 th TOU4UNU CAX-rraalilia per tormaace embodied ia s Fall Six,' Fir-Passenger Opes Car. b it th mast coaetica gar al ststype FOUA-FASSENGBl ROAD. TIP. A ssavaalast, siutsaiv tea ef rmklia Light Weight Klexibl fVnaenactlraB ha a.TW. SssBBawr Cpea Cm. aROCOHAJ-A jsaMaal, ea. alatstt Praaahai cW tiaa wees) eat a rwtv I a-aabs,, THECFKANJOTN SEDAN That enclosed cars offer most ' among automobiles, and the Franklin Sedan most among enclosed cars, is becoming appar ent to more people every day. Frtiikliir Sedan' performance is contiauaUjr proving that a llfchtfldrible enclosed car Can travel unusually long dis tances id a day without exhausting rider or driver. And more motorists are feeing daily that this car can go where heavy, rigid ones can not. This explains the rapia increase in Franklin Sedan ownership. . Then. tdo. the general1 advertising tendency toward light ....leak mmJ 1a?U tt Lt! ' t'l. . " . evuu ijuuuuiijr r ransom jjnngipics ior seventeen years--is teaching people what gives economv, comfort, usability ( and Jong fife to a car. And the .value of year round usefulness. OnJv possible with Direct Air Coolirt? (no water to boil or freeze) has' become apparent through ! owner comparisons. No onb disputes today the advantagei - of the proved economy resulting from - 26 i mtfti to th gallon 'gatotini -12500 miltt n tht ttt tf tim s Sm tower yeary dtprtcfotttn WideObssrvaUo Wifldow giving unobstructed out-1 look, and two Wide Doors increasing vision and making access eay, t combine with the Slanung V-shaped Wind shield and the Sloping French-stylc Hood to distinguish ; uie a tiuiW4u ecu uvui vwuuuunpiabc UCSlgnS. A Hey alSO - identify it as tha ctf of unequaled "performance. Let us prove the Franklm Car to you4 Whatever precon ceptions you have of what a car should do, Of whatever recollections jfou.have of whatyouf Cars have done, will bfi exceeded by Franklin pen6rmance,over roads of vour choice. FRANKLIN AUTOMOBILE SALES DISTRIBUTORS ' ' 14 West'Hargctt St. JPhone:715. RALEIGH, N. C. it K4. tya.)