SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1919. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. 13 HOM E FOR HUDSON AND ESSEX Hortoir Motor Company Will . Occupy Handsome Quarters . On East Davie Street Tha Horton Motor Company, (i ended by James T. Horton and local distribu tor for the Hudson and Essex cars, will have a new and attractive home iu Kal cigh. The home will be located on East Davie atreet between Fayetteville and Wilmington in a building to be con structed by Dr. Z. M. Caviaess at a cost of about S40.000. Work will Ix-rIb at once and it is expected to have the new quurter completed March 1, 1920. Tie new structure ill be the loeal 'home of Hudson and Essex automobiles. It will front on Davie street for 79 feet and extend rearward 63 feet. The plans call for a handsome fireproof building two stories high, with basement. Brick, ecment and steel will be the. basic building materials. , - The entire ground floor will be for show rooms and offices. The interior will be decorated and arranged in such a manner as to make possible an attrac tive show room, the architect's plans embodying a uuiqne construction fea ture for the ecective display of motor ears. ; On the second floor the motor com pany will '"maintain "aT cbmplefe "re(i and service department for Hudson and Essi .machines. Kvery facility far making repuirs and furnishing service -will -be--stHeK --Ttw 'baactBent "will be) used as a stock room for a hill line of automobile tires, tubes and acces sories; The entire building will be (team heated. ' Mr. J. T. Horton ia owner and man Alter 0f 'the Horton Motor Company. His establishment is located at prcseat nt 117 East Morton street, where Mr. Horton will continue until ' the new home is ready for occupancy. .Mr. .Horton has been in the automobile Busi ness for the past three year, starting j ii a member of the Fayne-Horton Mo tor Company. Becently he began busi ness alone as the Horton Motor Com- pony- ' how. Motor is being , used now in mexico E RA OF TRUCK IS SHOWN IN PARAD E Brooklyn .Crowds See 3,051 Motor Juggernauts In Line 25 Miles Long . - Visualising the new possibilities ia modern transportation, exactly 3fio motor trucks took part la a Ship-by-Truck parade ia Brooklyn, oa Colow bus Day. They made, ap a Irala 5 miles long, which was three ' fcoura winding its way through the streets It ia estimated that a million and a half persons looked on. v Borough President Edward Belgel maaa, who. ia quoted an saying the dem onstration was "as eloquent an answer to food profiteers aa could be given," and he wae well pleased with the par ade after reviewing it. Calling" attention to the fact that two horses rode in one of the trucks as ex hibits of a by-gou age, the New York City newspaper' in its account of the parade says: "A trolley ear clanged defiance at the long line of its menacing rivals, fore runners of a new transit age. And the uorsestpricked up their ears anoSaeemed to grin mockingly at' the clamorous thing on rails, as if realizing it was doomed, as they were, to be swept into oblivion .by a new era. The history of Trackless Town was beginning. ' "It was a' picturesque spectacle, as aa historical one. A eoa company had soap cakes weighing 500 pounds each oa one of iis trucks. A sugar company exhibited a huge block of sugar. A biscuit company exhibited forty trucks, every one of them ladea heavily with crackers and biscuits.- Aa ammunition factory showed a huge shining torpedo, surrounded by white-clad sailors. Everywhere the people are most fc- feeptive to the Hhlp by Truck idea, ac cording to the Firestone Ship by Track Bureau, which is fostering the demon strations as psrt of ita campaigns, for the trucking industry. The bureau has branches ia 6.1 cities in the United States, The Mills Tire Company on Wilmingtoa and Davie streets .coven this section. It conducta a return loads bureau to bring shippers and truck operators together. No- charge is made for the services of the bureau. NECESSARY LUXURIES FOR BESTOF TOURING . If you think quick acceleration and quirk braking ate ear luxuries, ask the traffic cop or the seasoned tour-fan. They will smile at your artlessness first, and then put you right, at eon siderable length. "The fact is," said T. E. Jarrard, vice-president of 'the Appersoa Bros. Automobile Co, the other day, "for modern traffic conditions, quick accel eration and quick braking are the main ' The number of motor vehicles in Mexico City and suburbs that comprise the Federal district, according to statis tics acquired at different municipal registration offices, follows: Pleasure earn (private), 2,337; pleasure cars (for public use), 1,916; jitneys, 1404; motor trucks,' 1H6; total number of cars in Mexico City, 5,493; the total (estima: -n number of ears in the Mexican republic is 18,000. It is estimated .by dealers in Mexieo City that 8 per cent of the- populatioa of this city are able to purchase ears. The roads are in a bad condition and little is being done to improve them. The number of motor trucks has in creased in tea years from 4,000 to near ly 500,000. I take when hezdudfy, sick ' Bilious" There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calomel when a few cents bujfs Dodson's Liver Tonea perfect substitute for Calomel. TDodson's Liver Tone" la a pleasant, ! vegetable liquid which will start your liver just as surely aa calomel, but it doesn't make, you aide and eta not salivate. ... , Childrea and grow folks eaa take Dodson's Liver Tone, .bcMuse it is perfectly harmless. Calomel la a dangerous drug. It ia mercury and attacks your bones. Take a doe of aasty calomel today 1.7 1 A reliance of the man who, wants to get about quickly. More and more it is getting to be a esse of ahoot from the hip or miss. The cop at the corner won't intervene if a fast ear shoots in ahead of you at the crossing. "V'ou need a" quick acceleration " for a qniek get-away, at the crossing and a quick brake to alow down for a sud den traffic jam. Of course, quick aeosU eration and quick braking simply meaa control mean ear quick on its feet ami sore of itself. ."And in touring, also, full control is half the fun in going over the un familiar roadup and down the grades and round k air-pin turves. The Appersoa acceleration and braking it about the last word in those two niotor necessary luxuries.- The Apperson Eight accelerates from 1 to 40 mile aa hoar ia SO seconds and brake from 40 miles aa hour to a dead stop la 4 seconds 40 yards. .There's control for you! More than three times as many, mar ' ringes fake place ia Tuna as la March. I,:V ': . . , : - , " - - ; - ', 76$-? y - ' ' ' - - " ,n ii ' i i i ;,fr fc; .-.sjm'mai y rr iv and you will feel weak, sick and nau seated tomorrow. Don't lose a day's work. Take a spoonful of Dodson's Liver Tone' instead and you will wake up feeling great. No mora bilious, ness, constipation, sluggishness, head ache, eoated tongue or sour stomach. Tour druggist says if you don't find .Dodson's Liver Tons acta better than horrible calomel your money la wait ing for you. EASE of handling is comparative. The ocean liner is easy to handle , in the open ocean with leagues of water in which to maneuver. But the Sil houette Five i like the swift white launch darting in and out among the harbor shipping ' It is instantly responsive to the gen tlest pressure. The Jordan arrange ment of the steering apparatuses a marvel of precise control. The perfect balance of the car, the careful distribu tion of weight, the length and strength' of springs and the delicate suspension all contribute to unerring forward mo- 1 Tqws tion, with no side-sway. In its applica tion of power, the Jordan Siljiouette is supreme. Acceleration is not a leap but a swift, plane-like glide. There is no jerking or struggling the road sim ply flows past Women, appreciate the ease and restfulness of driving the Silhouette Five as they appreciate its fashionable lines, its harmonious coloring and its perfect appointments. They welcome rdistinctly fine light car a five passenger car in which qual ity has been made the compelling ideal. fjORDAN) V PHONE J5I" THE MARSHALL MOTOR COMPANY, Inc. lyatributars lit E. Morgaa Street. BALEIGH, N. C Jordan Motor Car Company, Inc., Cleveland, Ohio Kline Sales Company STATE DISTRIBUTORS FOR THE ACE TRUCK LOCAL DEALERS FOR THE KLINE KAR The War's Best Lesson During; the war The American Motor Co. made parts on which the chief demand was for Accuracy and Quality. " ' Their entire organization was saturated with these ideals Accuracy and Quality. ; ' ; V ;1! : Their performance on Government contracts was so efficient that they had no rejections. Th Benefits Remain. ' " ',:-.-, When they went back to their Truck produc tion for peace purposes, they knew their lesson perfectly Accuracy and TQuality. :- - They realized that business had been lacking in Accuracy and Quality, but that no perma- nently good or profitable product could come ' out of a shop that didn't work to these ideals Accuracy and Quality. So they made Ace Trucks to the moral and ethical standard in--stead of to price, 1 , ; ,v - They went beyond the habitual requirements in Truck manufacture and made a complete . ' 2Vt Ton' $3,50011, Ton $2,800. ' Truck, because the war taught the general pub J lie that it was foolish and wasteful to do things , half-way. " . Now th Public Demands the Real Thing V'i The Piibflc demands genuine high quality to- day. .- The Public is the final judge, and the Pub lic insists on absolute quality real goods bet-. ,i ter.than ever production. ' ; L ' -s'.'JV''V ' That's Ac Trucks The Public knows that quality pays. The Public is ready for prices that signify quality. . The Public also has learned the war's best les ' son, and insists on examination, inspection, tests, proof, and absolute.conviction as to Accu- : racy and Quality. f v On this basis Ate Trucks, completely equipped, are '-reasonably and attractively v priced, and the volume of orders booked by -deposits and covered by present contracts proves this.' . .' . ,..' Ton and 3 Vi Ton (ready soon) Prices Later i ,-7i- . rAsiENGER CAfACITT Twrins Cr. v " , (wttk auxlU rr taU for tmn) I Spoft. low and Sva; Kamboat, two and Uina; Stdan, firm with auxiliary Mats for swan. BOAD SPEED From 1 to W mtla r hour an kltk ar. , ' J alOTOB Kllno-ContlnonUl Rti SmI. six wr- ' tieai "L" tt-ps crllndara. IU-B. bora br t'i- ia. strolu. aut a bhx, nawrabki knd) . vatrHoold. annul drculatioa, ttfur-btmring crnnk ahaft, att-tjtM tMU-kauiin nclosins fly whool, powerful and acMMlbls." ' . HOR8B r0WEK-U at t.70( revolutions. . VALVES-l-ln. iffitiro worHna dlanutsr, m mm aid and tntorchansvabl. neloMd. U8PENBION Thrw-pofBt. IGNITION Ceaaoetkmt ajratoa, wator-proof. .. CASBUarrOB Karflold. aotoBwti Boat ttd. STAKT1NG SYSTEM Warm, ballt U order. with aatoaiatlo oncaamMnt to Br' wheal LIGHTING BTSTEM Wacner, built to arder. CONTROL Left-hand drie by, throttle and apark trarra. located aa a sector oet top of It-tn. teertna wheel. Abe toot asealeretor. . COOLING STSTEM-IUdlator Feddon af cel. luUr trpe a,Utd br blUdri faa " Mttnted on toller ben rinse and water etrea. lated W oeotrUugal pump. , Specifications r LUBRICATION Fore teed by aear pump. Drain plus Is provided and the oil trainer eaa be eeeilr removed and cleaned. . CASOUNI FEED OraiKr thnnwh Stewart vacnani iritera. and bnporUnt aeeaswir (or Increaeed Killeeae. TANK Capacity Is' Is Wont, suepenilcd at . the rear en extenalon from aula (rue. CLUTCH Bert Beck pint dry dice, with . beat resbttat. non-burnable (aelng. TBANOMISSION Grant-Leee, lull ban-bee r- Inr. selccUro, three apeedt forward, one rmree. Heat-treated slloy eteet'trara and hafta. . , i ' :. , ' . DRIVE Shaft -(Hotrhkbe type) with two flea. Ible anlvenal diea joint to astral kevej ears (noUelee type) la dee tins rear a lie. HEAR AXLS rioetlna. moanted on roller benrinaa, pieeeeeVwteel bridged type hoaaina. double tntonut and external break. Front axle, drop forged. I-beam section. SPRINGS Alloy ateel, front eeml-elHptie ; rear. V-la. elliptic snderalana. . . . , FRAME Pariah BUiikam pressed steel. channel section. ' WHBELBASE UI-n. , TIRES SS-ia. a 4-hu front, plala; rear, saU- Skid. - I :' ' , TREAO-SS-Ia. Z"ifvM4JEL . CLEARANCE l-ln. RIMS Firestone split type, demountable. On extra rlss. BOOT Custom built in oer own plant of eacablnatlea steel and wood, doable sow! . bavI-type deelan. carry ins space ondear frank seat on Taurine Car, Sport Tour and Sedan under front seat, aid doora and rear deck oa Roadster; aphobtered be atrntshUarala aeml-brlaht leather. ' ' COLOR Dark Green body and hood; Black radiator, fenders, aide nana and gear Black wheels. Option t Dark ' Green body and , wheel, wr Red wheel. Black running tear, " radiator ad fender. . ' WEIGHT About MT tbs. for Touring CT Sport Toar, t.StO lba.; Runabout, !, Iba.;' Sedan. lbs. (The weight avprwt- . anat.) ' .' ' EUUIPM EN Tj-0 n-wn top; Collin typ ar tain I nnrbtoa ventilating two-piece wind. .1 shield; spot-light Boyes Ssotoeooter; tire iroo aa mar: extr rhni troabea laxepi . speedometer l Klaxon horn ', foot rail 1 coat . rail ; repair kit j jack ) aomplet net of (oote. t. SPECIAL Chant of Body colora. HM, Wheel. 11.00 Khaki Top. tU.M; entire Car, ' .; Wlr Wheels, im.00, " We Sell Portage DAISY TREAD TIRES V I . We Sell ( . GILLETTE Longer Lived Tires and' Tubes JiS "Sliiie-Sales Sales Room and Service Statt'or 113.115 W. Davie Street Dealers Wanted for Ace Truck. Conipaiiiyi Phone 1154