14 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1919- BaraeyQl(g!dsags: "Motorist Must Use a Liquid Which Will Not rreeso at Very Low Temperature A Protection To His Oar In Se vere Winter Months" j By BARNEY OtDKtaXD:'" (Copyright, jnjfl, by King Features By dtcet. lac.) . Aa mentioned in previouo article of mind. antt-freealnf solutions art ! Ititely essential to winter Motoring. These solutions assy be mads at noma purchased aa Jiqnld, or ia the form of powder to be nUM with water. Aleo- . kol. rarioui aalta. such aa ealeium chlo ride, common Bait, et kereaep and sther liquids ara employed to lower the Fmiin point of the water. Hi nee it ! impossible for em to for Ml just what temperature will In met frith, the motorist must uoa a liquid nhirh will ant frees at very low tern peraturc. gay 10 to C degrees below trrn. L' riles tbia la done one ia not eafe it all. If yon are going to um auti freezing mixture ba aura tbat you una ana atrong enough to tnka ear of e tremcly.Jow temperature. Two yeart ago we bad a very severe winter which few motoriata eipected. The reiult was that those who used tere or S below aero ' trluion'bRt- to payfotMW rmtlqttrra, new eylindera and in hundred! of eaaea many other parte had to be replaced, The right solution must be selected, oth erwise certain diaaBva'nTaKiT" preeent themselves even though the freezing point be correct. Abont Keroeeaie. Thia ia tbe ease j(h koroeene. Home owaera initcad of using water have filled the system with kerosene. It prevents freezing, .but on certain dayi it alao cause engine overheating. At the aame time, one Is likely to get kero sene vapor fli rough the overflow pipe and the odor of thil ia constantly around all pnrta of the ear. Aside from iti unpleaaantnrai in thia respect, the kerosene when hot slotvly attacks the rubber eonnertions. This ia a slow process, but it ertainly make renewal necessary before the winter ia over. 1 do not advise you to use kerosene, ex cept in aa emergency. Common aalt in saturated solution Will art aa an excellent anti-f reeze solu tion. Put as much aalt into the water as the water will hold. What will not dissolve khould be removed. I advise against the use of thia, except for emergency, because as with other aalta thera ia likely to be an eleetrolytie ac tion act up in the radiator and water jackets. Thia results in a slow destruc tion of the metal. Where the salt hat bqen so treated as to remove its acidic, action, then it ia eafe to be nscd. Tha ordinary commercial aalta are not so treated, but many of the prepared com pounds sold 'as knti-freese ara free from acid and ara quite an i table. As a matter of fact, I believe that the compounds ana ean buy at the supply stores ara to ba proferred because of their cheapness and eifectlveneas and alio because they do not require re plenishing during tbe season, except as ta tha addition ef water to iuc.be up for evaporation. - licforo using a mixture of any kind be sure there are no leaks anywhere in the water system, especially should this be done with alcohol and salts. The aalta will deposit on all parts of the engine and give it an unsightly appear tnee. Qaeatlona sad Aaawera. Barney Uldfleld: Lam reading your articles on the care and use of aa auto mobile and will greatly annrecinta nv article you may jiave on tha auto. Es pecially on the lire saving and proper ma anu way 10 nanaie ear nsrter any and all circumstances. R. H. W. All the articles appearing under my signature are for the ear owner and tell of the proper handling and care of the car. Barney Oldnoldi I have one of the most difficult troubles with my ear believe that ever waa, known. It seems and looka almost like a new ear, but it baa a buck or Jerk whea I give the ear plenty of gasoline and keep it going pretty fast it runs better, but when J slow down it starts to buck and Jera. I notice that the small point in the timer ia Just about worn down to noth ing. Could this cause all the trouble f The motor aeema to run fairly well when the ear ia stnndmg. The plugs and tbe battery aeem o. k. and tha lights and starter work all right. Could the trouble he in tha " distributor, transmission, axles, dieercntial or universal joint.- 11. J. O. T Aa not (Iniilit hut. that half .the trouble is caused Jy misfiring- of the engine, in an old ear mere is a great deal of play in the transmission, clutch and axle iwrts and if tha angina should misfire that play ia lWiurtetrfTentv,e, and returned and yon get what you can bucking, first I would get the engine to lire evenly on four cylinders at low and high speeds a4 under lead, after that I would take up'exeeas play be- Yween mo uriving luiuon snu ri"K asr. I might say that the misfiring is prob ably all due to the burned out inter rupter points. Uarney Uldfleld: What should be the proper air pressure in 3-inx4-in tire. Home any 8U pounds, others 83 pounds. J. P. II. The proper pressure for a 34 by 4 depends on the car on which vim use the tires. Ordinarily 80 pounds Is cor rect but if M is a heavy car a few pounds over may be necessary. If the car ia very light few pounds under may be carried. Barney uldfleld s My ear make a particular noise in the way of a ''tap," which is most noticeable when the rnr is running at spaed of about 33 miles per hoar other times it eaanot be heard at thia speed. If running at, say fii p. h., and the ' tap' is In avidence, by opening the throttle trifle the noise will eease until the momentum of tbe ca catches up to the speed of the en gine, when the "tap" wiff re-appear. If the throttle ia suddenly closed when running at this speed and at tbe aame time releasing tha clutch, the tap ia very distinct. There are timea when it la Impossible to make the tap ap pear. To remedy the difficulty, I have had oversize pistons put in, bad connecting- roa Hearings la Ken up anu nave nea camshaft bearings renewed, all of which ha been without avail. I have also had all new valves put in, but this has also, failed to help matters. I have decided to have my engine re bored and new pinions put in, but would like io have your advice as to cause of Ike tapWf .W, ('. If it ia merely it tap It is in such jrt Is a valve tappet which,- when -under load makes little or. no noise, but when free makes itself heard. A gear will do the aame thing, but tha sound tun ally is a pound. I don't think it ia aa inside part at all crankshafts cam shaft, rods or piatons, unless your idea or a tap is different from mine. About Overheating. Barney OldflpMi -l have trouble with my earoverheating. When I go sip greflo and give it more gus it hhihu. just as if there is metal striking nu-tnl. I eaa pull pretty stilt grades if I just give the ait a liMIHt. but then 1 loan lots of speed and if grade ia too stiff it will klunk. Shifting sears to second and giving more gas only makes it knock more. h. J. B. The. car you have is not a chronic OTerhcatet. There is "something wrong wiOi .tlie cooling system of your par ticular engine. Heroes wlint you should do: Have the radiator and water Jack. Jcja thoroughly clean of ecdiment, so Ifhat water (Iowa freely from ton to bot torn of radiator and from one hose to the other. Then make aure that the fan is running and the bolt not elip plnrr too much, and that yon use J lie sight emeuo t, f ,eit i, tietnnkeaie, ' The mixture should not be too weak or riuh and the valve timing must be eor reet. Any of fhese ean effect the cool ing and cause overheating. The knock ing ia simply an overheating knock, The condition Hears the piston, eylia dera and bearings. . ' 400,000 MOTOR CARS MADE IN FIVE YEARS Dodge Brothers Achieve Nice Eecord in' Rapid Develop ment of Great Induitry When Tlotlgo Brothers motor ear aum ber roted from Hlie assembly line and swung amend the factory test track for a iinal inspection before de livery, it marked a manufacturing achievement of exceptional importance in the history of the motor ear industry. - The achievement ia unique because 400,000 motor eart were produced and marketed during tbe first five years of operation, which is a record in the- auto mobile industry. Jiena than five years are. on Decem ber 4, 1914, to be exact.' the first motor cSr bearing the Podge Brothers' aame plate was shipped to a bona fide pur ehaaer. It waa tluKflrst materia,! evi dence of ltadge Brothera' determination to devote their wide biaaufacturina: ex perience to the production of complete motor rra. feinee that day the ship ments have tieen growing ia volume until a few days ago the 400,000 mark waa reached. The Ann) hundred tbonaand ear wai completed October 31, 1918. the second on October $1, 1817, and the third ca December 13, -1018. It took ten men nine verx nk maale : picture In TEfrFricrV alt Home. Km 3s FIVE PASSENGER CAR POPULAR IN PHILIPPINES la 1918 there were 2Zt eara of 111 different make's registered ia the Phil ippine Bureatrof Public Works, aaya tbe Board ef Trade Journal. Considering the "moat popular" car from the view point of pasaenger capacity the ttU- trattoa Bgures show Uiat tbe five-pas aeager car stands far in advance with a total of 2,154 care ef different makea. The aeven-peaseuger car rank second with 1471 registrations, or alightly mirvJ than naJt the number of tbe five-paseoa ger ears. Next ia order are two-pa.&' ger ears, with ."3 registrations; four peeaenger rfra, with 181: eight-iaaseu ger ears, with 108; three-passenger yra, Snlfered Torteres For Years Ustil dree The New Herb VUHamm BrwugUIUhof. ' ' Itnadmle at medicines areelrtnMO' to cure rheumatism, but not one Is bring. fo the puhlle lb erMeacee furnished ay the new heraet rmHr, Ireeo. "Ilreaa km brat rbnmun Mnurf I have ever area." declare Mr. i. K. HimIm mi lit latra St- U lnMonJUUm "'"It kts taken art the fata from my' MFiut anii 7unn ih err ron in n. a. 1 tried I AMI I 'wH !. u filial tut . lib "" Jnst received a carload ef tires and tubas, the beat money bay' Will give from 8,000 to 10,000 miles of eerviee. Te qaicKiy iniroauee Keimoie aaiuy Uoobie Troad- Tires and Tubes we are offering them at the lowst price ever known. Nevar before have yon been offeree! each bargains. Order aow. Tata supply will sot last long. Introduct o r y Pr ic e s taT TojMor Thaui Til I .! . a.so . 7.50 . 60 . t.Ta Tib . u.oo MS I.2S I.M is Tine Tab I3s 0.00 3.5 tl4 2.1 X.7S 10.M . 4 iS Hxi'Z ....... 11.00 IM ' l4 ll.M . M 171 ......... u.ot t.ee ' " Free Rokner With Each Tiro la erdarmg be sure and; state aiae wanted, also whether straight side: eKacser; plain or aen-skia. Bend $3 deevatlt en each tire; 1 on each tabs; balance C O. D..anbst te,nmlnUi. Taka 6 diacoont if yon mmm inn smouni wma oroer aa save more. Bememaer a guarantee to pleas. . . RCUAMJE TIRE sUmEK COMPANY. fill MtsrithsanAwew . CKic&oo, IliinoU I auffered tortHCM m m rm everytklag I ever beard ef. but without result, entll Anally I discovered this barb awdieiae tbat really bee relieved my terrible pains." There la no exeose for rhenmarlem. r.peotde who have been tortured fox years. . yea. even so crippled that they vera nnable to help themselves, tell how tbey bsve been broach t back to robust be silk tarooirn tn tnig-bty power, pt ITeeo. T'reco arte with epad. It brlncs'tte- reltef qnk-kly and pleasently, and whsa v his take place tbe aurcness suit pain In Joint and ataaclee completely die- ipnear. . fireco Is a harm leas remedr, bnt enre tnd certain. It la mad from the pare, a ataral Juice of roots snd herbs aad eon ttlne no mineral add r daaatrsue MtslUc .aaii.. .j. . , Dree h hhrhlir tsopanieadcd in Raleich 7 V. W. Parker Drue Co. Sebalon rac Co., Wendell Drue Co.. Pope' Pbar iark in Clayton. A. V. Baoeosa, Apex. 'Dwan Drum Co, Wake Forest. (Adv.) with 107; eix-pusaenger cars, with P4 i ten-passenger ears, with 37, aad niac paasenger ears, with J6V 'The.rwoa tree belong te a family ef tree called by a Greek Mm aicealag "food for the gods." : . INDIGESTION : Tape's Diapepsin" relieves Sour, Gassy, Acid Stomachs at onceno waiting I Read. Vour upset stomach willfeel fine! N'o waiting! When your meala don't fit and you fee! uncomfortable, whei you belch gaaes, acids or raise sour undi gested food. When you feel lumps of indigestion pain, heartburn or head ache from acidity, just eat a tablet of harmlesa and reliable Pspe'g Plapep jn and the stomach dint reus ia gone, MiHiona of people know the aisgle of pape'e Dispepsla aa 'an antacid. They know that most igdigeatioa and disordered stomach are from acidity The relief comes quickly, no disap pointment! Pape'a Diapepiia tastea like candy and a boa ef thia world-famous indigestion, relief costs go little at drug stores. Fape'e Diepepsia helps regulate yonr atomach eo you cat eat favorite foods without fear, Adv. Thl "Y" Oil Engine Combines Economy of Operation With Low Upkeep It Is ecoaeaical to operate atarta ejuiekly gtvee close apeed regalatloa. Aceeaslble parte low labrleatloa expense water lajeetiea. Oepeada able pewsr froat low-priced feel eila. Casranteed by ralrbaaka-Morae QaaHty. I . . , ," ' ' " '. Henry S. ,' Howard, ; I.lrlgh Itepreeeatatlve Hex fit Pheae 1471 . 549 Whitehall Str4t - v Cured ffisPiles Xew It Teara Old Bat Werka at Trade of Placlumlth aad feels Yeaager Since Pile :'r- ..Are Ceae. b ' ... ., . . -'----"ii'a m aiiraujsn still paunaia kU ssvll ra tks U mi iraEI"ui" l"Ur"1 " fat t, I soak Mb sans. Mica. . I wtah that yon nih hoar hh tell of kU auny axpsrianpas wrta sintmaab. salras. aU lalots, ott, brrora Im trios mf SMtkaa. Un mu tm nin fraaa khai Mr. E. TL Psaa. aUrmK.ll uu Ooar Birt I wsat pan ta know vhat roar ooas tor as. (Mm , with piles lor saaajt vaars aa ana m mm an ainaa ot traatawnu. a ralwf antU I tried mn. Am pwuiv aaros. Altboscb 1 am U prara w, saJ the sMaat aatir blaekssslth ta Mu una, I foal roars voansar alnoa tha aiu k aae. 1 will sarrlr wwimiis H to all 1 aiw waa aanar u ws. Voa eaa as .ir any war 7s WMB mtta 1 hop K laaa, suars w try this araneertul J. U LYON. ' There ara thousand ef afflicted psopl af faruut With pilot was hara aavsr pot triad ' U ana eeasibla war of traaUnt thaaa. Doa't ba sot. Han't wssto aaaotv sa foslbk sslvas, olntsamta. ailators. ate, bat s4 today 'f e'raa Trial at sjjt tntsTDsl msthad (or ta fcssluic of Pilas. , , Ko matter whether pone esak of loot taadlne or raomt orvaloooxst whethor it U oreskianal or prnaoaawk jro shoule aoad fir tlua fro trial tnstaaaaC Ma re attar what fan llva - aiattar what (.i,r sea af oatupalionaf o ara traubtoa n rnas. p aiatosd will raliava voa .. . --..flit ! I ljeral effrr of free treatment ta too ""I fr Toa ta aealert inrl a.r r-w. H-n4 aa n..ne. gift" stall e tV-e aei.Ake" SELDEN TRUCICS Will Incrtse Your Productive Capacity Without Increasing Your Pay Roll. ' For every SELDEN Truck you iustall in your basinet your release two or three men for other productive la bor. Tou increase your productive capacity without in creasing your pay poll, V ;v. ':' vlnsUll ataaaive, powerful Scldea "In Built Quality TrucVsr-Vor there 1 no economy, no psoBt ia thf opera tion of truck that are hot poesesaed of the stamina of Balden Truck !iat are pel physically able to rentier the dependable, continuous, economical, ana therefore profltable service which Reldetr ' Trucka have proved time and time again; their tility to render. 1, 1 15, 2, 11'2 and S Toa VTORM Prrre Model. Ask ns for full information. 'IT HAS BEEN SELDEN SINCE 1877 DAVIS-SMITH AUTO COMPANY 207-211 Souti Salisbury Street, Raleigh. . " ' fc3. TT U Oil rnrTrr C 1 New Ridin'g.Quali ties HpHE Three-Point Suspension Springs of the Overland 4 Four Door Sedan shield not only passen gen but car mechanism and car body as well from the usual jolts and racks of the road. " ; They permit, with complete com ; ; fort to passengers, the ercat economy of fw Jight chassis and a light sedan j body out-weighing the , touring car only 200 pounds. DAJL OVERLAND COMPANY' ' Prices Subject to Change Without Notice ' l Corner Wilmington and Morgan Sts. Phoone 1720 Raleigh, N. C.

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