.... -.. 1 ' nn.innsaansift.mn wi imi.iilii. ,ni..m 1 11 iiii m 1 Hi Knit xn'ii ii mil n mt iiniimniliil i It l1"'!'"'1' " 'in' urn iiii xii in muni . ji THE NEWS AND 0BSERVER01 ' aft BTHE BESTANOT THE GHE1RFE2ST fl YiFHT MED I UMSNORTH CRROL.INftfl :s r aRA.TEis; 10 centsaLme en O COUNT GWorcls to ctLiln-R a ' RALEIGH, N. C SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1919. Hg 24 V -aWl f , jiu, nujKJuu in 1'irr 1 w'.Tttyirr . rr r-r"""" - 1 WantAd.Rates THIS" TYPE (8 PT. CAPS), tOo LIN3. Si ftrda M Him. ' d- toko for am 1 aaawwa at "niui ... !, Um mug M ft full Mm, . " aoaraas bum m a ""ww "Warn aaa- frr fta au 4 in (ujiiui " " " -k"' LkMa, Warv Hiitt. II:::::::: :IS::::::::iS::::::::tJ: J I M a. H I::::::: 12:: t. 41... ... an., ii m . Ill I .to.. I It u H ........ IS M IN fl., M I If Mh M It f vnt. 4IMww Ma km OdMUd m UK TIm ibnti r ui4 mm iDDlt mb fM m- wu a-d-dr uiNniam. itm nn bo HOT ! m nrrr oilwr m H Inmlar In griMn tioBs. rt ttioiwk (cifaMtf fa mim If Uw iMda nl to (H4 Ik rM li Mm wti kwim, noxdiMi of ik luuM SuiuUn Um MnritoMMDt ftpMut. Bail "-' nut ta K thi torn mt KIm iku : W. o. dlut fct t am atlft luiomnn HELP WANTED MALE BELUBLB MAN IN EACH PK1NCI pl city to jnanags office tad rtd man dlaUibutini feaftir noving "' tur films nd iuppliei to thtr, Maooif, etc.; bond required nuit opea offica: only businaaa aiuariaaea aeeasMry. Independant Motion Pk- tura CoH 177 Aorth BUta bU, CbieaRo. WANTED COMPOflEEH Olf VEB8K or m ibtjihi in wrir m air nnn koiiiim ! ' tinfWiriiiMlrj J a.1 11 1 Van Buren, A-8, Orand Opr House. 30-8t ABB VtU A FABMEBt iJOYOU want to own SO. 40 or 75 aorei hish r,la tobacrv, cotton and grai landa, "Weatera Waka," on good roadaf If to, and you ara a progreitiTe, bbn eat workar. wa will daad you land tot half ahara of 3 years srapsi rafarenr required. Address Owner, Box (121, Bslelgti. 30-2. LBABN AUTO AND TBACTOB BUI nets ia ix to ai(lit weeks; opportuni ties tverywhere offering 150 to t400 a month; twice more equipment and .floor spaea used la dslly p. .tic training ' than any auto school in America; master mecbanio instructors and asms method wa used to train thousands of soldier mechanics in 60 day Bourse. Write tow for free catalog. Balie Auto and Tractor Behooi, 113& Oak atraet, Kanaae City, . Mo- 30-lt WANTED 1JVE, TOCNO SALESMAN WITH DRY 0OODS EXPERIENCE. J0HN8ON"S DEPARTMENT STORE, DANVILLE, VA. 30-lt '?CACHH8 UBULNTLY NEEDED. - Flak Teachers Agency, 649 JTnioa Areade, Pittsburgh, Pa. 30-lt Wanted fibut class babbeb; guaranteed salary '3 per waaki 70 f pet aeat orer 30. Good opportunity for experienced man. Write or wire. W. E. Powell, Box 1S3, Warsaw, N. C. ' ' - 30-lt WANTED: A WHITE MAN IN EACH locality to canvass colored trade; $30 weekly. Dept. A-l, Branch 07, H. h, M. Coh 625 Pressman Street, Balti more, Md. 80-2t WANTED EXPEBIENCED feTrO- grapnsn iioarai salary; experiane : 1- ... . . a . . ..... .. n lamireaev won preierrva. w, Box 778, Raleigh, N. 0. 80-flt MEN STOP DON'T LOOK FOR JOBS we'll teach you barber trade, pay ing positions guaranteed, chain of ahops; make money while learning; everything 130, tools free, South s ' greataat college ; send for catalogue, Jacksonville Barber College, 82 W. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla. --l-28 Wanted men pbepake as fibe men, brakemen, colored trala porters; 180, 1200 per month; ao' experience necessary; North Carolina roads. Write Inter-Railway Dept 13 In rllaiiapolia, Ind. 83-27-30 800D LOCATION FOR NEWSPAPER I: Wot a young man that is a bustler and haa the capital to finanea the busi !. No paper published within IS mile's. This is ona of the best farm ing section ia Eastern North Caro- lina. Address v ' - J. A. CAMPBELL, ' MXJBTRE8BOBO, N. C. - ' 21-23-23-27-30. BE INDEPENDENT. CHIROPRACTIC doctors earn $3,000 to 4,000 yearly. 1 Work for yourself j this good paying - profsssioa quickly learned by eorre- apoadeaee; low rates; easy terms. II. luttratad book and chart free. Arn arisen University, 114 Manierre Bldg, " Clileago. : - ' - WANTEDSAW FILER FOR f LAN ing BiilL Address Box 308, New Bern, N. 0. v-:v " " ' 25-7t UVE MAN WITH FORD TO DEMON . strata and sell th J. 0. M. Accelera tor; liberal proposition. - J. C Mew " shaw, 17 Stock Exchange Bldg, Balti more, Md. 27 -5t WANTED COMPETENT LUfOTiPE operator for additional machine afternoon paper. - Booze fighters aot wanted. Free Press, Klnatoa, N. C. ' OTl iikTEDW6LDEiS FOR FOL'NDBV. Newman Machine Company, Greens tSoro. N. C. . . 28-4t WANTED AT ONCE ONE TWO-SAW -lumber trimmer, ia good condition; one friction log turner, for cash. D. V. Martin, South Creek, N. C. 2-3t WANTED AT ONCE GOOD WHITE barber. 125 per week; 70 per eent over 36. 1. 1. Guy, Dunn, N. C 2Mt WANTED JUNIOR DRUGGlbT FOR small town; atate age, esperienca and salary. ".-COT,' car Newt and Observer. . ' , 23-7t HELP' WANTEDMALE WANTED; ttRST CLASS BOOK- kvper. 'Carolina Power A Light Co., Auditing Department. i-2t 1 WANTED! TWO SHIPPING ' CLERKS WHO CAN BEGIN WORK. AT ONCE IN WHOLE' 8 ALE GEOCERt BUSINESS. " YOCNO MEN PREFERRED. STATE EXPERIENCE AND GIVE -REFERENCE. Address, D 601, CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. 29-3t SHOE REPAIRERS, BENCH AND machine shoemakers; wages, $40.00 to $00.00 per week ; S3 weeks work to th year. Apply to Rapid Shoe Ra- awpalring Co. JE53 Montipello - Avenue, Norfolk, Va. 29-L't 3EN8CS 4,000 NEEDED 96i MONTH ; age, 18-40; axperlcrraa unnecessary; examination Balelih. Dacember .10 January 7. For free particular, writ J. Leonard (former Oovern meat Examiner), 10M Equtabl Bldg., Wsrtlngtmi. e-7t WANTED COMPETENT BOOK-KEEPER AND AUDI TOR FOR PERMANENT P0 SITION ON LARGE DAILY NEWSPAPER IN NORTH " CAROLINA. ATTRACTIVE ' SALARY TO A-l COMPETENT MAN. GIVE REFERENCES, EXPERIENCE, AND SALARY EXPECTED IN FIRST LET- TER. ADDRESS, "COOo", CARE NEWS AND OBSEBV ER. WE PAY CARPENTERS t'P TO $6.75 A DAY AND, HELPERS ' 40 to 00 CENTS PER HOUR, ' STEADY JOB FOR A TEAS AND LOTS OF INSIDE WORK. 1 NEWPORT SHIPBUILDING CO., s 1 NEW BERN, Nfl WANTED GOOD BOOKKEEPER AND all round office man. vrelr one who has had experience In lumber, sash door and mill work. Woajd eonslder selling Interest la plant. A splendid opportunity for the right party. Ad dress "C-603," ear Mew ana ut servav. f 8-8t WANTED AT ONCE, BY BIG CORPORATION. A GOOD, EX- ' f - PERIENCED, LOGGING 8U PERINTENDENTi MUST BE SOBER, RELIABLE, AND HAVE ABILITY TO PRODUCE 1IESCT.TS IN CUM TIMBER; TWENTY FIVE TO YOBTY THOUSAND fEET PER DAY. t . GOOD SALARY TO RIGHT PARTY APPLY WITH BEF- ERENCES TO BOX est. NEW BERN, K. C. WANTED AT ONCE A MAN WHO thoroughly aadcrsUnds th boaicry still business to take charge of a saill ia a eouatry town. Jprefar a who could takf intarost ia basiaess fiaan ially.ihleadid opportunity fot a hustler. Stat wages wanted. Ad dress "B403," er f Kawi and Ob server. r 87-7J SEE THAT Y0TTB "WANT ADS" FOB next Suaday New and Observer are ia th offle befor 9 0 clock Fri day teaing. ,- EVERY ACCOUNTANT OR BOOK- kseper iataresUd ia their profession should b member of their enly aa tioaal orginliaUon. Particulars free. 'W. L. Teal, WetdcaborO, N. O. ' 18-80t a: WANTED TWO ODD HIGH SCHOOL BOYS FOB PLEASANT WORK , - TOR ONLY ACOCPUE OP HOCRS EACH DAY.- VHOi," CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. PBOoTATE bUTiEBEBS TO READ oar aaaouaceaaoat uader PsraoaaL N drags. Th Electrothermal Com pany, S4 Harriaoa Bldg, 8(uba- ville, Ohio. VrbllE TUB WOBi4 xOR A fcONU. We writ music aad guarantee pub lisher aeceptanee. bubsait poems, batrlotie, lov or any subject. Cheater Musi Co, KO So. Michigan, Suite ISCiS, Chicago. . . v .HELP WANTED MALE MEN WANTED FOR DETECTIVE i. work. Write J. Usner, Former Gov eminent Deteettvs, Danville, 111. WANTED TWO GOOD CARRIER , . BOTS TO DELIVER THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. APTLY TO CITY CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT, NEWS AND OBSERVER. BAKBEKlNli TAL'UUT THOROUGHLY la a few weeks; you can esrn while yoil learn barbers make big wages, and they are always in demand. Write- for information. Hhuford Barber College. 604 Eaat Marshall Hfreet, Richmond, Va. eod-Jn. 80. MAN TO WORK THIS CITY BEF1N lahing ehandellers, bras beds, auto- T mobiles, ty now msuoa, iu aaiiy without capita! or experience. Writ Quametal Cov 129 Elm, Doeatur, II COLORED MAN WANTED TO WEAR latest atyl tailored-to-tteasur suit and be general agent ia STiare time: . big profits. Knlrkerboeker Tailoring t'o., tVpt: C37, Chlesgo. railway traffig inspectobs wanted. $110 month and expense to starti short hours; travel 1 three months hodav study under guarantee. W get you position! ao age limit. Ask for booklet N-330. Standard Busi ness Training Institute, Buffalo, N, Y. -tf YES,--Iff- -YOU HAVE TWO HANDS, Prof. Branning will teach you th barber's trade. Good wages. Chain ' of shops. Position guaranteed. At lanta Barber College, 14 E. Mitchell street, Atlanta, G. a FIFTEEN HOUSE PAINTERS WANT ed at once. R. L, Curtis, Klnstom N. C. 19-1 It HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED AT ONCE TWO EXPEBI ncad hotel telephone operators. Bland Hotel. 80-3t BOYS AND GIRLS AS WELL AS adult mak money during your spar time, selling Maseo. - Toilet Cream ; should b ia every horn. Writ now. ,W. P. Galligan, Norwich, Conn. . 25-7t WANTED TWO OR THREE WAIT res at one. Phon or wire collect. Brimrs Hotel. Wilson, N. C. 20-10t WAN TED-N AMES GIRLS, WOMEN, 18-50, wishing government census po sition. 4,000 needed. $1,140 first year. A-807 thl offif. 9-l-23.30. WANTED, IMMEDIATELY 1 WOMEN. 18 or over. Government positions t Washington. $1140-$1840 year. Writ, without delay, for list positions span. Franklin Institute, Dpt 689-W. Rochester, N. Y. to 18-7 GIBLS LEARN MILLINERY. BE In dependent. Demaal for mUUnr ia creaaiag dally. Good position always open. Start bow for Spring season. Making and trimming taught in four to six week by artistic milliner. Full eourie $33. Sparks Praotieal Mil linery College, 40l WhltehaUBt., At lanta, G a, ATTRACTIVE TRAVELING POSITION Well known firm dealres Southern ' representative to fall on old patron. Will afford income of $200 monthly; generous commission tad bonus, with salary from start; xperiene un necessary; quick promotion 1 perma nent, pleasant work-! requires refinid, educated woman over 27. Give age experience. Mr. Hoover, Sales Man ager, Garland BMg., Clilrsga. CENSUS CLERKS 4,000 NEEDED. 81)5 ..month. Ag 18-00. Experience un necessary, examination naieign, De cember 10. Jan. 7. For free particu- tars, write J. Leonard (former Gov ernment Examiner) 1048 Equitable Bldg., WaaMngton. 30-7t MAKE $100 PER WEEK EASILY ' IN apart time introducing Btovoll; won derful, new iaveationi remove and prevents rust; lesvt dry, clean, lus trous finish; keeps stoves like new; used nd recommended by largest tovt and gas ompnlsi houirwives sr wild about it. Write quick for fre trial offer and liberal term. Superior. Daboratorlea, Dept, 114, tir.nA ttantila. Htleh. v. ...... , GOOD WAGES FOR HOME - WORK W need you to mak aoekt oa th fast, easily learned Af to Knitter. Ex prlne unnecessary. Distance im material. Poaltivly no eanvaaalng. Yarn supplied. ' Sjnd for particular. Dept. 1580 Auto Knitter Co, Buffalo, N. K. -W SOU WRITE THE WORDS FOR A sag. W writ music and guarantee publication. Submit poems oa any (abject. Metropolitan Studios, Dept. 842, 814 g. Michigan, Chios go. HELP WANTED (Male and Female) WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER,! law office, $100; lady sherthand teacher, high school, $100 1 lady ste nogrtpher, $75; man iteaographer, $100-8125. Piedmont Bualness Col- lege, Lyae.hbiirg, V WANTED MEN AND LADIES TO learn barberlng; big paying trade; quickly learned 1 big crelty f bar ber. Writ for catelog. - Tri-City Barbcf School, Philadelphia, Pa. gr-aot WOMEN OR MAN WANTED1, BALABY 824 lull time, so casta an haur spare time, ellii!g guaranteed hosiery to , wearer. Experience anacccssary, In- ternatiowal wills, Norristowa, ra. CLERKS jTENOOHAPHEBtt . 1 BOOKKEEPERS. Government urgenUy need thousands; ntieral aalarlaa; unlimited opportuni ties; frequent laminations. Out elf-iaatruetor will prepare toui 84 ' poatpaid. National CapiUl lartitute, ' waanmirtow, it. v. - MEN, WOMEN RAI8K BELGIAN arrore. w pay 87 to SU a palT ,for all yon raise. , Fre illustrated booklet. United-Pood Fur Assoeia . tioa, 820 West tStk 6t, Pept. C, New York. . l&3-i0-t Womtn Worker a Almost evUry typ of work for women is of fered in our Classified Advertising section. feat and untrained worker find it a great Clear ing Hooa for position. And if you want a particular kind pcatoT- Want Ad will help ywi ftad It. Read mi Ua Ik Want nata In Th Nw and Observer Raleigh, N. C. : HELP WANTED (Male and Female) WANTED MAN AND WIFE TO TAKE charge of a bom for the infirm ; good and comfortable quarters. Address "X-509," car New and Obeerver. 23-St TEACHERS WANTED TEACHERS URGENTLY NEEDED. Fiak Teachers Agency, 649 Union Arcade, Pittsburgh, P. 30-lt (EACHEBH, SEND FOR LARGE HAND- soms catalogue of school supplies, map, charts, globe, desks, black boards, etc., . fret ; lowest prices ; prompt service. Sheridan School Sup ply Co., Greenwood, B. C. 28-27-20-30 TEACHERS ONLY KEYS and TRANS lations bought, sold, exchanged; send lists; new folder term repo.t card; sampl free ; entertainment catalogue. Teacher' Exchange,' Greenwood, 8. C. 28-88-30. POSITIONS WANTED WANTED, POSITION! ANYTHING. anywhere. Time-keeping, pay-roll, commissary or bank work. "D 803,' care New; and Observer.. 2P-.H ADVERTISING MANAGER of special training and good practical experience in AGENCY STORE, and NEWSPAPER WORK, desire quick change. Refer ence unexcelled. Write or . wire, Posjofflce Box 8, Elisa beth City, N. C. POSITION WANTED JAN. 1 YOUNG married man with ao children desires apposition a traveling salesman or as elerk. Have had experience ia furni ture and soms ia general merchan dise. D-608, ear News and Ob- Z rver. - 30-lt. WANTED POSITION AS TRAVELING aleamaa; som experience. Bank ref erence. Address Box 01, Gasburg, Va. S3-7t SEE THAT YOUR "WANT ADS" FOR next Sunday' New tnd Observer are in mo oiuce ueiure o oiooa rt' dsy evening. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION at stenographer and office assistant. P. O. Box 217. 1 21-3t WANTED AT ONCE POSITION IN drug store a soda and front man: references. P. O. B(X 81. Warsaw, N. C. 28-27-28-30. POSITION WANTED JANUARY 1, A8 SALESMAN OR BOOKKEEPER'; 13 "YEAE8 EXPERIENCE ; NOW EM PLOYED 1 83 YEARS OLD; MAR " R1ED; NO CHILDREN! ACQUAINT ED WITH BOTH CITY AND COUN TRY TRADE; GOOD REASON FOR CHANGE ; BEST REFERENCE. All--DRESS BOX 426, NEW BERN, N. C, 26-od-7t , . SALESMEN WANTED SIDELINE SELLING GROCERIES and general stores 1 a real necessity; average tiro required, five minutest. average coram lesion 8L0O; - pocket sampl outfit, 30c' Sideline, 113 South Main, Memphis, Ten DO YOU CALL ON RETAIL GBO sent Writs for attractive proposi tion to sell rice 1 state present line, territory covered, how often. Don t apply on lea retail salesman.'. Box 1223, New Orleans, Ia. ' : ' SALESMAN . STOP PERMANENT position open for energetic and de termined salesman with Urge Cleve land manufacturer, putting on - the market a new, hlgbtl apMiulty needed by "all merahant; great ,de- ' mnnd; exceptional - opportunity to earn $700 per month; commissions paid weekly; state- experience.- Ad dress J. L. Bogers, Tress, Box 178, Station "C," Cleveland, Ohio. ; . $20 DAILY SELLING DEALERS NEW $1.50 tire repair kits; no cement; no " vulcanizing; repair puncture instant ly; sample free. Rose Pncuanatlfl Plug Co., 2133 Michigan Av., Chleogn. SYNDICATED OIL ROYALTIES, Texas field now pay lag 109k; sell anywhere;, Trustee plan; liberal-commissions. Write Sales Manager, 808 j Dan Waggoner Bldg, Fort Wortrf, Texas. .. ' ' . THROUGH THE EXCELLENCE OF our line of advertising calendars, mailing card, blotters, greetings, , pencil and pen bolder in th hands of -um evr-inereslng number tf -Capable talssms w nearly doubled oar business this year. Of course, our new line i stronger aad better than ever before. If Interested in a choice , North Carolina territory, apply with ' full particulars to th Blunchard Co, MWWH -lLi2 PALEbMAN WANTED IN EVtRY tewa i or Speedoliat i $300 to $500 per month 1 exclusive terrtiory; automo bile fre to worker. Speedolia Co, iHfU 122, Dalka, Texas. ' & Aurora. Ilk ti II H II SALESMEN WANTED SALESMAN EXPERIENCED A N Y line for balance year and 1920; strong proposition of merit for gcnersl retail trade ; " llbernl commission ronlraet; $35.00 weekly advance) to producers for expensea. J R. Williams,' Defit; JI748, )K0 Kurlid. Cleveland, Ohio. COBttET OR BUAnjIEKE bALOMAN to take orders for a new brassiere of growing popularity and dietribntion in many large cities. A splendid side line. Commission bast only. Address Boyshform Brassier Co, 632 Broad - way. New York. WANTEb-PARTY WHO IS CAPAHW: of earning .,CKX) a year, no invest ment required, business rna be de vtf'oped at spare time- W on'y vrant a ma ia each county, stamp fur quick reply. National Real Eaac Association 1211 W. Main ft. Rich mond, Va. - 30-2t. WANTED A 8AU:S.VIAN TO SELL brooms In Raleigh and virinily on commission. ' PrionJ Fef rell Broom Co., Ine, Manufacturers, l'ctcrrl.iirg, V. ?9-;Jt FOKD OW.NERS WANfLli, T0 SEU. th best coil protector out for Fords. (Patent applied for.) Guaranteed snow and rain proof. No mora worry about short circuits while out in rain easy installed; no bolts to re move; last a life-time; order now - and--get -the -agency -for-yowf -county-; first order gets agency " for" whoTe county; send 81.73 for r sample and agency; no more money required; 1 furnish them at wholeaali-p rices; psy ni as you sell tkem; money bsrk if it fails to keep them dry; order to day. M. E. Murphy, Talmo, Ga. 29-7t WANTED-8AU;BMAN with ref erence, to handle a line of muslin and silk underwear for ...North Carolina or North and South Carolina. Man traveling in car preferred. B. J. A E. Clein, 88 W. 20th St, New York Citv. I 2S-3I THE NOVELTY ADVEBTlblNO CO., Coshocton, Ohio, offer exceptional opportunities for salesmen in North and South Carolina, to all their ex clusive line of copyrighted art and bualness calendars, metal, wood, and rard signs, leather and cloth gooK thermometers, etc, established trade and auperb line backed by 20 years manufacturing experience: very libe al commissions and financial asaiatance to experienced salesmen. Addreas quickly, giving three business refer enees. L. C. Glovsr, Soles Manager. v A LARGER SALARY! YOU WANT MORE MONEY! It's yours if you'll put in that extra hour or two each day in recreation, Bur its recreation to make plensant rive or ten-minute viaita on a tit ferent line of merchants than the reg- L ular line you call on. You get new V .1 l. vjvjfumi ul uuauiBav you re in different atmosphere. The fc.iady pocket sample the big commission getter make your salary what you want 1t no limit except the limit you set for yourself. Oa maa'a tide line commission this week, $400. Every thing furnished free to work with eve show you how to sell it you loam that la ten minute. Write o you ll at least hava th satisfaction of knowing that you have aot passed up' a big spars time money-msker without investigation.. C. K. Erick son Co, Ine, 624 Ertckson Bldg., Do Worries, Iowa. ( SELL TIRS itO x 3H 811-70. HOW many non-skid 30 x 3 tires Oood year, Goodrich , U. 8, Kelly, Fisk, t. could you sell at $11,707 Other cites just at cheap. Bix tires a day means 85,000 per year. Devot spare or full time. No experience no office no investment necessary. Make big mon ey While establishing a permanent Husinyss, Write for this attractive proposition. Ftmont Tires Corpora tion, 183 Babe ock Bldg, Buffalo N. Y. 22-30 SALESMEN AS DISTRICT DlbTRlBU tors t9 orn olficea appoint- sales men and cslU n dealer foi Marvel Tire Life, a new product, which (very motorlit will want. Positively aoals puncture nutomatleaUy aad greatly laareatcs lif of tire. Mea with tell ing ability ahould net from $100 to $250 weekly. Writ Manufacturer, Marvel Tir Life, 5827 Lidiaaa are., Chicago. SALESMEN NEW CARBURETOR for rard ear. Simple, Sot amoving . part, Installed in thirty minute, 1 guftranteed to double your mllg , and - start in tero weather wtihout heating or priming, 15 day Fre trial. Our St. Louis maa aold 3,000 la .11 b.onths; Salt Lai City man mode $1,200 in on week. Writ U. ft J. Carburetor Co, 005 W. Jaekso Blvd., Chicago. - 8 8AIAHMEN INEXPERIENCED OR , xprUnesd. Cl.r or traveling. Free , employment service for meajbers - Send for list of opening aad full par ticular. Address Natl rklesmeni Tr. Atsn, Dept. 44, Chicago. III. B SALESMAN SIDE OB MAIN LLNE, to sell low prked BflOO mile guaran teed tire. 30x314 noS-skld cells for $1145; elher site In -proportion. Good money making proposition for II v wires. Consolidated Tir Co, 018 So. Michigan, Chicago. SALESMEN, DEALERS AND AGENTS, big money In phonograph. Our fac tory make belt Una to retail from $72-8150. Half profit to dealers. Bfg committioa to salesmen. Scad refer ences aad territory, wanted. Superior Phonograph-Co, 320 Bo. Wabssh Av., Chicago. III. 1 . WITH AMERICAN ROTARY OVEN w give yon right to um oar Heren den ' rs-treated dour (patented.) This flour Btaket more bread; take only half th time, leaa shortening. Thil combination handicapscompe titie. Get full particular oa win dow .bakerle. American Clay Ma chlncrv Com nan v. Buevrua. Ohio. A BUSINESS OF YOUR OWN MAKE k sparkling glau same aad number plates, mcdullioas, ) checker board, tign. llluatrated book fr. E Pal- ; mer, Wooater, Oliio. REbl'ONblBLU COITEU SALESMEN To sell jobbers 1 alao hav cereal epffc 141-2c lb. Commission 80 a bag. Should sell carload in your ter ritory. A. Moscley, 157 W. Grand Are, Chicago SALESMEN WANTED SALKMMAN FOR LABGB OIL AND Paint houn. Mut furnish rffer- ' euce. " Midwest Products Co, tisre iaii.l. tlbio. ;i-lt SIDE LINE, SALESMEN' rok GREAT eet sclf-vulranixing auto patrh. on . earth; eommissinn basin. Gold-Brand Pro.lri 'o., Allnntn, (ia sn-lt SALESMEN EXPERIENCED ANY line fur- balanre year and l!C"; strong proposition of merit for gen eral retail trade; liberal commission contract; tX weekly sdvanee to pro ducers for expenses. The Continental Jewelry Co., 117-4S Continental lildg. 1174H. l!iil Euclid. Clevel.mil. Oliio. CHINAWARE HAlJibMEN 1'OB PEtt manent connection with one of the 1 - ., . ,.J . a, iin-tn.ltn lint t - mi,r,i 1 " . -- k " - 1 - ries ia the United States. Dig; earn- , .1 : .1 Wit ings. eommi8Hii ji ---- v . far sample outfit to Box 2tl, Svbring, Ohio. , SALKHMKN-WF. CAN V8K A UM HeJ number of srood men to sell bank aunnlies. enlertdars. pencils and . .SpuSllitki . in, lea thw, od, cloth "and" eeliuloia ;T 0 yenrir-imaan4 position. Bunkers Supply Co., Jotva Titr, Ions; AGENTS WANTED ACENT3-RAlNCO:TSi $18 A DAY TO hontlers; famous new leatherette coat -to denttmstrate wiihimiveraifileSj siixs. tweeds, many Styles; "no investment ; samples free. Farker Mfg. Co, 711 Hey Kf., Iytnn. unm, NEW and IMPROVED 11UEB BROOiUS shaped similar to corn broom; best agents proposition. Metal-Bound Brush .and Broom Co, 47 Walnut St., Cin clnwwtl, Ohio. H, 024.65 PROFIT MADE BY 32 agents selling Kcott Ofllrbd tiistory of Negro in World War; sale just be gun ; millions wilt be sold. Hutto, ef Georgia, mad $0.90 first two days. Kaspcr, of Mass, msde 48.50 eleven hours. Live agents make $1,000 in three months. We sro headquarters. Pay express, give premium-, ship promptly and allow beat terms; eut tits free. R. L. Phillip Publishing Co., Atlnnts. Oa. AGENTS MAKE $3.00 TO $5.00 AN hour selling guareflteel maje-to measure Liberty raincoats; worn as t ttormcoat, auto or top coat. Boston agent made 862.50 first week. MoUann Kentucky, S17H.OO. Liberal eommis- sion in advance. Vs deliver and col lect. Sample outfit free. Write to day. The Liberty Raincoat Company, Dept. Dayton, Ohio. WAN TED SALEHMEN TO FEATURE our patented slip-grip soft collar fastener. Nationally advertised and extensively endorsed by the using public. Excellent opportunity for piogressira salesmen ; preference given to specialty men, calling on clothiers, haberdashers, dry goods stores, department stores, drug and jewelry trade. Liberal commissions. Convenient pocket sampl outfit fur nished. Eituaatadt Mfg. Co., Dept a Kt. Ixiuii. 30-?t 'GOSPEL ART CALENDAR, 14 pages, $ 1-4x10 3-4 inches. Verse Scripture every day, subject and lo cation Sunday School . leason every Sunday, beautiful p if turn by famous artist aid short sermon by noted preachers every month, standard time 18 principal points of world com pared with Washington time, and complete thouaand year calendar 1500-8500. Only 80c each, 4 for $1.00. poatpaid. Liberal commission to ' agent snd churches. Hustlers make 85.00 to $20.00 per day. Order from J. N. Ragsdaln, Danville. Va. 30-lt AGENT 83 TO $00 DAY EASILY made. Men with ability who can handle in big way valuable' new suto necessity. Enormous demand. Every Writ todsy for specist offer. Insole Tir Corp, 221 East Third St., Cin elnnatl. EVERY-JlOME-ONFAttMr -1-N-SMALlJ town, or suburb needs and will buy th wonderful Aladdin eoal-oil Mantle lamp. Five time as bright as elec tric. Tostsd'and recommmdsd by Governmeat and leading universities. Awarded gold medal; On farmer cleared over $500 in six weeks. Hun dred with rig or auto earning $100 to 8300 per month. No ' experience needed. Excellent spar tim tad evening teller. No capital required. Writ quick for distributor'! proposi tion ana lamp for -fre trial. Mantle Lamp Co, 14-10 Washington Place, Dept. IPSO, New York, N. Y, AGENTS: WIRELESS UMBRELLAS). Will pay bustler $2.00 an hour to , take order for this newest invention. No investment. Write for five stylo outfit. Parker Mfg. Co, R-Ui Wall St, Dsvton, Oblo. MAKE SUV WEEKLY SELLING COM- fort Indoor Closets. Needed in thou as a da of home. Plumbing unneces sary. Chemical dissolve content, kill germs. Easily installed Pro vides sanitary, odorless toilet in tny horn protected from cold and stormy weather. Approved by U. 8. Hearth Bureau. Big field in country and mall town bom. Parka, l'a. made over 300 tales one county $2,000 profit. Big opportunity, exclusive ter ritory for hustlers. Write today, . Chemical Closet Co, 63 Factories Bldg, Toledo, O. . WE WANT THREE OK FOUR HIGH Class mea financially able tit organize subsidiary companies la their State, take over entir State control for our Automobile Rim. Complete tire change 13 seconds. Investment 8-1,500. Earn ings 825100 to $50,000. Hanking ref erence required. Lightning Rita Cor poration, 5 Columbus Circle, New York. - - - ' ' i iou.ou TO J.io M0MIL NEW LN vent ion; enthnoe every auto owner; boy at sight ! tell their friends help yon make sales. Ends punctures, pre- vents blowout. More comfort riding. increases mileage ; used with any tiro, "you rido oa air." Get details. Ter ritory going fast. Addraa C E, Bart, President, Findlay. Ohio. : AGENTS QUICK SELLER. BIG PROF- its. 1 Flower bead coining mosey for hustlers, now 'tuff; ' tremendous de mand ; catalog free. Mission Bead Co., 1400 Lrela, Lo Angoles, Cal- . . , 1 . 10-23-29-6. AGENTS WANTED WANTED! COUNTY AGENTS TO sell latest Ford accessories! ao more broken arms a no more sptrk plugs to throw away. F. M. 8, Box 43". Greensboro, N. C. " 2-.'lt DISTRICT AGENTS WANTED. PRO- pressivo Old line Company want th service of wide-awake mea to Write insurance. Give all information about yourself, together with references, ia first letter. Our slogan i "$100,000, 000 in 1820." Address C. S. Hatch , ings, Agency ma eager. Ordinary De-' part men t, American National Iatur-. anco Company, Galveaton, Texas. 28-81. COAL SHORTAGE MEANS BIG money for territory salesmen. Col lect and keep money. Gtt fire ia stoves from kerosene. U. S. Mfg. Co, (KI Misth Ht, Columbus, Ohio. AC-EN TS "SCOTT'S OFFICIAL H1S tory of the American Negro1 in th , World War." 600 largo pages, 15i. illustrations. New book by most not ed negro of the day. On milium Mliro home waiting for this book. i.tite .making: $,00,;dsily, Freight" puid, credit given, Diggest commu t.nn. Prompt shipments. Writ for outfit. Victory Pub. Co, 427- South' Dearborn, Chicago. AUENT8: BIG PAY AND FREE AUTO niohilo introducing wonderful new .gaBnAjwi;ert,juns.tureproof, five year spark plugs and other econom ies! auto necessities. Outfit free. L. Btllwev, Dept. 551, Louisville, Ky. JUbT WHAT AUTOSIT WANTS THIS winter will help old tires run through till spring. Agents making $200.00 to $WX).00 month. Many sending re peat orders by telegraph. Best agent in country taking territory say it I what they have waltedfor, hoped for, looked for. Wonderful new invention Hist prevent puncture tdda mile ngn to tires. You owe It to your self to get the facts. Writ quick, . Addresa Tire In-Sol Mfg. Co, Find lav, O. AtSENTH MAKE 850 WEEKLY TAK ing order for fast (clllng Goodyear raincoats. Hundred of order wait ing. $2 an hour for spare time. We deliver and collect. Samplo coat free. Write today for agency. Goodyear Mfg. Co, 107 Goodyear Bldg, Kaa sin City. Mo. 11-23-20 SCIENCE CKEATEH NEW AUTO WON- der; solves puzxliag problem; no nA more rain ' or snow blurred wind shields; Mystic Cloth work Ilk magic; deposits invisible chemical film ; one rub keep glass clear 24 hour; one agent aold 5XXl. Security Mfg. Co, Dept.. 832, Toledo, O. $15.00 DAILY. DEMONSTRATE 8TO voil. , New, wonderful invention. Re moves and. prevent mat. Maket the surface as smooth as glass. Cleans, Polishes and Preserves. Endorsed by Gas Companies. Enormous repeater. Unlimited Profits. Act quick. Super ior Laboratories, Grand Rapid, Mich igan. SELL -AMERICAN NEGRO SOLDIER in World War." Now official history complete with peace term. Hundivd of pictures. Best author, biggest, cheapest book, also best new war history for whit people. Sell cither or both. Agents making $25 per day. Best terms. Credit, Freight paid. Outfit free. Globe Asas, 32? Com Bldg, Chiesgn. WANTED AGENTS SELL ESSEN i'ml auto accessory direct to ear own er. Sella cheap, Sell fast, large prof-' i's to live agents. Jiffy Tire Setter ( ., Warsaw, Indiana. AGENlW-$6 TO $12 A DAY EASY. 200 light-weight, fast selling, popular pr.iced necessities, food flavors, per fumes, soaps, toilet preparations, etc. Agent t outfit free. Writ today quick now. American Product Co, gtw Ameriean Bldg., Clnelnnttl, O. MANY , MEN MAKING TWO To threo hundred dollara per week on re-orders from dealer of Rich Tone Phonographs. Fourteen-tig vlue retail at aevcnty-fiv to one hundred and fifty dollar. Half profit to deal- V rrs. Send references and full par tlculars about yourself and territory - wanted. Great Eastern Mfrs. Co., Rlrh Tone Dept. 310 8. Wabaah are, Chlesavi. FOHD OWNER SALESMEN. Wanted immediately Ford owaer in every town in the state to demonstrate and sell the Barrett Starter and Primer fur Ford ears. The Barrett hiitt springs to wind, no cable, no chninsTno pulleys, no batteries, and no vpkesp cost. Easy to install. Special primer in sures immediate start in eoldsst westh er. Ninety dsy trial allowed, aad full price refunded if purchaser doc not consider it the best starter for th Ford regardless of mak or price. Fiv year guarantee. , Every Ford owner who sees it, wtnts it, and salesmen ears big com missibna. Beardsley Auto Accessory Company, 11:1.1 Broadway, New York. AUTHORIZED NEGRO WAR HISTORY 744 pages, with peace terms, by Kslly Mdler, of Washington; 150 pictures; neat book for colored people ever written ; price only 82.50, selling likes wildfire. Ontflt free. Aet quick. Jonkin Pub. Co, Jenkins Bldg, Wash ington, D. C. - - COAL SHORTAGE MAKING OIL burner men rich. Gas fires in oi stoves from common coal-oil big pay for workers. Instant-Heat Mfg. Co,. Columbus, Ohio. " AUENTH FOR PRACTICAL ORANUU Peeler; everybody a prospect 1 sells on sight. Send 25 snd 8 stamp for sample. Starr-Mitchell Co, Bushnell Bldg, Springfield. Ohio. bid mS'lNGti easy-fIVb bTiki- linc inventions: quick-selling auto accessories; oell to ewaers," dealers, agents; establish your owa eaamess; exclusive - territory; write quick. Jubilee Mrg. Co, Station C, Omaha, Neh. - - 18-23-.10-7. 83 TO $lc DAY GATHERING EVER- greens. Boot and Herb Glnseag ti pound. Balsam Fir $9 pound. Seal $5.50. Senega $1.75 or , grow thern yourself. Bonk and price free. Bo- tsnieal 5.18 West Hnvrn, Conn. ORDINARY LIFE, 20-PAY AND 20- Yenr Endowment Inauranc for men and women, whits and colored, snd liberal commissions for all or rare time agents. Writ U C. MeCahe, Secretary, Greensboro, N. C. S3-28-30 it A Wa .- t . - -1 &rX -:. R ' ' i a 1 ax-it-5 v. i, j.j- . . Jtf- .K! VT mom 1 os Vti"l -. r- ft , )f vw A" W- W A rv 1. i. J Mi I! ft

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