AGENTS WANTfn' AGENTS-SELL , FOBD ELECTRIC Plug'; brilliant light, all eeds, clear -4iew entire road. Last life of cur. $3. Washington Auto Supply Co.. Naihville, Tcnn. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AMERICA FUTURE T1KK WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTORS WANT fd. The kind of lire that helped win the war and which baa since beta adopted by approximately 15 per rent of the auto owner of Europe dae to " itt niaay auperior qimlitic over that . of aa ordinary rubber tire. You ahould bate $3J0O or mure capital to earry atoek to uply dealer. Ex ' elusive contract to right party. Un - usual opportuaity tp quickly estab lith very profitable permanent busi ness. Bisse Tire Corporation, 1500 ' Went 15th St., Chicago. AGENTS AND DEALERS FOR THE simplest, sorest and best selling Ford Starter; thousands ia ue; easily in atalled; no holes to drill; nothing removed from ear; fool proof. 3 in 1 Htarter Co, 325 8. Western Avenue, Chicago. CAPITAL I MAKE A SPECIALTY-? financing meritorious businesi enter prises by sale of stocks or first mort gage bonds oo a strictly commission basis. Mail mo full particulars in first letter. John Trier, 1N28 Eddy Stroet, I 'It ieR go. 6 AGENTS MAKE BIG PROFITS SELL ing our Extracts, Perfumes, ('old Creams, Face Powders, Spices, Med icine, etc. Beautiful High Grade Line. Exclusive territory. Sample Soap free. Lacassian Co., Det. 141, St. tuis. Mo. 8 CANDY AND PRODUCE BUSINESS FOR SALE IN A GOOD TjOWN IN THE TOBACCO BELT OK EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA. FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR A HUSTLER. . OTHER BUSINESS REQUIRES MY TIME AND MUST SELL QUICK. WRITE "B-610," CARE NEWS AND OBSERVER. 27-14t SPECIAL NOTICES WE PAINT AUTOMOBILES AND cover automobile topa. John W, Evans" Hon, Raleigh. l-30t. $500 PER MONTH SELLING A NEW patented Furl Vaporizer, guaranteed U:40 wve Hp4o St) porwBl:luMoline; 40 miles per gallon made with FoTitj ear. Hold on money-bark guarantee.' One (ample free. Hrtatmky Vaporii-M- Co., Piikwani, So. liik. ! BUSINGS OPPORTUNITIES ! MERIT PLUS MARKET MEANS MON-j ..... . i ! II li': you have an article, or an idea, se II j find a market for it. Write us. Nieh-j tils k Jones 12 Hook Bldg.. Coluinliin, i S. V. :'"-it. DID YOU KNOW That you could Itecoroe tiie onncr of a liusinem Hint nouid clear you $4W and more every inn nth without any kind of coui (n'lion. nit an investment of only $2W. We have Just smli nil opening for one nmn in encli eowniunity. Our wonderful ne-v time and lulmr saving murliine product-a a product needed In lurge qunntitira by every far mer. Write for booklet. CONTINENTAL MEG. CO., lit H. Fourth Street, MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. :!0-7-'.4-21. IMPORTANT ANY PARTY thinking of trading their piano or orgaa for player-piano, write me. I bava propoaition that will aurely intereat you. I ean offer you a real player trade. Write "D-604," eafe of News and Observer. 30-7t Hides. Hides. Hides. Ship or bring, your hides to me and receive highest mar ket price. A trial "shipment will convince you. Check mailed same day shipment is received. L. M. WARING, Raleigh Abattoir, Raleigh. N. C. 20-1 4t. ' SEE THAT YOUR "WANT AD8" FOB next Sunday's Newa and Observer are in the office before 6 o'clock Fri day evening. WE MANUFACTURE A CARBURETOR for Ford eurs which is guaranteed to give double t do mileage over any other carburetor ever constructed, re irrinlliii of nanie. make or price. Mo'h'ey Tf fmrderf '- if" fi fWn- day Free f trieUdoes not prove it. We ara now ready to furnish carburetors also for Doilgc, Maxwell and Overland ears. Will furnish them for other cars in short time. Entirely new principle, simple plain tabe; not a nioviiig part; guaraniccu iu binii hi jm-iu ,.tmi " witnout iieatmg" Vir pYlirtlo CALL 538 FOR 'WARREK'S TRANSFER." ' AUTOMOBILES FOB HIRE. xaasJsssi aHHa i Wt f Automobile J E tmrgaine Nearly every day there la some exceptional of fer of a slightly used automobile in ourWant Ad columns, i Often those) awhtnea arc aa good the factor. It ia because of I oportunitit Eke these that yoa abeusd regularly The Nawa atad OWaerver ' Raleigh, N. C Bfrrifrn'a?'' WANTED WANTED AT ONCE, ABOUT THREE hundred first-class juniper poles. thirty-avo leet long with seven-inch tips; state price delivered at Nash ville, N. C. Warrea Milling Co, Nashville, N. C. i 2S-6t VVANTiD ONE OR MORE CARS cT press, juniper or pine ehitig'.e; quote prices, grades and dimensions. Scot land .Nwfc finning Mills. 20-7t FOR SAI p FOR BALE NEW BLICKENSDEUFER Typewriter, Hammond Typewriter, Librarr of Valuable Knowledge jaet) Where ara the Dead, Lifo and Speech. ra of Ayeock, Student a and beoncld Bibles. Dictionary, University, of Hard Knock, Warner's library, ate. Rev, Lawrence Bogle, Rural Hall, . O. ' ;)-lt. WANTED A OOOD SECOND HAND dental chair at a reasonable price. The Methodist Orphanage, Raleigh, N. C. ll-3ft WANTED iUM LOOa STATE f RICE in flrst letter. Utility Manufacturing Company, Goldsboro, N. C. 8-30t. CALL 538 FOB WABREX'S TRANSFER. AUTOMOBILES FOB HIBE. FOR RENT (Miscellaneous) FOB RENT-DESIRABLE TWO-HORSE farm adjoining city of Raleigh on southwest, known as "Fuller Place." No dwelling on farm. The Parker Hunter Realtv Co. 23-30-7. HARDWOOD FLOORS CAPABLE KALES MANAO'EHH OUR : 2;5tl Pocket Check Protwtora per- forutes aud inks eoiml to high priced liinrhiiiea; should, he sold to every owner of a check book; want state, llimnrb unit rouivij iiiniutKi-in, trii. v. i - .. . .. .1, u.. I ... til uibiiik , ,ii,iiiiiiu en ii. men; an opKrtunity worth a.tKIO to 25,0t)U annunlly; according to terri tory nnd uhility. Mr. ttulcamau, quit t'.ie road, live at home, make more i i:ioney vv . i. rtpiiiKs i.u., .iiempii is, Tetin., Hole llistrilMitors. STOCKS AND BONDS BOUUHT AND fold. "Financial ludicator" mailed free; reports on uny stock or Ixmd issue U'ii requint i choice dividend psyiiiE stocks vhlcU ore fully pro t.i tril as to investment our speeiiilty. Smith Miirtin Co., L'OS 8. LnSullo St., Chic: r. JSAIJiSMEN OF STEKLINO CHARAC- fcr and ubility to tuke l,tMM) atoek . ia n Ueniorrutic", iiuinufiirttiriiig, ini- porting cud joliliing cmnpnnv and i.ili:i(ro this State; uniisaul oppor tunity for right mun. Manager, 113 tnwti Mtin, M 'mpliii, Tcnn. tiO SLOW IN OIL STOCK 8. Money can be mule on small invest ments in oil stock. However many of these storks aro highly 8enlative. Post yourself before you invest by . reading the Oil Press. It Ins helped : tbonsnndn tar profit aa well aa pro tected luotu from loss. KaeU issue Is a t.I . M . , ,. 1 A. , . iiTuiuui in vHiuaoio iniormaiioii ana aiiaiytiCBl - reports concerning oil -eloitiodjHiiliijilimIi eni in acoivs ni euinpniues ofieraiing "in 'the great Mid-Cuntinent and ' Tnttm tll.l. fenrv I.. ..f ..II Mucks i-very one interested in the ;ofld" grentest . eommoulty should . frond tio Oil Press. The hist issue '.together' with a Into copy of the . .V i"i"" cuniniinii ,t,uittt Ifilin UI S Urted nnd unlisted, active nnd inae- live oil atwk will bo tent free on re quest; elso vhile they last new accurate colored map of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texat just out feittnr liiC the oil fields in red. Address . tj'l )rea. 055 Republic Bldg Eaa as City, Wo. 1-1 REAL ESTATE PROPtWlTION jfor.aa ageat in every county in the . alate. Have- paftlea to bny all good i d Heat .Estate Aasoriatlon, 5W3 W. St. Ko. Richaiowd, Va. ' .10 It. . ?UOSTATB SUFFERERS TO READ our announcement under Persoaal. N drugs.- Tha Electrothermal Com pany, '224 Harrison Bldg, Kteubea irte, Ohio A DIFFERENT IDEA IN WINDOW BAKERIES Uorl Window Ovens with or without' equipment sold outright; no royalties. .All profits are yours. A better even, better equipment and at a cut pri-e. We save yon big money. A service department tliut readera service. In rdrcrtising and furnishes reeipea and teaehea you the business, at your torn , raand. State representatives wanted. National advertising campaign now ia progress furniahca leada every where. Chance of Kfe time for bustling energetie business getters to make big money. Investment of 1.000 to S4.0Q0 required. State whether you wish to open bakery or represent us.- Address, President, S27 Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. 1 liK DEMAND FOR PHONOtiRAPliS ial tremendous. Profits big. Build a per ' maneat businesa of your awn. Eix nlea s month mean over o00 proflt. territory to write for wholesale, prices, free trial offer, and leara bow to get your town free. jUndillne Phonograph Corporation, 1718 Carroll avenue, Chi- ii.i.ANUii VOUR BLSlNEaei LNUER ilrcluntinn of trust. ' Legal la all ? : ;iis. No State or Federal tax. Stork . i v add. liuuruiiteed service. Infm. . Natl Ore. Co., 123 Madison, ' - SO' dous demand 35,010 now in use in Chicago territory. Reliable, energetic , i.: .ii who cnii guarantee rules and carry stock of jUU to 2,U0U depend-, iug on demand, can secure exclusive j territory and w ill eusily net -.I.OOO per year. No aperinl ixperience neees- I aary. r rank A. I rwan, n w. Jaca gnn Boulevard, ('hleago, III. 10,uou to J(I,ihh) ANNUAL NET proflt ara the possibilities for a live district sales manager in Rnleigh and surrounding territory. The most won derful rapid selling auto necessity ever devised. Telerator aad Auto Lock combined. Tells and locates motor troubles instantly. Locks ear auto matically. After a severe test thous ands were sold to the U. S. govern ment. Nothing like it on the mir ket. A golden opportunity for the right man. Requirea capital of t'2,000 to 5,000. Scott Corp., 105 N. Clark, Chicago, R. L. Dresser, 1'tKi New Bern Ave. Bell Phone 1021-J. 26-7t. RALEIGH SUBSCRIBERS OF THE Newa and Observer are requested to phone 127 before 9 a. m. if The News and Observer falla to arrivo tn Hurt. Another copy will be aent by epu;i.;l messenger WINDOW BAKERIES. WE FURNISH a auperior outfit, lowest operating cost, give straight bill of sale, furnish trained bakers, charge no royalties you keep all profits made. Our prop osition unequalled by any other com pnny. Wonderful opportunity to nuke big money. Get into the ''Cash and Carry" business, on an investment of $.1,750 to $5,000. It meana money in the bank for you. Peoplea Byatem of Bakeries, Peoples Cus llldg., Chi-caRO. MAKE MONEY IN YOUR lDIE hours. Small mail order husinoaa pays big; big one pays bigger; city or country; but atart right. I will sup ply you with small lots at big dis count, and give you free informa tion how to atart selling, with copies of ads and sales letters costing many dollars. Write now for full proposi . tion. E. C. Polk, 1095 Prospect Place, Brooklyn, N. Y. SALES MOB. WANTED: By Illinois Corporation for new pat ented auto necessity. Exclusive ter ritorial rights for deposit of from $750 to $2,000, same to be applied to purchase price. Estublish yourself lo cally and "bo your owe boss." Pos sibilities unlimited. Dick Corporation, 20 E. Jackson. Chicago. WE HAV4 THE BEST, gUICK SELL Ing medium on the market. Only ten of our advertising clocks installed in public plaeea will pay you $600 net revenue and up per month and we rail provo it. $300 lo $1,000 capital necessary. Kiaeto Adv. Clock Co, 32H t'tvmouth, I'bicngn, MANUFACTURERS REPRE S E N T A tirea wanted; open office and manage aalesmew. rWonderfnl opportunity. Mjritorlona propoaition. Sold to tner eliants, . wholesalers aud retailers. Should net $10,000 annually; SyOfl to $1,000 enpltul required. Hales Man agcr, gg Reaper Block. Chicago. BUY AN OIL LEASE. -$10 BUYS FIVE ACRES TEXAS FIELD. Ranger lenses sold at S.V. now, worth thousands per acre. Nutlle paid $1 per acre aud. sold for $4,000 per acre. Texas-Rainbow i End now opening up shows aame geological formation as proven territory, Leases h.-re may jump any price with first well coming in. It's a speculation, but the kind of speculation that has made many , small investor! rich. The Fortuna Oil Oo. tartd' in by severnl meu pooling $(00 in leases sold out re- i eently for a million dollars. If you don't understand lease business, we - will glndly explniu all details. Re ' mil $10 for Five acres. Wo send - yoa legul lease form and keep you in :: touch with dcveloirnienia. Send nanio for free map and full information. ; Peeos Valley Co..-114 1-2 N. Hobia-1 sen, Oklahoirn, Qkln SUBSTANTIAL MANt'FAOTURlNii Corporation want capable man to es tablish hraneh'and manage aalesmen, $300 te $1,500 neeeassry. You handls ' own money. Will allow expenses to Baltimore if you will qualify. For particular, address Secretary, 410 N. Howard at., Baltimore, Md. S-tf $1 DOES IT. TEXAS OIL LAND MAK Ing holders big money every day. Bank referencea furnished, lavesti , gate lis thoroughly, that's all we ask. ' Hesnlts count.. Our plan $1 down, balance monthly, few months give yoa warranty deed to lead. May pay profits $200 or more monthly. Maps, reports, established nets free. Ad dress Sourlake Texas Oil Co., 147 De Mcnit, St. Iuis, Mo. ' SPECIAL . NOTICES - NOTICE NORTH " CAROIJNIANS ' wishing to shoot wnld ducks from Bat- ; tery in Currjtuek Sound, write or wire nitt' xor raies. rie. ii. iu oanipuiu, Waterlilv, N. V. .30-1 4t NOTICE NORTH CAROLINIANS wishing to shoot wild ducks from Bat tery in Curituck Sound, write or wire me for rates, etc., H. H. Hampton, Waterlilv, N. f- e2-14t COAL WOOD FOR SALE DRY SPUT PINE, 8EA soned and green oak, also sawmill slabs. Write me for prices. L 8. Olive, Apex, N. C- . 7-Vt RUBBER STAMPS BUBBEB STAMPS -WE alAKJB TBBM. H. 8 Storr Company. Raleigh, N. O PRINTING MULTI GRAPHING 300 PRINTED ENVELOPES OR LET terheads. $1.00, postpaid. Press, Bear Creek, N. C. -16-2- OUR MULTIGBAPH LETTERS LOOK like personal letters. Mail orders solicited. Raleigh Letter Writers, 608 Citisens Bank Bldg., phone 1811. ll-30t WANTED FEW TABIJJ BOARD ERS; BOOMS CONVENIENT. 517 S. SALISBURY SHEET. BILLS COLLECTED EVERYWHERE. No Collections, No Charge. E. B. PALMORE'S COLLECTING ' AOENCY, 20 North Eighth Street Richmond, Va. DON'T LET THE BARBERS "TRIM" yout Save money, save time and al ways look trim by using the Duplex hair cutter; with the present high prices the barber has bocoms a trim mer in a new sense. You are, there fore, doing yourself a great favor whon you get acquainted with the Duplex Huir Cutter. A great con venience under normal conditions, it ia a real necessity now! Saves it cost in almost no time I Just a few mo ments' time now and then keeps the hair looking neat just tho length the wearer,, wants it. A fust seller. Thoroughly practical fully demon strated. Appreciated by women for cutting tb.eir children's hair. Low prices on quantities. Got onr quota tions. Retails for $2. Sample on receipt of retail price. Duplex Hair Cutter, Box 705. Rnleigh. N. C. ' S.'i-7t PERSONA) SEE THAT YOUB "WANT ADS" FOB next Sunday's News and Observer are in the office .before 6 o'clock Fri day evening. 'FLU,'' TUBERCULOSIS. COLDS treated by new and quick method of external application. Sold on guar antee to benefit. Trial treatment $1.00. Send for booklet, on Solvoco Treatment. Hundreds of testimon ials. Wingnto's Salvo Mfg. Co., Dept. P., Asheville, N. C. TOBACCO OR SUNFF HABIT CUBED by harmless remedy. Guaranteed. Sent on trial. If it cures, eostr you $1. If It fails, roata nothing. , Sil lier ba Company, D 27$, Baltimore, Md. s-t.f. DON'T POISON THE 8Y8TEM WITH drugs Use Wonderful Electric Belt Nature's Vitaliaer For rheumatism, liver and kidney disorders, nervous ness, rundown condition, etc. Order today; introductory price $1 post paid. Dr. Frank M. Welch, Atlanta, tin. WE DO JOB PRINTING OF ALL 'kinds. Prompt aerviee. Storr-Heath & Moore, Inc. Phone 466. SCHOOLS. COLLEGES BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND AND typewriting thoroughly taught -t King'a Busiaeas College, Raleigh, N. ., and Charlotte. N. C. Send for t alog. Also Home Study Courses given. Scad for circular. Addres , J. 'I. King, Pres., Raleigh, N. C. 19-3Qt BOOKKEEPING, SHORTHAND THOB oughly taught. Enroll any time. Ad dress Greensboro Commercial School, Orecnsboro, N. C, for catalogue. 12-15-19. BE INDEPENDENT. CHIROPRACTIC doctors earn $3,000 to $6,000 yearly; work for yourself; this good paying profession quickly lc-rned by cor respondence ; low rates , easy terms. Illustrated book and charts free. Am erican University, 114 Manierre Bldg., Chicago. OFFICE EQUIPMENT T YPEW BITERS, NEW REBUILT. WE buy, sell, exchange, repair all makes. H. & Storr Company, 123 W. Martin Street. . 8TOVXS-ST0VES-8TOYTSS U. 8. ARMY GOODS FOB SALE. U. S. ARMY REGULATION WOOL OS), clean blankets, $S15. U. 8. ARMY' COMMERCIAL COM forts, renovated, $1.75 each. Cash with order. BRADLEY BONDED WAREHOUSE Co. GREENVILLE, 8. C. ' l-30t WANTED: 1W0 TO 1,000 POUND second hand iron safo; good eondi ' tion. Write J. E. Phelps, Roper, N.C. " '"--.-.-.-. - ... 2.7t WANTED FIFTEEN CARS OF BRICK for December delivery; quote best price delivered. Hardy k Newsom, Ia Orange, N. C. 26-30 FOR SALE FOB SALE WELL BROKE- SETTER Bitch, 3 yMMTym'IMTvii&t sale $65.00. Pointa back and retrieve. No plug, guaranteed. E. O. Edgerton, Raleigh, N. C. 28-lt. FOB SALE MY WHOLE ENTIRE GIN plant, consisting' of three 80-saw gins, one GO horse engine, one 150 h. p, boiler and double press, one grist mill, 4S-inch rack, all In first-class shape, good as new; also containing the land with it Box 56, Faiaon, N. C. 22-10t 40 6e- PACKAGES DELICIOUSLY flavored Chewing Gum postpaid. $1.10, Watson Mercantile House, Yuma, N. C. 16-23-30, CHEH0-C0LA BOTTLING PLANT. FOB SALE ' In Live , Eastern North Carolina Town of 25,000 People. Good Town Ia The Tobacco Belt. Must Devote My Time On Larger Plant Is Reason For Selling. OJW1.' Care NEWS AND OBSEB-EB :; -- - SJ-1 CUT YOUR OWN HAIR WITH THE Duplex Hair Cutter, the greatest in ventlon of the age. Price $2. Worth $5. Price will soon be $3. You can cut your own hair as easy as you can ahave. Just comb your hair and it --eutaattha some time. Just tha thing to keep your children's haif la per fect trim. Pays for itself in a few months. By mall postpaid, $2. The Duplex Hair Cutter. Box 703, Kaleigh N. C. 25-7t IN OBDEB TO CONTRIBUTE TO THE 75 Million Campaign, I have decided to sell father's double cylinder Yale motorcycle and give the proceeds. Write Mra. A. D. Kelley, B. F. D. 2, New Hill, N. C. 29-3t PEDIGREE BOSTON TERRIER PUP piea, $35 and $50 each. Make excel lent Christmas gifts. Miss B, Bev erly Hicks, Atlanta, Ga, B. 5, Box SO, SO-lt FOB SALE-TWO 60 -GALLON BOW ser tanks, one turpentine one oil; first check for $100 gets them. Sloop Drug Co, Elm City, N. C. 30-3t ESTABLISHED GROCERY, DOING A business of more than $100 per week for sale at a bargain. Answer quick. "A-608," care News and Observer. no-it FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. ON Ac count change in businesa, ono4-scc- wis iptviiiiii Dun win, capacity u kegs; and one tool rack holding 120 tools. Nearly good aa new, If inter ested, write J. M. Woodlicf A Co., Henderson, N. C ' 30-2-5. CLEANING PRESSING SPRTJClf UP! SEND YOUB SUITS TO the Jamestown Tailoring Company. Suits cleaned and pressed. 73 cents; pressed, 40 cents. Bell Phone 1743; Raleigh Phone 608. CAMERAS SUPPLIES SPECIAL BARGAINS IN PBOFES aional and Amateur eameraa, supplies, professional discount to studios; photo finishing guaranteed; write for bargain; we buy, sell and exchange cameras: ' Norman-Willeta Photo Sup ply, Inc., 6 W. Randolph, Chicago. WANTED WANTED NUMBER ONE BIRD DOG. Give prieet description and qualities you will guarantee and say iMrial allowed. C. W. Ellington, Raleigh, N. C. 30-lt. 500 FEATHER BEDS AND OLD-TIME Furniture and everything old. v. rite ('has. M. Moore, General Delivery, Ratolgh, N. C. 2-7t PROSTATE DISORDERS, BLADDER quently at night, positively and rap Idly overcome without drugs, pri vately at home; doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors, physical eulture direc tors use it; easily used by anyone 'anywhere; no matter what you have tried or bow old the case, this method will bring results quickly. Write for free illustrated booklet and convinc ing testimony. Electrothermal Co., 224 Harrison Bldg, Steubenville, Ohio. TOBACCO AND SNUFF HABIT CURED or no pay. $1.00-if cured. Remedy Pfll AH ivlfll. fliiiuvlifl ru W-97fl Jaitimnre. Man-land. a tf EARN $S5 WEEKLY, SPARE TLUE, writing tor newspapers, magaainea; experience unnecessary ; details free. rress cymlicate, 438 St. Louis, Mo. HAPPIEST WOMAN IN GEORGIA t am tVr t mm tnnfnkiit - - - -m- . ... vuvaafKaasv . LV a jniu IS years. - Write me for information; free to all sufferers Mrs. Mary C. Mitchell, No. 10 E. Linden Street, Atlanta, Pa-- eod -11-28 ROOMSHOUSES FLATS - . (Wanted) I WANT TO RENT HOUSE, FROM 6 to s rooms, in good eommuaitv; permanent resident. Address, A. F. j-eraina. r. tl. Hot 4. Raleigh. 23-7t MX. FARMER, MR.-BCblNEtH MAN; Do you want nitrate of soda at a . rare bargaiu, large or small contract, January to June delivery t Do yon . a fed imported potash, Kainit, acid phosphate, cottonseed meal, blood, tlnli or tnukaget Write, wire or phone, T. T. Covington A Sous, ''Brok er," Fayetleville, N. C , " W"?' ROOMS HOUSES FLATS (For Rent) NICE 5-ROOMFLAT ; FOR BENT Modern convenience. See Mrs. lilley, lid 1-2 8. Clmreh St. t,0.nt. ' X)R REN T COM FORT ABLE FURN ished room near bath; close in. 403 Wet Hnrgett. SO-.1t FOR RENT -SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, furaialiedi avery eoaveaieace. Tele phone 1627. Ci-?t TWO ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSK heeping for rent. Day pkoue 1SV!; night phone 8W-W. , . S St WILL PAY 75 TO $100 CfSTt. ' for riano in good condition. Wliat have you to effert No dealers. Address "D-603," rare of News and Observer. 30-1-3 WANTED TO BENT MODERN COJI mereial hotel; must be furnished-and in good town. T-506, care Newa and Oh er. ' 27-7t . v , IF YOU OWN . ' A KIMBALL. MASON HAMLIN, ' J WEAVES, SCHCXTZ, , ESTEY OR 8HIPMAK ORGAN PLEASE WRITE ME. I HATE SOMETHING VERY INTERESTING TO TELL YOU.. WRITE D-602, CARE NEWS AND ,. OBSERVER. ' 'fM-: ...,-.- - . SO-1-3 WANTED AT ' ONCE ONE 1 mil of : twty-Jvt or thirty- , ,-. r .... - . 1 pound relay tails. Bepty' ttat- , " lag condition of rail and price, to Box 6S4, New Bern, N. C. "-.'--''? ' ' '" fiiot ' iXJtt SALE BEST SMALL HOTEL proposition in the CaroJinas; two story brick, press brick front, twenty bed rooms, hot and cold water, lights and phones, two store rooms, lobby, dining room and kitchen first floor, centrally located. All rented $1,560, annually; would cost to build today $25,000 or moro. Offered for quick aale $16,000, half cash, balance eaa be carried five years at 7 per cent. Address Box 85, Chernw, R. C. FOB SALE E. M- 30; FOR JUNK, at one. Apply to W. B.Humblo, Elix abet h town, N. C. 30-7t. A CHRISTMAS OPPORTUNITY. If you have a square piano, organ or piano we will make you most liberal allowance in x exchange for an Art-O-Crafts Player Piano. The finest on the market. Prices and terms very reasonable. Write for particu lars. A. J. CRAFTS PIANO CO., . .131 Fayettevillo St. RALEIGH, N. C. , 600 BALES CLASS "D"- COMFORT ers and quilta in original bales as packed by the govurament. Good, ' bad ''and U different. 80 Comforters to bale. 6old"Maa ia art $13.75 per bale f. o, b. Greenville. Terms: Cash with order. Greenvilla Auction Co., Greenville, ,8. C. WANTED FALSE TEETH; WE PAY as high aa $6 for full sets; don't matter If" broken; aatisfsction or : teeth ttured -Western Metal Co., - Bloomlngtoa. Illinois. - ; HOTEL WANTED BY EXPERUiNCED hotel operators: will buy lease aad equipment of 60 to 75-room modera hotel; or will consider furnishing and equipping new hotel la live town ia , North Carolina. Address with parties- , lara. Box E, Lake City, Flaw I ifi.lft ni.nH -llV.t SALE OF USED, GOVERNMENT MA . terials. U. 8. Army all wool khirts, all aises; Class A-l $25 each; elans . A, $1.75 each; class B, $10 each. ' V. 8. Army shoes, repaired and stcri- - lized by government, new soles and heels, $3.95 pair. Same unrepaired, - good eoadition, $145 pair. U. S. Army Hobnail and field ahoca, fine condition; $2.95 pair. U. 8. Army bip rubber boots, $3.75 pair. Knee rub ber boots, $3.50 pair. U. 8. Army O. D. raaneoats and black aliekera, $45 each. U. S. Army heavy blue denim overalls aad jumpers, wasjied and . repaired, $5e garment; $8 JO dozen garments, $60.00 bale of 100 '.gar ments. U. d. Army overeoata, if dyed would be worth $40.00, $10 JO each. v. 8. Army iron rota, $4.50 each. Cotton mattresses, $2.50 each or (27.50 doawa. O. D. Comforts, tSJSO each or $46.00 for bale of Si. V. 8. Army ' heavy wheel harness, liaa eoadition, complete. $62 JO set. Same itt lead harness, $55.00 set U. 8. 'Army heavy leather halters with - hitch chains, $1.75 complete. U. 8. Arxay steel wheelbarrewi43.75 each or $36.00 doxen.- Largo stock of army tents, , taupaulins, flies and all other kisd of government goods. - Writ for price list. Terms cash with orders. , No goods sent C. O. D. . Will return money if not satisfied Army 'Salvage Warehouse. Compaay. The largest house of its kind ra earth, Greenville, , South Carolina. FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST equipped small hosiery mills in the state. A growing business now run ning full blast with orders far ahead This is an opportunity that will not last and should be taken up at once Small capital and easy payments can be arranged to a huatler. Address B- 604, care News and Observer. s-s- to 12-21. FIRST-CLASS DRUG STORE FOR Sale Fixtures consist of drugs, bot tle.), scales, mixing plate, knives, etc.; reasonable price. Box 321 Hender son. N. C. 24-20-30. GIVE HER ONE FOB XMAS I HAVE the only ... registered Persian cats , (breeding stock) in this State; kittens for tale; orango only, Hurlburt, Pee Dee, N. C. 24-7t DBUO STORK FOR SALE GOOD suburban locatioa; eajoying good trade; reason for selling, can't look after it. Address 123 N. Elm Street, Greensboro. xC-iO-7 U. 6. ARMY GOODS FOB SALE: U. S. Army Wool Drab Blankets, clean aud sanitary, about three pounds $ 5-93 U. S. Army Drab Wool Blankets, clean and sanitary, 3V4 pounds. 8.93 C. 8. Army Olive Drab Wool ' Blankets, nerect. weighs four pounds 7.95 U. 8. Army Leather Jackets, wool lined, sleeveless, new 8.30 TJ. 8. Army Sheep lined coat, 38 inches lone areat coat for the winter, sew. 28 JO U. 6. Army Steel Banges, 33 inches high, 33 inches wide, 52 inches long, with large bake oven, warming closet; water backs ready to connect with hot water . tank: condition very good: worth $200; special ........... 67.00 U. 8. Army Heaters, Monica, No. 17, 3H inches high, 12 in ches iniide. 28 by 28 inches bass 17J0 U. 8, Army Heaters, Weitern Jewel. No. 20. ia good condi tion 22.50 0. 8. Navy Hammocks, made of extra heavy canvass, about 20 ox. duck, 40 inches wide, 72 in ches Ions, waterproof, excellent condition Special' 2.9S V. 8. Army Leather Halters. Only a limited number left. Order today ,...,i..r......... '1.25 V. & Army Olive Drab Wool . Shirts, clean and reay to wear, have seen service but in good condition. Everybody . knows ' what satisfaction. the army wool shirt gives. Prices, $1.95, $235 and $2.75 grades English Heavy. Leather Waist Belts. inches wide, good English ' Heavy Leather Canvaa Haversacks, splendid bag for hunting, fishing, school bag. tool bag, etc.,. Each 1J0 TJ. 8. Army McClellan Saddles, in good serviceable condition. A special lot at 20.93 U. 8. Army Rubber IUd Boots, al- . most new 6.00 U, 8. Army Wool Underwear, , , clean, in serviceable condition. Garment 1.15 U. 8. Armv Russet Leather Shoes. - all sizes, repaired, pair...... ... 2.95 U. 8. Army Raincoats, used but in serviceable condition. Each. . 3.54 U. 8 Army Raincoats. ued but serviceable, selected ........... 4.95 TJ. 8. Army New Shoes, excellent , . shoe for wear and comfort. The genuine TJ, 8. Army shoe, mado . for government. Pair ........ ' 9.85 U. 8. Army Commercial Knives, , , some with . wood handle. Per ' dosefi ..... ... .... . . 1.05 V. 8. Army Tents, 18 by 16 by 11 -- feet high 8-foot wall, ia ex cellent condition, nearly new. . 39.75 TJ. 8. Army Wall Tent, 9 by , . 3-foot wall. Splendid condition. . Almost new, with poles ' 23.95 U. 8. Army Tent Flies, 9 by 15, whito i. .18.75 Write for our catalog. Your money back if not satisfied. Prices, f.o.b. Greenville, S. C. Terms i Cask with 'order. - References ' Any bank in Greenville, .-.'- : .. - Railroad fare refunded both ways to customers visiting our store and buy ing $300 or more, within 300-mile radius. BRADLEY BONDED T WAREHOUSE COMPANY. V GREENVILLE, S. C 25-26-2S-30 . SEEDS PLANTS LEXHARDT'S COTTON s HEAVIEST fruiting and, fastest yielding of big 'boll varieties. 'Record three bales per acre- Write for facts and proofs from your own State. 'Special price on early orders for seed. ' Write me today. R. 8. Lenhardt, CamesvUle. " a. HEAVY FRUITER COTTON RECORD four bales per acre. 40 bolls to pound. 40 line, staple 1 1-8 loch. Write for facta and proof and special prise on early orders for seed. Heavy Fruiter Seed Co Carnesviile, Ga. , - SEEDS-PLANTS HEAVY FRUITER COTTON, 40 BOLLS to. pound, 46 lint, staple, IVs i"cl1 ' tiet facta, proofs and special price. " Vandiver Beed Co., Ivonia, Ga. EARLY JERSEY WAKEFIELD CAB bage plants, $2J0 thousand express collect; $3.00 a thousand by insured . parcel post; prompt shipment. Ral eigh Plant Co.. Raleigh. N. C, 85-7t FOR SALE MAKE ALL TOBACCO seed enough for one hundred yards, one dollar. N. A. Beanutn, Snow Hill, N. C. 30-28t. PRODUCE GROCERIES WANTED YOUB CHRISTMAS OBDER for choice shelled Jumbo peanuts, to be delivered by parcel post e.o.d. ; shipped direct from the shelvet at $1.75 per 5 pound package; send your, order in at once. Beaufort Peanut Co., Washington, N. C. 40-7-14 SYRUP FOB SALE WILL SELL FOR three days only, 35-galloa barrels Georgia Cane, Al grade, guaranteed, at $40; supply limited; cash with order. - Mitchell Walker Co, Merchants and Planters, Cairo, Ga. 30-lt. HOG FEED-BUY "WINSTON HOG Feed," fatten your hogs at half cost; $49 bin. Fattens when everything else . fails. Cash with order. Winston Grain Co., Winston, N. C. 25-7t SHELL OYSTERS, $5X10 TO $7 JO FEB barrel, f. o. b. Norfolk. Oysters, per gallon, $2.50, prepaid to your station. Wainwright ii Company, Norfolk, Virginia, r;: ' ;-; :r gl-.1t MOUNTAIN APPLES BY PARCEL post postpsid and insured; Delicious Rod Limbertwig vsriety, packed two peeks to the box, $1.25 a box in First and Second Zone; $1.50 in Third Zone. Points east from Oxford, Ral eigh and Fayetteville are in Third - Zone.--Sunny Height Orchard, Sum mit, N. C. 27-7t 'AGOSAVE" TAKES THE PLACE Of eggs in baking and cooking; pure, wholesome,' always fresh, sella like wild fire; your profit 100 per cent. Write today for free sample. Ameri can Products Co., 294 American Bldg., Cincinnati, Ohio, - PECANS. PECANS. LARGE, FANCY. POLISHED nuts, 5 lbs., at 75c. lb.; 10 lbs.. at 70c. lb.; 50 lbs. or more at 65e. lb. Include parcel post charge, unless you want ex pressed. Order early. Supply limited. J. H. BENNETT, CLIO, a C. . 22-23-30 SORGHUM SYRUP WE OFFER ONE week only finest quality eountry raised sorghum syrup 60-gallon barrels at 90 eents gallon; 35-galloa barrels, 93 cents gallon; gallon cans, $1 per gallon; cash with order. Winston Grain Company, Winiton, N. C. 24-7t REDUCE THE HIGH COST OF Liv ing: Have your Christmas oranges delivered direct to your door from the grower, at $5.50 per box. Safe arrival guaranteed or money refund ed. Shipment made December 15. Don't wait. Place your order now. Reference, Bank of Dunedin. Whole sale and retail merchants write for prices in ear lota.' Percy D. Niven. Dunedin, Fla. ' 23-7t CHESTNUTS: DELICIOUS, CRISP. aweet; 1 gallon, postpaid, $L Wat sod Mercantile House, Yuma, N. C. 22-14t MOUNTAIN CABBAGE NICE STOCK Mountain Cabbage for one week only ; ,170 crates at 4c pound; write quick; cash with order. Winston Grain Co., Winaton, N. C. v 23-7t CUBAN MOLASSES GOOD OLD Cu ban Molasses; best molasses on mar ket; 60 gallon barrel 25e golloa; 30 gallon kegVSOo gallon. Cash with order. Winston Grain Co, Winston, N, C. 25-7t LIVE STOCK POULTRY I SELL THOROUGHBREDS TO LATIN American, ; want Black Orpington, Aneonaa, and otjiex strains, give best pries oa what yoa have. I breed "Game Fighting Fowls." Alfred F. Graham, Cameron, N. C. 30-lt COLLIE . PUPS FOR SALE THOB- oughbred, two months old, price $10. W. I. Thompson, Falon, N. C. 30-lt. FOB BALE FINE LOOKING ENG- lish Setter Male. Three years eld, a good serviceable hunting dog. Price 60.00, L. U. Hart, Norwood, N. C. 30-H. FOi. SALE GROWN GUINEA PIGS, $2 JO per pair; write, today. -B-soe,' earn New and Observer. 89-lt. FIRST ANNUAL POULTRY AND PET " STOCK EXHIBIT .' OF THE KEN8T0N POULTBY ASSOCIATION, DEC. 16-17-18-19, 1919. :' ' WILL BE HELD UNDER '" ; , . . : ' . THE RULES OF THE AMERICAN li-OUiaifX ABU'K. WRITE FOR PREMIUM LIST AND ENTRY BLANKS., , . -. ' ENTRIES CLOSE DEC, 10. , $12,000.00 TN CASH -y- ' ' c - ' 1 PRIZES AND TROPHIES OFFERED. .; A. CHENEY, SECBETART. W. B. HABVEY. TREASURER. NET, - 1 , sow I ' SEE THAT YOUR "WANT ADS" FOR next Suaday News aad - Observer are in the office before o'clock Fri day ovening. -

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