THE NEWS AND UBSEKVEIV , LIVESTOCK-POULTRY AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS REAL ESTATE FOR SALE PEAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE WANTED SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30,1919. COONHOUNDS AND COMBINATION heater for eooa, e' possum, ikunk, ew,uirret, etc; rabbit hound, ; catalog wu. laviaaaie rLcnnels, cot ifni. FOB SALE: ONE MILCH COW, - fr from fear ia gallons ilk per day, ana U one and half panada batter; price, 9239; age ta yaw Co aad eaJf, e50. O. W. ' Hinaant, Pikcrillc. N. C. . 89-tt FOB SALE: FOUB OXEN AND TWO lot earta aad equipment for (700. ee or write G. W. Hianant, Pike- II'. N. C for particulars. 29-4t ' "- -"c pan u wr, .JVW1. TOR HALE: 18 GOOD DAIRY COWS. tfsneja, asa a noimeis avlla: if interested rov4 to sea or mA A , n " wwh, mainoBDarg, C- 89-71 BUILDING MATERIAL Tn BA1 No. 1 WESTERN RETi CE. dar ahiagles, all heart aad clear 8 to thick 18 iachet long; $10.00, same eniagle is uichei loaf at 611.00 per Mouaana I. o. D. can Apex, N. (J Sample mailed oa request. L. 8. Olive, Apex, N. C. 8-30t WHITE SAND. YELLOW 8AND. Coaerete. Baildinr irnl Filler Rand Place order early for prompt shlp- . Mat. It.- Ma1 fTn fJ hM K. C 30-7t. MAcklNEAV Port SALE FOB 8ALE-OKK I2i3 COEU88 Elt , Cine, 90 h. p. bailer putns aad heater, all ia operetta; eoaditioa; reason for felling, changing to eleetrie motor, Aad Moase Chaia Drive; eaa be in tpected. Crime! Milling Co Selie- ' bury, N. C 21-29-30. boy, . eell, exchange, repair, r-bulid had appraiae machinery alt hinds. Atlanta Machinery Exchange, 825-T An-tall Bldg.. Atlanta. tla. 25 27-30 FOR BALE: ONE 1 1-3 TON INTEB- aatioeal truck. Price. 61.100.00. FOB SALE: ONE FORD TBUCK FOB passengers or freight. $900.00. 6SE ELGIN BIX .(. ONE HAYNES, PERFECT CONDI tioa fl.W0.00. Bine Bros. Motor Company, Green filTe. N. 27-30 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS USED PIANO BARGAINS; HOWARD PIANO, MAHOG ANY CASE, REBUILT, 265. STIEr', BEBCILT AT OUR FACTOBY, 6333. ( PEASE, GOOD SHAPE, tl9. KIMBALL, EXCELLENT BUY, 8230. KBANCH BACH, $210. TAKEN IN EXCHANGE FOB CBAFT8 INSTRUMENTS. WBITE FOB TERMS. A. J. CRAFTS PIANO CO,, 331 FAYaTTTEVILLE St, BALEiGH, k. c. a n AUTOMOBILES TRUCKS j JtJGHT "SIX" BVICK 1 5FASSEXGEB TOURING l- ' CAB FOB SALE' t EXCELLENT CONDITION WRITE BOX 10, BALEIGH. N. C. Tor BALE KLINE 5-PASSENGEB Touring Cart 1917 Model good tunning order, new paint, tires, op bolstering and top good. Priea $950. Will give standard guarantee for $100 additional. KLINE KAB BALES CO, 605 W, Rrna4 8U .RICHMOND, tA. JitW FORDS ON HAND FOB SALE AT 11 times. Call aad get prices, 413 N, 6th St, Richmond, Va. T-F-o-to-Jan 1. FOB SALE 1918 BTJICK "BIX" Jloadster. New paint and ' top. . Good upholstering rune like new. A bargain. Priea 11080. V , KLINE KAB SALES CO, 605 W. Broad 8t. RICHMOND, VA. DODGE BOADSTEB LAT K . model and looks as good as new. Priei 600. ' , AUTO EXCHANGE, BALEtflft. FOB SALETWO FOKD TOUH lags 191T. Good condition, a good buy, $375 each. i KLINE KAB BALES CO,v 605 W. Broad St. RICHMOND, VA. )OJt BALE ONE CHEVBOLET AU WnRlI.K! GOOD CONDITION. BOX H7. WENDELL, J. C. 30- FBANKIJN TOURING CABy , Late it Model Looks as good a new. Guaranteed to pareel eaa. -ditioa. Will sell anywhere ta the State aad make immediate '"auto EXCHANGE, BALEIGH. FOB SALE STUABT 1 1-J TON Track with eab aad body, ffoed' .fnnaing order aad hea t thl iee,' 6750. . KLINE KAB BALES CO, 005 W. Broad 8t. RICHMOND, VA. .. Ton BALE AT A BABGAIN LIBERTY "Six," good eoaditioa wit hgood Urea. 117 Ford touring! goad Tanning eoa dltioa. 6350. Terms ta reliable peo ple. H. L. Whitaker, Mooa Distriba far, H & Balwbnry, Street. WILLYS BIX OVEBLAND 1. Paaaeager Tauriag Car Looks aew aad ia ia perfect running ' ' eoaditioa. Prion 61,200. - AUTO EXCHANUE. BALEIGH. FOB BALE: 1917 FOBD TOURING ear, ia 11 rat elass condition; privately need, and equipped wit a seit-iwner wiila liirhu. ahock absorbers saewdometer. tire holder ' and Yale Jock. Price, KS30JM. Apply, Mrs. B sooo Itad Ave.. Blshmond. Va. - . 30-lt FOBD BOAD8TEB8 WE HAVE two model Ford Roadsters which we can offerWjaMX) each . aad they are bargainsjand both -ia ana raaning condition. AUTO EXCHANGE, BALEIGH. FOB SALE MAXWELL TOUBING Car, good tires, top and paint. Good raaning condition. , Priea KLINE KAB BALES CO., 05 W. Broad St. BICHMOND, VA. ROMAN AUTOMOBILE CO. ROADSTERS, TOURINGS, ' ENCLOSED CABS, 1,000 TO SELECT FBOM. 6250 UP; EASY TERMS. SEE US AND SAVE MONIT. Kew Catalogua Letter "C." It's Worth Mosey ta Yen. . BOMAN., AUTOMOBILE 00 . HI N. Broad Street, PHILADELPHIA PA. W-S FOB SALS KELLY SPBlNG fleld 1 1-2 Ton Truck, eab and body. Good condition, complete' ready for work 6979. ' KLINE KAB BALES CO, 605 W. Broad St. V RICHMOND, VA. , i ATTENTION AUTOMOBILE OWNERS We will save you 75 of your eoit JtST HKCEIVEb A CAB LOAD OF tlrea and tubes, tlie best money ran buy.WS guaraaue 6,000 miles. Will give you op to 10,600 miles of serv ice. To quickly Introduce 4CON QUEBOR DOUBLE TBEAD TIBES AND TUBES," wo will sell any size tube for 61-60 with tire order. 0BDEB NOW WHILE OUB STOCK 1ST complete at the following prices: Siz Tires .6 6.26 . 6.28 . 6.75 Tubes 61.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 JM 1JW 10 303 30x3 .... 32x3 31x4 . 7J0 8.00 8J3 8.50 9.75 10.00 10.50 32x4 . 63x4 ,...!. 34x4 33x4 ,.. 84x4 1U50 1JS0 10 30MH ........... 36x4 11.00 ItfisS 11.75 37x5 12.75 BEUNEB FBEB WITH EVERY TIBE 1JM 1.00 10 WHfcN YOU OXDEB BTATS WHETH- er straight aide or ellacher, plain of aaa-akld tirh ia waaUd. Bead 69 .de posit with each tire ordered, the bal aneo C.I O. D. subject to examina tion. We allow a special discount 6f per eat If yaa Mad the full smodat of ost fof each tire' with order. WE ALSO HANDLE 2 FULL LtNlJ Of all atandard makes of tires and tubes. BEND FOB PBICB LIST CONQUEBOB TIBE A BUBBEB CO. 3031 8.Tolchigan'AverDeptr 2. CHICAGO, ILL. SAVE 6100.00 , BT BUYING A S PASSENGER 1919 MODEL BOAMIB CAB. 'ALUMINUM ENCLOSED BE SAN BODY, SC0LOB BLUE, GBAY UPHOL8TKBING. BUK VEBY LTTTLE, FITTED WITH BUMPEB, HARTFORD 'SHOCK ABSOBBEBS, TIRES IN GOOD CONDITION, ONH EXTRA TIBE. A FINE, HIGH CLASS WINTER CAS. ' CLAD TO . bEMONStlATE. PBICE, 63, 800.00. WBITE OB WIRE QUICK. D. W. HICKS, v ' ' Bos 644. r ' -'1 GAFrNKY, B. C. ii t-i WANT TO TRADE 1920 MODEL Btadebaker ar, 5 passenger, for good Ford ear. "A-604," care News and Observer. M tt FOBD COUPELET B BAND aew aad never ran, was shipped -ta Raleigh. Has eleetrie starter, demousUbls wheels aad extra ' tire. - ' AUTa EXCHANGE, BALEIGH. tO NEW FORDS ' , (Boadstors aad Touring,) , WITH STARTERS BEST-HTNES MOTOB CO, ...L0UISBUBG. N. 0. .'. FOB BALE PAIGE 6, PRACTICALLY aew; will sell at sacrifice. Apply to H. E. Earn, Selma, N. C. 2fl-7t 1920 BRAND NEW FOBD Touring Car with electric tart er. Will sell anywhere and im mediate delivery. Hurry for we won't have it long. AUTO EXCHANGE, BALEIGH. FOKD CAHeJ FOB HALE: We receive shipment, each week and esa deliver you cars most every day; we sell . any territory. Phone, wire or write BROWN A THOMPSON, 317 Oglethorpe Avenue, West, Savannah, On. 24-1H DODGE TOUBING CAB, price 6W0. Look good and runs line. AUTO EXCHANGE, BALEIGH. HA VINO. SEDAN COMING. WILL SELL MY LEXINGTON "SIX." FOUB PASSENGER BOAD8TEB, FOB 1900 'TO QUICK BUYER i INVITE MOST RIGID INSPECTION AND TRIAL; IN EXCELLENT CONDITION; CON TINENTALMOTOB, BUNS LIKE A W,ATCH. . ADDRESS, MB. FLEM ING, CABE OF CAMERON BfOVX COMPANY, RICHMOND. VA. S7-7t OVERLAND 60 B0AD8TEB In fine condition. Owaer ia " leaviag Raleigh tad for a quick sale will take 6650 for it. AUTO EXCHANGE, BALEIGH. 1918 BUICK rOTJB TOTjBING ear la las eoaditioa and has new tires. Price 6650. AUTO EXCHANGE, BALEIflH. for Bale 1916 cuanulej bbven paasengtr touring ear aew font good condition. X. M. Lssd, Goldiboro, N. C; s-7t OAKLAND BI TOUBINGr Car la tat eondltlos and has new Kelly Tires. Pries 6W. AUTO EXCHANGE, BALEIGH. roxDS ros sale. I HAVE OK HAND, M BRAND NEW FORDS, EQUIPPED WITH IjATEHT ELECTRIC STARTERS AND BEADY TO RUN. WILL BELL IN AWT TER RITORY FOB 6300.00 EACH. cubTis KiLtr, 8ANF0RD K. C. 13-M-SO MOTORCYCLES WE BUT AND 'SELL NEW ARB IEC- ond hand motorcycles. Be pain isi all makes. Wo aell oa time. Ia Franeia Motoreyelo Shop, 131 B. Wil mlastoa 8treet. l-30t- REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 228 ACRES FOR SALE, ON BAND clay road, between Samorcand and Jackson Springs, Moore outy( bright tobacco land) 76 isres in high state of cultivation; good 6-room houie, good barn; well worth 610,000) for quick sale, 66,500 cash. Candor Development Co, Candor, N. C. -V 30-lt BAUUAJNi FOUR ACRES; 5-ROOM dwilllng, barn, horse, buggy, hogs, chiekens, located on highway 4 1-3 miles from good town, 6950.00. Box ' 183, Palatka, Fla. FOB SALE BY OWNEB, ; 7-BOOM house, oorncr lot, fins neighborhood, on ear line, ten minutes walk from flnnitnl. Immediate possession given. Also aeyeral desirable building lots. Address "C-oOS" ears News and Ob- ever. 30-lt. "BRIGHT TOBACCO FABM FOB BALE 165 Acres, with 76 aeres la eul , tivation, land level with good dwelling 8-rooms, pnd. plenty outbuUdlngs and ten ant house oa improved road. , Good neighbors, f rsded school and ' church about three quarters mile. Price, 68,000, , worth 610,000. Ter partleu- , lara address " V. O. BOX 4VI, , , rEYEBSBUBG, VA. BTOPf BEAD THIB 400-ACBE ESTATE, MILD L6T climate north of Florida and beet trucking section ia the BUte; main house built four years ago; 21 rooms, eteam heat, eleetrie lights, three bath rooms, hardwood floors and ' completely! furnished J laan- "dry in power hoMej lighting , plant, engine and pumpe, all new, and best makes. FIVE OTHER HOUSES ON .' place; over a million feet of i ' timber; good market for wood and enough ' wood could be cut to pay for place ; 70 aeres. cleared and any number of aeree eaa be taken in at once; . . Ueated en Central Highway, ale the waters of Core Bound ; shooting as good as any ia Eastera Csreliaa. LAND IN THD3 SECTION IS cheap it is the best kind of tobacco Uud and Is tea days earlier thaa any ether part 1 of the State oa early truck ; two miles from ' Beaufort; lae being sold te close es at. - ' hancock-huntley co.; ' Beaufort, N, C. ' B-tf SEVERAL FINE COTTON AND TO- baeeo fame for sale oa rhry easy terras; 40 to 600 acres each; near good towns, ros 4 1 and schools, R. L Goala, Dune, N. C. - Sd-7t DWELLING FOB 8ALE NICE EIGHT I room dwelling, furnace heat; others larger or smaller. B. E Prince, Tuck er Building. 29-2t 4.OOU.0W FJuET GOOD TIMBER, 630,- : 000. 600- acres land and timber. aa.otw, loa acres good farm with timber, 65,000. 243 acres land aad tim ber, 63,500, W. E. Jones, Boats L tnii Teaa. fob sale, Valuable farm nine hundred acres, over half under eul ti ration, growing good tobacco, cot ton, and corn; wire fenced and cross fence,, houses snd tobacco barns; some timber; located in Eastern North Carolina near good town. Price. and terms reasonable. Address H, Bot 515, Wilmington, N. C. ' SO-tH FOB SALE AN A-V TOBACCO FARM, in Franklin eonnty, 68 acres, 20 aeres in cultivation; good pasture and plenty of water; good house and out buildings, aad 100,000 feet good tim ber. T. O. Mows, Wake Forest, N. l-2. VIRGINIA TOBACCO FARMS FOB BALE. One farm containing 30 acres, two dwellings, one of five rooms, the other six rooms; nee emery outbuildings; price, fiu,uuu. One farm containing 100 acres, two miles bf Petersburg, near ear line; seven-room dwelling and two tobacco barns, also two other barns; price. Oiz.ouu. One farm toatalaln ITS sere nix Horn dwelling gad outbuildings! priea, Oa farm eonUlning lis acres, six room dwelling; price, 67,000, On farm aoatalaing Ins a eras, Ire room owewngi pries, " One farm aoatalaiag 100 aeres. el room dwolllagf pries, 65,000. Other faraie liert any iia; waited; wa as hvv jour waaia. "WI BELL THE EARTH.- X. B. M00BC A CO, r 0l Meehsnlre Bid. PETER8BUBG, VA. WB OFFEB rOB SALE , FIVE BRIGHT TOBACCO FARMS Ne. 30. 437 ACRES, 8A ACRES OPEN, 50 'Aeres ia Bog fsaee, 40 aeree ia Citure, good dwelling, 6 rooms, rn, stable room for 10 horses with necessary outbuilding aad tenant house, lota of growing timber, 1-1-8 miles frea church, school ad store oa good road, fbls it aa exceptionally good farm. Can be bought at ft bar gale. ' .: r. NO. f9. SSI ACRES WITH 75 ACRES OPEN land, house with elx rooms, oao Oa tobaeea bare, lota of grow ing timber, we judge thai it would cut 3,000 teorde ef weed, NO. 69. 871 ACBES ABOUT 100 ACBE8 opea and 100 aeree eat be easlls cleared, balaaee la eord wood, cottage with four rooms and stable. This Is good land for Bright Tobacco. NO, 69. ' 630 ACRES, ABOUT 40 ACRES opea aad 200 aeree that esa be cleared with little cost. Large dwelling and new barn. It has over two millioa feet standing timber. NO. 79. 200 ACBES, 73 ACBES UNDEB cultivation, balance in eaw timbcr and cord wood, on improved road, dwelling with six rooms and acc essary dwelling!. , Good soil for bright tobacco. GBAY SEED COMPANY PETEHSBUBG, VA. RntTTH PORT. N. C. BEST RESI- deaee property in town, formerly owned by Dr. W. O. Curtis; l3x330H feet; two-story dwelling, modern con veniences; for sale at attractive price; alee 8 aeree ia garden lota at low figure. . Apply to E. B. Stevens, agent, Bouthmfrt. N. C. 24-30 - FARMS FOB SALE: The owner of six or seven farm ia the vicinity of Norfolk, Va, wisbee to ell several of them aad will make price and terms attractive. These farms are accessible to railroad and Water. Apply Atlantle Corporation Room 319. Dickson Building, Nor- ' folk, Va. 16-23-W. FLORIDA PROPERTY FABM8, orange end city homes; timber and colonizing land ia large tracts; send for list of farm bargains. V. W, Gould Agency, Box M, Deland, Fla. 16-23-3Q-7. TIMBER FOR BALE: s By -order of the Superior Court of ' Wsks County, N. C, mads ia Special Proceedings No. 2451, entitled Wil liam High and ethers vs. Hubert High aad others, minors, I will sell at pub lie auction, at the courthouse door, ia Raleigh, N. O, all timber trees thst will square 6 Inches aad over, eltnate "on the lande of the late Henry High. SALE MONDAY, . - DECEMBER 8, 1919, is o'clock: m. ' Terms cash. This timber a stiuete - on a 100-aere- tract ia Little River , Township, . Wake eouaty, near the village of Wakefield aad the towa of Zebuloa, N. C. Some fifty aeree i well timbered, eaid io be the best bit of timber left la thst section, and will be sold for division t IS . months allowed to ent and remove the timber. . B. C. Beekwith, Com , missioner, Raleigh, N. C v 11-16-23-29 BAUPbON COUNTY FARM FOR BALE, C56 acres, S miles from Delway, N. C, $30 per acre, oa good terms; dwelling and outbuildings; flue tobacco lands; ... excellent neighborhood ; healthy loea- tioa Methodist, Baptist and Presby terian churches 8 to 4 miles; Dell High School (brick building) t miles; possession at ones. J. V. Spearman, Delway, will show farm. W. B. New bury, Boa 368, Flereaoe, & C, owaer. , . - - ' . s 16-23-30-T FOB SALE OR RENT 150-ACRE VIR giaia farm. Apply to G. A. Cralle, liOuiebnrg, N. C. J7-3t IMPROVED FARMS FOR SALE, COL quit MUla county, Ga.; good school,, , ehorehes, near Moultrio Btock Market, good water, healthy; aa better lead; some of beet bargain, in Georgia t lot hogs aad cattle with eaa place; also good turpeatiae farm ia operation j , 20 crops, includes eight million feet long leaf oa six hundred s res best timber ia Georgia ; part cash; terms oa rcas. write for full particulars. Wilkes Bros, 8ummit, Ga. 27-7t FARM FOR KALE 626 ACRES OF good farm land, three miles of Gar land, three miles of two churches; 110 aeres cleared ! good cotton ead tobacco land eae miliwa feet timber; spies am puce to improve; will ecu for a quick buyer at-618,000. Apply to J. R. Gaddy, Garland, N. t 27-4t 440-ACRE FA KM FOR BALE THREE aa ene-helf miles of Uarlaad. one half mile of two-teacher school, daily nisi; juu acres cleared; 100. acres chopped down and ready for plowing ; oae-half millioa feet timber; re room dwelling; good outbuildings; splendid tobacco sad eottoa lead. 1 am selling for dlvisloa aad for a quick purchaser will sell at 617,000, which is a very low price indeed. L M. Mies, Garland. N. C. 27-4t LAND FOB BALE S35-ACBE TRACT, well located, two milea of Garland, right-room dwelling, plenty of timber for place and wood ia abundance ; 75 aeres cleared; all necessary outbuild ings. I do not lire on place and have decided to wtl at 430 per acre; 64.000 .- eaah, nusiadr ia three aqual aua- 1 paymsate. I also asve 410-acre tract d,""d of Clinton, good land, lac crop of young timber; price 6 or cere. This i, a good lavestaisat. Box No. 10, Ingold, N. C. 27-4t irU-B SAU5 I-g At'tSES ON FROST atnet, Beaafoet; large house. This property will eab-dlvkle into 27 lots. Ideal horn eits or epeeulation. A food eheaea te double your money. Bargala priea, terns given. Answer quick If interested. C. K. Howe, Beau Jort, N. C. jMt VIRGINIA, A FINE OPPOBTUNITY to owa your home 40 aeree good level land; 10 ia cultivation; eaady loam with slay eabeoU; adapted to bright tobacco, peanuts, truck! ag aad anioll fraita; frsate oa feaia road; 8-room cottage, outballdings, stores, churches aad school convenient: Richmond, 12 J1''! exeelleat aslghborhoed; price, 6100 i terma. easy; eaa add more acreage u wanted. Aatoa H. Thier mean, Richmond, Vs. 2.:-iot rOB BALE: FARM, 133 ACRES, GOOD nve-roem awelliag aad outhouses; 75 aerea opea ery best tobacco land. ea highway. B. . Carrington, Banford, N. gi1t VALUABLE LAND FOB BALE THE Mad Farm, 614 aeree on aand-elay road, three miles east of Whitakers, Edgecombe county, N. C.;450 acres ekared: 8,000 Urge pecan trees; ade quate buildings; Saa cotton, tobacco, corn aad peanut lead; fine neighbor hood. The Thofte farm, 137 acres; 00 aeree "lea red; eae mile northwest ef above tract; adequate buillings; acme character of land. Both tracts will he mid by the owners for divi aioa at 11 a. m, Monday, December 8 1919. One-third eash, balance in three ennual payments. E. M. Land, Oolitshoro, K. C. 23-25-27-29-?0-2-4. FARM FOR BALE I OFFER FOB sale best farm ia Sampson county for the money; 350 acres, three new dwellings aad outbuildings with each, two tobacco barm and pack houses; well watered; on National Highway; ia fear hundred yards of railroad station; suited to tobacco, cotton, grain and all other crops grown in this section. Will be cold at a bar gain to some one. Write Bos 206, Clinton, N. C 21-4t 31a ACRES, ONLY 611,000. . TERMS. Most go quick. Exceptional fine bright tobacco farm aad lies nice and smooth. Located oa main improved highway, at church, graded high school, flno progres sive neighbor, convenient to railway, Village aad Blacks tone. Adjoning owner refused one hundred dollars ner aera. 150 aeres reedy for plow, balance timber, plenty saw staff. All well fenced nnd cross fenced with standard wevea wire. Splendid practically new dwelling nice ly situated. I room tenant house, barns, atable, crib, granary and . other out houses. Good orchard and earden. A geauiae Urgaia aad well worth sixteen thousand dollars today and rapidly in creasing la value. Come at oaee and se cure this rare offer. Other good bar gains all sixes and prices. Sixteen years real estats business at Bluckstoae and we show yoa real values. Special rates afSoathsidelaa." Call or write. Fred, erleksna Co., Blaekstone, Va. 21-10t DANDY 7-ROOM HOUSE B. BALIS- bary St.; atoae la; bargain and terma Phone 788 or 112.1. 2-3t I'OR BALE TWO TRACTS OF PINE Umber, one C slim, ted from 15 to' 18 millioa feet, covers about 2,500 acres of land; the next 15 to SO millioa feci that ataadi ia part on 6,000 acrea of land; all pine timber, and both a good ' proposition to cut; in Bruaswick County, near ths railroad. For tern- apply Tysoa Realty Com pany, Ret im, WUmingtoa, N. C 83-8t i'OR SALE FABM OF NiNETi , aua. atH tarnhmj .a. H tenant house, aevea tobacco barns and paekhonse. ' Farm Is oa highway, one half mile from growing - town of Wendell, N. C. Address "0-610" care News and Obeervor. 29-7t. 220-ACBU "AHM FOR SALri THIS IS a aaea larn aso can eaauy no nani aa exeelleat farm; 10Q aeree cleared; good pasture; fine bright tobacco lead; one mile of two-teacher school; ene-helf millioa feet timber ia a good community. I am moving away aad therefore offering it at a most reasonable wriee, 612,000; ens-third cash remainder three . equal pay ments. Box No. 8, Ingold, N. C. E7-4t FOR fcALB Ola RENT TWO UOOD farms; wsll fixed up aad well adapted . ta tobacco; horses, cattle and farm , Ing implements to go with it if de sired. : Box 605., care News and Ob ' eerver. 87-7t REAL ESTATE WANTED WILL BUY HOUSE Or 6 TO 7 roomst with large lot (1-8 aera at more), located withia an hours' ride of Raleigh. Address by letter only, giving description and price. J. E. Monarch, earn Hotel Oiersch, Ral eigh, r - ' ' B0-3t SEE THAT YOUR "WANT ADS" FOR next Sundays News aad Observer are ia the office before 6 o'clock Fri day evening. v v. WOULD LIKE TO BUY A GOOD FABM in Chatham county, with good build ings, food tenant houses, soil adapted to corn, cotton and tobacco, with $JQ or more acres suited to make the best quality of bright tobacco; want land in a good state of cultivation; not very rolling, and to be free o? rocks; give lowest cash price of farm. Buyer, 211 West Mulberry street, Ooldshoro, N. P. Phone 3.10-W. 29-8t WANTED TO BUY SIX OR EIGHT room dwelling. P. O. Box 442, Raleigh. 29-2t LEi US SUBDIVIDE AND SELL YOUB FARM AT AUCTION. i WE GUARANTEE SATISFACTORY RESULTS. BALEIGH RHAL ESTATE AND TRU8T COMPANY, BALEIGH, N. C. 13-30t WE GET RESULTS. ' LET 'S SUBDIVIDE AND SELL TOUR S FABM AT AUCTION CAROLINA REALTY COMPANY, BALEIGH, N. C. 25-301 WANT TO BUY FROM OWNER, FARM ta Eastern North Carolina, eontsia rng two to Ave hundred acres. Must be ' welMocttted with plenty of road frontage and aeeessary bulldiags. Box 302, Raleigh, N. C. 13-3Ut WANT TO BUY FARM i!A8T OF BAL eigh; to contain 100 to 2(f acres; lnnd adapted to cotton, corn and to make - the 4ot gra4u of bright tobacco, with tt least one six-room bouse and one four-room house ; give lowest sash price and description of soil and all buildings; give location of farm; low est cash price. Buyer. 11 West Mul berry street, Goldaburo, N. C. Phone 330-6. - 29-2t LOST FOUND STOLEN, LOST SOMEWHERE IN OB NEAR the Yarborough Hotel, a valuable gold pin, made from aa old-fashioned pen cil.' Finder return to hotel desk and receive reward. 30-2t FORD TOURING CAR STOLEN From campus Chapel Hill, Thanks giving; new ear. No. 334430S-8S; self starter. Rewsrd, one hundred dollars for recovery car. Wire C. W. Bryan, -Oxford, N. C. 30-4t LOST rJMALL PURSE CONTAINING engraved locket, eta.; reward return .intact. Finder communicate with O-602," care News and Observer. 27-4t LOST: Wnj. PARTY WHO REMOVED oae hand beg from union station, Goldsboro, N. C, about 10 o'clock Thursday night 11, 80, 19, rstura sums to me and receive reward. Descrip tion! New tan leather, double grip handle, lies 20, containing ladles aad gents wearing apparel, ladiee toilet articles. Also envelope with my ad dress. Address B. 8. Hodges, Mount Olive, N. C. 83-7t WANTED-p-A COMFORTABLE FUB nislicd room centrally located for man and wife; permanent. Write D-(i07," care of News and-CflKcrver. 9-8t "To Late to Clawify" ft iiiiiiiit innn Tinrii n On Another Page Don't Fail To Read Them , 133 rayettevUle tueet. NOT1CB TO CONTRACTORS. Scaled bids will be received by the eouaty board of education ef New Has over county, Wilmington, N. C until 10 o'elock a. m, Wednesday, Decem ber 3, 1919, for the erection and com Diction of the following named build ings to be erected in the eity of Wil mington, N. U. A three-story brick, reinforced eon' errte, high school building. Each bid must bs aeeompaaied by a certified check, for five thousand (65,0OO dol lara, mads psyabls to the chairman of the board. This check will be for feiterl in the event the bidder refuses to sign contract or is unable to furnish in r!fiMita-iv'a luiflit. Also, for additions to the following schools t Bear Memorial, Wllllsm Hooper snd Cornelius Harnett Schools; also, for now buildings for Peabody snd for Willistoa Industrial Schools, which hre to be brick wall, wood joist con struction, 'with composition roofing. Certified check for five hundred ($500) dollars toNeeeompany each of these bids upon esme conditions es mentioned above for high school. : , Plumbing aad heatiag will be lei un der eepsrate contract.' ' Plans aad Specifications may he hsd on application to WJ. Wilklns A Co, Architects, Wilmington, N. a All bids to be addressed to the Chairman of the Board. The board reserves the right to accept any ofreject all bids. '., i TUOS. E. COOPEB, A , v Chairman. . CHAS. B. NEWCOMB, A v B. SOLOMON, . , - -, Members Bosrd ef Xdueatloa. THf OaioiRM. ftoTMTee Pu.,s rvaNACS) Thousands of Calorie Furnaces are giving satisfaction ia' city, town and country. We have a book of re markable letters' written 1 y Calorie users, snd aot in ent is there a word of snything bet praise for the Caloric. Come to our store and let ue show you the f ipclesa Calorie Furnace, and have you read some of the letters in this book. Investigate the furnace that heats through only one register. , It's $ wonder. Thousands of owners heated their houses perfectly through the Coldest weather of last winter with a third less fuel than formerly. Remember that the Calorie is guar anteed to do everything we say. It must make good or you are not asked to keep it. Come in. WEATHERS FURNITURE CO. Railrbad Schedules Arthwl aa Sfasrtw at sa.nnaar train RaltiaV (Uai-a O.mO. N. C. Taa t.lrtn Mk-aala Saner . SaktMSaS a, MwaistlM. as sat taaraataai. (Cattara St-.d.r, Tlx.) NORFOLK-SOUTHSSN RAILROAD. arm, .i rS a. m. RarH. Wsaklaataa, 1 JS a. . N-rtaik, Waa'laii,a trMavlll, saa. k as a. Wilua -i-"" iM S. Sa, l:l S. Cartoia, Varlaa, Star... I M a. Sb a. m. r.y.n.HM. Ulllaataa, Fa- - ,aay Sariaaa SaS S SL. S:IS S. a. aHMrtii, tmiaatoa, r- law Sarlaat, fy.mIIU lanS, t 4:40 a a. raratmula, Lllllaataa. rs saa, Sarlaaa. SEABOARD AIR II HI RAILROAD. Arrtvi Fraai Laava Far . a. a. iaikatMHIa ....... Rni Vark ) 2 :M a. a. 1 30 a. a. Btrmiaahaai Nartalk-Watli. t-40 a. a. 1.4, a. m. Nartal.WaaMaalaa.Slr'aa I W s. a. 4 ;4I s. a. Riltlfh RirtiBrJafai.a M a. a. H;MS,a.Allaa?ac ? J" j;!S t a,,i,..::::.,;.rA. t tatt SSUINtRw RAILROAD LIHC8. . :15 a. m. erwaikars wayaawwa aai a. it. ll:4Sa.n. Ourhaa ......... enaaakars 4 Ml a. a. I0:4J a. a. Darhaa ......... nunf IMS a. a. 40 a. a. Darkaa eta,Sar tao a. a. :liS.a-Sliaa ............ S 4aaca :,.. IJtMa. a. t.laia eaM.a-ra Ijia. Sla.a. S.ia "'x" a. M a. a. Saiaa eaMtkan 11 a. a. UNITtP STATTS RAILROAD ADWiaiSTRATtDg coNSOLioATtO tickit erricts. an niaau. sii a rn. s.ui,, vi ezt. tSvaan aal. -oai Barnes Safe) & Vault Ci, 111 lsa Mala Btravt, iKkaa-iU. Vs. KaSU B. Bamaa, Praa. s4 Her. SANITARY SEWER . . . w . . r i vvntmM, a. v. Scaled proposals will bs recoived by the Mayor aad Board or AUermea ei the City of Durham, N. C, for the coa st ruction ef 8-inch vitrltled pipe sani tary sewers until 8 o'clock p. m, Decem ber 1, 1019, at which time they will be ... .-a t.i !.. u, n . ., . rlnnnH uysara iuu.w. iwmv -" Chamber of the said board. . The work consists of the following Lyon, Dale, Lilac, Stokes, Elliott, Henry, I..!. h .1 .Anirina atrAAts. amounting to) approximately 5,000 feet 8 Inch shallow aewert. . Plans and speelftcatlonror the"pror posed work may be bad et the office of the City Engineer between the hours of 9 a. m. and 6 p. m. from November 20 to December 1, 1910. t The beard reserves the t! ht to reject any or all 'bide or to accept ouch bila as appear in its judgment to be for the best interests of the eity. M. E.NEWSOM, Mayor. T. O. BOBBELL, ----- ... ... City Clerk a C. CHAMBERS, City Attorney. H. W. KUEFFNEB, - . ,. , . City Engineer. : '' Be Sure She . Is Pleased Give Her ELECTRIC IROIl This Christmas ELECTKLc 108 W. Martin St. r Raleigh, N. C. ' r' ' 121 E. Martin Street, RALEIGH, N. C