V SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1919. ink NEWS AND OBSERVER.- DAI LS DEFENDS ARM ! RECORD Spcakinfl-For Government, He Voices Appreciation For Us Great Service ' ALTHOUGH HANDICAPPED . IIJI EVER HESITATED . r r Secretary of Navy Review! Two Principal Objections To Association Which, He Says', Are True ajid Organization Hal Bight To Be Frond That They Are "I bare tome to this session of In ternational Young Men Christian At oeiation Confereae to voir tbe thank ' of tho Government, in to fur at 1 may . apeak for it, to tha Young Men't thria tiaa Association organisation and itt . thousands of reprettntatiret tot th magnificent and practical aerviro ren dered to men in the Army and Navy during tha World War. taid Hon. Joaephui Daniel, Secretary of the Jfnvy, in a recent address in Detroit, ' allcS, at tha Y, M. C. A. Convention. aeetetaiyDaMEeTa cbuttnuedr .before tha war wat declared representative of your Association all over the world S had touched to bleu the lives of young men in military and civilian pursuits. Like the - Jiavy, . when the call came it laid: 'Wa are ready now,' and 1 can Ot speak strongly enough in grati tads for the hearty, generous, practical aad uplifting work of this organization, which fortuuately for us was to well Quipped that it rendered first aid in Its manifold welfare work while the , military forces were being nattily and splendidly mobilized. When I aay 'manifold' work, that word it employed .. Because its secretaries and representa i lives were present everywhere and did Ivery character and description of work ' arnica could promote the happiness or Idd to the comfort of the chivulric iruaadert who 'made up our fighting force ia fcurope. "One of the first men in America. benevolent and patriotic Hebrew by the Way, who had exceptional opportunities ' abroad to estimate all sorts of war ' work, aaid to me a day or two ago: The world does not understand the size f the talk undertaken by the Young Men's Christian Association. I had not appreciated the magnificent scale upon which it was enterprised until I went abroad. It was everywhere doing many things, and doing them to well at to xcite admiration and Tjrutitudc. AIJ Itt work was not well done. It bad some representatives not worthy of it. It Jiad some who were inefficient and tome lacking in tact. I made aa eitimate Of tht proportion, and I give, Itya my deliberate judgment that tha-work wat ttinety per cent good and ten per tent bad. Considering that it could nof en gage young men of military age, who ; are best fitted for its service., and that Itt expansion mutt be rapid and upon a larger teale, as a business man I pronounce that percentage truly re markable."' Two True Criticisms. "I have beard two criticisms of, tha Young Men's Christian Association which re true and of which the organisation hat a right to be proud. Tho first it a to itt eaateen work. When tha Amer ica a Expeditionary Force arrived ia franca the soldiers found the "Y" tear, tariei there, welt organized and ready CATARft.J Get Rid of It by Medicated Vapor, the Easy, Pleasant We Ton know, the dltoomfort of catarrh la the bud. It It not only fT.ri.lv now, but it may lead to oWnesa, aarlout stomach alunsnta, eoMumptlon r other danceroue dltortfert: or to Btcasaity (or aurgtcal operation. ' Ton have tried dosing with mdt clnts and have fount no relief - But hart la lust what yea are aeUflf. . Tha right way to rtt yourself of catarrh, to atop the tnoroaeam.nt of Bud noise a and dsafpesa, and to lop your breath clean and tweet, la to use Dr. Blosaer'a Catarrh Remedy. ' It comes In tha form of chrartttea yo may smoke in usual wart It also vmta In powdered form that to may ithr smoke in a pipe or kura aa ttihala the baaUng vapor. With your head elotrged and your brain befuddled and perhapa even lr ritatlng head noises or afnM TOO timply take m few whiftt of toothing, hsaflng toedlaated vapor. Look for delightful Improvement from day to day. Many have reported a oomplete lasting euro by following tha simple directions. ; - Live longer and happier. Be ure te get the guaranteed Dr. Bloeser't Ca tarrh Remedy. Accept nothing rise. It, Is for sale by all busy druggists. Or If you prefer, aend 10 eente (silver or stamps) for -proof package to: letter Co., CD-It. Atlanta, Oa. Adv't. for whatever torvie or torn fort eould give pleatmra to tht Ameriaaa aoldieia. It it a record that will live that when tht hour atruck tha assocUtioa wat ready, equipped aad gvt proof that it had practical faith ia preps redness. Neither the rmy of tha navy had organisation! for eaatec work, for en tertainment, for religloua leadership. Tha army had bean engrossed in obtain ing munitions, training men to fight, attending to transportation aad aorur lng tuppliea. That waa a atapeadoaa undertaking, thy most ttupendout ia tht world't history. Great at it wat la mag nitude Itt performance waa greater. The "If" ready, it wat willing to do any tod everything to give cheer and help tajhev'men in arms. The army waa glad f aa agency with the effective organi zation to undertake tho can tee a work and provide entertainment. Tha "Y" kaew the difficulties ot katltfactorily 'buying and telling ia a country where prices soared overnight, where ireignt rates were exorbitant, and regular trans portation was unknown. Rut ao pb tttelt troabled tht Young Men' Chrit tiai. Association. With army help it undertook tha Job and though if told at lett than cost tht prieet charged were necessarily higher thaa at homo and soma of too soldiers made complaint. In tome initaneet the "Y" wat depend ent upon volunteers aot familiar with the work of tha organization and there was, therefore, aot wanting ground for erlticltm wherever tho aerviro wat not up to the regular "Y" standard. But uch incidents were the exception, end the fact remains thtt the work of the "V" waa monumental. 'It entered the breach at time whea it wat torely aeeded and tha just causes of complaint were comparatively fow.juid m.ueJi ..more, hat been made of I hem thaa condition! justify. "I had opportunity shortly after the signing of the armistice, when hundreds of thousands of soldiers were ttill in Europe, to" visit ntaoy of too army bases and all the headquarters in that part of Germany aader Americaa occupation, t did aot go to a single place, whether many or few soldiers were encamped, without finding a representative ot the Young Vlea'i Christian AssocUtioa zeal tusly doing splendid servlct with no thought of personal comfort, folly de voted to promoting the elfaro aad com fort of the rata in trms. Not a few of - these representatives were wosaea whoee cheerfulness snd rapacity brought inter lonesoait eampe the spirit and at m sphere of home. Indeed tha Youag Men t ChTlstiaa Association, the Yoaog WomeVi Christian Aoaoeiatioa aad kin dred orgaaizationa sooa . learned that very mad, particularly every mi a away from home, lovet to be mothered aad needs mothering. Faithful at were the mea, and courageous, too, the work of the women ia Franco etM Belgium aad later ia Uermany itt helpfulness whea men came out of the trenches aad whea they wee waiting longingly for the nrdeo to turn their, facet totyard Amer ica, heartened every tnaa in uniform. W hatever else the war did or did not teach, ita outstanding lessons in welfare organizations waa that without the mothering fey Wise and patriotic and efficient women the highest morale and hsppincsl are Impossible. Ehall hot the Young Jdet'l Christian Association see in that iessoa the call for the larger Participation of women in the work for boyt and mea in timet of peace f "There has been another criticism voiced sometimes in load tones. That eritiei-.ni is the crowning glory of tho Association, aad whea it doet not merit this criticism it will lose the dynamic force whieh jnstifie! itt existence. I wat recently reading ao article by writer who had been serosa during the war tad had enjoyed the opportunity of - teeing war and war work at first hand. He had wordt of high commendation of the Y," praised most of the men and women who,' near the trenches as else' where, nerved the men without thought of personal peril or safety. He added 'California Syrup of Figs" en,-anBstni For a Quid's LtVer and Bowel Mother! Say "California," then you will get genuine "California Syrup of Figs." Full .directions for babies and children of alf ages who are constipated, bilious, feverish, tongue , coated, or full of cold, are plainly printed on tha bottle. Children love this delicious kuitive. To the Water Consumers of Raleigh, N. C. Owing to the long continued dry spell the water in' Lake Raleigh - ist getting 'low. Consumers are hereby urged to use as little water - as they can get on with until fur-, ther notice. - E. R. PACE, m CommUaioner Public Works Approved by : Mayor.';. ' A; H. MOONEYHAM, Com. Pub. Safety. a hit severe indictment that the trouble with the Young Men' Christian Asso ciation in that it it altogether too re ligiout, ha too maay prayer meetings, to much church music, too many Bible els sacs, ajid it thinks too much and talki too murk alout oae't toul. Ho taid ia tht eai tee of wtr tht Association should not have taught to influence tht religious life, and that it would have been more popular if it had 'cut out the religious stuff aad (Hen content to make itself real men's club with en tertalnmeat and "feeds'" with no cx phatit on religion. He wit man of the world, ttraightforward and frank. But he lacked one tiling aa apprecia tion of the fact that religion is the great aad only eternal concern of man, and that any institution touchiug young mo without an appeal to their spiritual life will prove aa impotent and unnec essary aa a welt appointed and well fur nished pAlac car teptrated from any motive power. It It the power of Chris tian faith and. Christian service which ha mid the Young Men' Christian Association the greatest organised agency for young men in the world to day. If it should become a men's club, (Contlsted on ftge Eight. Cirlsf Your hair needs a little "Danderine" that's all! When it becomes lifeless, thin or loses its lustre; when ugly dandruff appears, or your hair falls out, a 35-cent bottle of delightful, dependable "Danderine" from any store will save your hair, also double it's beauty. You can have nice, thick hair, too. ROUGH, DRY OR READY-TO-IRON SERVICE. . Send us your "family washing" its really cheaper now . than sending it to a "wash-woman." For 10 cents a pound we carefully waah, thoroughly dry and starch, when necessary, your entire family washing. All flat pieces, such as bed linens, table linens, towels, etc., are umoothly ironed ready for use, without extra -charge. - CAPITAL CITY LAUNDRY Both Pho.net 74 Raleigh, N. C MILL WORK SAH BLINDS DOORS We are now in shape to take care of your MILL WORK orders promptly. Send us your lists or plans for prices. i MILLER MANUFACTURING CO., Richmond; Virginia: -v-v-'-;' 1 "J K tfcinTHtltftJltiaitaiii Lots of Style in Our Young Men's Clothes All diamondsrpaste or perfect look alike when illustrated. It's almost as difficult to picture good clothes ahd make you distinguish real quality from inferior. What you want to see most, however, is yourself, clad in one of these sprightly forward-marching models from our stock of Society ran6 (Tlotl) We get genuine pleasure in showing Society Brand Clothes, so come in and go over our large assortment with one of our competent salesmen. See the new ideas in shoulder and sleeve ' design in lapels, in pockets and drape 1 of the skirts. Tailored without needless padding. Expertly cut from finest all wool fabrics. A variety of new color- mgs. Great values for you here. I (I I 'ni.i i 0a.9.C. afortttg Srani (Clotljff ' T7 vV'MP-iTTT Y 7 TnI 1 T7 TPS of the Best Bw- A - . ' IW ' . iness Property L i-VU Ji ITU1 M tJ)Jr&lLdlL4l The City of ML V ive FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5ih, 10:30 O'CLOCK This Property Consists of Ten Store Lots and Brick Buildings located on Main and Center Streets. . The Heart of the City and the Key to the City's Business. Five of the locations front Center and five front M&in Streeta. Both have'p&ved streets and concrete aidewalks, and are Daily Growing in Value. This prop-' ' erty is now occupied by some of the City's leading merchants and has not been vacant since buildings were erected. There is not an investment anywhere that can surpass this golden opportunity, which is Better than Government Bonds. These lots reach from the Main Streets to an avenue in the rear, and have am ple outlet for good passage ways for Customers, and are suitable for any kind of business. In fact the belt location in the city for a Bank, Drug Stores or Dry Goods Store!. For full information and details of this property, write or phone s . r - ' i ' . ' - . . ' " ' N ' .. A ' . - o . fi Estate aim V . Mount Olive. North Carolina. .V iv n if m -

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