SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 30, 1919. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. Society I . AllHHM fagagva . ' ' Duan, N. C, Not. 80 Mr. andMra. JM Edward Crockett, of Dunn, an nounce tha engagement of their daugh ter, Jnnleta Bhaftar, to Mr. Kenneth Alexander 8tewart. of Xdlliagtoa, the wedding to take place on December 14. e -i Wedding at LaCrange. ; LaOrsnge, Not. 8. Thomas I 011 liken, of New Bern, and CaJlia B. Daw Ma, of LaGrange, were married Thurs day evening at 7:30. The service was pronounced by L. T. Righteell. ' The couple left for Richmond, Vaw Imme diately after the ceremony, air. Gilli kea is- connected with the .New Bern Shoe Store at New Bern. . bmithVield. BmlthSekl, Not. 28. Last eTening at I o'clock at the home of the bride'a parents in Clayton township, a simple wedding was aolemniaed when UiM Bettie Yelvington became the bride of Mr. A. M. Johnson, farm demonstrator for Johnston county. Rev. J. J. Murray, pastor of the Presbyterian church, per formed the Ceremony. Miss Mina Johnson attended the bride while Mr. C. D. Matthews, of Raleigh, acted as best man. After a sumptuous repast, the young couple metered to Smithficld.Vhere they boarded the train for a trip North. Tuesday afternoon. Mrs,. Hal C. Hood gave art eajoyable entertainment to the Bound Dozen Book Club. Rook was played at ten tables. Cut flowers and ferns characterized the decorations and the refreshments consisted of chicken Mind, sandwiches and kot tea. Miss Eloise Martin,. who ia to be mar- rsied in the early. -days of January, was " the guest of honor Tuesday evening at an entertainment given by Mist Lalla Book Stephenson. Tho occasion proved to be a miaoellaneous shower. De licious refreshments were served dur ing the evening. KINSTON. Kinston, Nov. 29. The Young Peo ple's Society of Christian Endeavor, of Gordon Street Christian church held a "eampnre supper" on a recent evening. Toasted marshmallows, pumpkin pit nd other things seasonable were served. A wedding of wide interest here this week was that of Miss Eoline Padriek. daughter of Mrs. A. 8. Padriek, aad Judge B. Allie Whitaker, of the eity court. The ceremony was performed by Bev. Bernard P. Smith, of the Chris tian church, early Tuesday morning at the residence of the bride. A small party saw the nuptials. The bride is one of the most popular young women A Health Builder For Weakened Lungs Where a continued cough or cold threatens the lungs, Eckman'a Altera tive will help to stop the cough, strengthen the lungs and restore, health. 80c and $1.50 bottles at druggists, or from ECKMAX LABORATORY, Philadelphia. Adv. in the city. 6he fcu bee a leader la the younger set the pan year or two. Judge Whitaker ia a young attorney, the son of Mrs. B. A. Whitaker and the lata Dr. Whitaker. Ha waa ia the avla tion aerrke during the war. Judge and Mrs. Whitaker are spending a few weeks ia the North. Misa Margaret P. Goodsqa, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. John W. Qeodsoa, and Mr. Henry Tull. tea ef Dr. aad Mrs. Henry Tall, were married at Queen Street Methodist church Tuesday after noon at liSO. Ben Charles Bead; a Methodist, and Bev. Mareftair Craig, Baptist, attainted. The share waa filled with relatives and friends of the couple. The attendants were Mrs. Nan Good ten Howard, dame of hoaor, aad Mist Ana Hymaa Harvey, maid af honor, both af whom were handsomely man; Messrs. William Grimsky, of Greensboro ; Ernest Mangum and Willex Goodson and Dr. Charles Mangum. groomsmen. The church waa attrac tively decorated, and the floral display waa especially fine. An organist, vio linist and clarinetist played the Wed ding matie. The bride wnt gowned ia a brown traveling suit. Mrs. Tull has been active ia every patriotie uader taking here since the outbreak of the mmr ih RamiiiT. . The eounle are among the best-known young persons in the city. Bridges-Page. Historic Cedar Fork church, aine miles south of Durham, was tha ereae of . a pretty wedding Wednesday after, noon at five o'clock. When Mies Lida Howell Page became the 'bride of Alvin Sterling Bridges, of Wakefield. The church waa effectively- decorated with autumn leaves and chrysanthemums, the color schema being yellow and white, while the toftglow of candles furnished the only itfht. T' " A short musical program was ren dered before the ceremony, Misa Mar garet Highimith, of Durham, singing Because I Love You, Dear" and Be loved, It It Mora," with Miss Nellie Bath Page accompanying at tha plana. Then Miss Minda Green and Mrs. Lu cile Green Pace played "Maytime Waltz," violin with piano accompani ment. At the first strains of tha wedding march from "Lohengrin," the others, Messrs, Hubert Page and Abner Baker, advanced preceding tha bride aad her maid af honor. Mist Bath Owen, af TO RELIEVE CATARRH Wise Treatment Incladea Use of a Good Blood Parider. The cause of catarrh exists in the blood and ia an imparity that produces a inflammation of, aad discharge from, the mucous membranes. It ia eommoaly made worse by sadden changes of weather, iadlteretioaa in the matter af clothing, and by many other things; ana it is huaadous to neglect it, because it always affects the general health. It it a constitutional disease and must have constitutional treatment thia it rational. Hood's SarsaparlUa parities tha blood, builds up the system and deserves a fair trial in every ease. If a laxative or cathartic ia teeded, take the gentle Hood's Pills. Adv. Clarkville, Ta. From tha other title came the groom with his beat man,, hit brother. Prof. Staley Bridget, of Ral eigh, Reaching the altar they took their placet and registered tha tat red vows, which were received by Lr. L. E. M. freeman, pastor of the ehureh, tha ring ceremony being need.- The im pressive ceremony waa rendered evea more beautiful by the accompaniment of Traamerei," ia toft tones from vlolia . and piano. The bridal party left tha chare), ta the musle of Men dersthoa'e Wedding March, starting immediately for Durham, where they took the Seaboard train for a short trip to northern cities. The bride was becomingly dressed la a going-awsy suit of brown with hat and aeeeteoriee la the ean'h- shade. She Carried a bouquet of bride's rosea showered with narcissus. Guests from a distance were: Mist Mary Both Owen, of Clarktville, Va.f Mrs. A. S. Hudson, of Salisbury; Mitt Margaret Highsmith, of Durham; Miss Minda Green and Mrs. Lueile Green Pace, of Wakefield; also Mr. Abner Baker, of Wakefield; Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Weathers, of Lcggett; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph A. Williams, of Mebaae; Lieut. C. M. Baueom and family, of Cary, with a host of friends from Morris ville, Raleigh, Durham and other near by towns. .- Bartoa-Canipe. Mabane, Not. 29. A beautiful and impressive wedding was solemnized .Wednesday, evening.. at.-:30 o'elock, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. B. A. Bur ton, when their daughter, Misa Erne Tom Burton, waa given ia marriage to Bev. John Clifton Canipe, the bride's pastor, Rev. W. E. Goode, officiating. The home had been converted into a bower of flowers, potted plants, fern! aad' amilax; Ia the ' parlor where the handsomely improvised altar was sta tioned white chrysanthemums, fernt and amilax, were used with many lighted tapers glAming through smilsx aad ferns, while a very effective deco rative scheme ef pink aad greea was need both in tha living room and hall. The dining-room was decorated with yellow chrysanthemums aad ferns. Prior to tha ceremony Miss Pauline Thompson sang "At Dawning," the ac companiment being played by Mrs. J. A. Beam. At the first strains of tha bridal chorus from Lohengrin, the dame of hoaor, Mrs, E. Lloyd Tilley, of Dur ham, titter of tha bride, entered from tha hallway. She wore grey tatln and georgette and carried white chrysanthe mums. Then came the little ring bearer, Pauline Elizabeth Tilley, llttlt niece of the bride, who carried the ring ia the center of a beautiful chrysan themums. Next the bridegroom and hit best man, Bee. Wayne W. Williams, entered from the. living room, while the bride, on tire arm of her father, who waa to give her ia marriage, cam from tha hallway into tha parlor and advanced ta tha altar, where tha vows were spoken, v During the ceremony Mrs. Bean softly played Bchubert't Serenade. Mrs. Canipe it the popular daughter of Mr. and Mrt. B. A. Burton, a former student af Meredith Collage. Rev. Mr. PET CORNS Pew Drops af 'Treasone," Thea Lift Corn Right 6tt A tiny bottle of "Freeaone" coats to little at any druc store i apply a few drops upon any corn or callus. Instantly it stops hurting, thea shortly you lift tlmt bothersome corn or callus right off with your fingers. Truly! No humbug I Adv. A Man s Job Is open with one of largest and oldest established manufacturers in the United States. Must have inherent sales ability, personality and aggressiveness. The right man will have exceptional earnings Phono Alvin S. Baer Yar borough Hotel, for Ampotntaaamt Canipe it a native of Maiden, but now is pastor ef tha Mabane Baptist church. Mebane. Out-of-towa guetli for the wedding were Carl t-anipe, or ireentoro; George A. Burton, of Rocky Mounts Mr. and Mrs. E. uoyd Tilley, or Dur ham; Misset Lily Moore and Alberta Tilley, of Bahama, alto Misa Charlotte Boy croft, of Creedmoor. The following announcement hat been received: Ms. and Mrs. B. A. Burton announre the marriage of their daughter, Effie Tom, to Bev. J. Clifton Canipe, on Wednesday, November SO. At homo after December d, Mebtne, N. C. Every Cent You Spend FOOLISHLY Is BANKED By Someone Why not bank it yourself? It ia your money, iae) it - START AN ACCOUNT WITH C8 WB WILL HELP TOO IATI Mechanics Savings Bank III ,111111 ill mm i itilili.i SHLBLOLBi i ---1 175 FOR ALL PURPOSES ,We have a big stock in storage at New Bern, N. C., and are in position to make immediate shipment. Deliveries from the West are now very uncertain. Place your order with us. We guarantee prompt shipment. The demand for salt is tremendous. . DON'T DELAY. BUY NOW. Delivered Price Furnished on Application. Car Lots Only. E. K. BISHOP & CO., Inc. N NEW BERN, N. C. mi mini in m um niitntimm mm min i m I ! la" mm 1 i,ffMwanVrjrje These Prominent Men Ha v e Used and The following letters from your neighbors-Hnseh of such exceptionally high standing should convince any reasonable person of ods. The writers speak from their personal knowledge of ' Our Exceptional Productive Service in Selling Farms at enice the success of our meth- H. 8. WARD JUNIUS D.- CRIMES tevi " a? n aheaaw ' WASHINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 1 ' , iV- January 23, 1919. . Atlantia Coatt Realty Co . . pV '., . - - ' Potertborf,. ya. - ' . . ' ' Oentlemeat v I have for tome time beea Intending ta write to you t exprtte my. appreciation of .the high-claae service rendered by yea la tha tale of my mother! land at Grimetland, conducted by you i a' November. This Tar. ' ana ef the -matt aaeeeatfnl, if not tha most fcueeessfol aala af ita kiad ttat. baa eoma withia my knowledge, a, ' Tour tale force ia eomposcd af bigh elass businete men ef unfailing courtesy and unquestioned integrity. I think a large part of . the sneeess of tha sale waa due te tha efforts of your Mr. K. W. Cobb, who advertised the aala for you. He made a thorough canvass ef that section aad tha ' sale waa attended by almost all ot the representative farmer aad businasa men ia that community. I don't think tha quality of hia work oould bare been improved upon. I congratulate yea apea the aaliber af asea ia year employ. - . , . While I kaow that yon are not ia business entirely from philanthropic motives, I do say that I dont think there ia ia any Una ef business ttat makes for the upbuilding of oar State like the catting np ef large arena ef farm lands and locating aa awner oa each tract, and I believe the plan of selling tha lead at auction it better for all partita eoaeeraed thaa private aalee. . ... . -'. - S ,."-.-.,' Teare traly, . - - (8igned) V JUNIUS D. GRBfES. ,. G.W. " , . , . These letters speak for themselves. Could anyone ask for more convincing proof of our claim that if we can produce such satisfactory results for these men, we can do the same for you. , Straightforward Business Methods : Beget Public Confidence!, Every word of our contract is a Guarantee of Service, backed by our Financial Responsibility and the United Energy of our .Forces of Publicity and Trained SaUsmen, co-operating each with the other, to the end that you may be given REAL SERVICE. WRITE TODAY for pur Booklet of Endorsement. Ve want you to learn all about our methods of publicity surveying and plotting of you land, and just how our ' sales are conducted in your interest. Atlantic (Toast Hini. Enfield, N. C. December 8, 1017. Aflantie Coatt Realty Co, Petersburg, Va. My Dear Sirs: I desire to express my appreciation of the very satisfactory manner ia which you conducted the salo of mg farm near Halifax, oa December 4th. Just one hoar and twelve minutes were consumed ia 'selling aeven traeta aggregating three hundred and siity-thrce acres, averaging approximately $59 per acre, or a total ef 21,853. These reenlts ware obtained through the persistent efforts of your most efficient force. I feel that 1 should add here that each bid was bona ade bid, and each purchaser, excepting one, has paid tke cash. ,1 am unable to express the praise that I feel is due your entire corps, bat will etate aa a further evidence ef my esteem aad eonfideaee la tha Atlantic Coast Realty Co. I closed another contract with you to tell my River Tana containing 890 acres about January 10th. Again thanking yon, aad extending to each member ef the. force any very beat wishes for a pleaaant holiday season, aad a most prosperous aew year, I beg to remain, . . - Tours very sincerely. (Signed) E. It WHITEHEAD Atlan : Realty Co .'". ' - ' Tk. Nam. Ymir UV WIMV dft saw avaaww k wwaaaawavaavar ., OFFICES: PETERSBURG, Va. . ' ' - ' GREENVILLE,' N. C. . REFEIlEKCESt Any Bank in Petersburg, Vai, or Greenville, fi. ,C. WHAT AVE DO Tar (ra m ethw Nal Sid. aia. ara. etk. fth. 1tt kr tmr HMSiliat watsMes. , riu. are arawa aa aa4 in auMl Lm'ar tract an aiM aad aV Tb. Mi. k dwerrtwa' ar aa in am. sn. ''.. eWm. Mb, u4 i. Im Ik. mi ear AU-htat Bw4 Is m4 to awvart rmtktmtm. ' Vi pnwrr a. mM ay OUB MOD EaM hfcTUOD. EiawM INnMhtha ere aa m4s eat Dunn pop- Tea Mih. ouica. riOCXKM f rMl'IkrWe. TO.iet Ta'AINFB KTPEKTS AT L. tou aaaviut. . - . - .... I I $ I. i I 1 ? 4 i f E I I' E I i t L