TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1919. -THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. It id THINKS READJUSTING WILL NOT BE HARD No Reorganization of The Big Packing Concerns Believed Necessary Washington, Dec. 22. As result ef the agreement between the Department ft Jnstire and the representatives t the tire big packers of Chicago, unjcr vrhteh Attorney-General Palmer vrill go into eourt and secure aa injunction, without either the admission or charge that the parkers have been guilty of violating any law, preventing them from extending their business in lines other than thoe intimately related to the ment-parkiiig business, some salient loiiits stand put: v The packers have agreed to discon tinue all business of manufacturing and distributing not closely related with the meat-parking business, as well as the , use of mute cars for the distribution of other than meat products. They huve also agreed to dispose of their lmliing in all stock yards within a period of two year?, the sale to be ap proved by the court, and live slock pro ducers to be given the first opportunity to buy hi!i the stock yard; Moreover, they will dispose of all interest thi-y nray have (n ary utock yards newspapers nud al'it in public cold storage waro liini -I'.- ami nbandon the retail meat bus in3 altogether. The compromise agreement now en teral Tnli"ffgfl llw ariirinwfdeinanil bTTW-rf-J'." "" mffWf"t.. or. i lit- reuerai 1 raue. commission in.i tho pinking plants be taken over by the government and leaves that field ' to private initiative as heretofore, with the further possibility that some new rules ami regulations may eventually result for "the government supervision of the business. There is no provision in the agree ment which will deprive the packers of their present interest in the pro duction of leather, fertilizer for soap or, for tho time being, of their interest i;i the poultry, butter, eggs and cheese luminous Attorney-General Palmer an nounced that the business of the pack ers in poultry, eggs and dairy products may be further considered. All ad juncts of the meat products business lire left iii the hands of the packers and the poultry, eggs and dairy prod rugs business is not touched at present for the reason that the pi: '-hers h:ive the only agency in existence to handle that business as it should be handled in the .interest of the public. 5 It can be stated that no reorganiza tion of the big packing corporations will bo nercssnry to effect the re adjustments asked by I'm Government, as the' industries it is now proposed to segregute.Xwhile large in them selves, actually constitute only a r;nnll proportion of the total business done by these concerns; secondly, no refinancing will be noeersnry to handle these readjustments, and there will be aa disruption of the packing business aa each. - J . Rctala Ref risers t.r Car. Refrigerator care are atill left in the hands of the packer for the move meat ef their own products, although the paekera hare repeatedly staled that if the railroads caa provide as good service aa they bow have they will gladly abandon) that 6eW of ac tivity. The only ether moot questioa raised in Congress which is not eovr ered ia part, at least, by the agree ment, it that proposing that the pack ing industry be license!. This ques tioa has become involved with that of the licensing of all industry of size ia this country aad, as the present, Congress appears opposed to it as a policy. Nevertheless IScaators Kcnvon and Kendrick, authors of bills pro posing to deal with tho packing in dustry, have announced their inten tion of pushing that legislation as soon as it can be readjusted in the light of the new agreement. "Representatives of the packers here today stated that the segregation and disposal of side-lino industries by the packers will result ia the release of considerable capital which will Ik devoted to a further development of the meat business and the erect iou of some new plants near the sources of production of live stuck, and the markets for by-products, these plants to be in addition to those already in operation. I'naer the terms ofi the dis integration of the minor industries it is understood that the interlocking of them with the original parent con cerns Witt be prevented by a stipula tion that no more than 50 per cent of their stock may be bought in by the officers and directors of the parent con cerns. Banks and other necessary ad juncts of the packers' business have not A Town Of Concrete Blocks. Kansas City Star. A town of hollow concrete Jtrlork houses, with Hat roofs, steel staircases and window frames is being built near Braintrce, a suburb of Lcndon. The construction company that has the scheme in charge claims for its idea re duced cost of building, safety from lire and freedom from dampness. Using flat roofs instead of the usual gable style is expected to save not less than $140 on each house and, having little wood to be renewed from time to time, will, it is figured, reduce the cost of upkeep to almost nothing. Hollow walls have long been recognized by building w THE BATTLE WON Confidence in your physician or the tonic that he may prescribe, is half the battle von. The consistent use of SCOTT'S always begets confidence in those who take it Scott'$ is a tomc-nutnent recom mended by physicians everywhere. Let SCOTT'S 'help you win yottr battle against weakness. aeon a aowac llooaHcU. at. J. tf-ls GET HEADY FOR "FLU" Keep Your Liver Active, Your System Purified and Free From Colds by Taking Cal otabs, the Nausealess Cal omel Tablets, thtt are Delightful, Safe and Sure. engineers as conducive t dryness and equable temperature, because of' nn eonductivity of the air tilled wfcs. MEXICAN WOMEN WILL TAKE HAND IN POLITICS Mexico City, lHv. ( -Mexican wolo are preparing to take a hand in the affairs of the Mevican republic. They iuti ii'l tirst to eliminate social mid in dustrial evils and later to mule a light for political equality. This is tho pro gram of the Mexican Feminist Council, a national orgiwiijition with headquar ters in Jlexieo City. The Council ilwi! not believe that the mass of Mexics n women are at present prepared for complete suffrage but the Council hopes eventually to make them a vital political force. The present Mexican government looks with favor upon their efforts, according to Senorita Klena Torres, general secretary of tho Council. Heads of the govern ment, she saul, advocate "complete emancipation of Mexican women.".. The Feminist 'Council has organised groups to teach American women how their conditions may oc improved in dustrially and socially. The next step, said SSenorita Torres, will be organiza tion of" women workers in industry .o demand fair and equal treatment j:t the hands of their employers. They will not countenance any bitter set war which has chftraeterired the femiuine movement in some Kuroean countries, but expect co-operation from the men. The Council intends to bring the Mexi can women's movement in contact with similar orguniratiohs iiTTtttier countries and to work with the women of the world fur ieace, disarmament and anti imperialism. Senorita Torres predicts that .Mexican wqhwa will urate- a- aew era ttt.ajnji-. cable relutions and a more complete understanding between Mexico and the l.'nited States. later, she said, the ! I in in is t Council intends td propose the j formation of a laitiu-Americaii union to bring about a closer friendship, eul-1 turally, industrially and politically be-: tween Mexico and the countries of rjouth j and Central America. V, Health Impossible If Digestion Bad! 1 i Maltoses Aids Digration Natarally and I Permanently During recent years the ritnl iuipor- tance of perfoct digestion has come to lie generally appreciated. Vnfortu- j nately this has euseouraged tho produc-: tion of scores of so called remedies for I indigestion which, if they have airy j effect at all, furnish only temporary j relief. Maltogrn, a compound of natural and j reliable blood and strength builders! corrects digestive troubles in tho only natural way, by strengthening the di-j gestive organs. The effect of this tonic on those who are weak, nervoua and : generally rnu down because of iniier- feet digestion is astonishing. Appetite improves, the color and glow of health ; eturn, nervousness and irrilablcness disappear and almost immediately the weight begins to increase, due to the building up of solid, healthy tissue all over the body. These are the evidences that Maltogen is what anaemic, sickly people need. If you are undcrw ight or lacking in vitality An not suffer iu silence, Von owe it to yorrrsrdfr"to give Maltogea a chance to do for you what it does for others in your condition. For sale by druggists, if your deuler cannot sup ply youwrite to Paramount lrug Co., Washington, M.CTKSiTi I III, I WHITE smn JWSvWXW. tmjiuaB 3 r si SiSllvMfr if mi witunuai ' 'Plenty of eearteeas sales eeple Is assist yea ia year Xassa Shopping. Hudson-Belk Co." Store Open 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. ' Don't Mlad the Xsaaa rash. We Caa Wslt sa ' turn promptly. Thousands pf Specials for Last 2 Days Shoppers Great Selections Yet to Choose From Visit This Store TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Sweeping Clearance of All Women's Coats Entire stock of fine Coats offered at big reduction prices in order to clean them out these last few days. Womens $40.00 Coats K( reduced to DaCs7e JU Women's $50.00 Coats " OQ -A reduced to dJ Women's $75.00 Coats PA reduced to . . . . . . .... v. . aJriHteMlf Women's 99.50 Coats . 00 reduced to pi J.UU -onjengsiyjt AA reduced to .".T. 7.7: tf'VeUv Great Sacrifie Sale of Medium Priced COATS. Big lot $30.00 Silvertone Coats Cl Q offered at J)is7elJ Big lot Ladies' Black Coats; Silvertone and Velour Coats,, offered special at $12.95, $14.95 AND $19.95 Phyieians snd Druggists sre advis ing their friends t keep their systems purified and their organs- in perfect v orking order tts a protection against the return of influenza. They know that a clogged up system and a lazy liver favor colds, influenza aad serious complications. To cut short a cold overnight take one Calotab at bed'ime with a swallow of water that's all. No salts, no nausea, no griping, no sickening after effects. Next morning your cold has vanished, your liver is active, your system is puri fied and refreshed and yon are feeling 11 uo with a liecrty appetite for break fast. Kat what you please no danger. Calotabs are sold only in original I st aled packages, price thirty-five cents, j Kvery druggist in authorised to refund I your money if you are not perfectly flighted with Calotabs. (Adv.) Quality Flours That Give Delicious Bakings No expense is spared to see that only the choicest grain is used in the milling oLthe famous Dan Valley brands of flour. They- are clean and wholesome, and their white and vel vety appearance is gained without any loss of nutritive value. In thousands of homes where good bread is a mealtime essential every day, the cooks use "Dan Valley," "White Satin" and "Dan River Self-Rising" brands, because they, know from experience that they will get the most appetiz ing results. The Dan Valley products have been known and appreciated throughout the South for the past quarter of a century. Now obtainable in pre-war quality. DAN VALLEY MILLS t,r DANVILLE, VA. Il!l!!!l!l!tl Why Pay Slare? Attend the Globe dotbisg Co's BIG SALE $8.95 Area's" $15.00 Overcoats. Halo price . Men's $17.50 Overcoats. &Q QP Hale sriee 7e3 Men's fM Over- ; coats. Sale Tries. Men's $25 Overcoats. Utile price Men's 27.5(i Over coats Kale, price Men's All Wood Mack- $12.45 $17.45 $19.95 .$9.45 Men's Ail Wao! Suits, kizis &t to $10.95 Men's Blue, Green, Brown Worst- .-d suits. ti?d; Mulo price sJllti.tU Voting Men's Waist Senm Suits In alt colors. AK Ssle price tttftD Voting "Men's Waist 8eam Suits, 50 values. - . ' COO AC Bale price pJsi.'til $11. 7 SPECIALS Boy's Suits ' ,,i $4.95, $6.45, $7.45 $8.75, $9.75 1.45 AND ' $12,50 . ' Boys' All Wool Cashmere and ' Wonted Suits, 932.50 to 3.0J sair..0.: $15.00 Beys' , Cerdarey Suits,' with full line aa tepee Q AC earn ssu .....:.. "pietU Globe Clothing Co. Corner Wltsalagtea aad Exchange ' " ; Streets. ;': . Walk a Block aad Save J te lit en yovr Salt r Overeeat. An Ideal Christmas GIFT for Man or Woman A Hartmann Wardrobe Trunk The Hartmann was built for the lady whose exquisite taste takes note of even the smallest details of luxury and refinement. These trunks rep resent the highest art in trunk building. We Deliver and Mark All Baggage Free of Charge The capacity and convenience, of the Hartmann are well known to its thou sands of users. Its carefully planned interior provides to the smallest detail for a man's wear ing apparel. We Deliver and Mark All Baggage Free of Charge No trunk like a ward robeno wardrobe like " a Hartmann. Prices $60 T0 $110 11 1 1 1 1 1 I 58 II i K1 1 31 6i I 1 THE DEN GIFTS THAT GLAD HE R HEART ARE J: Gifts of Furniture There are only two more days n which to select your Christmas Gifts but you can spend those profitably and without being crowded at the big store. Hundreds of Gift-Things of lasting quality await eleventh-hour shoppers. And remember There Is Nothing Like Furniture For Gift Giving CUSHION CHAIRS Overstuffed Tap e s t r y and Velour. LIBRARY TABLES In Oak and Mahogany many styles. , TEA WAGONS Solid, Mahogany, Pretty designs. WRITING DESKS In Oak and Mahogany. SMOKERS' STANDS Solid Mahogany with Match Holder and Glass Ash. Tray. FLOOR LAMPS - of Mahogany complete with Silk Cord. Very reasonable. i FANCY ROCKERS Cane Seats and Back ; Dark Mahogany. SEWING CABINETS In Solid Mahogany ; Quaint old and new styles. TABLE LAMPS . Metal Stands, Brass and Bronze Finish. TEA TRAYS In Dozens of sizes and Designs. , DINNER CHIMES . Many Sizes and Styles. SMOKERS' CABINETS Some with Humidors; all with Match Holder and Ash Tray. CANDLESTICKS . Solid Mahogany; Many Styles. , CEDAR CHESTS Plain and Copper Bound CHIFFOROBES Oak, Mahogany . and " Walnut. , ' . Y ROYAL EASY CHAIRS Oak and Mahogany. TELEPHONE STANDS , . In Fumed Oak and Ma hogany.' , . ; ' , DAVENPORTS , f ' .' . With Rock e r s ..and Chairs to Match. R0YALL & BORDEN THE . HOME OF DEPENDABLE FURNITURE . , J 1 3 3 134 Faretteville St. Established 1876