THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 23, 1919. The News" and Observer '.' . ' '. : 1 ReWah. M. c t fubliaW Ererr Da in tha Tor Br THI. JfEWS AND OBSERVER PUBLISHING 7 - .COMPANY. - ' . JOSEFHCS DANIEL, rraeldeat orricti ttfWS AND OBSEKVIB BUILD WO. . J 14-1 IS West Mania Street. Editorial Rootna...... Mm Dept.,...S AdVertisInc Dpt , Clrtnltko Daat , ...137 ...II? MElCBUt Or THC ASSOCIATED PRESS. The Aumilrf Pm la axeluatvalr entitled to we bm Sa repabliaatioa as all Hn daaiaka sredlted to H at ajot atharwlaa eradltad In Mils paper and alao tlx leaal aewa pabuahad hmia. All iate at mublk. Hew af spatial daaaatcbaa baraia era alaa laiml nU ASSOCIATED PRESS REPORTS BUBSClIrTlON PRICE i Parable la Advanaa Daily aad Sanaa? Dally Oalr Oaa Year a;. Ona Tear K M Six aacatba ii Hit Month 1.00 Taraa 'fcittWrsW iThrae Motea-iA Oa MuU M Una Moot -.wnn-- One Year Sanaa Oalr ..I2.SS But Mentha .11.04 fha Nawa anJ Ohaervar la dellverad by eanicra In Bataivh and auburha at ftltaaa eanta par waas Daily ana Boatta,- Ualiy tmtr. MnU par wa. Kftbrrad at tha Pontoffka at Kalalfb. North Carolina, aa eeeoad-flaaa matter. AH amafrnad ceanmunirations will ba rajeated. Na tamaacript will be rrturned unlaae. accompanied bt MORNING TONIC (J. B. Walkor.) A knowledge of right ami ilut.v only renders one A greater hypocrite unless ha Imvu moral urn no and moral lifo sufficient lo conform to bii own convictions. UNCLE WALT MASON WINTRY WEATHER. Th IcS ia an lha river, the Ira Ir on the lake; anal on the shore I salver, and feel rheamalie ache. I see the schoolboys akatiag apoa the well knowa Ire I for Me, ah! watch fal wsitlng muat evermore an Bice. Among- the youthful frlakrra I have ao Lare, alaa! Behind tny atark of whlakera I ait sad watea them paaa. The enow ia In tha valley, tha anew ia oa the hill, and there the children nallyi they're cowling with a will. I hear their Joyovm laaghter, aa down the ilope they whli, while I, la alat and rafter, have panga of rheumatli. I ait behind my gal way a, and to blithe werda give league "year month woa't laat .yoa alwaya, ao go It while yoa're yooag!" I doa't admire the gaffer, tha ancient, drooling lad,. who chide tha happy laaghter, and makea Yaath'a aplrlt aad. I eaaaot Joia lb akatera, I eaaaot tool a aled, or dance, la II A PROMISING BRIEF SESSION. Tli session of Congress from (he first of Peco be: to ita recess Saturday was one of greater action 'tbsn anything that has. characterized tha body ainte tha Republicans gained possession of the government. In the brief period there was evi dene that tha member! perceived that the country needs some decisive legislation, and desire to accomplish something. Oa January 8 tha session will bo resumed. It looks now as if more work will be pushed forward aad lesa time wasted la the foolish jockeying for political position which has been the chief work of the summer, and fall. Important matters await settlement. Things hsve been brought into shape to handle aad dispose of and the nation is in no mood to see any further time killing when serious work is to be done. It ia hoped that the closing up of the treaty is not far off. Railroad legisla tion la evidently coming to a head soon after the holidays are over. The settlement of those things that have come to a head through the coal strike will be takea up and out of that hopper will come a grist that will be of Importance to the nation. In all the time that Congress has been dawdling under the influence of Lodge the people have been thinking and arriving at conclusions on the vital affairs thst hare followed the war. Probably ao Congress was ever in exactly the same relation te- the nation as this oue. I a the past congresses Erveteea-to- -at moderate) degree ia idtine. .of public thought, evoa though not aggressivs ia aay initiative. But neither Congress nor tha political managers are ia the lead now. The people have been .deliberating for the in selves, and the Con gressnian who votes ou a matter of very gieat 5m portauce like to hear from home before ha com mils himself. Even Knox and Lodge ami Borah nd Johnson aro paying heed ami today they' are not so chesty and puffed up in their assertions as they were three months ago.' Tddav the voter haa the reins in his hands more I lis a at any time per Imps in the memory of man Bepiibliean endeavor to create an Issii la eon greasinnsl maneuvers has dons nothing more that to call forth a continued reprimand from const!- tueneiee that demand the passage of the treaty Not a word i heard regarding that sacred bull, the protective tariff. Old idols are in fragments. There things Congress has learned and will come lack lo work oa the job instead of devote the whole time to playing politics. The signs have been interpreted, and they will be heeded more lhaii during the fall and summer. Lest week bank clearings totaled ever Bias and a half billion dollars, or far sbove a bli Lion and a half a day. The new year swings into line witk nothing to interfere who, its pr tpecta ex cept the uncertainty regarding peace with Ger many, and the algae bow are the treaty will have final consideration before the year haa grown veyor of the "policies aad platforms" for tho "Party of (Jreat Moral Ideals" from 1 SSI till Jon athan P. Dolliver drove him out of tha. United States Bcaate soma tea years ago.' Imperative orders were issued and obeyed that nobody was to even mention tha League of Na tions, or think of that question aa of aay akin to polities. To discuss it la held by Mr. Hayt to be not only agia the law, but proof conclusive of ill breeding nnd bsd manners. Thus wo saw two very old. European exchange appears to be getting back conspiracies of silence, one aimed At, Leonard Wood little snore toward normal. Other countries and the other against the League. Senator Borah, are increasing their trade with us. The closing however, revolted and denounced tha silence aa of tha Will leave the field clear for anv 10 In "'u? " P7roo Ung ana "dodging" AH tli- fiat-t ..f " nn f n ana Ki.h;.J effort the world may undertake, and as tha de- doo if th, Henstor ia not careful ha will b. mand for all products is still the biggest over court-martialed for lese majeaty. Mr. Boot will known it woald bo a bold prophet who would na- sttend to the League. Like Henry Cabot Lodge, dertake t outline the magnitude of the industrial " " 0 , qussuoa. - cuminute . . . . , . I President Wilson from the equation and Boot is auu vftt.uuu. vi a-v. u !-1 fn tha I h. 1. It parent that North Carolina is safe ia making her I Thia committee oa "policies and platform" is lo Dlans of every sort oa the broadest scale, for all report to the national convention next June. Th;n that we can produce and offer to the general jM'- f"t tell the O O. P. what is Canaan and ..... ,, . . . , I what ia Egypt. rom his report the platform will world contribution will be eagerly snapped np, Bad N ittntodH and the oollcie. reclaimed. Mean. st prices that will arouse ao eomplaiat from the while, orders have: gone forth that the Wilson ad- &4 Btj Ed Jar A. Guest, - - producer. BUILDING ACTITITT. The statement that bnilding activity in the North has exceeded during 1919 all previous records will be a surprise to many people who had suspected that building had been delayed genorally all due tireleao gaiters, when others are la bed. Bat the Joyous playing af kids looks good to me, a thoagh my head la gralng, aad I re a spavined knee. The young, with smiling faeea, are playing la tha anew; behind my hanging laces I bleaa them as they go. Aa automobile dealer ssyt we are short million ears. If. this is a fact it leaves us In a ter , rible predicament, although as long at it waan suspected we have managed to cripple through. Ia England they aro talking about concrete eof fins. That would probably be all fight for some folks If you are sure they are going where you .think they are. f It will be a long time before Col. Wafts em barka In another business where the monthly col lections will pile up like they do in the ona he , is leaving. alexico no sooner gets out of one scrape wii tht United States until she gets into another one And a one knows whether it is total depravity or what Old But Ixivingood would call plain durn fool. - Launching six vessels from one ship yard i California one day laat week makea a new world' record, aad remember this ia during peace times. Whea trade Sam gets started he uiually goes fn enough to be interesting. Itorth Carolina being a railroad stockholder Staelf 'is personally interested la tha proposition af government ownership. Which gives our Ben . aters la Congress occasioa to look at the matter from more than one viewpoint. i 1 ' ' i . Th teaching of ex-service men by the National Association of th Y. M. C. A. it now one of the big activities of that organisation. Two millioa dollars left of war work has been placed at the disposal of former sold jars so at to si.abl them to acquire additional education and vocational training. Over half of th fund is for scholarships, rot geteral education ia Y. M. C. A. schools, and technical instruction in accredited schools and col leges throughout tha country. The scholarship fuad will allotted I th statel On th basis oi iu per inousana inhabitants, aad ia th same proportion distribution will be msd among the counties and Cities of a given state. Former eer vie msa would do well to look into this most In viting offer of th T. M, C. A. Th War Department it urging soldiers' who hsvt aiioweg tneir insurance to lapse to be reinstated. Everybody who knows J soldi ,wha W allowed his Insnranee to drop,' should for several reasons try to. prevail -on J4m to renew It. It Is the cheap laaaraaes aad 1 th strongest esmpany ia the world. It is possibly the only (asuraac th aoldier will take, aad he knowa that he cat continue his government insurance without med ical examination. Later on whea he realires the need of life insurance, th rates will be higher, his health may aot permit him to secure it, which means that BS is lew liable ts carry insurance. Th government will give kirn every advantage tf at any company will glv sad at far less cost. r J from tim io time th eonditioni will be made i f-.rorabl if possible. Ton eoafer s great MEDIUM PRICED GOODS. The announcement that tha manufaclurera of wearing apparel at their conference in January will consider the matter of bringing out line of medium priced goods in the hope of encouraging the buying of lesa expensive fabriea is a sign that the dealer is about to put np to the buyer the op portunity to cut the cost of living. It is aa open question that much of the high cost is due to the barer demanding the most espeaaiv things, when henper articles would serve the purpose. If the medium-priced product finds fsvor it is easy to see that the high-priced goods will find "fewer buyers and that the dollar will go farther by ty ing more of the lower priced artifice instead f a limited amount of the high ones. Until tha buyer rrsdtirrely determines to limit the Sum. h will pay for given things the seller haa no object whatsoever iu reducing prices. Much of th high cost .of living is not in the high price for a specified thing, but in the fact that wo are ne longer buying the things wt used to buy, but are substituting mors expenaive qualities than we used to be satisfied with. It It th continued story of silk shirts and Bilk stocking where we were very welt satisfied a few years sgo with cotton those same articles. There never was a time when there wire to many things for aal that w eaa get sloag without. The conference of msnnfaetarert is January will show us whether we want to reduce the cost of living, or merely want to reduce the' price of thing tha tre higher than we should buy If our Incomes are not big enough to reach them. We need to buy more ia accordance with our in comes and less In imitation of what our neigh bors buy. We need a better acquaintance with the old virtues of thrift and of prudence ia buyln anything. ng and aince th war. On thing that -will ae count for th greater total of values of new work Tk party in power in th executive departmen is the bi;hrpriefSL But witn mat it is evidontlis alwaya held responsible for whatever ills befall that building has teen m in 1920, ministration is to be denounced up hill and down dale. Negation is the order of the day anything to discredit Wilson is the creed of the party of Standpatters and Bull Mooaers, for the moment in truce. Lately Mr. Wilson advised Congress that unless it ect about legislation to correct evila now ap parent to all, the preeeat state amounting almost to chaos vfill visit immense harm to the country. That is precisely what the G. O. P. hopes to see. t agined. In North Carolina a great deal of building ha been going on, but certainly not what would hare been thrae -had the material an4 hands avail able. Nearly every community has wanted to dj much more than hat been done, and a great deal morn building is neecssary to accommodate the needs of the people for homes and of business of all kinda for locations. Cost of nisterial and labor haa held bark some work, but not much, for material has sold freely in spite of the high prices and it has been in d mand all the time, indicating that those who hare refrained from building have not affected the ma terial market In any way. Nor has holding off from building because of price of labor made any difference. Labor has been employed, and more called for right along. It is doubtful if any mure building could have been done if prospective build ers had not thought of prices. lertaia also is it that is tbe etate buii liug ia not going forward as faat as the need indicates, tf ever a time comes that normal conditions pre- the more likely A Bepublican victory 41' the rtoltl. So, order have gone to the Bepublieaa majorities in both House of Congress to par a attention to the President's annual message in which ho ad vised ; eigjh tjren separate and distinct majttcrs of reform." "1 " - Washington, Dee. 1. A CHRI8TMAS GREETING. We aliall rejoice if you are glad, And we shall ?cp if you are aad; No touch of pain can come to you But what odr hjarts must feel it too; And so we ask nf God tonight That He shall make your burdens light, And so protect "yoTr-that yoa may . I'tnd happincsa this Christmas Day. Wo have but feeble sifts to give To smooth your way the while you live; We cannot stay the bitter tears That fill your eyes when grief appears, Nor change nor stop the cruel blow That steals your joy and hurts you so; Wo can but pray to God above To help you with His boundless love. Vet if our will could rule on earth, No grief should ever check your mirth; Your fondest dreams should all come true And joy and pence abide witk you. And so this Christmas-time we 'pray That Uod aball grant from day to day Those joys to gr.iee the life yon live Which only He has power to give. (Copyright, I919, by Edgar A. Guest.) QUOTAS ANNOUNCED I DRY CAMPAIGN Spenders Are Overadvertised. By JOHN M. OSKISON. The spenders in my city are being overadver- tised. Their capacity for digging into their purses is said to be unlimited. For instance, a fur dealer says People who bought fur coats worth $200 be. for the war spnd as much as SftOO for tlmm now, And we are selling fiv time ss many fur coats as liefore. And a jeweller says Everybody wlints platinum jewelry, and we can't Bnd enough large ami expensive stones to till the orders that come in. Diamonds particularly are wanted." The agent of an expensive make of automobile ire: "It is impossible to manufacture cnouirh expen sive closed cars to meet the demand. Apportionment Made To The Various Cities and Coun ties of State Greensboro, Dee. SI. In apportioning the seven hundred thousand dollars, North Carolina's portioa of the $2S,- WOflOO to be raised for the Saaaoiag of tha World Prohibition aad Heme Law Enforcement Movemeat, twenty nine towns Are treated as county nslte, with a director for each of these.. The eouaty directors in which these towns are located will organize ths forces in the smaller towns sad rural districts. The two director will be yoke-fellows to see that the eouaty get to Itself honor ia this campaign. The quota for any county including one or mors of the towns named it ths quota for thai county outside of the town or towns. a nia airHJiiiuanirui is niauo pa we oaiaja of popalatioa and tax valuatioa, but aome consideration ia given to the strength of the prohibition sentiment clso. f JMslct.K.l. 'Camden $ 1,920 ' Chowan 4,000 Currituck 2.SO0 The people have plenty of money, judging by the amount they vail, or that any conditions become established I are willing to spend for the privilege of riding rmanontlr all of North Carolina will And on ita around in their 01VB limousines." i young- man i anew was marrieil reeentiv. Al hands a great task of supplying everything in the a rental of about $200 a month he took three floors nay or new Duiidings tnai ran oe imagined. ei0f a houso that is being reconstructed. He pro are behind the echedule, and are getting farther I poses to sublet about one-third of the space for behind everr dav. ' '"n a month. H says: . .1 i,tii. -i rm Ti t i . . - nni auouian i ii r eepie nave pteniy or. money and will pay f85 or 90 a month for two rooms and a bath So it goes; in the minds of such observers there ia no limit to what wo are willing to spend. But I notice another tendency in my town, and j'ou'll notice it, too, if you II look around a bit x toon a ineua or mtnn to look st two rooms NOT FIGHTING TOBACCO. Wayno B. Wheeler, general counsel of the An'i- Salooa League of America, nails the falsehood which has been industriously circulated to the ef fect that, the AaU-8aloon League is backing' an anti-tobacco crusade. .Mr, Wheeler sayt th falaelvhirh the newly wed propose to sublet for S85 renort waa started ia Now4 York br th anti-oro-l month. After inspecting them, this man ssid: . w . " " I . AT - I T -1 la. a m . . a . hibitla- sssociatioA to confuse th. issue of -a , . I - A " ' v a . v. a, . uuu aaaa . ap i u, AUUIV .Hall. eniorcrniem ana rxcuo prejuaic against, me pre- ,U(.h fanciful prices can't last. I've been around hilution forces. The following paragraph from la lot and I v seen apartments remain vacant un Mr. Wheeler's statement makes clear the position ' ,ho P"" dropped two or three times. I know A DIFFERENCE. The speetaeular prize fight' betrvea Dempsey, th American, aad th Treaehman, which is pro posed te be pulled off ia Paris has bees pot up to Tex Bickard who ataged s similar event not long ago in Ohio. Bickard ia not very enthusi sitio over th outlook. To begia with Dsmpeey wants a quarter sf a ralllioa dollars or mors for his work of sn hour or two, snd ia spite of the progressive demand in this country for higher wages tad shorter hoars thst figure does look s littl bit big. Bickard might be favorably in clined to th scheme in this country if it had net recently been filled up witk amuaetneat of that type, but b Is not so hopeful of Francs. For Frsacs hsa aot the money. There is a thing that shows ths comparative prosperity of ths United States among nation. If this country want to asms Itself witk a pugil istio encounter, a millioa dollars or so t pay the bill it sot A very big sum. Is France it ia dif ferent. That country lias bee a owept by war, Normally Its resoorees ars much less ths a ours, and under ths aaastursl conditions which was baa made, worse tliaa norms, France is more inter cited is keeping flour is th barrel thst la aeelng ens Dig bruiser punch another la ths ribt. Ths prixs ring may aot bs tha loftiest type of amusement sad ths United States is as mors de praved la Its tsstes thsa say ether country, but ths heroes of ths prize ring find that America hat the deepest socket Book snd Is abls to omb it wider whew it wants anything thaa saywhere else sa this big round world. : 9 1 t ... ga yoa ar sa Aaurlean gal b a rood caougn Americas ta show yonr annreeiaUoa hf wsat this eouatry is doing for yon. : BRAKING LOOSE. Ths new ytr gives premiss of opsainc with k rusn. in edai strike ia iwiaat V!.tr. ti.. in ar ruaalag, the mills ar mala for s "w P. eoat rtstneUOBl are lifted, ahio anal! i .... - i nave xuei agaia for eceaa traffic, gad everything seems st liberty te strike th swiftest gait that n ti e soldier if you help him keen hia demand suv nnmmt. Business under tha restrictiona has been good. of the league on tobacco! The Anti-Saloon League never has made a tight against tobacco. There is a wide differ ence between tobacco nnd liquor. The liquor traffic is a public nuisance. The tobacco habit may be considered by aome a personal or private bad habit, but It is not in the samo class with liquor which is a public nuisance. The Supreme Court made clear that the liquor traffic ia in a class by itself to tho treatment nf which there is no analogy in the law. Chief Justice Whits in writing an opinion on the Webb-Kenyoa Act said, "It was the excep tional nature of the commodity which justified the legislation in question." that a certain amount of building ia under wny, that mors alterations of houses into small apart ments arc being completed, and that big apart ments being cut up into small ones. I know the supply will soon catch up to the demand. 'Meanwhile I am waiting in the modest rooms I now have rooms, that I am , paying a modest price for." Also I have a letter inviting to to join A stoud Iof people in my towa who propose to reduce living costs through co-operative buying. I am told that nearly 20,000 persons hsvo already joined that group. One trouble in my town ia that the savers are Iunderadvertised. There are more of them than you might think. , Answer to Yesterday's K wis. 1 A counterpano i a '"covering" "of S bed ; othewise as bed-spread. 2 A tally ho coach, common in Eng land but rare in the I'nited fctntes, is a nigii-nuilt, four-nlieeled vehicle, with room for pascngcrs inside and upua the top; usually seen at race meets, country parties, etc-3--Anne Morgan is an American pa triot, sister of J. Pierpont Morgan, the Wall .Street banker, hut hcrwlf most Conspicuous for her work in France in reconstruction of villages devastated in the war. . Fau-taa ia a Chinese gambling pur suit. 0 The completed adage is: "Yon can't teach an old dog new tricks.'' ft The Prince of Monaco ia the head of government and virtually ruler of a small are of territory called Monte Carlo, chiefly rememliercd aa the home of tbe greet public, gambling casinos. T- "Carte -blanche" (French deriva tion) means, literally, to order, pur chase or contract without stint or eon. slderatioa of cost; to command what the individual desires without limit. "Collateral security" is used in tho sens of being a pledge for a loan; tangible property like real estate, jew elry, automobiles, etc., are "collateral security." 9 A "round-up ' is the frequent gath ering together of all the cattle, horses or other animals on a Western ranch in pons for branding, examination, feeding or preparation for shipment. 10 Porto Rico is a "possession" of the United States, and ita laws are admin istered by an appointed governor and aa executive council. New Questions. 1 What is most generally used as aa adulterant of coffee f 2 What government educational in stitutions are located, respectively, at west i'oint, A. r., and Annapolis, Md.f r What ta th Luited State Phar macopoeia t 4 What aro clogs 5 What ia spawn f 6 What celebrated English novelist made A reputation writing under the nom de plume of "Boz"f 7 What wa the "ducking stool I" 8 In England a certain public con veyance is ealled a 'tram;' what do ws call it ia this country! 9 Of what part of Great Britaia ia the ahamroek nn emblem f 10 Upon what wterway is ths eity Of New Orleans situated! F t -- , w Speech Efficiency. By H. ADDINGTON BRUCE. (Copyright, 1919, by Ths Associated NeweDaDers.) The work is to be- .Few people, outside of atsmmerert snd stutter ers, THE LENOIR ROAD. Lenoir county has taken the plunge. Contracts have been awarded for twenty-one milea of asphalt road on the Central Highway, finished in the spring of 1921. The ccst is over , appreciate now direct a bearing ability to 700,000. The road will be one of the best in "Pss well may have on business success. 1 LI a. . . . . tha TTnit..! fitat-a. Tha nntt ia l.. "'ommcrers ana stutterers snow to their sorrow - - ' " "W" I t., (hnia In.Kilitv 1.. .1:1. ' " ' - xceps them iroin progressing aa they should responsibility ror ienoir county. But it is be-l And this is true of speech defects aenerallv. lioved the money is well lavested. A considerable Husky Speech, lisping speech, blurring speech, portion of the mosey will eoms from the Stato or-euPPir, speech, ungrsmmstical speech, slangy .,: v -1- .11 .1 ,, v "i"-' 'j iiuuuicapa. iiiere are men today and nation. Nearly all of the money will in inferior positioiw who long ago would have com- apaiia in jjcpuir eouaty. ne vaiue given to prop-1 minded good salaries if they had only taken the erty la the county will bs mors thaa ths cost of Irou" ' overcome remediable speech defects, the road. Besides that, tnrroad will bo worth all . Tgke a m"n who hsbituslly speaks ia too low a Dare Gates Pajurnrdsnk - Elizabeth City I'eryuimans District No. I. Beaufort Washington 1,500 , 3,100 -3,000 . 5,000 . 4,000 .$ B.OOO . 5,000 Hyde 2,500 Martin Pitt Greesville . Tyrrell . .. Washington Bertie . .. Edgecombe . Halifax . .. Hertford a .. Nash Rocky Mount Northampton Wilson . ... Wilson 0,000 10,000 5,000 3,900 4,400 mat .I. v a :.. g,000 8,000 11,40 ; 5,760 ... 8,000 ... 10,000 ... 8,000 B.OOO 10.000 Dietrict No. 4. I 4,500, 5,000 V 10,000 4,800 3.000 4,000 10.000 6,900 3,200 7,000 10,000 District No. I. f O.UWI 4,400 M 9,800 .... 7,500 ... 3,000 ... 15,000 ... 6,000 , 9,000 District No, (. : I .000 15,000 5,000 , 5.100 , a nn. i . iluu Carteret . Craven . . New Bern Green . . Jones . . . . Lenoir . . . Kinston . , Onslow , . Pamlico . Wayae . . Goldsboro Bladen . Brunswick . . Columbus . .. Duplin . ..... New Hanover Wilmington Pender Sampson . Durham Durham . Granville . Oxford . . Orange . . Person , 4,800 Vance , ... Henderson Wsrrca . . , Chatham Franklin Johnston Harnett . Lee ..... Moore ., Wake ... Raleigh . it eoet, ao that Lenoir is evidently playing a arid ning game. - Caruso, the tenor singer, has a new girl baby, Which means thst another voice thaa bis will be heard around th Bona for A. while. The G. O. P. Powwow. By SAVOYARD. ' The General Staff of tbe U. O. P. was. with ns ths other day. headed by young Mr. Hays, its chief. They remaiaed about half a week., voted the national convention to Chicago, Jane 8. and indulged a great deal ot boastful talk as they pre pared to put oa ths harness. Never have I seen more confident set, never such a counting of enieseas ere th eggs sre even laid. And yet there was now and then the evident presence of th p.p prehension couched ia the French version of a wise old adage betwecn the cup and the lip there is room for a viper." , Mr. Hays appears to bs the absolute boss of bis party. Both Boss Quay and Bos Hanna were more or less limited monarch ia comparison. For example th boomers of Gea. Leonard Wood, flush- ea witn taeir victory la one of th Dakotas, were her in huge fore witk their mouth wide open, hot Boss Hays issusd as ukase forblddina- all dis- eusaiona or candidates, and lik Bottom, th Wood boomer changed their roar of fraatis triumph into a gentle eoo of a suckling dove. Thst eic cumatanc wa ia ths nature of th eminent, for It indicated that tha bosses are not for Wood. It was also in the air that "instructions" are not advisable whea stats primaries m. A mavaa tinna are aeid to appoint delegates, whica msket it plata that ths bosses hav aot as yet Agreed sa a cab. didate. As uninstrneted delegatioa is the raw ma terial oi your boss ia th manufacture of a ticket. Not only did Boss Hsy decree that there should be na talking, bnt ao issued an edict that tha n 0. P. rank and file should do no thinking. For months hs had screamed a string of rapid plati tudes, reaching all th war from tha XliaaiaaSnni river to th rising ma i bat th vulgar herd it now warned by him that th issue ia not yet hatched, and so he appointed a "committee oa policies and platform." Who is chairman of that committee t hy, Ehhn Root, the successor to tha tnaatu ... long worn by ths lats Ke'joa W. AUrich. pur- tone to be easily understood. What employer will trust mm with work which brings him into con stant intercourse with customers or clients f He will be given scant eonsidsrstion. He will be displaced by clearer speakers. Until he learns how to apeak well ha need not expect promotions which otherwise might be his without the asking. .Likewise, a speaker addicted to slang ahould sot be surprised if his employer refuse to sllow him to nndertake well paying work thst Involves con taut with eultured.aad refined peopls. They well know that auco eeoDla will not favorably impressed by ths slang addict, and con sequently will not bev favorably inclined toward the firm which he haa been ehoaen to represent. Under these circumstances hs will bs a liability, am an aaeei, to nis employers. therefore, however reluctantly, they turn ta an other worker, less energetic, it may be, less slert mentally, but with tbe cultivated speeeh that will count for much among ths people be has to eee. iee employers themselves may heartily disap prove of tha use of slant. ' If ao. the win eon. tinuslly feel It slight irritation against the alanc user, a fact whieh certainly will not be to his Ad vantage. ' Thus with all speech defects. If ther. Band lean is no other way. they tend to create nreliitlca whieh may operate seriously sgainst the inefficient speaker. .. Hence itis j exssmrstion ta aav. with mv ancno vr. o. b. vnrry oi Boston, muter ia ths correct na of ths poke word: "Whsa rightly considered, eorreet spesklag ta st lest! as necessary to the proper nss of our lan guage as writing, aad must be ever reaardad aa s fundaments! part of education." r Those deficient ia iDeech ia aa wa and mm whatever cause will indeed da wall tAnaka ssrnsst sffort t overcome their particular detects. These may bs of sueh a character ss ts bs cur able by self-training. Ia ether rases their victims may require the guidancs of s skilled teacher. They may even have t call upon medical aid. aa ia th. ease of persons who tammering is a symptom of nervous trouble. In any event, ths sffort to improve th speech should be made. i Only beware sf fraudulent Mvniea eultii.iat. acd "apeech specialists." Iaauira ahamlm. int. ti.. reputatioa of any individual or ioatitution whose servieea ar contemplated in securing speech im- , A? What's Bone Dry What'., Not Not every storage bat tery that is called "botie dry' is realty shipped and stored in bone-dry condition. aome have solution put' la Bt the factory, and poured out again before ahirnrswit. - Socns ar shipped with plates dry, and Insula rjoo. WW. These batteries are not bona dry. Come In aad get straight froen as the story of Wil Urd Threaded Rubber In aula Hon, the only form of Insulation that permits of booe-dry shipment and etorage of automobile start ing, lighting aad Ignition batteriea, ; . RALEIGH STORAGE BATTERY CO.. vv. su esai; staaager. I - Paeae 14. -.' Say It With FLOWERS Cut Flowers, Floral Designs, Wtddiag aad Corsage Bouquets. Palms. Ferns aad air kinds of Decorative Plants, Narcissus, By. seintha, Freesia aad other Bulbs for Fall Planting. " II. . STEINMETZ . 'Florist ' - Raleigh, N. C Anson Cumberland iayetteville Hoke- Robeson . . . Richmond .. Scotland . . . Union Alamance , Burlington Caswell .......a t,iwu 0,100 4 6,750 District No. 7. t 8,000 7,500 17,500 8,000 4.050 6,225 10,800 ..a.. 12,000 District No. I. I 9,125 6,000 8.000 4,100 21,200 8,550 6,150 11,000 District Ne. t. .. ,200 5,100 AAV) Davidson a.Ano Guilford , ,,000 Greensboro , ,.12,000 High Point 10,000 t Randolph , n.on Rockingham ,,- B,00u Koidsvine AJttKi Leaksville-Spray .a...... 8U00 District No. 1. .' ( Alexander , .t 3.15A Cabarru ,. 6,250 Coaeord : annn Iredell ........,... 7J50H Btatesvill : ... nn Mecklenburg i. ...... 15,000 Charlotte .....,...,....-;.., 15,000 Montgomery sjoo Bowaa , ainn Salisbury gxxi Stanly .:.... 700 Diatrict Na. 11. Alleghany ........ 1.623 MM a aaan r. Forsyth 9,200 Winstoa-Salom isnrm ) Stokes aajui Surry 10.500 Watauga .nsn s Wilkea a.sss r j i - ... . . ' i auaia Ashe Davie "District Ne. tj." '.7 450 .....S v,azu 730 500 sjm , ,UWJ j 7,300 ' i Burke Caldwell ,. Catawba ... Hickory ... leyeiana 8J00 oneiDy ....... t Gaston , t.astonia , lonoo Lincoln ann Rutherford .j. fi Bon Diatrict No. IX. Avsry, " : s anno Buncombe i nvi Ashsville 15.oon Henderson " loo Hendersoaville. , ajoo Ja""..""" " 6'200 ?rn " C.760 "'fB11 S.400 ois. :v M . . ' "."W i ransyivaniA laneey 2,560 Cherokee cuy .... Graham . Haywood i Jackson . fCOTl ., District lii! 'it,"" 840 I 450 llSos ,6,15 4,1 (Hi 4 i PTuTrFl ; , j