TO BUILD SCHOOLS ; ! r n ATT A t f a It I n - rTOIIMLU Director! Of Rockingham En terprises Set Aside $55,- -. 000 For This Purpose r POPULAR MISCONCEPTIONS , CORRECTED BY AN EXPERT DEP8KY ACCEPTS OFFER TO - FMeHT. X LQWSK CAUFORMA Las ' Angeles, CW Jan. 4. lk Inni, "manager of Jack Bempaey, krevywrla-ht champion, ' annonared hr toalRht he had accepted aa offer ef a 4M,(H yarn treat J mm Wt Cot nth for a 4S-ronnd tight between Demoaey and CeOrges Carocatler, at Tijuana, Lower California. SLAYER OF JOHN GABftlEL : DISAPPEARS COMPLETELY Bead Of Pharmaceutical School Al Harvard University Sho we Difficulties Of Detecting Pol j mrt soldier who shot and., killed John Aiipiaini iiauri 'i ai a nonit irrren, una county, Ilhkory, Jan. 4. Although reward! Kgregutlng 800 hart beca offered for lite capture of Kohler Hvlselaw, bo trace tins been found of Iho young for torn Drink And : , Ftvotfl Concerning It Unknown ' To General Pvblid f Boekiagliam, Jaa.'. The children of It, mlfl illttra ff RnliflVfljtl- F.ntwlatlrt " Itaaanl-PfckeU arid Btee'leVwnf'bnv arhtal faellrtte iinsurpflswed by none by -r the 4- rt-tOUOiJI. last JwLgf ,i t old year the' director! of Htcele'a mill , met and art aside .gJay. to b osd la LprevMfag a a4tn mM ail nr.i t fionaf buil.flng for (he children of it I vlllew, ' Ow &MfmM 30 the directors . ! of IMberderr Entwietle- and Haanuh : T rutett flint and -each wiltl donated J iwjrnnr -nrr-tnw - rp-t .providing a Splendid nehexil building, madern ia every respect, ror inn eniiaren or t lie three mill village. Thia fund of :)0,- 0W M at otM elite e4 in the handa of r baaed- of tfnesec cwaaiaf in of Oca. P. Entwkrtle, J. Letirnnd Kverett and W. B. Col, and they will without delay consult areaifecte and begin with the new building. Mmoiii 7-year-old dauitlite of Mr. Hemp flatten, of Rout C, ih horned to death on last Monday. Her mother waa doing the) family waahina: In the ' Vara, tM the ehiM gwt too mt the pot, tho Aaaaea catching he drea. and Mrn her o badly that death- re sulted two day later. If. tt. Aiffdwln, rf-fiTrlt of ftirhmnnd totttf. bnt to 11 tk wkolomlo gro' wry bwaiaMM, on Thurtoy old th BaMwitt bniMing, oaposHo the. Manu farturrn' building, ow Main atroot, to i. W, Jenkia JaWuwry torn of i-nort for trial of riminwl fonTcnon Mond.y, with Jodgo- T. D, Sryisa, of Bryxm City, yreaMing. - Cwfmof A. M. garth on rrhlay'of Imi wook kohl aw inwnt to th dwatk of Irving Brtantan. the whit m kilkil I if rodornl Prowihrthm Anvat tiarl W. i HkoT,.o Pfwwlfirf . --Ttm -iwrrwU 4 pwwi iMt in lining waa la Mil do f foaw awil nrf iHrd. )-rr ttm,y.-ar nwit Tiobw MrrMiar and HkefUl lltfoiHild j oa tXrmrr S4 md raid on th I how of KUia girtnn, abont t Miht j Hnmlot, iw Jdarka Vrtrk tnwnnbip, I 4 af tor r4ig a aowrrft wgraat t Outfit brnM4il A k k i i tor bhxkod whi.iH..y. wiinrwrf-r-vV-r ! Mk lm rr.M. :i . hy a j b la tk pty f Qitian, -inh.d n f n4 with an Mth ktn rin f Hhvrrt. I Throo (boti worn (trod bofor Hhorn j """ uiaw ma imn autwnialhi, Hhorot f.flrrt abol miwHd, but ki oxt ftwa . e a to rod ftrigman'o aork within an iark of ek other, Brlgiwaw M half at k homt latr. la'stt Mondny, Ttio family of th lunr- dcrcd man hup oiferrd MOO and the Mute and county 200 each. Detail of th horn if id hove reached liirkory. It aoomt that lcttsr written JryJMlaa Margie fyx-kman last Sunday night InhieR ah aarrcTTGaT' Hq1 telaw'a attention were no longer wel omo promMod blm' to eek out Gabriel -nrnf -fkmb klmr T k Uttmtt ..adkliet M.v eeid tlie letter whileivBt hunting Inst Monday morning and two hour InU-r lad ehuiigi'il e lot he and as waiting at a toro in Terroll for hia.rietlm to com on the outilde. Holselrtw Bred, oti hot from mA nuto matin pistol in'.o Gabriel' fnrehead the latter rained up after cranking bit r$r and thot the rn timo wbou. t h wan h on too ground. Th but ahot nlo went into the forehead. Holeetuw nen jumped on hi hor, rod home, kneed hi mother aooilbva hA nwa. bee Ma fine. It J thoueht ih.t k. olfhiir ..n.U ... 4... Hfii l Hifiuoifiniia Jir m. crod.ei.the fiter. Sheriff Inhn., helive the vonnr man h r,.ti,-..i . . , LK wncreno xormerly lired. rtrtnAsn a k banqiirt Monroe, Jan. 4. Two hundred tr;n Jounty men who Mweerriea in th world war. member of VUi t.. Poet No. 27. of the Americnn legion; hannuetod t the Hotel JoiTr. ..A i-'ini- o nrrenii una ran hiBh. At SM the bugle aonnded the J.lii fll And tho former doughboy "fell )b," they had-bopn wont to tho day -urn iiu-j wpn in uniform. Tba old VESSEL SAILS SOON FOR SOUTH AMERICAN PORTS Matthew Hale la Wilmington Ananging; Tor tailing Of The Chattanooga Wilmington, Jan. 4. Matthew Hal, preaident of the Booth Atlantic MarU timo CorpdtattiiR, wat Jn fho elty tcrday arranging tut tlie UuurtlOS of Hlltngi of inel nndef a dlMe tion of th eofporation ftom thl port to Latin American tountrioa. Bo had califerene with local lDrl and ALree. tor of th 8. A. M. C. and laid plan for tho aailing of the first whip, th Chattanooga, which will tome ttto for cargo tarty in March. Tba corpora- tlon I already doing a big builnei through Charleoton, Savannah and Jack onrill, and oqunlly a Huek will bo don through ,,JVllmingtoB and Brum, nick, Oa., I tho (barter proride that each of the. Ore point thall bare an equal ahar of th buinew -Loral Mclhddiat r looking fitrword BELIEVE Y0UNQ WOMAN HAS MET WITH FOUL PLAY familfe order. "Attontion," w beard followed by "Count OrT." thee h.iA. eu uv ine leemorieai band; the K.. iMnri-.n-i iHiimnn in nriaeitiel of the eity, singing the old army aong, nd, no donbl, their mind reverted to mw nay When "nharo tall" and aer. scant were. eTeemed to Tie the moat n- laenerrma rraatnre In existence. '.VMBUHTOn MAX PIU IN rLORfOf JeaabertoB, Jan. 4-New reached Lambertoa today of tho death at Fa ma City, Fla., of W. H. Boiler, a for mer Bobeoonian. Death reeolted from ptnrnalMBwbwniag. The deeenaed it number of brothere an1 aiatern, moot or whom lira in Lumber ton. He w aboat 49 year old and waa engage In the) mereaatila bunl- at Panama City. Scores Of People Killed In Mex ico In An EarthQuake ' rKaabet CttT, , Jaav 4vyrarT- en Telepa th death wf Hiaa Tv-oowr Wlce, , am yean ois, oangnier OI W, n. Pint, t Woekavillo, tki eauaty, who wn found dead! ia her tied laat nada , nmmimrr lae gtrwa tae rtetim of foul pia k a euaotlon eVpendent upon chemical aaarveie of her etomaek which Will be) mm K rw.e r n. ! ",0 laaiah fearSnav a. rTO Milt. - Miim prtae retired abont 10 o'ele-k. hat had bem wits the fiy all the eeewinf awd gar ta Iwdieatioa of he- l . railing to fut )n an appearand at wroahfaev tome owe - went tti her rawwv M0 WaW fownd rtewd, Thero tri , no aiatnrhaneer of th bed clothing. On arr rented aernee her body, tho otksr ' folded terota her oteait, Jurt aFta efr ate. There wa nothing to indicate- that there had been a eontnl. "ffnggle f any klad. Th eeWeae wa that h died Jn her alefB. Thd fm!lrOieughrwhr bad-die e4 heart failure and eomautaiealed with Coroner rearing wha gore then, per- """ Fiweeew -wnn the t otwral wlthoot aa awtopey. Later Dr. rar lag ehaaged hi mind and ordered the, badjr held for aa iaquent. Hie order came after the foneral , aerrie hid been held and the body wa being moved t tho grave, ' , -"'j: - - i (Ceatlaaed from Pag One.) Vra Crna, aeaert that they wore dn to the roleaao Orifahn, aithoagh th meaner deapatehea contain nothing re girding a poeeihte ernptioa or a tsl eanie dietarbanoe. . The two huge tolranoes aear Meii. co City ropoeatepel nd Intlaeeih-utl-have ahowa bo eign of diittur bane. The ahoeka were felt heetlly among the town along tho Kidge Valley of tlurearmal. which la eity twice an. that-date. He eome to atimulate intereat In the nronoaed nw building for Trinity- church, and ia un. dertntd to have piaacd over SB other raqueat tor hi prano ia order to coma here; EXPLAINS THEORY . OF DISAGREEMENT (Continued Pram Page On.) wera that '"the commanding officer, ofB eera andVen of tho U. & 8. Jacob Jone bojre themeeieea ia accordance with the taeat traamena or tho kerne and o blame or reeponalbllity fof the io of u reaeei attache to them." ' , eVeretary Dauloio eald that Heir Ad miral Hima recommended Commander far . Jsary ro, th Knight Borl on JSaval award Approved the award and th Betrttary changed It, la com oio a with tba awarda of all other commanding erneer f torpedoed alilpa, erTittptal- HtmarMehr taJHa, niritMae earnca aaaaafa. Itevlewlng th eaea of Commander Foote, whoee ahip, tho President Lincoln wa (truck by three toroedoea limnl taneoualy and eaak U iO miaut. tV Secretary quoted Admiral Sims' report a follow t "The smalt lot of life, la due ta thor ough ditclplln of the ship's Oompany and excellent eeamanahlp of Commander toote.- Admlral Oleavee' reoort oa the cue. the letter aaid, eoataiked the statemeat that '"tho am all loaa of lift wu due to the splsadld dUctnllas of tho kbit kad their Die ooauaaahip uu der th gallant lekderthlp ef Ondtmaud ee-Wjroote." Captain Madliea, ConvoV commander, wrote that "It waa aa Inaplritlng eight to see tho eolp, her stera hwnih and on to tho visit hr on Jahuary 11 of Illlhon V. V. W. Darlinartna. nf Hunt. tngtr Vlr Va .wha..ilL4)reach larh-r" P01"' of 'bMb. her officer aboard and fUBSaUlLflfllf.! and an hoaoraEie lneatiT to futur naval heroea." "W cannot give too much honor to th eommindlng offlrers of uf!fce ahlpa which were able to sink or daatroy a submarine. The truth muat also be rec ognized, however, that the eourag, akill, determination, reeoureefulneaa, foreaight and judgment of officer whoM ship were torpenoea and suddenly sunk are put to quite a sever a teat a ia the enae of eommandrhg officers of surface eh I p which ace and ink th enemy. Incorporated in th letter wer th rerortj of nil of the officer who lost their veasell. Including D. W. Baelev. brother of Mrs. Daniel, and Commander Percy W. Foote. the Beeretarr'a personal aide, about whom much of the eoiitro versey hns centered. )aetea From 91ms Letter. In Commander Bailey's aae. Mr. Daniel auoted from a letter bv m Admiral Him in connection with hi ap proval of the finding of the court of itMiuiry convened to investigate tho lose of Hagley's ship. "Hag ley handling of tho situation after hie ship waa torpedoed waa every thing that I espeeted ta the way of offi- eteney, good judgment, eonrago aad chivalrous action," Admiral Sim wrot. pLAijIJLlh eourt of iaqniry Stomach His penoaaesUy dkmppeaf after driakia th. otlebrated hiar MtMrml Water Poeitiv! guaranteed by tisner-baek offer, Tattoo tgl eoet a trifle. Da- llvored ay where try ear telelch Areata Porter Candy Co. Phone them.- Ad?. Congress Meets Today For Long session 01 work : (Ceatlaaed frwa Pag One.) . . border;-If Hi. Sturgeas, ; irhone hnsbaad was murdered ht Chiapas, will be beard here-tomorrow. Inquiry into navy award of decora tion wilt be begun at joint hearing of th SenitJ and floua Naval t!om mtttees. Plea will be laid neit Tu- day by tho Seante eommittee, To Pre be Bolakevlk Activity. Investigation of Bolshevik propa gnada and activitle of L. 0. A. K. Mhrteft, soviet "abaMder," is to be gin'" nert Friday by a forclgh reUtioni wjo-comminee, headed by ' Senator Aloeea, Kepnbimin, Nw Hatnpehlre nkder a resolution sdonted list month, -Other, "nti Infeetlgatlous planned Include the eoel situatloa by the eom atltteer. headed, by : BenatoLi"rpcnn nuyaen, Hepubliean, of Aew Jereeyj the Ford Kewberrr election contest from Mtrhiiraw 4vet4l) -ot-Uia . Jcdal rrad Comttissloa and ehsrges bf 8n. ator Wataon,' Republican,' ef Indiana, that some ef it employe ire aoelnllat jropagBdlsts, Id tho aws prlhtil- per situatioh. Genrnl tariff or internal wveane' tt reriilAB legialatloh Is hot planned dur ing the present seation ef Congrees, ai thoagh minor House bill affecting in dividual tariff arhtdttlei will reach the senate. Jtepeat Of the war luxury taxe on eeft driak also is planned before hot weather sets In. The KenyoB-Kendrlck bill for Federal regulation of th meat Industry are to bo taken np tomorrow by the Benate Agriculture Committee, testimony of tho "big five" Darker and other Inter est having been concluded. Next Fri day the eommittee will hold hearings oh a bill t itend.the maximum limit of Federal farm loan. To Aawrlaanlae Ferelgaera.. The Beit plant to pass, next week. toe nrst ef the remedial bills urged by the Benate ' Labor, Committee, provid ing for Americanization of foreigners. a4 eommittee. wor. on jroposed Fed eral tribunal t consider labor dis putee ale will be taken up. .Law t6 deport knd exclude andciir- bl klienl are to be eonaidered Im mediately, Including the Johnson de portation bill pawed laat month br the House and th administration sneaaure extending power to veto nndesirVbl im migration by deninl i.f passport. Seitat Demoerfta will meet in caucus January IS to elect a minority leader to kneeeed the late Senator Martin, of Vlrg1nii,wKh"rnatf-Hilehee)ehr-of Nehraaka, administration leader In the peace treaty fight controversy, and Senator Underwood, of Alabama, for mer Demoeratle House leader. In eon teat for the leadership. National Cap I til Rallying : uround por party . r . Leaders (Coauaesd from fag Oae.) committee announced today' it would be held in two oectioni, With all ef th flw ttpeeis at, both piarrsJn this way about 1,K are to be anted. Two - nwbject eoeaeet ly diseuueff among the gathering lenders tonight wore the part Mr. Aryan would play in the campaigns the Bltlluds uf I'resU dent WHaoa toardthe ptciidenttal nomination. - ' '" After hie long period of quiet, Mr, Bryan apparently has made ajtehsiv pmna to git into the political twin again but whether he will be a candidate for th nomination or will attempt to hey Come tli eontftdlintf faetof In th con vention has not been clearly demon strated. His activities during the Week, therefore, sre awaited In many quarters with considerable curiosity. Speculation about th course ef PreaU dent Wilson has raised the questions whether he intends to Seek renouiination and whether, if he step aside, h will actively support some one of th eapir inli. K authoritative renlr to these inquiries ha a com from the Whit Home nor haa it been indicated definitely whether ht would touch oh these sub jeits in his Jackson Dny Message, a many nf the lendera expect him to do. Communists" Wanted "ToGet Control Of Labor Un- ionsHere (Cbntlftned From Pag One i tice," Mr. Palmer' statement said, "may deal forcibly, effectively, and flulefcly with aeditioniikk who are American eiti--.en but Who aro seeking to injur or ' leitroy. thaguyernnht jopevery earnestly that Congreie, immediateiy upon reconvening January 5 will enact into Ittw a men an re ndeqtiute to meet the grave situation now confronting u. "There exist ao reason for further delay ht tho enntewt wf wweh ., 'TervT, and I confidently et tkat there will b BOB. - Thnt'eeditreniafs should bo punished id denied hy ao lays eitlxe. and that our present laws are insdeunt, is questioned by bob faflkUiaf trite) thej facte. - . . .v--. ' -" -Seterar -moatha-agnia.. eppearlng before a genate committee I made clear the fact that the ,DprtmB of Jastleo wait tinarmw to peee praprriy Jf'" aeditioniat necaas Of . lack of statu, lory fleamtloa of tho crime, aad I le auggeeted th kind of a law which. I thought would meet th titaatloar i Bltt Jt treads talradnead. "Binee- U,t tima the bill 1 Outlined ha been introduced ia the House by Representative Davey, of Ohio, and It hew is in the hand of a aub-eommirtee consisting of Representative Hues ted, of K"w Yoth, Graham, of Pennaylvania, and Gard, . of Ohio. Epitomized, the bill, after properly delaing acts Of sedition would provide fof a She of not more .than 10,000 or imprisonment of 80 year or both fof any person guilty ef aedltioai a Una of aet iar than 10,000 or imprisonment ef not tnoro than ten years or Both fat ley peraoa guilty of promoting oeditioBi for the deoortatlnn of anr alien Convicted of either of the foregoing Crimes, and for the denaturaliaatUa r subsequent de- portatloa of any hatarallsed ettiaen guilty of either or both of these crimes. "Th conn try's rcanetiM t th intro duction of thia Measure leave to ex cuse for a single tnomeat'a ttaaeceasary delay in the patang of it. free Indorse htaamra. "The H 'i mi 1 fi-'' 'WT7TirTrT"T"ri'i nawsliiianieiiiisssiisiiaa liHiT'ii natein4t1 txdsm r l4t.kltv every etat, without regard t polltica, rial endorsee the- mil tn w -. 'i must be enacted into law if . the an- prernacy of onr gnver"ment h maintained. . Orisaisations - ef - many . classea, including posta of tlie Am : Ijeglon, have gone i record unquali fiedly In fnvnr ,f th- viduals have written hundred f letter endorsing the bill, In tru.u ,. halledeenerallr' by red-blooded Amer icans as a meaaBfewltI teeth isTt7 and that 1 th hind ef a measure the, department muat have if it ia going to stamp out thll grate menace Of sedition." In taw eentee of the vaJlcy, was not sf-T"! tectea severely. WA8RIKOTON OBSKBTATORf RECORD) THE tARTAQRAKC Wasfilngtoa, Jan, 4y A very pra aonnced earthquake) lasting almost aa kowr and believed t have been center ed emnewhoro la South America wa recorded by th Georgetown Unlrersltv seiamoloaleal eliaervatory during the Bght. Th dlatarbane began at list o'rlofh aad ermlinned nntil 12:11 o'clock tkia mora Un;. It wa centered abont I,- 9tW witlee frwvo Waehinxton- t!0 OAkfACI TO CBOPB. Miami, Fla, Jaa. Oaaia amwea. lag to mwr tkea HM.eoe to early win ter vegetable eroaa esniNi kM ski. . snorwiaa a the rmlt ef a in,y Irl , Law tomswratarr war a red lc ted for temlahl by west net harean. Contenrmtfon .; MmuU ho Ihd policy of every , ' oae at thl abnormal .time. - . - - - ; i A good way to eoasrrv is to owb yonr home. Whoa building or mjui a : homo it will he) profitable to la-.' Ut on on la which VIX.-X),t Plombingland Heating k !n tailed, you thereby conserr year upkeep a4 your health. G. L. Vinsca Co. Tha Boat la nrMBlNQ - BtATIXfl "It yield th' largeet retnra." Battl Botween Tooth PasUe Wka Will Vtll Tba ArgnmeatT Let Year Oraggtet Bo Th Reforw. It shnet be perplexlug to th reader to decide, which f Ihe.elalme aro logical aad which are nitiopported when he read th glowing advertisement of th verlona maaufacturera of Tooth Fast. odurtJnr. trss on the flavor. Another claim to "rejaov th film." Still another leave a "clean feeling." Another calls attestioa to the teeth of wild animals and i repated to a nigniy aatleeptie. i - After reading all earafalty the Intel ligent peraoa decide to refer th matter to the eourt of laat resort for th tra nwr. Th Drngglst ! th en whom th physician end" dentist relic apoa la furnish expert advice on the action ef ehemkaU. Why, therefore, 1 h hot Iho person for yon to trust t Long year of patient training and knowledge of th relatlv valu of th varion lagredl ats la alt chetaieat prodoet hav fltted him to exprea an opinion.' Bo know bocauae ho 1 qualified to know, rWheWnnvef' 2",(W flntgglsta and phytlrtaas In this country belong to na tional aaaorlation known aa tho A marl cow Drusciata Ryndicat. The national formula committee of tkia groat aaao- dauoa met annaally la conference for 10 ceasecotive year la order to select th beat formulas -for hoaaohold reme dies ta bo manafaetured ia their own great laboratoric maintaiaodat Long lilaadCity. - ". One of their well knows preparation I A. D, 8. Peredlaa Tooth fast which ha been endorsed by leading dotytist ia every tat of tho nation. Your drug gist wilt tell ytm that it enjoy a fast repeating sale and it claim as a perfect product ia briefly stated whoa bo toll yon that "beside doing all that any th or tooth taut eaa do, PeredU whiten : Kh proxid.'" Large productioa ef this remarkaLl preparation enable yon to stiU purchase th large tub ai th eld prie-SJ cent. Try a tube today and b convinced. adv. Start the Heiv Year - Right and Spend Your Money at Boone Every day last ya7waavalul giving day at Boone'. Not just a few day at th time each sea son, Thl year w hav revolved to make yonr pocket book glad' ovary Una it cpeada money at th D Lux Clothier. Thia la going to be another year ef customer making. X am glad that t have th good bought s I aa do the good things for yoo, "COME AND SEE" ' ieedl w ak. . Meal Salt and Ovorooat lit Up Boy Sail aad Overcoats t Vp hlrta aad Vaderwcar : I 1 t'g Evry day people ask ni how eaa you do It, Touf interest eome drat U oae reason, "Com Bee" and leara th ether. C. R. Boone "Cd Qaallty Spell What " Boaa Sella" ' M LtXK CLOTHItR ' sULEICK. X. C W w , Vtetrola XVtt $ioa ViotroU XVU, Uettte, IMS , lthe$jLeif Ot oeh ... ... remacy oil Victor Jbbuilt It it tlgtslficant that every wonhf while atxompllhment in thej tialldng-meadii construction, i tlie reiulLo lilhejor CSompany i not a mere mamiaiu?frt machines. It U a creative organization. It developed the talking'' miichine to its present high state of perfection and the years ot experience and millions ot dollars spent in exhaustive research and experiment all have a direct bearing on the superiority of Vixtor products today. ; v The maiiinio& is devoted exclusively to the manu facture of talkin'rnachines and records, and it is the only plant In die entire taLkkig-rnacHnc industry which makes every part of every imtniment within its own walls. No other nianufacturer today is Qualified to produce an instru ment as good as the Victrola If the hutrument you buy is to be the best, it matt be the Victrola. There arc Actrolas In great variety of styles from $25 to $95gg and there are Victor dealers everywhere who, will gladly play your V favorite music for you. New Victor Record demonstrated at all dcalttt on the 1st of eackmonth Victor Talcing Madbine Co., Camden, N. J. ikaliJNhe-Ar.t.ri.,. .