TUESDAY MOlNjlJANUAR THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. The News and Observer ' kaWisfc. N. C Publiskaa Eatrr Dar la th. Tes'r r . TAK-XtvU a. AXft JOBSERV Ett PCBUSHINC . . .. ' COMPANY. JOEPRCI DANIELS, tVasidaat men ' ;-vire an oBssnvjeft building, x 114-11 Wat Martin ttrwC . T.lhaa . . Edrtsrial Raoma t Aeaartiaie Dnt ...-15' Lacsl Nm Dap..... Circulation Dn ...117 htlUBUI OF THE AJiSOClATU) PBEiS. fla Attt tern Is earhaHwIr nutlet Is the (or npabtHaUMi el l daspaiasm cmtu. ta X or nut vtbrrwH endiud in thm iwlxr and also ta local news publulw. twmn All riahU of rauuMio . tasa al eyacial easpaubas karats an tlw aaaaevad ITU, ASSOCIATED PRESS RErORlS. UBSCKimpN rlCEi I'ajaala in Ailvasca Dally s. Baaear Iail Only Ona Taar. ........ .11 . Ona Yaar Ik atcniki Ill fl Mwitha ..... Thrw Mmntm , . , , l.;s Tk. ... MpnUi ... On Mwnta W One Mouib wa Yaar Bssaar Duly .U. is Month, iWNewasif 01crWTr etilwH r Hairiah aa .uburU at fiatara arate ear waak UaiiF uUiu -twalva atan par t , l oo ; AM.. Dally was Entarati at tlx PoalofTice at RaJaisk. North Carolina, a aacond-la. matter - All aMlrn4 rqmmunirationa will b rajtd. No manwnr will ba returned unlve aeeampanieil ay Ua. - - - INDUSTRIAL QUIET. , ; -Tke development of the plans of the radical) appears" to thow a most co.prehenive project' fur i udiint riaT"dllitu rTmne t - throughout the United Staled 7tTooTs 6 w nTif the uiicaain4hreugh 1 which' vye liar pacd in the last year baa been b'rgeiy Hm-wofbf 'ganiU-iialnrav j;rinitldi viiili -itdinl movement ajid working through the j trailc nmonsrathcr than tho work ol hto unions' Uhamipliws cmtv quarter the, tiiiioiarc j showiug -btilitie toward the radical and that. ( letiKty-v4fl4itly -fiiiUhf j .lhs.jioMiliiliJi of fur fiber influcnre Vy tlio tfaftiirber, ; ' a good many fa. -it fail to ret justice bfate w do not allow it to. Pph trt alike. The man who is" accused of an offenat It too often Jpokcd upon as being: tried for th aakt af con viction la order 'that we may kurty ttlrthfn i.hmeBt. The theory of VHo Taw is IliafliS IS oct until he U proved guilty. The theory of a irooJ man' eitircn t-tfnrf he- g.ifiy 4 the i.itrfvs of ih trial li)L ttify hit eieeuti I ihrja anrieon in the Caar'a army, witb the rink or turn linn into the peniicnuary, "TF Tit " TfTP?tt7tr-ttat--ilie C ! ; w laa d -g race raa re I A mar a mn ba judgrd the anarchist Induqiim ha heca isolated and 'it ran hardly have much influent- from how on. The pxtrfiuo loadrr ulll N haairred hy the govcrnpu nt in a wny that will leave them little power for the future. Without their (liKturling agitation, there i jittln reason toi atiKjieet l:i1xir antieipate any ninveaicnt nt con aequenea in the immediate future. It la more likely that ilellliernte t lfort to bring about 'deal red inn ouie other way. i!l prevail, nnd that wc have paeai'd through the period of pronounecd dUlurbaiier. looking barkaard through the pc rlofl at war it i not hatd to see now in tho light j of reeeiit events that anarchy working tinder-its j varioin names wa reiponaiblo for- many f tho ' d:trbuiH s of varioim kinds,. hick were not i then easy to aeeotiiit fur. Var afforded a good iappflrt unity for almost. .any kind of a demagogue ! or agitator, fn the temporary cxeitemeut men I did many tiling that they .would Hot do under ! the conditions of more ober reflection. t3rThcpTsVfi i -iewr-aVk f 4ifftt -ie lietttten- the. euudoyer and employe tlian in 1 :my time in several year. The radical whone mile , ptirfosc WiU.4littH"l'nerwTthotft--repitfd to- WnlU j for anybody, uiay be considered wit of it boiv, i We can look forward to a reaounb!y hrnioni.im period therefore for a eunatuerable time to couie. guilty. lL Jhey are not they wight as well' lie. To aceiue "" loan of jirofiterrig i i put a mark him tliat la tarj to wipe' out. It ia to accuse hip of an offense tliat i 4iniopuJar. Crimea vary in the degree of popularity. Hb a man of hi farm and it may bo buine. Charge him too "mueh fur tugar and it ought to be puniahlble with deatq without very mack debate. If be can how ab solutely that la isn't guilty ther it wally no reason it hy w e shouldn't be ditmissed on payment of the rot with the grava admoaillon not to do it again. Hut oveii at that the community will not forgive him for being accused cren if he didn't do it- I'robably it i ell right. This way of looking at things has made profiteering a rather raro offense. MORNING TONIC (Marcus Aurcliii.) . r Auif a.-TTor nie, let what will eouie, ) can receive no ilumage from it, unliai I think it a calamity; and it. is In my power to think it noue, if I to decide. ... ' ' UNCLE WALT MASON GOOD RIDDANCE. Of anarchist we're weary, of all Ike kindred freak, of agitator beery arho jar wltk their aariclta; and aa we've atarted skipping the lot ' acreea the tea, and thry May do their ylaplng. In Raaala, which i free. They didn't Ilka oar ban ner, or eagle, worth a cent, and In nnneemly man ner they voiced their discontent. They nald that tyrant role a, we're trampled hy the atrong, the plutee and robhera f ael aa, ' and everything . I wrong. They pilled aa for working, they ahadderT ad aturjatex.ajid thounht twme timely dirking and bombing would be great. And now they hive departed for Kuaala'a ahinlng ahorr, where pit r Iota I rue-hearted may ahed each other' fore: where man take recreatloa with weapon in hia pant, and prompt ! natloa "In a a re of great applaaae. I ' hope they'll all he Joyeaa on Ruaala's happy strand, and never mora annoy , or see thla darkened 'land. They'll have the klid of freedom that' beand to hit the pot, for friend will ohool and bleed 'em, and burn them when they're ahot. So let' keep oa .diapatchieg the red to Rnmla'a shore they've Itched aa long and scratching ha grown to he a bar. ... . '. . It will b kind of alee if the Senate can now get a little penfe Into the peace treaty. ANOTHER IlOrg Bl'BBLE CONE. 6. The Supreme Court of tlie United States .1. livernl the wets another ainiiehing blow yester day liea it declared the I'rohibition Knforcement Act constitutional and soused the glimmering; hope for 2.70 tier ceut beer. Step by step, tho wets have becu, pushed down. All sorts of Imrriera have been offered to tay the progress of prohibition. AU ortt of pretests l.ave been employed and teehiiieal lever used to rjrfeirt the -apirit of prohihiUou law. Tint . I'nited Htates is dry nud the world is coming to the suiuc condition. And there is no nce4 to argue about It further. ' Earlier in the game, the wet seized upon the. theory of splitting up the dry force over the is sue xf tobacco. To the AntirNaloon League whs awribed the. definite plau of an anti tobaeeo eru tdde, That -trick- fell flut. The Anti-Balaon Jeagua-miide it very plain that it had pot finished Nearly eight million of freight Ihroutrb' the Pan ama canal last year, besides the veseel of the navy, indicate that the canal is of aome use, - - ..T'jtP Coast tint railroad in holding it earnings aliove its. eipenses way get Congresa exeitod un til thfy wilt want to retain that road. CRyadatreet starts the new ye;ir with ' thtureport of a eharp upturn In. the price vf things to nat. That isn't the new leaf we wanted to ace turned over. the fight With liquor, and that the-world" wai lha lliitP"-rC" ' c- Now conies wood aleohoTSnd it trail of deaths. Tlie 'wet prom seize upon It and serve it up in tasty style at a. product' of" prohibition. Why' Because, It offered a ready chance to get a hear' iug; because liar.n to the innocent get quick ym uathy; leeue the, wet must have a aeaiegoat for their pnu ins. But the thing in wholly illogical, aud ridicu lously foolish. The man who buy liquor is deal ing with a violator of the law, u confessed crim inal. When he put tho stuff into 111 itomach, he knows, or ought to know, that lie la laying hi health and ii life on thcaltar that tlie'block sder or bootlegger lias erected. The price be pays, just depends on tho ratio vf depravity of the maker or wile of the stuff be drinks. On the other hand, alcohol is a habit forming poison. Prohibition, tint prevent the formation of the habit isn't responsible for h result of the habit created by the traffic it aim to destroy. Ami yet tha cry hat gone up, . Where will it end Who knowsf One thing )s certain i the Hnprem Court ha put 2.73 per cent beer to rest beside hi more stalwart brother tud the mourner are uneomforled, AN AMAZING RECORD.. Tho Wilson chamber of eopimerco lias published n statistical table showing the tobacco rales in It Bat market for the last .eighteen years. I'or the year just "cloned the sales, reached almostwiforty million pounds, bringing over twenty-one mlllipa dollars. , "Af TScT.egminiig irttrigtit-jilrt as wll-be adr stood that all of f hia tobacco was not raised In Wilfon county. Yet so much is raised there every f year that Wilson as a "county ia amoug""tho most prosperous of all the counties' of the United Btates. Ten years ago when the ceusus was taken, the a usened valuation of oil the forms in Wilson county was a lihle over tkrco"mitlioii dollars. The aver age value of farm lands then was about thirty fivd dollars. What the value of the farms today can be told only when the census is completed or tha revaluations made known. Certainty it will be mueh higher. Good farm land in Wilson today scares nobody at two or three hundred an acre, but, if we figure on one hundred, the land on the farm of Wilson.woiild.be worth ten mil lions, Moviug the price up to a ten million dol lar valuation or doubling that on tho basis of two lauulred dollars in acre and stilt the money brought by the tobacco fold in Wilson ta 119 would pay for all the farms in the eonnty. As waa said in the beginning of this article, all -the tobaeco sold in the Wilson warehouses was not Wilson county1 tobacco. Wilson if a popular, mar ket, and much tobacco eomes from outside point. Yet to offset the .tobacco .thato. Mrkejjcjrjina, from other counlie. Wilson snake a Urge amount of cotton, much corn, vegetables, pork, peanuts nnd other erops, so that tha farm production of PROGRESS iH mr BUILDING. "-"The 'WriiI.Xood atlministr.itgr says that suaar iU b cheaper after lhimpnth;He is taking a mighty long shot if ke i not sure of what lui It' talking about. The immigration station ia New York tay a hundred thousani lmmigranti art Jmpected to ar rlv there thla month. EyldeBtlvJfjnele" Bam i to centime to increase hia family by adopfion. liuring the year vessels constructed for the ship ping board averaged t hundred a month and reach ' rd a total of sit million two hundred and, thirty Ui6trsihff Tn-ff-tvr half t"jsa.eaiccL!ihips. t Thi li Is tiijies much'Si" tTienotal"triBTiago-nrr ployed in our foreign trade the year the war broke 1 out. It ia mora than twenty timet the total ton nage of everything lu"ntTtt-ThTritd i liming ctua4)ats, vessels eonstrueteit lor (lie shipping board do not include other t,uff built The ttcpubliean suggestion that John M. More lead of Charlotte thould be candidate for Gov ernor it just like rttting a free hers to death. Mr. Morehrad' by this time ought to be entitled to a day off. ' That Thursday uight dinner to sixteen hundred Democratt in Waahiagton makes you think of another dfiit in th sugar supply. Fortunately these dry days there ire not so many things to put tugar in. - - .New Jersey' new Governor las been looking up tho prohibition situation tnd he it not to coekanre Of defeating the; amendment aow as he wa whea "wnking eleefiopfOrHtR dnrinj thw-rnnipaign,- "r works thst way. ' - .' v In im (he peapi of the UffiTed Kialet avertgel five- ptthndt of sugar. last Jftu-JBO, got that aver "M'P'TRt1ct?-Two ' our sweet ooth grows longer i' it easy ta see that Iho tugar erop has to make big ineresves or the - priee will go wild. . That ia one of our trouble row. ... "7T7".'"y The Jv'eT Torker who har bfra getting of their juket about, the frequent captures of moon thincft by re renn doiter la the South will prob ably laugh just at enthusiastically bil these taai , revenue officers wko htvg got North tre kk Itrg up violators of lb oblkey law right there. It Xew York.; . " !-y:. f ' . ; ' y . ; " " Joss Willard w$ aecuved of charging too much for wood on his farm tad at tried and acquit ted, but aobody ever' Bled a ' complaint heeanee he took l wheel barrow load of money away from prii fieht at; Toledo. Chsrglnf a dollaf t rnueh for a load of woo4 i preiteering, Charging ' f.f'y dollar for a ticket to l prix'e Cght is bui f " - " for other use, iiiit tonnune is two-tlunls in much at onr total tonntgt in foreign trnde on th-i lakes, tn the eotst wise trade nnd everything five years) ago. Another "year or two ofaurh thip bnildlsg at thin will make the United Statet fore,r most among tho camera of the world. -, Thlt it what the "present administration has don to make the United rentes supreme commercially throughout lb world, 'for fifty yearn the Re publican party had bees engaged successfully iu protertiag the flag of the tea. Coming- through a great war left tk United States with rlo nter-J ehiiat navy, Intlesd of establishing one, Repub lican legislation put our merchant fleet at the. foot of the list. When another great war threatened thi country a liewocrttie administration, at inee b?E?B J?bufbl merchant navy and we' have piad a record nevtsr befor equnlird in tho woirI4'l;"PWrtairttjthn-pwr4t of th. people. --- history, Tb llrst .year after thr riose of bet. ;. JrWHPTr-or (Hop nn.eettaary lility, instead pf protecting our navy ett of the j .'u.,, present Uw gad promptly sea, wo have put the flag over more ahipa than i enact urh further aer Una are necessary u writ eter lautiehed4nr-ano-yaa-iy anycuuiilry In J I'reyenj r.,inj'j;hrofjiid 'neediest Ilia world. And w bav to esttl.lished that wave-, -' ; , , mtat that th. mast rabid form of Republican pro -j diS lertion can never again protect our ship from j nMp i,, pro4ucer d tonsunier full inferm tht ten,' hot out iuaroaso in commerce front enr-'td. s to nbsl gooils trt Ueedd Btd ( to whet supplies are tvtilable, e tbtt puductlpt) way a tieipat the reuntry't dcrsaiids, - , the county will tiH""go "a lonXvyTowtr ing a crop big enough to bay the farm. And Wilson is by no means an isolated example. It is one of Hie most thrifty farming eotintiea of the Htate, Yet if we take the farm produost of the whole Htate we .are going to find that they wculd go a long way in 1019 ateee to ay for th. farms at a muck greater valuation than made by the census ten years ago. Tho value of bind and buildings then was three hundred million dollnrs. The value of farm products in 1919, counting live stock and everything will run close to three times tbtt amount. North Carolina farms have increased in value at least thro hundred per cent in the lust ten years. TUey are easy worth, it billion dol lar now for they can mfke a crop worth that much in a year. . - r- WHERE DOES CHICAGO GET THM? Kew York World, ."Naturally it v. as in Cuteago that the 'experi ment ia psychology was tried of hanging a mur derer in tho presence fo 300 prisoners, . .Why jt brutal rustoi which tiviliwd nations abandoned two generations sgo, upon proof of its harmful nature, should be esllsdr an eiperlment is beyond- conception. Th 8U0 criminalt for whom this private view. of a' hanging was arranged may have included Ill-balanced men likely -to b drivou further toward insanity, dull fellows of tub-normal minds, tad a few naturally decent men driven beyond - their power of resistance by ' cirenm sua ecs. Ia such niiiture tome might bo moved by bravado, tome by sluggish reason, ta cry "When do w tt" as the pcrformtue elated. The "benent'' t in each ease the name. trtijtabje to Gov, Lowdsa thst h protect ed against this indeeenratr-etiaJJgl powers are limited! in New York no pfflelal rould tag stKh i revolting scchs and escsp re mora I by th Cjovernor by any Uovernor for twenty- - .Whole-does Chicago get th quaer official. Mayors, Sheriffs tad th like, who make her sow a laughing-stock, now notorinusf THI H, C. l.t THE CAUIkV-THE REMEDtV" Forbes Magsciu. Just why the cost of living htt rin, pad, more Importtnt, how it etn bt brought down, ia (hot tersely tnmnitrized by th Council of National De fense after a "moat exhauTrittttttlt- Caaae . .The patioa't produethw powcrt Itrt pot been fully utilised line the armistice. (Too few goods, notably the teres! tie t of life, have been produced, and thtt eve torn of these good have been withheld from tk market, pad therefor from the people, - The hgh tost of living it due ia part to pa tvoidabie wr watte end increase of money and eredit, '""- . Tlwr hat Ueg and ft eonaiderabl proiteering ittsiltionsl d unintentional. '; ' '.' Tha aUmedis . ' I'rodue mtr good, tad to prodtwe theat in pro ri.ig in our own, vessels. Dctuoctatio autbertty bat wiped out. fifty years "of Kopublieari' (hnnit. TRYING SUGAR PROFITEERS. ' Out , in CIctI4 'he government It bringing suit ngaiatt aome groerrs for charging loo mtteh for, tugar, "iprrhapt they ehnrged ,too much, pgr-, bait they didn't But whether they did t not you would, not like to p one of thoe grocers, Justijo i a mighty eurlou rrraturc About ninety' mil Hnq peopi i 'bt United Plate pre fready right now tp lit the sentene. on Orcland grocer out Oiere -sithout wailing to too if. tliey sold a pound of tngar. ' W r nil tlway ready to" Mam the law for ft .frequent failure to bring justice. Probably tho law brings justice too oftca. VU Young logolevitch. By DR. FRANK CRA,E. '' . (Copyright, 19S0, by Frank Craa..) v . The other day I met (tn eighteen -year-old boy lie U a Itutsiaa Jew And hjs paint if Iogolcviteb (aewnt en th gol). - j U w not eolkcting actress ohotoisraplis Toping down Broadway nor beggisg Muniwa for pocket money nor' otherwise ptaymg or lanhsg or trying to see how much pf a he sould W Leforo settling down to woik, ' " V: He it the ttredited rtptvsenUtlve of the tnti-Ikilhvik government' nt hiberia, aad it in this-country trying to interest capital to invest in fiberm. '''' Hit story it out of brilliant tdvtBture, tht vlJ miracle play of Youth. " It it aa amazing a tabs as hat grown our ot ttre-war.--Ful Iogolsvileli, 'hen not yet thirteen yeart.,old,rat jjudylng. .tnt ' violin tinder Leopold Auer when tht war pros tot. One day something happened that made ' music a dead issue for l'snl for a loag-timia x tome he hoard the aseusat ion. jnade the length breadth of Rnssia, that tho Jew were not doing their. patriotic doty ia the war. The. violin was pat astitr.- Fanl went to bt fstu. wuo trat orTolonel, and demapded thtt' hf tov ti: taken into the army. And be Was I Tlie;.tloer iogole- vlfchYldeir wheam"lwr let the bay have a taste of war that would give. him oaongb of it ones fui alU tod sead him home. Paul was admitted to the army as regimental mes senger with the rank of corporal in hit father t detachment, ' -.-".'"-. But "Tho Young Russian Corporal" wtt not sent homo- The pet of the regiment at irst, he was treated mar or lest at a mascot. The the grim pressure of war cut out aI I the playing in the ar rangement. Me was entrusted with th delivery of important despatches under fire, and madO good. lie was sent on perilous mission through the German lines; and bad runny a taste of real fighting in band-to-hand skirmishes of (jerainu, outposts. Honor after honor pa heaped upon this Jewish lad until ''The Young Bnssun CorpomP was a subject of almost daily mention in th news papers of Russia, and of admiration that approach, cd superstitious awe among the moojiks. When tho Bussian debacK etme, "The Younsj Russian Corporal'' esuio- to America, laden with medals and honors. His service were at once en listed by the American' government, ami it wit under the auspices ot the Emergency Fleet Cor poration that lie spoke befor war workers hcr-. Youna Iocolevitch on hir lart'aisy, in fiiberi was commissioned by one of Iho greatest banking firma of th world to. open branches in Harbin and ptuer eitirs-n tomewhstv unusual assignment for a seventeen year oia WH. He- ve mora-unusual now-ras the representative io nmarn-a ..a anW-ou.nV , , ,,. . Iha- w, tmetS wiiu tne vans oi eaptai... "--- The man who. when tiered a doubtf? tonal credentials from General fcemeutiff. But youug Jogolcvitch hat set himself another task which he regafda as eveu moro important- that of talking to American school children aud telling them the wonders of free America as they appear to a lad fretdi from dark Russia. Ho is bitterly pnti-Itolshevik, and he declares that much of the radical "freedom of speech" it "freedom of lying" freedom to slander America. He plans lo become an American citizen as soon as, that csn bo accomplished He has written n book, with litersry assistahee, entitled "Tho Youug Russian Corporal," which any boy will read- with delight. ' Bij Ed', A. Gtft ' .' -'. - . RIGHTS.. '. The meanest man I errr jfiw.. : Knew all ther. is about the law, , Ho never tteppe" neh iey ond . .; Th legal phrasing of lis bond ; Ita'woa!dn!t tic-au trpnldnt r liwit, Bat children dodged him on tho ttreet, And neighbors bad no love for him Because h is nay were stern and frttn j Ito wanted-everything iu sight If be could say 'two his by right. . I've noticed that ih meanest fight Brgia with men who want their riguttr Keen it Khylock, they pursue Tlie final dollar that is due, Aad though they pay the debit thry owe, No mercy to their friends they show; The law proclaims them honesi men, Hut in tha verdict rendered then, Throughout tha script you cannot And'' That it it written they are kind. All men hive rights and yet it seems Tli happiest joy and .sweetest dreams Are always tbeirt who now and then l"oreg their right for other men ; Men who their petty claim release For friendsliip'Dr the take ofjieoce, And would not make saother bleed Although the law allowed the deed, Know more about the world's delights Than they who coldly want their rights.' Give me the man who will not prcft The neighbor who is in distress. The man ,ef principle who given ' . SeTn?"iKouliliCTo' hdw'Tiri'Trothfw' 1!wtl Anij choose ratk"r here to 'act Forgets hit rlaim or wipes it out, He shall be richer in tli end For having lieen to i.ll a friend. (Copiright, 1B19, y Edgar A. fiuest.) , ii ' Heavy Japanese Reinforcements. Honolulu, T. 11., Jan. 5. (By the As sociated Pre.) Heavy Japanese, re'n forcemeats have been rushed to Irk utsk to aid the forces of Admiral Kob chak there, according to a 'eaple from Tokio to the Nippu Jiji, a ,Japance daily newspaper here. The "Crisp" CriticUm. - By MARTHA HAYWOOD, Chairman Publicity. 'If on coming down to my work in the morn ing, t should hetr that Judge " had go. fox hunting, I would know that that night th market house would be glutted with rabbit, for judge is tho best rabbit banter J. bar. ever known." Writing over the-lgnature of B. G. Crisp torn one has revived for tha initiated th delleion memory of this parable that ot few yetyt ago set the village rocking In ita gayety. " For the prceervingly unaware that the battle of justice to women its been fongbt aad won, tr learnedtnrtor -pf-tba tew t spread oae more befor appreciative eyes- the diverting spectacle of "A Home Saver," clad in erumbersome ancient armor, pursuing complacently through the mzea of "an irrideeeent dream" the ubiquitoui and il lusive "Molly Cotton Tajl of his political am bition,, ' Throughout a two-column article of mnch elo quent, the Idea i naively prostrated, that the Oraat War Between -the State wa fought, and th ralor of the soldiers of- the Booth displayed, to defeat th recognition of women at aa ess-n-tial element ia the government of the people I Otherwise what possibility can be the connec tion of this his long trail with tho Susan An thony Amendment the fox he baa set out tJ kill! Again we hear htm vociferously giving voice from tho tungled briar patehea of sex nnd race prejudice,-while away off " on the horizon, ih. frisky fo ho hat vowed to tlay stands grinning at his old time gait.' In evident ignores that the Constitution of the Union autflorir. n amendment whenever it' shall pass both Houses of Congress by a two- thirds vote- in each Hons, aad shall b ratiled , by the legislature in 39 ftate; he makt ioudj appeal to that much loved aad long lost doctrine i of Mates rihu. There can be no state rights that ilida;c j this prorision. , . For the .".bcouty thtt wus titteee"- tad "tlie j grandeur that was Rome" ape of (he stuff of which j men, now can only dream. j And. -the writer of that article. w doubt U-ss ! dreamingly protesting' indirectly tgniast th con stitutionality of the.JCYIII (Prohibition) Amend-! ment already adopted, and think it eoatrary to j states rights to interrupt tha flow of liquid supply, j Again out of tho ttyiz of hit crossing bypaths I thfcjflntentlon may. bo untangled that an amend- j ment to tKe"ThitedrtateBstitwtm passed in "Ihemaanerwovided - by-ythe United State Cpuititiition. haa ao validity in North Cnro- i Una unless ubmKe4 to 4 vets sf ' tho people af this Slate. There have been eighteen tmeadmentt made to the United States Constitution, and they have the same validity aa if a part of the original consHfufTonraTrd H')t M f them waa ever pwh. mitted to a vote of the people of any Stt for ratification. And if thla had been don H would have had o tffeet, provided that the Legilaturet of thirty-sii ttatct bad ratified tha amendment. -It doe not appf r whether "B. 0. Crisp" ia . a man or a wema but from iateriaal .vide., "it could not be a worn ', for while there trt many women ignorant of tht Constitution, not one could be found to write an article about a matter of which th knew to little nt this writor. He (or aho) contend that because) aa Amendment ta Uie Con stitution af North Ctroliaa must bo ratified by j the peopl ot th Sttite, that therefor tn tmu4- ment to the United State Constitution it of woj clfeet in North Caroline, nnleit Otifled by tU J vote of tke people or tins buiici If a eoastitutioa it aeeeasible ft that writer it will be well for him or her, befor. mraia tttesnpt ing to nlightea the public oa constitutional ques tions, to look up Article V of the United State Constitntion, a t th tnjpaer la which tmend ments thereto mar tie mtde, and Article Xt, which provider that the Constitution-f th. failed Btatot. and tho lawt.mido In pursussts thereof, stiall I the upremo-law--of hilpdr aad th judg h eury Hrtrte-stwll lie bound thereby, Anjrfji.iiii4 in ih Coastitu'ioirr law of tay State to the contrary notwithstanding, TwmitTw rtato have ratified .th. MX (Ssif frngv) Amendment, and tho (uffrage tearters having , reliable information that a majority of Jhe Jg- j Irlature in tcventeen otbef UU (three Biorc , than necssaryre pledged I. ratify before fuel middle of next month, hnve called n great ufTr.'ce ! meeting t. txt held February 12-18 for th ptl joicjug aver tlie complete success of thi svfty-j year struirgle f jr'thc equality of right for women, 1 find for the Irmntittion f tht great organittitioii that hat achieved It. J, . i , a Th amendment does siot qualify a woman to vote when a man in like condition would pot be eligible for the use of the ballot, but" all signs look pretty good for an early removal of pnrirst die criminal tuns o ftbe rabbit school on account of sex. ., .... -.- ) ...''-.' And with tlie. Iiouuds ct their amhitipn long since "Babblt-Bipk" the pertinent question ''Will the women vote in the Juno primaries t" persist ently suggests itself to the practical politician of th it 6!at. - . The Globe Clothing Co. 's Pre-lDventory Sale Is Now in Full Swing Don'tTaii to Attend Mea's All-Wool Mackinaw. 12.00 KST. ..$8.45 Men's Overcoats, regular pric 115 Hale tn or Price J7rJ Men's All-Wool , Overcoats," regu lar prie (60. ' tVA QC -rl Price Jl'ieilJ Men's All-Wool Overcoats, regit lar price 23. ' tl O QC Sal. frie 1 Os7s7 A few Men's Suits, worth DlS' to p.10, small sizes. Hale Price $10.45 $10.95 Suits. regular $17.50 Suits, regular $22.50 lien Wonted price 125, Sal Prie ....... Men's Worsted price .). 8le Price ...... Men wool Worsted Buiterrega- lar prie. $3j. Sale Pric. ..... . MeVtrWool, Wprsted tSuits, regti'- . ajtp430--j Q A It fT ftila Prie ... ; .... .. P)7.0W Numerous other bargain to be ' had at oar sale. Coma and be -convinced. $27.50 ML Clothing Co. 22 3. Wilmington St. . Walk a block and save $3 to tit a fur fult at Overcoat. Answers UTeerdsyB ltWiaTl T They call it a "duel" from the -root due," meaning- tr0r'Y'2;;::f- . 2The bbr.viat.0B "A. V. means Anno Domisiir I Hi-yr".': Br Lord, dating from the Christian era. rBHwhetiitt41--t Irish patriot," fn.S-18i7; active la ac- cuiing Irish Cutholie, emnneipatlon.- 4 t arson City 'if tht cnpital tf hV vtdt. ' 5 A water moccasin is a specie of reptile, a dark colored soaks about three feet lonz. found in swsnips, -lake.. otc, in our (southern rlutest it bit is deadly poison, . 6 Alexander th Ureat was Rintr tr Macedonis, conqueror of Asia. Ha died 3:3 B. C, . . 7 Alfred th Great wa King of the West Masons, England, from 871 to IHH, A. V. - A mosque is a hrlne,Jemplox house of worship of Mohsmmedsn. 9 A masque is a play, a tableau, a sieetaeje in which the character appear in ftnry eovtume. 10 The meaning of th adage, "Chickens come homo to roost," i that all good and aril word and deed will some day react upon the individual either to hi advantage, or otherwise. N.w. ttacstiens. 1 What it ylogrphyt 2 Who was Richard HIT 3 What is a samovar! 4 WhtC is the meanlne tit the pura,e,J'lie.. pffld' a-What.ii a pagoda f J What great example of tenlptvirc it taHcd-thtr -rrddle of th.-agea'4iT - 7 W'Iiq was Thomas Heury Huxiey? t Who wfote the popular novel, "Thr Starlet Ijetter," nnd with what problem it the plot concerned f 0Of what Rtat is the city of Fjerr, thu capital f 10 .Who was Johsnn Wolfgang von GoetliaeJ SyItW!th ELQWERS- Cut Flowers, Floral . Designs, Wedding pnd Corsage Bouquets, Palme, Fern '; and all kindt of Decorative riant. Narcissus, Hy acinth. Frcesia aid other Bulbt for Fall Planting, - ;H.:STE1JNIETZ '. , Florist v : - Baloigk, If. C. DO YOU KNOW WHERE 218 S. WILMINGTON STREET IS? -v READ THE FOLLOWING AND LOOK US LP. Pre-Inventory SALE Kid Boot $6.00 $6.50 Ladies' Black with French heel .... .... . Ladies' Havana Kid Walk- uiff Shoes $6.00 and . v Ladies' Calf Walkinsr $7.50 $8 $9.50 $10.00 Ladies Havana Kid Boot with French Heels f in $6 $6.60 $9.50. . .. PlU Ladies' Patent vamp, Field Mouse tA QC Top Boot t77J Ladies' Field Mouse' Boot with French 1A AC heels P7.tJ Ladies' black Kid Boot with Cuban and French heels 4J1A QC; $6.50 to alU.7J Satin AK Pumps . . . . . . . . tPI .tJ Patent Pump . . . Dull Kid Pump Silver - BlIlliB Ti n Shu-Fit Spats . Men's Black Calf Skin hoeOn lIdifferent lt' -' from extreme English to straight last $11.00 values ..$V,VD Vici Kid Shoes &Q AA TS-andtpO.UU $8.45 $8.45 ....$8.75 $3.00 A$T?.O0aIiHFTh a vict jud straight , last,' mostly narrow widths Q iA A B C ........ tJO.DU i Tan' Calf EnflislnSpecialr Winsr Foot Heels atUched. $11.00 ' AC values ..... ttJ Cordovan jft O fA Shoes' .TtPltC.DU A special lot of black calf bluchers, excel- M QC lent quality . . . , tjrx.fD V also have a full line of boys' and children's dress and work ihoes, rubbers of any description " toen'i': heavy shoes and hosiery -"at prices that will suit you. Sample Shoe Store 218 S. WUmington St. t tWir i a. WANTED Lrnotype Operator Writ or Wire Mitchell Printing V- Company . Raleigh, N. C Will pay $35 per week, or more to satisfactory and reliable operator. -

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