f ft THE NEWS AND OBSERVER. TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 6, 1920. 1 fRANBFOBMATIfllsV lx, , we hare dipped Life's- lnjfflile bread ' ' Into the stars' flame-bubbling springs; Ws'vs knelt before tha Moon's white face. While round us whhred Nights purple wins. Lore, we have trnd the ftw of Morn, And watched Itawn'a reeling galleona die; The sunset's panoramic hills Lore, we have known them, yon and I. I'poa the battlements of Time We stood and heard Life's thunders roart A million ticking year Hint swelled Te eraahing notes of millions snore, Our hearts have germiiiated-sweet To beauty through each golden hour; put now the bloom-time "lays are past. The etalk far fading with the flower. , . Aad we shall seek earth's simple things: A roof-tree ms!l, a green-thatched '" fire . Come, Love, and . lay- your rhe rishetl s- Tt d reams - - Beneath the touch of my desire. We eould not elinib the Infinite, '. The jagged heights were steep and long: I'of us ehild-wistf nines and sloep - Old twilight memories and song. Ive, in it here that we shall wad, Down homelit paths, grown gently wise f l'rrhaps our eyes, inade glad of earth, Shall End the Key to Paradise. .1. CORSON MILLER. . Miss Ethel Wynne left today for Washington, P. ('., to accept a position. Miss Flora Creech has returned to the city after a visit to Mrs. Thomas A. lavis, of Wilson. Mr. Jonathan Worth Daniels spent yesterday in Baleigh on his way from Washington bark to the University of North Carolina. Mr. Andrew Faulkner, of UoldslioTo, : was in the eity yesterday; Mrs. J. K. Reilly. of Charlotte, and Miss Julia Thome, also of Charlotte, . spent yesterdny in Raleigh. Miss, Frances Dement ha roturnei from New York. . . Dr. Kemp Plummer is spending sev eral days In Washington, D. C. Miss Kate Moors has returned to . .Washington, IX af ter a to hsr enter, Mrs. Paul Tillery. Mrs. Will Allen, Mrs. Jones, Miss Minnie Bedford, Mrs. Lindky and Mrs. Fletcher Philips, motored to (ioldsboro . yesterday. r 4 . . . Mr.. Duncan Cameron, of Bong Kong, China, ie spending some time with, his family at their home on North lllount street. ' -Miss Jane Crimes is visiting in . Goldshoro. ' ' Mis Mary McOea has returned to Randolnh-Mueonv after spending the . holidays la Baleigh. ) Major 6harles liulney has returned from a visit to btanton. Vs. (Miss Florence Harrison, who has beea spending the holidays in Knleigh, has returned to Bryn Mawr. Mitt Pauline ilill has returned (o the Carnegie library School in Atlanta, after spending the holidays with her parents.. Miss Freda Lazarus has returned from a visit to Henderson. Miss Kate Gardner, who ' has been ' spending some time in Warrenton, has returned home; f Miss Nan Lacy hns returned from a visit to relatives in Atlanta. ' Miss Kstherine Alston, after spend ing the holidays in the eity, has re . turned to school at Bnndolph-Maeon. ; Mr. and Sirs. E. W. Edwards have returned from a visit to Washington. Misses Ethel Marshall, Mildred Jenkins' and Mary Wilson, left yester- lay for Ptsntou, Vs.. to re-enter school after spending the holidays in the eity. Dr. and Mrs. Richard Crosier and daughter, Dolores, Miss Helea Jones and her uncle, Mr. 8axo Barnes, motored to 7""Wilif TVfttrmntm4mmf at th lome of Mrs. T. V. Jones. Miss Rebecca Williams, of Baleigji, V ft today for Llingtiin, where she will ' attend dance. ''?--?' - Mrs. Jnmes M, Ruisell, of Atlanta, formerly Miss Cammie McNeill, of L" terton, a recent bride, is...iaiting-Miaa Dugenia Clark, on Halifai Street. ' Miss Christine Busbee has returned to New York after spending the holi days at her home In Cameron" Park. ' Miss Louise T. Busbee is spending two weeks in New York, for the nur Kae of ebhervlng tha newest kinder cartes; ' methods - and - certain special phases of the work. . Misses Ellle'Moonejham and Clell Itrnxhaa Jeft yesterday for -Anderson College, Anderson, 8. C, after spending Hie holidays with their parents in the i-lty. -. - J ' ' v;:.-.' - Julian Chamberlain, Charles C. Drewery, aad ' Brown Shepherd,.. Jr., have returned to . Woodberry Forest N-hooL sfter spending the holidays with their parents in the citjC . ' SCIATIC PAINS QUICKLY RELIEVED lv.ep MeanV-tUg WarW!" Uirrment ' kaady tm allay aches TBOIWANDB of raea and women, when the, least vlittle rheumatic "crick assails them, Lave Hlpaa'a 1 iniment handy to knock it out. )pular a third of a, century ago far mora" popular, today. N . Tliats because it la so wonderfully l. -Vtui la relieving all external aches iid painssciatica, lnmbago, netiral i a, ' overstrained muscles, , stiff joints,, v . at her exposure results. A little vis .- I that is aeeesxary, for it soou pea. tr wllhewt rabbing to the sore spot. : .,-. s no tauss, stained skin, clogged" r ros. A bottlo today is a wise pre i i ition. Keep it handy. All druggists 35c, 70c, 11.40. t rr : Rmgs Such As Oas Wear WHh Real Pride A woman is expected to wear a ring. It is a custom centuries old. t-Vot to follow it requirVs explanation. One finds delightful rings for every occa sion at JoIlyWwon derfullj' beautiful,-' faultle's in. quality, and v?ry latent in style. -Colored stone rings are in high favor. We show a vamoty of real atones in e iiisite mountings. Udles' Rings Men's Kings Diamond Rings Jewelers ' aad ' Dia mond Specialists 12 FsyetteVilie 8L Mrs. Bandy U EaterUla. Mrs, William Bandy will entertain the memliers of her. bridge club this after noon at. her home on New Bern avenue. w Miss West to Entsrtsln. i Miss Julio Wost will entertain the m embers of her bridge elob this after noon st her home on Hillsboro street. ... . Afternoon Tes. Mesdames Henry Uicks and William Hicks will give a reception at the Woman's Club. Wednesday evening. w tf Army overcoats dyed blue, seal brown or black and suitable buttons put on. Footer's. Phone 35. Raleigh agency, Yarborongh building. Adv. Olla Podrtda. ' Mrs. II. Mi Bonner will entertain the members of the Olla Vodrida Book Club this afternoon at her homo in West Baleigh. ' - Wsat Raleigh Circle. The West Raleigh Circle of Edenton Btrnet Church will uuct at 3:30 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the homo of Mrs. W. H. Robhins. Mtas Useh te Eatertsia. Miss Elixa Leach will entertain Wed nesday evening at her home on Edenton street in honor of Mies Agnes Gotten Tl "erlske. West Raleigh Circle ' -The Vest Raleigh Circle of tho Eden ton Street Methodiet Church will meet with Mrs. W. H. Robbins tomorrow af ternoit at 3:30. For Ml Tissberrake. Mrs. Robert Wright and Miss Ksth erine Crews will entertain at the horns of Mrs. Samuel Telfair in Cameron T'rk Saturday in honor of Miss Agnes Cottea umDeriaae. ...... Social Service. . The Roeinl Herviee Department of tho Woman's Club will meet Thursday after noon at 4 o'clock. , Mrs. T. D. Harrison will make a talk, her rub jeet being "Our Kesponsibility to Gtrls." -i-JM for Jomalea. " Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Washburn, and daughter left Monday afternoon , for New YoTk, from which plaeo they will We Ask For JMo Medals But in Making PAGES icst4 In CROUR COLDS PNEUMONIA FORMULA CAMPHOH Otti WINTIMMtlN oil tuc tvrroa mntn31. prnteukruM oil TunrgNTiNg LANUM (WOOL r AT) , Vf-eut toji recognied au thority tliet-U.- S. Phtrma copeia and ' ' elected the component points of good Croup Salve. .jrjd the result It Page's Cbu-mo, tho stainless pain alleviator. , v Price 50 Cents , - '. . ' Costs more; Worth, more! T If your Druggist hasn't it ask - ... ' ' 'him why ; ' - MANUFACTURED BT ' V. IL KING DRUG CO. .-'r Raleich, N. C loll? nil V sV-feJ a. vim iiiwj m -i - - xj Dr. : yeacelivBtiiate wjii resume work ... T1... .!.,(. .....n.. ii"T.iiirv'S: THi Wrilii.e Stiidoitts will arrivo tomorrow and tho faculty todnvJhePprin term at Peace wiil tbegiu January 15. -r . " . line ! " " Dr. Brown U Give Recital. i Dr. Dingier Brows, director of music Tat BcTeffif It-College. wmgtyyTi recital Thursday evening, January 8, t Ar5 in the ailditriiim of Meredith Col lege. Friends nf the college are in vited to attend. Ham T. Wwililnvtnn. . Miss Mary O. Graham has returned from hr"r home in Charlotte, where ahe spent the holiiftiys. Miss Graham loaves for Washington on Wednesday to at tend iht meeting of the National Dem ocratie Committee, of which she !s the associate member from North Carolina. Short Story Class. The Short Mtory Class of the WouuinN Club will meet Friday afternoon at 5:15 o'clock. "Edgnr Allen Poe" will be the subject of study. The program will be carried out by Miss Annia, Ramsey, Miss Roberta Crews, Miss Isabel-Bonner, Mrs. Harold Glascock and Mrs, Nina Coving ton. - - ... Timberlake.Newton - The following invitations have Won received : : ' Mr. and Mrs. Julian Burton Timberlake request, the honor of your presence at tho -marriage.. at their daughter u Agnes Cotten to. - Mr.Xa)ii...j9rrion..Ne;ton oa iwturday the seventeenth of January Tt hatf afterlight oe1ock1a the erenli'g i . Christ Church Raleigh North Carolina Enclosed are the cards which rend : Reception immediately after the ceremony at the Woman's Club - Hillsboro Street Will be at home i.fter the first of March Youree Hotel Sbrcveport Louisinna i Many Entertainments. Ifemlerson, Jan. 5-Tbe approaching tnurriage of Miss Elizabeth Mae Corbitt to Mr. Frederick Leroy Toeplleman, the 14th ot this month, has been the oc casion of many entertainments here. Following the announcement of the en gagement at a lovely card party given by Miss Corbltt's sister, Mrs. J. H. rtridgers, gnve a buffet luncheon, and Mrs. W. B. Parliam a tea, in her honor, and Mrs. Alex. Cooper ab elaborate luncheon after the New Year's dance given by tho Cotillion Club, December :t0. From now until ths day of the wed ding there will be qulto a number or parties eomplimentary to Miss Corbitt, whose marriage to Mr. Toeplemani will be one of the prominent events of the Winter season here. .p. , -Jones-Bryan- Garner, Jon. 5. January 1st brought quite a surprise to the people of 'Jnrner, when Mr. John M. Jones and Miss Bertie B. Bryan motored to Baleigh late in the afternoon and wers quietly married. The msrrieg took place at ths Pfiby terian parsonage, Rev. Dr. W. Mc. White Use Blue Ribbon Vanilla and you'll . soon discover the cause of it's popu larity. Distinctive, delicious flavor,' economical 2 os. bottle, full measure. : "Best and takes less." Adv. ' ; A Drug Storerpf Service that Includes M -Variety of Stocks . Prompt and Pleasant Attention .sJwsvs Rilht. Prices - ; v-- . ; 'and ; ; 100 accuracy in filling prescriptions. Brantley DRUGGIST " 15 Phones 15 Dr. Dexter Blanchard "Dentist-- MM Techto RALEIGH, N.C BslMlag Bell Phoa . t SIS L. C WEATHERS y foetor of CB1XOPOOT aad OKTBOPEDIO Practice limited to . Plssassa aad Deformities) of tha Feet U7H raysttsviUs 6U. Raleigh, N. C. R. H. FREEMAN, M, D. Tractics Limited to " General Office Work . Ohstetrica, Gynecology and ' - V ' , rystoscwBT j OSiea Honrs i ll:3o-2:0O T. M. r shortly sail for Jan.aira, wliero Washburn has accepted a position. . . . . Resume Work Tharedar. nffieiating. There were, a few friends ml relutives. who witnesaed.JUe.eere- l atony.. They were Mrs. Lena. Turner, j Misses' Blonie Cole and Eunice Jeromi Messrs. Mtnon aiucniner, .vviiry iowu, i f.i via i, In ml Arriiistead Jones. ' . -i 1 Xri tlMfri -thsr beairHflt-aad -4ei j f0mplihed daughter oti Mr.' and , Mrs. j Henry Bryan of Garner, a well-known ereTiiurnlrabTraiK is a graudaaa'-'of Mr, George Mitchiner, i well known farmer. ( - j . Mm TfwfJiatrtslttS, j. ' n Pri,l. cninff.i JsnHoey lirav from sW. to 12 aB9. Mr4 r -r . . ..t..i.ttii.4 at h .linmn r of Mr. and Mrs. X. Pen a miscellaneous shower i honor or Md ! 1 Mrs. John M. Jones, who were married January 1, 1920. The guests were welcomed at the door by the hostess and were shown to the cloakroom by Mrs. N. B. Penny, Jr. Mrs, Dr. Buffalo had charge of receiving the many beauti ful and useful gifts from the guests. The guests were surprised by one uf the most enjoyable dances of the season, which lasted from 9:0 to J2:00. Music r.as furnished by the Poole-Corroll-Hollaway Orchestra. After the daoce the guests were shown to ths dining room, which wai beautifully decorated in red and green with a large wedding bell hanging in the center of the .fable. Killibub and cake' was served. Those nresent were: Mr. and Mrs. Cnrrine, Mrs. Dr. J. T. Buffalo, Mrs. f Hamilton, Mrs. Lena Turner, Misses Blonnie Cole, Eunice Jerome,' Ruth Buff alo,. Mary Mitchiner, Mary and Alice Penny, Braxton Banks, Katie Montaguo, Bessie Jackson, Stella Johnson, Messrs. Paul and Tom Banks, Royal and Irvin Penny, Bam, Simon, Kennette and Lewis JSature aided 6yZ- Kot only allay distress In advance but assures a speedy Mcpvery for the moth er. It renders the broad, flat abdotnf cal muscles pliant aa they readily yield to nature's demand for expan sion. As a result tha nerves are not drawn upon with that peculiar v Teach ing amln. t. Mother's Frisad is sard ' carerna&y. Atoll Drugguo- SptUl Poeklet oo MoAcrhood d4 BOiT fcss. J C - JESSE FRENCH "A'Name Well Known Since 1875 Unquestioned Excel lence Quality First First Quality - ; ' One Price JESSE FRENCH AND SONS PIANO CO. Olivia ftaaejr Library Baildlng 'Phone 'S -RalrtigB,:;NViC.:;s . is a question of su preme importance to older and younger -'members of the fam ily alike "-" ; .Here you will Jlnd shoes smartly gracjM'for femi nine wearers,, and' splen- T didly serviceable"; one j' for men. Guess & Ward 11 K. Martin Street m Stork j Footwear A. R. Tucker, D. M. D. Ipeclal atteatiea tm ' Diagswals aad sHacasea of the Ear, Keso aad i Throat. , . . , OfBee S04 Masoalo Twp1e rHOXESs . Office. 7Wj ResU - . denee. 1403 j Hospital, 4?0. - KALtlun, x. c. Mitchineryc. L. Tato, J. J. Rose, Arm is tend Jones, Dr. Hubert Penny, of Dunn, Herman Buffalo, Eimnettc and Holmes Rnnd, Wiley Dowd and Tom Brougliton. MONDAY WAS COLDEST DAYSir.CEJANUARY.1918 The lowest temperature yesterday wai t to ."l in the rvening, This is tlx eat weather ln. ltalelgh aiiice Ja 21, 1918, when tho lowest-tempr the cold- Junuary temprrnture The thermometer went to six above ? . Jnu"y 4r J?" J'SJ laiBr MS yar auu, thp Joncst H IS. at the ,homn9'lr MS yVar ai(u,"nie "Jd'w'esV WH IS my, Jr., with - The temperature at other points ye' tenlay were! New Y'nrk City, 4: Wash inirtou, 10; Norfolk, 14; Wilminkton,, 14; A Seville, 4; Jacksonville 24. "t wonder why grandma threw -an old slipper after Pister Hnitel when she went on her wedding tripf" queried little Willnrd. ' "Oh, I know," replied his Bve-year-old ' sister Porothy. "It meaiu that granihna ain't goin' to spank her any more." "BAYER CROSS" ON " GENUINE ASPIRIN .i.,.' 'syer TsMetsr ot aspirin" to bs t'e nr nin must bs narked with the safety Baysr CroM." Always buy an un broken Bayer package which contains proper directio is to safely relieve Head ache, Toothache, Earache, Neuralgia, Olds and pain. Handy tia boxes of JS tablets cost but few cents at drag stores larger packages also Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture (of Monoaceticacideeter of SeJicylicacid. ' r An. : Misses Reese & Co. m rsyetterille Street All Winter Hats, in two lots, Five and Ten Dollars, worth from ten to thirty. Clean up sale for inventory. - Phone 596 Masonic .ERE ana . - ' - Whose Word is Better Than Your Druggist s ? , Physfciins, pehtisU and Nurses Rely M t Him- Isnt That V Sufficient Reason for Public Confidence? There are many good reasons for the confidence tho public repose in their ilrngjrlst. Firat, tja is educated toknow by four years of College and Practical training. "Second, ethical ' physicians everywhere rely implicitly on his skill --they trust him. This faith, of course, originates and is'mainUiued by the pro fessional service rendered by the drug gist ia filling fpreseriptibns. Everyone admits this confidence when offering a prescription to a druggist. Very few men esn be honest in 'one deportment of their business, aad dis honest in the. other. Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde exist very little ln real life. If you trust your druggist to fill your pre scription, therefore, in all fairness, yon must accept his word against the word of unknown, and far. distant manufac turers. To recommend an article, the drug gist must of course, know what it con tains and how it is made,-and .this was one reason for the formation of a co operative national association of drug gists and, physicians who prepare a eom-. plete line of household remedies; and toilet goods. This association is the American Druggists- Syndicated popu larly eatled A. D. 8, which boasts a. membership of - SSJXa-druggists and physicians, the largest of its kind In the world. For 10 years these professional men met aa nually- for conference - in 25c. lb. 4 40c. lb. Cottage and Cream Cheese WHITE DAIRY PRODUCTS CO. . 121T Phone 1J18 A SCHOOL TO TRAIN TYPESETTERS Enjoy Biff Earnings Whil Learning a Great Profession The Southern Newspaper Publishers' Association has established a school for teaching typesetting on ths linotype and intertypo machines. Ap prentices in the printing trade and ambitious young men or women should write for literature. The trad that helped develop Benjamin Franklin Into a master mind is worthy of careful consideration. For advice apply to tho editor of the News and Observer, and in the meantime send for literature, addressing. Georgia-Alabama Business College (Accredited) EUGENE ANDEftSON, President MACOX, GEORGIA North Carolina's Acknowledged Shop -- . of the Exclusive and Authentic Taylor's Temple, Raleigh, N. C. TODAY Extraordinary Values in iGoaOiiits i. ..... ' , Satin, Georgette find , r Tricotine DRESSES Serge, Tricotine Velour and -SUITS Values up to $75.00 $3875 7 order to obtain the best-formulas-for its' products that the combined skill and experience of its members eould pro-diie,-AU thewk articlcs-juft jipMecrct strictly ethical. rXhe ingredieuts in 'all A, D. S. preparations conform to the staudard advocated liy the government, -and cannot be excelled in quality. As the association is strictly co-operative, its merchandise is also sold at tho very lowest prices possiblo for tho quality. In Raleigh there are nine druggists who will tell you that A. D. S. House hold Remedies, like Milk of Magnesia, Aspirin, Digestive Tablets, Peredixo Tooth Paste, etc., are the best that they ean find in all markets. These nine druggists stand squarely behind every A. D. 8. produet with an unqualified guarantee and a hearty endorsement. Such a recommendation is the greatest that ean obtain, based on the scientific, knowledge of tens of thousands, of ex perts and fulfilled by a man you know well and must trust implicitly your druggist. ' Whenever you need a household rem-" edy or toilet article, ask an, A. D. 8. Druggist to recommend one to you.. All A. D. S. Druggists identity themselves with prominent window or counter dis plays. Ask one about A. D. pro ducts. If-you would trust hira to-fill your prescription, it's only fair to take his word about the merchandise he sells. rrrAdv- , Silvertone ',i.'rWj-',.., 4 ii i National Hauk BiuIJiug. ' v