THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY 22, 1920. 3 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER IAODIEIICE J Galli-Curci Draws The Largest ; - Crowd That Has Ever Greet . ed a Singer Here Singing' before tbe Urgent aodiene that kn evr greetee; a amgcr ia Ba leigh, Amelita Galli-Onrrl, acclaimed far critic the greatest eolorntura wopraaa ef her geaeration, electrified her nearer lt night t th Auditor - iura erita th cheer sugniileeat of her artistry.. She era received wtta enthn ' sums that grew into aa Ttio before - the eonelusoa of the program, and waa ... ' recalled time and time again to at- knowlrdre ttoraa ef applause. The concert era the second of the ' sertee of foar that are txwiig given us- irr the aaspiee ef the Jteueigh Botary ( tub, Joha MeCormarh waa the first of the great artists to ing here, ap rearing before 5,000 people December ' third. Great a was the throng that ' 'gathered te hear the Iriah tenor, Galli Cnrrt drew forth a greater aiultitude ; All'ef the normal eating- apaea ef the Aaditorium m takea and hundred " - ef ehaira enpplemeited the aeeemodn- - turn of the house. Popular iatereet ia the reeont domes- fa nphvoTal ef to OnHi-Carcl honso . hold asay hav. eraara ' aorae ef the throng to are the woman In the eaee, p and tbe alleged "other ait ia Homer rtamneb her aceorofanlant. Bat these thisga were forgot ho ehe had snag - aed- there waa only tar-Tomomhetihe wtter ieuiflctnce of da vofce and the darellng technique with which the need it. The diva heraelf baa not the stage presence that her predecessor oa the peak of vocal srrnineneas hae ' hid, bat ia compensation for this rxw- . nble abotcomlag, ehe haa nndoohtedly A vole, that haa never bees surpassed, i. : ia many reepecte. j- . , -It waa a rather alight alatort timid figure that emerged from the wlnga to ' greet the Brat outburst of applauee that opened the eoaeert. Below the average height, aleaderly-fashioned, ahe stood before the vast' aea of humanity. tUie It dark, evidently Spanish, with maeaea - of black hair that ahe 'Wore eeiled low ever her head. Her forehead la broad, almost to aiatsiveuess. 8 ha wore aa Un- 1 usual dreta of roee georgette ever roea eatm, trimmed with gold lc. There . -ere o jewels, nave a diamond ia either ear, aad a aleader gold ehaia orient tier seek. With almost dlflldenna aha watted be fore the piano while Homer &t raw Is ar ranged the aeore for the beginning of the concert, acknowledging the greeting that rolled up at her feet. The aproar died abruptly aa (lamuela atmek the opening note of the iatrodnetioa to "Caro Alio Bona," aad there wee a dra mti aileaee when ha eerae to the pause and waited for her to begin. Her tint note were eloodod, aad then tbe Voice eeme elear, tree, strung, mounting surely ia the opening crescendo passage t- of the song, The. eoaeert waa begun. I The audience wa bore and ahe kept it , until the end. C It waa Kuliigli a first esperiehrVwlth a eoloratue. and it waa with r n o b- wildernicnt that assay heard the on ' folding of the vol that haa been her- Hided in every hamlet ia America, Its REGO HEARS COLORA URA yNW p jjs4e ; How Many Wonien aAjre Uko TWa 7 Can anything be mora wearing for women than the' ceaseless round of household duties? Oh I the monotony of it all work ani Crudgo ; notlmatobevleki tired, ailingyeft can. not stop. -" There comes a time when wmething " safliw w and they find theinsdmBImply wtot out," and to mats matters wone,haTe oontractodterloos feminine disorder whloh almost alwun follow tneooostw Then they sbonia remember that there Is no remedy like Lydia & riakhani'a Vegetable Compoond-toe expa. rlenoe of theae two roem establishes that fact s . .Te4 Eajiiaaj t "After the tMna of my but child 1 bad rich painful Spell that Won 14 ug ae entirely A my heoaewwrk. I Buf tered asanth aad tkodootar Skid tiia my troaUle wse erraai ajoott aad I wonld hav to hue an opera tion. Tha was an awful thing e tne.wltha voont bbv aad bueiW ebiitrea. so tm aa I thoorht of lyd aia m. rtotUma Vegaiabla Coeaeonng aed how i it had belped m jaar future and I decided to try Asoos:nveootucol vec. b,Ciripnvndaad osed Lvdla IB. I inih a SanatlvoWashaudaiime then 1 have be a well nremaa, abl to takeearoef myhevsa and family w itheut any trouble ev a day's PKin. X aBr!ya4)l tbankiultoswearby roarna.tnmnytinM. lam Ion t wyaaraotj and have not haded liliwusof an v kind foe trie ymra.'S Mm. II. Kosmo, fell t .:'if Jjitd. Codec &a;iaa, Iowa. AH VTora Out TTomea EhoTUl . in W(. nil 1 - I i" - k..- I 1 . breath waa taken away with the con sununate ease with which the voice Darned up, Ixaping easily -to the highest heichta of the aeale. poUing there until it seemed that the throat would burnt, then falling easily, graeefdlly, smoothly to the lower gronae of meioay. t Misting were the warm, appealing tones that belong tb soprano and the contralto voices, and perhaps tbe au dience felt that tnrongneut, pot tin re waa the daxxling trUhanee of eioeu. Uon that blinded all else but admira tion. Nowhere in the entire program did she reach, farther than that emo4 tioai if it be an emotion. Of that recog nition of brilliant rocalism, ehe won the last drop. Hhe waa irresistible in the men-le of her appeal. ' Two numbers frOm Verdi s pvrotech- nie show pieces, I sro Nome1 from Rigokttto, and "Bemnra Libra," from Traviata, were aung with eonsnmate brilliance ia the a ret hnlf ef the pro gram, aad ehe eloaed with Meyerbeer's hadow Song," from Pioaorab, anng at the espeeial requeet of the Meredith College anuaie atudenta. A little aong rrem toe Spanish "Uaoeelertt, ' waa per hapa her nearest approach to mora than mora voeallsm during tbe evening.. Well known nam tiers done m English as an ore fell somewhat short of the more flerid number. . Altogether ahe more than fulfilled all that a expected of her. and that was saying a good deal. Jo Homer Bamnels ahe haa an accompanist that if "in no way remarkatie, and ia Manuel Ber engoer, the tlutisi who assisted with Chaminade'a Concert in XV was a per termer Whom the auUeare lannd amns , The Mraag Witturtaad The Winter Cold Better Than The Weak 014 people who are feeble and yonnger people who are weak, will br atreagth. nadgn4jnle4lo awthreogh -eol.1 weather by. taking -OBdVI'ti.TA8Tja rhill TONIO, Which 1 airaply ISOS and (JtXNINE suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it; You eaa aoon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effort, Ttt.tfkf Adv. Sims Criticized By Senators For Recent Testimony tCeatlnaed from Page Oae.)' Senate Committee investigating naval decorations' in which the A dm rial said that before h left thertJaitsd States for Europe ia March, 11T17, he waa told by a high aaval oaVUl not te let the British pull the wool over yonr eyesj it ia Bona af our bnelneaa palling their chestnut out of tbe war j w would a ' fendtislrr.OnleAJtarthablrta H?C?tT".TOMttTA ila:-"2sr ef soy baby I had amnio trouble, Aly doctor "'4 it we cause by heavy lining and I wenil have at hae.aa reratioa. .! Wwsld not eewssat to aa eparatfee aatd ha M ga tar over a year, having any aister da tsy weak tor ate aa I WM ao able s walk. Oaedeyaay aut aas aad toil so abowt yon amedirtna sid it enrod brot ! thu.f. ItookLydia . rinahaa'a VcfMVaCewipoas4 and a4 Lydia fc. riokbam'a Sean. tivaV aaa aa4 thy have eared me. iow I o my own hoasawss waeh tng and irwunf and eawing lot aiy ., fuullyand -odosewlre, inrwber iwovio, ls-auaboi-sot V.j. iabieCemoewnd iff Sonne (or a aonie. I iMowaad your aiirine sotherawboher tronulaeaimiise tBine end yM eaa nsy l"r if yon wi-. ."?. Finn Frsw. rxa,lMO bfc.SiOutukky.C'iUO. soon flirht h. British as tha OermansJ Admiral Hinis must have aad did consider these instrnetiona, if they were ever given, to be af the moat highly confidential eharacter. the resolution said, adding that hia action la snaking them traMie deserved tiniveranl and un qaalilicd dianpproval. "I cannot-but bellavi that Whether the above admjniUea eras, or was ndt given to Admiral Sim the disclosure under almost any aireanutaiieee must re ceive the disapproval of every Ameri can, eaid nnnator Walsh. Henator MeOormiek. Benobliean. of Illinois, aeciareo; tiie resolution affeeted a matter that waa to be later investi gated by anb-tomniitte and Senator Lodge objeted to eonsideratioB ef th resolution oa th ground that it eon taiiied grave charge against on of the most prominent offleer. in the Ameri can navy without giving him an op ponunity to aerena nimseir. : Dr. i. C. Br'aswe'J Is Grand Mas ter Masons of State : '(Centlnned rrm page On.) for th appointment of a committee to frame auck a aervie. Charles A. Setser, representative of th Brand Chapter of tha Order ef th Eastern Star, addressed the Grand Lodge at toe morning aeeeton. Upon motion of B. G. Criso. fifteen hundred copies of th Grand Auditor' report presented at th opening session was ordered printed to provide for the distribution ot three copies to ach lodge ui us niAta. : . . ; WORLD LAUNCHES . . BOOM FOR HOOVER CeaHaed frwm Psge One.) serviee e lamination - recently held to pick eligible for th poatmaatership at Beidevillt, a vacaaey having been ch- ed ther by th resignation of B. 8. Montgomery.. , " ' . - a Pour candidate stood th elimina tion, three Democrat aad on Repub lican. Th Democrat are W. B. Ander- sftn, C. H. Fetter and L. B. Hardy, had Rheumatism Is completely washed out of th srstsm by th celebrated Shivar . Mineral Water. Positively gnaranteed by men ey-baek effsr. Tastes flnej eoeta a trifle. Delivered anywhere ' by onr Kaleigk agents, Forte Candy C. Phone them. ndv.) Y t-TAi ir t.s-Ti p ...... 1 HAD T' KICHT 0 flU 8BAOI AK9 til aOAaDWAL; .For forty year people of sultur ana rsflnement front all ectloa-ef th country bar mad Haddoa Ball their home while ataying ia At- , Untie City, It Individual appeal wed em oonvenienees light, eosv fortabl room, aad eourteotu isrvice giv it th horn atmosphere. - rresh Invigorating salt air wendsrful Sort Bathing OoUng , and Taahtiag aseinaUng shops and a thousand nmneementa along th famous boardwalk wteh AtlaaU City a msoen for aid aad yn seeking rest and reereatloa aad V , ..r HadJon Hall U Home - .' . vMk rMmtleas-wrrt ftt lUaetrated folder LEEDS & LIPPINCOTT C A KX O U A XT6 JAliE crfANCES? " Ow the safety of your valuable pa pers, etc.,When you can have abso- . luto safety for them in our safe de posit vault for lest than a cent a day? Think this over carefully, then act at "i oh'ce. Don't wait until they're lost or stolen. ' Citizens National '.. --"Bank -Urrln VH f(ya 4- s. Cincinnati Still On Top! At the Ceaisaareial Xatioaa! lank Kay Be Seen the Tallest CuHiinf b tie WerlJ V S (Ontaid Kw terk Cty) Be this Beantlful Eon Office of the z WWH cirniuL UFE1NSU.-IAKCS cc:.:?any, ' '- i; !- ' ; CF CINCINNATI, Tfc COST far lif. Insarsac " : CAREY J.HUBITEri C: DUO 8TATS a- ri : . 1 v B. 8. Ellington is the Bepuolkan can didate. "' .' - Bepreaentativ Brinsen was informed today that the candidate winning out in the rompetitiva examination for en trance to Annapolis from th Third dis trict wore Holt Moore, of laison; Moseley Carr Bowden, of Faison and Jack Danean MeWhorter; of Ooldsboro. Renreeentative Hoey today announced the appointment of Marion Ptrkens, of Morgan toa, to Annapolis, and this completes bis quota. Bid for th Morehead City to Ocra eoke mail route (by boat), were made purine today at the office or Keprecan tative BrinsoB. They are : M. S. Lee, 440 Valentin Taylor. 3JXK) W. O. Willis, tiJMO. The government reserves th right to reject all bid. . Preeident Wilson today ent to the Senate th nam of E. F. Aydlette, of Elisabeth Cityj to be United States At torney for th Eastern district of Worth Carolina. .. -,k. t V Aydlette U Nominated. ' Tie nomination of Aydlette will be considered by tbe judiciary committee right away, senator Overmaa antiei pt no objection from tha Bepubll- eansv aad It hi probable that h will be eonBrmea within a week. -B.C. Lawrence, Lumbertoa attorney. was no re en Dimness today, -Jamea Wright of Norfolk, was hers today and called to e his unci, Major r i . ir ... . - vaariej. etenman. ' r "' ' ; - tak HATW.HEALLNU HONEY, 83 Substitute For Harbors Bill-To Be Offered By Small . '' (Centlnaed from Fnge One.) gorsrnmeitt to tostiniis It work a lit- thr whilo longer tneludo Groatan Bound with 380,0001 . Norfolk te Beaufort waterway -with 9flfl,000, and the Cap Ps70DADLYw iro MAat miuivon nava warma. 'j aometlmea. Bypmtfara ar Jack of color, poevlshDe, rostlMsseaa at Blgbt, nta, Dr. Thacbas J VYotto Syrup -will go after and get tt worm. If worm ar tbsr. I Harmless; cbildrna lova it. 1 Old doctor' preacrtptkm 7 in tun bait century. At your drug tor. Mad by THACHEH MieTrtCINw CO. 1 Chatuneoaa, Tenav, U. B. A. I eee.,.ii.we''iei.ii.wi rmmmmw' A F FORD r Pest, nt and bw Wilmington, 590,-1 passed, there wilj be a total of 1.190, OOOf1 The lower Capo Fear is included 1 000 available for activity around Wil ls th Small substitute aad if it islwington. c Children Cry VA!jVAlljn L -... r . .r ii-t " - 3 Tha Kind Ton IlaTe Alwayg Bonrbt ha borne tb ntirnrv ' tare of Chan. 11. Fletcher, and bag bea tno1 under his pernonal aperrtNlon for rer St) Fears Allow no n , lo leeeiT yon la thin. Counterfeits Imitations and Juts-rod" art) bat erpcrimenUi, and endansjer tUe ' Leal Lb of Children Kxperleno) ayainnt Ugperimeat Caitnrli ls2 aralentf nbtoldLstlr OiL'nre roric Props and Soothing Byrup. It contains neither Opium. Morphine nor other nareotio substance. For. more titan thirty years It has been In oonntant use for thet ' relief of Constipation, Flatnleney, Wind CoUo and Diarrhoea t ailaylnp; Fererinbnesfl arintng therefroui, and hy rej-ulatinir the Stomach and Bowels, aids the an slmllation of Food; fflTintr healtby and natural sleep. , The Children's lanaoea-Xb Motter' Friend, Tho Hind You Ifavo Always Dousht Seam IolIIso For Over 30 Years A SCHOOL TO TRAIN TYPESETTERS Enjoy Big Earning While Learning a Great Profession Tha Southern Newspaper Publishers' Association has eeUbllshed a School ' for teaching typesetting a tha linotype and lntcrtyp machines. Ap proatiee ia the printing trad aad ambitious young anon or women should writ for literature. The trade ,that helped develop Benjamin Franklin Into a master mind ia worthy of 'careful consideration. ; For a3vle apply to the editor ef th News and Obscfjer, and in the meantim lend for literature, addressing. , Georgia-Alabama Business College EUGE5C ANfcERSOCf, Frssident in? 48 truclcs fire still running after 8 years During these 8 yeart they hare been aiwayt ( on the job earning dividendi on the faTestment,' TVTrn wasbooght by the V Ue J Arbuckle Brother of Pituburgh and did auch notable work that they installed a fleet of 19 Pierca-Arrows in their service. After It had traveled 61,000 mile in 4tf years they figured that they ahouM replace it. and it was sold to Brainard BrotjMra, packers, of Jersey The man who has one truck cannot afford to have it in the repair shop. Tie is out of business when it is off the job. Can; you afford to be out of business? v ' V - - ' ' ' , ' . 't "' ' . WHY PIERCE-AIUIOW ? for Hotchor'o fbt Elgnttart ct fit: (AeersdIUd) . MACO.f, CI0RC1A of thie first , City at a deprechrtion of life a ytar. For 4 year since then It . has , served Brainard Brothers corn lat ently. It now has more than i3o, 000 mflea to ha credit and in fender inf aa efficient oervice as ever. Sa July, 1918, it survived a fire and . witli new cab and body resumed its work unimpaired.' v 1. Delivers more worn- b a given timeii : " ' S. Loses less time on the Job and off the Job. S. Costs less to operate and less to maintain. ' Lasts lonsar, depreciates lees and eommanda hither m-- price at all timet, - , r Writefcr " DOWLING MOTOR CO. 114 XORTH TBYOX STREET PISTRIEUTOR CHARLOTTE. N. C. T.TPF TT"?PC CAtnflv. Atv " --nvr. Tr A?"OCTTiny s,aa-iiiA4it. luA,j(li Atlo.-unvt 1ai,S AawmiiM' Ellisberg's IS EAST HARGETT 8TKEET i 42 ' Jet Many Dresses Left That Must Be Sold in Jhis Great The styles tre'very similar to those ishowii f or Sprintrr but tb price is about. 1-3 . of what (he Spring Dresses will cost. . Serges, Satins, ' Tricotlnea in navy ot col f on fA on. $7.98 to..pJn.3U Former prices, $12.98 ' . to $'50.00 Get Your Dress Now 50 SALE !ccilj,i, II , i , .,; On the Busy Corner .. , ' Z7 rr " I tt r N.C