THE NEWS AND OBSERVER WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 11, 1920. MUD TRIUMPHS OVER MILITANT SUFFRAGIST Speaker Left By Train Trie ; Auto; It rounders; Back woodi Pullman Too Blow - ; Elizabeth City, Feb. 10. An Elizabeth City audience that'tnrned out to hear Mist Mary Winsor, of Pennsylvania, ' discuss the equal suffrage question at , the Alkrama Bunday afternoon, wa treated to a home talent program in- stead. Miss Winior didn't ahow up. She missed her trani out of Norfolk Sunday morning and tried to make the trip to Elizabeth City by automobile. Not even a militant suffragette ha any terror for ' the roadi between here and Norfolk and mud triumphed- over suffrage. Three tiaiei her car waa etuek. The third time it. went done down in a bog about four miles from Elisabeth City. Then and there Miaa Winior hired-aa old negro to bring her into town with hit mule and cart. She arrived in that backwoods Pullman in front of the Southern Hotel at about 5 o'clock. The audience that went out to bear Miss Winsor might hare gone away a bit tore and disappointed, bat a splen did program by local jtalent kept the erowd In good humor. Mr. Fred Nimonds sang two delightful numbers, ' accompanied by Mrs. I. M. Meskins at the piano. Lorenzo I). Caae, equal to any emergency, made a 30 minute speech on the subject of community betterment. The audience was tHen dismissed . with the announcement that the ludy who waa to hare apokea was "suffering yet." POLITICAL PROPHETS GET BUSY IN BEAUFORT Washington, Feb. in. Leaders of the Democratic, and Republican parties in Beaufort county are nlrendy beginning to niske predictions relntire to the out come of the elections nest November. The Democrats claim that they are go ing to inereaae their majority over while the Republicans make con trary claims. With reference to these claims, it is interesting to note the vote that was east in the 111 election. At that time Beaufort comity cast 1,57 votes for Wilson and 1,274 for Hughes. Other counties in this section toted as follows, the first numlicr being Wil son's vote and the last Hughes.: Mar tin county 1472281. Titt county, 2,8.10 2,S30 71. Craven county, 1.7H0 542. Hyde MO 277. Pasquotank 1,177 270 According to these figures, Beaufort county gave Hughes a larger vote than any other county in this section. The vote for Governor was practically in the same proportion. Democrats, however, believe that Beaufort's majority for the Democratic candidate wil be larger than at the last election. Republicans sav they are going to even things up nnd probably do even better than Hint. CONGREGATIONS VOTE FOR EARLIER CLOSING ' Washington, Feb. 10. In the ehurehes of the city yesterday a vote was taken . by the congregations relative to their ; sentiment with regard to an earlier " closing bonr of stores on Saturday night. The ministers put the question ' in words to the following effect: "Thoe who are in favor of closing the stores of Washington not later than - a ten o'doek Saturday nights, in , order to givo the clerks ami pubTieTlii genmtl an opportunity to secure a better night's rest, will make it known by rising." The question was also put to those who opposed a change in the closing , ln.ur . In all the churches the voting was practically unanimoui for an earlier closing. The civic bureau of the Cham ber of Commerce is endeavoring to in stitute a new hour for rlosing and It is believed that the merchants will as- I' sent to the proposal. sent improves ja r uson. " Wilson, Feb. 10 If the number of influent cases reported are any indi rution, the situation is improving. Against 125 cases reported Monday, and six pneumonia and one death, the health office givea out: influensa eases, .11 ; pneumonia, 1 ; no death from either malady. On the streets it is reported that three are dowa in the Rock Ridge school dormitory since that institution was ordered closed. WILL DIRECT THE WORK Or ERADICATING HOG CHOLERA. Elizabeth City. Feb. 10. Dr. N. H. Whitehill has arrived In the city and will have his headquarters here while he engages in the work of eradicating hog cholera in the counties of Pasquo tank, Ctmdea, Currituck, Perquimans, I'hawaa, Gates, Northampton, Hertford, Bertie and Dare. Dr. Whitehill will continue organis ing the work as it was brgui by Ir. F. D. Owens few year ago. He will assist the serosa administration, give hit help ia diagnosis and keep the work going throughout the section as thoToaghly aa possible. Cakft's tetter Wlaa Prise. Montgomery. Aia Feb. 10. Cobb's Hall, black, whit aad taa aetter owned by Tyrus Raymond Cobb's of Augusts, Gs, star batsman of the Detroit Amer i lean league baseball team, today won the subscription stake of the continental field trials elub at Calhoun, Ala. The dot was bandied by Chessley Harris and takes down 11,090 of the 11,400 stake offered ia the event. Don't Persecute Your Bovels 1 Cot Oat cathartic aai psjrgthrai, Try Uimi UTTU , rim. PaiaiisUba. lUEffS Act gaatly oath oeth the) earn- I.' -' at tba ' besret, Correct akk headache aad rxcxxTori curt nuANatarev frwntBsrjmJ t FIVE MEN INDICTED FOR STEALING WOOD ALCOHOL Alleged That Brooklyn Under taker Took Stuff From Chem ical Export Shipment New York, Feb.; 10. John Romanelli, a Brooklyn undertaker, and four other men, were indicted today, charged with stealing wood alcohol, which, mixed with water,' burnt sugar and flavoring ex tracts, caused scores of deaths in New Haven, Conn., Chukpee, Mass., and other New England cities. William Woller and Casitno D'Ambrosio, truck men, and Carmine liisensiate and Salvatore Kspo sito were the others indicted. It is al leged that Romanelli and the truck men stole the alcohol from a chemical com pany's export shipment, suhstsining water for the alcohol. Then, it is charg ed, the alcohol was sold to Uzenziate and Ksposito fur 23,.ri00, and prepared for sale as whiskey. The men pleaded r.ot guilty and were relensed on bail. Hnmucl K. 8ulerby, a Brooklyn druggist, who was arrested ou a similar charge, is awaiting a hearing. NEWSPAPERS UNANIMOUS FOR THE NORWAY SKATER Christianis, Feb. 10. The newspapers are unanimous in the opinion that Hub ert McLean, the Chicago skater, was beaten by Oscar Mathiesen of Christ ianis, in the ten thousand meter race Sunday. One of the papers says that nobody ssw sn incorrect signal at the curve, which McLean claimed was the cause of his mistake in taking the wrong course. The newspaper adds that the American took the wrong course be cause he waa nervous. McLean aald today that if the moving pictures of the events showed the blame for the mistake did uot rest with him, he would challenge fur another ten thousand meter race. Gate receipts for the races are figur ed at about IWOXKI, of which fHO,00 will be divided equally between Math iesen and McLean. FRIENDLY RAIN HELPS NEW YORK OUT OF SNOW New Tork, Feb. in. Aided by a friendly rain and mild temperature an array of snow shovellers made progress today in elesning the streets of the city of the enormous masaes-of enow anil ice which have almost parajyzed traffic, for nearly a week. ' , Many of the busiest streets are prac tically impassable and vehicular traftic waa in an almost inextricable tangle all dar. Scores of surface cars Btill are stalled where they were deserted by their crews when the storm was at its height last week. The Merchants As sociation estlm ted that the traffic paralysis is costing merchant, manufac turers nnd transit companies 5,000,0K a day. Senate Asks President Question. Washington, Feb. 10. A statement from the President as to where the power eitendcd him under the Ijcver Act to control fuel price and distribu tion now is lodged, waa asked by the 8enate today through adoption of n resolution introduced by Senator Vrcl- inghuyscn, Republican, Now Jersey. Prohibition Becomes An Issue. Richmond, Vs.. Feb. 10. The abolish ment of the WsterTchibitjon' DeMf4 merit will be mil (In an issue in the next political campaign. After an all-day wrangle on the bill and a score of amendments, the Senate tonight passed an. amendment which calls for the aboli tion of the department in 1!. ROUBLES FROM MY AGE Mrs. Caner tells how Lydu. ILFffikh&in' Vegetable ' Compound Helped Her Through the Chanye A of Middle life. - ,. afeknfcastkT. iBi-lrfr tTOOkkw wtw from my age rd LyrE B. FbsUtam. TlvsirassDis) un posjrju helpsd Bin wcodofnUy. I took detor-a msxlicaos) stad other Meant trsBdidM bot tke) VwgreUbta Coa potmd bat belpad wr am mora than oyttunc I bsra) ertser taken. I am tbaakAa to tba ona wbo raeotv IttoiTjaasMl iriU avail on tDT partia telline; othera wrtat tba stiesbclDsi haa dooa for msv." -Mra. LmtB Band, S8Euttb&t, Rocbjactatj ladiaiiav 8oeai wandna; ajuiptwui atwtMot anffooatian, bot flaabea, beadacbea, backadMa, dread of impending avil. timsdity, aooada in tba ears, nalpitatipn tba kearv apari tvalartUea. com anarka bafora tbaayaa, b cosnstiMtiaD, TariabW I Ktlta, aaalTsnan mrui fo anouia baaded by nisUW-ajred women and let Lydia E. Piiikharn'a Vegetable Com pound carry Uwm aafely tbrongb tbis cnaia u n ma tnra. oancy. Every Cent You Spend. FOOLISHLY i , V Is BANKED By Someone Why not bank it yourIf? It U your monay, aT. It A START AN 'ACCOUNT WITH CS WM WILL HELP TOO SATE ? Mechanics Savings Bank ASHEVILLE'S STRIKE OF FIREMEN WILL BE SETTLED Both Side. To Controversy Ex pect To Oet Together To Re tore In Statu Quo Aahewilp, ' Feb. 10. Aaheville's Bre men's strike and the recall movement against Couimiionr K. I Fitapatrick of the Department of Public Safety, which was launched here a few weeks agu, will likciy be settled during the next f:w- days, it was Btfited by both sides this mi'rniiig. Commissioner Fitxpatrira discharged Fireman K. W. Davis, when the latter wrote a letter to th morning newspaper here criticising the commissioner for not -wllowing the fire trucks to use the one-way street, Patton avenue, either way. When the letter of discharge waa delivered to Chief .lames H. Wood, he resigned and thaVJiight even- member of the volun teer force reigned to take effect March first. In the meantime Iavis has started recall movement against Mr. Fitz" patricr which ha steadily grown until a large number of names have been se cured. Friends of both sides have been at work and it is believed that the mat ter "ill 1 si'Hc.l by the reinstatement of Davis and Wood. One of the com missioners states that the proposition will cume before the city board at once for solution. Piles Cared in t to 14 Days T)ruggifs refund money if PAZO OINTMENT fails to euro Itching, Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles.- fttops Irritation ; Soothes aqd Heale. You can get restful sleep after the first appli cation. Price ie. Adv. Tar Heel Members of Congress Meet Organized Labor (Continued from Page One.) tieally active in city, icunty, state or national elections. Carl Ooerch, one of the foremost mcm Wrs of the fourth estate in eastern North Carolina, writes Representative John Small that there is a turning away from MeAdno in his part of the country and the turning is toward Herbert Hoover. "Eastern North Carolina appears to favor Herbert Hoover as a presidential candidate above all other meu whose names have been suggested as possible candidates thus far," Uoerch says. fcJiFoT the past to or three weeks I HEALTH Nuxated Iron inereaaes strenslh and endurance of delicate, tiervoas runtows reopit in fwo wreka tiins in many in msikcs. Jt has been used and endorsed by such nien as former United States hrnsloi ami Vice-Presidential Nomine. Ctutlea A. Tnwne; fornwi Health Cms oiiMioitcL ivjn. JL K$rt of Chkaco; United Slaws turfs fi. W Atkinson of tht Court of Claims of Washinftoa: If Mce tan rHerewski. Ex-Prarater of Poland and Matter Pianist, and others. Ak Tir i-ctnr or rtrturiit it. The Battciy without troubles and the service that keeps iVso- Carolina Electric Ap pliance Company F. C. COOPER, Mgr. Ill E. Martin St . Raleigh, X. C. Bell Phone 174. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of Fernando Carr tjtuart, deceased, late of Wake county, North Carolina, this ia to notify all persona having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned or his attorneys on or before the 10th day of February 1921, or this notice" will be pleaded ia bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate sriil please make Immediate psyiaent. This 10th day of February, 1920. Robert P. Stuart, Administrator. -Willow Springs, N. O. R. F. V. t. ' 8 11, M, 55, 3-S, 10, 17. wmm have taken pains to interview men from New, Bern, Elizabeth City, Greenville, W;ilson and other towns and communi ties in this section of the state and po litically all have told me that Hoover is the- fagorite of a large majority of vrters. "About three or four months ago, be fore Hoover's name was mentioned, the general trend of sentiment appeared to be in McAdoo'a favor. With the 11 ret mention, however, of the former food administrator's name, sentiment began to switch. The general expression of opinion ia that Hoever ia a man who is different from the average dyed-in-the-wool politician and that be will serve the country's beat interests regardless of party lines or party prejudice. Little has been heard from Republi can leaders in this part of the state. Wood's name probably ' Is mentioned more frequently than others, but no where can there be found any such pro nounced favor as haa been accorded Hoover by the Democrats." 4 North Carolina members of Congress, however, and a whole raft of politicians drifting in every day or two from the state discount the Hoover wave. - Sev eral House members, commenting upon the Hoover statement; declare that they see no more chance of supporting him now than they did a few weeks ago. Theq want a party man and continue to look to McAdoo. English Premier Not Worried Over Future of Russia .(Centinacd from Page One.) inspired by nor aabmitted to the gbv ernmeut. "I consider .that Ihe letter did not savor of interference in the domestic affairs of America, and I feel no senti ment but thanks to Lord Grey, he de clared. Earl Curson thought that the Marquis of Crewe was right when he said that a good deal of the peace treaty might have to be rewritten and revised. None of its authors claimed that it was saero sanct . "If Germany shows a disposition faithfully to carry out her obligations," The greatest artists : IT"1 :V yiCTROI j jHp iiiiE'wsar ' Jh -. -A .. s r3 VietsxJaXVILSMO ' . -,. he added, 'we will do oar best to aid her in fulfilling them and resuming her place among civilized communities. Alluding to the delay in the peace eettlement with Turkey, he referred to European anxiety that the United States share in the settlement of these regions, "This anxiety," said the secretary, "is quite unselfish and sincere. I be lieve that every one cf the great powers would have abandoned the greater part of its individual ambition if it' could be persuaded that America would come in aad bear her share of the burden ss mandatory for the whole Turkish empire. "I won't say a word In criticism .still less in derogation, of America's atti tude. . We may feel disappointed, but America has a traditional policy which we ought to endeavor to understand and respect. She desires to keep free from entanglements and she is the best RELIEVES COLD AFTER FIRST DOSE Cheney' Expectorant Also Ad iaed for Croup, - Whooping Cough. Clears Your Head end Throat. ' i Relief comes at once when you take Cheney's Expectorant. It sQotbes . the lining of the throat, stops that tickling sensation and a few more doses breaks np the worst kind of a cold. Cheney's Expectorant has been the standard remedy for years, for croup and whoop ing cough. Nothing elso gives sa-h prompt relief and comfort. Don't con tinue to wheeze and continue with a stuffed-up nose or head when Cheney's Expectorant will so easily cure you. It will stop headaches from colds, feverish ness, sneezing, soreness and stiffness. Adv. in the - r Name them oven It will sound as if you are unconsciously repeating the list of artists who make records for the Victrola Like attracts like The great instrument for the great? aitistSe The Victrola for the lover oftheWg things in music! Any Victor dealer will gladly play any music you wish to hear, Victrolas $25 to $1500o New Victor Records on sale at all dealers on the 1st of each month Victor Talldng Machine Co, Camden, N J. judge of her own policy. But her re fujsiij undoubtedly increases the re sponsibilities of those left." Stomach Ills permanently disappear niter drinking the ee.ebrated Bhivar Mineral Wte.r. Positively gua-antrfed by money-Lark offer. Tastes fine; eosts a trifte, De :vered nnvwhere by our Raleigh Agents, Porter Candy Co. Phone them. Adv. Better Merchandise Better Service. Raleigh, N. C. N ow Showing the Newest Adaptations -m- SPRING SUITS AND DRESSES world VlMioU XVII. Women in Business The average business woman hasn't the vitality, the phy sical stamina that nature .gives to the sterner sex. , Hut she has the ainbitton and industry, and freely upends whst strength she haa iu tliei line of duty.. The business wotrian is often the victim of HEADACHES) and burning of the EYES symptoms of EYE STRAIN. The eyes are too valuable to bo subjected to neglect. If you feel that your eyes need attention, respond to the call! t'unsult our reliable Ol'TUMETBlST who will see that you get properly fitted glasses! H. Mahler's Sons OPTICAL DEPT. GUbert C. White CONSULTING KNGLNUB Darhaas. N. C WATERWORKS. LIGHT AND POWIB. 8TKKKTS aUctric, $3S ac eak . laasaanMUdrasJUJaWa

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