' ; i s?- i The News aied Obs , WATCH LABEL. aa HU . ''. IMntl 4re Mm slrattoa Baa ihU - erver MM aa. . C, SATURDAY MbRNING, FEBRUARY 14, 1920. TWELVE P AGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS TWELVE PAGES TODAY. VOL. CXL NO. 45. 1 - V-i ROBERT LANSING STr tW"VJ T AS SECRETARY UF 1 A l h M i WILSON ACCUSES Wl OR USURPING THE POWERS OF PRESIDENT i kik. VAGE SETTLEMENT GOES OVER UNTIL IN OWNERS !N CHARGE President Wilson Makes State ment To Union Leaders But Not Made Public LONG CONFERENCE BUT SILENCE MAINTAINED Director General Hines Sends Letter To Brotherhood of Way Employe! Restating Hi Attitude; Understood To Have Told Them They Co-Id Kot Expect Wage Increase FRANK t. POLK BECOMES SECRETARY AD INTERIM TO SUCCEED LANSING Washington, F.b. 13. FMnk L. Polk,' ander aecrelary or ataU..wiii a made secretary ad Interim to- ,rrow to act natll Praeldent wil aoa appatou a bbcs U KoMrc Leasing. Tata la exBaetea i the vary ftar. Several name war eaggcaiea Adaalnlatrattoa elreUe, bat official fraakly admitted that they had no dcSalta Information as to who the President had la Btlad for tha laee. Calif among thoaa euggceted waa Mr. Polk, bat hla friende aar that ha III aot accept (ha appointment offered hint because of tha atata of hia health. la fact he haa loag had it la Btlad to reatra from tha State Department aad take a loaf rest, a coarse which hla phyaiclana have argently adviaed. MAI - s-l . e vr I - a, a. m aw wm T f IVfTfiTITl ELL SLATED INFLUENZA VANES DE1CKAIWAKI GAdINlT WLtiTNiiD DUKlNii FOR PUCE WITH IN ALL SECTIONS RENEWED EFFORTS WILSON'S IIMESS f.AIKES .C. COMMISSION OF STATE F MY UK Boom For Him Was Ready To Nearly 2,000 Fewer Cases Re- Launch When Pell Cam- ported to state uoara Daian Started . Yesterday iinniiiiiinnii l U1,1I0L RFfiliKT FOR EYPTANATIITN laUIafaVJ ux A VAl aidu uiaitayai - - ' North Carolina Senators Join In Movement To Settle Article 10 Fight SIMMONS OPPOSES UNANIMOUS ENDORSEMENT CLEARING WEATHER WILLI TWENTY OF STATE'S DELEGATION BRING IT TO AN tNU rui wAiwca iu wuni-i.. Judge Pell Didn't Know That Governor Bickett Sends Out Will Support Either Simmons- I a I aaai a V aaaaaia wn aJn llP a ..l Ta inn xr.ari.tara.fli nucn.euax mhmvu w Kurses In State To Assist In Community Emergencies ; Only Davidson County Main tained High Daily Average Washington, Feb. V -TTrgotiafioni of the union railroad iin iljyes for an in grrr j in pay practU-ully were suspend- SALE OF VESSELS Maxwell's friends Had Lined Things Up For Him and Max well Didn't Enow Pell Want ed The Place ; Pell Will Proh- ably Leave Field To Maxwell Substitute Offered By Ex-1 President Taft; Clarence Poe Writes Representatives That Hoover Is Logical Man The name of A. .1. Maxwell, youngest member of the North Carolina Corpora' tion Commiiiaion, backed by tha unnni- moua endorsement of the State deicga bd tonight until the mil propertie again Qgljygr ViQOfOUS Speech On tion in both houses of Cougreas, by are in tha hands of the) r owners. There ci C Proitar numerous eommercinl oraanizationa ia OCMdlC riwui rui uisoiti the gtate, by numerous eitnont of m American Marine The belief expressed Wednesday by Dr. F. M. Beg istet, Biate epidemiologist, that the epidemia of inflaeaaa had reached its peak aeeaia to be borne out remained aa a finale only the presenta tion to President Wilson of union re- ply to hia statements gien them earlier in tha! day and this likely will be sent n the White House tomorrow morn- ins-. Union officials conferred for six houri bn the President's statement but they atesdfaatW refused to divulge its eon tna oa which White House officials maintained absolute silenee. Nor would the anion chiefs give any information ha to thuir renlr. Director General Hinei conferred briefly, today with W. G. Lee, Preaident of the Brotherhood of Kauroad tram men. and a committee from hia organi feation. Thil eohierenee so far aa the railroad administration" 11 concerned was said to include the series of meet Ism on tha ware question. ' Mr. Hinea also lata today sent a let : tar to tha Brotherhood of Maintenance tot War employes restating hia attitude toward that iroup'a strike. Hd did ot snake cublie tha nature of ail eommunl Ration but it waa hinted he had inform- President's Acceptance of Res ignation Came In Letter To Lansing STATE DEPARTMENT IN STATEMENT GIVES OUT ENTIRE CORRESPONDENCE State Department Makes Pub lic Announcement of Secre tary Lansing's Resignation and At Same Time Gives Out'Correspondence Between Him and The President; Wii son First Sends Bequest For Information About Holding of Cabinet Meetings, Which Brings Offer To Resign From Post Letters Disclose Lack of Har mony Started at Peace Conference In Paris : FINE OPPORTUNITY FOR BUILDING MERCHANTMEN enjoying a boom lor tne appointment. Feels Ships Should Be Eept diacussion of the Maxwell appointment cjiuaeu ku winj .iuuh. iuvw touch with the party leaders yesterday. Aa far baak aa two months ago there had ita beginnings a campaign looking The News and Obeerrer Bureau, 03 District National Bank Bldg, 1TB.L POWELL. (By Bpceial Leased Wire.) Washiurton. Feb. 13. Twenty-eight in the greatly reduced total la Tester- pmMratie Beiutors this afternoon eigu day'a report, nearly 2,000 tinder that 1 ,4 , agreement support either the 01 the previous uy. Many coanij 1 rjimmons-McK.eiiar reaarTauoa w heaHh officers appended to their report a ta of tho treaty with Germany or of new eases tha information that aieit,o aabatituta lor onarea oy -m-situation, in their respectira eoontiea President Tatt. Both Senator Bimmona was improring. land Orermajt Joined in tha following Only Davidson county mainiaiaoa mi ajreementi high daily arerags with a total of 3Sl "The underaigned Uentoerane oea- A tm1mMM. i nf 1 - mmmnm nt MenrinC ratlftca DC. mwrm v . . imwaam mm - A pneumonU, and one dth. Other I y, 8 ths treaty, iilkiirt M I Lansing -Uaa resigned and countica reported tetala -eoaatderably reaerratioa oB article X, either of the ...;'tioll h, fn accepted. Uk- under the toUla for the past wees; ana a following reservations, taa nrn one o-1 -- - - Following taha o- countioa reporwa xor jn. utg tM reaarrauon aa ira " - Zl . " in ,::t - rWreUrr Lansing 7. NWO Wsshincton, Feb. 13. The State Dei partment iasued the roiiowing sia fluence and power and by a not in considerable number of individuals and ornniaationa ' from other Bouthen states, will be presented to President Wilson for appointment on tha Inter state Commerce Commission. The President is expected to accord favor- RolUvea Ooatlv Oovemmentai I able action to the rqut , . ..,. v . 1 Alinougn rainer aiarvnua iu "J Shipyards Should Be Eept Liti of th! Uet that jud Open To Build More Great G.orp.Pe.,...o ruKuicr siuu wsiv ibuiib, rb Under American Flag SECRETARY LANSING IN REPLY DISDAINS ANY THOUGHT OF USURPATION Retiring- Head of State Depart ment Declares That Meetings or Conferences. of Cabinet Were 'Proper and Neces sary'; President Expresses 'Much Disappointment' Over Tenor of Secretary's Answer To His Bequest; Differences Between President and Sec retary of Long Standing The News and Observer Bureau, 603 District National Bank Bldg., By ft. E. POWELL. , ,. By Spoeial Leaeed Wire.) - Washington, D. O, Fab. 18w-8snatr F, M. Bimmona today registered hit op- Doaitioa to the sale of the German other agencies to combat, the epV J gatioa to employ, ita military at Li .rk.M thv could I ahioa br the United States Shipping Wet nothing further in the tnf of Board and delivered a vigorous spoeeh laMi from the Bailroad n.l- oa the Senate floor for a greater Amer- aaa increases from the Bailroad aiimiatration. Members of the commit .. whirh has been representing the irnlntunnnee amnloyes, however, de ied this but declared there had been too decision to eall off the striae wmcn lias been set for Tuesday. Aft.r Mr. Hinea had given the ad anini.tratuia'a final word to Mr. Lea w.rnljitinn tha trainmen's- president !...... h. reanrded tha White t .lui.inn "i bindinsr on our on f"'""v 1 .. ...i..t. nn u aa tha oiners. 10 declined to discuss tno nc move, he wouio mass i Ve would not break from tne omer or- icon merchant marine. Ho said VI an convinced that if we are to have in our dav a merchant marine wa have asked about it yesterday, but admitted that be had been adviaed that there were forces at work to secure him the place. - Started Ia Wllaslactaa, Wilmington, business men are said to hnve originated the idea of having a North Carolinian oa the commission, and from there influences have been at - . have already recovered. iaa exact iig- tho aeeonu one oeing an v" , bIU Houae, Washington urea 01 new easea ior m uj mwm rcaervatwa oj rmiu esumaiea ai aoou nn i vmvr . 1 m . 1 -, M ortaev this week. Bl.partlm eonferanoe Tmttoirt .2.'-V- Clearing weather wm da more ina. -The Patta wavea aaaumoa n. .; - - "Z ,ou have frequently BmT( u.i ul , the beaaa 01 mo execnw eon- duty eonaiderationt until there were prpb.bly fwr eate. ftltottm ol th. UltM BUta; naer V .ZZ' JrrZ utial Uw I I A 1. aJBK.am haliawa at anil ah TdMT I . . wu fa A alntiAinidt MWMI XO TJTw I CSfcaatja . toward the appointment of Mr. Maxwell 1 ? Z?. I. .1." n. rtmati ( tha government tnta to All the ftrat available vacancy. But ty yeataraay woo.a -vn- aerva tne kC" -Vr" u tt ta ilei tt little wa. ..id about it. aad almort a o. .othinr to- Mr. Maxwdl, He 11 .7 U "a-plor -."tar, 0, which I do bo4 cra to dw... u?- IPTUHT tO ivr uuinuat e v I OlQVr sjuh" wa v- v. r-- t, UkarTi ma t. WiMton-8alo aoatiBues to report poaa, unleae in any particular ease the ana praCTwos. "-- 7" tha heaviest outbreak of prewaaoaia. congress, which, ander tha eonautu- one o ? r"ru"",.r-".::::r with nearly 150 easea for tha week. Tea- n, haa tha sole power to declare war, summoa the heads of tha utive da- terday'a report was U, with aight ifc.lL by aet or Joint roaolutioa so pro- partmenta into t.! death.. vide? Nothing hereto ahall be deemed but tha President and tha Congress h" - Appoala to Kanaa - (to impair tha obligation la article 10 the right to w Eight hundred regiatored auraea in concerning tha economic boyeott., I views of any one of them on any put) ue got to use tho ln.tT.-taHti.. of the Uoik. In tho seaport c.t, th, ar a Ve'kVtt'tolay: he UniUSuTe7 di to"r7uihi. mUte, up with you bausa government to tabhsh that marine number ef ,ho are very elose to I tfc.m ..li their lerrioea withl.m. . Ural or bindlne obligation to in tha development of every Conatitu- the adminiatratioa in Washington, who Hute for the duration of tha amer-1 preserve tha territorial integrity or po- tional ayatem, custom and precedent are Utleal indepondenee of any other eoun-i0f the moat aarioua eonsequunco. nu r ' right now. Wo haVe a large number of ahipa compared with what we had before tha war but we still have nothing 11 xe merchant marine that can compete with the treat merchant marines of oth er powera in the world. Both in pas aenirer and cargo ships our marine is not sufficient. Flaa Opportunity Open. "This government ia in a capital p Cl are also men who are a very close ,.. u..:.. it ta tha With author!' I litul innrnend iaterest in freight ratea aad a very jtie, to determina whether their servket I try under tha proviaions of article 10, think we will all agrea in desiring not profound knowledge of their workings. 0B privaU easea ia mora important wan or to employ the military or naval to lead in any wrong direction. I have. aranixatione. The general attitude of the aitioa just at this' time to 1 complete tnion officiala, after being made ac- thU merchant marine. Uh tainjiti- oualnted with the Fresiaema iw nctm jumuou " -7- iVt in a conference on the south lawn create, build and put in commiwton a t k. Whtta House was plainly one I aufficient In J. Alan Taylor, perhapa tha largest wholesale a-rocer in the State, ia re garded aa one of the ablest authoritiea on freight rates in North Carolina. Closely allied with him are such political leaders aa Honorable J. O. Carr, Colonel Walker Taylor and the powerful cor poration! headed by Hugh MaeKae and the Bprunts. These men have secured many things in Washington and all of them, have a very high regard for the White House was piaimy v. iuhiotov " " n v i T I 'hem have a very high diaannointment. Home OI mem , psxaenger muiVm " I abilities of Mr. Maxwell, openly diseatiened but tho more eon- well rounded merenant rino worm, originating in Wilmington, the pro- serving in community nursing. Tha lot- forces of tha United States under any therefore,' token the liberty of writing ter followa : I articla of tha treaty for any purpose j yoa to ak you this queatioa, and I am "Influent and its attendant, pnen-jbut tha Congreu, which under the eon- iure ,ou will be glad to answer. mAnia. which last fall and winter killed I stltution baa tha sole power in the! 1 .m hantiy to learn from your recent nearly fifteen thousand North Carolia-1 premises will consider and decide whntlnote t0 Mrs. Wilson that your atrength ians, to again abroad- in the man. moral obligation, u any, uno.r tne cir- it returning. "In many rommunitiee medical and eumstaneea of any particular ease, when Cordially and sincerely yours, nursing service ia inadequate to meet It arises, should move tha United States WOODBOW WILSON, the needs of tha emergeney thus produe- (a the interest of world peace aad jua- Reply to Prealdeat. ed. la some eommnnitiea medical and tice to take action therein, and will Honorable Bobart Lanaing, nurainn- aerviea ia wholly lacking. There provide accordingly. ruratarv of State. are sections where entira families in a I . "Whichever of the above reserva- T Bocretary of State, Washington, neighborhood nre st-lcken down ana neitions ia preferred ty uepuDiiean aup-i pcb 0 lt)2o, It ia true that frequently during your lllneaa I requested the hesds of the aervativa leadera urged that they bide I 0f the greatest nation on rth. J poj iprea)1 y,, Peking of other sick onto desth without oven those or- porters of tha treaty will aa a eompro- M D M pr"e,ident thair time in tno nup ui .v- 1 -w 7- - . . eniee in tnv dh -was aecurea. inar- 1 a 1 nary anamions im wnr , .1 poration known aa tha International . .. .. . itk th M.nort hnti.. waif.roi that kindly neighbors might TT I Mercantile Marine corporation wants to I . aventnallv tha matter waa UiA I admlniator. I Dr. Clarence Poe. editor of the Pro-1 A 1K. THIRD TO QU T CABINET buy these ahiparOf oura and it would p M fiimB101li. Th, -Along with tbaae perUons common ty rrewiv. rarmer, ha. written members meet for informal conference. RPCil OF DIFFERENCES r?" 'm,T,AZ (o Sur an? ,e"lor b"' U"1 there muat be hundred, of train- of th. North Carolina delegation that Vi, after you w.r. token ill in BtCAUSt Or Uirrcn&nwi. f Do they deilr, to buy any men who preMnUd th, propogitioa nurse, in tha tote now engaged to at- Herbert Hoover ia tke logical man for Qb", certain member, of tha Cabinet. , I" . . 1 10 nun tnac tne appointment could ba I lenaing pnrai rmmrm. imiwvc. c. 1 in vwnu Mr. Lansing was b.luw 'r-.w, nave construct, . . I soeured, provided the State delegation I venleneo and aarety or inaiviauau xami-1 gent. . m I men offer to purehaae these ships. Ha. ..j .Anr. ... I lies and tha neril of etriekea eommunl-1 , Heferrlna- to a ; tary OI Stale o ouw iBjr o them offmd tQ buy theae hip Lj,,, other .tatea. tiea tha aenaa of duty of privato nurse, aathoriaed by Bepreaentativa Doughton, . William' Bryan . I building plan, or our. cosing " s SlmmoB. Gives Sapport . must bo very uncertain and moat dla- Dr. Poe aaya that th. IMnghton osti. of mhlrh I ill one. felt that in view of recent Interview K'et J.!'' VLtlX VZTZft canon vim juu it " www .v. confer . informally together on inter- North I departmental matter, and matter as to WaeHington. Feb. .-Secretary I ana minions 01 aiwun "v, - . Tb xi ito w tB ,niutment ofltorbing to their peace 01 miua. jaanyimate 01 noovere atrengrn in no -j .,, ,,. v. ntnond kiag i. the.tiira w7":-,. ilnn. that it ia their trarnote to complete the American merchant marina and to build mora great passenger and cargo ahipsf No, they hava not proposed to buy any of our great xaeiiiues. ' Weal i ana snip xaraa. The tot ei.ne. perhapa would gladly to.. Mr. Doughton, while not declaring you '-a",,T7iV L SouthornWholeanl. Grocers' Aaaoelation leave to their State the responsibility himself an ardeat supporter or Mr. W "T k1 th. aro. from North Carolina. the Urgcat org.nU.Uo. of .Hipper, in of J V Hoover at thU, .tag, or tne gam. ; " 'tT ' the Houth waa secured, and ineorpo-l " nm, uifmon-, . ciarvu o. " -- ,.fnr.i .,.. ..a 1. view ra&d to th. M.tw.II .naL Iafl-.tial eat and with the difficult position of I ware of aonUment ia Western North weh , in formal conference. M in view buainesa men in the South, in consider-1 the privato nurse in mind, writing to I Carolina for Hoover. I of th mutual benefit derived tha prae- ed'V Prcildent Wila,. to after William Jennings Bryan was the liret. Ha reaigned on June . J15. bje.ua. of . j:vAIL. "- with tha Preiident over toSZmTrit omhtic -rrt Lu anc with Germany growing out of sub- v tnrMghi XJader we8 eondition. P ,n"" " 1 n a.nTa.t yon fill out and mail to m th aneloaed timore to tho Maryland city tomorrow a nd that I wa. acting uneonatUution- marine warfare. rs-.,!. it doe. ieem that th Senator Irom nor- impo.ing endorwm.nt haa been ae- form, which, aa you wiU observe, leave, aight. Mr. Hoey Slto an engagement any or u imrr ,o-r --'- -- Th aecond sra. Uadley M. Garriaoa. netoher, ha. mad a wia. rug- "red from "em It waa takTn for th. tormiaatioa of yonr place of ear- f Governor BiUhi. who w.. ua.ble th.r certainly wa. a. intention on ry (Socretary of War, who gav. up to port wltB eonatmetuin r"1 t Mr MweU won,d Befept vie. ir th preaent omergeney not to trb pr-t. ' . pert to ". powera and rbruirr 10. 191. becauao of diffr-1 . ,M w. BBtt tht plBnti ,Bd equip-1 ?i" :? ..t u u " . " .1. h.t to th State, and wlieve -Cara for retlllsor. fuaetion. which under the Constitution -itt. Mr'WilaoB over th question I . ' ,hu w,..!. .heaolr and I ; , 'rrTZcT "Tlil " I - .11 w,..ihlltv. Th. nrohahili. I Tk. admintotration todar ad- are exelueiveiy confided to th Pre . . i . A. ih. Khiimmnes. , 1. . . . :n v.- bm .ri.niiiTi 1 ' . . - pi maepenuov. ." . V oM,. I in a snort vuna wv w". . diroet action. - ' " " . i .ino waa appointed Secretary 1 . - this eountry. If I . . ... . . of State'ad intorlm after tha aeid, B0W Xnt tha .hip over . ""J1 " m" p . ta Van- in tho State wUl t alled-a rlUvIy supplied to phoaphat mine in Florida many difficult and vexatlona question, tiea of Mr. Bryan nhd Mrvad-Mtill Bther interesto, we-wlu ' wm . have L, Waantogto. MrltoTi. th peroentog ef th total nurae , psder that fertUiw dealer, in North have arisen and when in the eireum- Jun,2S of tne """-", " no merchant nana at . v. I week. 80 quietly had th Maxwell prot waa made Secretory. H ha not an- M Ufk wfceTI WB wert bfor th mork9d that none of th follow ounced hi pUn for thfntur. but 1 r . BfterwBrdi thM peopto t ot Jnd, PeU knew about it and It: to nxpeeted he wm re turn w v- Mmt BloBf Bnd that tne ynlthey proceeded to Uuoch th boom, lb-- m - Wjr ... . CUIHt Vlva-B mf - I IIICT llrVCCCUrU W UtUUVS VJ UWW - - r - - - - - . - , practice f international law a. did hi. nta tB, tWpi ,ade, the Amrican I u wond theT lnffieient any Individual or Hmily to retoia ing, architoeto. f Baleigh, ar in Waah- fathr-to-law, John W. Fostor. when h gBd wU1 propo, to go to thr I momentnm to m,terUliz into concrete nura for privato duty when her r inftoa tonight db their' way to New completed hi term a. Seeretorr of , , ,, result.. Within a day of ito birth, vie can be o mach mow valuabl; nor Tork whra they expect to pend .t- Btat. I believ thU matter should b 1. ' t 11. r .ntered th Btot - IM-1 1... ji.j u, 11V. th. railroad onestioa I , v.j v- ;..j A I on anrh nrivata duty when ah eaa POS partment to WH eoupaellor. h been handled. Let u. decide whether fo, i,nB!BlBg. Tne boon, did .ibly be spared. , If thor to any quea : th. rovernment on 1.. vi .v. 11 va unwitta bf lM . j:. ..:.. v t . tv. ... I tl.a 1. th. mind of a aarae a to which a number of diplomatic muwion. nd emellt or ander other rtoia ott unanimous upport, aaid to b pledged Ito th more important,-her duty to her arbitration eommwaioiia. , Iditiona. Keep ines snip. uk h jdaxweiu it c.d duv UHie 10 ieea p""w "v - - ' ' i'L. . mmmA ia fftiatraaa. I American nar.V oprato tneai r?.1,". them to wh .ub.idiary a. contact with th Maxwell u at work. ; 4 I Carolina mat b rapplied from the stance. 1 h.v been aeprtvea 01 your "In thie amerceney. whn our people 1 r orida mines. I guidance ana direction it os. occn mv cry oat for help, bo private duty nhonld I Kenneth J. Nixon, real eatat dealer, I constant endeavor to carry out your stand to th way. Thia to no tim for I List oa L. Mallard aad Charlea J. Irv- polieie. a. I underatood them and to aet in all matter a. x oeiievea you would wish me to act. If. however, you think that I have failed in mr loyalty it tho tim for any nurse to remain I eral lay. on bu.iness. i I to you and if you nq, longer hav eon . . - lildene in me and prefer to hav aa LEAGUE ' COUNCIL other eonduet our foreim affaire, I am. WllUn IIP M FETING Pf courae, ready, Mr. President, to r or put a. th Feb. ' ,Tm ' wT from tim to tim d- from th United State Jinip- ping Board te.mer William n 1 .in. nmm ana mww. n"i I . di n- 1 l.l.l I 1 t n.fi opon, aBd Ml gained out iibis strength. Jadn fell to Keur Judge Pell beard yesterday for the first tim of th Maxwell -boom that immediate seam"". . '. I Board H.nry Webb roportod. wrly ttat she wal in K. J, With trouble. "It ia eertaia that the shipping policy I .--ms to b waiting for a favorable little sale her and I amaxement. Closely a ar th mem' Wbb. r-eivoa her tonight rtatcd that th atoamer wa on Sr ana m neea pi i. punued by th Shipping moment tot launching, and heard with " " 1 ri . - . . ii,l. --1. fc.r. aM I ......iL rinuilv an tha m and 1 127 Edgecombe, people, I nrg hr to preat tho eaa. to m aad absolve herself of th fspn- sibility of deeidinr." - : Kapart f GMSUM Th report for th day by couatiea ia aa follows: - Alamance. 40: Ash. 40: oa death. Caldwell, SS; Camden, 5j Ca.well, 148; Agrees ' To Admit' Switzeriand Into Body and Appoints ' Saar Basis Commission l?ebb reported ly todaythat 1. ybnder. the bolder ber. of th Corporation Commtorion aa- Chowan, 200 j Oay, i - Craven, 48; o. , trrnibl. off Tu d 0M U i will, if w reraaia I aociated, M?. Maxwell knew nothing of T5; eolumbnO! "rtfi"4 On tl ith broken .ngin. and boiler JB,1Jt,lt-. that hforJong w th Pell boom -until a read of it in424; Davidaon. S39, on P. 29; Forsyth, 29; London. Feb. 13. Th council of the Leagu of Nation, concluded ito e. ion today. Th next meeting of th il was axed for W.rcn 10 at some, th motion of Baron Mataui, th Wbm. reoreaentaUv. th council you placing my resignation in your hand. I am, aa aiwaya," Faithfully yours, , .:', . ROBETKT LANSING. Wltoaa Kxnsaaaa DisappolBtmeat. Tha Whit - House. Waahingtoa, U Fb- 1920. . Mr dear Mr. Secretary t " ' ... - . . a a I am vert mueh disappointed by your letter of February ninth in reply to mine a.king about the -ud cabi net meetinga. Ton kindly explain the motivaa of thoaa moating and I find will hav, ( rn.rcb.nt .marlli. M W th ipm wm. lY tw. iaaS agroed to pUe under th. guarantoe motive, of the. WWiiH vi.. far Manalaanhter. ' land WUl bar no voie in -wm aaniier. judge ri R.lir.. on I of th. learue th atipulation of the nothing ia your letter wnica .umuumm tit Ftoa far Ba.iaicr. v. . i- ..u, thlthat was being don for Mr Maxwell Granville, 48, two death ; Halifax, 0 ; Of ta iagu 'TT-U.. L, .MBm.i. f p-s dential aa- A u3 aas-- m-w I . . Bvwa -n. W A . Ta. 1BI. V.aavl Jnr . I - nawf.WTt!B Lain V S a V inntiw. i.vwoa . . ..a a. v.m Van W m f . A XI HC I 7W impoKd in Corpor- conaent of Conresa ha bn btoined. until h heard it from waanington tc. nyae, "JtfSZt oTesi Britain. Fraae. Italy and Japan, thority in auch a matter. -You aay yon of Urn 4oUar jraa MrJL;vy. "W hav. a better merchant marine torday. H had telegraphed the eapital Mnrtin, U. Mku'fV 1 in. vtv toi T ona .Ide and Poland on th. "felt th.t. in view of th fact, that yon i-aSSi: W'..'r..TK r.--;.' - " '"' . " ... i ;.i. v t : 1 ' .. .:..:...:.!.- 1. pi.n ICoBtlaacd on Pag Two.) v,.U m - "j ( r-r -I .(Cert-e f Zf ThTM.1 -. 4 ' ' .UntlBBOO. OB rgn ww.y. ViVUI - , - f Waahington, Feh. 13. Bobert Lanaing ended his career as Secretary of Stat today, after Preaident Wilaoa had av T eueed him of uaurping th power f President by calling meeting th eahtnrt during Mr, Wilaon'a iHnes. -Mr-Lan.ing denied that he had Bought or Intended to u.nrp th Preaidehtial authority. He added, however, that ha believed then, and etill believe, that th cabinet eonferencea wer "for th boat interesto of th republic," that they wer "proper and neceeaary, becaus of tha Pruid.nt'a condition and that he would hav been derelict in hi duty u h had failed to art aa h did. - Aa th4ytr4 BUnda.. Aa the rooord ataada. Mr. lanaing tendarad hia reaiarnation aad Mr. Wilaoa . - J 1. FT-. . .... I. -. aa, nWmtmAi ' UOVitrH J.. A urn - however, only after th rremaent, nnaer data of February T, had written, asking if it were true that Mr. Lanaing haa called cabinet meetinga and stating that if inch were the case he felt It naeeasary to cay that "under our constitutional law and practice, a. developed hitherto, ' no one bu the Preaident ha th right to aummon the heads of the executive department into conference.'' Mr. Lansing answered two any inter. l.-it Moml.v. anvina he had Called th cabinet conferences because he and othara of the President', official family "felt that, in view of the fact that wa wore denied communication, with you. waa wiae for ua to eonfer informally together on mattere as to which action could not bo postponed until your medical advisers permitted you to paaa upon them. - The Secretary concluded by saying that if ithe Preaident believed ha had failed in hia "loyalty" to him, aad if Mr. Wilson no longer had eonfideae in him ha waa ready to "relieve yon ot any embarrassment by placing my reaigna- :. 1 ...i. President Mach Disappointed. The Preaident replied last Wednesday that he waa "much diaappointod by Mr. Lanaing'. letter regarding "th so-ealledV' eabinet meetings.'' He aaid he found nothing in the Secretary' letter "which justifies your assumption of Presidential authority in such a matter," and added ' that be "must frankly tok advantage of your kind suggestion" to resign. -"I must aay," continued th Preaident, "that it would relieve m of embarrass ment, Mr. Secretary,, the embarramment of feeling your reluctance aad diver gene of judgment, if you would give up your preaent office and afford m an opportunity to select aome on els whose mind would more willingly g along with mine." Before thia letter waa written, th day for th regular cabinet meetings last Tuesday had passed aad th eor- respondent disclosed why th cabinet did not meet. On th same day that ho received thi letter from th President Mr. Lansing announced that he had written other eabinet officer that he would not call any more eabinet confer- ence for the preaent, but no explana tion wa. offered, Inquiry at the Whit H oust) brought only tho itatemeat that Mr. Wilson himself probably would eall and preaid at the next aeesioa f his official adviera.' ' ' 4 . Began at Peace Coaf.raac. ' But the differences between the Preai dent long pre-dated th first eabinet eall by Mr. Lanaing, which was iaatied last October 0th, aeven daya after Mr. Wilaoa return.! from hi. westers speak ing tour aad took to hi bed. They be gan a th peace eoufereae in Pari, aa Mr. Lanaing diaeioeed in hi final letter to th President, under date of yeterday, and had continued sines that tim on of th chief difference being over in government siuiuu. wwara Mexieo. - . ..,... When th cabinet met oa October 5th, Joseph P. Tumulty, private secretary to th Preaident, iaauod a . formal state ment explaining th reaaoa for th eoa ferene. H Mid: "Tha cabinet waa called to consider questions in which more than on d partment wa concerned, aad also to discuss tha industrial conference." Ho referred to th first eonfcroBC called by th Preaident with tha hop of al laying tl. indn.trial unrest Bogabr Meotlaga Held. In hia tatement, Mr. Tumulty aaid that Bear Admiral Grayson, Mr. Wil- (CoatlnOd on. Psg Two.)