V THE NEWS AND OBSERVER FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 20. X920. S KH RTflflDP UUIIU1U IV 1JUL n FIRE CHIEF HUR I Charlotte Firemen With Truck . Ran Into Auotomobiies at Street Crossing Charlotte, Feb. W. Fire Chief W. M. jWallae la ia a Vocal kMBiUl la a uneasjcious' conditio with fractured - sksll and nv other men are suffering from air or baa terioas iajnrie aa a mult af collision b4wea nr track and Kffril aaieawbilea at Thin and Tryon streets about 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. Firemen W. C. Berkley. W. K. Reaver aad E. II. Westarneld, driver of aa Overland liaaousine, freak Tetter. farmer f Harrishurf aad a pedes triaa, J. H. Stiaaon, are th injured men. . After eiamiaalioa of lull effects of injuries to Chief Mack Wallace fear ' wat e pressed that the Injuries might prove fatal. Ho waa thrown froai the lire truck to the sidewalk when the crash cane. The track waf driven by CapUia E. D. Davis, who was bruised aad shaken. " Tk eraah raaia whoa the Are truck. , responding to a ire in the south af the city, approached Third street at a rsto bejosd S3 sailee aa aafaeerdiBg to : witnesses. Weitrrfield was coming from East Third street into Trvon and Teeter was driving hit automobile into Tryon street from ,-Weetjrb.ird. The lira truck slrues Westerfield's automobile almost squarely la the middle .of the chassis. The truck satrved to the right, appareatlv eauaed by the application of brakee aad hurtled into a telephone pole. The automobile tlriven by Teeter waa taken ia by the crash. There were sevea or eight men oa the truck and firemen's doc Toaay, left with them by a Weatera soldier at Camp Ureeae, when he went to France. Toner goea to every fire riding on top of the truck. . All men were burled to the around aad all more or leat hurt, but none seriously, teept Fire Chief Wallace, "$h ii a brother of fire Chief Wallace, who waa killed aix yeara ago by aa cx ploalon ia a bare to which the depart ment had been called. The doe; waa alio hurled to the eidewalk. but seeing the second lira truck coming to take place of the first, the dog sprang upon the Meond truck and went oa to the fire. Weateraeld'a automobile haded among other automobiles parked oa the west aide of Tryoa strset, smashing levcral care. he continued, "was aa assertion of right to otnUaue the seme autoe ratio power, It waa a challenge to the tight of any officer af tk United States government to exercise hie power in any way which had ant the approval of the chief ex ecutive. The President had the constitutional authority aad doty to negotiate the treaty. The Senate had the constitu tional authority and doty to advise and to eeaaeat, pel us t coaaeat ia arvdaace with thair judgment. The right to perform that duty was chal lenged. By all the tremendous powers of a President commanding millions of civil and military subordinates-and control) tng the expenditures of billions of money, Senators were tkreutunod if they did not submit their judgment to the Presidential will. Reeervatlaae Are Commended. The reservations adopted br the Pen ate, remedy, so far at'th United States w concerned, the chief objections to the treaty. They prevent our entranee into thoJsgiie of Nations from boing an ahaadonmeat of the Monro Doetrine, with irreparable injury to the United eitates aad ao be on It to the rest of the world." "The extreme iff eels of the poasession of arbitrary powers aro seen in tho ex traordinary letters of the Proaident to Secretary Iiaasing published on the 14tli of February,. 1W0, by which it appears that honest and independent advice from offlctjrs of the president's own seleetloa ia an offense and that the ex ercise af the most ordinary powers of the heads of departments without con sulting the President when bin illness prevented consultation is cause for re sentment. Principles of our government," Mr. Koet arged, "should be applied to the relations between organized labor and the public; first, to assert the control of the whole people of the United Ststea within its nelurnad the whole people of each State within its field, over matters tial to the life of the community, to th exclusion of any class coutrol in such matters, and, aecond, to exereise that popular control by making aad ap plying such laws and establishing such institutions of government, as to secure justice, within the law, to members of every elaaa and calling, so that our sys tem of government will be justified by its works." Danger Frees Bolshevism. Biueian Bolshevism,- Mr. Moot de- Alkali in Shampoo Bad For Washing Hair eUred, luis l upon a definite under taking to destroy all existing Demo eratia gvveramemts and its iniitsioa tries have mad . ThrffrtMdway in the United States. When we Had Bolshe vik! missionaries inciting criminal over throw of the government it is lawful and sensible, he argued, to punish and deport them. The right of free speech does not Include the right fo Incite crime, he explained. "Yet we must lie cartful not to overlook the distinction. Jjst there be a fair hearing, and let no ex pression of mere differing opinion however radical or distasteful be pun iehed." The chief iwaiis of uuliug the Bo!' shevikl asaiilt,.ha aerU d, was "Anier- ieenisatifta. We must not confine it to the foreign born, he stated, it must (Txtend to all children in the school", and to that end to teachers in the school, not by any means excluding the professors of our colleges. Not Running For Office, Daniels States Once More (Continued from Page One.) ator, but will probably get away from there tomorrow. lie nil! stop first at Fayethnville and then go South as far aa Jacksonville. He should . arrive in Asheville about March ISth, according to schedule, and is ordered to remain there two dsy. The Attorney General today directed that the official residence of United States Attorney Aydlott ,of the Eastern district, be located at Elizabeth City, the home town of Mr, Aydlett. Cameron ' Morrison, of Charlotte; Clement Manly, of Winston-Salem ( Ed L. Travis ,of Scotland Neck ; Charles L. Ahernethy, of New Bern ; K. I Flowers, of Charlotte ,and other prominent Tar Heels are here. PELL QUITS FIGHT FOB FEDERAL PLACE (Continued from Page One.) dcrcd by the President it is believed bare that Maxwell will be chosen. It is assured that nothing wiH be left Flu Epidemic Improved. Wnlln,ce, Feb. ltf. Intllcnta is on the wane in Wallace and vicinity. While there has been a good many eases ia town and community, there has been on ly a few seriously ill, and so far no deaths have ' occurred from the disease. Increase la Epidemic Beotland Neck, Feb. 19. The total number of influent, cases for this week 'is 287 with 14 esses of pneumonia. This hows a marked increase over last week. Hrlnkleyville tewnskip still ' leads ia .be number of cases, also in the aumber it cases of pneumonia. Par Thai CHILLY Feellag Taka Drove's Taatelje CHILL Tonic. It Warms the Bod by Purifying and j Kurirhing the Bleod. You can soon feel its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect Price 0c Ad. Most eoaps and prepared shampoos contain too muck alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The boat thing to use is Mulsified co eoanut oil shampoo, for this is pure and entirely greaseleas. It's very cheap and baata aaything else all to pieees. Yon can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in, about a teaspoonful i all that is required. It makes an abun dance of riob, creamy lather, cleanses thoroughly, and rinses out easily. The hair driea quickly and evenly, and ia soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy aad easy to handle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt aad dandruff. (Adv.) FORTUNE IN OLD CLOTHES CHEST "Diamond Dyes" Turn Old, Faded, Shabby Apparel into New undone to put Mr. Maxwell's name be fore the President In the best possible light. If the President berias to grant audiences to Democrats ia favor at the White) House on a matter of equal im. portance to the appointment of an In- 'arstata Cummer. f 'ommiaiiina t im practically eertain that A. W. McLean will personally urge the appointment of Mr. Maxwell, The thing that friends of Maxwell are countiug'oa to win hint favor in the eyes of Mr. Wilson Is the fact that the boom launched in his behalf was started by friends of the North Carolina eom missioner interested in the rata prob lems of the South ami Southwest. Ta Care a Cold la Owe Day Take LAXATIVE BHOMO QUININE (Tablets). It stops the Cough and Headache and works Oft the Cold. E. W. OKQVE'3 signature on each box. 30c. Reply of Wilson To Entente Note Is Now Prepared (Contlaaed f rem Page Oae.) ratioa witk the Italians, while tha po litical sense of the document is that of ths Freaeh delegates, who expressed themselves ia terms of great sympathy, fur Italy. CASTOR I A forlnfitteiadChSdraa. In Use For Over 30 Years to justify procrastination in re-estab lishing the peace of Europe. r if th Italy entered tha war inspired by ideals at a moment at least as critical as that when the United States entered. She - suffered sacrifices in blood and money incomparably more serioua than those of the United States. Sixth The President, ia threatening to withdraw his signature from the Treaty of Versailles, which established the security of France, gravely injures tba very new French policy for which lie invited protection. He not only de stroys the value of his first and most important act, but annihilates it abso lutely, sines he shows that engagements contracted in accord, with his policy can be destroyed lightly. la drawing up the note. La Nacion's correspondent says the British delegates prepared the technical form in eollabo- Great for Eczema and Old Sore I Caarantea My Oiatmeat, 8aya Peter. Sa Every Box of It. I ; af PHer- Don't worry about perfect results. Use ''Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether it be wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods, dresses, blous es, stockings, skirts, ehildren'a coats, feathers, draperies, coverings. The Direction Book with each package tells so plainly how to diamond dye over any color that you ean not make a mistake. , To match any material, have " drug gist show you "Diamond Dye" Color Card. Adv. "If vou art rvponilbl. for the haaltk of raw lamlly, aaya 1'itttien, oX Balfals. wans you ta est a larse ess box HS'l Ointmsnt today. "Hamemtwr, I stand back of vary box. Bvnr drunUt suarantMa is refund th nnr. chase prtae it Petersen's Ointment doasa't aw i i claim. ''I suarantoe it for Miami, eld earn ran. nine Bora, tali rheum, ulsers, aore nipples, broken beauts, iteaias skia, akta dbeues, kllnd, bleeding aad itching piles as well aa tor thaAng, haras, scalds, cuts, bruises and sunburn." "I bad IS nnniac som ea air leg for II rears, waa in three different hospitals. Ampu tation waa adriaed. Skia craftinc was tried. I waa eared br asm Feteraoe'e Ointment." Mr. P. E. Root, S87 Michisaa Street. Bof tele. K. T. kt.ll orders filled br Fetereea Ointment Ce., Inc., Buffalo, N. T. sUng-Crowcll Drug Co., will supply Too. Adv. K J. Of Thompson Co. J. Scott Thompson CONTRACTORS ILD1NG chants Bank Bldg. Thona 468 th, N. C. First Republican Gun Is Fired By Root In Address . i. . 0 (Continued freea Page Oae.) liberality, with aingdeaeaa of purpose ' and patriotic devotion worth of ail 'praise, the Amerinaa people conferred upon tba President powers broader aad mors autocratic than were possessed by any sovereign ta the civilised world. "Peace baa come, la fact, if net technically t bat tba war powers of the eieeutive (till continue. Tkey should be broagbt to aa end. It is not simple thing, for new conditions have beea created, which should be dealt with at the same time by new statutes adapted to the eondltione ef peace, aad subject te;the limitatiosa upon power af eur constitutional ayatem. 'There is a double Immediate pur pots ta ba served. One, te restore the habit ef freedom. It la dangerous for a peeple to aeqair the habit of bow ing ta power without limits. They too became subeervienVaad thsa character essential te freedom degenerates. The other (a ta stop ft multitude af later- fsrencee, ill-judged, although wall I meant, with tha natural eonrse of busi ness through which aleae aatural laws! oporaia ve restore aermai coadi tioair , Refers to WUsa. The appeal ef President . Wilson la October, 1911, for tha eleetlea of Democrat! Coagrese ,hs declared, was a demand far tha aontlaunaM R. preme power by th election of a eon- green waiea would SUDmU iteeir ta the orders of an- eaaontlea atlae at as a psrty loader ta politics aad die Ma ta goverasaeat It waa th In- stiac ox Atasneaa flemoerac that re pelled th demaad. A goverameat with a Loals Kapoieoa at oa ad aad a : plebiscite) at th other aad with aaught bat eubeerrieace betweae, I aot a fro rennblie. It ta iitann t "Th President' denaae of th aa- Monty ot th Benat to advis apoa th , rovenaat of tha Um af Matinae - j 1 to Civ or withhold its aoaasat to th rauneauoa oi tna treaty ontaIii. ft,' BREAKS A COLD IN A FEW HOURS Ttt' Cold Compound" in atantly rcliflTci ituffineM and dltreM Domt stay etffd-upt Ouit blowing and aaaffling! A do ot Tap Y Cold Coaponad" takea svery two hour aatil thro door or token usually breaks ap a severe told as 4 ends all grippe mis err. The very first does opeat your clog-gcd-ap nostril and th air noasageo of tbs trad; stop aes ruaalag; relieve the headaclie. 'dullness, fevariahaeat, sneexing, sorrnes aad stiffen. Tape's Cold Ceapoud" i U qsick est, urst reiisf ksowa aad costs only a few cents at drug store. t act v ' limit aianee, tastes nice, contains Sad Weed Tire Chains and You : Can A bsolutely Prevent Skidding Careful driving will not prevent a skid, but Weed Tire Chains plus Careful Driving form a combination that insures absolute security. No matter how ikillfully and CaitfaUy you. may drive, you and your passengers are in Imminent danger if Weed Tire Chains are not on all four wheels of your car when streets are wet and treacherous. Dirtct responsibility u yours the moment you take the wheel of your car. You at once become the guardian of your pasiengers. They trust in your prudence, and in your common sense. Under no circumstances are you justified in taking chances. Civ your Wet J Tin Chains a chance to perform their mission. Don't leave them in the garage or tool box. Put them on an four ' tires before the elements whip the streets into black deadly skidways. Only a moment of your time and ; their steel forged protection will be sexlychaingywcatf tosafety, rise-as r r" rf fi t sfim an a fei sni saTi'ieW gfexrte. sas'ssgl-ssidassfct torrent sasis' ssarA sang am'M -aa trra or awrA f Ac aw asrgc smeessjsatfM tirm. TUxf arawraf rAaw rAcy Iwfmct-wUjr isso lAo, rcfirsisieisrs Aeawy sraaaaasnkaV aaBBanaatanA aaaa- aBBaeBBaeaf aaeaBnatV cbbbV aaaBaaSaaw - , 1: .AMERICAN CHAIN COMPANY, Inc. BWTXalORTCONNECTICUT Largest Chain Manufacturers ia the World Tie Ceaaadsce CAafa UmmAM l Si AM rJt-Trm. yAjnlns eWtrCaeeeiSaae'las,rCaaaa. CoeraJ Solo Cveas Crawd Coatral Tsrsslaal. New Yeek CMy DiMrtot Seles OfHeesi CUreac nilaOelakia PRnHaar . I PectUaa. Ore. f r " I ' I 28 Big Progreaw aire Depart snoot Btaree sell Bhoec for Leas. , - maw 1 hear Malf Or. der Bsrvlc. Money rcfond. d oa any shoas aot satis factary Wear the Best Obtainable in Footwear '-'"- . - . Keep your feet warm "and dry and you are not likely to be a victim to any sickness. We strive at all times to give our good customers the very best the market affords in Shoes, and at the lowest possible cost. Your experience with us. has proven this. We are trWing you below just a few of the . many good .values we have in store for you Ladies' Black Kid Boots, Cuban Wis McOny soles Ladies' Havana Browa Kid Boots, French, r AO and military heels, 6 value, now ajTleaO' flu value Ladies' Orey Bued Boots, frn A P ffen.ch heels, at ...sPUeUs) 15 Tains Ladle Grey Kid Boots, &Q AP Krsnch Heels, at 57U 13 value Ladies Beaver Brown Kid Boots, JQ AC Welt sole, Frenrh heels P7e7J 110 vain Ladiea' Grey Kid Boots, n AP French heels, at . ; PUeU Ladies' Black Kid Boots, French heels, tP AP Vf flLjiolesL at P O eVD Ona lot of 'Ltuliea' Bark Brown t.'alf Boots, Gun Metal and Black Kid, all military haela; sites 2 1-3 to S. These all sold for 7.50; t J AO Clean tTp Price $49o Ladies' Black Kid Boots, cloth top, M Q Freneh heels, at Ple40 Ladies' White Kid Pumps, turn sole, covered hoel, suitabls for evening &( AP wear y afeeO Foil line of Children's Bolk Hpecial Blioesi priced $1.98, $2.48, $2.75, $2.98 vr COME ONCE AND YOU WILL COME AGAIN. s $4.98 Work shoes for working men, Built for hard, rough wear. Priced $2.98, $3.48, $3.98, $4.98 $5.95 and $6.95 Men's Belk and Ralston Shoes at a Great Sav ing to You. Men's Gun Metal English Shoes '. Men's Brown Bide English Shoes Men's Brown Calf English Shoes Men's Gun Metal English and Blucher Shoe ' Men's Brown Kid Shoes, Medium To $7.95 and $8.50 . Men's Brown Calf Shoes, s M AA English last a4s70 Billikens-BUlikens, none better for th kiddies Priced as follows Sites 2 to S, at $ I.tS; I to S, 11.48 aad J8; 1 1-2 to 11, W.I8 aad 14.50; 12 to 3 at ttJit and $4,98, $7.00 $4.50 $7.95 $4.98 W " always glad to acsnre you and tak delitht in pleating our customer. HUDSON-BELK COtViPANY MARTIN AND WILMINGTON STREETS. A White Ivory B ED ROOM SUITE ' . ..".V 'A-'- " , . i " " ... In The Adam Period For Miss "Four" to "Twelve" - To watch her take pride in her own room, to see her at the cute little vanity dxeaaer or maybe watch her putting away her clothes with care In the little chifforobe will repay Father or Mother over and over again the cost of this little chamber suite. . It la an exact reproduction ot the regular chamber suite, finished with the eame care and consists otJvanity Dresser, "Dresfeing Table,, Chifforobe, Bed, Chest, Rocker snd ; two Chairs. ' ' J. 1 - ' '' ; 4 .Royall h Bordem Th Homo of DependakU Furniture

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