THE NEWS AND OBSERVER WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25, 1920. FAVORJ B.MASON AS THFIR DELEGATE Durham Republicans Wan Banker As District Repre sentative at Chicago " -'tf axes a. fcoaixsos. , Durham, Feb. It. The Durham eeanty Hopublkan executive eommittfe met last alght to eertlfy to tae 8tat eon ventioa tae ielegatel recommended ty .'the precJnet eemmitteea, aad1 delegate to the county eonveatloa the latter beiag dispensed with to comply with the regulations af the board of health. The delegate will go to the State eon ventlon Bninstrncteif. Jf. B. Ma eon cashier of the Citiarus' Xational bank of this city, waa uuauimously endorsed as the represaatative from tha Fifth district to the National ejoaveatloa Chicago. Mr. Mason ia not soaking fight for the honor, bat if the eongres aioaal convention; endorses him, ha will accept. A large nambsr of df legates were authorised to attead the Grata and Congressional convention. Choice of Crane As Minister To China Recalls Interest ing Story- . (CeaUaaeel From Page Oae.) . told bin of America's iatetest in China's welfare heviag added that whenever Mr. Craae aaada a speech, ha ought to "apeak it oat red hot." That atteranea seemed to attract aa particular attra tioa aad later Mr. Crana-attended an Dthar raaeawm at rnkkk Wa Ting Fang, Chinese minister to the Vatted States, psipnaniiM me irieamy interest the initod stales had ia China. The storm did not break, however. ww asoatk later when ia Han Fran eieea Mr. Crana got a brief telegram from Secretary Kaox. an tha are af embarking, ordering him bach to Waah- Ington. The reason for tha sudden change waa aot made public at the time, Mr. Crana professing ignorance of JC not diplomats in Washington began talking about Me speeches and it began to leak out that some one waa offended. ; It finally developed that a story ap pearing la a Western new paper accred ited to Mr. Crana and representing him as attacking tha Manchuriaa agreement between China and Japan were the real causes ot hit recall. Tha atory also ap peared la the Japanese press and eanaed considerable reaction la Japaa over tha supposed view af tha mew minister from tha United States to China. , Cava Oat Story. Secretary Kaox leaned a statement, aaying that whila in tha department preparatory to leaving for hie port, Mr. v ""w iiaiMQu nun minor omciaia that tha government waa snaking an ex amination of those aarewmanta and f without tha knowledge or authority af 1 any ona eonnecteB with tha department, gave oat a aewspaper story to tha affect that thia government waa preparing to protest against soma of the featnrea of tha agreementa and that tha promulga tioa of the protest only awaited tha re turn or an ofliciai woe waa to formulate Secretary Knox's official statement added that Mr. Crane hue "admitted planus mm iBUMn tais wiTij a re porter," and that he had "reluctantly reached the conclualoa that the good af tha service demanda that I ahall inform Mr. Crana tha. hie reaignatloa will be accepted and I have dona so." President Taft told Mr. Craae that he concurred in tha views of Secretary Kaox, and "greatly regretted tha eirenmataseea." Mr. Crana aaaonaeed at tha time that ha had never aoea the offending ar ticle, but assumed full responsibility for his connection with it "purely in eidentaV aa that connection waa. Craae Net Notlakd. Boston. Feb. 24. Charles K. Crane, who waa in this city tonight, said that he knew' nothing of his reported ae lection by Treslilent 'Wilson to be mln ister to China, fie added that ha would aot comment upon the matter until lie had received official notification from Washington. He remarked, lrawever, that in case be' were chosen for th post there were-aeveral things he would like to knV about it before deciding whethci to accept. The Strong Withstand The Winter Cold Better Than The Weak Old people nue are feehio aad, younger people who are weak, will be strength ened and enabled to go through cold weather by taking GltOVE'S TASTE LESS ehill .TONIC, which la simply IBOJi and QCIMXE suspended in syrup. So plessant even children like it. You can soon feel Us Strengthening, Invigorating Efljset. Price COc. Adr, Jake Newell Denounces Morehead Methods The (Cofltineed Frsm Page One.) polities, a gentleman's game. There was much more by tha master to the same point that the king can do no wron". It was the most eloquent speech the master had made in Charlotte ia many a day. Progressive ldeaa were declared out of harmony with the old guard." Let lesser lights having ambitions to rule seek elsewhere for guidance. Again he would remain true to the faith. There was much mors to the same tenor as in the letter Morehead last fill addressed to J. A. Michael, who started the move meat for the recall election in Char lotte, in hich he outlined his labor platform. Michael steered a path con sistently ia opposition to the city ad ministration, but Morehead quickly switched over to a warm aupportcr of the administration. He. became a cham pion of law and order then, but not ao Saturday, when ha ruled by the power Vital Reasons Why Your Piano Should B a Grafts First, Its tonal excellence, S superior workmanship,' r beautiful case designs Ions ' life together with the backing: of a House of un- questioned integrity makes a combination that cannot " be duplicated. It Is truly the ultra-quality instru ' ment for the discriminat ing purchaser, - Call In and inspect these beautiful instruments. . 3. Crafts $iano (Coe . Maaafaetarera at high grata riaaaa and Pheaegrapha. : Ml Fayetteville Street. Balelga, If. C ' rsro. n. Bowxi, Dial :im Keep Your Skin Gear By Using Cubcura Tha So tar daily use aa the MM, usassskmati Bttla InaaUsaa, Ceacaia Ti aoosj tbe ekia aad sptraHoo, Defeat. aeJajdurol, elstincae. fmtoi l..Hr.i nl,.ll.l-.ll..Sl.i.,. imtatk. on n mmdm. lii it iu r jm iisims of niitrlit. That letter" axpJamod that labor ail right to organize ia unions or so cieties, aad that capital likewise baa a right to organize ia such unite aa may be considered best, both however, to be under the law and controlled by law j There was much more to tha effect that no in dm try can exist without capital, no industry, is possible without a market for labor's wares-aad without labor capital ia helpless, where fore their interests ire mutual. Mora- head considered this a woaderful docu ment, Inasmuch as it apparently kept sorely in the middle of the road, un til torn of his labor leader friends explained that it meant clearly that la bor la a commodity like any other ar tide of trade and entitled to no mora protection thaa articles of merchandise. Morehead could, see nothing wrong about that ''Why, they are my views, be explained. "Labor ia a commodity, of course, he exclaimed. The Congres sional campaign came on and Morehead thought to have thia letter published as a campaign document, bnt union labor leaders prevailed on him not to do it, as it would hurt the party, they said. Morehead, however, still holds to his news, evidently, that labor is a commodity. . Gumshoe Campaign Aa Usual. During the campaign Morehead fol lowed his favorite plan of gumshoeing over the district, whila Jake 'Newell and others went opt to round up tha labor vote. Newell had been promised the job of running, but when he had under taken to represent the Charlotte police force in connection, with the shooting at the ear barae iu August, the master called on Newell to cease political ac tivities. JSewell obeyed anil pulled off his eoat and worked for tha master in the election to beat Uoey. Saturday s convention shows that not only does Morehead regard labor as a The Newest Interpretations in Spring Millinery at popular prices A shipment of SPRING WAISTS Featuring Georgettes, Voiles and Organdies, just received. Tke Ladies Stop 14 E. Hargett St. , commodity to be bought and sold' on the market, but that votes in a convention are likewise to be used for the master's owa wishes. Jake Newell grew up in Cabarrus and eon aid era himself not an article of traffic, but a red-blooded American citizen. . Morehead waa Born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He can mix with tha common people only in order to serve his selfish desires. ''From the com mon psoplo came Abraham Lincoln, while from the pampered rich came William Hohenxollcra," Newell ex plained. Meanwhile, Morehead and bia coterie continue their work of ailing the ma ehlaery. Tha platform committee under Clarence Pagh'a direction will function in time for the convention. There may be some more shelving of Republican leaders, in the meantime. First Heavy Guns Open Up in - Third District Battle (Continued From Pegs One.) "In thia letter Mr. Abernethy telle of being an invited guest at a luncheon INFLUENZA was so aneeessf ally treated with this ex cellent "CUMMING8' FAMILY SALVE," thatt ia being need for Colds, Croup, Pneumonia, LaOrippe, and allied ailments. No one should be without a jar of this useful remedy in the house. . To prevent the "Flu" gargle the throat with warm aalt water place' "CUMMINGS' FAMILY SALVE" in the nose, and sniff up tha nostrils, morn ing and sight. It treating the ''Flu' massage IX e body w:a "CUMMINGS' FAMILY SALVE" each sight before retiring. Direetioas ceme ia tha package. At year druggist, or direct, lOe, and UOe. CTJMMING8 CHEMICAL CO. Wiaaton-Balem, N. 0. Adv. given by Mr. A. W. McLean and of the bit merrmertbere"ana'at Ilia-Ban quet and adda an expression of the ttesire atiH increasing to tomt to Con. grass. Laaeheoa a Private Affair. . "Of course, this lunehon waa a pri vate affair and Mr. McLean must have been surprised to find Mr. Abernethy using this courtesy he extended to him to promote his (Abernetby's) political interests. "I enjoyed, as I think all did, tha fine humor and good spirits with which Mr. rrinee wrote and none of na dreamed tliat Mr. Abernethy would hurry to Waslungtob and . seek to have Mr. Prince's offlea taken from him. "We knew, of course, that he would rash into print his favorite enterprise nnd ,w.tiine lint wo did not think be would try to punish Mr. Prince for out do him in letter-writing, especially, ) Noxzama Work IN the) Skin Not ON It And , Don Not Soil tha Clothing There's many no reason far smear a row kln and aranta row elota ins will, nrrmtj oinioMnu wbea rou can ormdlcat jour skin trouble, modi more mk-kiy wit' lean purw-whltr Ura-lM N ' fckla Creaaa. aoiaewu. iom not eaii'or watrn fa. waiting' the result are quirk ana apparent jon oaa "red II ' eusl.' end for a eree ample comoaee with tbe old method, the km Cue revelation to yon then the Me ts from your dninwWt it contains three times tbe quantity of the XSc trial mm Jloaseena kewtlral Cn hlvara, Ma since Mr. Trince's family, who 'are not parties to tha heinous crime. Ia his cooler momenta after the campaign is over Mr. Abernethy will regret his course, which would have been cruel it it had succeeded. "Mr. Prince ia open in all be docs. Be does not cringe or bend before power. Ills ion, Lieutenant Frine. -who foagW. bravely In, France and then losthia life in an effort la save a ebiia from drowning ia Ooidaboro, waa, of the aame m. h i. ')- Vr. Prinee will hold his offiea until U and by icperattoar rf the law of its 'creation.'' PAPE'S FOR INDIGESTION CHEW A FEW-PUT STOMACH IN ORDER! At once! Relieves Indigestion, Heartburn,-Gases, Dyspepsia, caused by Acidity.. &urryl fluy a box at any drug store. Eat meaJs without fear of upsetting stomach. , Harmless Splendid! Read "Common Sense Rules Regarding Stomach" in package- Rodgers, Plummer & Company, Inc. ( Petersburg, Ya. -i' " Storage and Commission Merchants. COTTON and PEANUTS . LIBERAL ADVANCES MADE ON CONSIGNMENTS Soed Peanuts for S!e in 5 pound quantities to carload quantities. 1 dind in the 'amy Made with Occo-nee-chee Self-Rising Flour, biscuits, waffles and hot cakes fairly melt in your mouth. This flour is easy to use because it contains baking-powder, soda and salt in exact proportions to insure perfect baking. Occo-nee-chee is also very economical since the extra ingredients are already in it, because they cost less than when bought separately.-" ' It takes but a few seconds to mixV Occo-neA-chee with water or milk and a few minutes more for baking. OeCO-NEE-CHEEH Self 'losing Flour. lakMthe bueu out ct Baking irhiSwes you Money m r hot fr tk fVa Nwhk W m mrj mj mf OwMiw.eM 3lf Uttim Fhm. Lmt ymr (nnr mM jw m taha, ClMifu.tHliMlwn. yw oaa mmy u ftrtwt- Austin-Heaton Co. Durham, K C CtJMMIKCS CHEMICAL Ca UQJSTA. I qu.ntitiet. y- I take pride in selling I II Mf III In Ail i. E 1 . i. ,lkl;rr -iki!-."-,;!! O-l-tSf O-iat !;ai 'ir V,t&i Jit? !J;a)lli(t jHfvU I t I Only a well balanced ration will keep them wtll CokerLawton Sweet Feed . will gtre mar stock a wall aalaaead rUa at a kl eaTtasj. Over U ( aaat, chMBsr thaa whole grata. Ak Year Dealer rer It, ' THE Wflaon Certified label says to you: 'This product has been selected, handled and prepared with the respectyour own mother would show toward anything she prepared especially for you," All Wilson products fulfill the Wilson label's promise of good, wholesome, appetizing foods the kind that afford the utmost nourish ment for growing boys and girls as well as for their parentsT"" are "PHE representative dealers named below ready to supply you with Wilson's Crtififi Ham, Bacon and other foods. They know the value of the Wilson policy, and they are glad to offer Wilson products to you. These dealers have built up reputations for handling foods of known quality, and they find the Wilson Certified label one that carries a guarantee to both them and you. Ask Your Grocer or Butcher for Wilson's .Cert ified Products THIEM A BIRDSONG E. Bargett Street RUD Y A BUFFALOE IN B. Barrett Street M. ROSENTHAL A CO. 1IT S. WiUalBfte Mrae E. G. RICHARDSON St SON til S. Wlraalaftsj. Street HURLEY & HOTCHKISS r SIT fe. WUealafftaa Straat B. F. RENFROW ' OaUeg Ceart, W. KaMga W. G. GOODWIN Alt Gmbw4 Aveaaa FIELDS GROCERY COMPNY C. L. BARNES 1H L BarawM ttnat . ", Claytaa, K. C A. L. BOWEN Weal Darmaaa, K. C . BARBOUR BROS ' . : Claytaa, If.'C PERRY-ANGIER COMPANY Darfcaae, N. a , J. H. SHEPHERD ' ft2aA5ii y-easaal ejayeaajay'vawa tsaBasBtaaaWattt '" I ITj " ' ) j ,,,h:. ''".,'-- i"" ".' 1 "',.- ,,'";:. " , '.'- - - . CHICAGO, ill, . J , 1 t I - ' " - v

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