THE NEWS AND OBSEKVLK FRIDAY MORNINC,' FEBRUARY 27, 1920. ADDPTPIATFORM ff ELECT DELEGATES New York Democrats Want Treaty Ratified and Oppose Prohibition Albanr, K. T,-Fab. SsW.Vew. state Daaioerata, la rough their dejegate ssebld1u molTifinl oTtiu kr led-, aeleeled tlif delegate at large and the alternate at large to the Demo crats national coareatio at 8a a Fran riaeti adopted a parly iilatfria, and, : by resolution, instruct! the delegation at Kan Francisco to rote as a uuit on. all mati.-r. Tka delegate, at large, (elected after long houra f tWrrnt ire: KoTernor Alfred K. Natith aad MIm Elixahcth MarUnry, of Kan York; Miss Harriet May Mill of Syrs'tie and Ixmis Dcstiecker, of Buffalo. There wa only oaa flurry during the three houra the delegate vera ia -tea. Thla eaaia wham Mayor otinrgc K. Luitn, of Hcheaeetaday endeavored to aubetitut for platform plank calling for repeal of the federal prohibition eaendaent, plank roeommeading an ' amaadraent U the laderatioa rontti tntloa providing that hereafter all Ted -eral amendment! be aubmittad to direct tote of the people for ratification. Aftar considerable ferrid oratory, the Luan amendal waa defeated aa a substitule for the repeal plank, but im-" mediately afterftsrds, oa motion of nn ather delegate, it waa added ea-ev acpa rata plaak. The plutform demanded iaioiediate ratification af the peaea treaty; andorsvd h admlnietratiuii of Governor Kmith; congratulated President Wilson on hia steady recovery of health; opposed re strietion upon free apeach, and le flared U favor of reiwaliug the Fed eral prohibition amendment. The prohibition plank follows: Nat Wiah a( Majority. ''We are unalterably oppoaed to to hibitioa by Federal amendment. We be liere it to be aa uaraaaoaabla interfer eara with tka rigute of the itnlea tuaraatee'l by the conalitutioa. Wa feci that the recent enactment was the im poaitioa of the ideal of an active mi nority against the wishes of the groat majority of the American people. W'r, therefore, declare for in ajieedy repeal id to the aad that the personal liberty of the people of oar etnto muy be thor oughly safeguarded until such time a) thia repeal may be brought nbout, e declare the right of our etute in the ci erciee of it aovcroiga power to ao coit al rue the concurrent tlauie of tka eigh - teenth amendment aa tv be iu accord with tht liberal and reasonable view of our paople." Complete enfrauliiectnent of nomen and a itrong campaign of rjuratiou a mean of curbing radicalism are urg ed ia (be platform. - Te Care a Cold I One lr Take IJLXAT1VE BBOMO QtTINIK (TeMcta). It itopi the Cough and Headline and, worki off the Cold. E. W, tiBOVttj signature on each boi. 30c, Federal Money Limit Reached For Road Work NEW PEACE PROPOSAL I , FRQMJOVIET RUSSIA Pledge! Establishment Demo cratio Principles; Want Loan From United States V.iiJ.iiigiou,' Ftar-2.T-(By The JUso- dated Tress.) In a new peace proposal to the Great Power, reported- in. oftVitt dispatcher reeeired here today. Soviet Kusoia pledgri stamishnu-nt of Demd Vara leratie priaeiplca ia Kussia and the call ins- of a constituent assembly, It. promises further to withdraw tls decree annulling Bttsslu's foreign debt, restoring ility per cent of the liability and also to pay arrears of interest, git- iiig aa a guarantee for the fulnlinient of ita obligations eoneiderahlf mining conresilorgi of nmtimim and Oliver to an Anglo-American syndicate. In return and in addition to the for mal peace trlti)S -tlie Ho viol govern ment would require Ureat Hrirsin and ether eouutrlea to Abandon all inter vention in Russian affair. It also pro poses that the I'nlted Ktntej allow r credit to Itnsxift conditions! upon con- eessions in that country: A dispatch from London Quoting a ifoeeow radln meaaage said the Kovint government bad made new pence overture to the I'uited State Japan and Rumania, At the State Department, it wai announced no lurk proposal bad been received. (Caatlnaed fraaa Pag Uae.t Report Candrmied. Copenlngen, Feb. J!(l. Mnaim. liitvin "ofT, the Kuaiaan Bolehcviki commi sioner in Denmark, today confirmed re ports that peace offers had been aent Trr-Wtr Russian Soviet government 1o Japan and Huinnnla and that the I'krtiiniin Soviet had offered peacer to Poland. ' It win tiiuoiinced bv Lilvinnff that be, together with M. Krassln, the Bol shevlkl minister of trade anil commerce, and M. Nogin, who has charge nf Rus sia's entire teitile industry would com pose a deputntion to orgnnlre Ktisiln's foreign, trade. According to M. l.itvlnoff there will be no objection to an Inquiry commis sion of the Ticngue nf Nation entering Kiilsiu, but be said the Kuseinn govern ment might make a condition that a commission of Iet ftoeialiat also be given facilities in fliissia. CLAIMS THAT HE WAS "FRAME-UP" VICTIM Roanoke, Vs., Feb. 2(1. Oswald f'eri ocla, former government imncctor of garments during the world war, testify ing af hia trial In Federal eourt here today on a charge, of receiving a bribe from the R!ue Ridge 'Overalls Oonipanv, one of the largest Arm of its kind in this ectlon of Virginia, declared he was the victim of a "frame-nn." "On the morning of July 11, 1018," he testified, T wai called iato the office of the general manager. When T ar rived he handed ive oaa hundred 1 bill aad told me to count them.- I took the money in my handa and began rounttng, and had n sooner done so when two Federal epeciil agent placed me. under arrest." D. J. Breeslin, president of the Overall company, earlier la the trial I testified that hi manager offered Ceri oela the money because it was the com pany' belief that be wa "looking for a bribe." v The case Is expected lo go to the jury tomorrow. SALVATION ARMY AFTER PERMANENT HOME HERE Officials Confer With Governor Bickett About Citadel In Capital City 1 l)i. W. Kluiis htalaakrr, auditor of the Kalvatiou Army, together with Capt. Hherman Fat tenon of the local corps, bid ao audience with (ov. T. W. Bick ett yeaterday during which the matter of a parmaurnt home for the local corps was mentioned. The governor staled it as his opinion that the Army thould be given every op portunity to continue it good work and work ''by all ' rneuils let us have it." that if a eibtdel will help it to do better Facta and figure were l.ijd before the governor and he expressed, himself as more than satisfied with the manner in which the orgs nidation take car of its business attain and if a citadel should lie provided in Raleigh that the city and the entire Kuleigh tons would be bene fited thereby. With Indictment Jake Newell Bids Master Farewell (Coatinucd frees I'ige On.) in Khoioioine and "ana political uctivl tie, is one of the essential safeguards for the protection of th capital of the country.- "For this reason pa it i tubiriy, I dc Iriored the action of your countjr-tjbair-man in depriving tiu representative in the county convention from North Charlotte of their juat right iu "the convention. And I deplored even more denpjy the aggction in your apeech, that the propar attitude of labor to a siime ia to atiind aside, and to aelect at the poll between the candidate and ulatform of the two great parlies, we have no alien labor here, and the Amer ican apirlt will never brook auch a segregation. Jeu8t of all, the Bcpubli- nuisHi of the Mute. In taking hi fluu! farewell of the master, Newell warns him that he liorsu t have to take lesson in law and order from auch men as B. A. Kohlosi, another Imported Morehead lieutenant, who called Newell to task as being op posed to law aud order. Going to Convention. Iu spite of (he st com roller at the, ouuty convention, Newell got named i a delegate to the State convention i in Groensboro Wednesday, and will be ! on band for a fight. However, indica tions are that be 111 be iu such a hope- j less minority in hia fight for the com-i mou man as against the Interest of j the chosen few including Morehead aad U8ED FIFTY YEARS ter to their representation in (,'ongres and try to have something done. ' Far mer Bob" Dougton spoke on the mat ter kt some length recently, but ap parently waa annble to stir hi colleag ue to any definite action. For That CHILLY Feeling ' Take Grave TastelMa ClUI.I, Touic. , It Warm tka Body by Purifying and Karirlilng the Blood. You raa soon feel it (Krengthealag, lavigoratiag Effect. Friat ttXrv Adr. INFLUENZA ROBS 7 ' CHILDREN OF PARENTS Aiberasorla. Feb. 86. Mr. Adam Hill, oaa at tka leading ftnsiri of Stanly eouaty, died Heaturday of pneumonia. Funeral aerrice were held at Philadel phia Baptist ehurek Buuday afternoon aad tka body was interred in the bury ing ground at that piaea. Mr. mil leave seven children without father or moth er. Hi wife and oaa child died about a week ago with iafluenra. Mr. Bill wia.a aom of Mr. and Mr. Cola mi Hill af Vaion county, having moved to Btanly after kit marriage about f if toe a yeara ago. MARRIAGE AND DEATH IN FAMILY SAME DAY Chirlotte, Feb. Id. A marriage and a death ia the tame family within an hoar of each other waa th aiperienea ia the family of Mr. J. J. Jones, of this nty, thia afterason. Miss Bosalie Jon, daughter of Mr. aad Mrs. Jonea,, was married to Mr. Foeter Hamilton, of 'harlottoirill, Va at th Jonea home : at 4 eeloek. Aa hour later the mother of tk young brido died ia th Prrs hyterian hospltl following the birth of a child, th child alto dying. The marriage had beta postponed until i today. SALISBURY LIFTS BAN "j ACCOUNT OF INFLUENZA (Salisbury, Feb. 8. Th eeunty I health board hi lifted the baa which j had beoa ia force a beat three weeks, I in re lea being effective Friday. The Influensa aituitioa continues to show light improraaunt but health a uthori tiee wan the publl against reaching eeaehiaiona that danger i past. The elty school board aa aot anaouacad when ebool will open. DELEGATES APPOINTED AT CONGRESSIONAL, CONVENTION. Eliabtar:tty, Feb. Se-I. at Meek ins, of Eliaabath City, was elecud dele gate to the Republican National enavta tioa at Chicago i Wheeler Martin, af WUliaattoa, alleraate, and Henry T. - King, of Greenville, presidential elector at th Republican congressional eoa veatioa hold at Plymouth thi week. I. ii. Meckins, C. B, Pugk and J. Q, A. Wood, of EUrabeth City, era delegate te the Plata Kepublieaa eoavaatioa at1 tireeasboro. - . ' . ! WANTED BIDS O.V 6EVEBAL CABS 4, , 8, 10 and 12-inch dry pin lum yr, f. o. b. cars, Ixuitburg. W. M. I LLjbuig. ;0t SEC. BAKER DECLINES TO BE CANDIDATE FOR DELEGATE. Washington, Feb. 2fi Secretary Baker today deeliaed to be a enndbye for delegate from Ohio to the Democratic National Convention, FOR CATARBlf AT ALL DRUGC13TJ Automobiles For Hire Transfer Hoary Hid (lag DAT OR NIGHT Movlag Vana. w. r. SMITH Phoaa 81 r , 1 IinillllllllllllHiniUIttllllHIIItl llMiiaiiisstiuiiiiiiiis.i.k. """""" '"'""'"iliill'l'UIIIIIIIIIIIU)llIIIIIIIIIHIIIMIIIIIIHMnnilllHIHIIIMIMniinilMllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Better Mrehndi Better Serricai Raloigh t. North Crelln. Sauces "Dljo 5lmplft-64mure. 6arlnj are Hc new DRESSES for SPRING - r,w Especially Featuring Oricolctte D xesses Reigrnirisr Bupreme amongst the new dresses for Spring are the alluring modes developed in Tricolette in the attractive colors of Black, Navy, Brown and Taupe. Regular sizes 16 to 44. Stout sizes 42U- to 48i. Priced $55.00 TO $100.00 Smart Women Are Wearing 12 and 16 Button A Beautiful Collection of loni Silk nirtva with 14 ., 16 Buttons including all colors &) fjr and tf O rA and sizes. Priced DaClD 9.jU Short Silk Cloves in all colors ' at a price range from . , ... . t . Gauntlets in White, Dark Brown and Tan. rric ......... $125 T0 $2,50 $6,75 wmmiicimiimmiiwmifliffliim Linney that he will be unable to make more than a rtpple on tha reactionary water of the BepuUlican whirl pool. Alorehead eonsiders himself a Aloses to keep the eommon people from par ticlpating in jtepublicaa councils, and he ia building a machine througji im port el talent that will answer to Uie call of toe muter voice. Red blooded American citizen might rebel at being ds4 at th bask tad tall of a million, aire manufacturer, and hence foreigners are considered more fit for the Job. : r r This Laxative Ii Now in Half a Million Homes TVy regulate tlteir kealtk with Dr. CaJdwell'i Syrup Peptia w HERE tbare era women and vminit diildrea and nlilarl v nenDki it ia alwayi well to bava a ruild, gcntlMUting lasative bke Or. Cakiwali'a Syrup Pepsin handy. Thia I eorubi natiueOf aimpla laxative harba with papain wbiofa doe all that ia required in constipation and doe it with aaety and oouifort. It is frae from narroUc and may be given to bubiea. Half a miilion uiotbnra liave it In aa many good American borne, end these farruU jioa are healthier for it. Every drug afore aalla Dr. CaldweU'e Syrup Pepsin. In ifWM of thi fact that Dr. CaU. uwli'i Sjrwa Pun ii tht largnt atiitng biud idaoirwe in tka tuorU, there Icing ever 6 million eotrJei fid each yr, many tuho iwsd its emsjUl kx not yKuad it. If you havt no. nJ yomwamtcmdaajirtt for ftm trial bti M Dr. IV, ft CaUui.fl, 511 Wai Kington &, MonacaUa, (Uinou. DD. CALDWELL & SYHUP PEPSIN THE PERFECT LAXATIVE SELTZER 'OR Headaches we announce"- , The Arrival of a New and Complete Line of Philippine AW.n6roiaW UNDERWEAR . c Made in Excellent Quality of Prench Batiste Mostly GOWNS and TEDDIES A New Line of Georgette Blouses Georgette Crepe blouses, with many butterfly effect, long nd short sleeves, fancy lace, Iwnd embroidered and bead tffects. A complete line of all light and dark . shades. ' , .Miss SaidieM.King Incorporated RaUigk, i-t North Carolina Gasoline Gome 1 . Up Again and Has Just Started ; Only a Boost For the Franklin Better be sure than sorry that you KNO how high the gasoline consump tion of the new car you think of buying is going to be, and don't forget where gasoline consumption is high so are the v other operating expenses, tires, etc., of a car in proportion, as weight and fric tion are the controlling factors. How to Know What the Gas Consumption of a Car is Without Buying It To Find Out car in just theL&ame position, fill the tank with a hand measure to top of filler pipe, and you know the answer by which you caii judge other operating expenses, tires especially. P5 Ask your dealer to take his car and gasoline, both just as yni would get, fill the tank, drive thecar(piit any number of miles and back over the same road, which will even up the grades, stop the Here Are Some Exclusive Franklin Advantages -f Twenty miles to the gallon of gasoline. Above ten thousand miles on tires. ' Ease of riding and operating unequalled by any car. Fifty per cent slower yearly depreciatio , No water, to freeze or overheat Hie truth of these .claims is why Franklin Cars stay sold and why their own ers are invariably Franklin enthusiasts and why they are not likely to be restrict ' ed in the use of their cars because of high priced gasoline, tires, etc ;

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