THE NEWS AND OBSERVER WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 3, 1920. Sutler Will Keep Hands Off Un ' less He Sees a Demand (Ctj.iat4 from Put Oat) K ta ratter barutaoy ia Ui ruk (lis "erand oM purty," but tHr sre ny opposing tlit Uirltigli mu for t tif t. Of eounw, Morchttd it goiag ind . ii Jrnuk LliilUjr Wihila tli younger of the ptrty are Soostlnf Daullill, Athtvlll, fnr a plact among tbt it taut." J. S. Parker, el bmiUfmld, boomrd for a plat o thtt hiv four t not atlionily H?uhm!. lliirtnte J'ufi would III bo ft .011 jt imt ht put bit foot in it by follow ( Will Hays' Inttruttloni to round up u utgro ott of tht Btate for tbt ji rty, tbtra art matiy who are f aitiat Jm-ymuf lan-yar -rom tho Pt. Xtwrll't Cykr Dotbtfj-L Jtkt NtwtlMs on hand liiit lis kill - 'not tukt hit i&lFklrnbtirl fijjlit to the 1 iloor of the convention. ll ma try to round up sTronatb- to put a monkey wrench in tho Morolicsd iiiai'liinury but will prnhably kcci qii!M. Of course, J.-ke stvt nothing to bring befort the convention but ho may try to tcizc flic liyhuliii.-:il moment Id itnft Jome IJiinK. ujiigf -'.'. P. llynumC CliairtBfiB of tlit .-...PtitharJ. booming ..rjiUiffllttMU at If 4 .it . togltkcr t.inlplit i,n,l it w.ia dteid.-d to open Prb-hard liciiil'imuttrs in CliiriiKo at tlit' Xuiicn'il rouiontioii. A lot of talk indufged in, but nothing done 11 nd pffiiimalily th convention; It going to endonr the Nortli Ciroliiu mun iil thaugh a Morcahefld limn It drttrtbut ing London button and lawi of the delegates are wenrliig (hem. Tlit turprlit of tbt convention it the barking that tht Morchf&d machine is Rivins John J. Ptirker for e-i-Oovernor. l'nrkor cfi"r long hesitntiun over the po litical future dually doubled to iiist bit lot with Jokn Ntnell in repretonting the Charlotte litbor unlnnt in tbt prnso rutlmt of the Chnrlnttt pnlleemon. More luenl read Xevrell out of tht 'Tank of the Icadvra for Inking a itand with them nnd now aduptt Parker body nn.l soul for a lending pliteo on the ticket, nutter Cloaka Hit Plana. Tho Moreheitd crowd would like to shelve Butler because, lie believes In a policy rule or ruin, but they en n't get rid of hlin so easily. Uutlor hsi got a progrcin on foot to hnvo tho ehnirnien ft the county eteeuttve committet tinmt tht tuts ctinlrun and under tlint gulso 'bat been conferring with the nil iluy. Whnt bo list up bin sleeve he I keeping fro tbo tin M io f oiincila just : now. Platform F.rtesst. Tht platform calls for repcnl of the Tcvnhlittiiifl net. of school boards and free teat-hooks Tor school ehlldrOH, condemn! the "Democrntlc citrnvganct" and tulngltet the K. publican senators for stumllng agnlnst the Leiigue of Nations The u'luil it, puhlica-i condemnation of the eleetlo'i luwi 0 tht Btatft It Indulged in and the piry ta asked to Maud for the uilralitn rullot system, Riibcil' II, McNeill, a North earn'. s lirtlnn now living in Washington, 17. V who' la tocre-lnry of the Pritcharl ( Womlinr committee, arrived today to anecd Mr boom, whleti the More bead rnarhtno had about allowed to die. OlllWim Urltsnm tilled up all tht iiotels I to to the room and called on ' bit Dtmoeratle friends' in" tntertalu radltalt In their, homes. Ha was buty tonight talking for both himself and the master. Ho cheerfully admitted that be would like; to lee Butler kicked . ..out of the park hut didn't know of nnjwnv To do I It, R, H. Kobloas thlhka the tame way about it although Kehloat wo html in glove with Hutlor while be held down a job aa postmaster in tetltra North Carolina. - , rilta QarteVI t 14 Davt. - IVugglttt refuad money If PA2o OINT MENT fails to aura luhlug, BlrtxI. itltedlag or Protrudlna Pili-s. Stops Irritation 1 Hootnea tad llenlt, Vou can gtt restful sleep afUr tbt first appUca- tion. Prko Due. dv. , - 1 '.1 Mrs. K. A. Hist lag Diet At Barllngten. liurllnglo. Mar.-Mn. Kruest. A. Haitlngt ditd at tht home ef tier moth er, Mr. R. J, Mebane, Tarbley street thlt morning it 0 oVInek fnllnw in an illness of over a your with, tu berculosis. Tht funernl service will be conducted from tht honit tomorrow af ternoon hy Btv. S. .t. Kirk, pastor of tht Burlington Reformed Church, and interment will 0 tnldt in Pine Hill CeMttery, Wrt. Hastings wat about 30 yean of age, a-nd it survived by a Inn band and two children and several hrothert nd tlitera. Te fortify tho System Agalaet ".. , Calda, Oris) and Inflsjenin tsks URCVK'8 TASTtLtba Chill TOXIC. It Purifiet aad Ktirlchtt the Blood, It Bullda up bad Btrengtbtat the Whelt eyttem. It fertittet tht System ciinst Colds, Grip-a-d InHu- can,. Ffioo Cue. (Adv.j Chain of Utarea. ' - 'Wileon, Mar. S.-Tht Welsh Fiv, T and Tenty'fla Cent Stort Com pnny of this city it establiahinf a chain of store ia Eastern Caroliua, the latest link haln at Bnilthlltld, whtro tht fifth cittbllatmcat hai jait beta optatd. j : I)r. E. i'l. Broiightott, who has.Eeen tick for many wteks, Ii well again aad wilt return hi prattle O Monday, Marth S. GIVE STOMACH : v . WHAT IT NEEDS --The Alkaline Effect of Stuart't Orapepila Tableta Uiually . Corrects the Stomach Faults that Provoke At tacks of Indigestion v . or DjrspepsU, -aBttaaVtlH-aBatBx ' To it back afttt s good meal and kao thtr 1 aot going to b (our ris ing. tat, drowiltttt and discomfort It tht logical mult of Sling, Htutrt't Dy spepsia Tablet! lmmtdiatelj after eat . ing. Moat peopt bellev they caa trace each attack of indigestion to th 0mfr thing they at and tan till taste." And it turprlte ihtm, Invariably, to ntt how tjoickly relief eoket after tiling on or two of thee tablets. hsther it 1 highly seasoned food, rick ptnry, tht hot vr hearty food or tome particular offeader th relief tomet just th earn. Those who r ttiteep tibl t atUekl of Indigestion or lvpepl should try Etubrt' Dyipepsi , Tablet l they lupply th ttomaeh with . a alkalin erteetejust at It doei aatur when it Ii working Ja a perfectly helthjr eoriilitioa." "ViK;---. . Huart't. Dyspepila Tableta are te known and Used that you -cat i t ti e. iii tnr drng t!or in th Unit " f i ! ''rri I Car .n.ia at ' rentt a box. -Air, EPIDEMIC ABOUT AT EN0 IN DURHAM A More Cheerful fepirit Prevail ing Now Among Mtmbers of Health Board By JAME8 A. ROBINSON. DulTlaiu,' March 2, The influenza siluatioa ia Durban bat reexbud tho point where not a new case had been reported to tht hilth board today, up to V2 o'clock. A mora cheerful spirit is prevailing among the members of the health board, and the workers who have ro faithfully com batted the disease for thn pat. throe weeks. Tho Durham county Board of Educa tion in its regular monthly meeting yes terday afternoon, elected for tho tirst time in the history of Durham, a woman as elementary supervisor for the county schools. This first honor was conferred upon MIm Matilda Michaels, who Is well qualified to fill the position, having bad much experience In teaching and super vising, both In the city schools and those of other places. .County Hitpeti.ntendent Hollund 1101 ton made n report on the Influenza sltna- tlou tia iiffertlng the-school of the county, nnd those that did not rloae on account of the intlueiiga nimie encourag-j ing returns at the end of the month. Mineral Hprlngs, Glenn, Bahama Karm Ufa. 'aehool, Tllley, Rmgemotit, t.'nlon, Holt. Hotith Irfiwell, Milton Hill were nninng those that remained open the en tire month. - Death of Mitt Swesney. Mis Klsio 'Swifitney, aged 3, youug et duiighfer of l)r. and Mrs. ,lohu Mwouney, of WcttyMalu etreet, dlod lt uixM st 10 :rw, rather ruddenly from heart failure. Hhe had boon tick three v.Tck-, with infliicnan, which wat fol lowed by piieumouia. Mis Hneaney was n ino.nt popular young lady and her demise is tho cause of much sorrow among her- Inrgu circle of friends. Tht funeral aervices 'uert held at ii o'clock this afternoon at tlit home, Main ttrout nnd Buchanan boulevard. Dealb of K I Wilklna. H. L Wllklns, agtd n; died riunday ht his home, 204 Uregann etreet. from pneumonia following ln)uenn. He had been"'; resident of Durham for H years. He is survived by his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. fl. Wilkin, of ltotigcmnnt; nlsrt five brothers and one isterMr. i:. W. Boboft, Walte-r M'il kins, 1). v., I., A. M. and W. Pi W I kins of Richmond, Vs., Ills re mains were Interred in thri cemetery uf lied Mouhtnin church yesterday. Death of Mrs. Norflee: Mangnm. Mra. Kthel Miingiim, wife of Norfleet Mahgum, aged SU, died vcstei day after noon, at (I o'clock ,'t JW borne of hei father-in-law, W. T. ilungum.'from the effects of . influoniiu-pueumonin. The funeral services were conducted from the houlo this afternoon at I o'clock, and the interment wat at Duke't Chapel. The pallbearers Hero L. L. Bowling, Arthur Pnrrish, Ham Roberts, I. D. Belvin,. F. Hoy.-ter and II. (', (oyster. OFFICERS ARE ELECTED BY MINISTERIAL ASSOCIATION. , Burllnoton, Mar. a At a meeting of 1 10 BurUngtoa Ministerial AasotUutloa t it following olllcert were elect ud: fojv. Martin W, Buck, president; B'V. M'Uliam B.' North, It. !., vice iirfel dent; "Ren -'Kaimtet J. Kirk, settretnry and treasurer. Among the inatttrf cot sidercd by the ministers present at, tho meeting were "Oo-to-ehurch Hnnday," nnd a general ftehange of pulpits at to eorly date. The i'lrst Baptist Ohurelt of this elty hat atarted a fund for a new ehnroli. Three members made gifts amounting to 1 7,500, and -at a recent meeting of the congiegttion the fund wat ang mtnted with an equal amount, making a tojlal of .1S,000, Plaut aad tpeeiflea tlonaare being worked out for the new church building which will be modern In every respeet. , - t. Cecelia Club. -The Bt. (Wlla club will eet in Mr. Jones' studio at Hf. Mary aehool this afternooti at 4 o'clock. A Bter Organitallnit with a Store spirit. New THAT CAUSE A SENSATION IN OUR MILLINERY DEPT. Each Model ia of a Diatinctivo Individuality. You Will Find era Combined. iCxcluRive models lift two allkf. 'Models from Frankel St Frank, Flske, De Marlnis and other Fifth Avenue Shops. New Veilings from Van Realta. -v On display are off-the-face shapes, large, wide-brimmed Hats for dress; email Hats with belt crowns. These are made up of braids and flowers. Lisere and. hairbraid Hats in the : leading shades of blue, brjjwn, burnt orange, rose, eand, dust, orchid. - , .. . . , ' Save 1-3 Your , Millinery bill here Our Prices . . . . . ... ; . . ... . . ' , i. . $4.95, $7.50, $9.95, $14.95 up SPORT HATS ; Combinatidri of Rlbboiii and Braids, . Spccidl Showing Braid Combination tJATS from Frankel & Frank. SALUDA IS SCENE OF WAR BETWEEN RACES Girlie Laughter, White, Ex pected To Die; Others Shot; Negro In Jail FRONT PAGE t 10 shooting nffair, which took pfaee 5n-Ha-Uiila, Vulk eouaty, neur here, tonight iKUaea white mem and negroes Girlie Laughter, white, with four bullets in hii body, it expected to die, and Homer Washington, eolored, believed to hatt dona tho nhooting, is iu jail In Hendcr Miiivllle. Tht caute of tht rioting tottld nut be learntd here, although the offi ce re at Hendersonvilte, and ISaludt wert talked to orer the telephone. Willit Jobnton, white, who was also shot four timet, is at hit home( ia Sa luda, but it expected to rtcovor. Dctnp sey Walker, the fourth participant in the nhooting (Tair, ia at hit home in Saluda with r. bulb't wound in the back of hie head, which, it is btlitved, will not prove fatal. Three of the men wounded were on abln to niak-, (heir escape, and are at their home in fobada. Washington ee eapod, but was interceptsd 'iu Hender sonville by Chief of Police Otis Powers, and landed in jail, to await details con cerning the ngly -ffnjr. JUDGE 6. A. SHUFORD DIES IN ASHEVILLE A-hcille, Mar. ".Judge George A. Hhufonl, lor several years on the -6u-(irlor fonrt bt-tich in North Carolina, prucliJng attorney since 1K70, end a well known educator, died at his home, 5H Omnge; etreet, "tonight at six o'clock! He baa bofO ill for several years but his death, taused by apoplexy, came unexpectedly and as n distinct shock to the people of tint section. Judg! Bhuford wn born In Buncombe county In 15.j, the ton of George Shu ford, who figured conspicuously in the building tip of Brevard and later moved to Catawba county, near Bhuford Bridge Oh the French Broad river, which land he developed to a high state. He wat born in Hominy township and ro celved hit rudimentary education at the old Handbill school. After becoming a young man he gruditVed from Kmory and Henry in Virginia and, roturned to WnynesU16 where he began the practice of law With Alden Howell. He was identified with 11,1s partnership with the late Capt. T. 1). Juhnson, who wat late con gressman from th' Tenth ""North Caro lina uintriet. : Jiulpe Him ford was then elected judgo of tho county court' and was later appointed by (lovornor Holt as judge of tho superior court, which office he held fir four years. While ho the bei'ih he was married H Mkrt dui Dean, rf Rome, Georgia. No announce ment loncerniitg the funeral arrange ment was mado tonight but the ser vice, t. Ill be held iu Ashovilll. Sur viving ore a son, George Bliuford, nnd daughter, Mary Frances. Mrs, J. T. Wtlker Dlea At Roibero. Box horn, March 2. Mr. J. T. Walker died here today following an illness wlh tnflenaa-phoumoiiLfi, She la survived by her husband and ur ehUdr. The funeral will bt held at the home .Wed nesday afternoon. Cobras art nlwayt ready to fight. ITS UNWISE to put off to-day doty until te xnorrovr. If your ttenach 1 add-dlatorlMd take la-noiDS tht art aid te (UgU con fort todmy. A pleaaant rwllef treat th ditcemfort of ndd-dytptpcia. madc bt bcott a nowrtt MAKERS or BCOTTI EMULMOTf f; r- . Hudson-Belk 'CAROLINAS LEADERS"- HATS of PRINTED GEORGETTE and COX CHOSEN BY G. 0. P. , - OF SEVENTH DISTRICT , Scotland Man Named For Con greii; Parker and Pritch ard Endorsed Lexington, Marth 2. Rupublieau dele gates from Anton, Oavie, Davidson, Hoke, le, Moore, Montgomery, Ran dolph, Ku-hmonil, I'mon, Scotlaud, Wilkes and Yadkin countiet, composing the Hevtnth couares.lonal district, ot'it at 12M today in the courthous her iu convention for the purpose of nomi nating a eandidatt for Cong-eta, lect ins two dtlecatea Had two alternates to the Republican National convention in Chicago and transacting tueii other buslnesn at might come C?lure the body. W. 11, Cox, of Bcotland, was uuani- inoutly chosen the Republican standard bearer in the Hewntlt. l'reashy fc. Brown ,of Wilke. introduced a reso lution endorsing J. J. Parker for gov ernor, and Jeter C. Prltcbard, for the Presidency of the United States, which resolution carried. As delegates to the National convention who will east their ballets for the Ashevilla jurist Mcssr. Pressley E. Brown, of Wilkes, and Claudius Jockery, of Montgery, were " chosen. The ' election of a dis trict exeeutlv committee d endors ing of Gen. Z. V. Walter -of Davidson, aa delegate at large uonsutued the re nialndvr of the hour and a naif during' which the convention wat in eeltlon. OFFICE BUILDING IS DAMAGED BY FIRE Greeotboro. March 8. At 1:30 o'clock thb afternoon fire was discovered on the fifth floor of the MrAduo building on South Elm 8trect next door to the Pott office building. The origin of the blast It unknown cbut it ia believed to have origiuatedVither in the offices of cotton brokers on the fifth floor of the building or, in the attic from defective wiring. The entire fire-department waa called to help combat the flamea which ware fanned by a wind from the west and only by about two hours of very hard work and the dis play of much daring on the part of the firemen was the blare finally gotten under control. A number of persons were in the building at the time but succeeded in making their way to tha ttrect without injury. ' The lose is estimated at about (2o,(XK) to tho building though It i impossible to fix the ex.n't amount. ' The loss to the individuals whose office were lo cated in the building will also run Into th thousands of dolltrwjit the build ing wat practically flooded with water. To abort a cold and prevent com plications, take The purified and refined calomel tablet that are natueaJcsa, aafe and eure. Medicinal virtuee rettiin. .ed and Improred. Sold only in aealed packagea. Prke35c Co. MAIL ORDERS W Oaartate Satbifaxtloa - f. i aotreervlce Hits of Straw end Feath-- Arrivin -.-V ' s-vegyfr r GOMPERS ILL; UNABLE . TO GO TO CHARLOTTE Alievil!, tVIartfi 8 Announcement Is mado here that fcafmuel Ciom tiers, president, of the American Federation of Labor, who waa Jrxpeeted 'in Char lotte this week cannot to in a, being de tained in Miami owing to illness. While labor men are disappointed over the in ability of the great labor leader to ;i per in Charlotte, member of the Aslie ville union are planning to attend a meetiug in Charlotte Friday niulit, which wilt be'addressed l.v. Flunk Mor risnu, who oeejjple a position ne':t to that of Mr. Uemer. - Court! Postponed. W;Uon, Mar. 2.-"tdgecomli6 Sujie'rior Court, which was scheduled to open lust. No Nerve Disturbance in thb table POSTIJM CorttGiYtment and satis faction come as coffee trembles vanish, -when one uses this pure cereal drink in place of tea or coffee. ''Tftaason" . THESE WASTED DOLLARS USE GAS COKE i The snijoke that loes up your chimney when ytfU burnreoft oah is merely wasted money money burned up to create smoke in place of heat. When you buy GAS COKF, you get practically pure carbon coal with all the impurities re moved. The result is you buy ALL heat -and that's what you get when you burn COKE in your furnace or stove. ,GAS COKE burnt with almost no smoke. It is easy to handle, clean, efficient and will save you money. Price $7.50 per ton Delivered Carolina Power & Light Co. . Gas Division Phone 1376 4 ry punAjAUiADtfe. f f u JINK " 1 Going;Si J. M. EDWARDS' - . -v ; -; -v ' -' t- -- ; Great Annual Sale of High and Low Shoes " ; Entire Stbtk Marked Dow - . ' ..... . Save Save Save Monday, ai d Nash superior couc, (.ne to open iiixt Mouday, hav been indetl aitely postponed on account of health condition in both counties. Otean Raw May Bring Inquiry . In U. S. Scntc tContiaaed from Pag One) whU-u have been lodged here. It wn upon receipt of this report that Senator Simmons askud Bcerttary Baker to In form hiin whether trr aot 'th War De partment had knowledge that such a court-martial was contemplated. Ktcretary Baker It expected to amwtr Heuutor Himnioua tomorrow. It wat In dk-afed nt the ofllco of the lhtter to ni);ht that if th War Department does intend to court-martial tho Soulier--- "' ii" .- .. "I AVE Horma Talmadge v AT THE TODAY rong ALIO patieutt who fcavt coaiflained, a con gressional investigation will bo asked ( for tr tie Bcnnt. Then, the "civilian investigation which o many Aabeville people believe is th aly way to gvt at tho truth will be possible. 3 No.444 Plant Bed AND Cloth 6c YD. Splendid Quality, Full Width, and Good Weight. Order By Mail. s. w. Brewer & Sons 317 S. Wilmington St LADBS SIKCE'19 Just Like Finding a Diamond in the Dust !- After looking over all the Assortments of HATS, you will be delighted to see the ones we have just re ceived for Spring. Knox Crofuit-Knapp Bortalino - John B. Stetaon In Smart, Snappy-Styles! The hats that fit your head at the prices that fit your pocket-book. CROSS & LINE HAN CO. cl6thes For Men Wh Car Tobacco

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