4 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER SUNDAY MORNING, N1ARCH 14, 1920. EVE it Not CapfJidt? (to Prqsjdcjncy Unless, Conditions, Demand, 1 - It, Hp. Say v . Lincoln, Neb, Mnreh 13. Should William J, Bryan's nomination, (or the v- presidency ha, "Me minded, nndef Certain . renditions he would feel it hi duty IP consider i!,'ha auid in ttatrtnent isr .. -J L ij,KInt.t IT. Jul itnt 4-e-itai the ominntum, -jut, (tthut oiiiJ "the party'! National 'convention to help I nnnAIn ' tha w.arr Ailaries and friend of the aalom'!eprdjnx J? Mr. Bryan', etati-jnet topfe Ui form ot a prmiI. BUwcr; fd request! Hint lie enter the. presidential 'race,' He said he Jrecognised to the duty, of the eitiea, to respond. ejUlofjbj country to tw, r. wr." ' i "It the. nUaUoH. became. twA. that - my nomination wat actually demanded, ..... I. lima C war A anlfller'a Win is Ae minded 04 Va battle neddr- -qu tefd, I should consider it," he. aaid. " ' "l fcojja lhaCao,'uJ UtjiatioA vill ante and 1 qo not na-. any posst lili that ani-li a situation Will arise. Mr. Bma aaid the. demands of pnblie I ... - . . . . a -k. 1. I ... .life for yuny ye'. . epnr. ot Owe f oiipnipnoh!ft of, tie, family and that, Aft Bo 'desired .tp.'loak, forward iA m. vaoM iittlntAPPiiiitfwf hfinni iv em wv 'rr I'-- , -s - .''Beta at home,'' where be eonld , devoto hit, lime "ta Utomiy' WrJC' ' tt tddoA b S 1 - - that, he had not lost intercut, Ul P,Ul-lus question! but preferred to hid young , ai U "catj on Ow people! &uar , t MWa wit insuea. before m," ho aid, and toichty ork tor ioa who - nra. itjini tflTpu i;Jr. vC tie publU above their' ae and- o-fn-fort and rUk all'ln the protection of " " ih-ttoripi;"WT"''"'"ll . of privilege, . ' ; . , "Bemdc not drailing the nomination. T tliintt iLli mv dutv.tn Lha Drosreulve Drmoe b the nation Uj (u at, a deln (t ta tha National convention, H ). , poliig tile taetioAnw; and, KipniTd df Ilia, aalooaa. "thia'H wpt position, and, I conclude iU a, henrt overfluwinj wilh gratitude for U19. loyalty and, eonfldchr whjch, f rlonda havBiaanitested. ' PRISONERiAKfOft -4-. TWO. ftoiR tyrffta'mi . itA White U Vv IfuyctUVille, Mirch, liearo pri oaar vnmcfd HokhWM ?a ibot IJX- Vej Vtf HkcrM M I'Mta Upi), three. UiUtttdV o( Uio tum!iIiin(l fpunt g Jfiil made 1 . break for. UbpUjf fcw a W.'o.'cjo$k jt.-" aittht. Tilt. Otbojc ovka'. Kryitna negro, fkargcl wiili uinr nnd) a litj man, ' tvattto trial i u.WnwWH theft, t 1 ?t ?aa attackril bx HoVikiwu egro tnmy eauie to tha aid of the di;p utx enij tli threo men. trugi;hd irum tin boor, gf, the joU 1U thf aUoct bo- to:i fate rnuiq, got hi gun law play. - , Ih ogro 1 Bir diiusvr.oii woull. j : Tflie three tuen i;d V;"4 ov their eelln. Iiuti'likiRi dfupicd ft (.'ll itlt "TE-ani7 wlo U h$ iubi"iHioprluit'of 'lie tloo. He kUI4 ton), iU-cvcj,. ncg, in a cafd gamo hero .'briat iuni Uuy, and ' v&4 raptured by "J bher,if &k Uwchjr a moiUh kitur. ' A whita piwrnet nonjed Autv, chrce4 with sutoniobile, tcling, k ItkousM to buve, vWiMied, the Menus a .t rctuoved to iui tits, lockap. Coua,ty oiKial ttived, wutuing c4 u Intondf. H joii dclivrjr aone inia ago. 94 VW KM Waatke -" ' '' " ' '"'- "r ' -." ' FORECAST. ,"" ' Kah-lgh, K. CL' March 13. 1930. Kortk Curolinti Fail Huaday, eon 'linued eoW; Monthly fair, warmer.' l r TKIPEttATlRE. . i Hb.', temietxituW Los, oat tcwvotaliWl ' Mean, temyeratuir, ....... , DeucUncy iof tb) day Average daily deficiency tine Jaauaiy 1st M W Si 3.4 FiikUiiTAXlOX (in lucht.) r, Amount foe the 24 bourt ending -. Total foi the nwath to date t.19 Ekcs foe the mtb-iTFF,,i.i,.,- ft.W Keese isee Jaauary 1st O KI " . ' UPMIPTV. ' ' '' ; It m. 12 m. Pry bulb ,,-se -Ai ' Wt bulb M 40 1e. humidity M ' 2 'IP 6i . i'iithisviu:. (deduced k aea leveU . m KM t p. n . WlM fcunrise.. 61 a.m. " Suusct.. f"0p.n- Wa-isswXyaWMs.s' - .' ' " ' . "WTiHi el Two Brother' by Eaaa, writtea bout yu ago, it re- tatdcdi , t.h.. BfliW't . Wet ..faiix Tha . VOODALL CO., EXWfrATTFtiY . , tkat they hvf ge cured n " ejjpprt rjf-yciir ttrtcr ind generator worjc Stranger FoMnd;Unponscipus,i?, Bj5alv Hear -v Weworks; . ; ,lsCr,ue(j y - Uneonteioua from a blow oa tits back of tbe,heail and. w.ith pockeu ranaarked. an unanowB nero ipim m y"r old w foanililng in the middje of the, hjghwigr nar the waterworka lat niht Ijr poijeewiio, were called to the scene, Tha' old aiaawai assaulted (or the purpose at robbery, ia tha belief, of ojjif crlp:atarie4 a toeetiratiMjl j The bod vma t"1 ly.g. on, ita baek' dlfiissOyJ 4crp tlte JnrJn the dirt revealed, that he hnd been asiault ed oa the. ajda, o,f t)e, highway and, te body, than dragged Ut tje center, of the rp4. U ia. aunicd that the irwn aiyiAflunt placed, the body in, Ute road tto, mftkil; "Wrear.' that tho old, pgo a- nkt'm of auto ureeK." A broken aafk. of. aicoj, wulk'" eqne nd A empty roilk, cooler, wc,re foupd, bjr ti aida af, Uie, rpad hcro the acro a atrufk, - - r ) ' Tha. b,q(ly was seen, by peojila, ia a PBing, a,uU) w.hlt,l narrpuly mscd runnjiig o,vcr. it. Cajtiu. Warren, and Officer MiiiiKUjft, responded, U yie, call fpr kejlp They cjirried, tjie aegr ninn to fit. Anea Ifqpital, The ajhsngerfi, akuli la crushed and the,re ia, no,' hpuo off tgcoyeryj . ,' . " ' h, s. in sink, orad; T . Petfrabqrx ' ItarJiABi, M4lJf, C puntcv &'r ipaijX JeattV resident oj this eity;, and J ho went VbTelersburg Va some tea yenrs ago to . fill the- srtorintcndoaty. tt tlie Britliili-Amoriean Tobaeeo Co at tJiat place, died Uioro Friday afternoon trom.'a'arxoka. of paralysit. Ilia, nialjij.iWi;jrebrought to -thia, itjjaa4 tkei to the. home, of bi daughter Mrs, S. J. Uelen, ud tbo funeral'wiir take pUiro tomorrow. H was 03 yeara. of nij, and wna tiieadopted, son of tbo late Ca lit. and Mrs. J. C Hunter of GranviUe who died here some year ago. Ue. ia survived by his wife, who before her marring' wa IdTss TlIattie rhrlsl'iiart,' dnugJiU't of, Mr. anil- Mr. J. K; C'hwt-' Inn, qf, thi etfyr d i dafighfTa and oun son Mrs. Vi A. Warner, af Wilson; UreK. J. hlolen, ot Durham r Mrs. 1' mer Bristn of Wytherille, Va.s Mm. Herbert Wells, M isles Nellie a ad Hel en, 'and Harry Hunter all of Petersburg, V-; , r, ':- ,- -'V. ' t ADVENTURESS LURES Toiieka, Kaan Mareb IX After, a bearing to ffeenh return oT3arko tturnett, 7u-yar-old millionaire Indiiia', to uis M,.'wr guariwan, no, supreme court. Uiis aterjuoqa announced, that it would tike the ease under advisement. A dee'nion la tot tjpeiqted for teveral -ill9,lStiiotl( ThialSiQtQLJ. Yoh vill find, our s3 force vny e,gr BernTyotf.' When they n$ a statement ouVthe'iTierchahafsci' you cn know t is corre- ack fipVy st,tewwt to th letter. , - . v You'll fin4 a -spirit of courtesy h.ere, ad5ari 'fWlity to f You'n fiDdJ 1 After you luy, ( ypy fin( you waqtoney cheerfully fT days, it was 'aaid. Barnett and bi two week' bride attended the, bearing . Bar sett and his young wife were broUeht toToreka early today born Cof- t&sjUe' where they. bae; been livlnjj since their; marriaip'. lie Supreme "eport w asked, to" petition filed b- Harnett guardian. Cart (ilorncu, or Hearyetta, Okla, to'Jitve tha Indian Dlaced. U custody ot the.court. Ia. b'l jtetitip, O'Harnett .cjwrged Wie, yide, w no was airs, sm wiuts m,c, uu being an' adventRMi. of, prpnonneed ivpo and that h lured Barnett -"by artful and desienina rnotfes.t,' Aeeordinjc tp OTJcrnett, the, Indian, h,a an annual income from ait royalties of. H80JI0Q a year; - - ; Durham. Lawyer Iri Hurry To Bajjf Eqtaft Suffrage , (Continued froraj fyg Oa). tions will iwing.. If Delaware tarn the amendment, down, Sorl) Clarplina, will luv the oppOrjunity.of, defcrf ing ajif We fot two 5ear4 just at U wilVhafe the cbwe. to; njake; ' It Baib), ' b I . 8a va Mfy, oa Meat. ' The week, beginning' AprjrS wilL be Faa money Carpjiaa according to aaaouaecment from the ipepartment of Juttiea today. u vurjng iflia, wea, an eiirt wjtu, nKiaao.to reduee. materially the, prlee. Wf tha cut Cbeef,' porX, and. lfmr n,0w in heavy demand by showing consumers H)ie advantage- of turning lo those which ore equally ifferitorious but wbiea cost !mueh less," Tho eampaiga wjll be conducted through Via' : fair price eommissioner Ij.n each State, iit -aorU Wolma under ino air.-won wnri n. n. vi" u. t, inn Trntha ' had been- d efich dAy of the week some (articular cut or cut "of IA lnexpcnaiv Xaiety jwill be featured and aol& a,t, a Ipw Driee. Betaliers who' hitherto have not .vried, in atoek some, of the. ler cpatly y,utj beeauxa the! cuatomert did not ask for them Intend to lay lit 4 'ade quate tnly of sucft portions, of meat. It the consumer will take advantage ,of Die highly nutritious and palatable ' - . . v I . k. c yjcroi. ov- wiitcB,. ai- i cjj ah- rnive the, taring efteettft. w.UJ, be bemendqiii and U. thickened, demand Cor tfi omenta Bo poDillqr Will Jesuit In Ipwer: prtrea -thereoir. T?Vte1- pMcHT eondiUons, the ' prh or, tne ehoicost cut are ia ettremft, instances, Aftjf or sixty' eent higher., per. pound Uwtn. the prie of other goods, wholeaome meat froas the same animal. ( ' Snrchlag For OOcer. T wdjutani, genenU olf Hhe-aiTiiy; I eondiicOnx a naVipit, wide hunt to -locate Lieutenant JbBlijam Cecil' Bymer; Henderson county iMBeer, whd myster iously disappeared ' from Camp pen ning, Columbus, Co,', bri tha. bight' of The, office of the adjutant general wat interested ta the ca through a' letter tornel general orUhfortlt Carol in si, 1 Senator Leo & Overman. Ur. Nash friend of joung Kymer'i wife, Vho wnt iqr, a tuna uorarian. a u bu versify of North Carolina! ' ' ' ' ' Additloaal interest la the Symer eatq has bee shown In a letter received hero from Mis Kaa Strudwkk, of Sweet Br'mr, Va., who wrote, Senabiz Overrnan that Lieutenant Rymer was yoqng roan of ana qualidiea. Mrt- Eymr, ljeart y-Siiiimia.ij . : you lavenYfot Just wht refunded. ' . - . i . - c m in i -r j that her husband, hat met with foal pU, Othars juspwt ibat a v result of sfll ahork in rraaec, he hss ii k-nm mentall anhslaneerl ahd it', aomis tanitorium in tM conntry. i.ioung aymer; waa marru-a wnue j atudent a,t,t)ie Valversity oNorti Ciiro lin,1' trhere, aecprdlng tti' iU; 'VasVi letter, be was working Us way through college, Tb! office of. the AUMtant Gen eral aoith. epmrnandng officer it lamp Beaalng; brave been able, to1 trie the young officer' njpvenient' itlnhe; he, left 'camp but they ; havff ' iot. abtsioaed p ' lJ CarLVroomaa-T Speak. '.' CarL VrobmaU. rtrnief astistaStTteere tar yof. Agriculture, bat accented, -the invitation' ta deliver the principal; ad- dresf at; the Bi ikf Togehef pinaer of le New' Sera Chamber of Cdm. merce oa taa.mgnt or Marc a zs. air, Yroomsn 1 now at Houthern Fines, " Kebresenfailve John H. Small,1 of the Fprstj Wtrict,' w.ll, alio,V one. of tlte principal speaker's. ', Mr. Yrboman It go ing, to discuss subjects related to the nericulturai development of Eastern CrpJihfl.'and.Mr, Stri41I going ttalk a,ou( wveiomen o mi, wifr.i. PRESIDEriT WW : CALLS FdR STRIKE beore hand'of the pending eountar revpjptjon, b,ut te precautions -tpkon nroved to bo int&cly 'inadequate. Out- sjd olVWi toiurity police a,nd tfte Sotte troops on patrol, noimng intifcsieii. .VVeToek th.lt nornlng? that BpfUn would, wako nr to QUA tho berr (tqv ernraent tnrnep, out. The president himself left" faerjin with om "ot 1i i w.o boor after tlt time,, Admiral von Troths had been" die- patched to DoebeTltFriday night for the tiunwiteot. ohtrrlng with "the troop, and admonishing them, to. desist ' I'll 1 IU I. " M.. Contributing: to our display of ultca-fju-hlon&bfe apparel are. the, pductiooA of the; Mf0l4'; frembrt 'iityle, creators... The e&usiv4 m djeUll, UiloriM ecelencafid, quality of toric. MOYidk Tiwuaf selectioti ossi bilitlerV fon a : discrirrne -Ifc SuiU Nw STt IX MBA MAX AtLfSi TOOL ,t trV -w- 1 - . .. peal. " ' -V-'-. v '-, 4f ty.ifex - Adanr .1' I ' ' . . , light' wight wustweauspme for;fon '. 43!f !Sf,5 9Ji T - smoothness, speed, power and endurance WV lIaqsonATht ftw. created Btyle. VI ea.dershp.-But tbeyf must earn their : Hut eyea. those who-se choice, waa de- .vright to belong.; Notnere atratnlng after ' ' " - clde.d, by ita svpreme performance ability -- sohiethirii bew Ui evr: won pla,c for 4" - : -. .3S& : mHv: V . ' riduffttier' v'?ft'W JH3P. pshiopab J-oulevards, you see ' , i-'; . ' rAorII4dprfh4ure , , , , . K m WjWjl tbaj Es?ex mtche,s - any. other make. Tt leadership In styl, Tj....-fg,.hh priced car in comfort. It Hivalone was not enough to win fcuctt recog;-rrZ' . " -" . .tint nnlv ita anpprl. it ruilplrnpaa at the ; .-- rv.w- v . T WW V . ,.H.yu.wv ... . w I 1 1 1,111- . from any violest procedure. .He re turned aad informed . two cabinet that the tgitatioa bad subsided lit that tb Kianger wraa now- wnouy rcmoveu. The 'Tcalir-ation" was7 linaTJy tirought phoine to tho cabinet thV th Jarmy 'which jierry.1 .uj.piicu, w vw- (trofSras fr frpm bclug; th Ipyai or gnnizatioaTb counted upon' and, that the'Berlin Mrriaoiit had. alao been ijj oculated bv the officer of the old school" and. Were ready, fr tye rising trbev the call came. Tho secrecy' with which the revolution w planned aht 'tarried out lias stunned every pnt. . ., r i ' Voa HJndeahnrif Favored. . ! Field Marstial -ron ldndrfnbnrjf it re- pport'dV be fayoredby tl-e newTegi-nij at IrnperlaL 'pretident,' 'but' Vu i tar a hat -remaine in.'the.:bcgroundt4,th former 'minister of lprelgn' aflfarrt Got lleb' voir Jairov?. -and. xfehdral 'Wire ron Jnnf P1annh)iii(iii1",,fDrriief' '"wovcfMor genera1! ot Belgium 'are BTttdjJg'tiie teAiU efs ;6f tB'e6ur7t-fFreVu'4ott7 'u' limoug, the," peopteypf;ll'filn' to ton 'II,1 fnturn AcriirfViii'c." Chnntrr m'ea wa" iiJecfi''aoo. VWfrlfu,'M Kapp govcrninent.naii tfta vreciiuifonf to vifntfe those 'mem bfrs of. Hie formed port FresiiTciivrWilaoa vhsl, made known; to' Demoerotje rijnatiorf "he. touli not a-ccept the1 tayrtcatjtm vjii tbe h.Ja7 e ' ii illJnrihlii-nn auriHtit'utc. Among tSa DftmocT'Rtit1 leatlifs IjowcveVi It wttfsaJdjLliere;; Ltd; beert ha i eommu; ilh Drccs SHOP.1,;.";; v.; ; - V MRS. JACat KV-W fhoa : 5 ... f ' lyie we movement Tjar Dcen earrie-j ut. -rfljiidjf: :ari'd,!:li' lappu',ent; 'pTdc r, thM l nn uinderrfirreiit' Of.' anlifitv Essex performance proofs naturally dualities of auietef ap- nW lA1Y, -V,- Poo--- it vii a. .irrTiiifnT,- otTStTT.. .'";"...' getaway, and, nts quiet mastery os the ari la ' If J Vi Vi AeVw ' ita Vi A lfiAWir tvt ti Tsir VUVM ... .. "-,'.,;-..; , f v: . . ; L .j . (l - ,r?WftoVe handles the jurptui po,weE gjnq aweqii. eyom any ,;,.,' v 4'ose rgcoraa. Ft a.soA wtiy t.o ; -,-nefd ypu will evf' baye, nccous fqr phange has ever bepn madein the prin- vw ' ' 'ssesrnotpnetasMHwich man ciple.of the Sper-iSix motor.' It is' ex- -i- .- cars strain with, pennapepfc to ' tlusivf ln 'Jlridson. Toq-can'get it jSJZ - their zaeclianu,qu J '.--. - , ar4??f? f ather da' J V-.:T .4 a the Senate floor, most of the session being occupied wit a four-hour speech by Kenator Keed, Dewioctat, Uaaoari, tine of tie irreeoncilalileS. asaiKntr tie aty: feenator 'adworth, KeVrabiiean. I r York,' 'attacked t,he .Artn-lo Teni tuoiurure ana uier was nnaemooa to J tex yf ' . .La. - I - . ? W i .. .. -' 1 9 t a big-Mules suitablt3 f orhamiiif , radj work, contracting. 'work,' eta'I cai'vyau in any kind of a Mule or Ho ypwV an save you money. ' u '' . .r, M U,J Irt . s 5 "Vs- . as - M lij y - . 1 ' , ,' J i-vY--'-: ') ; f ; :Vi:::;'v'''-:,v;.;:"v; ?very.dajE you see waso.ns, .Uw yeara old, which, both In etylo and . .pcrfonn4nce;l2ht Veil be" judged of . ,'ia,oriJL?gi, - AHFin.P6riir4 Hudson's chief advantage has l?y? been in 'perlormance'A Ita matiz-olclai ipeedrTPwer "nd endurance' record were made four ot fire years -M. s. have takea part la the framing' of the amendment presented by Senator Lodg. ' The party leaders said that he and other Republican -who bad 'joined the lrre eoneilajitcs ia protesting were expected f to bffie5 V'the siibstitufe Sh It amended form. - ' " ' ' 0 fgaoa-, elsewhere ania two and ago: "But . . r! - , T: a ran v,-?9 ioms C!otvfi ff Qy,i;t, Crt pric ta All.

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