Mew THE WEATHER: WATCH LABEL , a rw m.i iwsl are Man uriMlai as ovM Mill SUSW Hffi erver. Fahy warmer Monday t Ta day fair, warmer eeatral aad m4 portions. , VOL CXI. NO. 82. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. JE1GH, N. Cf MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 22, 1920. TWELVE PAGES TODAY, fl- PRICE: FIVE CENTS The i BEGIN WORK TODAY DECLARATION FOR PEACE STATE Republican Leaders of Senate And House To Begin Hold ing Conferences, OPINIONS DIFFER AS TO FORM OF STATEMENT Principal Oppoiition To Folic . ' Declaration Expected From Irreconcilable Element in . Senate ; Knox Se solution Ex neoted To Have Right Of Way Wsshington, March 12. Although ae- tire step to declare atate jot paee by congressional resolution are sat i expected until late this week, Bepub- liean leaden of the Senate and House are to begin conference! tomorrow on the exact form euch a declaration ahould " take. Borne Senators and repretentetive - wanf-to -phrasrthe penes measure" m the simplest affirmative terms, others prefer .to repeal the declaration of war and go on record demanding certain -concessions from Germany, while still others are for inclusion of some sort of a) declaration of international policy-. The principal ftfrpBsltSon'Ttf a" policy declaration is expected. to coma from the treaty irreconcilable in the Sen- - ute, some of .whom hare told the major ity leader they consider the time inop--portune for Congress: to take any blnd- - ing stan a on the subject. These Sen ators do no( like even the pending pence resolution by Senator-Knox, Be publican, Pennsylvania, which reaffirms . the belief of Congress in an interna tional tribunal and disarmament. - For the present, bowevery th Knox resolution has the right of way ao far as the Senate program is concerned. It was reported by the Foreign Rela tions committee in December and, un less present plans are changed will form -the basia Of opening diaeussiea of the subject late thle . week on the Senate floor, v v ''. ' I the Hortse, the situation , ia lest definite, the Republican leaden there - having formulated, nepolieyi la De- cember they declined to let the cjues- turn ef peace -deelarfttloif emus up it tilt bat many House Members believe the case may be different now that the Senate. again nan refused to-ratify the treatyr-TBe House Foreign Affair nr mittee already has several peace) meas ures before it and Representative -Brit ten, jtepuDiican, uiiuoia, announced to night he would introduce another to morrow. - , ' With the treaty back at the White House and plant for peaee declaration still in their formative stage, a respite of several day generally is expected in congressional debate on the issues raised in connection with the establish ment of peace. . LONDON PAPER THINKS. . STORMY CAMPAIGN AHEAD Timet Asks. English People To Be Patient While It Is In Progress - London, March 21 Th London Timet in a long editorial on the rejection of the Feace Treaty by the United States Senate says that the "rout of President Wilson is for the, time being com plete 'and expressed fear that the pros pect for the treaty and -League of Na tions being the leading issue in the coming American Presidential cam paign must be accepted. - Referring to the warning of ita Wash' .- ington correspondent that England in 1 the campaign will be denounced as the ... oppressor of Ireland, i srsia, India, and Kgypt and the supporter, together with France of the "new imperialism," the Time sayi: .; a. -v: ' -' - We havegon through the time' sort or storms before, though this one prom "iscf to be exceptionally violent and they nave not hurt nt very much. It expresses , the hone that "in view of the inflsmtnstory state of the Amer- lean reelings during a .campaign of meatus, British statesmen will refrain from repeating .the 'extraordinarily mischievous blonder which the crime minister committed in his latest ysfer- once . to the treaty sad the League.", TRYING TO RE-PURCHASE PRY GOODS FOR EXPORT ' Christiana, Korway, March 20. Ameri-can- representatives are trying . to re purchase dry goods and wearing apparel bought from tha United States from 1918 to 1920 for re-export to the United States as the prices of these commodities li SO per tent iower than those now pre-j ailing in tne American markets Im mediately after the war' Norway, was flooded with American dry goods and ' wearing apparel nnfl Norwegian firms placed large orders ia America for fur ther delivery. '. The Norwegian embargo vow in force, prohibit sue! export as demanded bf tho American repreeentatviea. CAPI TO CAIRO FLIGHT ' - 'Blf AIR IS COMPLETED '. ,f . London, March Slo-Tha air ministry today announced the Cairo to Cape to ward aerial flight waa completed at i , ..o'clock, Jatttrday,AfternepnJby ihe, atj. rical of Colonel Van Rynevold and Ma jor Frand in a Voertrekkert machine aupplied by the -Union of South Afrira government toreplace -the wrecked 'Klver Queen.". Ya i' 1 oil M finite so gto Jm. WIFE GREAT HELP TO PLANT WIZARD t , 1 . i Lather Barter and hia wife, napped in their garda nt 8anU atoaaCol Though hia wife" it many years bit junior itlicr ..Burba nk, ths.. California plant wizard, dependa upon, her to ar range all hia interviews with newspaper correspondents and . magazine writers aa well as other visitors who wish to know about his work. She also attends to all of hia correspondence). Senator's Campaign Manager Issues Statement Charging ...u v. A Frame-Up M '-''C'-'ff-': Grand Rapids, Mien March 2l." PauU .-- King,-amiirn manager ijor Rsnavr tor imman n. iewDerry u mi, one of the 17 men convicted Saturday violate the federal corrupt practices act, Uasued a statement tonight ehaeaeteris- ins ths outcome of the notable trial just concluded, as "indication of the power of the administration with all the agencies of the government at ita eommandi';-'""- """T" Senator Jfewberry's J. eampaig" Zm the cleanest ever1 conducted," the statement said.; The right of Michigan voters to choose their Senators without Presidential interference," Mr. King said, would be vindicated in o higher court. The statement follows in part: "The result of the trial indicates the . j .L. AH;H,;nn v;th ail of the agencies of the government at its I command, backed up by the great in fluence and vast wealth of Henry Ford. "No jury and no court can snake a criminal out of me nor out of my as sociates. . We are. the only ones who esn do thaV and Jth..weetot.done nor will not do. v ' .. "There is, thank, God, another day nd anqthef court in which justice will ultilnately bo done and this mon strous thing made right." - ' . "The right 'of Michigan Bepublieant to' conduct their own primary without Presidential interference and the right of Michigan voters' freely to choose their own United Statea Senator will eventually bo vindicated." With that will eome personal vindication of each one of the men . who have, already sae- nfieed much, but who are willing to sacrifice more if need be." nun no aessits announeemens nas i W. Littleton, chief of 'defease" comsel, wilh argur-thcrTeOB tppeiil to ttrf United States Supremo. Court, t It. hat been indicated the appeal will be based largely on the constitutionality of the corrupt practices act and Judge Ses sions interpretation or the net In hi instructions to the jury, ; ..; ... , Practically aU the - defendants .. and their -attorney a had left Grand Rapids today but Mr. King, who has been eonnaed to his hotel room for a week following a nervous breakdown, -y - DATIS CUP COMMITTEE l" i -TO- DEFINE EMULATIONS New York, March 21-A . meeting of the Davis eup committee will bo held tomorrow night to outline plan i for America's participation in the plav for the ; international , team' tennis cham pionship tournament rBertr- Summer. J Various recommendations . will be rire pared for submisios ti the executive eommittee of tha rjnited 8ttM laws Tennis Aseoeiatlon' at eonfereneo next 'Saturday. 'VC ;v- ; ' f -;; t MARDIGRAS KEXTTEArH TO BE ON LARGER SCALE New Orleans, , La., March, 21. An- nouneement .waa made that the Bex Car nival organisation would hold its. an nual parade Mardi Graa in 1921 on a scale larger than ever before, and the companies association of Momna aad .CwnA.-WHldaJj'ft , revlv. ttXmr, moth parades and balls in 3!21. . Nothing has ben done by Proteus, and ao announcement hae been made by the head of Krewe. Aa soon as the other organisations hvo decided dtflnitoly ujion their plans, arrangements will be S'nrted at once, a it tak.'s many monllis - an t' ' i r- 1. M BY AN INNOCENT flAN v.- -v SOUND .JO DEFEAT r Non-Partizan Political Fight To - Be Directed Against Candi dates Opposing Labor : ITS APPEAL MADE TO THE BRAIN AND HEART President of American Federa tion of Labor Says No Con stntctire Legislative Meas tore Has Been Passed Since Armistice: Money Greed Strikes At Onr Liberties (Bv the Associated Prest.) Washington, March 21 Samuel Oomp- ers, writing in the current issue of Uie American Federationist asserts that la bor's non-partisan political fight will bo aimed particularly at "defeat of those candidates who are enemies of labor." The fiaht is on." the artiele said "Labor has no weapon but the truth, no force but the force of reason and ar guments. Its appeal is to the heart and brain of America. Its aim ia the wel fare of the American nation, the safe guarding of the American democracy "Labor's nartisanshio in America has been to principles, not to panics or 10 men.' Asserting that labor's right tad heon 'menaced bv many present holders of political place," Mr. Gompar Mid tM mm. fc.if fAlknajirl' nntil it "weald scarcely be recognised by its originators. jio JBstrctlve an "More than a year has passed," he -added, "since silence settled over the bsttlefields, yet in ajl that tune not nee measure of really constructive character has been placed on the nation's statute books. The National machinery of gov ernment seema to have been paralysed into either inaction or reaction by tfco cessation of hostilities. And never was the world so starved for great funda mental progress.' When ths war ended, hk uompers said, "aspiration " and ambition were purer-throughout the world than ever befora in the time or. ear, written ni lory. .Faith in "the inherent goodness tff wemtjerney-Trf sublime :"Md jso- plete, ho said, but greed brushed au thisastde." , v "Money creed, political greed, greed forpiace and powerrr-thesojiave .been among ns undoing onr will ana ttria ing at oar libertiee, be said. - Labor's Unseinak Alas. Declaring .that labor ''must contend for fundamentals that apply to the whole people," Mr. Compere continued t "Labor is not ..something impersonal. It is not like a machine nof ie it like corporation, - It is the eum total of the IWeo of all those who are nseiui to tne world. . ' ' "Therefore, the interest of labor in leglalation ia no limited interest falling between any two given points. "Coneress cannot do any single thing In which labor is not interested." ' . WOMEN USI NG DOLLS TO SMUGGLE IN LIQUORS Boston, Mass,' March 2L An Italian immigrant woman t eagerness to remove from her trunk a targe. China doll led to the discovery by eustoma officials to day of 800 quarts of brandy hidden in various parts of the White Star Liner Cretie front mediterranean porta. The officers saw woman Jisstily take doll from her trunk snd attempt to carry it away. They also noticed two other women on the pier cuddling dolls In their arms. Upon iavestigation they found a gallon jug ox brandy beneath the dress of the first doll and a quart bottle concealed in tha elothing of each of the othera. - A search of the vessel brought to light quantities of liquor stowed in ventila tors and lockers behind piles of life . i ,l. NTCTHIGHWAYBULLl MAKES ITS APPEARANCE - Volume one, number L one, of the North Carolina Highway Bulletin with D. H. Winslow as editor and Miss I O. Markham aa associate editor,, hae fceenrrceiidr-Thc porpow efrtherbni-: Ictin, whiek will be published monthly, is given as being "first to acquaint the Bute with ths progress of the 8tato Highway Commission in its effort to improve .. tha . roads.. of -North Carolina and help solve tho rural problems; sec ond, to take the pnblio of the State ab solutely t into its confidence regarding ths aims aad purposes of tho North Carolina State Highway Commission in developingftae roads and resources of tho Btate.tTlw-inltiaL J bBlletlr-Rtves-TnaehTOraition7-to eluding tho personnel of the various de partments working under the Highway Cnmnt ieeioa., There alse is a list of sonaiy road officials. s . -s...j BOLSHEVIK I CLAIM THEY London, March 21 A Bolshevik eom mnnicatioji received hero today aaytt ' "In the dlreetioa of Novoiossisk wo Lave reached the river Kubaa and cap tured six thousand prisoners and twenty fans. "Ia tha region of Yekaterinodsr wt hare taken 15,000 prisoner and a large number ef gust ad- ciach booty. . . v- Psatpono Aatomobile Race. Lot Angvles, March 2L The 4h res no- tomobilo races eeheduled on tho Loe Anreles speedway today were postponed until next Pntnrdsv because of the bad condition of the track caused bv heavy LABOR S ENEMIES DELAWARE LEGISLATURE , . . . MEETS TODAY TO TAKE ( IP SUFFRAGE AMENDMEN. ' Wilmington, DeL. Merck, 21 itreaneas efforts to prevent the lav. trodscUon of "Blpoer" hilU which ailght rvtars the eonslderaUon of the raUScatlon of the saffrage amend taeat will be made by those favoring suffrage when the oaedal sissloa sf the legulstars conveneo ia Dover tomorrow. SaffragisU ben) are con. dent that the meaaare will bo before .he Assemty by Tseedsy after- Ia addition to the saffrage rati! cation the rspcl of the Klalr amendment to the StsU nTohlkHtea onforcoasnt law aaaklag H Ulegal fa parchase whiakey oven aa a gee. tor's prescription, will bo asked. . "Big Bill" Haywood Denounces Policy Of Government In War On Reds New lork, March Sb-Whlle "Big BUI- Haywood, L W. W. leader, was de nouncing at one meeting hero tonight "indignities" to whiek the Department of Justice had subjected "Communists, BoeisusTs, anarcnists and tho Bossiaa workers,'' preseatative Isaae Siegel was annonncing at another a-atherine? that 400 more ''Beds would be itpoxt- ceassf' ss.esMB!'tte'e''iat weekt. . 'i ... According to Mr. Siegel. a member of tne uonse Immigration Committee, the next contingent of ?Bedi to leave these shores will not travel "do luxe" like their comrades on the "Soviet Ark" Buford. nor will Bed Cross nurses be detailed ss "chaperon," They will eail in broad day, however, Instead of at midnight, Mr. Siegel said. - Haywood, who spoke at tho People's House, ander the auspice of tho Amer ican Civil Libertiee Bureau "to create a sympsthetie tplriC for the lid I. W. W. convicted in Chicago, was hailed by eome or nia audience aa "thi American Lientne7 "They talk about Buaaia bains- tha usraesi spot , earn tut speaker. -The darkest spot la the world . today ia America, and hte brightest aad whitest spot in the world ia Russia. - "I think many of as are looking for ward ts m tins email iwiki miu x. AS good aa Baeetala .day-a-to tha time wnen America wui take a step forward as ny ara ooing in Tiermany today.' CUBAN CAPITAL VISITED BY SEVERE HAILSTORM Havana. Cuba. March 21. A hw downpour of rain accompanied by a hail storm of unprecedented violence. wept over wis city thia afternooa flooding houses ia several of the lower teetiont of the eity, paralysing gtreet car irauie ior nearly two nours, and causing numerous minor accidents and loss of small craft in ths harbor. The Spanish liner Cadis was carried from her moorings by the gale bat timely assistance saved her from possible dam age. The hail storm, the first in sixteen years, is said to have been tha heaviest and the bailstonet the largest ever Men nere. J WELL DIGGER IV CANADA DISCOVERS A COLD MINE. 13aniir8asl71laS ing in a shallow well on the farm of Fv Andre, ten miles from here, Oeorge Egstead brought up what appeared -to be geld ngggott. Analysit at Calgary Is said to have developed that the min eral was of good quality. Egstead filed a elaim at the Dominion Land office. Much excitement kat been created by tho discovery. . - : C;D. GIBSON BUYS "LIFE," THE HUMOROUS WEEKLY New York, March 21. Charles Dana Gibson he artist, it,, became known today, ha bought a eontrolliaa- inter. Mt-ilLlifevtha jreekly hamotoas pub-j iicanon, ana wui uke control on April 1. The purchase price waa not annone ed. O. B. Bichardson and Oeorge Utaeey, will be associated with him in ita pub lication. The -deal ' was eload last Tuesday when, it U said, Mr. Gibson purchased .the majority of tho stock from wido yoVVMt lormcr eaiipr. lairty-lour years ago Mr, Gibson sold his. first drawing to life,' for g. Encouraged by thia ho went homo that night and produced twelve more sketches, all of-diieh were rejected by Life, . the next day. Soon after, however, he became a frt luent contributor to ths magaaiae. INTERSTATE CARRIERS ZTT. ":', MU8T FILE THEIR KATES Washington, Mareh 21The Shipping tiun consiaerauon the proposed promulgation of regula tions requiring "interstate water ear rieraT , to ill . complete scheduJes ; af their maximum rates. The purpose is to ska tha rates immediately available to shippers, and to permit tho board to pre vent, diseriminatioa. or .rebates. ..Tho regulations, however, would not apply to carriers operating between American and foreign ports.. ' ( - GOVERNING BOARD OF" " - ; LEAGUE MEETS TODAY London, March 21. The srovern!n ANOTHER CARGO TO BE DEPORTED SOON hody ,o. tJ( labor bttteau,,L.. created by the League of Nations, will Desm its sessions , la the ' mmik IIm room wf the Home Df JxirJ Monday under the leadership of Albert Thomas. direeter-geaeral of the International Labor Organization, who will present a plnn for organising the governirj br.'y 1 ior prov: "I L I j REPORT FIGHTING III LEIPSIC WITH KISTS Spartacans Gain Control Ruhr District With An Army of 70,000 of SPECIAL TRAIN BRINGS AMERICANS TO COBLENZ Veritable Bolshevist Keign ot Terror Beported in Dis ' patches From Leipsie; Situ ation Eegrarded As Extreme ly Critical Because of Growth of Beds Bern, March 21. (By tha Associated Press.) -The Volkthsut in Leipsie, head quarters of tho CommuniafV capitulated today after a hard fight with the Beieha wehr, according to dispatches received here. Five persona are dead, twelve were seriously woaaded and fifty takes pris oner by the troop as a result of the fighting. ........ .. . . . .. .. Conflicts continue in other quarters of Leipsie. Many parts of the eity have been set on fire by Communists, who are hindering the work of the firemen with machine gun fire. It is reported from the Bhineland that atJeagt jfrar. towns, Portmud., J!e J Mullhelm and Buer are governed by soviet councils. In Essen bombardments aad street combats lasted more than 20 hours.' Several of the streets are badly demoliahed. SPECIAL TRAIN SENT TO LE1PSIC FOR AMERICANS .Coblsnx, March 2L (By the Associat ed Press.) Ths special train which left Coblena Saturday morning to bring out 200 American aad British business mea reported endangered at Leipsie, where serious disorders have occurred, reached Leiptio st 1 o'clock this morning with out incident. Tho train left Leipsie with its passengers at 10:30 a. m. Only 25 Americans departed oa the spec ial.. . . ' ' " AMERICANS ARRIVE W' f K f COBLE XS FROM BERLIN; CAlenk, March .tteiiii Aanf rieans from Berlin, arrived in Coblena! I . . . . : : . . . tooay. Among snenv wero STeaerten Slmpich, f the American consular sw vise, his wife aad son. and Miss Mary L. Thompson, clerk,' of Aaaiston, Alabama. Mora Americana, are expect ed to arrlT later la the day. VTRITABLE, REIGN OF . J 4 -,, TERROR IS BEPORTED Berne, Beits., March 21, (By tha Aetoclated Press.) A verlUble Bol shevist reign of terror is la progress -t Leipsie, according to dispstehes re eeived here. Pillaging and excesses of tU kinds by radicals are reported there at weu as throughout tha indostrisl centers of ths Buhr district, where the communists are reported to bo ia newer. xne reports ueeisre that pea cable eit- uens were wsylsyed. robbed and shot in u streets of Leipsie. SPARTACANS IN CONTROL 7 OF THE RUHR DISTRICT Coblena, Mareh 21-(Br tha Aaao. elated Press.) the Spartaeaas gained control of the Buhr district today. The Bed army 'ook possession of Dulsbnrg, Ganbora, Muelhelm and Mettmana. weat pi eioerneid. : .... : . , A report at noon states that Beiche- wehr troop from Dulabur- hare eat their way . through to Diaalaken; south or wesel, wero a Beiehwehr concentra tion apparently is taking ptaee.- A direct report from Dniabarc says a soviet government has been aet. no there. TW Berirmjr "1nle'uTirdIslrlcU" ia have evailable a force estimated at 70,000 men, all of whom probably; are armed. The situation- is considered extremely eritlcsl beeause of tho rapid growth of tho Bed army and their mobility", whieh was displayed In the taking of Essen. There are about J n,uw troops or uensrsl von Waiter t jicsxsr-oaifr-tor hare been forced to ram across ine oouaasry into we British occupied ares. ' '. " , SPENCER WOMAN VICTIM . ? ; OF INFLUENZA ATTACK Spencer, March 2L Mrs. Alice Nuse man, a niember of one of the most prom inent Bowan county families, died at her heme near her early today from paeu- monta following influenaa. She waa 7 year old. For a week Ao" hsd been eritirslly ill and her death while a shoek wss not entirely nnexpeeted. ,' : . Beside her husband Paul Naasmsa, a w4 ksewa Spsaaar basisrs ssaa, Mrs. Krtsasaa It sorvivod by fear small chil dren, her mother. Mrs. Foil, of Ceaeord, aad several brothers and sister.. , JhtrJ aeral service will be held st 1:30 o'clock Monday afternoon from Christ Lutheran church here aad will be tho first funeral held in the new. church. In terment wil be ia Chettnnt Hill Ccme- tery, Bel is bury. - .... BIG HAULS OF LIQUOR ' " - v BY OFFICERS IN FLORIDA., .4. ... ...fji ..... .,.-' .- , Ju, , Miami. FlsH March 21-Si hundred and ninety-two eases of liquor vslued Tat aearly gSOOK), according to local prices, were seised her, during the 24 hours needed st Z:3U a. m, today ny Federal, county and city elBcers. Much of the liquor wss takes from boat just U fren th Eahama islands, :? THE COM PRESIDENT P08ES FOR THE MOVING PICTURE MEN enssmMaasnl WsaAlagtoa, March SlPreaideat Wilaoa pased for more than Sva mla atco for ssovlag pktaro saea today aa ho was toavtag the White Hoaae groaada for aa aatoawblle ride.. The atctaro ehowed the Preatdeat aomo what thlaaor taaa heforo his iilaeaa. Taking advaatage of tho I rat balmy spring day of the year, the Prest. dent, accempaaled by Mrs. Wilsoa aad Rear Adsalral Grays a motored threagh the city's oarka aad aearby Maryland for aboat twa koara. , , KILLING OFWIAYOR MOURNED N CORK Thousands of Persons ' Pass Through Town Hall To View Dead Man Cork, March, 21 Thousand of per sobs resident ia the city aad from the surrounding country " todsy , passed through the eity hall, where tho body of Lord Mayor MacCurtaia, who was assassinated early Saturday morning was lying in state. w A proeessloa of mourner two mile long followed the hearse yesterday whea the body was conveyed from hia residence to tho town hall. Bishop Co iahan walked in front of the first body of the Cork Sinn Fein volunteers, which acted aa a body-guard aad which fur- nishe4,,,thn guard, eif kOAor hall durins ths aisht. Tho only reason suggested for the at sassinatioa of tho Lord Mayor is revenge for tha recent murder of policemen. Some persons today expressed the belief that it meant ths beginning of a cam paign of retatlatioa for the killing of aumeroa members of th BoysT eoa atabttlary sad soldiers, for which acta ao one has yet been punished. . Th inquest Into the death of the Lord Mayor was begua yestardsy but an adjournment waa taken after brief formalities had been enrried ant. A significant Incident of tha inquest wss th f set that tho solicitor , for Lord Mayor AlacCurtain't -family requested that ao former policemen should serve oa tha eoroner'e jury, ' - Alexander MacCabe, member of Par liament for South Sllgo, who had been released from prison after haying serv ed a sentease imposed last year oa a charge of inciting disorder and alto aalawtlt assembly, kt "beea te-errert M tA lenteneed U threer monthe im- prweassent for inviting subscriptions to the man rein loan. Ha has spent a- llJrjJa il prjsoliticaJLje lenses. . Siaa Fela flag are flying over "the evacuated eonetabalary barracks' at Shereoek, Couaty Cavaa. ' Siaa Fela policemen are in charge there. CUIMS REDS SEEKING , . MEMBERSHIP IN LEGION Arthur Woods Issues Warning; That Badicals Seek Admis sion In Organiiation Indianapolis, lad., March Slv Warn ing that radicals are trying to obtain membership Tn ' the American Legion was given in a statement issued tonight by Arthur Wods, chairman of the Na tional Americanism eommiaaioa from local headquarters in Indianapolis. Mr, Wbodt said he hsd. learned that the "Beds" are seeking enrollment in the Legion in aa effort to learn what notion the former service ansa's organi sation is taking against them .aad their policies.. ' . i "No real harm, however, can ba dona to th Legion or ita work of promoting Americanism by tbe. presence in its membership of such persons." declared Mr. Woods. . . "Wo are working to nromota stabile wvuaro ana gooa citizens iiiD end the more, they Had out abont .this, work the better. It will do Jiem rood. "They will find it vary dimenltm upowioie o convert to a belief in Lm .11 . . . " . ' anarehy mcn of the etulf-that hara-4 terises onr membership en they wUl ran gray risk of beins eonvvrted them. sslves to a belief ia law and order as a prerequisite to social aad economic jutue ana toppintu BRITISH BUSY TRADING WITH GERMAN MERCHANTS" rsslTngtonrMarch 21 BritUh .. nfscturers are not losing any tim-.s renewing ' trade with the Germans, Trade Commiaisoner. Dreael nt Berlia has reported to the Denartmeat of Commerce. ..The better das mercantile establishments, at Berlin nro showing varied lines of British-made roods. particularly woolens and leather, the report said. ' .. .-.:..: ........ Describing th arrangements made bv the British for shoe contracts for the next two,yars and the-"handsome" profits obtained 1eeause " of 7 the , ex change eituatioa, Mr. Dreeel saidi "' . "In my opinion, there is no reason why , such .an arasgemenk for th '.ap ply of material oa a large scale eaald not be earried oat by American deal ers for their own profit and for the assists of German industry -during th period necessary for reconstruc tion.'' , ASSOCIATION TO ADVATB -X f NEC ROES TO MEET IN MAT - New Tork, March 21 Tho National associaticrisofor the ' advancement of colored people tonight announced that its eleventh aasl -mtefereace-- acnli be -held at Atlanta, Oa, front Ma SO, to Inje 2. Governor 1 rsey, ftf Ccor gU, snikjlayor Key, of Atlanta, have promised to address t'ls meeting wn'ea will Le the first ere. held ' in thi South. Governor Morrow,' of Kentucky also haa beca invited to address thj mcetliig, '. PRESIDENT FBERT AGAIN IN BERLIN with m PADIHn i Order for State of Intensified Siege Withdrawn Soon ' , After Arrival CAPITAL EXPECTED TO BECOME NORMAL AGAIN Situation In Country Appe art ' ; Serions With Spartaean Agi tation in Several Industrial -Centers; Concentrations of Loyal Government Forces To Bring Abont Order Berlin, March 21 (By the Associated f Press.) Th government of ?retident Ebert, whieh left Berlin a week ago when Dr. Wolfgang Kapp and his rose- tionary troop entered the eity, is again in power is the capiUl. - President Ebert and th members of his ministry reached here ai 11 o'clock this morning ... from Stuttgart, snd soon afterward tho order for a atate of intensified siege was withdrawn, . -.Mesuwhile, the ateg and ymbol of the Kapp dictatorship, the wire entan-" gleraenta and ths barricade were Being ; measure been re-eetablished and it is hoped that Berlia will soon resume its normal activities, though it will be long time before tha damage wrought, material and moral, will be repaired. , Cabinet Hold Meeting. ' 1J - A cabinet council deliberated through oat the afternoon to determine the steps accessary to bring Germany back, t her position prior to the revolt. This, it is believed will require considerable maneuvering aad delicate handling, for , tha independent Socialists, aad work men are making heavy dsmanda for eon cessions, to -which they feci they ar entitled because of th commanding position some of th group hold In T other parte of Germany outsld of ' Berlin. . Th situation in parts of the country appears serious. From the group of indostrisl eenfert on the Bhlne. and tha Buhr district continue to soma re port, at, Spartaean agitation, Ia sev eral plaeea,. particalarly ig . tiie.Buhf . distrfct the ripsrtacans ere said to -ia absolute control. Here their avail- able f oree is estimated at 1fiW men. . . Concentrations - of loyal government -forees, however, sr taking place, aad their arrival at the aeeaet of disorder is expected to bring quiet. ,, -Mlalstera May Resign. ' Th future potltioa of Guttav Noskey, ' minister of defense, is the subject of . discussion. - While his reslgnstion has been -demanded by the radicals, it considered probsble thst he will retain . his position for a time at least in or der to restore the confidence of the Ber lin population generally. There ar rumors that later, Noske and ; Dr. Heine aa well, as Chancellor Bauor and Foreign Secretary Mueller, who are rep resented as personifying a system of policies which hss failed, will bo omitted frost the new dniinltration.( President Ebert, who is protected by tho constitution, will undoubtedly re main until after the new elections. It is declared that the new cabinet will include active repreJentatlVe of laborL.. uari xciMolph igien, president of the Federation of Trades Unions, being named for chancellor. ,, WILL ASK CONGRESS TO RECOUNT SURPLUS COTTON Beport of American Cotton As sociation Shows Great De- " -'lay In Planting; . Colombia, 8. , Cv March 21. J. Bkot- tow Wannamakef, president , of the An"irit" Cotton. Associstion, said -io- day that the associstion had asked Con- ' gross 4o order r recount of the surplus cotton in the country to see how muckr of it it tpinnable and that a reeolu ti(n to this end would be introduced at oaee by Senator Smith, of Sonth Caro lina. '""'"".'.;"""! Mr. Wtnaamsker also mad public th first report of the American Cotton As- aoclation forlfl20. A caavsas of the belt, he said, showed that preparations for th 1W0 crop are at least five weeks late; that labor is extremely short) thst the mild winter with th Ut start on tha ,new crop spells certainty of seri ons insect damsge oa account of the rapid epreadof the boll weevil, and that the pink worm had appeared in twa parishe ia Louisiana and in some sec tions of Texas. Hs declared that the world is facing an enormous thortage ,i BRITISH OREADNAUGHTS- PATROLLING BOSPHORUS Constantinople, March v20.-i-fBy - the-' AseonateeV Press.) The passing f th Sultsn's power is grimly evidenced by the long line of British dreadnaughtt in th',Btwpmwi'-fcat'Tren'1hrt " most of the Turks refuse to accept this evidence. '-"." . . ' ' ' The Sultan Issued an exhortation ' to his subject yesterday to pursue their nsaal vocations ia peace, regardless of foreign occupation. ; MANILA WOMEN VOTE ' , IN DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY' Manila.' Saturday. March 20. Wom en jroted today at the Democratic pri maries ia ths Philippine Islands to elect delegates to tho territorial convention in April, when six delegates to the national conveition will be chosen. I'. the first time women had jt:' linn in unuuiL : i ia a primary Icrg,