THE NEWS AND OBSERVER THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH. 25, 1920. IDII Col. W. P. Wood Announces That He Will Retire at End of His Present Term HAS BEEN AUDITOR FOR PAST TEN YEARS Major Durham Hu Been Alio dated With Auditor's Office for Twelve Tears, Most of That Time Ai Tax Clerk, Bat Late! At Traveling: Audi -tor Cot. W. P. Wood, for tea yesr. Stale auditor, . announced .yesterday that be would wot taad Jot nominalioa ia to Democrat! primary ia June. At the sane time ram the eanounrement of the candidacy Major Baxter Durham, who for twelve yeara haa been identified with that Ktat department and for the past year baa been travelling auditor. The announcement of Col. Wood Wat net unexpected. Sine 18S0, Col. Wood be beta in pnblia life, running the . range since that tine of town trtuarer of Asbeboro, eoanty treasurer or. Jfaa dolph, member of the Senate - and House of Representatives from bis eoaaty, and State auditor. He was ; nominated Stat auditor in 1910 by the . Demoeratie State Executive Committee to ill the vacancy caused by the death ' of Dr. B. F. bixoa. He was elected I at the general elections ia 1910 aad bad been regularly re-elected slare, , Major Baxter Durham, who hopes to be his saeefssor, and will ask ths Demo. I . r ratio voters f -ths State to nominate ' ' him ta the June primary, was bora in ; Durham, county, but baa spent most of ' his life ia Kaluga . He did bia first work 1a the office of the 8tate auditor in 1917 as Tax Clerk . . aad until the 1919 session of the Ueaeral ; Assembly ho held that position. The ", Ueaeral Afarmbly then created a new . position-4hat of travelling auditor .to work in the various counties. As result of that Work a total of 813,973 .additional taxes has beca brought into ithe Bute. t -Major, Durban yesterday declared ,thst while he has aspired to the otice of State auditor for some time, b did not feel justified ia making the race as long as Col. Wood should ask for the nomination. The withdrawal of Col ' Wood left the field open and he lost bo - luce in announcing bia candidacy. Mr. W. T. Woodier, now connected .with the federal revenue service, it is understood, will also shortly make aa nouneement ef bia candidacy for the fcmorratie nomination, For some time, ,tt is understood, Mr. Woodley has been making a quiet sort of campaign pre tmunnry to announcement. To Drive Oat MsUrU and Balld Vp , a no nymem DURHAM CANDIDATE FOR STATE AUDITO .'r-- Take the Old Htandard GROVE'S TA8TE1ES8 chill TONIC. You know want yon are taking as the formula is .printed on every label, showing it ii Quinine and IrotTIn a. Tasteless form, OWV AOV. Former Assistant - Navigation uiiei Joins In Charges (Continued fnm Pag One.) ,. not co operating mora fully with . the navai lorce abroad, i , , me inning letter opened with the siairmeat that the wr ter was "not eon vineed that lb Bureau of Operntlou. bad "erred ia its general plans," and declared that a euggeatioa mad by Ad miral Sima earlier that the battleships be ... placed out of commission aad their crews : ut overseas would, if adopted, have provea -disastrous." Tn letter con tiauedi . . "Over there yoa give us the devil be cause we dont do all that you want us to ..... uo, iu reel w are failing you. - Docs ' It help fh moral ever there or over v her to do thatt . . . Criticism is easy aad just criticism benencial, but mere is uoUiing more lowering to the " moral ihsu unjust criticism and criti cism made without full .knowledge aad uougnt is apt to be unjust." After reading the letter Senator Trammell asked Capt. Lamina-If b did not think the letter answered many of Admiral Bias' charge aad soma of the criticisms made by Captain Laning him self ia hia direct statement. Th. officer replied that he did not believe so, that in iatr referred to a period much later la th war than that covered by ouns cnargea. : Oppoa Allocating Shin. ew York, March . 4. Resolutions opposing, the allocation of American. owned ships for restablishment of the former Hamburg-Americas line trad route, tad th placing of American ships at th disposal of that 11a a ageata, were unanimously adooted bare today by the American Steamship Own. ra Association. Th aasoeUtioa claims ; a membership of 75 lias, including majority of th companies operating ia overseas and coastwise trad under th - Amecie-flt--r--r : - KALKICH HOTEL MANAGEMENT ,; DENIES REPORT Or FIH. Froi tb management of th Raleigh hotel. It ia learned that the "gre at the Hotel Raleigh" reported ii these columns Wednesday morning was om. what exaggerated. It-aecms lhit i. stead of burning grease oa th stove,' mum mmvnm at in modest bit of excitement about the comer of McDow. -ett and Mania streets wm spark flylag from th ery cafe brick stsck of th hotel. TJ:S-:'':;'J: 'r"v1:V:- 11 Wi,iWVtrCAt(SMJyTJWJ'.(lJ Ford Roadster at $500. Chevrolet Tourinjr Car at o-Y ""oier. r uol elUU Dill lAKCS lu " Oakland Six at $850. Above the average. - .. - BELIEVED PLANS FOR A TRUCE Orl Motor Cars and Civilians Going Over Rhine Bridge Raises Hopes Budcrich, Rhenish Prussia, March ft. (By th A. P.) Four civilians and two motor ears, one scat out this morn. Ing and one this afteraooa wer driven swiftly over th Rhine bridge today Into beleaguered Wesel and it is believed that negotiations nr going on there for a true. British and Belgian civil control com mission representatives also hare en tered Wesel. Officially these visits ar not being discussed, bat evidently they were prearranged, as th Rhine bridge ha been absolutely closed to trsffie from tb left bank ef th river. Th result f yesterday a Heavy denting, it became known today was distinctly in favor of th besieged. few of the workmen's force crossed the river from Lippc, nearly to th South and within little more than a mil of th town, but were eventually beaten back, and it was learned that tb work. men, discouraged, in their attempt to take th important main citadel pro tecting the bridge had shifted their attack to th southeast from which point there was desultory firing through, out tb day with few brisk sputter ing of maehin gun nre. . Th workmen threw a number of shells in th vicinity of th city seor ing on distinct hit almost ss tb allied commissioners passed the spot. Apparently the government positioa it secured to the northward connecting Muenster, as a railroad train ia reported to have catered the city thlft afternoon, One hundred and eighty-three govern ment stragglers who crossed the river last night were taken to Crefeld today along with a Oermaa lientenant-eoloitel and two other officers, who said they were civilians and had been dismissed from the srniy. About 1U0 wounded here ar being evaeamted in motor sm bulances to Crefrld. Th Belgian force strengthened their position today. They planted' ninehinc guns on th bridge, dug tranche on the nridgetieatt and wanned the old German Rbin defenses, Lieutenant . Uenern) ltaron (Mseooes. of the Helirian Inspected the deemr fit it morning. STOCK MARKET BUBBLE ' GOES UP IN THIN AIR Structure Built Up After Becent Supreme Court Decision Is Wrecked New York, March 24. The specula tive structure erected over tb stock market a few weeks ago. largely as a result of th Supreme Court decision exempting stock dividends from th in come tax,, evaporated into thin, it to day, after having given early promise of attaining greater heights. ravortte issues, especially hos dom inated by. pools and other professional interests, reacted firs t almost fnrtv. iv points irom maximum Quotations of th morning, the market closing in great disorder with e.tll money 14 ner cenr. The ftudifon silrsni. tn AfMAMil u. which opened at the recent fixed rate of '.per cent,, was accompanied by circum stantial rumor that lenders of money wc-r uemg urged iy the f ederal reserve bank to put the brakes oa furthnr peculation. It is generally known ihst officials nf th central Federal reserve bank and other financial interest have viewed the recent market movement with dis approval, if not absolute concern. Any continuance of the recent advanee, it was oeuevea, would necessitate further raslio action, against "unessential loaas. Ueaeral Motor was the outstanding feature of today's wild session, as it ha bte almost every day since the recovery or the past fortniaht. In th morning that issue roe NH4 mint to th new maximum of 410,- th shorts oeing tne chief sufferers. When the market bent its ileacent at midday. Geaeral Motor was first to yieiu. hern m - ma... . . ntrudt& UALL StSSION TO CONSIDER SUFFRAGE Hartford. Conn. March 24. Onr. raor Marcus H. Holcomb, Republi can, in a atatement tonight, flatly refused to call n special session at th Connecticut General Assembly to net on th Federal suffrage amendment. Th Republican atata convention by an almost nnanlmnna vote m ew Jlavea this afternoon,- cauea upon tn uovernor to call a special session a that it might b pomibl for Connecticut to b the thirty-sixth Star to ratify th auf f rag amendment. ftlLLIr BtASLtT IS ARRESTED FOR ASSAULT Mr. Philip-Bessley was arrested mat alght at 11 o'clock en a chsrgs of car- lea and reckleaa driving aad assault aAU.CUrd A.DiHoa,Joilowin;jji automobil colliiioa between tb ears of th tw men on Fayetteville street. Mr. Bcasley wss backing front th parking seeUo of Fsysttevlll street In froat of th Wester Onion Tele graph Coapsay when th soUiaioa with Dillon' ear going north took nlae. Mr. Beaaley said h blew his horn. He had hi mschln dtmsged to th ex tent f a broken feader and smashed front light. After th eoUistoa, li t alleged Mr. Dillon waa struck: ia the fare py Hr;casTcyrMf.Beasley was released e bond for hi appear nee at municipal court this morning for trlaC A Bargain. $400. Excellent Shape. RADICALS BUSY if EX-SOLDIER RANKS In Asking Relief Legion Officer Tells of Activity of I. W.W. Agents Washington, March 24BeprescnU tive of th American Legion, present ing today to tb Hons way and mean committee a revised optional plan for soldier relief, charged that agitator were trying to recruit info the I. W. W. former sorvie men who wer diseon tented beeaus of th failure of Con srress to provide aid. J. . liolden, adjutant of tho Utah Legion, testified thst organized propa ganda t discredit government aid and undermine th American Liegion waa Do ing disseminated by the I. W. W, throughout th country. While some soldiers hod beca mislead into joining that organisation th rank aad file, he said, stood firm nunst such Influences, Urging immediate relief, J. u. Hcrug. ham of Nevada, a member of th eiecu- tive committee of the Legion, declared there was seething unrest among former service men and women who felt they bad not received a square deal." "They are chafing with unrest and believe Congress should take som ae tion for their relief, . he said. . Hoi den told the committee that while partially disabled and ia hospitals, at tractive young women gave him I. Vf, W. literature, which said th govern meat bad protected munition workers, war contractors and others from great losses, but had done nothing for former service men. Those pamphlet urged ex-soldiers to join the I. w. W. "In Chicago th I. W. W- claims to have twenty per cent ef th serviee men of that locality in their organization. Holden said. "In the Utah mining camp s, the I. vv. w. outnumber the former service men six to one and are making vigorous effort to wipe out Legion organizations. So Many" Pranks Played On Professors That Call Sent For State Help Bava. Kana- March 24. Ths Tort Bays Normal Scfiool is in th grip of whst professor describe a "student soviet, whose principal occupation is throwing professor into th. lake on th college campus, according to Prof. P. C. Harvey. Today B telegraphed Htate authorities at Topek for protec tion nd K. in Hopkins, attorney gen ral has directed th county attorney to prosecute all persons responsible for th disorders. - - The trouble began, it ir said, when President W. A. Lewis, of th school, left a few day ago on business. Do parting, be suggested a half holiday., oa wntch men students could build a run' nlng track. Girl students were to pre pare a meal. At a ''pep meeting it is reported, a woman suggested in fun that girls who did not hslp should be ducked ia th lake. - un Monday an announcement was posted that ''all persons, including the faculty, would be, ducked J they failed to report for duty at 1 n. m. Tueadsv. March 3." John Lindquist, editor of ta college newspaper, was tb flrst vic tim. He ws taken from the college li brary and although he cannot swim, he waa thrown into water ever bia head. Another person to suffer waa Prof. James Start, a bridegroom, who was captured oa the way to hia classes this morning. He was rescued from th lake by thre student. Professor Harvey, a third victim, dived into th wtter be fore the studsnts could art. - . - ' 'r Mrs. Hood Bettor. Mrs. WvH. Hood, 310 Bouth.Perspa street, who has been critically ill with a complication of diseases, waa reported as slightly better yesterday. ' uiBS) pt nriiTomirr oiuumiouviLi AT KANSAS SCHOOL Thomanda in Uce J?Zt3&m IxMn,c? " vrimmv 27.000 aoroet have been satisfactorOy beateti with k during the past two winters. ' i-wTwiHBivcvi. I Itort irorki. tnaW Mmd in e'ea, aWtMaorcsMAoraf , ej jr For Sale by all ..Leading: ... Dealers 1 CHARGES AGAINST COLGATEANDCO. Indicted In Federal Court For Violating Sherman Anti Trust Law - Trenton, K. J, March 24-An in dletment containing 56 count charging violstioa of the Sherman anti-trust law was returned by a Federal graad jury acre today agaiast Colgate and Company of Jersey City, N. J., manufacturers f toilet preparation. Th Indictment claim th company illegally fixed re sale prieea of it product to wholesalers and jobber. . Tb company was indicted n 1911 for fixing rc-alo prices, but beeaus of a technieality a demerrer t th In dictment waa sustained on tb ground it did aot enarg that th company mad any pries fixing agreements. The grand jury' action today quote alleged correspondence between' th company aad its selling agents and dealers in . its products. Tb corres pondence, it was charged, contains a long series of instaneea of written end oral agreement on re-sale prices." Tb indictment charge further that th eomnany "system stieally aad eon tinuously followed th prsetie ef pro curing such agreements and th re-al price of it products thns were contin uously maintained aad enhanced. Colgate and Company, in a statement given out after the indictment was issued, denied that price fixing egree ment wer made with dealers. Th statement said: Callt Denied "This is th second tim tb attorney general, baa brought suit s gains?' Col gate aad Company oa account of our effort to iasur fair and reasoaabl prices for our goods. la tb first action we were merely charged with refusing to- an price charged with refusing to sea price cut ters, which M our openly declared policy. ise suit resulted m a unanimous de cision of the Supreme Coart that th policy is entirely lawful. TV shall eon tinu it. The present charge is that w make agreement with our customer binding mem to adhere to designated re-sal price. W nsk no such agreement. our customers know. "We deny th cnarge as Heretofore. Bay AntoatoUk In CharUtto. Mr. Shaw Bonner, ef Aurora. wumkA through tb elty yesterday with six suto- mooiis purchased Irom tb Cadill Company at Charlotte. He waa accom panied ta Charlotte by Messrs. Harvey MeWilliams. William Shaw Banan. Clifton Sawyer, Charle Myatt, and Charley Price. The Weather Ucsl Offlce, United States Weather Bar. r rOSECAST. I , Jtakigft, March M. North Carolina; Fair Thursday, ",' cpt rain extrem west portion; Friday rata. TEMPERATURE. Highest Umperiure' .'..JTimrrie" Lowest temperature Mean temporature ........... . . . "70 -60 -60 Kxcess for th day 7 C.S Averags dally deteieaey lace January 1st , - PRECIPITATION (in inehM.) Amount for th 21 hours ending at S i). m. on Total for the month to date S.8S Eicess for the month ........... 0.42 Excess sine January 1st. 1.04 HTJMIDITT. Sa.m. 12 m. Sn.m. Dry bulb SI M 62 Wet kjhS-.rm.'i 57 SS Bel. humidity ... S3 67 63 PRES8TJRE. (Reduced to tea level.) 30.18. 8 p. m........ 30)8. Sunrise .6:10 a. m. Sunset .0:30 p. m TP jjjjvssgj II St DUIIT Dv tha mrbrt an - - Ii.. L. 1 K W CROP PESTS START FLOW OF SENATORIAL ORATORY Worms and Motha Brinf Much DisonMioa, Bat Approprla- ; tion Not Enlarged Waah'iagton; March 24. The piak bU worm, aided aad abetted by the Gypv and brown tail moth, invaded th Sen ate today and brought oa aa epidemic ' oratory. . ''.- y Tb casual remark by Senator Thomai, Democrat, Colorado, during considera tion of an item of 1302,000 for the ba res a of entomology to combat insect pests, started th flow. Th agriculture eommitte had added $102,000 to th Hons provision and whea Senator Pome re ne, Democrat, Ohio,, sought to ataks th total HOOOOO beeaus of Ci PAST0EIA is a harmless mbstitnte for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and t5oothlng Syrups. It is pleasant It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Kar cotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Oolio and DiarrhcDa; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulatfa Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. ' The Children's Fanacea--Tbe Mother's Friend. The Kind Yon Have Always Bought, and which has been in use for over 30 years, has borne the Signature of Chas. R Fletcher, and has been made tinder his personal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and uJust-as-Good'f are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger tho health of Infants and ChilarenEiperience against Experiment m font 15TMdT)ra)Iirt I AUArfahrmratauWa tatheSsnaa4tdJf" OlftlnJBWaSratC MaxOpromMorpmBj-: Copy a Wrappse, v inwaana s fcBwawassnasnanwsa anBaWa BiiiLdind Hat,qrial If dosm3vi$dy, ytm profit in ertOTgy euhseiffli. "Sim can do thi tSvrth ecart onyTvhen you chbose for your cere fooct- 1 Deliciaus in fkmx,neLty thieid re gypsy moth- nLpnaceT Senator Thomas taterjeeted a sntemeat thai "they are rail lag asonuasisats to the boll weevil dowa ia Alsbama." Senator Smith, Democrat, South Carolina,, and Bimmona, Democrat, North Carolina, promptly arraigned ti e attitude of Senator who opposed aid t- farmers. There was little th gov ernmeat could do to aid th farm Jabor situatien, they aaid, aad Senator Smith said it was aot becoming in Senators whs anjoytd their thre meals a day to make a "jok" f the agricultural bill. , hi1' Senntor Sheppord, Democrat, ..Texan, said the piak boll worm ia Texaa aad Louiaiaaa threatened destruetloa of a larg part' f tb coming cotton nwP aad be proposed later t offer an amend ment to recompense growers for crops destroyed ia th fight. Ia 3 the nd, ' Senator Pomerene'j What ig Castoria Children Have Yoa dawsnnsastswasaiaw. I I ! .-. ! lV SiVTo4y lug red tiit abore aMdllne ; hrr many beUere ft? Bart ytm a littlavoaa la the home, aad hit that dear little mite vhea to ttomach yru not Jutt right felt the comforts that come with the use ef Pletchtr'i Caatotia? Tea hare heard tin cry of Bala, Hare yoa heard them cry for Fletchtr'g Cajtori ? Try h. Jturt helf lhtby eat of ftt trouble tomomw wtJi a totte trf Ctw toria. Watch, tho difference la the tone of the cry. the look ia the eye, the wiggle ia the tiayfingexa. The traxuformation it complete from mIs to pltumiJXrj a.. - " -v- ... Tostn lad i iroadetfal lot of iaformation iboit Bahy ta the tootlet that 1 vrtpptd anmad erofy bottle of netchex'i Caitoria, . QCNUINE C ASTO R I A ALWAYS Bean the easrVAua MWASrv, Food Is l&cir nCL -; " -xv amendment wag voted dowa and the committee figures accepted. - , RALEIGH MEN AHEND " ,.-. COLUMBIA AUJ0 SHOW I Messrs H. A. Ruahton and R. H. Mer ritt, members of th executive commit tee ef the Csrolina Automotive Ei posi tion, left yesterday for Columbia, S. C. to attead the Columbia Auto Show ia the interests of the exposition; which la to be held here from AprU 18 to 17 in- elusive, ' " ; - : Lot of us lsugh nnd grow fat, spure- f ing th theory that nobody love a fat . aula, v . Th rich girl may choose their ewa husbands, but even th poor girl chew her owa gum. . , Cry For Tried It? Signature of srawwaas) aiw. ar every w urwEiuurTJOmirSAIS'C!OV, . '112 E. DavU Street, Raleith, N. C ... lwtiA. CJnIX C4JLJ - nv r - ' 1 rupi ii