THE NEWS AJND OSSERVEP WEDNESDAY MOHNING, ! APRIL 7, K2X II. C. STATE TAKES mmw Backs Up Murray's With World of and Dash Pitching Pep Displsying a world of pep and ginger behind Murray's brilliant pitching, Stat Collect smothered Yale it Biddk field yesterday tfttmoi to the tone of to I. Th victory was eloaa tut.. Tht Techs stowed decided superiority over the Berth rra visitor in every depart- satat of the nnt, tad Barer for eat iastaat did the Blot aUad evee a ghost of a chase of winning. 8evsral hundred fast braved the win try breese aad wert rewarded wwb flrtt data exhibition of taa national pastime- Ta George Murray, mutely )x-luiiri the credit for taa vietoy. . The Charlotte boy had the blf Tile sluggers eating sot of hia Itaid from start ta finish. Twe measly blag lea wu tba Tale ; contribution ta the bit column, and aia blue hitters took Urea healthy swinge at the ozone, osasaiaed th big stick with fare, east a pousled glaae at Fetter's rise barter, sad assumed th air of a has-beea. Opposed ta Murray at tba beginning of the gam was on Mr. Chittenden, Who lasted Just twa aad two-thirds innings.. A eauple of . boots by bis shortstop coupled with tw - wslka, wild pitch aad two oalid clouts ; by Fsueett seat him to the shower, and Calhoun, a big left bander, went to the Oring line, Aldrich pitched the final frame, . "Bant" ianerU uncorked on of th best gam of bis career. His fielding at th initial sack wss faultless, 'and th Vocal boy banged out a-double aad Two tiaglee ia tour times at th piste. la th aecoad laaiag while Chittenden, apparently, was entietlly examining ths rains of the chop building, Fsueett stole home. Dc berry aad Norwood' featured with nice catches in th outfield, JVbtrry brought the stand to Its feet when, be peared Faberty't bard drive ,1a th fourth aad doubled Bewyer at second. Aldrich aad Oaillard, although cred ited with two errors eacb,; .bore th brunt of th fielding for the Tola in- field." They handled all chances eletnly and their errors- were oa ud throws to first. Diamond aad Sawyer also fielded well aad th former, especially, looked good at first base. Crane, In left , field, robbed Norwood of a double when be climbed the bask ia left center ind eaptnrcd bis loag fly. Ktitts scored two runs in tho first tuning oa oao bit. Fsueett, first Hp, scratched a.hlt to abort and took second oa uuriey a tacrine. ' wood rspped a hard grounder to A Id rich, who threw low to first. Johnson followed with another hot on ia th same plae, and again th Tinting short stop mossed up the plsy, Faucett aad Wood scoring ia tho wiiarse. Four more runs wort added ia' tha fourth on tw wslks, a tacrine, two errors aad Faacett's double to left The, final markers for State came la' th fourth semlon on singles by Murray, Foett imd jBureyt mixed in with a fielders choice, Fsueett scoring from eoad whils Gailbrd was throwing Out Wood. : Vale's lea talley cam fh tho -last laaiag when Peters walked aad scored, oa Puberty two-ply clout to center. ' Tho liao-upt .-.., Stale. ' AB. . H. pa a. r. P. pa A. t 1 , e . i j Fsueett, lb. .... 4 1 a 0 a I . e l e ; Hurley, . ..... Wood. tb. Jnbaaoa, lb. ... Norwood, ef. ... Ihrry, rf. ... Kirkpatrlrk, If.. Wac, if. 1 1 o x t 0 . o 1 ' it Sipe, as. Murray, p. ......3 Total ........S3 I - Val. k AB- B. Crane, If. "... S 4 Sawyer, So, ......1, 0 : Peters, . ...... 1 ,1 1 Faherty, ef. 3 0 , Parsons, rf. .... t 6 Aldrich, ss-p. ... 1 0 Diamond, lb S . ";siiisrd. to. .... a o Chltteadea, p. .. . 0 . Calhoua, p. ..... 1 0 lJghttjs!1.1. . . - II . H. PO. A. 0 .1 0 1 e o 0 4 0 i e Totals ...S 1 I 10 4 Heoro by Uainm - Talo ..e fi 0 1 11 tjtato 4 0 S 0 0 - Called ia sereatk to allow Talc to catch a traia. , Summary t Two-bas hit Fsueett, f sherty. Ktolca bases Aid rich. Fsueett --(homJ, Ourlcy, Wood. Hits apportioned -r-un L'hittendea B ta 111 innings; off Calheaa. 4 ia 3 1-3 inaiurs: off Aldrich 0 ia .1 janiag. fHruck ot By Murray, OS oy tjnoua, x; l.y Aldrich, E. Bases oa balls OS Murray, 3j oft Chittenden, n ua pucaea Chittenden, 1. Passed ball Pater 1. - Double plays Deborry to Sip. Aldrich to Sawyer- Left oa , bases Isle,-4 1 BtsVe, 3. I'mpirs Ur. joaraey, or xiitaaio. , ;.; - Capital 4Bombr From Skies After Land Force Fails '(Coatlaaed from Pago Oa.) , toI applleatioa of the Federal ttatut. Th first detachmeat of women pick eted th. Embassy at aooa besrint t banners. Before crowd Isd epportuaity to collect a police paired dashed up. Cap tain KoWt Emmett Doyls aad Inspec tor Daaiel Sullirsa asked them if they wer swart they wera picketing tb British Embstsy Both pickets smiled . hnd sodded their assent. . ' They wer informed they wtr violat ing Federal statut aad would bs arrested sales they desisted. Tht womea resumed the picketing aad polie occcn took their banners and arrested .them. a. vy.v;.t..: Missiag Ones SoalacodV ' . As soon ss word of th arrests reached Icedgtierters of tht pickets another pair viiii freeh banners wss diapstched t th Embsy. Th polie repested th krreMs. Th Isnd picket desisted and t: e s. rial force cam into Ictlbit I'titcd fc:a(es Attorney Lsxkey placed ' bond ef each arrtsted -womaa at i", It was fumbled and they v - re e J ep for a h-aring in police ( .art t . nr". Frank P. Walsh, of i t . ;.' wh rcprcucutcj Irish . :...',..!, '.r.t ia Pari ia V.'IS, I - n t- ' -1 ss their'couaec!. ' i -t '""T Wl mails : ' to t! e f no ';-t 1 t 0 re .n I r 1 ! I REPUBLICAN DISTRICT CONVENTION HERE TODAY J. D. Parker Slated For Con fTtliional nomination; Jen king and Ward Delegates fourth coagrcMioaal district Bepubli- caa will gather ia tho city oourt room her at noes today to aamo dclegaU to th Bcpublksa aatioaal convention sad aominal somebody to oppose the Demoeratie aomiaeo for Congress. Consty delegstioas . were arriviag ia th eity last night, sad by th meeting hour . today it would appear that there would b a goodly representation of to inority party here. ' Some tiro was used last night Sa oil ing tha steam roller and getting it ia readiness to smooth out differences of opinioa In the meetiag today. There will "be some differeaees, according to reports, There aro, asptrants for 'sock mora or leos empty honors ss will bo distributed. The Morehead Duncan fight will crop out hers and there, most likely, but ths More head wing controls tho steam roller aad all will fa well, n donbt. . 1 Passengers oa this most ' tflleaclout piece of macfaiaery will be J. J, Jenkins, of Biter City, and R. W. Ward, of Rsl- eigh. These brethren are headed for th National convention at delegates. Alf Tern pic ton wsnts to make th trip to jnieage. nut It ta aot written yet that b will be called to do any nartr journeying. J. D. Pkrksr, of Bmithfield, waats ths honor or tiring licked by th Uemocratk nominee- for Congress, ahd most likely ha will bo gratified ia bis wis. Willis Briggs,' of Balelgh. Would have th same honor, but ks is ache duJed to bo a pier of paving for the stoam roller rather than a passenger ROOMS FOR DELEGATES - TO STATE CONVENTION Chamber of Commerce Sends Out Appeal for pelp To Meet ; Crowded Conditions ' 1 flit Bolcigh Chamber of Copiirc ry ssxiou to get ia. touch with Baleigk people who will Opes' up their homes to 'th delegates t tho Demo eratie Bute poanstioa,wl(ich); meets her Thursday. , Th hotels sr orerrnn with requests fot reserTBtlBns' and ' the Chamber of Commerce has beta called upon to meet tho situation. That organisation, through Beeretsry M. B. Beamaa, asks thst all those who have available, rspmi notify th Chamber of Commerce. The hotels will eo-optrat in tbs effort to house all those who may at tend tls aonrestioa.- As lnformniot bureau will W opaaed up at the Tar borough Hotel for this purpose. t , TWO MYSTERY PLAYS AT ST. SAVIOUR'S CHAPEL ; i ... . The two mystery plaj-s, "The Bunset ITptjrjiBd - "Ths Catechlrer. and th Child," whi' wcr fJvB"ysler4iy ffjr' the childfca. r"fl(.J lvlour's chapol. naor ta oircetioa i Miss Lucy Dsns pticwy and rtTtranco, About fifty ebil dron took - part,' aad 4 their- white dresses, with flowers in their hulr ear ried ut th solemn idea of tho plays with -charming naturalness. Th clos ing seen of th first play, "Ths Sunset Hour" waa especially lovely, where all ths children' kneel, singing, arouad- ths symboli figure of "Mother Church." Tho ptays were religiously instructive ta their objeat, and all credit for the training or, tnoenimrea aad the orgittti. satuia ef tho fettiral is duo to Miss Davis. Th musio was rendered by Mist jxila Adams. Th -roluatary sollsoUoa will M derotea to tslssiona. The Weather Local Ottos, United States W talker v. Barooa. FORECAST. Raleigh, N. C April 8. For North Carolina I Partly cloudy Wedsetdayi Thursday fair. TEMPEBATCBE. Highest temperature V3 30 Lowest temperature Mean temperature , 4: Beflcieney for tho day 14 18 Arerags dslly deficiency tlac - Jaausry Jit PRECIPITATION (ia inchei.) Amount for tht 4 hour ending. : at t -armnr.-r. m r. . ...... . o ToUl for tb month to dat 0.74 Deficiency for the aionth 0.04 Deficiency sine January 1st .... 0M HTThODITy. 1 fi a.m. lSm, I p.m. Dry bulb 34 , 4 " o0 Wt bulb 2 ' S6 43 - Bel. humidity ... 03 30 g ' - PBE8SVBK. " (Bedueed to sea UreL) S0.13 ip.m... (a.m .295 Sunrise.. J :52 s. m.,m. Widow Cries for Joy i . l eouldw't eat aawthia but raw arm aad sweet milk aad waa to weak I could fcaruiy walk across th room, -1 would bar beta ia j grae today if 1 hadat taken Mavr's Weaderful RemeAv whet I did. Whea I thin, how J hare suffered with my stomach and how good I feel now I ery f or joy." It is i sim ple, harmless pre pars tios that removes ta catarrhal maeat from the intes tinal tract aad allays tht inflammation: which causes practically all stomach, lietr aad intestinal ailments, including eppeadioltia. y One dose will convince or money refunded Parker Drug Xkow pay aad druggUu rerywhertv-Adv. ; Eveiy Is BANKED, Why aot Unh tt yourself T It U yotrr money, aya tt , START Ai ACCOUNT WITH FI . , WE WILL ErU TOO ATB 'L..' Mechanics Savinrrs Ban!: ACCUSED AGENT IS EXONERATED Case Against L A. Baugh For Embezzlement Noi Prossea . In Wake Court , ; 'A cat agslast L. As Baugh, the bill of indictmont charging mbexlement oa thirty-one counts, was aol prossed Wska eouatr suocrior court yesterday, hrr Baugh was. formerly . agent for tho Indian Jteflnins? ComDaay. Following a visit her of aa auditor of tho eomV pany h was tharged with embntle ment. Thirty-on chocks were found bearing bit endorsement aad it was elsimed ht .had cashed them and re tained th money. - Ht had, bowerer, conrerted them into cashier cheek aad forwarded thes to th company, WILMINGTON SHOW OF AUTOMOBILES OPENED Thirty Cr tad . Many Horn and Farm Conrtaienoes Dii. played; Blf Crowd i Wilmington, April Tht Wilmlng toa automobile tbow was opened form' ally tonight at I o'clock with the dedi catory exercises of the aew eity audi torium. Speeches by Major P. Q. Moor tad by Joseph W. Little, representative to the Chamber of Commerce marked the : ceremonies. ," ' .. Tht Boval Scotch Uichlaad Band will play throughout tba are days of tht show every arteraooa and aignt. Tb display of automobile included thirty cars, all that could be accommo dated oa the msia floor of the building, Automobile supplies tad equipment are ltd ia evidence. The balcony is gives tier to aa industrial exhibit of farm and home, under th super visioa of Miss Florence Jeffreys, county homo ' demonstration agtot, lie fret h- ment are dispensed- by two church so. eletiet and tha Borotis. It is ettimated thst the crowd attending the opening Bight wss aear 1,000. , CARNIVAL AT HICKORY t HAS CAUMITCUS CLOSE Hickory. April Br A carnival com paay boasting 800 people tome of them UegeeV good looking females, had itt hands full whea it broke up acre, or rather waa brokea up by crowd of choice spirits which gathered from the Houta mountains and Hickory, Kewtoa, Morgantoa and other aesrby point. Oa tent waa alashod up pretty badly aad several head wtrt cracked J a fight ia which eora liquor ia oaid to hare plsyed conspicuous part. At m result 01 the melee two person have beta arrested and warrants aro out for others- The longer the carnival utayed here, accord ing to tome who saw it, the rougher it got. . 'v - filyM Jnchea-J tain hail fallen in this section during the past sis days. sn inch-and. half t-it Sunday night during a thunder and rain ttorm that rivaled August 'and September Efforts. The small streams rote, but moat dam age wat done by tho erosion of the soil. The cold ware struck hers lata Monday afternoon, . . -, t EDWARD C. SMITH IS BOUND OVER TO COURT ('Special to the Newt and Observer.) Durham, April 6. An Investigation of tho automobile accident, In which Ed ward C. Smith, a .civil engineer of Bal eigh, ran down and hilled instantly War field lrnn, 11-year-old son ef Mr. aad Mrs- B. E. Lynn, Saturday, several miles east of the eity, wat held yesterday afternoon before Squire B. 0. Cox, in the courthouse. Several tye witnessea testified to .tht accident. It la said the boy came from 'behind' a wagon, and as he did to ht wss in front of the on coming antomobile, driven by Mr. Smith, wno,' 11 is alleged, wat coming over twenty-five mile an hour, Th right render struck tht boy's head, erushins? the skull. ' Mr. Smith wat bound ovar to the Superior court under a tlflOO OOBd, . . , , elds Gasoline A Neoaity.r XTuntina-ton. W. Ve- Anril -sOaao. Jin it at nteeaaary for an automobile at feed for a korse. ruled liaaittrata Samuel Wright" in - discharging two Huatiagton gsrsgt Owners, 1 who ward charged with htvlag- violated th "Sub dty closing hw." N - IF TOO THIN TRY BITRO- -PHOSPHATE Whits exsssstv thamsss mht a atirumtoi varhma aad subtle earnes ht Afiemot mdlvMusla, tt b a w4mwa teet that th lack' of pheaphereua ia th haawa system tt very hutalr rsspeasikw far kk eoaditisa. ' M teems as well mtoMbhed that thk tr ttrshueshoiswi msji -aow be mot H a wm c BUr-ThmthmM, whkh eaa bs ok rnmed Xrsm nits-Cnbtca Carer way "toed drwetut ta eeavesksit tabkt term. ' la msny laimaem wm ssahBUsUaaf M tbU phoapliat ay the nerve thaas aooa andttrm e.-Wslsm.,enas nvrva Wwioa dinsssesm. vbrsr and strsntth nU wmkomo tad lock or eaetsr ana t ss. Mr km tm err kWWws sad cars eastae, SMwahu anksd ta a slow of frit Witt oad bamtf and ths wui. aad stnaaih to ss SH dfnns. Ikn-Nnsri, hv wa. SimMMd for the Mlfef sma.iM. drhilrtjr, -m Wns toSinc" it mH aa' aot ewirw w wi m vmn anmis , tra sm tm svoiain fsntteia ! Adv. . . You Spend FOOLISHLY By Someone 4 TRANSFORM TENT TO THING OF BEAUTY Secoratora Hero at Work r Intrior f Cavaa ' : Motor Palaca ,1 Oa .. With deeoratora already oa the scene, the mammoth toaOrhlch will heat the Caroliaa Automotive Exposition will shortly be a thing of beauty. Wisteria and tmllaa wUl gsrUad the walla and th test poles aad ai arti ficial tailing of sweeping wisteria blossoms will spread beauty overhead. Dealers will draw for tpaeot in the tent Thursday at noon. The teat will bo divided UD in eoavenieat allotments for tht vsrious classes of motor vehicle, including trucks, tractors, passenger cars Slid accessories. ' . Musie wUl be a big featnr if th exposition. In additioa to Coawsy Baad there ar to be tlx soloists Mor ton Adklna is coming at baritoat soloist. Mist Edna Joyce, called the Bong bird of tht navy, it to be the soprano soloist and there will be John Do lan aad Bert Brown, eornttists, Btymond Ellis, xyloi phone, and John J'trfeto, eupboninat eoloist. ORPHANS WILL BE V-r- ? CARNIVAL GUESTS Brincisa- cheer to lives of dull rot- ilnf. members of the Spring Festival committee, of the Ceatrsl Labor Union, aad I. J. Polack, managing director of tha World At Home Show, will this afternoon be boats to the little inmate of tho Methodist aad Catholic orphaai age. Transportation by eutomobllea will be provided for the little Toiti M everything oa the festival ground will be free to them. Front the Bug House, where the tot Will be lost in lattyrinia 01 joy, through the mates of the midway, in. eluding all feature attraction!, tha fes tival wui bc opea to them. The riding devices, including even the big aew aeroplane swings, will be at their dis posal, and It is planned to make th afternoon memorable for the visitors. FLYING PARSON WILL ' ARRIVE HERE TODAY Lieutenant BelrU W. Mayaard, flying parson, aew on a recruiting mission for the -War .Department, will make hie second visit to Balelgh this afternoon nt liSO when tht big DsHavillaad plane will fly herd from WinstoB-Saleta. Lien. tenant Mayaard, according to a telegram received by the Jew aad Observer, will leave Winetoa Salem this mors lag about 11 :30. He wUl Und in the Cham ber of Commerce field East of Balelgh, which haa been especially prepared to receive him. ' CLOSES RECITAL . OF SORDID . STORY -(Coatlaaed from Fag One.) .... ' ' ' . t , . . wit poor and uneduented. . I, had been warned agaiatt him, but he told me toon after oar meeting that he could fmot live without me..- "Tour, beautiful brown eye tr life t ms," h said. "H dragged ssd - betrayed me. He east me fete tht world with tr child. He beat aie. a aad me throws into jail repeatedly. He stole my toa after the court had givea hint to me, with five dollara a week alimony to ear for the two or us. "But tttll I lived him. X loved him too much to kill him. People who testi fied that Z thrtatcned to kill him made mistake. I have said that a man who would do the things he did should be killed, but I would not kill him. I loved him toe much. No womaa aver loved man more than I loved him. i Mrs. Cum mints described th rriva tlont the aad Kenneth, her aoa. ea dured while they wer trying to live on th flv dollar a week allowed them by Cummingt. She declared that dur ing January and February the and th child almost frost to death and that often they were entirely without food. " ". streaks Down aad Boh. " There was only an tim durlnsr the day that the lost th stole composure displayed at all other time. That wss when reference waa made to the time Mayor Sclater, upon complaint of Cam mugs, aaa her thrown into sail for four days at which time her hasbaad took the child aad carried him away. Her she broke down and sobbed vio- Getting Bald? Then ttimulato your hair root at one with bMual'a UUu V.. teslp wiil respond at once. Efftetiv reitM zor dandruff, eoe. At Twar Dnestt er Tkilet Ceontsr. U thar aasaet wspsUr twa, erdsr direst. Fett VOm brat Cs, law, at lust. Ta. FISHING : -TIME ,We can supply your ro':' needs in Fishing Tackles ; : Reels Rods ' Tacklo Boxes , ELLir,GTorrs ART STCE ' Raid:! , N. C. V Don't orgt! Carc':na Autonoi ' - tlv Bsseelilos, T-' "!i, lestly for a minute or two. After that laeidvat. although ahe regaiaed her co troU each sscaUon of tho boy brought tears welling jo her eyes and her body eaota visibly .. . v When ahe told what she knew of the ahootiag Mrs. Cuaaming declared: - I tew Mr Camming 1a u Joha Church yard. Keaartk waa with me. Mr. Cumasiag saw a aad turned en hit heel. Thi cut aa terribly and 1 went host. Kenneth treat off with a friend, bat I waa 00 worried I did not noike it. Whea I got home I opened n drawer aad picked np a revolver. I did Bot know J woe doing it. I taw Mr. Cummiag oa the street later aad asked him for aoase money, He refused aad thjreatcaed ta bar ait locked up again. I don't remember anything - else that happened" uatil him lying on tks pavement. staggered to a doorway and was carried te jail. .Two day later they told me all about $t Ho had told as he con trolled tha court and that he wat goiag ta takctbelboy away from as. B. F. Snow, a -aaerthsat, at Fhoebaa, told of fcaring ioaaed Mia. Camming a revolver, : She had told hisa she 1 moving to I remote part of th eity aad that ths needed tt for protection. . Teens to Jsoaaw i Chicago, April Th Taivertity of Chicago baseball teas! will leave tonight for rta third lavnaioa of Japsuu On th previona trip ia 110 aad 118, twenty- two eonaecutive game wer taken from the Japanese University players. Fred Merrtaeld, whe waa captain of tk Chi cage team in ISM, will Iced the expedi tion, lie coached ia Jspaa three year tine tho Marooaa were last there. ' . First fitldie Deed Gooalag. Kew Tork, April fi.-Tha bodies of 8T American soldiers who died at base hos pitals and camps ia Eagtaad will arrive here late tomorrow arteraooa on board the army transport Naseraaoad, it waa announced today at the port of embarka tion headquarters. I The arrival of the thip will bring to America, the first of he soldier dead front either Fraae or England. Parade Is Mlastas. Kew Orleans, April Confederate decoration day waa observed here todav for tha flrtt time without th custom ary parade of Confederate veteraas, ad vanced ago aad scarcity of numbers making tha eaaeellatioa advisable. Mon uments aad grave were deeeratcd at tsnal. Today ia the annivernrv of ths oanie 01 eaiioa. Senator Simmons Out In State -ment Fop Ratification i;,:- (Continued from Pag One.) ob Thursday. Local committees ef prominent womea organised by His Whit art already at work an behalf of the amendment throughout the State. The statement issued by member ef the North Carolina delegation Joday BcpreseaUtiv Hoey I had intend cd to aanoane my advocacy of tuffragel 1 . . . .1 r. v. W im way apnea ootere ue owe xeme eratie convention .at Raleich aent Thursday, but do aot mind saying ia advaae - of that aeeauoa thtC I heartily la favor of ratiflcatioa, and 1 PREMATURE BALDNESS : " CAUSED BY DANDRUFF Coaataat ear mast bs given the scalp if tk hair ia to be kept ia a healthy, growing coaditioa. s DaadrwS. itching aealp aad ecttaut of the head ar ef tea the real causes of premature baldness. If your hair ia fall ing oat, aa iavcetigatioa at yoar aealp will no doubt reveal that tt it covered with scaly iaemsUtioaa that flake off ia tho form ef dandruff. TONOrSCALPA (Tha Scalp Ton'w) 4s 8 medicinal pre para tioa ef merit aad an elegant toilet artklo .that 1 abso lutely -ffuaraateed to remove dandruff aad relieve itching ef the aealp. oet a sue or U bottle of this de lightful aealp toaie from your druggist If TOXO-8CALPA dee aot do all that 1 claimed for it the purchase' price will be promptly refunded. Manufac tured by Tk Toao-tkalpa, Co, Bieh mead, Ve Adv. . lowers mmmmmmmmM ' ................ ..v ' ' " ' - , ' ' Ur " r" " nv n n 1-1 n rV'H..w.'r, v . ' ' r, ' I- ttwWtUwalVwa.' , 4 t, J j' ' iJ - '. r t 3 believe that unless tome ether state hurries up. North Csrelina will yet be ear the honor roll as tho 36th state. 'BeDrt-sentatlve Weaver--! would ia deed be glad to see the ritate of North Carolina ratify fhe suffrage amendment aa I believe it wilt, It was my pleasure to vote for the amendment (a Congress aad I intend to do sH that I eaa for its ratification by tho Legislature of y State. . . . . , i "Bcpreeentative Codain There is strong scatimcnt ia North Carolina for ratification of the suffrage amendment. As I voted for the amendment in Con great It Is neediest to sty I su strong tor tie rati Beat ion. "Governor Bickett ' has previously stated: It ia my profound convict 10s that the Legislature will ratify when called tn July. I ' intended to recom mend ratification to the Legislature re gardless of what other states do. Keyset Speech Awaited With Interest tSraator Overman it already la North Carolina, and his keynote ' speech ' it .jted with particular interest in Wsshutgtoa for discussion ef suffrage at anticipated her by those who profess te b observer. The party of Tar Heel leaving to- aisht for JUleigh to attend the eon- vention, besides Mr. Hocy, includes Representative John II. Small, Angus W. McLean, ef th Wsr Fiasnc Cor poration aad Demoeratie Nations,! 'Com mitteeman, aad Frank Hampton, sec re tarr to Benator Klmmons. Henator Overman and Bepreaentatives. Dough ton, Brinsou and Boblnson Are already ia North Carolina. BcDreseataUvc bod win will make every effort to attend the convention on THursdsy, possibly leaving . Wednesday if, official matters will permit. :. The remalader of the Tar ueci aeie- gation wUI stay in Wnrhingtoa,- they brine- Senator Bimmocs. Bepresenta. tivrs Claude Kitcliin. Fou and Bted- maa. The three c6agreaamen remnla here to active! Darticivate in the House debate on the peace resolution. : Bepre- sestatlre Fou. a senior Demoeratie member of the rules 'committee, will lead the attack en the-rule-which the Kepablieaae wil submit to limit debate. BcDresentative Kitchin, as Democratic leader, wilt fight the resolution in dc bate, whila Major etedmsn, ss a mem' bar of tha Hoose foreigo relationi eom- mitteft Which considered Jfao, resolution, Don't SpoU Your Hair Bf Waahirtf It When yoa waah your hair, b careful what yoa ate. htoet sosps and prepared shampoo contain 'too much, alkali. which it very injurious, at it dries tht scalp aad makes the hair brittle.' The best thing to as is Hulsifled co eoanut oil shampoo, for this it pur aad entirely greaselets. It's very cheap and beat anything else all. to pieces. . Yu can get this at any drug ttore, and a few ounce will test the whom family for months.. Simply moisten . th hair with- water and rub it la, about a tcaspooafut.ia.nll that it required. It make an abundance of rick, creamy lather, cleanses thor oughly, ant rinses out easily. The' hair dries quickly and "evenly, and ia soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to handle. Besides, it loosens, snd takstv out. every psrticl Just dirt ana jsanorurf. taav ' u ; oero-EiGHT AT THS , l' Automobu Show next wbhk' offinedoflee will attack the Bepublieaa meatur sa ''unconstitutional'' peace. A mad rsc to return to Washington lit time to veto oa tkt Veaolutios Fridsrf is expected.' to take place Thursda ti.jt.. iay J;,3('igh following the ststW convention. .vvfc,,' 1 , '. ;Wocaa Fsvor Democratic Pollclse.' ' full statement of Senator fiimmoa discusses th bearing of woman euffragf oa. aational politics and th part Whirl N .th Carolina can play. H believe J the majority of women in the country will tuppo-t a Democrat! ticket be cause of peace and Prohibition. Thev like the peso Which Woodrow Wilson made, and srt partial td tb Lesgue of Nations st set opart from th taetles and policies of benator Lodge. The wcimea have always ftvortd prohibition. LEAVE HEADACHE ( AT DRUG STORE anwsssswsrassa' ' "' Money Back Whila You Walt at Counter If Atpironal Doa Not Reliara ia Two Miantea. Absolutely Safe. T Save ul fan hen or store f headache sain by takiar the aw Asstrsnal ZJfailr of the, slew sctiaer wsslehi that hare to wait se tens to bs diassted sod ahseesed. roaal acta rhtht new Ssd wtthotit the slttfetoatl w to rear heart or aaaerasee to vourl sumacs. Vowr "Bhrslelan. rsessssssiiaS Asahmul (use he kavws it remavss the sua t hllkxia and sick haadache b Sently sstln en the liver, eorrertlnc Mliosuss end sosstlpatkHi as prmsuss to nun of.-yen s day. The next time roe neve a htaaasha s v.1 rour twanat nar atom, hand the elerk half a dollar for a bottfc of Aawiransl sad toll hhn to na rou twa taaasaaaafut to a HttU wna roar watck la yaw sasd Onast ad tx4 minutes and sail far yoar moswr hock, at pari SMnafaeturerV sraarsaNe, it MS aaat faall rear' jMaaaoBt.fadine away wnala the Shaw limit. Doa"s Sa saaMul for vase druaafas lavnca r sse export, ? M try It avary. r t aoms it. nam raaraato, smims to eolda, eavtss and aaarslsia. . '(Adv.) sjiiiuiiunitiiiiiiniiiuiiiuinaiiiiunnnniinniinsi i mm I . PRESENTING An interesting and attractive - eollectioa of Gaorfotto and Voila . DRESSES AND r NOVELETTE BLOUSES for tha Madam ' Mr. aad Tha .Mr. Mary Allta Pool . Mr. Jack Equel '111 rayettevlll Street. ' ;:i ..;'.' ' ' ; Over Walkover Boot Shea. 1 MaiJac a ' 1 I l r 1 T(l 1 1 - 1 April 1:

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