THE NEWS AND OBSERVER SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 10, 1920. 1 pueuTO BEGIN CAMPAIGN State Executive Committee and Nominees For State Offices : , Meet Today Greensboro, April 8. The opening of the Republican campaign in this Stat will be etared tomorrow with tb. inert' Ing of th. executive committee and the nomitiees of the party in this State according to Oilliam Grlesom secretary of the executive committee of the party ia thi, Btate today. Last week Chair nam frank A. Idnney issued a fail to U member of' the executive rommit teo an dall nominees for State office nd those for Congress is the district that hav already nominated to meet at Republieaa Stat headquarter here at Boott Friday, April 9. : While th call for the meeting did not tat th object of tb, meeting it ; stated that a number of matter of, vital tmportaaee ar to bo diaeuad at th . meeting and party member her regard th wieetln tomorrow as the actual ; posing of tho campaign. - Ia additioa to opeatng th campaign tomorrow th executive eommitte will , also without doubt All the two vacant viae on th (tat ticket. These two plaot to be filled are for the nomin tioaa to th position of commissioner of labor and printing, made vacant by the recant announcement of Jam r. Bar rett that h would not make th race, and th place on tho Btate Corporation Commission, left vacant at the time that . James B. Mason, prominent Durham banker refused to accept the aomi ... natlna tendered him by the State con vention her in March. (attorneys ask removal BUT COURT OVERRULES Trial of Two Greer Brothers, Charged With Bobbery, Be gin! In Rockingham Want la "Spring rover"? It as simply low Vitality, a lack of En ergy caused by impure blood. OBOVE'H TAJSTELrVS chill TONIC restores Vi tality and Energy by Purifying and En risking th Blood. You can soon feel its Strengthening. Invigorating Effect. 00c. -Adv. Buckingham, April 8. The can sarainrt J. Kent Oreer and Robert 8. Greer of High Point charged with high way robbery and conspiracy, was begun this morning and over 75 jurors wer tailed before a jury was selected. Court adjourned late this afternoon upon em pannelling of the jury. It will prob ably take until Saturday before tb case- is finished. The case was aet for this morning when the matter came up the attorney submitted an affidavit asking that the case be removed to another county al leging that a fair trial could not be obtained in Richmond county owing to the -wide connection of the slate's witaesses. The affidavit also alleges that th Rockingham Post Dispatch with it wide circulation had prejudiced the mind' of th people in its account of the alleged robbery. Judge Finley thereupon esvc tb state's attorneys until 2 o clocek this afternoon to file counter affidavit, This they did showing to th satisfaction of the court that th local paper had not been unfair in ita accounts and that th defendants eould get a fair trial. Judge Finley at 2:43 ordered th case to proceed. Selecting a jury wa at once begun. This requiring three hours, and the (lamination ot over 73 men, Th jury was completed at 6 o'clock., Americanized. orn, a work. 'easy money," buf-lh is utterly ua- Marvelous collection of sables, he sought - "me acsigner, ana anally coo .....1, or u. Mete vo. ituoea Pent on month designing th eoat and toie, which was placed an exhibition ! the Pert etreet store of H. Liebe Co, following a private view fit th Th long aabl coat, that cost the owner $9Sfi00, has a full collar, which Another woman, native bor ing housekeeper, well spokea and ex tremely intelligent, proved a perfectly blank political earfaee. &h didn't have time for newspapers. 8he supposed she ought to know more the vote wa a good thing but she was too busy. Her husband, 1 elicited, was a Republican, ANOTHER WOOD SEEKS G. 0. P. NOMINATION Palmer and Philadelphia Man Only Two To Qualify In ' Pennsylvania . MEMPHIS SHOWS GOOD . PAPULATION GROWTH " " llWIsWsrAp'':te'inrttiM'eta tastica announced today by the census bureau included: , Memphis, Tenn., 162,351, increase 31.246 or S3.8 per cent over 11)10. , ' Johnson City, Tenn., 12,443, increase tJHO, or 44.3 per cent. Cleveland, Tenn, 67K3, inerease 973, t-r 17 J per eeat. Morristowa, Tenn., 5.811, increase 1,874, er 44.8 per cent. Manatee, Fla., Ift7, iaereas M, or I per ent. ; . Vallrjo, Cel., HA53, increase 6.513. er ess per cent. Bichmond, Cel., 16,843. increaae 10,041 er 1474 por cent. Broektoa, Mass, 66,138, inersaa 8,260, er in J per cent. Auburn, N. H 3632, Increaae 1,474 r 4.3 per cent. Marthalltowa, la., 12,731, increase I, C57. or 17.6 psr cent. Memphis waa flrst city of Tennessee, foerth city of the South end thirtv. eeventh city of th county in point of pepoiauoa ia jwu, was wj.ioj people nmcii was an increase or J!8,78o or S8.1 per cent over 1900. It shows a larger - increase in number thi year but a mailer percentage increase. Memphis sao a suoaiantuu growth of popu lauon anring each decade since 1830 xeept la the ten year ending with 1880 whea it showed a decrease of 16.5 per coat. NATIONAL TENNIS MATCH fr&fc BEGINS AT PINEHURST -iaaurt, April 8. Th outdoor tennis season waa officially opened to ay with the etartlag of th man's ,stug la th North and Sooth eham jMoaahlp , tournament at Plnehurst. Thirty, player lined up for the men' rnagwe ana seta the nrst and eeoond .uuen. nana were, disposed - of . -Wil " " . national double aad indoor ainglee champloa, Howard Vo. eell, metropolitan ehampioa and Harold Throckmorton. Mew Jersey fhamplon, .... ft um9ij contenders for th championship honor, won their matches easily enough today aad are not ex- rww io encounter muck difficulty in coming throng k tomorrow' round. Th 7. llB.m WJ,l rt tomorrow ?"7 '. wweh includes a num ber of the country' leading players. TAR HEEL HOUND DOG : WINS NATIONAL HONOR Plahur.t, AprQ 8. . B. Pugh Ashebore Won the American ion hound elaan U the dog show here today with bm dog, Bet. Other North Carolinians Whose Barnes anneamJ la 41. .i.. n. W W. Lindley of Asheboro, Leonard X'f?5f,Ii",h"'rt' HJfeoek of High Point aad P. H. Powell of Eden ton. . WILMINGTON CITY COUNCIL ?r HAS A STORMY SESSION - WllalHgtoh, April 8 Another stormy estaloa of OitT Council fc.M for the mrpoet of lnvMtitin .v.. z ' ' upsriBieaaent of streets, preferred by TmNlchoU, w ""y- ""eenarged lot la nbordlaatioB. nttna A. Qoldsteia, counsel for street wark.ra. r'TT X Jewa iron tnc nail by order of th Mayor after ha a.:.aa the adaoaitioa to keep quiet during r ,7,. . wuBease. it was . '""" nai a recent strike of th etreet worker wsi promoted by Charles " "v mm putsiqe ia nor leader. BIG COTTON GROWING VENTURE IS PLANNED eBBBMBnanBBBe s toadoa. April. tWA laree mfaM t. mtmaj auuou er pouBts, shortly 1 to be pot before the Lancashire eettoa interests, Bay a dispatch to the Londoa i:mea from Maacaerter. , It 1 being framed as a cooperative enterprise of the whole et th cotton trade, and not at a private undertaking It will, the newspaper adds, ta reality tea public trust in which every rgaat-r- om ia the iadastrw will have an ia trrot. The field for th new tract' : .ritie h net et been nettled, but i Lkeiihood that it will b ia l'.4 .. '.. "' :'" Harrisburg, Pa, AprU 8. Pennsyl lauia'i pctiod for filing nominating pe titions for printing of nsmes on tb bnllot for th state primary on May 18 closed at midnight. United State Ben ator Boies Penrose will be unopposed for Republican nomination. Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer, Democrat, and Edwird JudulpluWtUl'MUdel. phia, Republican,' are the only persons filing presidential preference nomina tions. ' Practically all of the candidate for Republican national delegate and alter nate are unpledged. Although four eandidatea, one of them Mrs. Mary Robert Rinehart, of Pittsburgh, author ess, have been put forward for delegate at large by the Wood League; in the Democratic party there are two acts o candidate for all state-wide honora, and for many of the delegates' seat in the districts. One group is beaded by the Attorney General, and the other by Judge Eugene C. Bvnniwdl of Philadelphia. There are two Democrat! candidates for th nonunsticn for United State Senator, Ixwren-.t H. Bupp, of Alleaton, backed by IV.mer, and John A. Farrcll, of Weat Chester. . AMERICAN DESTROYER MAKES SPEED RECORD Constantinople, April 8. Tb United State torpedo boat destroyer - Cole, ar rived here from Teodosia, in the Cri men, today in the fastest long distance run in the history of Black Hea navU gation. Th Cole started with only 24 hour supply of food aad water and rneed the nearly 600 mile to Constanti nople at an average speed of 40 mile an hour. The tune was 13 hours flat. Twelve Russian, refugee who lately escaped from Odessa were on board the Cole. They are now In the Ked trost hospital being treated for wound and typhus. FIVE CASES OF SLEEPING SICKNESS IN WILMINGTON a if aim vera anvthinc she'd .probably I can be wan n mm v. ki.t be a Republican, too, ror sae supposea o i or dropped low over th shoulders. knew about suth thing. The coat is full length, and so per juring our convcrMuuu I'uj Bre tae cable matched that li Irnninu table linen expertly, solving U nbMoat lnnoathU .... 4. .. ... rather difficult technical problema of pert, to have even the elightest con- loimng ana eraooiniB. n i wpuon i the n amber f fare com- was spotloss. Hhe is an able woman, bined in eiquisite fashion. The sleevec but politically she was unborn.. jar bcll-lik ia ehape, falling foil over ine most naiva. mm i i aanaa, wnue email tail form from a poor old scrubwoman who goes I f ring at th edge. from hotel bathroom to notei nam room i ine llninr naml I. r nil day lonr witn pan ana kwuiu, lunporw irom Trance and embroidered brush, bbc je ia- in uoi wwr- wiu suver and gold. An interior fa, hood of the mop aad pail arc always old lag edged with email bands ef aabl add a pathetic, gray-haired army of the Ite the laxnry ef thic far nrmetit. .m-i. decent, self respecting poor. represents a fortune in apDcaranc aa r I - T I. . aK. W.-A I II ... ' - . x aaaeu .in-ir '"-" a IB material. Beldam k. , acitlien. eoat beea designed in thi. country of Bhe-wae aad she knew it. Her hus- ,ueh VMeioUt u' the Dana naa oern nBiursiiAru mu m i uhib. - h"un- an ...e t M. L .. eorrespondingly inea miy uiuu. j .v.. - i "tinui aaoi stins la of full length tioned. . . . I th skins beinaT exauiaitalv n.t-k "I thought I wa too old, sh told Mr. Dnbigh, for whom th eoat waa me simply. "It's a nice thing for young m,d,, tt , beautiful yoang woman, just r-T- t. . r " wrrj wuo f re ia poise When I explained that there waa no .neb a garment She wore undernath voting Oslerisation, she nodded mildly, the cable coat a white chiffon i dress "Borne of the gurrlc wanted me to go," embroidered la diver and black bads sne eomes-mi, u. - m... ... - n.r Bnir wa dreeaed with becoming night I can't atir out-and that a the ,tvl., f , t ftm -u, t . irumi Miiuapuiuwi - i"j I wv irvquenuy teen thmui rent." ... "With eharacteristia eraelAtianMB r. inai was ic. one waa tun uj uenDiarn aerMwi ..kit.1.1 - .. v , . . ,. tv. . i ner '"P".'1""" Z T w . . ,i .Ja I Z lur twrmenu in th n. Ldebcs sauinea ncr. c , - - .now window. Hnndrd of oau a ncn uict-ip u womon nocaed in front of the .tn typienl. The h.tcnen u. g.M 0, ,h, wrt- whifh -'X iJ ".J011 ,bo, ""d th best of weria aeclgner la it. making. According t Uebe representative, th highest priced act ef Bussi.n sables known in 1M. - .... ine prmii uj i w-...-, iuiKa un were valued at 30,000. HATS KECKIVE SCANT nini'CRT These ease ar vote goe begging in New York city, CANADA. TOOHAS t'NRKST. Baltimore Sun. Btate's and Canada, dating from th end of ah war, are difficult only in degree and not in kind, according to B. A. Bhaw, of Toronto, who is making a brief stay in this city. The sam struggle with the cost of living that ha worried many a housewife couth of the et. Low, Wilmington. April 8. Five eases of sleeping sickness of a mild form have been reported ia thi city, although Dr. Ohas. . Lowe, county health officer, declares ther ia no danger of at epi demic. Th eases reported have bad the diaeaa for several days, one being in a hospital. American Beatea. London, April 8. Bombardier Wells, the Kngliah heavyweight, - tonight knocked oat Eddie MeGoorty, ot Osh- Kosh, Wisconsin, ia th sixteenth round of a HO-round bout at th Holborn Stadium. W0MIN AND THI VOTE. -A.' l.t i.i..fc.Nt. tli blE. " 3. Cruwnrd Citi- KHchea Ballet Gees Begglag la New Terk City. Adelaide Budman, ia Collier "Weekly. An amaaing number of alien women who have lived aad pron pared in, thi country for 20 or 30 year bar never cared to become naturalised. Of ih'ai IS female domestic I personally inter viewed, fear were native Americans, one was naturalised through her huabaad'a eitlneashlp aad seven were aliens. Of thee 12, not en had voted I It so happened that the houseworkers to whom I pok war all rather ww- rior women, with tome mental equip ment, and well, their answor .peak for themselves 1 Two ef them, to whom I indlsaieetlw divulged the fact that what they wer aayiag might be for publication, imme diate) disclaimed any idea whatsoever.' Asked to tkiak about a givea aubjeet, they a oaoe automatically toppd thinking. - They accept fbvcrnmental wrong n fatalictically ae if the word "a free people" aad "redree by ballot bad aever appeared la the public press. Nawina pc re there's s noint. Thaaa women hardly ever read. Too busy and wo urea, iney ieu yea. Abbs, a hearty intelligent cook, re tiring the Modern Blutoomtla wane. consented to diarua politic, wltk eoa- aesoenaing dignity . Hhe 11 Iriah born. Urr ye a eitiaeat" I asked er. .-beBigBjy;,- - Don't yea waat to bcl Wky should I bothart Tt Elli Island when I'm enmla She had revisited IraUad three time. ; I skd kr if ah wanted to live. were again. . . . .ea, ladeed'-with a proud toe of the heeev Ml aalr-. a... v..... V ' better positioa.' Over there I d be toe proud to de housework. I at goiag back to atay a soon a I get T RECIIVE SCANT Weesea De Net Give Then Scflkient n ''. Saye (ipert. Daily Garment News: -At a recent meeting of New York rencc ha caused no las uneasiness I "Minora there was a brisk interchange among .JioMtwive.oa..ef-.-the-f the table where the der. r i. fathered for luncheon. The soaring cost of building material 7p1",.Myr e-preident of the Bo handicapplng building operation and J iA-Milinry AseoeUtlon, held th at- potponing th tolution of bousing m a larg .group by M original problems, is a much if not more of a P'm. Mr. Mayer emphasised the problem in th Canadian province as I , " womea in general paid in thic country. ";'" o w toeir net. Not ven the much-. diecuss.dU.probr . . " " . 7"v can oe introduced l.m nf hnnna o, nn bABila -firr fr.,n.. "B Women are bewildered cervlee men is peculiar to the lower por- "J. "J" tbU for her type, tion of the North American continent "J? 1,01 Bn ? dlfdeulty Agitations on thi lssu. havs beea quite B""7T " Ior as frequent, intense and In many re- .ht f".w l epect. Ich modest ia Canada tana PnlT for ne, , 9" leev for th arms, aad a long All of the., thing. Mr. Shaw rereaj- "of ' ' P . T?. purpose, a ed yesterday in discussing tb economic '"-tion. r be problem. confronUnn our BrltUh n.l.h- L"t,odBe, bntl t9m ta bora. He discussed them a an optimist- . ' u. ... . . ic as well sc micrht for he brine the L ,r PO'l?M hU ehcering-new. that Canada ha. experi-1 WZS..r.r.V. need the crisis of th high cost of i ... -TV v.. '7.. . , 7 rieec of nee- tk.M m. i.. ..a wi- " - " Mw Mirvn, VI. ones aad small, com eat on the front ance. Th came costume worn each time with another bat look altogether different -Wear a fluffy bat with triebtino dree aad the Are, begin t oggeet Business; wear a stiff, severely tailored Bailor aad th dree will look etriet tit.' ENGLAND PLANS HOMES. Estimate That Abnormal Condition ef Living Will Last Over A Sevea-Year Period. , New Tork Soecial to Baltimore Sub, Sevea year is the official eetimnt ef tb length ef time that will elapee be fore Borssal conditio, ef living are re stored la Great Britain, according to advices received by the Banker' Trust Company from it London correspond' ent That th British aTOverament has confidence ia the aeearaey of this eu mate is indicated by the plaac it has adopted for financing the great national bousiag eampaiga, now well trader way, Almost lJOWfiOO heme for working people are needed in the united King, dout. Housing congestion during the wsr aad etnee has constituted one of EsglandV serious internal problems. To insure adequate buudiag ef working men' homes th government has sub sidised the bonding industry. This sub. sidy is variously applied to private building, building by societies, and com. muaity building. The seven years' es timate figures in the comma nity housing subsidy. British local authorities ar. by th new houslnr aet. made direct I v respon sible for the housing of workers in thir respective communities. They are re quired te estimate th ansaber of bouses needed ia their districts and to provide them for renting so far as they will not be provided b other ageacie. Local eommuaitiee will bear th cost up to n liability not exceeding the return from a' tax levy at the rate of 4 pence rn ine pound. The excess cost if any. deficit incurred through low rental plan, and depreciated valuation, will be met by a government grant. Because construction cost ar consid ered to be higher now than ther wil! be in future, local authorities are au 1 thorixed to place the valuations of their new house at only two-third of their cost. They are also permitted to rent them at Jes than th "eeoaomie." or carrying, rentals so as to bring them within th. mesne of wage-earner. A t tk mii .fan .nn jrK. tt t. believed, general condition will have reached: a normal adjustment, the rent are to be raised to the equivalent of aa "economic' return on the two-thirds valuation. Te facilitate the flaaneinc aw- ef boosing programs localJ authorities are authorized to issue S 1-2 ter .evnt, bonds for 5, 10 and SO year. scwfftdLtury B. a tb local rates and revenne andMt-l. sued ta dssomisatmis ef S, 10, go; 25i' and two and la multiple of tlOO. Private construe tion i to be eacour aged by a boaaa system through a Gov, ernment grant of ' approximately 875,, 000100, with bonuses averaging a boot 150 per house offered te builder who complete workmen's aoases within the next year. One of the conditions ia that no mora than, 20 houses are to be erect ed te the acre. The proposal te public utility societies erecting werkmea e homes is a loan of 73 per cent, of tke necessary capital by th government aad the government to contribute about BO per cent of the 1" tercet eharge en the total amoant i vested. Supervisioa of the campaign is vested In the Ministry ef Health, and Viscount A.ior, Beereiary er ins Ministry, re cently declared the movement to be mere than a mere housing project. He characterised it as the "rebuilding of EBgiano." Mem oral of city slums aad general improvement in condition ef living are eontemnlated " Tke Ministry ef Health is niming at the erection ef 800100 house within three years, if possible: 100100 to be completed within 18 months. Reports np to the first of the year indicate that site for MOfiOO houses bsd been pur chased la England and Wales, plana for g-oup eonstrnetion of 108.000 house hsd been spproved snd 10,408 were under construction. There nre about 1 J00 local governing bodice ia the United Kingdom, nnd the Ministry reports that the majority of them have submitted bousing scheme for approval. A Natural Qaeatieu, Kansas City Star. Sir, severely said Alderman Crook, I eould no tvote for the, tinea su re with out being entirely inconsistent" "Ah, yes! returned J. Fuller Gloom. And what i your nsual price, Alder man, lor being entirely inconsistent! Knowing How. Butcher Tbia meat i. Ju.t n little over two pound, mndairi. Mrs. Wiseye Well, take one pound of fist off th scsl and I'll see how big it ia. To Heal A Ceagh Take HATES HEALING HONET. 35e. (Adv.) Mastiff a were' introduced by theFhoe aieiaaa into England in the sixth ecu- EXCESSIVE ACIDITY is at the bottom of most digestive ills. UH10I1 for indigestion afford pleat ing and prompt relief from the distress of fuucUyipepsia. " MADg BT SCOTT BOWNE MAKERS OP 8COTT8 EMULSION r-in fird's Raleigh's Busiest "Department Store Sells It For Less living and now find th price essities gradually seeking a lower lr eU I of tke bead and sea retted on the "Pries, had soarsd to a point beyond! ""w" i" .11 resaonr he said, "W now ar. o. th. .W doVo.' for th. most decline. Too can get a suit : clothe. rt kow whUh bat. to, though 4 r?f J Lh .Uln .'w'"1? ? ,B" 'how mor. taste ia th. rest of of th bert trade f Engliah twcd for clothe. A number of wom.n bar 85 .imUarsuU.ln tW. country model, try ea th bate, and forgt that w, iuwdhuu M.v fiwi m U I till la hMn(nl, ... A.. . I. .n .1. . . , . , . . . . i w. . mvw . w . m v v Boauuu iwtru ran do purcnaaeo i nn hMnml. . ..,k.. .Jr . . . . . . "When a woman purchases a dree . 2hFJ'U,t obtwl ' 'lnf b can tell whether the klrt irtoo ia tb high cost of building material, short ar tk utll ta ;.kt n,i Jo'nti aormal times, absorb .orn I hav aeea theee asms womea walk into new nouses a year. During the the millinarv danartmaiit mnA t.n. war period, this dwindled down to a hat th head-sis of which i altogether mere 230, with th result that we had too small for heads. As a remit an accumulated shortage whea peace the brim is pulled awry, aad the crewa came. The result of the shortage ha. ia filled ia th. wrong place. Part ef neon a iremendnua in fir. .. i. ... t h . ki.m. ,- k. . House which formerly rented for 828 or I but usually' th customer com la with 825 a month are now renting at 850 la demaad for a definite kind ef hnt and aw a month." and nothing .Is will satisfy bar. Worn- t was natural for Mr.. Shaw to la. I en do not seem to realise how imnortant troduce the bonus question and th voca-l a part of dree th hat is and bow much tional welfare of ex-.ervic. men a. h.l't add-to or detracts from their ep- ItfllJ . a . lt.ii,...., I . .l. . I .... ... I ..... w Pramum, II .11 t 1 VW.Mlb.i . Expeditionary Force during the war. - I - Jules C Kuraman, after, listening to V'. . . J . ii . I f . . i fe-m. ... ' vauu, ii b swia, gave eaea tlis-1 as-a: ins -net nss in charged soldisd six months pay ia I power of changing the .ntir. appear- uuuiui loauiiiineais, wnicn bad th. ef fect of giving the men six months In which to look for employment without fearjhey would etarve in the mean while in addition to this allowanee," h said, "ther ar pensions for th. dis abled aad vocational schools for th. partially disabled. -At present, say Mr. Shaw HOW TO RAISE BABYCHICKS Put Avicol ia the dxiokinc water. .uKii wirrj soioier who want to work or 'can work i. employed. Those who hav beea crippled have beea taught or u-jiu. icusni aoma rnniim will yild them a livelihood. ."There is agiutionoa foot among 1AM . . . V. II, ' ' . . " wiuiers io get irons th government a graduated seal, of gratui ties ia additioa to thos already gives. They ar. asking that men who served over, ia rrsnce be givea S8,000 those who got oversea but no further than England, 8100; those who .pent the full term of i. Canada, 1.000. "I do Bot belleva fW.-. U w-.v chanc. of such gratuitie belne mi.A Th.,7 h'r trowa wadrfullr." ""pusiuoB or wu debt ea rv- ery householder in th. Domialoa. That J"J Maaon.ble aad heavy a bur- Meet people lose half ef every hatch, aad seem to expect It, Chios; cholera er white dlarrhoe Is the trouble. The U. & Oevernrmnt atataa that ever halt the chicks batched die from this caue. An. A vieei isom, placed la the drinking water, wUl pemuvely save your little chicks from all such diseases. Inside of 41 hours the sick otvm will h as (tveir ae Crickets, Avicol keepe them healtbr and makes thera grewajid develop. Jarte, O. wrltae. I hmm 19 ebleka and tW.aU died en It, Then I eomnsenoett oa Avicol snd haven't tost any alae. money enouca.' , TUn lt is. Aa honest, bsrf-worklng dependable type ef woman, but abse luUly antonehed by ear national Ideal I ch 1 daisied br our aia k. bright lithu, anj above all. by our inuri took nn rtxur D-lMmw Speat Meath ea I118.8N Set -.:.,,--;. :-. for teaet .WaBtBB...., .. Baa rraneiseo Two fur f genaeaU alud at 8120,000, glvs. y $"0, Wfh, Bussian importer aad packer, to . eahlbitior at the fur .? .U,bM .CVl Baa Fraa. 1 no lur oaurted of a BuMiaa abl .oat eom posed ot eighty pelU valued at 89S.0O0 and M. ."-bV pviis vaiued at 820,000. i The fur arsrmsnts ava !J t. k. iv.l tw. finest of Usir kind ia th world, ?"2?Vf 1w. '0,P l tho. faah- v-w iar royalty, joaa Bubea. for- rC' fed the garmeata. bigh, hunt; ef valuable fur Bala, aad hwaer ef a, larg. packing houN ia Bussia, has bee eoUeetlng th. skint er a period of flv years. Hi trap. umiM w lBtrotd to bold w. his anees perreet aabl. pelt, which cams W tt.lrWtl TW' tTist iui Uat sabi. trapping i. carried aa ta th winter months aad tt considered aa. of th. most basardou. and difficult kind of aalntal huatlsg, buadred at (able wr captured before the eollectloa ef eighty pelt, ef euitabl. weight, plUbll. lty, texture and firms 'of .v.rkair could be deemed eomplst. ' JYhea Dfnbisk wa aUs2d witb. lit wromntlr euree white diarrhoea, chick cholera and all bowel dieses et noultrr. tell ae and your sooner will be refunded by return snail Avicol hi sold by moot drurgteto and poultry remedy dealers, you cos eead lie er 10c today for a pack age by S!T ET,,5I,a sjurren-worger V. winon auf. wiiaaepoiiaj sno. JT BM xndlaaanotia, sac stops chicks dy SB k 'JU dying NOTICE TO CONTBACTOE8. Scaled bid. for th. const ruction ef approximately JJS mile, of Baad-Clay or Gravel-Clay road, ia Halifav County (road from Scotland Keek via Bos en eat k to Edgecombe County line) will b. re ceived by th. Highway Commission of Halifax County at th ofde. of the Sup. erintendent of Highways at Weldoa, N. C, until 11 o'clock on the Mth A.r 01 Apru iirru, wnea Mey will be open ed nnd read. Mo bid Will be received after the im fixed. The work will Consist annmsimatnl ss 101 tows 1 tlflQO Cu. yd, earth exeavatioa 8JI00 cu. yd. Haad-Clnv or Oraval iiay cunscing , - 12J Aars Clearing. 1.0 Acre Grubbing. 2,000 Lin. ft Belief trenching. 75.0 Cu. Ida. PIaIb .n.i. C. head wall. ft. Metal culvert J in. sou iau. ft. UcUl culvert lin 400 Lin. ft. Metal culvert IS ia, 140 Ida. ft. Metal culvert. 14 ia. 110 Lia. ft. MsUl eulvsrta tfi in. The metal pine to be furnUhad h ik. . . . 1 . . . . omm SHU to VOmrUCtOr 1 t Old on hauling and placing. l .steam bridge, concrete floors. No bid will be considered unless as. tompaaied by a properly- certified .heck for five hundred (1500X0) dollars msde payabl. to S. P. Johnson, Obslrmaa pro ten. , ' A corporate surety bond, or other aatitfaetory security will be required for me complete luiruiment ot th. eon tract. . Plans, pacifications form, of contract proposal blsnk. etc- can b obtained from, the office of the 8uDrlntndent ox juigiiway. weldon, N. C on th. pay- meat of fiv dollar to defray cost, wnicn ram win o returned to all par tin submitting bid. ea th. work, ar on return of plan, within flv. day. after ta. uaie aoveraied ror letting, to th. nuperintendent or Highway. By order ef th. Highway Commission of Halifax County. C, T. Oor. Superin- Undent of Highways. This th day of apru iau. , no, NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAItROAD fASSEJfCM TRAIN SCHEDULES CORRECTED TO MARCH IS. Ills. Infavmawea air aad not Dally wakes etherwls shown. Exeest Bandar. Lean Halelek (tlaim Sbllal 'M t. bL Per Wllaee. Oreeavill. kUnoea IMew Berai Washiasw. tea, EUaasetk Citr. Merfelk - aweti. at Korfolk wHh alTer. mc Beet as neU Linea rev eeteki Mertk aad Beet, mc ear is Merfi Threaah Sleee- Sorremu A. M-Ter WUeea. OreeavOl, Waae, meVee, aVeantoa, Kllaabeth Citr. Norfolk Perlor ear Waekkistos ea MnMAIB. M T. kt WUeee, areeavllkv Waehnrtoa. SUltukiMe. tatd A. kt Star (Beaavev, Ashsbere), Mi wnea. nuiasaa. iAenowe. tW A. kt Willow 0a srlaas, ' eweiiiie 1M T. hL Y.Hiie, rarsMeville aad later- sriikja. Varies, Pn. w, uillMeM, ray tor detail tafoneitte epely er wrhn tB JtOBEnTS, a T. A, Williams, a. A SINOLSTON, P.T. A, attiwr i ' m Csmminlal NeteMel Bank Slag. . . EsMss, M. a . I take when headeuiy, sick BiUousr' There's no reason why a person should take sickening, salivating calomel when a few cents buys Dodson's Liver Tone a perfect substitute for Calomel. Dodsoa's Liver Tons" is a pleasant, vegetable liquid which will start your liver Just aa rarely as calomel, but It doesn't auk. you sick aad eaa not alivata. CfclMra aad grown folks eaa taks Dodsom's Livr Tone, beoaus it is perfectly barm lass. CJota.l U a dengsrow drug. It is naercury aad attacks your bone. Tak. a do, of aasty oalomsl today If- 1 and you will feal weak, lick tad asu seated tomorrow. Don lose a day's work. Tak a spoonful of Dodsoa's Liver Ton instead and you will waks up feeling great. No more bilious nasi, constipation, alnriahneea, bead ache, coated tongue or tour etomack. Tour druggist says if you doat Sal Dodsoa's Liver Ton sets better than horrible calomel your money la wait, tag for you. A SCHOOL TO TRAIN TYPESETTERS "Lean tke Type-settlag Macblae, aad It Will Give Tea Big Earning rower While Tea Are Mastering the Profession." Tb. South.rn Newspaper Publishers' Association has established acbool for teaching typesetting oa the linotype aad intcrtyp machinea. Ap prentieee in th. printing trad aad ambition young men or womea ahould writ for literature. Th. trad, that helped devoiep Benjamin Franklin Into ft marUr mind i wortbw of careful cnnaldsretine. for advle. appl to th. .ditor of tb Nw. and Obrvr, and la th. wviuiuios eouu lor uierararo, aaareasing. Georgia-Alabama Business College (Aoer.dit.d EUCXNI ANDIRSON, Pnaldeat- MACOXr CIOSCU YOUR SCHOOL SUPPLIES YOUR OFFICE SUPPLIES Your home stationery supplies snd books of all kind? can be hsd promptly from Williams & Co. Here Since 1867 - - " I Ma Kelvin m or 1! rncl - . f xsj; 'I " ..w si a uiuu. jua? m a uiu. v nu aix uuxv..x, : i i i ; I ll X x ) irW lJUrat tWotrWy rU Wir to RrHrtu WDuh R 1 1 j mmWml4Um-t4nteVXATO& U