MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1S20. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER SURVEY DISC LOSES fiiAIIY OPEN FIELDS II Red Cross Completes Prelimi nary Work of Co-ordN, : nating Activities, " m in in : i COMMITTEE WILL FORM COUNTY WELFARE COUNCIL Uui Meeting of Worker Held - In Christ Church Yesterday Afternoon; Report Endorses - School Bond Issue ; Would Put Street Cleaning Under Health Department. ';-;'',: A wido field of activity and a rait amouat of work to bo done tojrardjnas log Baleigh and Wako county a Utter place to live in la disclosed la the eoa etotioas of the report of the elvio sur vey befna a month ago tinder tho srns plwk of the local Bed Croea and tub Bitted to aa open meeting of eitiseaa yesterday sfternoon at Chriat ehureh. - After hearing the report, and a brief discussion of It, motion waa offered em powering tho ehainnaa of the meeting to form committee to draw np a eon nutation for the Wake County Welfare Council that will embrace every organ (ration engaged in welfare work, co-ordinate their aetiritiea and bring a aya " tematie effort to the aehiefeuent of the ilt-tired ends of thoao interested la it. UhiUm n Ilia MnatitM Iff aa follower Mr. B. D. W. Connor, chair man, representing tho Kiwaaie elub; Mr. B. N. Childress, county welfare of ficer: Dr. W. A. Wither, tho Y. M. C. A., Maurieo B. Beaman, the Chamber of Commerce t Mr. E. T. Crow, tho Ro tary Club; Mra. Brown Shepherd, the TraveW Aid Mra. W. A. Hicks, the Women's Club, and Miss Daisy Ensign, of the Associated Charities. - - The survey waa began in March under the direction of Mr. Vktor 8., Wood ward, representing the Southeastern Di- " tiron of the Bed Croea. The work waa placed la the hands of ten volunteer committees, with a membership of fire each. Every phase of community acti vity has beea iavestigated thoroughly; ' the activities that are being takea to better conditions, and recommendations aa to whnt 'ought to be done. Waat Movies Cchsored. Tho report carries the recommenda tion that a eeaaor be appointed pass on every moving picture that is exhib ited ia Raleigh: that the department of . street cleaning and registratioa of vital statistics bo plaerd under the auper viaioa of the department of health; ap proval ia given the proposal to issue 1,500,000 bondsjo erect school build ings in Balrlgk. Present condition of streets and tho lack of adequate water protection to some sections of tho city are scored. ; Mayor T. B. EJdridga waa'in the audi nee, and rose at the invitation - for discussion, declaring that ha recognised tho indictment of the city tdainistra ion but waa not disposed to deny any part of it- Be hopes to get the people of tho eity together at a meeting, ho went on, aad talk to them about 'the needa for schools, tho need for better aanitury conditions aad other matters contained ia the report. . The mei-tloa of the censorship for pictures was the only other item of the report that drew fire. Rev. Milton A. Barber .rector of the ehureh in which the meeting was held, declared that the pictures shown in Baleigh are aa insult ta a decent community aad ought to be stopped. . He. declared that the childrea of the community cannot bo kept from going to the worst of these pictures. Several ladies present had denonneed recent picture shown -at local picture houses, particular dislike being voiced to "Why Change Tour Wife," early last week. Or. Barber attacked this picture aleo, - asserting' that no community should tolerate such picture to come and vitiate the minds of the youth of the city. ' Oae apeaker declared that she wont ia to see the pletnro and waa ashamed to stay and ashamed to be aeea earning out in broad daylight. Announcement was then made that the Womans clubs of North Carolina had determined to vreaeat to the next General Assembly a measure providing for a Bute board of censorship for moving pictures that wouW pass upon every film shown ia the State. .- The full report of tho committee making the survey will not be released for several days until tho committee formed to work out plana for the Conn ty League have had time to review it and work it into a 'formal report. . EXHIBITION GAMES Commons, 0 ArJrfl 11 r ' -'"' r "Z' "B.TLZ. Philadelphia Nationals........ S 4 1 Columbus American-. Ass'a.., J I Caldwell, BetU aad Wheat; George and Wagner. New Tor ;, April 111 . " "" .. .... ,., ; . ... ,. . Jfc H. E. Boston Americana .......... ,"""4 8 1 New York Nationals 0 TO Russell Boyt. Walters and Devlnet Douglas, Toaey and Smith, McCarthy. At Indianapolist B.H. B. Detroit Americans 8 10 0 Indianapolis, Asa's ......... 1 4 2 Leonard, Ehmke, Alten aad Alnsmith; Caret, Murray and Henllne. At Louisville: ., . B. B. E. Cleveland Americana S 9 4 Louisville, Ass'n 1 Caldwell aad Nunamaker; DcCatur, Tstum and Meyer. Brooklyn, N. V. ' V ' B. HJB. New York Americans 11 13 S Brooklyn Nationals 0 3 2 Quinn, Shswkey aad Ruel; Smith, Mamaux, Mohart and Krueger, Tay lor. : - , . ' ,( Memphis, Tens. - B.HJE. PitUburg Nationals .......... S 10 1 Memphis South, ra Assn ....... 1 10 0 - Cooper, Jlamilton and Eaeffaer; Can avan, Albria and Meyers, - ' - I AtCincinnati . ; ' B.H.E. Washington Americans -..nn. 111 1 Cincinnati Nationals 8 I S (10 Innings) . Johnson, Shaw and Oharrity; Pieinich, Bing, Salle and Wingo, ' at Et Louis 1 ; St. Louis Nationals. St. Louie Americana .'. .9 S O -. Esinea, Goodwin and Dilhoeferi Bur well,' Schoeker and Bevereid. . ' Germany in thirty years control of the Cameroon built less than 200 miles of railway ia that rich region.-' . iiinni fin mill nuin - HiUHwn ? mill niJi-r4 iiiuiiiin i uuiluihu State Commission's Agreements ana Contracts Total Sev- : . eral Million . .. . :;;,, March was the biggest month in the history of the State Highway Commis sion, according to gurca gives out -by Commissioner Pag yesterday. Ia the past month surveys were completed for 160 miles of new reads, project stste menta approved by the Federal govern ment totaled 88.53 miles it highway, agreements signed for 67 miles and con tracts 1st for 39 miles of roads. ' Now projects were surveyed in eleven counties. Tho total appropriation ap proved by the Federal government was 11407,103. Agreements were signea wita tho Federal Department of Agriculture toUling SUO4316.04. Contracts let wero for 39 mile road la aevea counties, approximating t643,12L' Actual construction waa begun on six new pro ject. A number of roads were given their final Inspection, aeeeptad and paid for. -. vv '" ..' his beea soliciting funds for the Sul- ratioa Ara.v, who is an impostor, for at present ha has no on out. . ' few weeks ssfO he was soliciting for his annual Self Denial effort, snd each 4uttio;n4..aaidor.jQldir,rjriAJii ran' to solicit for this special effort. This drive closed April 1,' and no ono has solicited since. J .Capt. Patterson would appreciate it if an rone knowing of any person sol it ing for tho Salvation Army would let him know at Phone 115.'), as thero s ill bs no further soliciting by. the organ laatioa until tho Borne Service Fund eainpaigtt in May. .-j '- - NAME RECREATION HALL IN MEMORY OF TAR HEEL Lakeliurst Proving" Grounds, Lake-hjVXJU-April4DA.snerai issued by tha War Departmea' ha ben received her authorizing building 'No. Kt, which is being erected as a ptnee of recreation; for the soldiers at this post, to be named "Manning, Hall" in memory of the late Sergeant Glaude J. Manairg who died her with pneumonia on the 6th day of February. SeitrU Manning, lived at Bonnoke Rapid a, North. Carolina, before enlist ing in the army, seven years ago, bar. ing served four ears on the Hawaii islands, three year on the Border of Mexico, being transferred last Novem ber to Lahehurst Proving Grounds, as gas ImtfvwHMMa 4h Chemical Wr fare Servics. : Ilia records show him to hav beea aa excellent soldier of rare Judgment aad he was several times rec ommended for' a commission, but was unable to pass the physical examination on account of a very serious wound received while playing ball. ? Ho was aa enthusiast! baseball play er and, it ia said, that he was respon sible for the. team of his company, of which he wa manager, winning tho championship of Hiiwali Islands In 1916. Sergeant Manning was highly stoem ed by all who knew him and th sympa thy of. the officer and mea of this post ' is"xt4S3e'l1iismolhof 'ia! plslef,'' Mrs. Margaret Manning aad Mia Eleaa- . or of Bichmond, Virginia, who bereave hi death. A resolutm to give veteran of the World War all prefereneet. and privil eges under tha s'vil service law ia New York Stat waa approved by tho Assesv bly at Albany, v- . , ' ; ' .B.H.E. v .,... 3; C 2 N. C COLLEGE ALUMNAE HOLD ENJOYABLE DINNER Aa onjoyabla get-to-getber dinner was held by the members of the Wak county alumna of the North Carolina College for Women at th George Wash' ingtoa Tea Booms last night from 7:00 to 10:00. ' Th meeting waa addressed by Misa Blllinger. traveling aeftetarr of the Institution, and Misa Elsie Biddiek and Mrs. A. J. Barwick. Tables wero dec orated in yellow daisies. - Th following alumna were in atten dant! Mesdame J, C. Wooten, Alex McDonald, Henry Craven, A. J. Bar wick, N. C. New bold, M. C. Faueette, E. L. Cloyd, and Misses Nan Long, Frances Lacy, Fort, Bollinger, Andrews, Est Graham, Boss) Coffla Biddiek, Aanlo fenner, and vana. - IMPOSTOR SOLICITING SALVATION ARMY FUNDS Capt Psttersoa vt th local post of the Salvation Army, state that some ptople hav notified him that a girl Children who Eat Grape'Nuts with food, rich milk one ortwkadayarwUrgbr Ibrtifled oint th) Ul thatrntryocrmt to Aildish boo end tiatuo thiDufh InjufQdent or improper food. , CpNiit ia rich in th onjink: talis cf tmt and , ..inaltwd tar!jc and it help " MldmuibodiMxaiAr nd atrooi w- T 77iena a J3ainw . OxtiiBQogar c awiiMiiuHiiHiuiuiuiiiuiiuuimiiiuiuiuMiiuiwuiiiiuiuiitiaiuuiiiuiHiiuiumi II ra llllliUiluwhliuiwiwiuUilUuiuuuiuiiUitiuUliiiMUuiuiUitiii Mckaadia (T ' , I Z ; 1 J '. . ' . II : . ' aMia asappmo emrot J : If , Staadard U , I II . 1 1 1 1 j 1 1 1 ! i f i r i t 1 1 r I i r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ) i.mR ilUHuiiiilMllhUiuJiu I Mall Order . Becclve . r3 Prwapt rl AtUatlon y 1 il ii ii Evening Wear I 3 . i ' I 3 4P 1 JW New Evening Dresses Of Late Arrival e Ii 3 ' 3 II E-1 I I C 3 II r'l 3 , I i ii Beautiful, filmyparticularly appropriate white aa a anowflake--fragile as .a flower exquisite with billows of fluffs and ruffs and lace and thintrs tempting as song itself." When yon have visited their department you will ' I be glad in the superlativethe department of v i i dresses where is devoted, its concentrated thought ' 1 1 and effort in style, with character and personality ? i I for women and this has resulted in many fitting i 1 1 ideas expressed . in the I language of. Beautiful J 1 1 Dresses coteries of dresses.' . - - - - . 1 1 GEORGETTE, 1 TAFFETA. SATIN. CHEFFON. TULLE trimmed with narrow floating gibbons and garlands of flowers . $39.50 -$95.00 i - f I - Z. 3 I I : '"re- 3 And the Wraps So Necessary to the Smart Evening . a a i I z S 3 -E i I A splendidly creditable collection of exquisite Wraps generously contribute to the completeness of this display of fine and fashionable Evening Apparel unprecedented variety unsurpassed 1 ful departures; ---' -"fr-y-;-- z : t : ; IDEAL 11 ffllw.v? Kit xmlmuwmi I " ' air i r v . iintf:-n..f mini vh m - ; New IDEAL-Arcola Radiator-Boiler Throw out the old, dirty, wasteful method of heating; and install the modern, clean and efficient hot water radiator, heating with an IDEAL-Areola Outfit This wonderful new invention gives the small home, flat, store or office the complete comfort of a aty mansion, - Its savings soon repay first cost! All the rpoms are heated from the one fire, as the IDEAL-Areola Is comfort and economy? Can you invest money any better? The IDEAIArcola Outfit offers you the utmost bargain. Protects the family beaitli. Will outwear the building itself." Can be increased in size if building ia altered. An invert ment, not an expense! ( ' . ' ' ' Shipped complete for imraediate Installation TSa beauty of the IDEAL-Areola method is that so cellar ia needed. Everything is on oos Boor. The Areola is placed in any room jthat has a chimney connectioa. No running to cellar. 8am srater ia ud over and cr (aia for year. ;; ." ' t Cleanly heating healthful heaungT-iree from fire risks! Unlike stoves, there ars no eoal-ga leaks into the b'ving-roocna. ' Th IDEAJUArcola deliver th aoft, radiant wnrmth of hot water not tho dry bunt-out atmosphere of stove beating. Then ia no fire riak to building no danger to children fire lasts (or hours! v water-jacketed and circulates hot water to pipe-connected AMERI- , ,1 Y, .1J I VAj! J pAlT Radiators ia other toimtf Thnb&ii. nel wesM -Dry yw lrnowof ' I Y- "'any feature or furni&hing of equipment of a home which doea so much for your : , S X 1 I j, ur . Assassff'aMHa ?rfT,vrtsal CflaWaaW Mvafhaatinaa anda Rhtcr-Solar tbM Aata,KICAN torcatalo (tras. aswirtac trlDIAa wautaof- Catalog showing apaa view of boas, btdividaa flats, stores,' office, etc, with the IDEAL-Arcola Bcslar ia pcMition will bo aneilad (Fra) Toaettt your boating questiosi for Isfo writ today. Cm rta. i Bjpe iiiMs-ai wjja iw i . K . - - IS m i 5 m F-r. Ill US SO " - . . IS " sa - , . .- - - 154 ana " " : sto Hf.-A giaePEAt Awale with 13 se,H.ef tfyOtm t)W ..... fl-A " Z - . oo 2 11 , Z Z Z Z ' Z -Z ' 1 ' ' M ? 4-A " " . - i : " :J. Z 7 g.A - ; ' 409 --.. . aar IMrss InrtMds In J Tnh mi Drafcs Valvs. Frtr a. at forfeit tabor alao aaa fcttinas. ttadutiaa Is of racular -. hAt t-colum AMERICAN PmtWm. baM m mdtd to ault your new BASY PAYMKNTS. srtfwtrtd. Oatkia WttaTsttsVINIC 1111 tit DOsKSJB, fJ"avbdeaTaCaa iWACCCSJaaT York PhUxMohtaL Hmiaban. Balrimara. Ptnabarah. Ctnciirl BtrmlBMhom. Datmie. Oucaco, Miraraukw. Indlaaapnln. atisuMapoUa. St. Paul. Dm Moino, or St. Lavit. ' htppad ut'w .. ear -SpnosAtM (Mms.). Albany. rtam Wnhiaaton, Ktraoaood, Bulfala I feU by aQ deal Kb tsduaiv ageata. Phone or writs n at " 930 N. Charles 8tret Baldmor, Md. iMERICMEaDIflTOR COMPANY H Caltats. H Tort. Boiwe. Ievlckacs. Wiissatas. PsHsililsaia Harrirbmrs. Wwrarfc. Rsaalsssj. Wllsiit-rrs. eMtisaare, WaaMateB, tnOalxmA, HsribS, itmMiMa. Buffalo. PKuta. Cli I ilii ltasttOraa t'sairii. Is rlln inas, Paorta. Cierissnrt. LmumMt, ''. SjtrMhom. Ww Oilssas, jjj oF tsiwMtwwwTr- ere'ai cc-jti RA GS" WHICH WILL YOU DEPEND ON TO PROTECT YQUR B'tf OfNG FROM FIRE AND WITHER? r . . .. - Ordinary Roofing Made of Rag Felts? OR - . " - Jolms-Ivianvine ASBESTOS ROOFIHC. Made of Asbestos Rock. " : There is a Johns-Manville Asbestos Roof for every kind of building: ,.,.;,: J-M TRANSITE ASBESTOS SHINGLES f or Homes, Churches, Schools, Etc: J-M rLEXSTONEASBESTOS ROOFING for Stores, Garages, Etc""""" J-M BUILT-UP ASBESTOS ROOFING for Factories, Stores, Warehouses, Etc. J-M ASBESTONE ROOFING foe stoop roofs of all kinds.-- : . Johns-Manville Roofing and Shingles Are Sold By the F ollowihg Dealers: : BEXDEESOjr.; . . .TAtlea fiard-ir CoT Uooro Lonber (V toOXB(BO.;...,,.rs . Bdihore' lAimtter t- qEINA. w,....,-,.'. ,J. U tniamtiers Co; WILLAB08VIIJLE ,.Lura Uercaotii Oo fcKEEOMOOB .....A B. Una FUQCAT 8PE1N08. Pnckett Hardware Co. J1A8SEI BKOTHEK3. Zebnlon, fc. C. aiusBoKd:".. EFlXD MEBANB ..... CHAl'Rl.HiU. PITTSBORO... SMITH FIKLD.. CUVTOV NORTU81DE .. , '". . . . .'. .. Forrest . Forrest. ;.v.Dillard BnJar t5 .-X'haprt tJill Hardnnre Co ..i..W U Uadoa A Hob ,..&milMlrl4 H'rlBr t'o ......Aahlev Bora 8oa ........... Fleming Brother TEM.r.......,"........Stem Mercantile Co. BAnAMA.i...-...........A. W Till' iH'RIIAM ...... .i....Dnrhs limner t o. CHJl.OHTONv. ........ ..; ...O Z Barber, tX)AT8.... T. M Johnaoa Co. MONt?RE. ...C B Cratrhneld AI'EX, Watkia Bardarar A Implement Co. BALEIOU,..............aidhsn. Worth . -1 . DISTRIBUTORS Approred Contractors for Barrett Specification 20-year Bond roofing. . : ri iliirtffrrrr-