THE NEWS AND OBSERVER SUNDAY MORNING, APRIL 18, 1920. FUIIIKOIIT EPISCOPAL WOMEN TO MEREDITH GLEE CLUB .c.A: --FORM SERVICE LEAGUE " IN PLEASING CONCERT OPENING GAME TRINITY HERE Anndal Meeting- of Anxiliary, If, T Organization Under Direction C. Diocese. Is Held ;--rv ; sat Oxford , A GEISSIXMOHIHS ON AFFRAY CHARGE N.C.STATEBEATS PATRIOTS BEATEN GOSNEY IS BYTORON OCLUB of Dr. Ding-ley Brown, Makes Decided Hit ; ; " - . " ' ' ' "'' ' - Th Meredith College Glee Club, un der the direction of Pr, XMngley Brown ; - i Merchants Will Be Asked To Close Stores In Afternoon " Wednesday for Came BIG CROWD COMING HERE TO SUPPORT DURHAMITES Baltic hi lotary Club tad, Hi waois Club WiS Havo Cbaxfo ' of Certmouie Incident To : Opening of f eason; Ward's Men In Oood Shapo For .. attar. Tha Bajeigh BoUry Club and th Ki i ai Club, will have charge of at J opening of the Piedmont League i Bal j eigh Wednesday when Baleigh meet I Durham, it hbwuicW yesterday, ? and plan art Mag mapped ant la (how i the Purbam visitor good Beginning. 5 . .From avry iadkatie the visitors will be r. Taa Durham folk are keenly interested ia their teem awd ar roaiiBf to Baleigh ja xoree 10 m the opening game. , ' Thus far, with taa exception af the nast. few day, taa weather ia JUleigh hat aot beta ideal for base hall, bat -vritk the balm; spring af tka paat few days, tba prospects art that ant vera will afford all tha atmospheric eon. vraience that Werd"e an will waet. Playing against big laagaara la tha eer ie af exhibitlea games, tha Salelgh Mtnt haa ahowa aa well, with plenty af pep viied with good baseball. Maaa. ar Ward realise that her aad there hia argaaiaatioa area steading a bit, bt it s likely -that with tha opeaiag of tha real tehedulc, . the pre-seaao weakness wtl fad. Ia preparation af tha apaalog Wad eday, Pretldeat Caa of tha Baleigh Club will aak tha merchant af Bal eigh U slot their ttoret ta enable tha rltrkt aad tha proprietor ta attend. Thia haa baaa daaa before for tha opening af a season aad it ia believed that tha merehsats wUl offtr aa objec tion ta tha closing. Tha game will start at 4 o'clock, aad a thraa a'elack closing, it ia thoaght will b sufficient ta allaw thaac wha Woo Id attend tha fame ta ba thara ia tlm far tha epaaiag. . . -' Uvery iadieatioa haa' beea ahowa thua far that tha people - af Baleigh ara anxious ta eee baseball thia year, after ita abseare here for several seasons and ara going to tupport tha bom team "wltk real enthusiasm, . ' -t . -. . Guatemala Scent of Some . Fighting By Rival Chiefs (Continued from Page Oat.) 1 rat off tha capital's water supply aad food thipmeatt until "the gebels 2 bagged for Unas." Cabrera concentrated hia quart ra at .'! Palma, Matamoraa aad 8aa Joaa and .! (Jowtiaating Guatemala City, begaa ta I ahell tha capital, killiag, it was reported. aiaay firUtaaa. Meaawbtta tha raaalt I against 'Cabrera spread arer tka satire ,' .eooatry Cabrera gavaraaiaat waa ia aaaay resperta like that af f orario Dies, , wha raled hlexiea far reara witk aa iroa ; band. He waa bora ia Quesaltenaage f oa Koveaibcr ft. 1137. aad received hia iweparatory edueatioa ia tha aehoola af that district, the aceaad aaoat Mnpartawt ia Guatemala, , -.'....'. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR RICHMOND BUSINESS MAN Late lamvelTaU Morgan Wat Hatlrt of Wake County, Later : t . Lirinf In Dnrbam i - Biehaaoad, Vfc, April U. ruaacal terrieaa fjf Samuel Tata Morgan, prec , iicat af tba Yirgiaia-Carolina CheaairaJ t'ompaay, director ia a number af baai- 'aeae caaeoraa, aad native of Wake rouaty, North -Caroliaa, who died at hi noma here late yesterday fellewiag aa jiineaa of tvtr weeks, will ba roa uuciea tomorrow anerwooa at 3:00 e. n, rrosa. taa netoae Vapttst ehareh by -me er. x. ugrHt wk inner, the pot ior, assisted briei Ke. W. - Runaell Bowie, of St. ra'uTt' piaeopal ehank, or whirn tna laU BUhop Sobert bt range t xast Carolina ones , had charge. Burial will V ia Hn)lul ' , Ineluded ia e long list of lieaarary pallbearcra are the following North Csroliaisnsi Joaephua . Daniels, 6ere tary or the sryj Ueaeral Julian & arr, George Watts. B. X. Duke. Hr- bert W. Jackson, Henrjr E, Iitrhford, Kdmund Ntrndwirk, 8. W. Trartra, and Pr, J. AUiaoa Hodges. " Among tha ethers , are Heery C, Ftuart, former Ooeeraoir of Virglaia; Ceorga W. SttTens. r-reaidenl. of ihe t herapeake aad Ohio Rallwar: Willlaa H. White, president of the, Richmond fredericksburg md fplomac Sail way. ana praeurauy ail the bigher oBelab) oi ma company or which Mr, Morgan or Bany years we aeaa. AUTOMOBILE THIEVES v . BREAK IN ANQ STEAL Islington, April IT. Automobile tbicTes oa Friday night robbed the tore af A. M. Bippte at Welcome, about roar miles irom here, or esoo ta acXX) worth of merchandise, and made their cooape without diseoTery. Tha front door was pried and from tfteea ta twenty boaee of tobacco, IjBOO cigar ettes aad tha attire supply of the sugar on hand waa carried out ta an. ante mobile aad whisked away. Tka robbery pot a-ncoT'rea nntu this meraiag. CEAFARING MAN ADWJTS HE.ST01EAUT003ILE Wflaon, AprU 17.-4 V Cmith, a "lite man who nays ha waa ratted ia I'Utsburg, Pa, but for, sere re I years ; att has beta a sea fsriag mnn, and for rerM weeks pstt employed as truck rer at tke eoarW stoeknee ad rd aa trial before Mayer. Bill that fule an nu(oiobiie from Mr. Boh. - ! " t-f B t'k rrcck, while it waa -nog--- 'VTilsoa- -street -; few tivv: He wgs arretted ia Kine 5 r , f -amf snd having a dead- ; "a in hit p"rsi.n. He was t Lack to WiUnn and is now I in default of ' J boml for, 'Hi.- fit !V l.'B ..t M. D. Harris Convicted in Re corder's Court; SL Philip's .Church Starts Campaign T IAMBS A. KOaiNBON Durham, April TJVM. D. Harris, former proprietor of dbc Btaf hotel, oh Chnrrh atroet, thia city, waa coavieted ia the Bcoorders' court oa a charge of affray with a deadly weapon aad sen teaecd to sit moatha oa the county roads, la another caac ba waa charged with maiaatag Ueorgo Jiorgsa, tba oth er pronritcor of tha tStg hotel, aad Harris was bound arer ta the Superior court aadrr a et, bond. Morgan who wat jointly charged with Bsrrbt ia the affray ease wat linear aou ana costs, Both took an ttncal to tha Bvperior covrt aad gare boad. Thia raat hat beta pending is tha AacordeeV court for aome time, aa accouat of Morgan coaditioa, who wna ia tha hospital two weeks, aad then the abaenec of eer taia material witacasca7 Morgan wat sut badly a boot the left eye. Tba CamaaJara It Oa 8t. Phillip's Parish, Episcopal, inau gurated Ba campaign for the" ! ,000,000 endowment fund for Bcwaaea Lairer lily ita Quota bciag gT "ti with good fellowthip aappar last efcmiBg, lo tha V. hi. C. A. building. About fifty af the adult malt member! wtra present aad eervee) with a fine sapper by. the ladies of the ehareh. Splendid music waa alto a restart af tba evening. Col J, Harper Erwia, local chairman, pre sided. Fire minutes apooehsa wera winds by rrf. E. v. raser, Pr. J, Ja. Man aiag, W. A. Erwia, Be. & 8, Boat, and K. P. Iicwii, whoTr introduced the priaeipal apcaker of tba evening. Col Albert Con, of lalelgb. His . remarks wore a aaoat estertainlag deecriptioa Of Hewsnet. "the L'nlrtrtlty of tbt Boitth, tha odueational institution own cd by 1 diocetce, ia 13 Soatkera BUteau Ita growth aad dtreloptnttt; aad the great aeod to put it oa a sound aad ant batia; aad the grant work it had doae'aad, is doing; and arged every Episcopalian ta i hia and her beat aad pat the endowment across la handsome style. Aaacba achat Meat Tear The Bap tint Bandar School training school, which closed last nlfht, after ( week's eeeaioa, unsaisaeiuly voted to kold aaothor actsisa seat year. The school baa bad a tpleadid eneceas. Each of the aTca Bapliat' churches of the city hare . been well represented and greatly beaefittcd . Tka first Baptist church of this city, toaaorrow (Hunday) begins a two week I revival. With Kcv. Pr. Ball of -Spartanburg, 8, doing tha preaching. The tinging wril ba led by Prof. U P. Burnett, of tha Moody brhrol, Cbieago, who arrived in ' the city todsy. . Railroads Near Normal . Again In Operating Trains ' (Coatlaned frota Pag Oae.F " 1 aa the Cbieago and Eastern Illinois railroad. ' ' " Kew York, AprU 1T.-Ballrad ire- men aad englnemen est strike in the Metropolitan district, tonight voted at a meetitg Hobohem, not to retu.-n ta work, "irrespective of whatever ae tion has boon, or mtr be taken by rail way employee elsewhere, until certain eaadiUona bare beea antt It waa a- aouared that the. men had o othsr ghevanca t haa pay, aad that they would not return to 'work until they receive a gwaraateed wage iaereaee. It waa aald iflQO etrVkaaa attended the meeting. A reneral grata Jury will coavtne Moaday at Newark, N. J., to iaquire into the railroad strlho. According to Ataittaai vattea Btaroa untrlct Attor aey K rentier, he will ask for indict meats against ertnl labor tnea," wha have iaterferred with striking railroad asaployes desiring to return to work. It ia nuderstovd Z00 eubpoenaes aava acea laaaee ror railnad men who ar wasted aa witneaeea ia the etrlks UresligaMoav Mr. reaaler said if the strike continues until JOnday ha will preseat evidence againet all who have iaterferred with sn-a going back to work. . W1TCBMCN KCTCRX TO THEIR WORK IX TOLEDO. Toledo, AprU J7-Sailread vera mta pent aaaaiaoualv- back to work todty,' More, than ifiOQ awitckmeaaud ether f employes, ia tha Toledo term inals wha had beet off duly aa a vaca tioa" for ton days reported for work during their day aad were tlran. their old r. - . ! The complete Mrtlrila -of. frlit terminalt waa Ttlieted aa oevertl of ht Uaea anneonood immediately- that ship mtnts would be received for polate net utuer tmoargo., OKOtll MEN TO RETURN ; TO WORK IMMEDIATELY. CltTeUnd. 0 Anril lT.Lpr.iih 3 OBourke, preeident af tha Cleveland yerdmen'a aaaotiatloa, poa learning tonight af the atrika af Da Hearer train twitehmaa ah.ths naisa tutioa, ordered the men to retura to work Immediately, saying it waa not the purpose of the aetociatioa to iaterfsre with the hns.i ling of niall er passenger traffls. All but one crew, wh oconld aot be located. Pittsbvro kepqrts that . TKIKE M BREAKING UP, Pittsburg, " Pa-- April lT.-Rnilroaa maaagera aad brotherhood leaders reiterated- tonight that th.a yardaiea's strike waa arraduaUr "roina? to b1cm" and men were returning to work. Pas teagR trafie on all linea eatering the city euowed Improvement duriag the day, aad there wag aome Improvement la freight teoremeet, bat it waa aot of tuhVieut volume to warrant resump tion af idle industries. A Valid Imml! EverTbadyVMagaxina. "Pid the woman live any reason for attempUag .te commit uieidef" aahed the court. , Tea, yeur hoaor." aaawered tha no. "What was ber reason I" - i hesaid aha wanled to die. ' J First baitt ia anota air hard r Wa.Taesvill durint the reent cold anan ! Mrtd several thoumad dollars to own- rn reeently, the orchard containing I Pitchers' Battle Murray Beats Caviness With - Abler Support VW ' 1 In a nitchera' buttle between Mtirray and Caviness. Stste College yesterday defeated Trinity by the Kore. of four to two, with Murray ror n. v. ware having the advantage of Cavlnese by tba msreiri of ont nil, ana auo ay tua if minerior sutiDOrt. . It was an CXCliing game. .i. v. avaie started Koring ia the Ant when one run. was marked up. Tbs Teeha' bend blared victorious music that looked mis placed when Trinity added two in tha third. " Ia the tilth, State College etme back with another two and clnebtd the gaiqe with one to spare la the eevtnth. Hot after the third inning did Murray allow the visitors to get to the scoring Altogether jyiurray - allowed an mis to bis opponents seven but Trinity added to the inability to hit Murray properly, some very costly errors, r Trlalty. AB. .. 4 .. 4 .. 4 4 . 8 ,. ,. 3 . -V 3 . .31 H. PCX si McArthur, cf. o 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1' t 0 0 1 0 1 1 -? a Hathaway, If. . Tows, as Bnlmon, lb. .. Cole, rf. . Chandler, 2b. . Carson, e 0 15 0 0 0 s t i 27 Johnson, 3b. Caviness, p. .. Tolsts N. C. 8tate. J R. 0 a o o l u 1 0 0. AB. H. 0 PO. E. Faucette, lb. . IS 0 Ourley, e Johntoa, 3b. .. 1 0 0 Booth, rf.' .... Klrkpatrlck, If. o 0 Wood, tb 4 I 0 s Sipe, as Norwood ef. . .. klurray, p. Totals 3 4 T IT' t Score by innings: B. Trinity 008 000 000-8 K. C. Btats 100 002 100-4 Batteries: Cnviness aad Csrsonj Mur ray and Ourley. - a . . ST. MARY'S CONFERENCE TO BE HELD THIS YEAR Conference Haa Not Boon Kold Since 1918; Dates Are 'May Sl-7nn 8 Her. W. W. War. rector of fit. Mary's School, announces that plans ara wall under wsytor the St. Mary's Conference whieh. it to ba held ia this city from May Slst to June 0th. Oa trsouat ef war conditions the conference hat sot been held tinea 1818. and the interest in ita revival if widespread. i -An Interesting program has beea pre Dared. Anion thoaa wha will' take nart in it rs i Bt. Bev, Joseph Bi Cheshire, a, U North Carolina St. Bee. Thomas C. Darst, P. P., East Carolina ! Bt. Bsv. Bogere Israel, P. P Erie: Bev. Pre. Vtawart U. Mitman, Philsdelpbial -John H. Harding, New York: Bev. Gardlml K. Tucker, Houma, Pr. John w. Wood, New York Mitt Pranett Withtrs, New York 5 Mrs. E. Montagu Boaner, Baleigh. - '" . , ,. ' ". The conference it eoanpottd of rears- tentative ef the Episcopal church of North Carolina aad South Carolina, and la held annually at Bt. Mary's School, which it the diocesan school of thasa two States, for tha purpose of discuss ing eucn questions aa missions, eauct- tion, toeia! il service, and other similar ehureh activities. The eoafereace wat rgaaUed uadtr tha leadership ef Bsv. George W. Lay, then rector of St. Mary'i Bebool, and held for the su yean ltfll 1010, aad contributed ee much te the ef fieleney ef the work of tha Episcopal church that its revival comes la response to a general demand. Other gnaouaeo menu of tha program, msy be expected later. Aa Unnecessary Frecaatiea.' , Bverybody'j Magtiine. t.: ..V 'Are ye tha plumber f" asked Mrs. Cooke. -,. "Yes, ma am, l a th plumber ell right." " "Well," she replied, 1 Just want to caution you to exercise ear when doing your .work. AH my floor are highly polished and in perfect condition." 'Ob,' don t worry about me HppiB i ladj I'v got nails la aa shoe. A good toad connecting Newton Orovt and. the- Intervening territory - with Puna 1 to ba built immediateljr. Ba In SEAT SALE ." ' . ' -for - ; CONCERT CIKALDLNI FARRAI lBTHVa HACEITT - Rali(li Auditorium , May li, IfZO ; Aaepleea BaUIgh Klwanla ab Notice tethaPtslle Anticipating" a tell-out of eat for th abov eoaeert, we have decided to put the teat sals oa at the Wake Drug Store at Baleigh, N. C, en ,Mty Ird. Prior to May 3rd we' will receive mail order, accom panied by theeka, for tettt and tka seat will b allotted a ap. plications ar received, and the teat taken out before being "plaeti on sals f.or the rush of th public to buy.- PRICES. s... 00.10, ft.71 and - (War Tax Ineluded) Mail Appjica tie na te Bea MS, - . KALKIGH. y, C The annual meeting otth Woman's Aualliary, Episcopal Pioecae of North Carolina, hat-just closed at Oxford. It was largely attended nni anueh business of importance to th women' work of th denomination wa , transacted. Mrs. W. A. Hoke, of Baleigh, ia the president or .tna auxiliary. ; Step were taken toward the oraanlna tion of federation of women' eoeiotiea of tha Episcopal church of the State t be known aa th Church Service League, Mr. T. W. Jglekett waa named chairman of th League. Th auxiliary voted to request Bithop ' Cheehlr to request other women's organizations of the Join the federation. 1 On of th most interretfng features of tha meeting wa th add r cm on Wed nesday by Mr. Anni Cheshire Tucker, missionary to China. This made profound impression. Mrs. Tucker, whoa htadquarteri are in Shanghai, it t bom a a furlough. A Othsr speaker were i Bishop Chethlre, wLo addressed the convention oa the Batter message; Bev. W. E. Cox, of BiehmAnd, wh spoke on th "Church' Task in th Present Put." particularly woman's part ia it; Bev. N. C. Puneaa, who tajked on the home miauoa wore in Aaieign convocation; Ralph VanLandlngbam, of Charlotte, who spoke ia the Interest of the united offering; and Mis Zeigler, of Detroit, who spoke ia behalf of the Girls1 Friendly work of the church; Mrs. H. M. Bonner, junior educational secre tary r and Mr, Bowe, of Greensboro, chairman ef th board of religious edu cation . All of th officers wer re-elected with tha exception af Mr. 8. F. Murdoch, who resigned a treasurer of the United Offering, being succeeded by Mrs. H. G. Hooper, of Oxford. Winston-Stlrm was selected as th next place of meeting. Among tha Baleigh women attending tha convention were rs. oHke, preai deat; Mra. H. M. Bonner, junior adu- eationai secretary j Mrs. T. W. Bickett, My. 'Alston, Mra. Bam Ashe, Mrs, E. II. Jordan, Mrs. Samuel Lawrence, Mra. Gilbert Hay and Mr. C. A. Ashby. CALLS PROBLEM ONE OF INDIVIDUAL FACTORIES Chapel Hill, April 17,-In th last ef th Wail leeturee Bobert Goodwya Bbett of Charleston, former preeident of th Vailed State chamber of commerce, speaking here kit night on "Industrial America" aald, that th solution of th strugggl between capital aad labor lay In the development and organiaation of force in individual faetorie work ing toward happier relations between employed and employerwhich view, be aid, wat contrary to that of th Am erican Federation of Labor. "President Wilson's second ladustrkl commission, in advocating the promo tion of better relatione ia individual communities, was ttrlhlng at th heart of th trouble," be aald. . -. fan a, i Lev I Blind. v-a. i ... Mouscwue u you lov won. why don't you And HI Tramp (sadly ) Alas, lady, lev la blind. - r' , - The Weather Local Offlee, United State Weather -V- - Bareaa. , FORECAST Baleigh, N. C, AprU 17, 1030. North Carolina! Partly cloudy Sun day; Monday showsrs. Highest temptrttur Lowest temperature Maaa temperature Lxeess for th day Average dtily deficiency cine waauary jst PRECIPITATION (ia inches) . Amount for the 24 hours ending at S p. m. ' , 0 Total for the -month-to date .. . 1.54 PeSeieney for the month 0.6S Pendancy since January 1st.. ...0.61 HUMIPITT Pry bulb . SO 60 01 77 1 SO Wet bulb Bel. humidity ... PBESSUBE ' (Reduced t tea level) .... 20.04 S p. am... a. Sunrise.. 5.37a.m. Buawt..' tMpjn.l Required Ten Innings For Visi " tors To Take Measure- . : of The Locals Greensboro, April 17. After 10 in nings of hotly contested baseball aero thia afternoon the Toronto elub ef th Interaationtl League succeeded la de feating th Greensboro bsaeball elub by the score ef 5 to 4. The game wat featured by the anlendid team work aad playing of both teams. The eeort wts tied In th fourth from and at in end of th ninth inning neither team had been able to break tha tie. Ia tb tenth Toronto succeeded in getting a man across with tha winning score while Carroll t men were unable to pro duce In their half of the laat inning. Jimmie Tetrue, second saeker for the locals, played a good game doing es pecially good work in the nem ana se curing three safe hits out of three times ud. oaa ef theae beinc a two-bagger. Carroll used three twirlers ia the game. Bay starting and holding the visitor scoreless for two innings. He wss replaced by Edney, a portsldt twirler, who allowed three men to cross th plat in en Inning. Badler was then put in the box and held the vis itors to two runs for the rest of the gam. Hcore by innings: K.M. t. Toronto O0J 100 00 ft-5 1 Greensboro .... 010 300 000 04 T 1 8hea and Sandberg; Bay, Edney, Sad ler aad Pierre, 8mith. Toeh Wlna Track Meet. Atlanta, Ga., April 17. Georgia Tech won ft track and fleld meet irom Auburn, 64 1! to 40 11 here today. At Kaoxville, Tenn.: Mnryville Col lege, t; University of Tennessee, A, At Nashvills, Tenn.: Michigan, 7; Vanderbilt, 1. DOROTHY DODD T Walkiaf HmI I Onords lack $11.00 ? - ; is, ...-.-$12.50 M;, ' J Smart and comfortable for U I I walking and sports wear. " I I It 1? 11 12 East Martin I " " L p.m. 08. . '.62, , 20.SO .- ' I III i I I , f V : An Extraorpar y hid teiicttis COATS fiMSTS .' - r " 7 Radically Reduced wna greeted by a large and appreciative audience' in it ant eoneert of the season ia the auditorium of the school last night. He ret of or male , colleges have had Glee Clubs but in the female schools th idea, I something of an in- avrwtion. From the apDlauae with which th maidea effort of tha Meredith performer waa received, however, the nee or tb feature la assured. From the onealna- with Mollo' 'Kerrr Pane" to th elose with "Souvenir," a violin solo, the fair tollesrlans. srarbed in wnite, were gtvea repeated calia foe en cores to which they responded gracioatly ant generouary. "Old Black Joe" aad "Mr Old Ken tucky Home," among the old favorite were splendidly sung. "Annie Laurie! by sextette composed of Misse Eu genia Booth, Beulsh Bowland, Edna Earle Hlnton, Nellie Mae Johnston, Paiay Franklin and Marrafet Podm carried tha house btck to "Auld Lang oyne and brought repeated tpplaust. ine orchestra of banjos, violins and many -other stringed instruments was perhaps th biggest hit of th evening ana was repeatedly encorea. STBIKING SWITCHMEN v ORPEREO BACK TO WORK. 1 Elmira, N. T, April 17-Striiing switehm em th Lackawanna end Erie line ia thia city tonight were ordered back to their duties at midnight by etrik loader, according te word re ceived at the offices of the two railroad. Th Erie early tonight reported that aome ef tha awitehmea already had re ported for work. "Ardsley" U(tOfird Brrwn Siadt QrAvarn . aSsV of Worth Thtf mr$ fadtrt in rf mt u rt Itsdtrt in There is no more attractive oxford than tKe 'M " One shown above over the "Ardsley' last in a beautiful shade of dark brown Cordovan. VVe always take peat delight in showinp; this oxford because it makes friends so quicMy. . Wo also have other attractive stylet for the oxford season. HERBERT ROSENTHAL i ; ': r. "Tha Skoej Fitter." . . ' We aaectaBae la AAA te D. . fjprsscntMlrss lu NtmiTosr's Korth Carolina' Acknowledged Shop , ef the Xxelnaiv and Authentic. Taylor's MASONIC TEMPLE ALIIf, N. C All For QiiiCii Sollmg LATEST CANDIDATE Announces Himself For Nomi nation For State Legislature In June Primary ' w 1 A new entry into the list for the Heuse of Representative from Wake county ia Mr. C. A. Gotney, for thirteen years a resident of Baleigh and nw a practicing attorney nere. Mr. Gotney yesterday afternoon an. nooneed deflnitoly that he would aak tb Pemoeratl primary in June to give hia th nomination ns one of the three representatives of Wak county In the Qeneral Assembly. . . Mr.. Goaney came her thirteen years; ace with hi father, who .wa tuptrin- tendctit of transportntlon for the Caro- -Una Power and Light Company. Seven years experience in court reporting and training in legnt office in tb elty pre Jared him for the practice of hi pro esaion. -With th outbreak of the war, he en' . listed with the headquarter of the 80th' Brigade and went to Camp Sevier with the North Carolina outfit. There, he wa commissioned a lieutenant and as signed to the 110th Infsntrjr, 30th Di vision with which h served is France. He waa later attached to the staff of . the 00th Brigade aa liaison officer. Returning to this country after tha armistice, Mr. Gosney settled again in Baleigh and took up tb practice of law, having received hia license in 1918. Mr. Gosntey, it is stated by Ms friends, is running en a harmony plat form aad ha assuraacs of support from 11 faction in th ounty. .. . Tha TjOilnartna Tahla rmnin, la itia latent enterprise ia Lexington, with E. a. iimDeriste president, ilut vwldjutt this cunmunitj. Men' Shoes-The WorUTi riacst Week j si i'lc ireei.

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