TX T 0)fe THE WEATHER; . fatr aad eIr Sstsrdayf Ssy fait wit, ifatag (mm peratar. . .WATCH LABEL. m rw . IMri rs Mm ilnctea m mil using iaa . erver yOL.CXLNO.122. TEN PACES TODAY, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 1, 1920. TEN, PAGES TODAY, PRICE: FTVE CENTS "! UNDERWOOD GETS OUTVHENAUDITQR MAKES HIS REPOR Fayetteville Mayor and Also Chief of Police Offer Their Resignations BOARD OF ALDERMEN QUICK TO ACCEPT THEM Alleged . Lack of System In Keeping Becords Berealed ByBeport of Special Audi ' tor. Who Writes at Some Length; Citizens Nominate Bankin For Major rayettevnie, April 30. At s meeting '-of th board of. aldermea this after aooa, followiag report by aV special auditor showing aa alleged remarkable lack of system U the police department aad mayor's eourt an I the receipt and expenditure of money without keeping a proper record, Mayor John Under wood, candidate for State iniuranee eommlnioaer, and Chief of Police Paul H. Marker "offered their resignation, which were accepted by the board. The aldermea then elected City At torney Heary E. Williams mayor ;to 811 the uaexpired tern of Mayor Un derwood and City Detective W. W. Hewett to th', ple Taeated By Chief Merker. . : .'. ' At,a great mass meeting of Jcmo- erats here tonight Charles Baakia, a prominent business man, waa aonri sated for mayor of Fayetteville ia place of Mr. Underwood, who wna nominated in the primary, but de clined to run. Henry: E. Williams also was toted for in the meeting whkh nominated Rankin. Mr. Underwood aa aouneed his withdrawal thia afternoon The municipal election will be held Monday. - AadlUr Make j Report The special auditor George B. Wil son, retained by th ,ity board of audit aad Suae, has beta ia Fayettvill for awee k or mors et waged ia a check p of the records of ft. a msyor's court aad police department, aad his report reveals aa astonishing condition, it is claimed. . ' w. ' '. ' Ths audit covers the period from 'Jans 4, 1818, Msscav AtlOW. -Th 'Yewr Shows that ail money soIWta by -Mayor R, J, lamb, who served a chief ot police aatil August o last year, was ,prmerry accounted - for." with the exeeptioa of fo r dollars, this eeing Que to clerical errors. f Ia additioa to iaetaaeiag esses of funds paid ia "for ftnes cost, forfei- tares" aad privilege taxes with no proper reeord.beiag made, th report says: 'Other atonies have been col lected from time to time by th uaror. as has been admitted by him. of whkh there is no record, also expenditures have been mad by th chief of police aad mayor, but just sow how much has been collected and how much expended w oar Doea unable to aseertaia.''. Records Ar lacwmalst. "W lad th records of the chief of police and th mayor e or rt very in. complete. W understand it ia the custom to destroy warrant to eases Without warrants, that eases ar tried anywhere at any tim aad for that reason th chief of police aays th only eases whi bar docketed ar the from which as reeeivd any money. "We sail your attention to th great number of warrants marked 'diamiased' ad suggest that th police committee i your . board of aldermea examine suck eases a there ar quit a num ber, showing changes aad sraaiires, be cause ws bar beea nnabia te deter mine whether any , of there amounts liars beea collected or aot. "We and the mayor ia ia th habit Of reducing th pririlg tai whkh ia ia Tiolatioa of city ordnance, Axing th rat privilege' taxes. Ja oar opin ion all matters pertaining to refund or rod action of privilege taxes . come ander the supervision of control of the board of aldermen. Unable to Prodac Record. ' Whea wo called upoa the chief of poliee to produes his records, includ ing the records of th desk sergeant, he advised us that about six weeks ago his desk of metal eonstitutioa had beea broken opa aad th' records asked for together with, some money were taken. lie ace his Inability to . produe th records asked -for. He stated to as, towever, tbit, he reported th facts to th mayor. "Ws wish to call your attention to th fact that -th mayors docket only .shows tare esses docketed between I Monday. October 27, and Thursday. October SO, the days upoa which the fair was being held. "Ws alio Wish to call' your attention, to th very few a umber of warrants dismissed during Wat period.- ' -- 'v Mayor Uaderwood. , declared this afternoon that hs would msk a full statement later aad would b able to explain every seeming discrepancy af- le.tisf limseir. . ' - ;- t Chang Calf Rnlesv Xew York, April 30 Delegate rep tseating golf associations throughout the country met her today to confer with the United States Golf Associa tion rules Committee regarding chsnges in the rule of golf. The committee will ssil for England late in May to take up th matter with th Boyal and Ancient Clubs of 8t Andrews, aad th meeting today was to get the con sensus of opinion regarding tb stand ardizing of the ball, the stymie, and the lost bail rule. About Aftea e'stiona were represented. Ta Bos 'May 11. . " New Tork, April 30 George Papia lightweight boxing ehampioa of Fraaee, and Lew Teadler f Philadelphia, will meet in, a U-round boat at Jersey City ' V 13,' it waa announced her to ll lt, - ' G0LDSB0R0 MAN HONORED BY CARNEGIE COMMISSION Lt. Darid M. Prince, Drowned In Besetting Boy, Award ed Medal Pittabarg, Pa, April SO. Lieut Dsvld 1L Prince, of Goldsboro. N. C, who was drswacd while trying; to rescu a boy from a flooded road near his home July 8, 1910. is on of twelve heroes hon ored by th Carnegi Hero Fund Com' mission, according to aa announcement mad her today. Walter Ross of West Spencer, N. C, who stopped a runaway horse aad ssved tho oeeupsnts ot I bunrr. is also -awarded a broas medal. On silver medal aad elevea broaxe medals were swarded to hero. . today by th Carsetis Hero Fund Commission, ia reeogaitioa of noteworthy acts by mea aad women who sought to help others at their owa peril, l ive of them died, while two were disabled. To these last th commission mads, monetsry grants. 12,000 and SSQ a month ia one case aad $1,000 ia tho other. Th com misaloa also awarded $5,000 for other worthy causes. Tho silver medsl went to Frank W. Roberts, chief engineer of the Masonic Horn at Elicabethtowa, Pa., who ssved the live of three young girls who, while wading, had got into deep water and were drowning. Romanes resulted from the efforts of Miss Hilda M. Clark, of 1739 Marylaad nine. Baltimore, to aavs tho life of J. Fitch King, a studeat at Huron, On September : 1016, King was seised with a cramp while swimming ia Lak Erie aad was rescued by Miss visra, wnose name aow appears oa the records of the commission ss Mrs. J. f.tc sung. He Will Be Able. To Command Prohibition Support If Nomi nated By G. 0. P. Westerville, O, April SO Oovernor Frank O. Lowdea of Illiaois, ia th oaly residential candidate ao far whom th Aati-Salooa Leagu of America has ap proved aa suitable to ' ths prohibition ists. .-U '-'-J.. Ia a statement given out tonight, Dr. P. A. Bakers, goaeral uperinten- dent of tb LetfUe. aays, after a, brief review of Governor . lewden'sL : reeetd i . jwoluiiitkii . tbf . , pMibUioaials eoasietently eaa tappo 'him If oeaator Warren G. . Hardirara pro hibition record is reviewed at consid erabl length, but ao definite state ment aa to his acceptability or noa neceptability is made. "Senator, Bard' ing of Ohio, usually rotes with th drys but always talks for th wets," , th statement rays. Senator Hiram Johnson of Califor nia, the statement says, ."is being sol Miy supported by th liqnor interests oi California, aot because of any par ticular service hs has rendered them, but because he seems to Command ths support of ths discontented, and the liquor people just at this tim aro very much discontented aad also possibly because a oaersmento, California pa per has announced Mr. Hoover's dry eonvtetioBS. Th statement reiterates - th poal- tioa of th league as retards GorVrnor Jsmes M. Cox of Ohio, aad Governor Edwards is aot really a eaadidatc, but "simply running as a aid partner to uoveraor Cox in tb a ope of aeeumu is ting some wet strength that may be turned over to Cox at sa opportune lime. ; , ... '.. , SAY PLOTS EXIST ONLY IN MIND OF MR. PALMER Vational Socialiit Committee Znters Viforons Denial To Bomb Plots Chicago. Hi. Aoril 30-The Kntional Socialist committee la a statement mads public today by Otto Branatettcr, see re ts ry. charged that th May Day bomb plot announced by Attorney. General rainier was manufactured ia hia owa miad." ( : 'Attorney General Palmer's wide- sprsad Bed plot, uaeovered just before Msy first, is another insolent attempt of inefficient aad ambitious sffieials to create violence aad disorder oa th day that baa for over thirty years beea set aiids by th Socialists as International Labor day, th statement mid. "Mr. Palmer doss aot offer a shred or scintilla of evidence to back ap ths widely heralded plot, bat th statement that there la such a plot, msaufaetnred ia hia owa miad. haa beea liven the widest publicity and will result, unless rigorous steps ar taken to prevent dis orders, ia government created riots everywhere. ' (-. -. "it, will be remembered that ayear age, a day or two before May Day, i widespread Domo- pios was eoaveni- atty discovered a plot that never ox isted, the alleged perperators ot. which war sera appreheaded by th most costly secret servie ia foe world. Th statement charged that whatever disorder may cerar. tomorrow will aavc beea eaased by th "insane aad crimi nal discovery f Mr. Pslmer'a dims novel prat," end advised Socialist to carry oat their plans for meetings and -Tb Socialist party," it Mid. "calls upoa its comrades everywhere to refuse to be stampeded by the anarahistio out burst of Mr. Palmer to th violent out break that he is trying to prorok In bis desperata campaign .lor th Presi deaey." ' . caasrse a sex roe rresisekt. - rmisdelpbia. Fa April SO. Senator Philander . H. Knox, of Pennsylvania, forsser 8eeretary of Bute, was en dorsed today by Senator Boies Penrose, also of. Pennsylvania, for the Kepobli- DRY LEAGUE OKEHS GOVERNOR LOVDD, ;caa nomination for President. a - -V v? .Tf J v -w Secretary Daniels Joins Home ward Bound Vessels On Last Leg of Trip TWO-HOUR SPEED TEST . DURING THE AFTERNOON Beview of Vessels In New Tork Harbor Today Alter Which Secretary of Nary Will Talk To Thousands of Peopl Over Wireless Telephone Some New Shooting; Becords Oa Board th U. S. R Pennyslvania, at Sea, April 30 (By Wireless vja Caps May, N. i. Seeretsry of th 'avy Daniels joined the homewsrd bound Atlantis fleet today oa the lsst leg of its journey for New Tork end from th quarter deck of tie flagship Penn svlvani aaw sewn speeding dread nous-Ms surrounded by a screen of destroyers with, seaplanes froai the Norfolk Bass encircling th group. Th secretary, who will review ths fleet la New York tomorrow, and his party boarded ths flagship inside the Vireinla eapea. aad when ths super- dreadnought 'resumed her place, a spe cial two hour seed test under perfect weather conditions was held, during whieh a pae W knots was reached. SECRETARY AND PARTY JOIN FLEET OFF CAPES. fhry of tho Navy Joaepbus Daaiels sad a smsll party . of Norfolk aad Portsmouth people left the Hampton Boada naval base at 8:20 o'clock this morning on th .destroyer Goldsborough to review tho Atlsntie fleet off th southern drill ground. Ths party ill board th flagship Pennsylvania la. Lynnhaven Boads from which craft th secretary will Inspect ths fleet. Most of tb first lin skips of tb fleet reached ths southern drill ground eariy wis morning, , uo aeeiroyers flanking th larger craft oa th trip ntf tb eosst. s . .- f . , WhUe it is imposslbl to get a def- inito statement at thia tim wiroless reports' -bars leaked out that1 severs! records wer hung up by tk gunners of tb flsnet daring msueurres st Uubb tanams Bay. - . Contrary to first reports, none of the ships of ths fleet wer sent to Mexican waters,' secording to sd vices from ths naral base. . ' Th naval fleet will proceed to New York today, the "secretary making th trip up th coast oa th Pennsylvania. Admiral Heary a. Wilson recently aa nounced that 'New York would be th fleet besdqjarters.. , He gave no res sob, and it is assumed that, this step waa taken as a result of th burning of ths Chamberlia hotel at Old Point, there aow being ao convenient place oa the Boada for ths friends and rata' tires of the officers of the fleet to stop, Seeretsry Daniels will talk to thou saads of peopl ia New York Saturday morning over wireless telephone if aa experiment to be msd proves suc cessful. Ho stated last night that hs is highly interested ia tho experiment and that if successful it will mesa long' stride - ia wireless telephony. Secretary Daaiels said lsst night ia a speech in Portsmouth that Hampton, Boads is the . capital of ths United States nsvy and that th government will continue to improv it until it is th greatest naval base ia tb world. CHICAGO PREPARES FOR ; PREVENTING OUTBREAKS Sixty Suspects Bounded Up By Police In Effort To Pre-' rent Violence . t -.-.-. , Chicago, Ills., April SO. Stat and city forces ar prepared to combat any ovrt act that might grow out of th various demonstrations planned for to morrow ia celebration of May Day, Sixty mora suspects -were rounded up by th police today ia a coatinuatioa of th drive that resulted ia ,th arrest of more thaa 300 mea aad several wo mea lsst Bight. Ons of the mea, who gar his aam as Joha Jack, was ar rested while distributing band bills aa aonaeing a May Day meeting. Bom f th bills urged revolt b.' "th rev lutionary proletariat" th police aid. Hugs quantities of teratur of a radical nature wer distributed through out th Westside today. Ons hand bill sai. by th polic to be signed "Gen eral Membership of the L W. WV said t ' "Workers, lias up with revolu tionary proletariat of countries. Hurrah for international solidarity I lay dowa your tools! Fold your arms oa May Day; surge to ths big mass meeting." A May Day Strike of elothlns work. sirs waa said to have been called by ths Amalgamated Clothing Workers, of Amenea, the Internatirnal Tailors' Union and th International Associa tion of Maehialsts" in protest against the imprisonment of Eugeas V. Debs, aaio mcnaros u aars. Tom Mooner aad other prisoners confined as a re sult of, political aai other disturb ances.., -, t ... -, i ladlct Piwdae Dealers. ... Chicago. Ills., April 30 -Four Chieaa-a produe dealers wer iadicted today on charges of violating th Lever act. Orria K. Earl, of ths Arm of Earl Brothers aad L. Starka aad Compaay, wer charged with profiteering in po tatoes. Byrne, Eagl A Co- aad Vn and Company wer alleged to hav eharged excessive price for surnr. Profits sssde by th dealer ranged from fifty to 125 pereeat, aceordia ate the -i - i . . . p:u(oOtham WiriiRiG FROM FLORIDA TO NEW TORK IN SINGLK DA BT PAS- . SCNGEB SEAPLANE New V.rk, AprU SS. Aa air r.ght from Miami, Fte4 ta New York with a at, la if tee a hoar aad iS mlaate Syiag tim. wsa made today by the paa-wtager Maplan MiJM MlawU," piloted by Barry Rogera f th Amerlcaa Flylag Ciab. Th long joaraey of acarly IJM mile along ths coast lia was laterrapted st Morehead City, N. C, where a stop was msdo for faef. Th pilot who made hi landing In darkness la th Hadsoa river Bear ICth stmt, was aideby Sidney Schroeder aad Edward f. Bona, also sf ths American Flylag Clab...tet. terstw broaght from Mayor Wa. P. Smith, f Miami, to Mayor Hylaa f New York aad from the Preaideat sf th Miami Cham? f Commerce te ta New York body PROPOSE REPEAL ; at . Republicans of Senate Foreign Relations Committee Report Out New Bill Washingtoa, April 30A joint reso lution proposing repeal, of resolutions by Congress declaring a state of war with Germany and Austria-Hungary was reported out today by ths Senate For eign Belations ;committe by a strict psrty rote. I Introduced by Senator Knox. Bepubll- can, of Pennsylvania; as a substitute for the Bepubliesa resolutioa recently psssed by th House, the measure waa formally preaented to. the Senate 1st in tho day by Senator Lodge, th Re publican leader, with ths aanouncemrnt by Senator Knox that hs would opea debate oa it Wednesday. . Plenty of Dlmasstoa. Leaders of both parties predicted scv ersl weeks of discussion with little pros- peet of action until tear the time set for a recess for tb National eonven tiona. ' l i . In some quarters th optaloa was ex pressed that Preaideat Wilsoa ia the midst of the debate, might return the treaty of Versailles to th Senate. Virtually solid uemoeratie opposition to tho substitute was predicted by lead er of the party. Senator McCumber, Republican member at ths Foreign Be lations committee, wh did not. attend the meeting, said he and probably ether Sepublieans, woalila It,., r-S vif v?b smsob tke' K noxf meneate fwaj nine to six, an stepooucans pressnx xa voriar it and Democrats apposing. Sen- ator Shields, Demorrst, of Tenseseee also was absent. Republicans - ssid it was designed to mset objections raised la th Honse that a resolutioa i.eelaring the war ssded would be unconstitutional snd beyond the power of Congress. To Repeal War Keaolatlaa. Straightout repeal of th war resolu tiona ia th principal object of the Knox substitute, which would request ths President to establish friendly diplo matic and commercial relations with Oermnay snd with "ths governments and people of Austria and Hungary." Uk the House resolution it wouia re- serve all American fights ander the treaty of Versailles and provide tor re- peats of war legislates aad war powers of th President. It would hold Ger man property until all Americaa war claims wer satisnea,. out aoes not ib elude th House provisioa for accept ance of the resolution's terms by Qer- msny within forty-fir days ander pen alty of a commercial embargo. A formal report only oa th reso lution waa filed by Henator Lodge and Senator Hitchcock, of Nebraska, admin istration leader in the treaty fight, de cided to submit no minority report, but to present the opposition's "arguments during; the debate. ' SECRETARY POST BOTH ATTACKED AND DEFENDED Members of House Committee Claim Government Efforts Frustrated ' Washington, April 80 A Stetemsnt by Louis F. Post, assistant secretary of labor, of radical deportation eases, was attacked and defeadd today b for th House rules committee, whieh larestisatinc Mr. Posts official conduct. ' ."' '"'' ' Members of the immigratloa com mittee, headed , by Chairman Johasoa, declared they bed evideae that gov erament efforts to break up "th most damnable conspiracy ia th nation s historV" were prsctleally nullified through release by the Departmeat of Labor, largely at the inatane f Mr. Pest, of most of the 5,000 Communists arrested in th nation-wid raids. , , Tha course of the Departmeat of Labor, including that of th assistant secretary, was defended oy jaexsoa u. Bslstoa. counsel for M rest, wao de clared that th only criticism thst could b directed, against his administration ws that hs had "exercised humaaity" aad had proceeded ou tha theory that only ia most exceptionable eases ahould man be torn from hi family aad seat from tb co-ntr.. Mr. Ralstoa attacked th Department of Justice, as serting its sgents had tried methods ia dealing with alleged radicals that were not countenanced even 'a Jtussia when th Csarist regime was at tha height of ita power. Representative Siegel, of New York, Bepubliesa member er tna . immigra tion committer, declared that aeerecy maintained by the Department of Labor ia deportation proceedings vse with out precedent and without authority. CHARLOTTE'S STAR PLAYER CONE. Charlotte April 30. 'Biff" Butts. star of ths local South Atlantl Lea rue baseball team, left ths team this after noon; According to President Heymsn, who said hs entrajned for hia horn ia Philadelphia without giving any notice GODWIN WILLING FORONEPRIMARY BUT LYON ISNT Col. John G. Shaw, of Fayette ville, Issued Challenge To Let High Man Win INTEREST CENTERS IN Three-cornered fight Whiterille Solicitor Sayi He's Running; For Congress and Not Playing To Galleries Godwin Reviews His Becord and Bests His Case With Peo pie of Sixth District Th New aad Obserrer Bares 003 District Natloaal Baak Bldg. RY R. E. POWELL (Sy Special Leased Wire) Washington, D. C, April JO. Wash Ingtoa'a political interest in North Carolina today shifted to the Sixth dis trict and Congressmaa Godwin's resdy acceptance of "Highland Joha O. Shaw'a challeng to himself and Homer Lyon. Th Fayettcvllle contender for the Sixth district member' seat aa aouneed by wire that h is willing to let ths first primary decide the fight the high man to be declared toe nomi nee. TbSsJls perfsctly sgreeabl t Mr. Godwin but to solicitor uomer uyo it 1 not so agreeable. Indeed, the Colui bus county nil area Intimates that Colonel Shaw ia engaging ia aa interest ing diversion instead of engaging In aa honest to goodness race for Congress, Solicitor Lyon ssys he is running sad must let th people decide wh is to be nominated. "The method of nominating eandi dates prescribed by the State primary law is satisfactory to mo but u yoa and Lyon sgree that the candidate re ceiving the highest vote ia tb first pn mary be declared the nominee I will cheerfully sgree also. - - - Codwia Issaes Statesaeat Than, sdvarting to th charges, Shaw mad against him la a speech ia Wil mingtou, Mr'. Godwin said ia a prepared stdtementt ' , v5iW'". ' XM tluok It Is VretW generslly and stood why "windy Joha O.' issaed this challenge, us hurled It out at tb eoav elusloa of. his speech ia Wilmin-ron Wedneeday Bight where it is under stood he exploded a lot of windy gas sitae king -my record In Congress. wonder if ho told ths Wilmington peo ple about hi record! - My record ia Congrses is open snd I invito a com farisoa of it. Will ho do the same! H attacked me for sending out a pamphlet reviewing my service in Congress ia charged it was never delivered oa ths floor of th House ss It is aa ejtten sion of remarks' snd so states oa Hi fnee, but permissloa was grantol by ths House to print it in the Record. This also appears at ths beginning of th remsrks. ' Ths uoverament did not pay one penny for th printing as th bi ll was paid by me out of my own funds. I am not surprised nt windy John G." for being afraid of this rs- etid. He eharged thst I am holding, tllS position snd believe. thst it is one that I can pass down to my posterity. This he knows is antra because it is we'.l known in the Sixth district thst I Hira recceived sll my nominations and ele-J tiona at the band of the peopl them selvrs. In every instance , I hav de manded primaries under which the peo ple aad a free and nntrammcled oppor tuuity to express their ehoie free f tm the bus and persuasion of designing po liticians. In every campaign the peo ple themselves hsve hsd th free stop to let ire me but oa Seconal of the ssr vics I have rendered them they have seta fit aot to do so, acd I do aot be lieve that they will be nvalead aow by the idle raporings nf a maa who him self failed when he was here. . As soon as legislative matters la th House are so I ess leave, I la. tend to visit the district sad meet th people face to face snd give aa account oa th stump of my stewardship aad I shall again demand that th peopl hav saother free opportunity to ssy whether they want a continuant of my ser vice. : Lyon Declines Chalkag Here is Solicitor Lyoa's reply ta Co lonel Shaw's challenge: Tour telegram received. If I was willing to gamble wi'h the interests of thia district, I would accept yoar proposition, as I am rare I would be th high man in the firt primary, but baring , filed . as a candidate for th democratic nomination, thereby signi fying any willingness to abide by a deeiaioa of a majority of the voters. aad believing firmly lu a majority rule. most respectfully, decline to make any agreement thst might def est th wishes of th people. I am aot puving to th gallery but running for con gress and expect to win. Ax your tele, gram was giva to th pftpers by yoa or yoar press ageat before its disps'eh. i am sending . my reply to them with request that it be published. AvnirvCirluiiy, , ' . "II-.- U LYON.'- TEXTILE MANUFACTURES REFUSE ' TO CONFER WIH WORKERS New Bedford. Mass. April 30. Ths New Bedford Cottoa Manufacturers Association after a meeting tonight sent a reply to th Teitil council refusing to grant a conference whic htbs coun cil had requested "of tho purpos f averting a Strike," of 10,000 operatives slready called for Beat Monday mora- ina in 18 mllla. .. The manufaetnrm announced their -intention of shutting down the mills if a sufficient number of operatives should fail to report for TWO NEW COMMISSIONERS NAMED BY PRESIDENT Third Member of Interstate Commerce Commission Has Also Been Selected Washington, April 30. Two ew In terstate Commerce eommi'nioner were nominated by President Wilsoa. A third haa been selected anfl hts nam will he sent to the Scnat as soon as he con sents to erve. s Henry Jones Ford, professors of pol itics st Princeton University, and James Duncan, of Qulncy, Mnas, a Vice president of the American Federation of Labor, wrre th commissioners nam ed today. Mr. Ford was nominated to succeed Commissioner James S. Harlan and his term would expir oa December 31, 19-5, Mr. Harlan' term having ended en December 31, 1919. Mr, Duncan was appointee' to one of th two ew posi tions oa the eommissloa resulting from its eslsrgement to nine members by the trausportstloa set. His term would end on December 81,1024, snd that of ths member yet to be appointed would expire on December SI, 1923. The nomination automatically were referred to the Sennt Interstate Com merce committee, which probably will consider them next week. There wss ao disrussioa in the Senate whea th nom inations were received, but opposition to the appointees was expressed pri vately by several Democratic and Re publican members of ths tommitte as well ss by other Seustors, One of Largest Population Cerv ters In Hands of The Revolutionists Agus Prists, April 30 Chihuahua City is definitely in th hands of ths Revolutionists, It was announced by General Peliaa Calle tonight. Chihua hua City la a of th largest cities In Northern Mexico. It has a populatioa of srproximately ilftOO. General Ignaeio Eariqusx, candidate for governor of Chihuahua, according to General Coll, wa at Santa Ysabel with 4,500 state militia marching toward Chihuahua ta reinforce General Bugenlo Marlines: aad Colo el Fransiseo DeI Axon, former . federal commander - who deserted with their troop. . Telegrapble aommnnicatton was es tablished between Chihuahua City, Sea ts Ysabel, Hermoaillo, eapitsl of Sonora, aad military headquarters her shortly before 7 o clock-tonight. General Cal ls aid h was in direct communication with General Euriqueat AMERICANS TO CONTINUE TO TRADE IN MEXICO. Washingtoa, Aril -30. Americans do ing busiaess ia the Stat of Soaora and other part of Mexico controlled by th revolutionists bsvs been authorised to pay tsxes and customs duties to th de facto authorities. , This authorisation, it ras explained today at ths State Department, is ia accordancs with a recognised principle of international law sad does aot amoant to recognition of a de facte government. Ths principle has beea observed. 6a several occasions ia V v. ico, aotably whea tha Csrraasa revolu tioa started snd his forces obtained control of ports. Inability of the rec ognized government of Mexico to eol lect duties and taxes ia territory hsld by ths revolutionists, it wss said, can aot be permitted to interfere with regu lar commercial transactions. Ths. State' Department received an exhausive report today oa conditions in Vera Crux from aa Americaa ia that city. Ths report urged thst war ships be kept ia readiness for dispstch lo Vera Cms should ths need srise. Although- Vera- Crux ' was said to quiet, possibilities of troubls there were described as grest. Official advices today from vsrious parte of Mexico indicate a stesdy growth of th revolutionary movement snd rapid co-ordinatioa with th Sonora revolt of many of ' th rebel bands whieh have beea operating independ ently. Tb possibility of General, Obre' goa taking the field ia person for aa attack oa Mexico City wss forecast ia these reports which said that the rebels f Miehoscan, Guerrero aad Morolos hsd declared themselves a unit of the Sonora army. ROCKY MOUNT NAMES ALDERMANIC TICKET ' Rocky Mount, April 30 Ia the Dem ocratic primary her today th follow ing were nominated as th Democratic ticket ia the city election to be held Monday: First wsrd, J. U Horn, Jr. second ward, R. C. Brake, third ward. U D. Easoa, fourth ward, frank C. Gor ham; fifth ward, U I Gravely sixth ward, J. S. Wskefield. The other eaa didatei were: First ward, J. W. Thurs maa; second ward, L. D. Harpers1 fourth ward, J. M. Donlsa; fifth ward, R. B. Osy : sixth wsrd. J. K. Uoff. ' Mr. Easoa was onspposed in the third ward as O. T. Burnett hsd withdrawn from th race. . Nomination in - the Democratic primarie is equivalent to election. Beside voting on' th amermsm ticket Monday the eitisens of Rocky Mount will rote on ths issuance of 160,000 ia gas improvement boads. Aa BBuauslly heavy registration has takes place for this election and much inter REBELS CAPTURE BIG MEXICAN CITY est is felt T the outcome. To Mov Salltstl Ststiaa Washington, April 30. The army bal listic station at Daytons, Fla, will be removed to Camp Benning, Gs, about Msy 10,' tho Wsr Department announced today. The new station is expected to V ready to resume operations by June J.-....-..- - :--...,',.'.. --"."' " - . ; I VIOLENCE 0 MAY DAY EXPECTED OFFICIALS STATE After Checking Over Confiden tial Reports, Confidence . Is Restored -V HOWEVER, RADICALS TO BE WATCHED CLOSELY, Gigantio Propaganda Demon strations Planned In Many Places j But Department . Agents Won't Try To Pre vent Talking; Frown On Appeals For Strikes ' " Washington, April SO. After check- Ling over confidential report from all parts of the country, government om elels expressed confidence tonight that threatened May. Day demonstrations by . rsdicals would not result in any nation wide sttempt at rielence. While taking this riew of the situa tion, tho Department of Justice renew ed its warning to local authorities sv ' cry where thst if the radical elements were to be kept under control every law enforcing agency. State aad Federal, must be swake and equal to tha dangers real and fancied. Assistant Attorney General Garran, who directed raids on Communist snd Communist Labor psrty organisations ia January, declared as he went bom for the Bight that 1st report indicated , what violence might occur would be spo radic. ' Plaa Glgsatlc Demonstrations Most of these reports showed that th . radical wer preparing gigantis propa ganda demonstrations, but meetings ar . scheduled ia many places and it is st these that trouble msy develop, accord ing to Mr. Garvan. Tho departmeat, hs said, would allow "those gathering ' to talk themselves blue" but govern ment agents would observ th tenor of agitation. Agents havs beea instructed "sot to incite or excite trouble in any such assemblages." t. . " It waa disclosed by Mr. Osrvss thst ,; several .membera of Congress, threo Federal Judges and aa attorney r.v eeatly active ia : investigating radical , disturbances had beea marked for as sasslnation. With th early discovery' of ths plots, howver, Mr. Csrvaa be lieved the officials, sgalnst whoss live th plots were directed, now ar amply, ' protected.' ''".'' Appeals of the Communist Labor leaders for Msy Day strikes appear aot to hav met with a kindly reception, although there were threat of strike ia some sections. Thoussnds of 'work- , ere msy lay down their tools tomorrow but Mr. Garvan believed thia would b more in the nature of a declaration or , a holiday thaa with a malicious intent to cause a grest tie up. . . Workers Msy Stsy Oat Timber workers in Wisconsin and Washington msy remain away from work, secording to reports. Federal v sgents advice I, however, that their la test information disproved claims of di rect collusion betweea those , worker snd ths radical leaders. yJ"" . vj. vni.au csueu ancartuano u sp" parent unlimited amount ot money -em., ployed by th communist labor party In fomenting disorders, declaring thst, at i ao time in history, hsd a radical move. ' ment been so plentifully financed. H ' traced the source of these funds to Am sterdam and thenc to Russia. The amount of radical literathre sir eulated within ths last week was des- -eribed by Mr. Gavan as "amaxing" aa " hs polntod, to the scores of different per iodicals, pamphlets snd circulars to gether with special sdltlons of radical ' newspapers piled -ia his office, appeal ing for a "May Day show of power". ' Exponents of direct action, h contin ued, were taking advantage of an op portunity while tb nation awaited de velopment "to lay their ineendiarsm oa f ths people's doorsteps'." Distributes a Proclamation Mr. Gavan declared that Tom Mllldtt- ska, arrested on a deportation warrant, which was later cancelled by Assistant Secretary of Labor Post, hsd beea found ' in Chicago distributing ths May Dayv; proclamation of tho Communist psrty. ' Miliousks, Mr, Garran said, was freed ' by Mr. Post because ' he 'said h did not know "the Bator of th eommunist creed. ', :' ? . ; .ft, Meanwhile, department official mid ' they were expecting si decision tomor- ' row by Sesretary of Labor Wilson as , to whether membership ia th Com rauniat Labor psrty wss sufficient ground '. in itseir for deportation of aliens. ' Mr. T?arvan declared th evidence 1 sgalnst the Communist Labor party was infinitely more damaging . thsa sgalnst ths Communist party of Am erica, which had beea held . to b aa '. lawful. If th former orcanisatioa should be declared legal, he said, ths ruling would establish a "safe haven" ia the country for the development of . plots and plans to overturn tho govern ment hy violence. LAUNCH CONCRETE SHIP ; AT NEW BERN YARD TODAY New Bern, ' April 30 The , "Major Archibald Butts." ths elzhth concrete pSsslnger carrying - ship to be son- , strueted snd launched, hree, will tsk to the water from ons of th pier at 1 th Newport Shipbuilding " Corpora- " tioo's plant her' tomorrow morning at t 11 .o'clock, urigsdier General F. T. Hines of the transportation division of tha Wsr Department, will chriatea th shir, h and his party arriving tomor row morning. .... . at a fast gam of baseball th New Bera Highs this afternoon walloped the Washingtoa nine to the tun of 17 to the management. svork oa Monday. '- ' ' . 1

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