TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 4, 1S20. 2 THE NEWS AND OBSERVER AT WIFE'S GRAVE Valiant Confederate Soldier and Long Prominent As Citi zen of City A By JAMfcS A, ROBINSOX. Durham, May 3. William J. Christian, me of Durham 'a oldest aad most Influ ential eititena, died auddialy ftuaday tftcrnoon, nbout 3 o'clock i" Mflplc aeod emetrr, by the aide of his wife's (rave, which he wss visitinp for tho rt tin in several works, hi condition lc Inf loo feebla for him to go often. He has been confined to hia home with Al um practically ever ainre the death of ft is wife, whir h eernrrea ahoot 12 month I go. Ilia death nan the result (if aeulo Uriifht'i disease, from which )i had been ufferinC for son time. -He was accompanied at the time by kia two daughters, Mr. J. '. Wynne nd Miss Lois Christian. Medical aid was summoned, but death wot Instan taneous. He wa born December J.I, J Ho aa a valiant Confederate soldier and was a prisoner for more than It months en Johnaon'r Inland. He was a staunch Baptist in hia Christian faith ; h tiled inany office of publie trust and was leader in many of Durham's Successful industries. He Is aurvived hi four on and two tiichters, and np brother, aad a wide circle of rein tires. HI ehildrcn are: C. K. Christum, of Durham; J. A. Christian, of Mobile, - Ala'.; T. B. Christian ,nf Jacksonville, Kla.; W. J. Christian, of I'ontiae, Mich.; Mrs: J. C. Wynne ami Miss Vols Chris an, of Durham. Ths funeral services fcme not been made, awaiting the ar rival of his children from different pnrts of the rounlry. - Death at Mrs. E. tneahrough. Mrs. K. CheshrotiRli died suddenly ftunduy evening, at 7:1.", o'clock, at the home of her dmighter, Mrs. ti. i. TnV lor, on I'arrish l'laee. Hhe had Ivcn in Mining hcnllVfor enmo lime, but mis hot eonHned to her lied. She n up most of the riny rtuntlny, nnd on goiiiK t her room, just after supper, sho had ta attuek f heart trouble which proved fatal. Khe was a native of Cannda. About 74 years of ngc Had been a resi lient Of lhiikam for ten or twelve yesrr Wt was romnmnieaiit of Ht. J'hilip's church. The funeral and burinl will luke place In Canada. The remains were carried to Hnb'iuh this oftrriiOoii on the! :I3 trnln, and Iheru- transferred ' to a! Jsrahoard train, and taken In Canada. The rl.8tet,Hevlal. ' The evangelist, lWf Thurston B. . Wire, with his singer, J. Ihi1 Ht'enU, ' l'Han Humlay morning, in Memorial ! Methodist church, this eity, a two weeks' j fevhsl services, which give promise of big meeting, from the manner anil In- I terest manifested in the first meeting. Large euiigrrgatious are attending. Bailey Loses In Every Precinct ; In Native State j i.; (Continued from Page One.)- .Woodier'; f N" Hern, who B",' "V ' IM-dtlnu under Col'.eelor Ha Hey to run Ji Btnlo auditor started Iho ball ridl Xng and aa the Jim for the prlninriiS Xrar.s nearer the ball giiitis iiuinientiiiii. Jt would not bu surprising lo see oilier resignations in North Cnroliiin within ths) nest few days. When Mr. Woodlry .stepped down he jMived the way for other to follow suit. Crl Writ A Letter. - X. A statement issued from the uflice of Senator Lee K. Ovrrmnn today quotes B. U. Crisp, Dare's KepresentativehV ..Hw Legislature and the "Chamipecii" of the antl-suffmgit, aa "a at mug be--liever In as-eping the present Hcuaturt tud Cougrsnieii iu office as long as Ihey as they faithfully perform their luties." Mr. Crisp ent to Kenator Overman few daya ago a ropy of hia reply to Brooks' invitation to support bim,-;. Af ter pointing out to Mr. Hrooks the ad vantages of keeping Kenatnr Overman tu Washlnirtdn in order for "North Car olina to remain n real factor la the fovernwvnt at Washington," Mr. Crhp praise the junior Henator in high terms for refusing to "surrender hi .luanltood lu become a bell wether for a few clam orous women upon whom now rest th mantle Of Kusan B. Anthony. "It was the new idea," mys he, adverting to the Rrookt admonition to him to consider that It I new world folks or living in now, "'that ill etiating ' policies ihould lie abandoned and everything based upon new and different principles that made possible present conditions in lluuia. This new Idea constitutes now th greatest menace ta our nation nnd III time tested institutions upon -whish it greatnesa has been achieved and upon whleh foundation it must -rest if it would bold its place as the leading Natron of th World.!." .v . . . Veedle to y Mr. Crisp TsTintlni' Ustle for fenatnr Uverman. ' It was ss id .her today Hint William Jennings Bryan wilt be th virtnelpsl speaker at the coming session of the Karara Fkilalhea association in Wilson, lbs has been invited and it is understood that h I going I accept. HEADACHE STOPPED WHILE j YOU WAIT DniftUt Rofunda Your Money WhiU You Wait at Counter tf Aapironal Doa Not Re liavo in Two Mtnutoa. Ab solutely Safe. ' ' I Why swrTer hslf s Ulnar f kcttdarhs pain wskina for yew alasntch Ss i'IwiI tuii4 lakMtt awl iwsiasrB, ukn A4 rural, lha era Elixir, sivaa riif riaht bow. Tour " DttctAr ureOrs Atptranal for the csaana that tt saswi a)nsiiaa ta tba bnrl anal sW avt apaH the alassaca. - Tss snt tisM yan hare a hMdaetMi e te ' .n naoraat aru stare, fcssj .lha elat-k lis It I a Oulllr far a buttl t Atpironal and teU kins ' Ii arm yo twa mtpoiwf ul is a littls walai. i Hill, vour .-str uk your hnd sount aril Is,: nlnsMs ana) niU b.r your smmt bark, as per assRUJacturor's Sua rant. If yns cmn't feri , ur ndaielia' fMtin away witkia Ina tinM limit. Your alrucsiat tnvnas sua) esaswla yow to try Aspteoaal. sa aVm'l W bsahiul. ararr l)r Is aotna it. 8sai usmiio applies ta co ii,., rtmsha sinl nuralat.--Adv. .; ; NOTICE Arivou SulTerinif with . tulerfulosi m!1 Kara something of sititl Impor t 'n-e if tlicv wi!4 cotu a 410 West J...S J-t. Alf. - MAY 6 IS LIMIT DATE FOR QUESTIONNAIRES May fl Ji the time limit for Iing an swers to questionnaire St-lit to the various candidate tiy th fitnte Federa tion of labor and the State Farmers I'nion, it has been announced. All ques tionnaires whh-h liar hot bee returned by that date will be regarded as unnn swred. lreiiration are now being mado for the publication of the results of the Nuesttonunires, ana on May , th cm mittee of tho r'urmer Union and the esi-.-ntive committee of the Mfato I'ede- rtttiiti will meet for the raavaea of" the questionnaires ond tho preparation of the foienonl or me pumpniei wntrn ni enrr yan analysis of the aaswets and a ej nracterization of the Various' eandi ilnlC as fair or unfair to labor. ' Brinson Charges, Abernethy Denies Party Infidelity Uentinaed from Yagt One.) (home of Senator Butler) lie heMd ton ferenees with K Henatof Butler and other hading Republicans. "During this period, the period of his insurgency, Mr. Abernethy made a number of spoeehes, the on nt Uurgaw being typical of the, rest. "in hi speech he was abasive of Domoeruts and eugostie of Hepublicnns, "Never until noiv, howerer, lias one of the returned prodigals lotoie back with aa arrogant claim of high office heenuse b has given up his backslid ing." ' "Jf the fatted calf must .be killed and the royaj- robe brought forth fot the erring brothers, party allegiance would Im a snare and a delusion and regularity would bo mockery. "Kvery defeated candidate would run Independently and then upon Invitation retire and secure the office next tlnio. Proper Attilnda or Pradlgala. "I do not think that any barrier should be placed, in the way of one who wishes to return, rather ehould en ion in c him, but where one'a party (Vally hangs sn lightly upon him,, lit at leakt should allow "fruit meet for re pentance before preferment is given him almvii those who remained trim and sought to anvc tho party from his wrockliitg operations. ".My recoul ill Congress is open to the inspectiim of all. 1 have not. sought, to evade or stiuddle any question. I limy have toted ivrong nt times but my vote nt nil limes bus been influenced bv my judgment mnl my conscience." j Abernethy Reviews Fight. AlnTiulliy begun with the statement LIFT OFF: CORNS, MAGIC! NO PAIN Drop Frcczotie on a touchy corn then l.ft that corn off with fingers lrop a little rreeruiie on au aching eorn, instantly that cnri slops hurting, then you lift it right out. It doesn't pain one bit.- Yes, inugiel Why waitt -Vour tlrngg'st rvlls a tny kotlla of Freceone fot a few cents, ii'ifiicient to rid your feet 'if evsry hard eorH, soft corn, or eorn between that toes, anil calluses, without sore-irs or irri tation. Kreesone is the much tnlkel tf ether discovery of a t'iucinuili gcuius. Adv. Who Is Your Kodak ' Finisher? Mail u one (1) roll fihii 'wilh iV nnd yuur dealer's name and w will iinish one (1) print each a a trial order only. Writ for ptiues. "SERVICE! TWICE DAILY" ALLEY STUDia . DRAWEE HU, : TARBORO, N. C. DETAILED - COUNTY MAPS n Mad By . , WELLS BRINKLEY Bocky Mount, N. 0. Iafonnatioa ansa rtquesL Gilbert C. White . 00N8DLTIN0 BMGUTKU ' "' Darwaas, X. G ' WATKRWOgiS, LICHT AMD ruwia aTKCKra 'TffiABAZIIE jlH Padfortlttiih -letiA"nj . Co toDrvSiioiTtr . - R U Tiny bottle eost - j ,,ir cts. 0 fitful I r that i'ie debate was not of hU own i-huosiiii,'- The last time Ua had de.bated was with Marion Uutleri and be felt tort "f ;, ikward debating with Denv eernl. "" "T. :;- "t Bin figltling far n principle, he tt cluimcl Truth is mighty and will prevail. I w, the nomine, of the Democratic iny two yean-' ago fend I can prove tt, with these affidavits iherc.- He held up a sheaf, of paper and the i rotvrt- yelled. Jte the re counted In fitfht before the election board, a-king for a second primary, his later rl Mdi. -theemt, and the over night detis'son of Jwlg Cnlfert to overrule the nuitioa madtt for injunc tion ngaimt the oertificatiim of Colonel Iorteh. He amass-d the seerfltor( by deaeribing the hiring of his lawyers. Judge J. Crawford Jl'irg", ho taiil, was one of the bft asid mot-epenire lawyers in the Mate and II. N. 81mm is one of the best Bnptrsts. , "The eleetlon lioard told In , that Ihey h.id no power to call s new pfl-ui!iry,"-Jlc shouted. "Judge Calvert told uie that he had no power to set asldy the nomination of Colonel Itortek. My lawyers wrote a eomplaini am long as the moral Ian but the court bail no power. I know a ciftivd that ha power In gite me relief timl I am taking my case to that highest tribunal in the world 4h jirople. They will fir in relief from Colonel Wilson 0. Uiuub, who said he had no power to givo me relief." There was an uproar. . , Then his attention was turned to 1k Brinson statement that he had bee, an Independent, and had connived with the Republican. The man who call me DAVID'S SALVE 1 great for Eczema, Itch. Poisons, Sores. Cuts and Burns It will not irritate the telideh-st akin, Is soothing. Get and use one box and you will always keep it in tho family. It I not made lo compete with other (aires, for it is in a class entirely to itself. It wa mude a a horn remedy for many year and haa without effort, gon into every State iu th Union. Cut out this ad and take to your drug gist.. If he cannot supply you, tend ?5e and you will be mailed a large aiz trial package. If after using It you ar not utircly satisfied with the results yeur money will be refunded without que tion. Take no substitute. Insist : on David' or none. Dftvid'a Remedy Company, HENDERSON, N. C. fiDorit wait fir I tjh -r- nsassf ' ' ' mat miseraDierusn RFSLNOL OINTMTNT has all the necessary Qualitiet to re lieve and heal cctema, rashes, lingworm, etc, aa well al minor akin defects. TOO won't have to wait, either, as it usually allays the discomfort at once, and re stores th akin to health In a sur prisingly abort time. , SUPRET.IE COURT REPORTS- Vol. 178th now on aala $2.25, mid poataf Mordci' Locturea, 2 vols. $10.00 v Send For.Ldw List St N. C Rcporta furnished. ! Wo Supply AU Kinda of Book.' ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO., . . ' lUlalsh, N. C ' J" ' " .' ' 'vftht timtr '-.Vr' ' : .V v-, ' .' . THE NOMXfj 'f' . ''-C f .. ., "THE CAR TnATB WrrEREXT" : - - ' V , ,,.'' , Valuable territory open to respoBibli4rtic. ": f Far Ik caavoaleac aad lasaeetian of t N. C stealer tho SOMA, cars will he a eihlbltloa an this week at th Rocky Meaat Aato Show. W. W. WILLIAMS V ' litrtltr for N.Mh Caroliaa. .Borky Mokat . ; " tt n Independent is a well you know what I want to aay." There wa a good ly sprinkling of women . present and ' these the speaker waa looking whea he eheckwl himself, witti a Word bait formed on kia lips." "Talk about me conniving with B publicans," he said, tuning to Brin sua. Did ou vote for Dutler and the gold standard." ResHsblitaM Vaeh Fsnr Bias. - II turned then to ridicule of bis opponent, declaring that h wa bt ehool (uperintendent that Craren eonnty ever - had. ''Our 'schools Lave suffered ever sime he left and I want him hark.' he exclaimed. ThrJl ' be turned off to another tack aniF called Xat Jtuwell. a Kepubliraa in th audi ence, to stand up and say that be bad brought with him the paper that the speaker held In his hand. Kussell aaid that he brought it. It was read, an affidavit from C ii. Wheatley, former Hepubllcau candidate for Congrea enlllnc an ntaUmcnt that h had cob aired with Abernethy a "common lie." Brinsoa' va twitted for voting far prohibition nnd against suffrage. Kxt proof wa forthcoming that wa lav tended to (how that Abernethy waa a good Democrat, orthodox la very par tleular. H read from a newspaper atatementa attributed to Kenator Bias none, vouching for hia orthodoxy. Th remainder of hi address was devoted to running comment upon Brin son and the entire history Of th row that atarted when he first brought th ehargo of fraud against tho party ma ehiaery, He sat dowa two. minutes be fore hut half hour wa exhausted. . Brlnaom Tfrodoce Atldarlta. ' Brintoa fotlowed the rough aad tui ' STOP HG SWfl 2emo, the Clean, Antiseptic ' liquid. Gives Prompt Relief Then it one tafc, dependable treat ment that rclietret itching; torture and that clean aod aoothe th akin. Ak any druggist for3ocof $lbottl of Zemo and apply it a directed. Soon you will find that irritatiang, pimples, blackbeada, ecxeraa. blotches, ruigwarrn knd airailar skin troubles wiUdiaappear. Zemoi. the penetratinj. tattsfying Kquid, k all that U needed, tor it banishes most akin erupt kma, makes the skin soft, smooth and healthy. Ths E. W. Kam Co.. CIl imlmu (X Round Trip Fares, to Washington, D. C. via Norfolk Southern Railroad Tickets on tale May th lo 14th In clusive. Kinal limit for return May 4 1920. For particulars apply to your nearest Norfolk Houthern Ticket Agent, or write to J. F. Dalton, G. P. A NORFOLK, VA. C. A. ALLEN Jewelry .Jlenaiiing, aad Manufactur ing. Prompt Service. All work guar-l anrccd. ' JlOJa FAf ETTEVILLS St. Orer McLeod b WaUon's. time to hecdS RESINOL SOAP and RESI-' JsOLSHAV INC. STICK contain these same soothing inifradients, ' which enable theot to thoroughly cleanse the akin while leaving it free from aensitiveneta and smarting. Aikyeur iwteffee th Itssiast hasbstt.- I ar1rsV , yrth Carotla ble in hia reply, lie bad affidavits from Democrats from H. T. Wade, .J. i. Blaad, J. A. Powell, stating that 'Aber aethy bad been in collusion with Re pabllean and that hi speech in ren der efmntjvdurlng hi eampaign was a good Hepublican speech loudly wriised by Bepublieaas. He had been aeen in conference with various KopublicaB feailer. , i Th campaign U-attet circulated by his opponent wa brought . out and corn- mented upon. Ho ridiculed Abernethy' being a member of s(1 many fraternal orders, and Mated that he topposed that having a wife and son, as th leaflet Indicated, was excellent eam paign matter, lie turned to the wom en present and told them that ha had voted agnihst suffrage because he felt that flie women of the Htat diil not want it. "1 doa't believe that women will hurt politics, I am afraid that politics will hart our women,'' he eoneluded. A farmer eeottpying a front bench uttered a loud "yes." - Abernethy reiterated his denial of hobnobbing with Dutler. declared that whenever the scratch ram h always weal up and voted th Demosratie ticket, and returned to his running comment that amused the crowd mighti ly. "Ha talks about me being in Wash ington," h eentinued. Well, he is down her running against ma all the tint and somebody ought to t there. No More Jains- Debate. 'I ant as good a Democrat a Brinson is, ha exclaimed when time was called BAD BREATH Dr. Edwnrda' Olive Tablets Get at the Cause and Remove It Dr. brmrda'OUva Tablets, tho substitute for calomel, act gently oi th bowels and positively do tho work. .People afflicted with bad breath and quick relief through taking them. Dr. Edwards' Out Tablets are a vegetable compound mixed with oUve oil They act gently but ftrmi ai the bowels and liver, stimulatina them natural act ton, clearing the blood, stud punlyin the entire system. , Tae do that which calomel does, without aay at the bad after effect. Take one or two every night for a week and not the pleasing effect. 10c and 25c a bo Railroad Schedules Aerinl as sti sf ssmseic let 1st StlsttSi (Uaiss axest). a. e. Tss Himisi. wsmIs Ssstm ssuitlsa. ss stt ausrsstMS. (Ctlttrs ItsaSarS T'm 1 SlSKIDiK-SOUTHtsa SAILS ArrhW '7 Mf, 'hsT Wnktsrtis . ...I.. '...IM.IS. MS a. NirhlS. WssSlsitos. , arMstliis It!. 1:11. t in a. BS. B.lhana. WiMilMtis Wiia ..M1II.S si. CkarMHS. Varlat. Star ..' rise s. a. Bk ranntiUM. Ulllaltaa, fs IMt,a t tM . m. lariMtviiM, liiasstMi's' ft, Kisei ,. i. t Id -5l S. IDasW at. ranUnlils. imiiw. SaaSas! tlsssay sshri Olll. SSSSI I acAseaaa ia tin sailrsi. Arrteo Iraa lasvs It IMS. a. IxtiMvMs . -. Hrm Vaf II X" t:JS . m. altaa, WtrtasV-WalS.. i-M s. , Ins a. . Marttis-wasatastss sir'kaa I m. a. si. s:. s. a.w vara .. .... jsakusmiN IS . at. WiltaS Wallas IIS 4:41 a. a. CktrMIt .... gaikarfarllaa 1-41 lt:M a. St. Allaata , NsrtaHl ll:M 1:1 . ah Jatkwwrllls In Tart Ml S. SI. a. a, B. si. a . a. m. :is a. . aanais ............ anaata i :SS a. m. Na Vsrk JSaSMSIIIIS t M a a. seuTHisa SAiLioAb uau. arrte Irsa Laan tar 7 Jl a. as. SrwaiSsts ..... Wsmaavllls I:Hli H a. si. Darkaai Braasiaars ftltai H:4I a. as. OarSaa OraaaiSara I S S. I 4 S. IS. Sarasal arMstaar I 3SS.I 4:IJr t..la ,., Ball.aora Jt f I It Sis. at, Silas Saisasars 4-sss.i Jt a. as, Slim SalSissrs IfM. 7M. a. ttlas Sttli Sara ISMIS. saaa sti a zr aiaiss rstmt ir a t(Msy sals. vusavuiiNiie vicssr orricss. 'oaur Sstaai ar. . ent Photograph of Anythinc Anjrwhoro. Kodak Finishing . 24 hour Service Lot tho Ur JurJge to Quality THE CLEMENT STUDIO Goldaboro, N. C. Clem Studio I The:-$S.9S' Blouse. ; 1 "W'sr on him'. I .wallowed luu-i and Colonel LamV und ihat ouglit to rove it." - After eoncluding , Abernethy TWal lenged Brinson to. a debate in Golds boro, - Tli challenge was declined be cause Democratic leader in th Warn eapital and advined against it, Mr. Ilrinson said, but he was entirely will ing to meet him in New Bern. Mr. Abernethy did not aecept the challenge. Th third eandidato on th ticket, I I ilnWnansnsWlinnTirn ; IVlIlS Bed Xuga. Moth) Mvos Oat MoaquHooa and W DtrT Odors. 6pfayf and Pint Can, in handy boa, 1 1.00 at deaurrt. Baby Louis Heels JShoes That Give Comfort This Pump in Patent and Kid . . . This Pump, in Satin ... f ...... , A Postal Will Bring Our Stylo Booklet. HELLER BROTHERS EslsblUhed 1875 SHOES o. l. Hopctiraii' (Incorporated) rteductlon That Spring Clearance Sale Specially reatnrlac far Today f Striking Reduction on DRESSES . A wonderful collection of Dreasaa, in'clading TrScotine, Taffeta, Satin and Poire t Twill in plain tailored and fancy raodeia. Sold regularly up to $39.95 and $69.95 Special at . . . . If yunr dealer cannot lurjply you order direct. ZEBULON DRUG CO. Kabnlon, N. C. ' i9k 1 that we are featuring: as a "year round" special is nieet- ing: with a lot of favor among the ladies thatToiow" real value when they see it This special assortment , features a dozen Uyles in all the most popular colors" - and shades. , ) .. . - a.asasassaiaesawtiaSISS B. L. Carr, of Dnplin, addressed th crowd aa it waa iliac out th 4aori but got scant atteatioa. Two iieouUis I caadidatea sin os th rroaada. FOB AU Pain 2W A Headaches NcsralIia Colds and La Grippa '' BUMslehas n Ik) herosrie tn sias Ma I One of the most popular styles that has ever been designed. Made in Patent Leather, Dull 'Kid . and Satin. ; Styl 41M S ' ..,$10.00 . . .$12.00 HOSIERY Kaleigh N. C Mean Real Sarlaf DID YOU EVER FEEL THIS-A.WAY? ' ' A . - ' ' ' ' Wif ey ' pancake (or breakfast float teat an appetit children eomlnf dowa to climb all over your lap don't make yon flad you're home, stenographer constantly aOkoylnt you by tapping her pencil oa the desk, waitlnt for you to think tap 8Th word to ttse; othla right everythibk , tons wrong; yott think everybody is sohr oa everybody else. Get your packaie of ' Daniels' Liver Pilit today, front your favorite druggist, aSrf. U morrow realise what it means to be real well; and ths joy of living. 3d th packagai . . ,. , ., 103 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, N.C. ' a