SUNDAY- r. f i i I... i ' .ivir,- i -ft u x-xr-if-wx. L w...,...ikL,LiitLlii SEOiiSTOOAY HVf VVi I F Prvjwhprf Tft RfSitt-rf"'-'! uaito wi tutu Schools Hereiis.i Pu.yd ju n mmst ,tojpupps vita THESEVENTS FORMALLY BEGIN CLOSING EXERCISES Meredith, aad f etc Institute WfllHave Baccalaureate Sermon This ., , !,; 1 i CT" ""'ib-rt-tbari on charge ; iaiisionary sermon UommeBremeut la here ' with a rash , aad iTa sermons to graduates of Sal- igh cle4t i -efcnreae ed JhhN hrtf today signalise ths formal owning ... , -,.",, .7 jvith aa art exhibit asd eoeiety OTeatsl Cotleg. aa aloeutioa ital irKt"i.T'; ' Mary's aad a play by- the draaatie elub at rear Institute, This moroing at 11 crVlork, Dr. . W. - MeGiothliB, president of Farmas Cnl : yorsity will preach - the baccalaureate aenaoa to the graduates of Meredilh . College ia the Baptist Taberaarle. - At the same hour. Ben Wallace . JtoUiaav "it TBe"Tlrgrtla "Tfceolsfieat entnry, . aiewadrta, J , wui be preaeuag a ana- ilar aermoa to the Bt. Uary'a gradoati tw-the achool espel -while Be- -ayaal, ef BtatesTille, nual aermoa to the Peace lastirote ' graduates at the . First " Presbyteriaa 4 X- V-' At S o'clock tonight. Dr. John A. Rice, i , . pastor of the Pint Uethodiat church, of : Sumter, 8. C, will preach the eommeaee- . 1 ' ment sermon to the graduates of the - " i -.r-r--;BW1. Qtutgifo fmtin Hall, while Dr. I , ' :, McGlothlin ia the First Baptist church, I will preach the annual miaatoaary ser- - - --r - PreaeaUtioSi of Medals. hrfeafuM of the wnnm " eroiaes at Meredith eollege last -night was the presentation by Mr. J, ' It rough ton of medals to Misses Bertha Moore aad Mamie Carroll of the Phila jrctiaa and Astrotektoa literary Bocie- ties for essays on "Petrarch" aad John itott Osborne, Prison Reformer each being adjudged tho of oaa submitted by members of the two sieieties. Mies Moore is a sopbomoreTroin lUmW and It I . r - S WI Zu"m"m9?llll The medal for the best- assay by a I 'jncmber: of Jhe Aetrotekton society is I enbr Mr. Paschal Av?arin, of Few ICIaLi thaVfor the beat essay by a member of the Pbllarchan by Vfm-: " win Holt Bowling of Dnrham. Follow- )ng tba medal presentations receptions ' by members of the two societies were held ia honor of the invited guests. The art exhibit opened yesterday aft trraoon at 4:30. ' Twelfth Nlgarat St. nlaiy'r r. - The play produeed by 8t Msry'a ex- Traaawn department --thia- year waa uirectiou of JUias .liorew toad of the departmcBt. , . . rcraspsfae sna enoaia aaTs eeee, of Davis is the inlmiUbla M.lvotio, Lor - nine Smyths aa the Jovial Sir. Toby aad. Dorothy Kirklaad as mischief -making Maria were close seeoada. - All the cast showed the effects ef careful train ing. The interest in the performance as enchaaced by the fact that-no at -V - - w - 1 ,tampt was made, at elaborate aceneryjara milUoa dollar soldier, bonus bill, tot a stags decorated simply with pine-1 boughs lent greater emphasis to the famous words. The csst waa as follows: . Orstno, Duke ef Illy ria, Jans Toy j Bebastiaa, brother- 0 Viola, fielding Douthat; Antonio, a sea captain, friend of Sebaatian, Audrey Stone 1 a Bea Cap - tain, friend of Viola, Miriam Bilvsr stc,en t Valentine, gentelman atteadiag en the ' Duke, Lorraine Bmyther Sir IndrexcAguechfek. Kathorine Batts: Malfolie, ateward to Olivia, 'Sarah Davis;' Friar, Catherine Boyd; Feete, a rlown, serrsnt to Olivia, Mary Tellottj Aa Officer, Nina Cooper t Olivia, a lady of fortuae, Betty Bonner; Viola, MilU xent Blaatoai Maria, Olivia's waiting woman, Dorothy Kirkiand. SAYS NOTHING TO DETER IRISH FREEDOM MATTER AVaahingtoa, May 22. 8ocretary Col by wrote Chairman Porter, ef the House Foreign Affairs Committee,, to-1 -j 1-1 k I jday-that there wero ae facts" ia con nection with foreign relations which I "ww etw-asasm action -fln pending reoli..BS dealing v.n jrirn ireeuom -whicn is dictated ' ' by good-judgment"' aad the, committee felt "eonseleatiously impelled to take. The Secretary added, however, that : it . "seeins Lardly. proper" for him to atUmpt to guide action of the ammit- ; tee "by aa expreseioa of opinion' of i v leguutioa which is at thu st4c. -. . vesolutioas' before it proposing Ameri- f can "Hiplomatie recognition of the Irish republic, adjourning uatU Mondays 8,.,, cojb, tetter was in re- 4 , sptnse to a request from Chsinosa sorter that he appear today to disruss the resolutions. The eeasioas were ex- vHve, biit cmmltteem waid Berre- seauuve Flood, of Virginia, ranking .lmocntia wjmber; hid moved to roa- rmwe-rn- sesien antrl toe Irish rt disposed', of after thehalrmaa - had read Mr. Colby's -communication uuuer jirolcst. '- .Trie a'ajbi tion, said to have been carried by the , Republican majority over Democratic . eppositioa, ended the cession. HALF MILLION PROVIDED iT RECONSTRUCTION .rr'7eyy.T.O.rJL.My.g8-The Ctrnegi ia. lowment for international peace has ap- - nrucuon LthdeyatateL regioat of franee, Belgium; Heroin and Kurais, Ir. N'icbolaa Murray Butler, president el Colombia University, aanoaaced here today, in making public the asaual t. . oert ef the Eadowmeat Division of In reourse and dueatioa. Tlt r-Mjurm diaclttoid ihal.JlDQJXjQ, - was siioiiea 10 ad a reatArsttoa of the University of Lonvsia. Thai executive - committee for tiio-Tettef tf-tbe- op rrcised BStioiulitie ia the Near East, , formerlr under Cttomaa control, was I ri aoo.ow. DANIELS TESTIFIES AS . TO VICE SUPPRESSION Immediate Orders Were Jsiued -Te Stop Alleged Kiscondnc WJ KIWI at tha Kewport training station, that he ' obtaiaed kit -first ..knowledge, j' alleged mieeoaduct pa the .part tat Navy.psrsonnel from Bishop Perry , oT Rhode Jslaad. lit b j at .the allegations presented laat Bep- i1 131,bop easing at h Navy Department epotogira to Rev. lodged agaiaat Sua rar navar epratbfVw" Immediate, orders to atop "inch bat methods" a charged by Bishop Perry were issued. the BecretawraaioV" ad diag that "they were unspeakable ad L Ur DmU1 ' ... Bishop 1 Ferry aeouet tor aa apology to Mr. wtM that the ass along with thass S 1. .iIU.. . J k. a - M .... Use, which was thea preparing to -pro ceed against the Minister -fat tba Ted oral eoart at Proridenee. 1 -'l. r , Asked by counsel for the Newport Ministers- Uaioa if, by not Uklng stepe to Halt tbe proseeatlon- ot Mr. Kent by the Department of Jasties, he had aaaetioaed the methods Used la obtaining eridenee aniast him. Mr iMa'ieis replied Ihaf wfHS-tni ' ifiatttf in the beads of the Department of Jus tioa ha would not bare presumed to suggest what coarse It sbouia partus. RALEIGH SHRINERS WILL ATTEND CEREMONIAL EVENT At a meeting of the.Baleigb Wake Shrine Club last night arrangements, were made by the nobles t oattend the spriag ceremonial of. Oasis Temple In Oreeasboro and plans were annoaneed by which the Balelgh nobles will go to trtisbof 0 trne W tnwreFfillmll Uwr TlFlJ" - ' t8 ll I'1,16," :30 hta same morning. .The delegation will Jeare Ureeniboro at 12:40 tba fol lowing morning getting back to Baleiga at 10 o'elock. : Nobles are asked to notify Secretary T..-- Ceekmore b.camrtg him on the telephone. No. 813 or No. 1890, not later Veloek Monday -if eseatioiUl ardasjej?,ja.,,w. g,. "BawsmMsiBMeste BANKER MAY BE VICTIM - OF SWINDLING SCHEME Topcka, Kaas May gFeVleral stgentat- paafc tmoe -tupWtu'r-aflt the cuata Hanking Department are today in vestigating want may be a .half million dollar swindling esheme, of which Au gust Jaedieke, Jr, missing president of the Hanover, Kaas State Bank, was the rktin, it was announced hero today by las making UepextaeAt, That these manipulations of checks tad aecsUtles may . have extended through several states and represents ;alTrfunds efltjMJoedickobrl ihiagtoa county people, has beea'To' I Washs dieated by data aeqnired by bank ex aminera at Hanover.' llucfi of this money JS nort nUbl' 413 N. Y. SOLDIER BONUS BILL . SIGNED BY GOV. SMITH asaeaa j , a. s anjgaj aa.-T A UW IVl 1 introduced in the legislature by Miss Msrguerite u. Smith, Bepublican mem' ber of assembly from New York, wss signed by Governor Smith today. The measure provides for a referendum to besubmitted at the November elee tibn on the question whether the state shall- tssnr-aweee-T-tez bondavtta preoeeda to .be used for - bonus pur poses. The amount to be distributed to each resident of the state-rholacrtsd ia active duty ia the militia oa navel service of the United States at any uma between April 6, 1917. aad No vembet 11, 1918, is tea dollars for each month of active service, but no oerson a to receive more than fZSOOW, NEGRO YOUTH KILLS HIS FATHER, CUTS OWN THROAT ' Durham," May 82. Angersd ' because he interfered with him in a difficulty with another youth, Odelj .Clayton, shot his father, ; Will Clsytoiv- negro, this afternoon, killins? him instantly- Ha Jfcia own. wind pipe, intlicting . serious wound. TJie attending physician stated Ibat the wound may prove fatat.The elder Claytoa, a. prosperous farmer, lived Cae mile from Bougemont in Orange county. The. shooting occurred on hia farm. 1 1 HIRAM JOHNSON LEADS IN OREGON PRIMARIES , ; j.-.z-i1..- ' Forland, Ore, May 12. United 8'"?7 stor Hiram Johnson wis in ' 1" Bepubllean pretiden- preiereaca primary yesterday is !? tnrnr compiled late today by the remaad s Teletiaavj, Senator -JoIibsob in the ballota rehnrteit. miwA ei . 47 Majpr Oeaeral Woody-lealf Co. essFraatwdtir ,Mijad -Hef- wn uoover, 9fio. . MH SAYS MUST BE NO COAL STRIKE (Ceatiaaed fress Psga One.) with, the bituminous .cost minin In. aavr wgaio atheirwilllBgneM t con tHust work-and abide by its deci siuns. " ' : ; 'r GeaeraT "Bnlleir IDImT naraaee -M. Bailey, U. 8. A4 retired, died hers today. General Bailey waa born in New JjukllnJlSll and began hia military-career as a lieutenant ia the sixth United States infantry ia 1861. He was reUred ia 1899, ' 1 Why Bo Crawled. Ifonker' Statesman. - ' . ' - Red Is that' yoilr; dog growling-sot Oreene It sura is. Red What's he growling about? Greene Because meat la high. May - fictfe-i liirv IS. VAIul Gil! S8,0ffl BY VERDICT -Awardj -Damaacs. Fo Injuries Received -at - Union Station: .... A-jury-la-Waka- Coaaty :.' Superior court yesterdays awarded Mn, B. T.l Vana damage In the amount of. $8,000 for injuria sustained at tha Union Station Tn March, IMetr Judgment- ma entered against the Southern Bailway Co. aad the United State Bajlroad M ministration, tne courts bavins? . nrs- I vimnly aiutain edJLd emnrrer ofthe d-f-Amcrifan failsy-EipigiCaand original party to the suit. On TBtitio of the-liUffa, 4U was noa-suited in respect to Dr. B. T, Vana, originaUy a Joint plalntiffff with Mrs. Vsnn. Avlndependeitt wit filed bf Dr. Van u still pendinf. Tester- diy'j Ter4!ct , d'i not include compensa tion' for expenses Incurred by Dr. and Mrs. VUnn as a reiult of the Injury. tlutiism -being eontained in Dr. Vnnn's suit. H was stated yesterday that the eipenses bars heesppToxlmatsly $3f e tir--wiiaea-eaaaiine4 "Tester. day were Misa Bertha Carroll, who testi fied an the 8nt day, and Dr. Hugh A. Thompson, one of the physicians who treated Mrs. Vbbb s loot. Miss Carroll tars further testimony In 'regard to the manner la which Mrs Vann was run orer by . truck whll waiting, at the station to mebark upon The jury rendered its verdict -after about forty-fiTe minutes' eonsidsrstioo. J ffptlco "f-wnppealaa'-gifea-by TOW-uennaaBisi . MISS C0CR0FT SELECTS WOMEN'S TRAINING CAMP Definite DecUion Beached vTo Accept Offer of Aaherille. Company: :r:':fr:r:' - ' ftefnoonbyMti Busanna CocrofT member ottha Btal .T7i -u.Tri-.3 it Bute and local committee to accept the offer of the Grots Park eompaay for the use of the old Ktmberley farm, which adjoint the Asberilla Country Club, for the women a training camp, which will vpea there on iluly 15, for six weeks, under ths personal superrision ot Miss Cocrb'ft. ' - -s;'r;.:-c Thie-plaee.-wae selected beeanso Miss Cpcroft was anxious to get a location where at least one thousand women could be' taken cafe of and 6ne that ia close in. The Bingham school of- !'' aW'asiatadthft rwomen. was found to ba too small for the camp and the Morgan farm BetrTf uieen was to rar ous aaa naa to oe leased at a high rental, it waa atat- ad, - ... . t Mrs. Josphus Dsniels and . ifrs. T. W. Bickett have already carolled for the camp and. several .ether prominent women have signified their Intention of coming here. Army officers will help drill Jhs women and regulations will be carried out as ia samps Miss Coe government. Miss Coeroft leaves, here ( Sandaynlglrt--for'Cbteagw and-'-Mrr. Perube, state secretary .will return to Baieigh, Sunday morning, ; -LOSES valijAblk At tha' dance at tha City Auditorium last night, Miss Molly Baffin, of Mayo- dan, guest at tha Yarborobgh, lost a very .valuable diamond and . platinum Tslephoao Operatives oa Strike - Wsyeross. Oa- May S0.-Local opera tors in the Southern Bell Telephone exchange went on striks today. Dis missal of an operator is said to have caused ths walkont. - : -- r ; - ONLY BRITAIN "FULLY .? ABLE TO PAY HER WAY" F. A. Vanderllp and J. H. Will, iams ' Report Upon The World's Trade Position New Tork World". ': ' . "' , : Of all the financially distressed na tions of Europe, Oraat Britain alone appears "fully able to psy bsr way," and hsr position will atesdily Improve according to a joint report on the world's trade position by Frank A. Ven der lip, chairman of the American In ternational Corporation, and John H. Williams, asslstsnt professor of inter national trade and statistics of Prince ton University, .made public yesterday. French and Italian . trade show only slight iauUeaUonAof Jricovsryi: wIlS 31 monetary situation apparently " worse than a year ago, the report said. Bo long is the present situstion continues, j with ths united statee tntitee from a debtor to a creditor nation,, there Is little likelihood that European countries outside Great Britain will be able to re turn to a gold monetary oasis, and ths abnormal .aUtul nndet incon vertible paper will continue, it is de clared. In Gsrmsny and Russia' it probably will continue - tor S - "considerable period," while France probably will be abls to resume a gold bails at a "con siderably : nesrer date." IJHimately, however, there will he a monetary je aujusimenf in.r.umpet wun. a -gCQeral uutrtJu.Illt.tM ttam PffiiiCtS. The "ultlmsts eonsequeace" of 'ths United States "must be aa excess of Imports over exports, the resort savs. titer explaining mat a ractte which would tend to lessen the- likelihood of an abrupt decline of oar exports is the already strikingly noticeable nDwsril Imports from the farmer 'European bel ngerentf a amy slight and is offset tuny by a corresponding g: exports. to. theav. fl Smith' Pride.--. rffl Edinburgh Scotsman, "Smith -is very proud of hit looks. Yei sersed Jones. "He ha. nn gold in his teeth than hs has in ths bank.' . . . .. '" Vain Stranllns. Edinburgh Scotsman. -- . Dobbins T hesf -thi-yoBT-dnghter married a struggling young mant Jobbins Well, yea, he did atruggls, but he coulda't get away. ' t I i EHE'S THE SECflET CFr C EATING OLD H.CL Corretpoadent of ft. and O. Eas Worked Jroblem Out To a - - Victorious finish . Ta the Editor 1 1 have read so much In the pspera regstding-the hlgb cost of living and by so masy different people (hat i want to say a little aa thla Hi. We are taking Senators and other offi eiala to reduce thf high cost of living tor us. wo are suing to ess great mea to do something for ua that wa are not trying to do for ourselves! Now let's get the true sense of the problem, aad then probably we can better adopt a remedy, it la not the high cost ef living, it ia the cost of high living. If wa will work on ths high living, the cost will materially reduce itself , agree there are many-nrttcles-whieh ro aoemmgly out or reason la price, which are essen tial to ure. tint there "are many-thin w waica are detrimeatal to tha human family which are. extravagantly, pnr- enaseo. , There aeems to be an instinct with the- people of today that ia reaching out xor something, they don't know what, ana is caused by aa educated aad practical thought of eavy and popular ity that forces the individual to be su perior to his associates in thtnrs thst are UstefuL Now in the Cine of eatables tha etror ia wot so wide and we caa't have la geaerai much Individual depre ciation la price. Only la aa viae the quantity can we do much, but we caa oo tnatTnuelR tv erybody euould ent plenty, but at many tables there is noogh left after meala to ba cart to waste, that would make a plenty for a meal at tha same table. ' 80 yon can see this is a waste lb the country, and wa have enough burden to bear without lay waste of our own work. - lu.sia lndlfiduallyrasA-woai?ByJL? fceln ourselves to reduee the coat of kich li'VTng'. . rmix . .A..---tg-.-.-!yywt..-i"-1-. Take for example women s wearing appareL The. woman like the maa, gen erally speaking, is not satisfied with tha grade and quality ef clothing as she wore five yesrs ago. She can get dresa now for 123 just aa alee aa the ana aha bought five years' ago tor 114 and then aha was satisfied and nest- ly dressed, but now aha will take a AiS to 173 drssa isrtetd this being a tlnsr and more f aney dress, Be there comet that high eoet of living. Better known as cost 'of high living. She aaa buy a pair of cottoa hose for SO cents like aba bought Sve years ago, 'but they are not good enough so aha will take tha silk pair tha-merchant puta before her taataful evoa fnr 2.Ml n !' nS WT L"W iSmtod and thereby are - reducing - the cost of uis nign living. It ia tha same way with the man. He will go to tha store and can't do with aiitf .loUis ths aama grade of his t al a... i . TDr m. iJI a. ' I Tea ypar BTT1 11 1 L. -nan avnuan ni l Dal I or WO which "some" five yearaago cdsf" 15, but ha will pay for the moat tasteful I ; suit which costs from estrts g79, and when buying a pair of half -hose be won't buy a pair of cottoa onee for 50 cents like those he bought five years ago for 13 senta. Ho pays 75 cents to 1,50 for su pair that is guaranteed not to last over four Sundaya before a hole ap pears . in , the, heel, and thea they 1 are given awayand snrthjr newjsir ij Minim, chi who uie vain: nvnii oe satisflcd with . a good decentshirtLlia must get a aa.oo to es-OV sua one. aad then grumble like the mischief about the cost ef high living-, We must put our thinking operators in action nnd try and control our en. vious imaginations and then we can and will help ourselves .do that which we have bees asking others to do for us that ia to reduee the high cost of liv ing (cost of high living.) 1 , T ' Merry Oaks, N. C. DINNER FOB MISS MURCHISOX. Bocky Mount, May S2 A delightful dinner party was given at tha Xieks ho tel oh' Monday evening May 17. by Mrs; Mary H. Chase in honor of Misa Mae Murchison, whose wedding Is to take place on June the 9th, in Psyet- teville. North Carolina, to Mr. H.T. Ditto of Louisville, Ky. . The table was ehamlnglv decorated with white Amerfcaa Beauties asd the bride to ba wss presented with attrac tive books in which the guests had written clever good wishes to be read on her wedding day. : airs . Chase had as her guests Misa Mae Murchison Misa Grace Arring- ton, Miss Elsie Thame and Mr. Btev Bennett. . ... . .. Raising of Esster lUios la aa im portant sou res ef revenue te the people of Bermuda. -. . . ltsve the turfac and you ssvs alL -v paint up. . efdet promptly-from oar Raleigh Warehouse. . - -:- O. C. WHITE, .... leatj Local District Maaager. Standard Paiat aad Lead Works. ' (From manufacturer to eonsumer.) LODGE RE81DENCB IX HALF BLOCR OP CAPITOL JOB SALE AT AUCTION By virtue of authority conferred by a certain Deed ef Trust from Mrs. Caro line F, Lodge, dsted December fl, )ld, and registered ia the office ef the Reg ister of Deeds for Wake county , N. CV, in Book WO at Page 354. I will at 12 o'clock m., ca Saturday, Jnna Sth, 1920, t the county courthouse door in Bai eigh, X. C-. sell at pnbUe auction to the ihigheat iidder, f or falu all that lot wf inna with the buildings thereon eaued No. 116 Halifax street, known as the Jurs. Carrie ixfig reuaenbvoa 'Jis casi side of Halifax, betweea Edeatoa and Jones atroeta in Raleigh, N. C said lot being bounded by a line aa follows: Beginning at a point oa the east aids Of Halifax stmt said point being the northwest corner of the lot formerly be- end later - belonging to Mrs. Lola B, Wvana i mn thenea north along the mst-Msarof Halifaetreet-ail-a. feeU tbsaca east 105 feet t thence aouta psnu lel with Halifax street S3 I S feet to - Wyww - lot ! ttenee west along Ih wynna lot 1UJ feet to tna oeginnrag om Balifaa atrcet, . Bald premises are located about one half block north of the Capitol. On said lot I a 2-story, slst roof reeldenee with rooms. S baths. 4 linen closets, a hitches. Mil ilan 9 out bouses. Said residence is equipped witn aos ana cora T water and electric lights ana is aiso pipea for gss. Thia Aoril fth. 1920. ERNEST HAYWOOD, Trustee. D. T.aV - ASHEVILLE GARAGES TO CUT GASOLINE PRICES Reduce Profits Trom Three and Half To E&lfXent Per CaJ loa Tor Caa Asbeville, May 22. One of tha most welcomes aonnds.Trhichr ha t'akled ta the ears of local automobile riders and pleasure seekers is tha announcement toade . today that the pries ei saaoliae har come downr ! According to a decision reached Sat urday, whea repreaeataUvea-ot- pracU- eally all- the st2 -dealers and garages or tba city conferred regarding the high cost of gasoline and tried- to evolve "some method by which they could reduce the cost ta the consumer tha aew price of 31 cents will become effective Sunday morning. ' This is a drop, of three cents on ths gallon. Every garage la Asbeville wilt aeir'gasona f or -SI -aanta- as but, wUl maintain, their old price ef 34 cants per. gallon when it is charged.".-' -- n - t At the name time ome of tha Slling stations, noUbly the Aaheville Slling statloa will take off from its priea, aad Instesd of charging; 34 will sell nso- lina for 32 cents a gallon. They have beea( making three aad a half cents a gal tea oa their gaaolint, aad have da cidsd to limit thsir profits to ana and a half -eon to on the gallon. SNAKENBERG SELLS ( r INTEREST IN, PAPER Mr. Charles Fuffin has porehased the Interest of Mr. E. F. Snaheaberg ia the Capital Printing Company, Job printers and publishers of tha Union Herald, the loaai Ishor organ. Tot, deal ty which Mrv Buffln aasumea haU .interest ia ths reBinpany la succession to Mr. Snakea- berg, wss closed -yaatarflay. Tha cam- Meaara. KufSiSTBdtoni Messrs. Baffin nnd 8nnkenbera: organ- Iscd the Capital Prtatrag Company, lo cated ta the basement of the Jfoeeathal Building at the corner of Hargett aad Wilmington streets, last fall. Mr. Buf fi a subsequently released hia interest to Mr. Leng. . '-. , .... Tha Union Herald will eontlnne to bo published by tha Capital Printing Coin pair.' and Hf, Mai welt '.OotaMHii WsU-known Baieigh newspsper maa, will have charge of tha editorial aad of tha publication. The business and advertis ing departments will be haadied by Mr. Buffla, . . ..;, Ths Mosaic law prohibited taking in terest from Hebrewa. - mi tall .5mte.; Ts Mil ri i . the saly saMautic . a. vara iigns remis- lot. and. Jsv.JQt-J isawt act porta- yc &evy fmd owner lej yoersssie spnw. ' pec. Writs as ta4r hx ft.ll wrticulw. ' trdmn nanurscrttaw ca, h. t, ani, n mt, , r-w.j?erea AN7 OPEN LETTER hi TO, RUPTURE THE ONE TREATMENT, PAINLESS, BLOODLESS, RUPTURE CURE. ' ' -' - DR. ERNEST W DUNN ' HERNIA SPECIALIST ' New Bera7iCMay tSad, IS. Dear Folks t t ' Knowing that yon are greatly inter ested in being cured,- I am writing to ask that you give careful considers tioa to what I have to any ia this letter. ' , Beeauso the treatment I give for Rup ture la inch a God -send ta humanity, and as there are only- three ether specialists, besides myself, who. know this treatment, I am giving ap all my other practice- we- thst I mar - devote my whole time te doing tha moot I caa for my fellow-man. Some of the work I am giving up include the office of Medical Examiner for tea Insurance Companies, as well as the splendid gen eral practice I have established.' Purine the yea 1919, : made a 100 record CURED EVERT MAN WHO TOOK THB COMPLETE TREATMENT, For three year X have made aa abso lute success ea .eveigr baby treated. This method ia slightly different from that given to aa adult, but te savs a youag baby front tho kaif is a great bleeeiag. -. - - r A number ' of people anxious to be treated find it difficult to make the trip to my office, Besause I waat to do all tha good I can with the knowl edge and skill of my profession, ! am nUjinin to visit -different nlarea ia North Carolina. V If -ytm cannot tome r teJiew Bern to see me, write ma now for an appointment so I may arrange to sea you wkea I come te your tows. . If yon have Buptnre, doa't hesitate to-write me -for fall information. I will gladly tell, you whether or not a euro aaa be assured whea I kaow the fact of your case. . , REMEMBER THE ntSTl- THING TO DO IS TO WRITE ME TODAY IV- . , With beat wishes, . - y0Brt sincerely, - ERNESTJW. DUNN, L Dr Or t lVa ease to hava lovety - hear roumlf ss k ia aa adman it im otWpsopls. .JTom ahottid aa - - , NrJaon'a Hair Dressirjz KJmei, mlmvaa cbadruff and aaalcea the hasr grew, h s bmm - stsadasd for mmJL i ajr-rs. Getabat' fT?v v m BISHOP CHFSB1BB AT v 8T. SAVIOl'B'S TOXIC Ok Su.t U M fWhit Run day), the Bishop of the Protestant Epis copnt XHoeere of KortS : t'sroiiua, Sieht : Reverend Joseph . B. Cheshire, D.D will make his annual visitation of ffc raviourV- Mission of -Christ ehnreh. He will administer Hoty con firmatioa nnd make an address. Hot only all "EpiswpanaMiiBafrtgh-ljut also the awnoral public is cordially in vited. The services begin at S o'clock. JOINS LONG LINE IN FATAL CAREER (Caatlnaed From Pegs Oae) him -to negotiate a OermaB - Japaaese - Mexican alliaaee against the United Butea. Hia downfall baa been a week ly prediction for the but three yesn and whea- he took flight from. Mexico City many persons predicted orcon - fessed they feared the tragic cod whkfi esyitooa-him. , -...:,, Say II Whli MOWERS P-Cut Tloweri, ' floral DssJgns, Wsddiag aad Corsage Bouquets. Palaa, rern- and all- Wnde-o' - Deeorativo Plaata, Karolssua, Hy... aeintha, Preesia aad other Bulbs to Fall Planting, i. : v-- "TV - He- STEINMETZI norist . . -. Eakight N. CL THE GRIGKETr ".' -Price $14.50. ' a . . v ,.. . - - V. . ' , Made of Brown Calf - "with j-Jartre low flat -Ptentrof Sport Hose for the Oxf ordTf 2.50 ' POWELL'S . WALK-OVER BOOT SHOP, " 117FayettevaieSt. Welcome etters dam make them. LAYETTE, NO. 1 2 dresses, $1.95. .. .$3.90 2 white skirts, $1.50. 3.00 2 wrappers, 95e - rT,-1.90 1 blanket, $1.50 ... 1.50 A slips,, 95c .JBO, z nanneiene sups, " U5C - a e e e 2 flannelette barrows 9e5C . e t t e e e 3 flannel bands, 50c , 3 shirts, 60e ; . . 1.90 1.90 1.50 1.50 $20.90 I La3 I seen By. telephoninj; 2078 you can have them brought to your . - nome fQT gelection. : 1 - Bl)i Btft S)0p MISS ANNE T. . 'Ll.T : . Legersince . J Clothing ir't ' - 'Hickey-Preeman ( ; . - 7 ifvS p I"' 'Schloss Bros. ' fMA$f- ' I.' ..' ' 1 . ' "t1 ll ! $22.50, $25, x $35, . . , - $370, ..$38.50, . $40, tiJs I . - rt-" - i... er 1. . . 1 ii .. ,l ., - Ifi V I I j vo me ui cany aomgrrow Dei ore me MOCK - l I jLCrospLJJnehaii I There nre 300 volcnnocs on the globe, HX. I according to lite estiinatrs. - I A 'coniplete font of typo-consista of t - oinerent ensraira. the f J Tnjp it) mm 1 I I I J RaleighV Batieit " - Department" Store: 'SatsIiFortenr LAYETTE, NO. 2 1 long dress,' S4.25 , 1 long dress, $5M 2 long dresses, 13.40 "STshlte sklrta, S2.S5 ...... 5J5 , .SAO 6.10 3.50 1 white skirt, 3J0 , 5 flannel gertrudea, S3i5. 9.T5, S shirts, 61c ................ 2.07 3 flannel bands, 60a 1.50 1 cashmere wrapper, $iJ5 .. 4.95 1 cashmere wrapper, 3S0 ,. 3JW 1 cashmere sacqus, S2.45 2.45 1 cashmere sacque, f2.45 2.45 Z pair bootees, 950 ;.i.iiT. .i 1) 1 laiffb's wool blanket, $25 4.25 BRIDCERS. i i . jsiav- m - --a m ii .i at ; , A I

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