ELVELUS DEATH VEST TO CON BUSIilESSIIII MUfOWElll FLAG 0 E E II EASTERN Hil STARTS OFF WELL DUCT MILSEIIIE FOR BROTHERHOOD i5tG.C0LBY,lAKES STILL MYSTERY PARTY TO F RIS ED SUFFRAG CRJSESIIJEUROPB w - .. V - -. - : f. -: Says No Policy of Aloofness Can Find Shelter Under the r . American Flag Washington June 13, "X policy f seinsk aloofness, m policy or cumm de tachment Iron lit ana the world eaa find shelter wider th folds of the Amerka iUfc" Swixy of Still Cofty declared- today addrca at Flag . Day eiereise ef th Wsthingtou Lodge of Elk. - - , -Th time tall for grt action, for high and disinterested actio, said Mr, Colby. , "Wa bar probleme at home which clamor for aolutioB nd which raa be solved only ia tha spirit ef th flag. Wa have duties abroad which ara - long postponed aad which eaa only ba discharged ia tha aoble aad geaerous - spirit of the fct.-v ''rj---z-.T "Tha ideals of America are wrapped ia Its fold It commemorates the deeds aad tha eaflrinees-of our best aad bravest aa. It ia.ao flag for a astion which is selfish It is ao flag for a people which la pusillanimous. It is sot sa appropriate baaaer for policy of declared indifference to ilh raftering. or tha future of the world. The America flag speaks today as .....: it has always spoken, a message of cheer - aad help ta the oppressed! a clear Hots or leadership to ue aspiring in,, an lands i not of aid aad succor to lib - erty wherever liberty falters or is as . sailed. ' It spesks for tha redemption ' aad sot the repudiation of the nation's . - pledgee. - -"' : . "It ia the flag of work, of serrlce, of courage. It is tha flag ef chivalrous msa aad aoble women. It is a flag of glory. .."'" It is a flag which has moved forward oa every .geld, never beck wards; aad 'today, aad at this hour it cannot be aa emblem of a moral retreat upon that - fleld of highest serriee, tha reaeue of the world, to which our destiny as a , aatioa calls as.'- .' - PRESIDENT BEJJM FLAG ' . " ' bat tm TO M.tLsor. Wsthington, June 13. President Wil son today seat the following Tetter to Col. John MeElroy, commander of tbe . Department - of the 1 Potomac, ' Grand " Army of tbe Bepublie. '' ' - "I wish with all my heart that I could be present at the loyalty drmonetratloa whlelrlr helanjlanaedfof thf irrcfilng : of June if. I shall certainly b present ia spirit, though circumstances prevent my"belngesenTTnbody "Fortunately for na Americans, loy ,. alty is not so much a compulsion of the - heart.' In being, loyal wa are being true to ourselves, to tha principles in which wa ara nurtured and bred aad - whieh. wa "have long rerogaised as a true ei- v presalon of our national' character aad ' purpose and I believe that aa tha years go by and tha policy of the eountrr de velops along, consistent" lines, loyslty lil te warnter n watmer'uatlKt t - eonumeieTeiy thing that Is bate or nestiie." . ' STATE COLLEGES SHOW UP : ' WELL AT BLACK MOUNTAIN - - i ! North Carolina Stat Women's Collef Off Two of th Prix. .T Black ouatslnrJuna 13-ICortF Cr- Mina Colleges won signal houora at the . Blue, Ridge Conference of tha Y. W. C L A. .which concluded its session hers to- 1 The Korth Carolina College for Worn en at Greensboro got one of the five T student representatives of tha South Atlantic Field of tha Y. W. C. A ia tha choice among a hundred eollegea re pre seared aad also won third prise la tha competition for honors for the beet ori gtaal song. Other North Carolina Colleges made a graad impression oa tha remarkable' hosts olf J&pgjressira and agresstv Chrit lian girls, amoog them' Meredith College. Greensboro College for yomea won for tha Old North Btata most enviable : victories, Mis WinireA Suadean. w elected one of tha live undergraduate student representatives of the South At lantis Field ef tha T. W. C. A. and also iwoa for tha second time tha tennis . championship of these hundred colleges defesting in the flnals Randolph Macon, - 3 10 8. Miss Josephine Suadoaa wae elected manager of tha tournament. In tha contest of origiaal aoaga tha G. 0. delegation aader tha leaderahin of Mas Josephine Suadeaa wea the rup and I im aoaors ror a clever aad delightful rompositioa in tha fern of a letter to "Dad" from his daughter at Blue Bidge. .Tha selected groups of brilliant girls from, a dotea etatee returaed to their hemes great Jy inspired to serve Ood and humanity and, Incidentally, with great admiration for Tar Heel eollegea, - Veterinary Sargeoa Killed Hswkinsville, Ga June 13. Dr. O. A. - Bash, vetemnery surgeon and overwri vetsraa, waa killed early thie asnrning when aa automobile turaod ar. Vance Peacock, driver of the ear, waa asriooely icjuted. Dr. Eash'a-bady waa carried ta his horn in Indiana tonlgVt. . Local Office. United SUtea Waavtaer Bareaa. --' t' FOBECAST -: , Baleigb, June IS. r For North Carolina : Generally, fair sed eoatiuned warn weather Moadtv rd Tuesdsv. .' ' " TEiiFtBAIVW; -Ilighest temperature 5 " lowest ttmperatnre ;tt.tt.-.".... ?t , Mean temperature 2 Szcesa for tha day ,.vrwL.f Average daily deficieacy since Jsnuary 1st. i . ;-r.'rr;-: . ?r "t.S f tt.CU'lXATl&N (ia inchee : Amount for tha it boura ending ; .t at p. m .U Totat for the month lo data...,. 1.91 F.xcess for the month. .06 Dedniencv' since Jannarv 1st S.M HUMIDITY -'.j a.as. fl p-m. Irv bulb ....... T rt -wet buib"":;:rr.'r"n" "?s' iBd. bumidlty ,, ' 44 ' T Fbuxstm; (Bedueed to sea level) s 30ft. I S. n. m.. .S5. t uor:e':T3r irsarriunseO Sttrmri Police Abandon Theory of Sui cidef However; Looking For Two Club Men - New Yorlt, June 13 -Tha theory of suicids waa virtually abandoned by th pouee joaigm in ,ine anysierioBe uoaia of Joseph B. Elwell, weaHhy turfman iiaMdaiirttttm,wa found irf bin home Ust 1'ridsy wllk A bullet wqnrid in-hia bead. Usisteace of many of tha sports aaa'i friends that Jealoney may have played a important part ia the aupposed murder stirred the Z5 detective oa tha ease to reaewea activity in tracing hie womea acquaint ance and men with whom, he played bridge for high sUkes. . A thorough search of tha house failed to produce the, .slight eat clue, not aven flnger print, folica Captain Walsh said. -AssisUnt District Attorney. John F, Joyce today belittled tha report that worn friends or to detdi man una kevs to hli home. 8eversl additional persons who knew the whist expert were aaeenoaod at the lweU horns today, among them Countess H. da Ssiaawska, and her siete, Mnfc-1 Hardy. Jsitoer would discuss tha ease.-- According to Amistaat District Attor- aey Joyce, the sisters, who wsra born la Poland, mat tha turfman in Carlsbad, Bohemia, early ia tha war. "hil at the watering place with members of their family. Tha two woman left Carlsbad in September, 1014, aad came to Vw York, where they keve lived lince. A abort time later, ilr Joyce said, ElwU 'returned, to -America. : ,., .......r.-.it-i,-, The countess sad her sifter admitted, tha assistant district attorney - stated, hat their friendship ith ElwsU was broken after they heard ha had made a remark- associating them with .German interests. This resulted, Mr.', Joy no aaid, ia the. detention of tha countess as aa enemy aliea two years ago. Soma of the turfman a frloida ad vanced the theory that ha had been murdered by "a father r a husbsnd." ofica4uspiejo tonight vwss con-1 eontrated oa two clubmea, both ae quaintsnces of Klwell. One of them, the police said, had left tha city .when detectivea , tailed at . fcia apartment. According, to the police, the. missing man bed taade arrangements lor bis depaMuf - tbe-dy--bef oro t-tbetinurdor and bsd ,left about the tims ElwsU wss hilled. V ' ; - . To No Time In Campaign For senator rrantti (Owtlaaeal From Page One.) for 1h greeting of tha BepubUean ian didate. .- Tha Boy Scout band has been in Wash iagtoa en a eight-seeing tour and it was selected to welcome . Senator Harding because of the important part Pennsyl- vania s delegation to the Chicago eon' vrotioa played in bringing about tha senator a nomination. SKy.'BAtDINC TO BE IVEN , . BECBPTIOM AT WASHINGTON. Washington, June 13. Republican leadera aad friends 4iere of Senator Harding, of Ohio, the Bepublksa nomi nee for President, plsnned to give tha Senator aa informal reception at the Uaioa Station upon hla arrival lste to night from Chicago, trie special train. waa nua at lU43U- clock. Senator Harding ewaa eapected to re main here only a few days, finishing Up some-pressing nubile work beforejro ing to hit homo in Marion, Ohio. HARDING TO BK NOTIFIED . AT HIS BOMB AT MA1ION Marion. OhJo.' June UUCaited States Kenater Werrea G. Harding will be offi rially aotifled ef hla nemlnatioa for therTmideney by the Bepubiican party at Hip home in Marion within tbe neat few, days, it became kaowa today. it aiso became known that Senator BsTding"wW adopf the-vmstom ef-for mar President McKinley and receive party leaden at his hosne for confer encee during the summer. ;,.Thesej'on.-. Terences win be held on ths Iswn ia front ef ths Harding residence. SEN. HIRAM JOHNSON SENDS TEXEGRAM OF CONGRATULATIONS. Chicago, Juno 13. Before drnartlnn for Washington Senator Hiram Johnson seat the following telegram to Beaator Harding t ''Congratulatieae - to ycnii (8igned . HI JOHNSON." 6enaor Johnson waa neeomnanied bv Mrs. Johnson. "Ws ara going to thej capital, pack np our hags aad go back to California." he said, while biddine- farewell ts warty of friends. 'There- aothtag that I should care r to see now relative to the political situation.' .rjenator Koran alio declined to make n statement, hot bis friends said he would not olt the party and latimated that he might take anHietive part, in 16 campaign. "T"""- --- OFFICER MANGUM GIVES III! gaatlni Jk. am a aa mane. i WAKIsINU 1U MUIUKISIS Trafte officer W. P. liangum, whose campaign: against speeders ; has tnaUr Ul'y decreased that f oms of transgres sion among ear drivers of high aad low degree enw servee notice that the minor infractions of the lsw relating to au tomobilea will be aa rigidly enforced. Ho wishes to warn all drivers thst here after nrmt&vrill be made for violation ef any of IhFfollowing: driving without dimmers; driving with the aids lights burning; driving with only one front light burning. . r. ' lie states that ths ordinances roe- I eevaing 4e abo-re heve-1 been ea- forced ao much of lets aud aisny peo ple have eoma to disregard them alto gether. When. their attention is celled te the feet he ssys'lhst he taewtbey will be more psrtitiilsr. ? : .: , ALBANIAN INSCSfcECTIONISTS i REFCLREn BT THE ITALIANS. Borne. Jane 13. Inliia Alpinetroops have cleared the Avloaa front of Al banian insurrectionists by violent coun-tev-atek, aewtting- tt nrtrei 6 ceiTfd todayr which-4elae-4st italiew troops were fired on from the rear by -reaideats ef Arlona. The Italians arrested snd departed1 mere than one thousand MusSulmsa Albanians. In re prisal, an Alhanaia chieftain Is reported " subrr r-lnmsr-prii-i' oners.' Prospects Indicate Some Good - Sport By Clubs ln wewiy Organized League - Greenville. June 13-The opening games- of the Eastern CaroUaa League last week have -created more than gen eral interest in this section of the State, in fact awtinwnwaatiy4staw of thsTeaguj today thst there ia every indication that the season will bo' feat-' nred by fast playing aad active interest by-aoory -elub -composing tne. ieagus throughout the remainderof tha sea son. The sis games last week- were largely atetnded, and the way the play ere-handled themselves In -each t hibitioa ia one of the strong talking points for ths sport-loving public which has been following developments to terestedly and enthusiastically since the formation of ths leagne. - ' Practically every club eomes out of the fl rat week's contests with a record that la pleasing in every way, and while two elubs bave fallen to the bottom of, tha eolumn in number of gsmes won supporters are confident that the sec ond woekrwiii change thrittnaitbii ma terially aa enthusiasts are determined jhat the remaining gumes of the eeasoa will be hard fought and decidedly ia favor of .the clubs now lagging behind. The splendid showing made by players comprising tha various clubs has been matter of much comment, particularly in Greenville, and as this club ia com posed of a number of college men who made good records the past eease the club promises to be a persistent and dan gerous contender for the pennant U itt present. winning streak continues. Duncan of Clayton, who played with Wake Forest College the post season, is nuking an -exceptionally fins showing as esptaln of the Greenville elub, nod bis work at ths bat. and ia the' fleld last waek is ens of tha principal reasons for Greenville's present good showing. Barnss, pitcher, Ellis, second baseman, Stringfield, shortstop, nro also Wake Forest jprodueti who playsd te good ad vantage in the opening gsmes. Shop pard of Wilmington, Davidson College player, did; brilliant, work for the boms dub last wsek in holding Wsshington eight innings without a hit or run, and there is every indication that Nbe is going to play a big part in tht remain ing games or ins sesson. v renn or uar nerr Davidson College catcher, bsrbeen batting and playing" hit-positloalH creditable way, vfle Perry, Elon pitch- man, have made a favorable impression by their work is tha field. Tha .Greeavilie club is com nosed .of five local players, Bagsdale, first bsae- maty King, right fielder, Kittrell, cen ter fielder, Moore, third baseman, nnd Star, catcher, who have played -to pretty good advantage in tha games ia whieh they appeared, and no doubt will eon tribute largely to the elub's final vic tories. Other elubs of the league are made up of college and local players, and ao far they appear to be about evenly, matched without any distinct advantage. . v " . " ' ' 's ' ..'. - KEflIES TO M RSr1 W ATKINS. . gay a Women Are Better lejnlpped To Veto Than Mea.: , - To the Editor r .?';. . In reply to the letter written by Mrs Wstklns and nrintwii In tha News and Observer Juno, ihe..7th IwlllLi aay-.-iha statement of above named ' is' brosd ia the extreme when she spesks fo the majority or the good old North State In regards to ths euffrsge amendment. She seems to think the rest of us ' very ignorant and illiterate. I believe most of the women of North Carolina ara wise enough to know ths difference be tween A compost hesp and - ft-- man either at or away from the polls and all wa want the men to do' when they meet tajstify or not . tha amendment la justice in the matter, We have earned the right by hard work and aaerifice snd suffering la ths '. world war that never would heve been won without ths help and"" eo-eperstio'n ' of ine womfn.. The insinuations contain: ed in Mrs. Wstkins letter are an in suit to- every- gaot nma IC'Nbrtli Carolina They alio reflect on our sol dier dead in France aa many gave their lives who were rcsred in this State and whose mothers are their repress tativea in this ssme Stats todsy. There J ara many things being patronised itt this country that ate daiag more to lows, the standard of morality than tha passage of the suffrage amendment can ever, do In any form. ' 1 : As for the divorce !sws,God knows they are easy .and cheap enough for those that patronise them, I hope there are. not as many of - so-called modern women ai Mrs. Wstkins seems to think I guses there are many of us women if we bad a lord snd Master instead ef i huaband wa weuM change our opfn M.too. I thsnk God for tha shining lights that Mrs,- Wstkins - baa slurred and ia ao anxious to sea defeated. Aa for paying poll . tal every true American either in jr out of-Korth Csrolina should stand ready to meet ths vcesssry demands of our govern ment even if it is psying poll' ta. It will not break outf necks if it doea oar hearts. Wa esav wSr lees ailk and satin, tsks fswer ear" -fides or save more out of our globe trotting' expeasef ana pay au m tst inai wa win re re quired to pay. There srs too many woman, that are willing to sit on ths stool of do nothing iuv aack - cloth nnd ashes and wait for their Lords and Masters not only to lire for them but to die for them as welt .-..v'.j'. Wa don t sound eur convictions nnd beliefs from the house tops neither 'are wa ertsy for tha pesssge of the suf (rage amendment, but .we are "broad minded enough to want every human being to have the t privilege aad tha rijfhriotfrdwhelrkcsTTradr-tltax (ikes. We do contend that the major ity of women nro better qualified to vote than the majority of met. because they if e better educate it. ? Mrs. OBACE CLIFTON, V Benson, North 'Carolina. "V -J- REPORT OF OVERTBROW OF SOVIETS NOT CONFIRMED London, June 1.1Nothina- (has been received in London from snjr source confirmatory cf lhe report from Tokio iMwtweBni- govemmeirt fte "ea overthrown by a revolution and Lerm Trotrky killed. . , , r The BoUhevikl mllitarr eemmunl- ques, by wireless, have been received daily. The latest, dated June 12. was wrtrrd'-Ty lnolfl'rlrrrarJ-, Bolshevik! nave occupied iiev. National : Committeeman" Mc Lean -Turni Over-Arrange ments To Railroad Man . . The News and Observer Bureau, - 683 District National Bank Bldg. Br R. E. POWELL. (By SpeeUl Leased Wire) TfJU Wshlngtoig'J1llloBTfl;Natiron . , v. v arranging for tha tWp of th. North Car- olina delegation to the San Francisco convention, announced today "that the trip to the west would be personniiy eon dueted by Jno. T. West, Divuibn Tti sengei-Agcnt at KaleigU, wso win loon after routing the delegates going and coming. Mrs. West will accompany the party aiso The trio from Baleigh will be made through Richmond, Cincinnati, St. Louis, Kanaaa City and Ogden. or tne re turn movement, delegates wilt have op tion of using the Southern or Itortftern Paeiflcv -1 - -- Aeording to the achedule, .the party will leave Baleigh next Sunday at nzu, pass Richmend.at8ulQ-andrri ia Cincinnati Monday. .Hi. Louia will ba reached Tuesdsy and Ogden will be reached Tburtdsr morning. Arrlvsl at San Fraaciseo will be oa Friday altar Mr. McLsaa atated today that those delegates who had not already communi sated with him about reservations might take the matter up direct with Mr. West, who will bo glad to arrange all matters connected with the tttp going ana com tag. . Congressman ' Jtannibal h. Godwin dossn't know whether it is up to' him to demand n second nrimarr in the sixth district or whether Solicitor Homer Lyon should make the call, lniccurate re turn ia responsible for ths dilemma so today he seat the following letter to Chairman Wilson G. Lamb, of the Btsta Board ef Elections: "On account of the inability of myself snd my friends to get accurate infor- matioa on the returns of ths eongree-l ionnl vote in the sixth district, I aa unable to state whether it will be neces sary for -me -to file application for the second prims ry, but in order to be on the safe side snd eliminate any ques tion of doubt whatever, you may ac cept tfcia ai my formal application . far a second primsry in the sixth district, to bs'eliLJuly. third, next, lor tne purpose of :naming a Dewxratia aemie te represent tha sixth district of -North Carotins ia tha Sixty aeveath Cong ef the United States. If this application is not sufficiently formal and" fails to most the requirements, please wire me. If it is accepted aa being all that is required, I will tlianx you to also wire me at Washington. v t STOLEN AUTOMOBILE GETS PURCHASER INTO TROUBLE Promiatnt Tonog Tayette villa ' Man Arrested Here; Had v . Bought Car . 'Charles QldhrsB, .. Fayette villok was arreatad yesterdsy aftetnooa at S o'clock by officers Warren and Hailey on A war rant aw ara out by Mr. Fred Kendall, manager ef tbe Carolina Cadillae Com pany, when be learned that a Cadillae automobile driven by Mr. Marsh from Fayettoville-to.Raleig1 was advertised as stolen from 4 New .York insurance msn according to circular which he Had and by which the car wss completely Identified. , , - Mr. Marsh was released under bond of 2.000 for his appearance for trial this morning. Ths offlcinls of the Carolina Cadillae Co. noted the ' car yesterday shortly aftsr noon; traced it to the Yar- borough hotel where Mr. Marsh waa ar rested; and later "with tha information oa hand placed (ha car ss oaa thst had been advertised for several months as stolon. Tha numbers as to Now York State license t.nd motor agreed and the car waa unchanged ia all respects to far as eouia be learned. ,"' t , Mr. Marsh, who ia member of one of ths lesdine familiss of ths Csne Fear fseettenr Slid a dealer" In automobiles, stated that he had bought the csr sev (ral months ago from. Clayton's Oarage. a wall known automobile estsblishmsnt in Fayetteville, and that he had taken it in good faith. Be with at party of friends Irove over from FayettevNie yesterdsy morning.- Local Cadillae people have been observing the car for several weeks, it being seen frequently on tha streets kers driven by Mr. Marsh. It tallied so nearly "with "the deeeription "sent but from New York thst they determined to investigate, with the result thst it was completely identified. It is being held here subject to tha ordora of the owasr. LIGHTED kATCH NEAR CAS - - WELL) EIGHT FEBSONS BURNED Little Rock. Ark- June 13. One ef a trowd of aneetstora tried to light n eig at tha edge of a was well in tha El Dorado !(e)4 nesr here .todsy. 2 JW1' persons," including-six womtn,- we Ivrnsd, several seriously and the wi'l wss still aflra tonight Efforts wars. being msdj te prevent tho flumes from spreading to other wello neaiby. -1 11 i . L'mplre Showered With Bottloa. " Jersey-City, N. J.? Jutie I3 The re-' moral from the field of Umpire cor- curan by Police. Captain Nugent during ine.nrsr lorontu-Jersey City game to y after be hid been tho target for a shower of pop bottles, was followed by ths forfeiture of ths contest to Toronto, Breakfast Reado-eat-- the meat of wheat -hjkJ malted barleyr A nourishing food that provides at small cost the . " essentials nature "Tequlres to keep the body in trim. AtgrF-everyvhere Grape-Nuts Meeting In Greensborr Passes Resolutions For Ratine W;;;: cation " Korth Carolina Federation of Busi ness and Professional Women meeting ia ureensboro Thursday . and r riday nnanimoualy endorsed woman auffrage ilratify the euffrsge amendment at the I'P? !f" ri.T. R: i This meeting elected Miss Elsie Kid- dick. of Baleigh president of the State organisation. Miss Biddlek is presi dent f the BaJelgh branch, of the Fed- eratioa of Business snd Froiesaional Women and likewise bead of the local auffrage league. The Greensboro meet ing waa attended by the largest sum ber of womearwho tare, : made Bp n delegated "body outside - the regulai State Federation of Women's Cluba. The women, appeal to. the legislature to pass the ameadment fend base their memorial on ths lsstinc -conviction that the right, and duty of participat ing in tho government of our country through the use of the ballot la a f un damental right, and that ws aa busi ness and profosaional women keealy feet the need of the ballot aa means of protection nnd the expreasioa of our opinion, therefore, - - : 4 "Be it resolved. That we reaffiraa thl resolution paased by this federation at ita organization meeting, which resolu tion asks that the General Assembly of North Carolina meeting in, special aes sien ratify the -Federal amendment fif ing equal auffrags'Wwoen.'fcJ--T The federation deplores tne -enarae- terless. unentertaining, uninatruetire nnd unmoral movies" which are imposed noon people who must seek recreation from suadry aources, and asks for a state-wide censorship O- ths moving pictures. . . - It uraea a state-wide plast'jif relief te busiaesa nnd professional women who may bo in need of zunda lor legal aid or medical treatment nnd recommends if Bppf.intnt at cnmmitt to look into ths feasibility of such a plan nnd to work it out.'. The Federation makes appeal to the conscience of the- State oa ita waste by fire and ita slaughter by accidents. It ehampiona tha construction of a woman a dormitory at tho university to house the women who now attend or hereafter will matriculate at that insti tution, tl asks the legislature to make appropriation to that end. The establishment of a woman a on- reau designed to aid wage earners among the sex, through which better employment and conditions of work, are made possible . is another reeommen- datienr s - : And finally, after urging reclassifica tion of the Federal Civil Service with the merit system of appointment and promotion, tha Federation protests against the discriminations by the ho tels against unaccompanied women and urges .that these bostelnaa.. give.- ade quate proteetioa to the traveling women. ASSOCIATION TO SUPPORT STRIKE OF LONwSnOREBEN New York, June 13. Membera of the International Longshoremen Association voted today to support tbe coastwise longshoremen's strike, according to aa announcement by John J. Biley, presi dent of the district council of the as- eoeiatron. The ' action -was taken, he said, at . meetingattendedbyi, 4trliouso the hundreds who aw expected gates representing 68 locals. The tongue of a' woodpecker ia covered with a sticky saliva for searching bark crevices. ' FIFTH StL -1 L HP i 'l K 1 '-' I"' T V n , i I i Hl'm - V , . - " r nn ' I " ' !-; it Su8ts of.The Plaza remember Summer in New 4 York as pleasant, comfortable, refreshing. Under windows stretches the cool green of Central , T Park; while at its doors lies Fifth Avenue Main , Street, U, S. A. The citv'a tumuif I fd rmmA rt' ft' '! 't' diplomatic and commercial activitiesIts'. com forr and luxury of appointments, its personal service, its cuisine, Its varied interests exemplify the perfect hotel. x::7-. -.J5i ' The Summer Garden and Outdoor Terrace unique features. Cooler by W than other nlaces in Newlork. Delightful for luncheon, tea or din- tt.r Kare Impressive Service At Edenton -t- Street Methodist Churcb 7 "Last Night r- ' Memorial services for M brothers lad one aiater, Mrs, Christiana King, were held last night At the Edenton Street Methodist Church by the Brotherhood ofLocomoUveFjgineera, the ceremony of Bower placing being done by foujr young ladies as ths names njP jhede; ceased brothers were slowly read by a member of the order The aermoa waj preached by Bev. W. W. Peele who talk ed from the test, ?Wetch ye therefore for ye know not ho day -and the hour when tne Bon ef God eometh. Mr. Peela commented oa the certainty and inevitableness of death and declared that our ignorance of the time of our death ia an expression of God's love for os. One thing is left for us and that m w vo . .prrparea lor qnu vaunr-.i eomes in tha quietness of night or when behind tha throttle nnd en the run. There's nothing 'of which we are more certain than that somewhere, Some time, wo must face death." ' The mm ister here related the parable of the ser want carousing in the masters absence snd the parable of the foolish virgins. The only, safe way te hve he aaid ia ao that when the call comes you will be dy. The real nsonument of a man's life is the work he does and the life ho lives and: not a marble shaft, said Mr. Peele. Ia .Br. .Paul's in London said the iiinig. ter, ia the grave o Sir Christopher Wrenn, tbe architect of tho great cathe dral, and on his tomb ths inscription. XI .yon look lor bis monument look around you. . . , . . t A high tribute was paid to the cour age of the engineer who dies at his post and two poema quoted concerning ' the courageous side of railroad life, "The engineer-who sticks te his post and gtfes down te death with his passengers ia as much of a hero as the. boys who gave their life in France," he aaid. A solo, 'Shadows" Harkness, sung by Mr.' W. C. Phillips, pleased the large congregtaion that gathered for the ser vices. Mr. Phillips' rich voice was at ita beet in the rendering of this eong of solace. ' . . - -The -following deceased brothers- of Division 339 B. of L. . were memorial- ired E. WrWhite, FrS. Bryan. 1. H. May. J. B. Kenny, C. A. Dickert, T. W. Allen, FTBTrKhernood, U. L. Watson," WTTX Betta, J. B. Byer, J. B. Watson, 8. J. Stewnrd, W. W. Wall, W. J. HprtOB, W. L. Nowell, Frank Tighe, 8, E. Maxwell, A. Adams, TrC Jessie, J. Wf Allen, E. H. Vaughn, C. R. Strange, B. M. Stults, W. P. Hartia. T. C. Ennia, H. M. Fer- guaoa, C. R. Smith, . W. Barbee. T. B. Terrell, W. H. Harris, J. M. Stoker, H. M. Beeee, J. O. Bauer, Daniel Hicks, J. D. Bobertson, W. A. Faison, C. H. Beck ham, .ft . Knight, O. L. Brinkley. T. & Stone, H. J. HeiUg, I. M. King, J. C. Bradshaw, D. K. Wright, H. L. Wells, A. O. Woodsum, W. W. Bobbins, 8. O. Lin kos, IL K. Harris, . B. Elam, O. W, Brinkley, P. P. Bishop, H. C. Morse, L. M. Ford, J. . More. ' A Many A'.tead Bummer School. Asheville, June 13. Begistrations for the Astievllle "Summer school which will start Tuesdsy at the Normal and Col legiate Institute have already broken all record, and unless seme- temporary "barracks" or dormitory csn be secured TcT'epme' to this city within' tho next two, days, rnsny wTB have to be turned away and denied the chance of studying here this summer, according to- Presi dent JohiLJ5.-CalXee. ; AVENUE AT CENTRAI, ;ilJEW YORK CITY Still, business centers, best shops, theatres; dubs, churches, cathedrals are but a few minutes away. Distinguished guests from all dveREiiwofld regis"- ter at The Plaza oeonle nrom!nnt in niaf .noer8rof trmaic;dariclng7lifi; S TERRY, KInio Director Economic Anxieties and General - Unrest Behind Five Cabinet --7'- Resignations r- - .Psris, J'une -12. The, ' eimultaneou rctlgnation ef four European cabinets-f the Ital.'an, Polish,: Jiuagarlan and Aum trinn is viewed in official circles her to be signmcaut fhicfly as demonstra U ing the difficulty of sdopting policies and economic i conditions to thea peace turns. The , immedlste esuset of the resigrationt tit re different in e':h earej.. but behind them, as id a well-informed FtcjitlLdjpIomaLJodayi: were eciiioniid1 anxieties an I general unrest, with ling ering pongs, on tbe part of th defeated peoples not reeeacJed to the sacrifices demanded of tK m The young parliamentary govern stents, this diplomat declared, are likely to susceptible to those crises for some time te eome, until tbe political situation has erystallixed aad tha rari ions parties baeOme 10 organised aa to furnish homogeneous majorities be- nina tna eaomets. - r ' Tht T diplomat Dolnted" ouFlYiiniiSer older governments Italy for instance were, suffering front aimilar trouble J during the transitory period of record ery from th war waste. The breed situation was given as fh immediate cause for the-resia-nation of Premise . Nitti, but this, the diplomat aaid, -he did aot consider to be the determining in nuence, out rsther . only. en, incident limogg. j.My.knMia .tt.bassia 'ai 'i any homogeneous majority In parlia ment mkka the government of the coun try- a most diffleult problem. Of the fiv crises now in conns of t solution, onlv tha Itaffsn and fltrmii ' M ar giving concern here, officiate de clared today. It waa aaid tha advent of Former Premier Giolltti in the Ital ian situation provoked apprehension-! a tendency on the pars ef Italy toward separate policy with regard to Ger many, wniie tbe German aitnation wa being wattliedwita tha greatest in terest because erthe-yjctsiblUiy f x reaction which might mean resistance to) . execution of the treaty of Versailles. MRS. FRANK M'RAE. OF QUEEN CITT, DIES AT BOMB TBEBht Charlotte, Juno 13-Mrs. "-i Berth; 7 Woblf ord JMaeBsejtif M Frank Ma4 Kae, died tbrs afternoon at 5:t5 o clock. 8bb is survived by ber husband aad an tafant ssn whieh was ben Beta I day last, also by her mother, Mrs. W. T. Woblford, and three brothers, Edgsr, Arthur and Herbert and on sister. She wss 28 years ; of age aad .. waa married i. September last. She was n graduate Of Salem College, and taught ia th college after graduation. She also taught i U Charlotte public schools for four years, the but year in the High, - School. She was a member ef th ' Moravian. church. Ber grandfather, the ' late Captain A. Thies, 'was n famua.r miner of the Carolinas. Mr. MacRae ia) a nephew of Bev. D. . B. Howerton. former pastor of the First Fresbyteriknf . church of this eity. ' j y One of thei.earliest Japanese legends! . nfers to the conquest of Korea in thai -, ' j, thjrdentury. , I CASTOR i a: For Infants and ChUdrea '. . In U For Over 30 Years Alwaya beara '. : ths . Slgnaturs of BARK. ;v -..Jtii..frltI:l ' 1.:.;.!. -.. i . - h.i 1 '' '.. r EE! 4 c. .

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