t OSPITAL DI t-1 " Total Up To $81,274 tt Mark USimOOOWILLBE HARDEST PART TO Goal Jiuit : BiZXchedr Now With Incrinf Kttmbef of Small SttbicriptioHi; Mott of LarrerlonfttioHi:Alrftdy Announced, Mr. W. JL. Wil ttamioB Makes Appeal Ss HoepitaT aampeiga U la, the lest Ifth of iUfM0OO-artraeprU-.lHiia: the team at yesterday's rally Iimmm. 1 whleb waa th third, carried the grand - -1 total to $817.- Tha volunteer workera "Tr1" therefor wrtjrtl8,78 4w-we ad they hop to complete their talk to- . ? lay er tomorrow. The campaign ia : iehdufc"t -end-aeat -Monday but ; the teama have at their hearta oa ai- taininc their objective at least two aays j Bbead of schedule, if aot three.- They t are working with all their might to ' round out the worthy philanthrope i- Movement by Iwoe'olock -thia aftefc i , ' T It ia reeogniaed. however that thi ' fast 18.7g will be the hardest part ' the fund to raise. Almott all of the argW-aabseriptteaa i must snake up the remainder from , leaser prospect. Subscription atill art being obUined In amount! ranging at high aa 500, bat the volunteer organi sation hopes to get at leaat a few mora I contribution of 1,000 and upward to help th good work. tries Mara I,MI Gift "I wish all th mora prosperous eitl tens of Raleigh would give thought to th establishment of memorial ia Eca ospita1, sa1ditKam -Wjllia-on, chairman of th esscutive com mittee, Ist night. Mr.- WiUiamaoir Ja the largest subscriber 16" th campaign, voted to the children ward aa a me morial. ''Th trustees have congested 'that every one who gives $1(00 or more , shall hava the right to nsme a room in the Enlarged hospital as a perpetual : memorial to aome beloved person elected by the donor. Every memorial -room will heir for all time a handsome. brass plat With the aaiie of the per , "son ia who honor the memorial is established and also, if desired, with r the same of the giver. I can think of wo more beautiful way -to honor a de- parted loved one than, to establish a .' memorial room in the hospital. A thou- aan d -dollajau giienioi ot he r jhi la a- - thropie purposes; may yield ouly tempo- rary valuejo the beneficiary, but 11,000 given to establish a memorial room in ,. Hospital not only will honor a . beloved nsme in perpetuity hut also .T will serve suffering humanity to the end of time." . , Edmund B. Crow, viee-cbairuian of I th executive committee, pointed out thropie bodies might honor a deceased VtSatAC fit tnh, n. m.ntKA. I. .Hf$P. 9 f ev Koepital ...in. this campaign for the eitablishment of a fhemorial room. , - , - A church or Sunday school or secular chool or fraternal body may create a ; ikrpetual memorial," said Mr. Crow, , jut the same aa aa individual. Whst -could t more appropriate than, for a j IBible class, for eiample, to pay such i a wonderful tribute tn a departed .. , ileashei el U. Ad if a-Hiirrvb i wishes to honor a former pastor, how f Vould it better do so thsa by placing -I hi nam permanently on the door ef . a memorial room in Fc Hospitolf TT naiiy t . . a -. 1 r Mn fa m Adams, president of the Kiwanis Cluh, Jth enlargement and improvement of Hospital mutt be provided for by Mr. Aflame who waa the three minute speaker at yesterday' rally, told : fellow workers th thing eould be f done and must be done. He is a mem i her of th executive committee of the campaign organization and ha worked ! effectively for the success of the move 1 merit. i VT6 "J"'" la the insurance . osiaess,'' Mr. Adams continued, "that 1 undertaking 11 ey if y0u do it ard, but hard if you do it easv. T tu. ia prti thought. Those of you work- x i t doting thought to this ,Aohln etiterprts doubtless ave-fiadiwr rrour work much easier than are those ' Jho ar seeking subscription in a hali iearted way. I tell you that if you - !rth '? be P'o?1' of Raleigh and . ten them the etory f Bex Hosoiul. can complete this campaign tomorrow Vice-Chairman' Crow ealUil n..l:. rt w- w 11:' !ttin to th magnificent industry of tb - aurse' division, of Trhic h M. Clsude P. Barb is chairman, with Mr. .1..1. . rusoa and , Mr v Lucy Verner a Jber learn captains. ' oda women are devoting , Iheir very -lives to the care of the aick, aaid Mr. .Crowyet-verv dav during this campaica ther h,v ihwajs...ui.J1hywsja-,4if T.n esq rncy asvc ronte to th Citv . Auditorium promptly at 2 o'clock every afternoon to reoort results iii.i .,.J. , hav mad om of us men wine with regret for ' our owa shortromiags. I tell you, boy, th example set to s mr ines aaraea is simply florins. - - ' Team No. 1 Is Wlr. ; On of Is hardest working teams la th entir volunteer corn captured the ....ii.ipip 01 ln asv. This was No, , hesded by Dr. W. C. Horton with a total of ttWO, Captain Rortoa'x learn loldT all the etheVworier that Pr cent of th excellent shewing achieved by No. 3 was due te th indi- vjnusr enorti Ot Dr. Htirton himself, A est in rank cam a team. wKieh owing to a falling off in it attendance, na awihdled 'to two men. This team is No.' 30 and the two men wt bearing th whole burden of its share " are its captaia, 31, A. Rush ton, and Jsme MrKee. CaMaia 11 . ton.and JJeutenaBt.MfK jsroved.lhat mry-were team ta themmtvet when tev turnm in a total of Itorjo. Tesm No. 4, eaotslned by J. H. if, VA.Mf.D A BluCENT GftAlCATK IX , mefliclhe to locate ia town "ef Spo popalstion. For information cell to day at Boom 365 Tarborough Botel. jut. - of Baleigh," said Harry'Ttr,,--rtMdjrj!!-!s- .,:H., ,i. V1 1. V,, i' 1 been as warm s ha has received any- , president of the Kiwanis Cluh, ; .1.. m... . L Donald, hirh had held, tht champwn ship banner oa the preeraing day, a gallaB -rht-forOt with ehowing iO .Th Vanguard team. NV G, m '- . lU. 4ltllA Willi WMra. T. Iipwerteami-Kor- U, led thoaini ,"iw-'hr7.6f Tha hm ptoaship if-ttt anrief,-Wt- ... .fl. br. teaaa N. 10. Airs. jack frMmr-n?rua w3 " .. !. T.tUi in Aailitor Thomas' official rspori tst 1U WI'W"-B " " ... Grand total previously re- . tel. r.:.tai.oo Iterda::,t',fcr Cieeutiv eommitteejp "IOWiO - - Men divisipli i..r..5l0 r -fr-Woman's division .'..JM.00 - Norse.' ivWftnSeM Total for f tiHlsf-. J' Grand total to dal 81.S74.00 Men's Division J. . Chamborlala, rtslrmsn. Team Ko. 1, William BoyTan, eaotsia ........... 275.00 Team 56. ?Na Item-Cmnes, tt-.-. r ii5.w rantaia . . TeamJiaSlJJIojrton, 11. D captain .lwu.w Team No. 4, J. 8. lcDonsld, ; 840.00 Team Xo. 5, D. E. McCarthy. captain 6M Team Ko. , S. W. Marr, cap- Team Xo.; 7, U E. Nichols, captain " .; Team Nj. ' P. Koble, 310.00 M. D., captain . . Team No. 0, O. J. Bamscy, PhJ captsia 85.00 Team No. 10. M. A. Bushton, (sntain 1,000.00 Tf anri1; tt, tt. Spragug Silver captain ... Team No. 12, L. N. Wot, M.D., i.00 1 rt" Totalmen's division S.mO.OO WomaiTa DlrUlow. Wta Waw tafc roll. Caalrasaa. Team A'o. 13, Mrs. Aahhy I . j Baker, captain . J18.00 Team No. 14, Mrs. T. W. Brew r. captain TW.00 318.00 Team No. J4V--Mrav-luia N, Vest, captain ToUl woman's division ....$ lOS.OO Names' III r Mm Mr. Claad B. Bar- bev Chainwaav- Team Nov JaV JIia. Jack Cus- sons. captain $ 5O0.00 Team No. 17, Miss UieyTer--"" . ner csptain , 256,00 Total nurses' division .... "A surprise will come 756.00 from t Lje aid Dr. sneaker at Thursday' rally. llubert A. Boyster toward the end of yesterday's luncheon, The Doctor couM not be induced to give particulars, but he predicted that th surprise would be. tensely interesting. ' PERFECTION, llorsford's Arid Phosphate In cold water and fruit juice makes a drink of fin tonlo propertiesv At druggists. Adv. To Drive, Out Mslsria and Bnlld Up The System. Take the Old Htandcrd GROVE'S TASTELESH chill TONIC. Tou know what you are taking a . the formula is prmiea on every isoci, snowing it is Quinine and Iron in a ,Tastels form. WARM RECEPTION FOR ' MORRISON IN MOORE Worthy of Place Among- State'a Greatest Statesraen, Sayg - W. L. Spence Aberdeen, June S3.Moore county gave a warm reception to Cameron Morrison when he, spoke here tonight and at Carthage this afternoon. Both speech- were heiil by crd which complefcty filled ttie fcHiiifHijhj t wtilrh the gubernaloriil candidate spoke and those hearing him were exceptionally demonstrative. The reception in this 1 ctwniT tunny unit inai in jiionigomeur . w . tiv ,'..ic, ft iiuriiii 411 Montgomery count ylast night h was heard by fully on thousand people. many coming from Rockingham ..and wadesboro and from neighboring com munities. He waa introduced to his audience at Carthage this afternoon by U. U Hpence, one of the leading lawyers of this nection, and a, Morrison'champion, sir. n pence, who was instrumental ia organiaiag a Morrison club in his town which now hss a membership o f ovr fiv hundred, paid th candidal au excellent tribute holdina him as a man trf 4mjrachaMrTharwrter ami-' gei; tiemaa among mea. He is worthy of a place among the list of North Caro- . be said. wg bis address at Carthage. air. Morrison stated that recently circumstances had arisen which had made him particularly grateful for th reception given him and th mny manuresTaiions ot friendship. He didaotTaisrus niniMtnHim in his address at Carthage or here. The court room at Carthage wa elaborately decorated for the occasion by flowers and flogs and the hall in which hit IPf,k.l.h'rr waaeeorted..fpr t h ..ocsat.L ioo. no sncass IV Joneatioro tnmnrrnw afternoon and at Kncforil Thursday- nigm. - t BARRICADE PROPERTY' OF APEX OIL COMPANY Property near Apex on which, it )i alleged, oil has been discovered, is now heavily barricaded and carefully guard', ed according to Mr. B. J.'SeTts. on of the prim mover ia the enterprise which has been chartered and which within thirty dsya will start boring for oil. Dr..W. A. Withers, chemist of North Carolina Bute tlleg!, and Mr .W. M. s mined the product from the weil'f.nd both declared it a h'gh grade' of crude eil.Pr. Joseph Hide Prsttj Rate geol ogist, who wss quoted as haiing'paiicd Ca the pil, hss aot been asked for SB opinion. STRIKE OR t.MOX WIRELESS OPERATORS IS CALLED Oft London, Juke 1.1. Tha strike of wie- irrw eperaiors, wnicn-mreatCBCd- to bring shipping activities l a virtual standstill, has been called prf. This action was take aa a consequence of meetings of the Associatioa, ef Wire lese Telegrapher held today at Lon don, Liverpool aid other port. Th wireless leaders declare Jthey hav . cured guarantees of fair treatment. MAX GARDNER INVADES - MORRISON'S BAILIWICK Sayi zH Entered Campaifn With Clean Hands and Will . " Leave It Ia am Waj arlotieun:21.iaTad1 lotte, XTaine ron Morrlsoh' own balltwkk arVned a crowd - numbering verl thouaana7TveTy wat h--eioortH houaa was filled while tha rowd tooa lv deep about tha huge room. Be vera! htrmlred "wen tmaed awa-y-' -whlla- Itaa dred of thr Jitood about th lawn la front of tb court houe ihoutlng, "Com out Governor wa want to hoar yra.M - Euthuaiasm of the real America! brand was rampart tirbughouT-th Mting and th Lieutenant Oovrr wa interrupted tim and agaia by th thcerlng and hoot of hia hrr. Th evening was enlivened by selec tions by a bras band. J. H. Bbse, h raga leader ita tb first prtwary, ltw ducod Mr. Ostdner as the nut Govemor MU th crow arose-and cheered Ia opening his address, Mr. Gardner said:. "If aay of the assembled here ihl evening enme to hear mr a3rn word against the character pf Mr, Mor rison, tbejr will feav greatly duappoint- edr lor 1 tUrd Ihi campRiga with a clean heart-and clesa bands aad I an going to leava it in tha asm maaaer.' , "I andersttind that It has been tateJ S10.00oa tha atrceta of Charlott that I had challenged Mr. Morrison to debate. I did not efasllenge Mr. Morrison to de bate. Tha first I knew or evea thought of aueh a contest was when I -read r parU-la JSunUay press wnicu qumeu Mr. Morrison as challenging me in vsgue way to debate. 1 accepted the challenge, of course, and we will meet in BaUigh Monday night. - , -Hi Mr. Morrison challenged sn an on prnoBmiiivi no' taken. Although tepbrt in Th Char, lotte Observer and about the street of the city itat that I have attacked Mr. Morrison personally,'! wish to aay to you that the report ar absolutely untrue. I am wining io jesv io the people of North Carolina who have heard me speak whether or aot t have n any way evea attempted to vilify Mr. Morrison, "Some ef MorrisW friends 1 havwalw ' listed - that ' Hr"wa wrong f or -aa 4 speak ;in Morriaoa'a tiwa county. If those People eould ee thl seettiing masi' of hotta'nity here tonight I be 1 iev they would" change their minds." (pro longed cheer). " - "Mr. Morrison is perfectly weieome to go to my county and" I gnarante that he will be gien a proper reception-and: treated royally. Mr.1 Gardner concluded hU peeca with a tribute to the great and complete platform of the" Democratic party in North Carolina oa which he stands. He was kept busy for pearly an hour fol lowing bis speech shaking hand with friends, new and old. CONSPIRACY CASE INVOLVES MURPHY (Continued from Pag One) procured a $7,000,000 order for his product from th British government, during the wsr. He found difficulty in acquiring th necessary amount of glucose to complete the order. H then enlisted the aid ef Murphy, through whose influence,, the indict ment recites, the needed ingredigent w obtained from the Cora Product company. Disagreement Between Them. Hsrtog and Murphy later disagreed over business matter and Murphy sued Hartog to recover 1!5,000 inves ted in the manufacturer' company. Then Hartog . sued Murphy, thw Corn Products Company and Baldwin to re cover 110,000,000 profit he said he lost thrw.i Httil,aal el Murphy' pl4g ed support, asserting h no longer eould' get glucose from the Cora Pro ducts Company. Hartog was summoned to Assistant District Attorney Smith's office while w-cmrrt -ncMnns wet -peiMHng---Har- tog alleges Hintth. summoned him to force him to pay Murphy his flSo.OOO, but Bmlth claims ho issued the sum mons for Hartog solely in the interest of prosecution of sugar - profiteers. Hartog's brother was fined 5,000 In Federal- court for sugnr profiteering, but Smith gave Hartna) himself a Clean bill. ' The lumberjack's bedding i rapidly disappearing from the Pacific North wet. ale Children "Made over 'to your " likingr with rosy cheeks, hearty ap petite, vigorous digestion and ro bust health.' Give them a glass of this delicious rligcitant with meals. Shivar Ale rust etccsTivt asomatics with : tMtVAR MtNEAAl WTt M (INGU Nothing like It for building rich blood and solid flesh. At all gn cen iaddrugi;t-ttefciionor yourTmoney bik'on Erst dorca.""""" Bottled and guaranteed ty the cele brated Shivar Mineral Spring, Shel ion, S. C If your regular tiealer i nnot supply you telephone Distributors For Kaleiah. roKTEK CANDY COMPANY MELTS MARE TltON. TUWDYMCN aMHKALTMY . BgAUTIFUI. WOMEN Iro I red Mood food nd m snrapenene I hav (nana no better imu ot buiMm v mi nooacorpuacle sn hsipine to ive h """ WW to . th bi u hii- 1M - IHra - m A - - - - ' aaw - ... . : rfT'- -i W 1 ma,. mm .hk . . ssr ' r w . - . . - s ma n -a-- 1 " f )mrirW.i I I l aWN Vv at II JTi. I f Si V I i A- i I V .At' CONCORD, N. C. 8 GASTONIA, N. C. COLUMBIA, S C. 13- DURHAMeJLCL is GREENVILLlvSrC; MONROE N.C. GREER, S.C. ; Continues Through Saturday July Re EFIRD'S are right in prices and right in merchandising or this sale could not have been the phenomenal success if has proven - ; -: ' Bargains Flood Our Counters and Every Day Sees Added Bargains Huny To Our Neamt S tore Jo Reap ' Enormous Buying Power New Efird Wilson, N. C Efird Stores Are Operated In the Following Cities: RALEIGH, N. C. WINSTON ALEM, N. C. CHARLOTTE, N. C. A ; ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. SALISBURY, N. C. ANDERSON, S. C. HIGH POINT, N. C. 3rd mhvoc Store at FOREST CITY,N.C GREENWOOD, S. C. SPARTANBURG, S. C LAURINBURG, N. C. ; . LUMBERTON, ; SHELBY, N. C. '"X1fflOJ BURLINGTON, SWfEi50E " LEXINGTON, IS. C. IJ. GOLDSBORO, N. C. DANVILLE, VA.( o CHERRYVILLE, N. ) LENOIR, N.C. SUMTER, S. C. ! or I N. C. A N. C. 1 .