n , THE VVEATilZIUz North Caroliast Fair weather . aad mild ttaimlwt Saturday . aad Sladay. WATCH LALIi: a (m aa, - 'rwww.1 I , SMS safer wvlnttoa a mm. I VOL. CXI." NOr 178 TWELVE PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH, Nr-C, HAYMORNING JUNEL26.3 920.4 J2IXVE1A PAGES TODAYS PRICE? FIVE CENTS V y T!"- I- .HP OHHES- . GOVERNOR BICKEn Calls Attention To Critical Im ". a a? . a a ponance 01 Acuon 01 iiaie GOVERNOR WILL ASK ' FOR RATIFICATION Declare. Ha Has Hothinr. Par- tber To " Add To Statemtat .t if. jA T u BeesnUy Bade IB Letter DC flaiar His Position On 8af- , iraffe; Bajt TelegTam Call For No Answer ' ' - The "critical importance1 of aetiaa by' tna Korta Carolina General Aaara- v ,v. ... , 4 h a Z". called to tka atteatioa of Gorernor Biekett yeeterday ia a taletram .from Preaideat Woodrow WUoa. Tka tela- tram Waa aa follows t " ., ;' "I am aara I need not point oat to yon the-aritical importance of tka ae t;on of yoar freat Stata ia tka matter Of the "tnffraao' amendment "I sara aothiDf Joadd to wkat I i 1st already aaid oa tbo onbject aad . PRESID ( Oil SUFFRAGE ISSUE .t;.-:!.-.' :fi,-: - r I do aot think that the President' Ula- gTm-dmaa-BTepryi-th j6orraor said yesterday afternoon. - "Somo time! ago I stated that I would ask tka apo- -: -tial sessioa of the General Aaawmbly a ratify the ameadmeat, and' I atU . intend to do-ao if the amoadmeat ku , aot bee a accepted by 39 Eutea before the liegislataro meets." 1 Hopes to Xseaaw Isaaoi - ' I " Th GoTornor is hopeful that aom other Stat unit pas the amendment be. fore th North Carolina Legislature get I to it ia July, and relieve the body of I I any rnpoanibility ia thd 'matter. Be! m u at, aen ui aaaiia icuci a aaaa uuuw u feel that the General Assembly will Karew, of 8avsnnah, were killed, ae ' " lu " hit take aal the ifZ i :, aiatter of revaluation, aad weald aot " . , , . , like eitker auffrag or th tai reform mw Pi Iiand Maria to suffer from- being crowded into the. barrack tonight. , ' brief 10 day to wkkk the special see- Tka machine waa about four hundred ion will be Kanited. '- - - 'et ia the oir when it was observed to Th President has also asked the Gov- be ia trouble. While descending and - craor of Tenaeeaee to call a special aea- withia a kuadred feet of th ground ioa of the' Legilatur of that Stat to tko airplane burst int flame aad ; ratify th amendment, aad the hop laieraanea to th earth. . Captaia Karow - general amojag party leaders in North 1 Carolina that Tennessee will ratify. The partial iajectioa of th rnffrag isso ' into the gubernatorial eampaiga ha j rsised serious quettioa a to tbo ptob- ability of ita passage at th special ea- sion, aad has certainly accent mated the bitterness with which the iasu would b contested oa th floor of both house. Will JUk UMctaav.4 y larlier ia th year Governor Biekett announced that he, ahil still Boraoaally eppoeed' to suffrage, roeogaized tka 1 oventoal ratification- of the anteadment a inevitable, aad would ask th Legm ; la tore, aa a matter of political exaedi i aey, to ratify. Other party leedera ia th BUte, including Senator T. M. Sim. atona, have committed themselves to ratification, aad until th iajectioa of th question into th eampaiga, -it had been generally conceded that th Stat would ratify at th first opportunity. , W--, Vigorous measure have been adopted by the anria la th Bute, partieaiarly ?ta.rtr.prH. ine Carolina would be th. But. t. Pas upon th oneatioa bofor. th .lee, tioa in November. Anti auff rage lend er from other State bar em to North Carolina to aogmeat local oppo aition, aad their headquarter her are continuously active. NEGRO BOY IMPUCATED ? IN KILLINGS RELEASED ...tt..ii. t...-. v.. R.kwTatd inth robbery of the Indniii.t : 35 yssr-old aegre boy, who waa arrested a th morning following the killing ! ef DepuUe H. C. Butler aad W. G. ? Moore near hero last month, waa thia afternoon relc4.ed ... oa habea cc 1 a nominal boad. A aamber of witnesses were examined, bat Boa of tko evi dence, ia tbo opinion of tko Judge, was -iifHcl.nt ta eonneet tba bar with tka m death of lha two officer. . i Th habea corpus proceeding wet brought by H. I Cook, eon set for th dtf ense. Tbo prosecution waa represent ed by Adolph Stringfield. " Th boy was ' alightly wounded during th fighting which resulted ia th death of th dep atie. . ' " BANDITS BOB EMPLOTESN Of ST. PAUL BANKS CASHIIR 8BOT I fit. Panl'aTiaa. Juna K.fiv. ... n , v.u c...- u 'v v i . today, probably fatally, jrouadiag Cash- ier Victor Bedman. aad escaped ia aa automobll with tSJW im cash, $500 i. i.ik.rf- i a. ..a . . non-nirotiU..MDM. ' -i '- r ' ' -tsetKflinMl.. l.nt ,1 an ri ... . E8TES BNEDECOS ELECTED ' . HEAD OP ROTAET CLUBSI Atlantic "Citv. N. J- June 5.-Estc Baedecor, Portland, Oregon, waa elected . president or th international Assoc ta- tioa of Botary Clubs at it eloaiog es ioa her today. Ho defeated John Dyer, Vineennea, Ind, oa the third ballot, 83 vote to SSO. : . " , i Mrs. Daniels Bisected Today. Wanhington, June 3. Mrs. Joseph m,m.mw, - - .untuwu. i apoa th aeaaioa of th International . Buff rag Centres at Geaeva, ia expe-t ' Od to reach New' York Saturday night v r Sunday morning, according to private advices received here tonight. Her con, J Worth aniell, left Washington todsy to ' meet her. . .v v . ,,- Actor I Aeddeatally Bkot I - . I D i -" r- of ' Milwaakeo, a vandevUI actor ap- , pearing at a Chicago theatre, waa ae 1 eidantally shot lata today by Mia Kitty i Gordon, aciroa. " - I Tk shooting oeearref wkil Hack I aaa MaV 44 m amaWim tan Branca. Sentiment For M ? A Inn 1 fZnivi c Mnmmi fiirV --- -From Other States and Find Univertal Desire for For Secretary as the Man to Lead the Democrats to Vicf oeauurui ocenery in trie By JOHN X UTtNGSTONK (Eunti t 8am Francisco) Oa Board North Carolina Convention Special, Sacramento, CaL, June 5. Sentiment for th aominatioa ef Will- am G. McAdoo continue to fain momeatum aa delegntioas from to var ious State ar picked up earoute to tka Frisco aoaveatioa. t , m. W TT 1 e - 1 A II L ciniSi "ow oaaiats of a deiet Pullmaaa and ta dininff tart and it dua t reach Sam rraaeuea lata thla afteraooa. Dalecates from Colorado Moataaa, Wyoaic," Indiana, IllinoU, "Iowa and tar Korthweatara Btatea ar aboard I'" rywhera tncra is foand . d- ura tow alaauov, in nr nitu aara trareled tna lona traia from and to and to aonad oak feeling oa the lubjeet and ara Irmer taaa arar ia their deter- miaatioa to pat UcAdoo acroaa , Taat .f ftraarta Cornl., ' - -i.dientioaa today ara taat tkera will bo a teat of atraagik between tbo Cos aad Palmw foreea. after "whlck ? th oBTeatioa will awina; to MeAdoo aa tka man who eaa lead the Demoerata to Tietory. Tka Tar Heel deviation" reached the California capital at noon today after aa orcBtfuI trip aver the Sierra Nerada moantaina. Tai morniaf the Jelegatellat lha Palaoa- HoUl, THREE DEAD AS RESULT . OF AIRPLANE ACCIDENT Maehina Crashes To Ground .at r!, Harris Zslkad from Heifht of 400 Feet .Savaaaah, Ga.. Jun is.ia a air- plan crash at Parris Island thia after- aooa Lieut, Frederick Maltkea. Lieut- a - B- E-'Bt. George and Capt. GusUve wa a native of Savaanah CR0WELL RESIGNS JOB AS ASST. SECRETARY OF WAR Washington, June 25, Benedict Crow- ell. Amutaat Seerotaty of War. ha r. signed., effective July L He plans to prirato kuinr - . '' Th reaienation kaa baea aceenkad be nws if amoaw ' i jZsse&.:xmn , v Mr. Crowellwhoao home 1 in Clev mad, entered th army a major of ard ante early ia th war aad wa aaaigaed to duty ia connection wilk the creation or facilitie for th ' manufacture of arms. Later, as Assistant Secretary of var, aa woo given practically complete charge of tho'muaitions program. Bine ia armmieo k baa directed industrial aemoDiuzauoa and u per vised cttle- meai or war claims and contract. la hi Tetter of resignation tn pr..I tthTLn -iltEhrtZ? J2Si ? ,rom 70U both ia ay owa efAea and SeereUry f War when I have bee NEGRO RUSHED HERE AS MEASURE OF SAFETY New Bera, Jon 25.-John W.l colored, who confessed U Mk. mii. 8'"uhat Comparv s safe Uit night ff"' , Wilfiam P. Bu, kad "J ,,rB ".' hoa with a piece ? "f0"' H ' ftornoo uked to bod- We,,ey rg eoa- fed to th trim Bad imDlieatad an other negro, 'but later repudiated the confession. Mayor Dill eoniidered that it would aot bo wis to keep Wesley ia New Bera er vieinitv and mAA him TI rol"s'oa. .May cat f th city i nan automobile to suuoa aome miles up the road. - Tba efficers wbo had th man ia charge left th car and continued their journey via rait Bue, whose akull was fractured ia two place, ia getting along very well aaoer tn circumstances. I TYU McN UUNVIUILU OF MIIRnCR nc II DC? airacnu """""'I " "tOUI New Orleans. La- Jnaa 25. Telia JL i-rtukST V , flUi , t" i' v"8 ZIeaka, - aged lSi.jhia friend and accomplice. late today were foaad guiltyia . erlminiL dintrlcteourt i - - , apu ., vi jure, oerina rteason. According to confessions . int radioed as evidence by the But, th two yona ma induced Mrs. Nesson. . whoa hns- "ad wa oa duty oa a Naval transport, accompany rnem oa a rid to a lone- ly POt oa th "Tartlo Back," road Bear th OrleSn Canal, wher they shot and killed ker aad after1 stripping valuable diamoad ornament from ker, throw kr oooy ta a pool of rater. Th verdict of th jury, "guilty as ehsTged" carries with it th death pen- an. Bauer a uw or ixiBisiaBa. . 7 - ENTIRE POLICE FORCE HAND IN RESIGNATIONS Mount Airy, Jun 25. Last aitrht th. satire polie fore, including chief of do lire J. H. Mnls-ia. h.aif.t la k.i. reaicnatioaa to the Mavar. wh.. v. , .' . dwot i io.i vommisuoner anally refused aa iaercaa ia wage as d- maaded two months sgo. . Today this city ia absolutely without polio protee- tioa and so relief is ia ight,' aa th member of th fore art seeking other 1 Nominating - . - - 0-7 . , oierras ana acramemo '.vi. ., trareling over tka Soutliera Pacific from Maw Orleaoa ia a special tar, are dna to arrira ia the coaptation city lata ton tgkt and tka Ndrtk Xroilniana will get together; for i moeting some time tomorrow. y".- , r"- ... , tart Dajr ' Most Pleaaaat i Tha last day of the journey across the continent hen been the most plena ant of all and the members of the party are u fine spirits. Beaching the crest 'of the Sierra at sunrise this morning, all were Bp early to see the moantaina, which ia tba clear bright snnshino showed' ap to splendid ad ran tare.' - - - - The weather today is perfect and the I Saerameato : valley dotted with peach and plum orchards and wheat fields,! with the Sierras la the distant back I ground, present a- beautiful picture. - sar aosio new ai rnaeo Baa Traaeiseo. June 5. The North Carolina Conreation Special arrived at San Pranciaeo at S o'clock this after- aooa with all delegate well and in na spirits- The long trans - continen - tai trip waa greatly enjoyed, the Tar I latest atteraneo ae "the limit" to th ia Heels hariag been ridinr the Iroa I timatioa from Jooeoh T. Tamaltr. nrfc Trair inee noon 8uday. Most of tka delegate will -bunk" at ' the Grand Hotel, wbila other kara reservation Takes Charge of His Campaign and Begins Duties As Mem ber of Committee Raa FMniivn Jim. M.lHnn took personal ch.rg. of bi. eampairafs General Palmar arrived bar today aad ior in -rsiaency aad at th same time plunged into his dutie aa a mem- b.r;of tko D.mo.r National oom- mitt, - , . Th latter task, h said, k recardd it a aufBcieatjowaifor fciLpren in in convention eity.s u added that h co aside red aacatioB of ' platform and policy far mors important thaa th problem ef who should b fa aom- in aad aasaetad hmt th. mmrt, , stand for "tha IdesU of historic AmorJ. caaHamraf onatitutioaar' democracy jt. of Jtapartial; .noriMrt,at Jar -J Accompanied by tw traihload Of Psansylvaaian,. including th 78 p. syWanra delegate pledge to bis up- port, tho Attoray General wa met at th Union ferry by a crowd aad, a brass band which serenaded him as he erect ed hi old-time Democratic friend aad milsd lata th camera. He went to a dowatowa hotel and Immediately began conference, with U.rf.r. t-Z -,?- Br.ii. j ; , "I am atteadiaf th .'cobtobUo aot .. much for th. purpos, of dancing mv own eanoioae'r. To rtha anminiiin. .. tn .v. r.. ,l. m. .Cl partr la' eSnsiderln, th. wla, ,i r," . I party ahould pursue this Tear. Who hall be nominated is a relatively an- important matter. . It is; how.v.7. A- Important that th. ideal of historic Americanism, of constitutional demoe- racy and of Impartial enforcement of Uw b apheld to th. uppermost. n un.ii.uM tw t I Hriking contrMt th. BepuVlica- SSta curageou. le.der.hip i. the world, ATTORNEY GENERAL ARRIVES AT FRISCO wnich.h Hilled during th. wsr iwI Uum r.i.i .! i u T whlcS-.ha m.t an LJ:---?tl:L la North pac. time, of th."fuW. ifu aehiev.d I propose to do what I e!aa to so that our party platform shall I rnaka ao .urre.der to Bay Interest or elas or cliqu or group, but shall ex pre th common conviction of th great mas of every-day Americans." Mbaasador Morris imusd a stat.maat advoeaUng Mr. Palmer's eandidaey aad p railing too attorney Generals 'Vift -. , . . ... - . " . v irauersnip, nu progressive views, his I courag. and hi. devotion, to America, laeait. ( ' HARVARD OARSMEN WIN OVER YALE IN REGATTA Nsw Loadon. Con. .. Jun. M-J-.A. In from h. i.ii.i - .I " 25.J. J?- P ?' th" Harvard' vanity crew defeated Yale ia a spectacular four mil. rae lat ..u. -ii. .... ill- .I lo- aay by nearlv six lenetha. thu. pietely wiping out the itirma at the doubl ' victory : of their Eli - rival, ja th two preliminary race held early in .Bowinff in miarnificnt form from the ry start of the long upstream battle, In oarimen, coached by Bill. Haines, early demonstrated their suoerioritv "via j. Diaa wore and. stamina and swept aero between tbo finish flaa-s 23 minute and 11 seconds after receiv- lag the atarting aignal, wbila their an- elent Talo rival trailed ia 35 seconds later ia a atat of -physical wxhaustioa whieh waa little abort of pitiful, HITCHCOCK BATS HE Wil t. ; , NOT ACCEPT: NOMINATION , ,. I Washington. June 5. fi.n.inr Tra.K. I totk Nebraska, announced today that' ko 'would not aeeane ih. nam a. I cratie vie presidential aominatioa. oenmor Hitchcock annonnetment mr-.,g telegram to Arthur r. I gusoa of Wayneaville, who la aow at Mullen,, member of th. rUmunlla aW.IJnhna Hankina ITn.nl 1.1 R.ltlA.. tional committe from Nebraska, aa- swering a letter la which Mr. Mullen had aaid th Senator was being promi- nently mentioned for th .vie prei- demy. 1 tn aot m candidate fn nre.l. dent and woald aot accept th aomina tioa for aeeond Dlara." tha talanam said. SBfiHTFII-lCommigg.AS To Ur-e I VH SflNTS FRIFf JH.S ..rA a ri n Jim at r- - " am iMtmu .3. . . .ll ill' ?! L UVl Aftt Mil HUH NHul 1&4 Sue White Says.Bickett's v Latest suffrage utterance l$ThelJinit:' MAY HALT OPPOSITION ' .0F FEDERAL OFFICERS I Tennessee legislature May Wot Meet until Late In Auyast, Thus Oirint; K, 0. Assembly rirsVChance; Opposition of Officeholders To KeeerreOffl : eial Attention . ' News' and Obserrer Barean, - SOS Diatriet Kat. Bank Bldsr. ' i Bj K. E. roWELL. , (Br Special Leased Wlre.l- Waahington, June 25. Suffrage da Telopmentl in Washington todsy ranged from Mia 8b Wbite'sblnnt decleratioa 1 that -she regarded Ooreraor Biekett1 rate oreretary to th Preaideat, . that "we'll ae what eaa be done" about tka reported activ opposition of Federal officeholder f awitblo aclfoi - ia North Carolina. ; It w anaouaeed today from th Whit . Hons, that ' th President had called npoa 'Senators Simmon aad Overman and Ooveraor Biekett to Oa their laflaene iaj lhf of tatieatioa by North Carolina. t wa known yes tcrday that th) President had com municated with, the senior Senator, aad it waa ttiought that the Whit Hons was relying ia mack messur upon th activ upporf of Senator 8immoaa Mrr Tumulty indicated today that othe friends of the President ia th Stat will bo asked to get busy ia view of the mors er lee embarrassing eitua tioa in which eenator - Simmon ads I himielt . Kil on th amendment ret barghtaaed agaia waay irw tbeir tall of yesterday "lta tha anaouneemeat from Mffrage SWWDl Mj does aot waat i call any special temioa of ki leglslatnro until after will l""7 , - 1 "mw w cnairmaa oi ins n raticattoai league, aad to her is PB tM erea Abtina conatV tutiohal oplnian which will jb ak it DO fib, or fW"" n l"f- 1 soge . o, wss . xso.nuv in JWrifkia, otfefi1 Tt-aMh.t 1 oonr"ng with aufi rage leadesa aad . o said, when h read 2!T" Bfckott stetsmattt " arrid. I A.?,lIited Ttn2. . 1 Bichette StatomraC "Tk Llatli." Sometime kgo th governor seemed to think that thia "medlcla' tasted very na to tho Democratic party, and I think J'tMt.?t""eBtb th """i" Whti said to tbo News aad Obocrrer I correspondent. Th deTell,eB iB Taaa. "T"' "?L r . Jnuv v for a apecial aeasioa until after Au ft.TT1" ueft0" ttai ths date for convenin mar be a rood !,.!.,ter' .. ,e . rdonbW erTort. , 7 l'"Iul,n,u. Z1USTM " ""J ? t T" " ft! li Jt1 "d t , h" TtnVti-irv. -a . iA Jh -i,h PMde. . . Proalljr with some adminu.tr- - 7. A gS TlZZZu' HoaV. W aaTtk: .aT .m, " J " . " - the attention f fk.i.. . 7." uJ .Ia r ..: . x..i 5.-..' To ".hii Jut cated today that he would communicate at oac with th proper department ne&aa. The President will take ap with Col W. H. Osbora of Greensboro and other . ! IU. . f nena in th Btate "tho critical im. nnrtanr." f tf.. .:-.!- x. Hh. D.mocr.ti if tt."SKf i iiAhM a.-,-. j.h, svywaw va. -aa.vsa. ym. VJ J QfJJJTVr IO COO suffragiats th thirty sixth and final Stat necessary for enfraaehicing th women. 8sy Plaa of Aatia Pallv. L.:,V.,?!?!l "Dl,n! tH,M " Th report fro mth Stats that the " " ueissi nay action oa th amendment by a resolution barring .... v....)-.... X. .... j.Tl "I"rr!r "- uou, wun iaa reralnatioa act was characterized few Democratic reader vf North Carolina to. dav aa fYillv. Such aa issoo canaot be disnosed of hy pt'otidigiteriaaAtectiea--Mida UartiMt to nrevant the wnman r "I hi Kaantlh lissmwa nsiw im A . al a inr U th fall elections because of th League of Nations isso. Th President is earnestly lendin hie influence to th. end that Use snav vote. "Th neces of a Democratic, ticket this fall is certain, if th Democratic P"ty i abli to accomplish rstifieatioa of th suffrsge amendment. It is to b lopd that a party eoatoat of chiefly loci aignifieane will aot bo paramount to tho motional interest ef a greta party upon a questioa tnat au long since bees settled Woman suffrsge ia aa aeeora. plished faet aad it is lik wepiag U w.a Wk in ' v,.. u struck it" '.,'....,. . -t JiJn r.,u. hmi ' Frineds in the Stat will b interacted to know thst ex-Judge Garland B. Ter- covering from aa operation, i rapidly improving. Garland S. Fergusoa, Jr, returned hsr today from Baltimor with th hew that bis fathsr ia doing fine and will probably b abl to roturn horn, within thro or four weeks. - ' Gebrg B. King,' Jr, former Tar Heel, ,4CaU.a aa tM Zw) A Special Session In Tenn Suggestion of Calrawji" Cummin to Tennessee Gowernor Urging Special Session to Ratify .Suffrage Amendment is Unanimously Adopted; Reed Cort' test lVfay Be Placed in Handa of a Submniittee-U- Asditorium, Baa riaaelae, Jaa tl Tk Doroeeratie Natieaal Com miueo. to day ananimoosly agreed to oead a tcle gramL.ta Jha .roTra of . Tranease urging a special aeaaioa of th Legisl tar to- ratify tk Federal aaffng giadmat.- - Tho committoo met hit today to make up th temporary roll of delegate, to eoaidr contests aad ta dipoo of ether busiaess preliminary to tko opcaiag of tk convention next Monday. - Homer 8. Cumming, chairman of th commit tee, presided. : Probably tho . largest aamber of aomea that ever attended a meeting of tka committee- wa present. Amos tk oarly arrival waa Senator James A. Bead, wh claimed a seat in tho eoa tea tioa as a delegate from th Fifth Missouri - district.- Btpiiaeatativo of tk two group of delegates eoatawting for Georgia's SS Mat were also oa kaad. Thoro eras vigorous applaus when Ckairsnaa Cummisgs suggested " the sending of a telegram to Owe. Roberts, od Teaaosaee, . . argisg kirn to call a special session of tk Lrgialatar to rstify tk Pederal suffrage ameadmeat. Tk ;- Bggetia srs aaaaimomily adopted.., Tlgms Ta Cev. Kshsrta. rollowiag i th telegram ent t lk Coveraor og Teaaeosee! - - - t Th Pemotati National Committee ita mwtiag held today by waaaimoa vet directed ma a caairasaa ef th committe to aead yoa tka ioBowiag mea(t .. - 'Wa most oa sweetly ephia -tho extreme importaae aad argeawy of aa Immodiat meetiag ef yoa Statei Leeis- turo for th parpoao of ratifying the propoasd alaeteoata ameadmeat to tho Pederal Coaatitatioa. Tho eye af mil lions of womea tkroaghout tka eoantry VI II r."JaDEiCEXTr:.o:m Announcemeot To This Effee By Chairman Barton; Ends Strike Danger, - Caiaago, Jaa S6V-A deeisioa oa tka densaad of railroad ompteya for wag iaereaao will b mad oa o bedesr July ap by tho' BaUway labor Board, Judg fc M- Bartow, eaatrmaa, aaid ia a tat- meatat today- Tk Cwaxd srjl ba ret- loactlra t. Maw X th stetomaat asi Aaeordiag ta If. O. Leo, president of tk Brotherhood af Bailway Trainm ad ' poksmaa 'for anion 'eder who gathered her today, tko board dlara rstaoa would osd all daagor of a g' era! railroad gtrika. Mr. Lee said ta plaa had boea mad by a duaffected aaasa clement ta spread th atrik through th eauatry. bocaaa of tba coatiaaod dehsy ia aaaoaaerag the wag ruling. "Tk mea woald bar qust at midaigbt tomorrow night, air. xo said. It impossible to hold them longer. Ma af my orgaa iaa tioa bars baaa waiting pa- ueatiy xor a eariy a year.- : Th . railway board's statement de clared that aa agreement aa a method ef work iag oat tho wage problem had Been arrived at aad that no time woald bo lost ia reaching a coaeJaanoa. - La aad other rrpreaeatntivee of th organized railroad brotherhoods, who met her today to discos tbo railroad ago attaatioa. aaid there waa a doubt tba men woald be catiafied with ta p retain ( a deciaioB ta relieve their impatience. : v "Waa th deeiaioa th. result of wr -Pt or a probable atnka broua-bt bv vou and ywor associate to tko board t Lee was asked.. om can draw roar owa eaaelantak M to that," he aaowarod. HAILSTONES AS LARGE AS APPLES WRECK BUILDINGS CheyeaBe. Wye- Jsss 1. Hailstoses largo a apple crashed tkrouark roofs ai xuiiaaaie, twelve mile from here, tasi aigat, aaa reduced tw farm build ing near tkera to kindling wood, ae corning a teiepaoa reports early today. No easaaltie war reported bat search ing portie war seat eet from Hills dale to the storm-swept area. Soma of th hailstones were said to have bees IS inches ia cireamferenee. Motoriata caught ia tko atona crawled beneath their asachiae. tha loo afford. lag ao protection, th re porta aaid. Aa airplaae, piloted by Capt. C. A. alcKoaxi of .Teyaa, Iat was report: eiTar Pine Bluffs; aear the storm dia triet.;. ; ..; . , NEC BO DINING CAB COOK SENTENCED FOB BOBBBKT. Bichmoad, Ta.. Jaa tj Joha Brow. oegra diaine- car eook oa ta AtuaUc Coast Lin railroad, who'waa placed aa trial ia the Hustings cewrt yesterday ea tba charge of robbing Pullman pa- eagera while they slept, ha jast beea seateneed to oerv eight yearn la th petiitentisrv. , Mia Tkeodora W. Woods, member ef prominent family of Darlington. & C, one of hi victims, testified aa to how sh waa robbed of a bag af Jewel. TUBKS BtrUSE TO BICX PACT ' TAKING A WAT SXTKNA DISTBICT Coaataatiaaple. Jna M (Bv th As sociated Preas.) Th Tarkish peace delegatioa ia Pari, kaa beea instructed from CoBstaatiaopJe that the Tarkiak governmsat ,will Baeompromisiagry re fu to sign aay peace treaty wbick de prive Turkey of th Smiraa district. Adriaaopl or eastern Thrace. Ja tk main, it m' indicated tka government groeo with ! ather territorial limi-mta-aa filed by th. aaSeate. ! AGEAVAROTOBE aro turned toward Tennesie a th one Htate that eaa aad will nfrnebisa thau prior to lha Msvember election by bo comlag tha thkty-iath Btate to ratify th suff rag ameadmeat. - "W trust thst for th present all ether legislstive matters may if acces sary, bo hold ia abeyance aa dthat yon will call oa itr aeaaioa ef th legis lature f your State for such brief dur atioa as may b required to act favor ably oa tba ameadmeat. - Tannosse occupies 'a position of pecullsr and piv otal importaae aad on that suable her to render a servics of iaealculable value to the-womea of America. We confidently cipsct therefor under your leadership aad through th actioa of th legislator of yoar State tb women of th aation may bo givea th priv. ilrg of' voting la tka. earning prw idea tial sleet iaa.' '. ' v "HOUEB S. CTJMMIKGSj Chalrmaa National Commit.' .. . CamsaJags Tsmswrary Chalrmaa. Th. committe approved the eiecu Uvo oommitte report -W temporary of ficer of th convention, which lacom-maadtd- that Homer BZ Cumming b th temporary chairman of tho aonvea tioa. There was a burs . through th committee" room whea Praacl M.-WiU oara4tdBtOHsirict-attorneyi for th letra District of Missouri, presented th certified actioa of th "democracy a delegate to th conven tion.. Ha akd an opportunity to. pr aest th fact to th committee and waa informed that k would b heard at th proper time. ' It ia understood th ssstiag of Senator Bead would bo considered by a aub eommitte. Tk . committee tonight derided to tab ap tk Georgia' delecjaMoB otntat tomorrow aad the eomintrtee adjourned aatil 10:0O a. au SAYS RATE INCREASES - ASKED ARE TOO LARGE Clifford Thorna States BiDioa DoBar Raisa Would Otvs Over 6 Per Cent Wsshimgton,. Jaa K. Th billioa dollar freight iaorooa sked for by th railroad of tk country approxrmate- ly mmflOOJBOO mora thaa will b bocm ary t giro fh ix pee cent taadad return guar a teed by th transportation act, Clifford Thorne, repreeentiag ship per estimated today at th general rat hearing before tk Interstate Commerc CaasMraataa..: .r -4 PressaUng ragumanr to uppert hi otrtftiaoa, Ali-.irhorne US4 ths ''book vataaT at S.0,u0r0u0rW0 aa by th road ia computing the return wa x easiv try sersrsi billioa dollars. "Ja otbor words, h said, "w are asked to ooasider the value of Amri eaa railroad ta bo three thousand mil lion dollar greater thaa th total par value f all thsir stock aad bonds eat' Standing la th hands ef th public1 Mrr. Thorn .aid that in computing th. book wains, th railroad, manager had aot mad any allowance for de preciation aad that ss oh a method of appraisal bad been specifically repu aated by th United State tnpram court. Mr. Thorn estimated that an increase ia freight revenue of IS par ovat in stead of 27.85 psr coat askad by th car- rim woald rira th road auffieieat in com to meet tbo alx ytr cent standard return. SAMPSON PEOPLE HEAR CAMERON MORRISON Candidate Hakes Usual Speech Urging Derotioa ' To The Democratic Partj Cliatoa, Jan 85. Cameron Morrison was heard ia th Ham peon County court' boas hero this afternoon by a crowd which taxed th court room to it ea paeity aad which earn frem throughout thia eauatry and surrounding coun tie. Mr- Morrison made bis regular -peech appealing ts Samp' oa county eDmoerate to redeem their eoaaty aad to the people- ef North Carolina aa dth United State to keep the Btate aad nntion Democratic. Mr. Morrison spoke ia Baeford laat aight before an audience which over flowed tho spacious auditorium of th kaadsoma school building. ' Th crowd waa declared to have beea oa of th largest aver to attend a politiieal meet ing tier despite a downpour of rata at tk hoar of assembling and the de lay of half a hour ia arrival on th part of Mr. Morrison, th trio from Joacsboro r b look, ' yesterday afternoon, to Baeford, having beea made by atuo. :.:,. ., Befor leaving Aberdeen . yesterdoy morning for Jonesboro Mr. Morrison wa mack gratified by th aaturane of wsrm support by J. B. Pg, president ef th Page Trust Company and a brother of Bobert N. Page, who was eliminated as a gubernatorial candidate ia th first primary. Mr. Morrison drove from Baeford to Payettevilla following th meeting at th former plac last aight aad drov ker this morning; H. left following bio-, address for Burgaw speak tonight. AMERICAN PLATERS AGAIN WIN IN TENNIS MATCHES Wimbledon. June Id American "ten- aia player, with th exception of tho. wh participated in' th mixed double. wo all their matches ia today's play for' th British lawn tennis champion- ships. Tk American Davi Cup play er. Warn. M. Johon, of California, Who is out of the running for th singles, aad Win. T. Tilden, of Phila delphia,' who yeeterday woa from th British expert, J. C. Parke, combined their skill ia th double today and in a brilliant math defeated Andre Go- brt aad wm. i. laurentt, of the Preach Davis Cup team. Tn Score Was 6-, OJ), 4-8, .rlfinnriserSB . jn. f UfMyj TJ"- ASSUME CHARGE CF -FRISCO MACHIilEfi i Administration forces In Con trol As Preliminaries of Con v vention Begin ANTI-ADMINISTRATION CROWD FARIN MINORITY Asoendancy of Wilson Support" ' era Shown In Program of Na v tional . Committee To ; Keep C Out Ee'ed and Hardwick, and 7'Alsoln -Collapse -of - Piglit Against Senator Carter Glass Baa Francisco, Jun 85 Bo far' suffrage indication wsr concerned, at least, th. friends of President Wilson ad his administration appeared ia com plet control of th political machinery, of th Democratic party today th actual preliminaries of th national con vention began. " Their domination waa not without its complement of grum bling and complaints among scattering insurgent elements, but ther wa very evidence that oa a Ihow-dowa the anti-administration forces not onlv wer. far la thia minority, but wsr lacking ia organise tioa and lsadsrship. . Tk seendancy of th Wilson sup porter showed itself ia atriking fashion In th program for the national com mittee, meetiag to deeid betweea eon testing dele gs tea. Ths committe met with the stag 4 1 for "a rating calculated to keep out of th convention Senator Bead of Missouri, aad former Banatof Hardwick of Georgia,' Jwo of th bit terest critic, of tba Wilson policies. '' light Against Glaa Stop. Another development pointing tn th samo direetioa wa th apparent eol lapsa of a fight agaiatt Ssnator Glass of Virgiaia ia hi eandidaey for chairman of tha reaolntioa ewmitt, a post for whieh he is commonly reported to hava beea sslseted by th President himself. In addition; ther waa aceuatulating rvi dne that Wat. J. Bryaa would find tn card against him ia hi attempt to put into tke platform a League ef Nation plank ia disagreement with tha Presi dent views., and a prohibition enforc. ment plank framed without tba aequioa. cone of th administration. 4 ' Uncertain a t Dry Plant. - 'f; With regard to prohibiitea. howsvsri rtb "" sit uatisa tamained in a atata'-of - coaaidarabl ancertaUity wHh th tread apparently toward exclusioa from tba nlatfnrm .ntir.lv . Thiu .h. n. . liberalixatiea plank eontinaed aa activ eampaiga aad ' torn member of tho New York . dclrealina dechtred ihe iaaaid carry thait-figbi tor th floor f I the convention itself, but a feeling gain cu aeauway uiav in me ena doib air. Bryan' bona dry declaration and that of the anti-boa dry would b voted down. - r .: .' ? WIIoa' Stand Not Claar. J ' Just whera President Wilson stands oa that subject has not beea mad clear, but increasing algnifieaae wa attached in th day' conference to th. absence of any reference to prohibition ia tha Virginia Democratic: platform, unquali fiedly indorsed by the Whit House. Neither ha tha administration tipped it hand ia regard to presidential candi date and tonight th relative steading of aspirants remained apparently an- changed. Attorney General Palmar ar rived today to taka personal charge of his campaign aad by tomorrow th gun ning of candidate and their manager among th aaiaatrueted delegate, ia xw pected to be at it height. . 1 - Shaw-BIgg. -' Aaheville, Jun 20. A dm pi. hui pretty Wedding took plac a few day ago at Grove Park Inn, whea Mia. Vivian Izbna Biggs, of Moriah, and Mr. Honry O. Shaw, of Miami, 1 la- quietly -married. " Tbo ceremory took place ia on of th drawing room at the Inn and wss performed by Bev. Dr. William F. Powell, pastor of tba First Baptist church, ia tha company of a few friends. Tha room wa most artistically decorated for th occasion with quantities of pink Killarney rosea and. fern..; Miss Mattie Biggs, (later of th brldeL was ths maid ef honor and only attendant. She wore a navy bin taffeta frock embroidered ia Preach blu and carried Killarney roses. Th bride wa gowned la a handsome dm of blu georgette crepe over blu sstin snd a larg pietur hst of bin with -French blu. plumes. Her bouquet wsa an exquisite affair of bride's rose aad aweet pes. Immediately after th cere mony, Mr. and Mrs. Shaw left by mo-1 they will go to the Kocky Mountain. . They will make their future kome at Miami, Fla. , , ' Local Offle, Vnltsd Stete Watkt Braa. ' ? FORECAST - . Raliegh. Nf C Jua J5. North 'Carolina: Fair weather and mild - temperatur Saturday . and Sun day. - TEMPEBATUBB Highest temperatur ...... 80 - 60 70 Lowest temperatur t. Meaa temperatur ... Deficiency for the day ........ ,- 7 1JI Average dally deficiency since Jan. 1st -PRECIPITATION (in inch) Amount for th 24 hour ending ' at S p. an. .03 TotaX.ior he month to date- ,Tr,. 4.8.1 , Excess for th month '..-......... 0.93 Deficiency since' Jaa. 1st .. 1.94 - . HUMIDITY '.. ' S.m. - 12m. p.m Dry baIb'.'1-.-.-rrrr- 74- T4 Wet bulb ....... 63 ,65 fl Bel. Humidity .... 88 8P 65 -.- PBESsUBB ' ' (Keduesd t sea !?!) j a. m. 30:14 It n ". S0:H' v - ' ' ''... i

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