tiii: WEATHERS Kerth Carolina! Probably fair Wednesday ant Thursday, mac change la temneratare A - k W I L, "' .. ti!t 'ut a,.il . miM a stat .. - VOL. CXI. NO. 182 SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH N. G; WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 301920 - SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CLNL: i SEriATOR HARDING AUD COOLIDGE IN IIIAL SPEECHES 0. O.P. Presidential Nominee - Takes 'Americanism As Text For His Address GOV. COOLIDGE SPEAKS' ABOUT "LAW AND ORDER" Harding Asserts No Council of foreign Poweri Necessary . - To Point Way. of American ,; Duty; Both Speeches For X Phonographic Becord' To Be - Released On Glorious Fourth ) ' Washington, June 29. Declaring th nation "require no council ef foreign powers to point tha way of America duty,' Senator Harding, RepnVUcan nemmeejrorjpreiideBt, in ma Brat earn "paiga'ijpeeen today, urged lB"preerVa" lwi tion ol Amerieaniam aatne nrss highest endeaTor of all eitiaeni of the Xrwniarij attacaea ta WP .....ki:. I ea Senatora who fought the ratification Tha eandldata'a Irat aHeranee of the t,..i k day, being made for a phonographic "Teated by eTery ataadard whfclr rot. record to be released o. the Fourth of ually.ppry, aajd he. 111 Demo July and to be used throughout the earn- f119 -ffT uu n. in. A MnT of tha Henntor'B address was made public at hia office aad with it speech made last week by (Jot. tool idge, of Massachusetts the party's rice presidential nominee, ior a similar pur pose. : --:"A Senator Harding chose fAmerieaa lsm'' as hia subject, while Got. Coolidge spoke on "Law and Order." America. Mr. Harding said, does not mean to hold aloof, chooses no isolation and shuns no duty, bub ha continued, "we arrogate to ourselves the keeping , . . . . . Of theA Amenean continent and every WBMPto'our moral obliga Uonr The presidential eandiite added that "it is very practical to make euro , our own house is in perfect erder before we at- tempt tho miracle of eld world aUbiua- ' ... , , I , Coolidge en Uv aad Order. la urging maintenance of law and ol oer, uov. voouage acuusu America as a "broader,, firmer, deeper faith in people, faith that men desire to 'do right, that the government is founded upon a righteousness which will I enoure. I ''The firot flaming torch of Ameri- naiam." mill Senator Hardinsr. "was I lighted. in framing the Federal eonatitu- tion in 1787. The PUgrim signed their - simpl-nadttajestieeoveiiant full . eeatury and a half before, nnd set ' aflame their beacon ef liberty en the ( coast jpC Massachusetts. Other p'utaeers of new world freedom -were rearing their w standarda of liberty from James- town and Plymouth for five generations . . It was all American in the V.- Ainfnsi samst I'JltlMVd. BmPaWUfl 1 result, yet ail of it lacked the soul of nationality.- In almple truth iber wss no thought of nationality in the revolu- tion for American independence. The Colonist were resisting a wrong, and freedom waa their solace. Once it was achieved, nationality was the only gency suited to its preservation. America Headed Procession. t . 11 V.MH L.a tobed in nationality, the American re- voura 'a """"""If'. ..... i publie began the blazed trail of repre- i. ....,.m.nt. SMfmrf to !!irrjr.. e fciffhit human freedom, i . . . . .i . j i I "human and tomi i which Ultimately wU eeft the liberi- fm.Th. Federal con, f Utution ia the very base of all Ameri- raaism. the ark of the covenant of American liberty, th. -very-temple of - -. jk . . Th constitution does amae, ana in- .. the rsnublie sur- -,vva. iff -A .... I. .:. haf Aa are anvranillif ..tu.au,. .hirK U thm mrr muI cf highest Americaniim. ThU repub- , . . , V.m..U ... I dangered civilization, "We have beea tardy some times like i when , we were proclaiming democracy and neutrality while we ignored our national rights, but the ultimate and helpful part we played in the great war will be the pride or America so long as ths world recites the story, !-!; Tfa, 'or HeldAloof ., "W do not mesa to hold aloof, we choose no isolation, we shun no duty. I like to rejoice in an American con science, and in a big conception of our obligation to liberty justice and civilisation.- Aye, and more, I like to think of Columbia's helping hand to new republic jrhich are eeeking the bless tnn cortraved in our example. But I km ' confidence in our Americav that ,. M - . require no council of foreign power tejiomtthewayof American duty. We ll.-r-W'M&PMZ3&. tributer but- -we arrogate to anraelves ' the keeping of the American continent ind every concept of our moral obliga--tieartt ia t iaeto-iUcaHaer 4t-t is-very Lraetical U make suro ear own house in parf aet order before w itempt the miraele of eld world summation. . CaM it the selfishncm ef nationality If yon will, I think it an inspiration to patriotic devotion, "To aafeguard America first. . jTa-UbiiiBeAmrica first. ' Te prosper Asj.rka first. . To think ef America first. - '" To exalt Amercs first. "To live for, and rcrore America first, i La ?'kil :lu' "Let the international Ihs bolahevist desiroy, for whom Its miastrel rspturee swell, In the spirit of the republis we pro- ilaim Amerieaniam and - nccUim America. a.-k .r rliH.. H -The first d f Ternmwt4a4ol'lfllU he true to itself,- said Oov. Coolidge. hia doe nut mania 'iierfection. IIT1" v.. mean a plaa to strive fo perfection, It mean loyalty He- idealar Tho ideal tt America were set out in the declare- t'oa ef , Independence and adopted In, th Constitution. They did not repre- . JU .(Contlntfed a sge Jwe. 'r DET.i OCRATIC PARTY IS DUE A VICTORY IN COMIIIGELECIII Entitled To Public Approval By Every Test, says Sena- tor Robinson PERMANENT CHAIRMAN . SCORES G. 0. P. RECORD! Arkansan Points To Expend!. tare of Large Sums of Money JU Contests Preliminary Tol Republican Convention and! Attacks Republican Senators ! Who Fonght Treaty : Eaa Francises, Juns SO Senator Bdbinaoa of Arkaasae, permanent chair man of tha Democratio national eon- vention, in hia speech today aaaailed the Republican party for' ita Chicago plat - I of money in pre-onTntioa coateeta Natioas eoraaaak - --. Democratic and Republican records, con trasts of political policies aad of party leadership justifies the belief that the Republican party will be drives from power ia both branehee of Congress aad that complete control of the gorern ment will be restored to tha Dame. era tic party im the November elections. beeaoae that party aaa earaed tne pub- be eoaadeatee. Chirr..Tm.a umbireT.-: -. ewte. n i, a ' a I : ....7." : tiiKUtailHt aaswajBamvvsvaM aj f RMWIiBW - rpprrteit,tionR, .,tddlea' and atan- Afn, rt deIU)rate!y unfair in eharg. , tha D,aoertie admUiatratioa u pobuity lof mUltary napre- p,,,, Etmt eBa tB0W, that the BMj,,, party eoatrolled the govera. sUfjiit IUC lull lunv wriuif aa inauyrtt- ratlo. of Wilson. When the DeBloerie p.rty mt j.to power March 4t J9i3 both the army aad the navy were Ut below Ue authorised number. j h. rr-w.r national poiy M to military preparedness ia justified, the eeasuro most fail opoa the Republican party. c. O. P. Inalacere an Taaatless. . Pk. t k, nn.ihi;. nl. fora respeetiag taiatioa ia maiaesUy iaeincerk They promised no aubetan- tial relief from the eaactinft-jtabt- deaa aeeeesarily imposed during Us w,r. There are maay veiatious Uxes that should b repealed now that the war ia over. The big joker ia that amsx. iBr document ia the olaak in the Be- publics a pluform eoneeminf profiteer-1 Isim -We eondemn the Democratic admin-1 istratioa's failure impartially to enforce the anti-profiteering laws enacted by the Republican party.' "Who will be deceived by thia absurd rrcteasef The Republican Congress ea- acted no anti-profiteering laws. The amendments to the food control act were suggested by the President and supported by the Democrats ia Congresa. Tk. Tm.M.. mhiuhhAmI fAM. B1 il i- tional measarea to preve.t and penalise I pronteering. ... I A11 these measures were Disreonholed. I KMItaf waa propped by the eana U place of them. Is the Demo- .Hmlni.riinB tn n denounced 1 YoV Tail '5rU -ensure, whieh the Republic... refused to paast s. tie, sion from the Kepubhean platform is in respect to the excessive use of money in Federal elwtjoas. I aspite of the general indignatioa aroused by expendi- " T. r . v.iil.n'.. millions of dollars in behalf of General Wood and almost -miUioa- 4oHarr4nsTiti8n of tho Irish republic were kept beh.lf of Governor Lowden and tne Bomiiuitiott of dark hon u Ui rt- o ftio of bM'd in the Chicago platform. IB 111. VjUICIIIU DWIUia, beceleetiona, however, will demon strate the fact that the presidency can not be auctioned. - Tried ta Discredit President. i k.. K-... ..!.! .h.. n.rlium)iili I ceases st.the water s edge. The political I reeord of the last few month belies thin declaration. The Republican party i- c..t. ...t i. it. mmwmm. I .V-ww... tion Dreaeat to the world the aumiu-1 .:.. .f a!.h..i and con-1 ..;.. .ki.. . A,-mAt tha I President in hia efforts to maintain the ..,...., z7. .7" respect and confidence of our allies. "The Chicago platform declared that the policy .of the Wilson adminiatratioa toward . Mexico ia responsible for the loan of lives aad property resulting to . : . : Kever- . wm lllCiVBal IUW IWfiBiwua va aaawaw a -- i TtlilBg Utxico are ambiguous and in- defln. Do the plank in the Be-1 -Mnifi mean f-'t I if tha nronertr or lives or American em-1 sens in Mexico are nereaner eaoan-1 : . .. . 1 gered thU goveramcai will make war oa . . it -ifii hthh w -wratpetorata 1 1 tti. . li. M..atina aot frank I enough to anaeuaea a definite polieytisppeared that no one "wanted to tolkl' Why waa ita meaaiag concealed ia also the question would be passed ver. multiplicity or ambiguous weroaT . . v. . '. ' The President is condemned for ask-1 icg authority ef Congress to ecereiae a mandate for Armenia- It has never lieea i contemplaled by any one that the Uni- ted States should assume that responsi bilivt wit'oout first prescribing the termi eokditiona of the maadate. It would not J1 difficult for the Uaited Bute v to safeguard its responsibilities a. to proceed with the united support of Eng- ""n Uf;. . " k!!!?." as every other member af the league. - i - ne) maaaai may reaauy do, msas Ftt.if JTt? U tretfd fjreading from TaripnijlatterB PB jrhich eneouragemena or assistance w Armenia and would force protectorate oa Mexico; They are deaf to the appeal ef the eppreseed, but as always they are sensitive to the esir ef wealth. They - , .(CoaUpned Pag Three.) INTERIOR OF CONVENTION HALL AT FRISCO, WHERE V&fFt- GREAT New dispatches from tha Golden that tha convention hall is tha noat I been held. The Californian did not 1 ia the Far West and the thousaada of Committee Holds Stormy Hearing Open Warfare Develops Over Prohibition Irish . Question and Other Planks BRYAN FORCES LOSE IN PARLIAMENTARY BATTLE . - - WA"'m.v ActnU Preparation of Platform Wot Begnn; Negotiations Continue Baa Francisco, June 29. Open war fare ever prohibition, the Irish ques tion and ether troublesome issues of the i mocrrtio platform began today U s storm swept commmittee hearing, Whi Is in private the leaders continued their nogotiatioBi for a settlement to keep tha hostilities from spreading Inter to tho floor of the convention itself; t Tonight the platform- sub-committee had not mat begun actual preparation of the party' declaration, of principles and there were no surface indications that rtask,haiJ)een mad any nrapler V-th dayV, puUia axrangementa or pm")!!,.-: - ' mcmoatorrdafsawa sdmiaUtered rytm dry legion in the fuU pUt- 'or Wmmittee whs i na preliminary ,or position on the epeakere Jist oecwed in favor of tlie weta by a Jot 17 M- The -geneVal tocUna iHcanee of the vote, which ws -Uken aavwvvs. neaj w uievvuus 'sft to decide which side should speak fist. 8 kl ravish Far Position. In -the skirmish both: -wets and -drys argued that their. opponents were trying to eopen the prohibition issue and there fore should present - thier case first, Whca the dry wsre forced to go ahead, Mr. Bryan took charge of the time al' lotted to that aide, out divided all Of it 1 amoa gother apeakers representing the Anti-8aloon league, church associations and other prohibition organizations.. ... w nnn.v. riiri r for the weta, W. Bonrke Cochran ol ffr debate in which Mr. Bryan wss eaUed upon to : ezplain hia connections with the AnUloo. Lrigue.H. denied that a eve had reived eompensaWon from J last yesr for certain publie speeches, Irish Ia.ee Brian Fire. The Irish issue was argued in such militant fashion that the crowded.com mittee room waa ia almost constant up rar. Onronents of the proposal for roe unoer a i from Irish aympathisera - and once or twice were called short and urgly words while the committee chairman pounded unheeded with his gavel and sergeante- at-arme tussled wit hthe crowd in an Ineffectual effort to keep order. The argument for the Irish recogni tlOH Clan SWaS ICQ DT frans I . " '"! and tho opposition was handled by Dam- ares uoya oi ooi.g, loyal txialitioa. Gompersr Aaneaia ror baoor. tior ;: '.a t..-M..t. isoori pHmrnimm vtoktoi i eommittee by Samuel Oompers, who de elared the RcDublicsn party had written i -- j k. reacupa on " labor vote must find some avenue else where for expression of its desires.'' . The League of Nations, another sub Ject threatening a floor fight; was not mentioned during the day's hearings, but there were many suggestion on al most every other political subject, pro- sr longing the committee' into the evening. I ' Prohibition Brings deuberations ne eiann cam. " ...1. - .v utKi: 4 mmew mn i rin" Mr. Bryan and Mr. Cockran wrangled for lf aa-houi oo tha.floint, Chairmnn Glass llnsllr interrupted to ssy that it ,ia is no rm ivt jn J.kuii ii.'nrtwrr- r . The chair ia not joking," l retorted Senator Glass, pounding the table, and .rriii sukkv."- . On motion by .Borden Burr, 5f Air- iiania, ini. nv uii .fra Bryan demanded a roll call and"the motion was adopted, 27 to 25. ' Oaeas Case far Wets. . Tormer Representative Theodore "A. Bel, of Calif oraia, opened (he ease, for tha wMa. I deny the right" to assume.' American people wil ill submit for all time toi come to- the Intolerance-of the 18th amendment.' . ,th, .N.bratkaa had been a candidate, jm, he said the platform on which Mr - .Bryan, mads a eampaignfor Con- gnn deeared for "protection of per- sons! rights," against Federal encroach- meet. A similar declaration, he said, .(Continued ea Page Two.) DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION IS BEING Ta, V5 V i 7 4 Gate City, which la now tha center of comfortable and ideal temple of politics ia orerlook a ainale detail in preparinr for delegates and Tiaiton hare beea pleaaed Over Big Issues - . - - vay Great Applause When Resolu -tion Js Adopted; Tribute PaicL To Mrs. Wilson By JOHN A. LIVINGSTONE. (Staff Correspondent.) ' -San Francisco, June 29. Woman earn into her own in the Democratic party today and the men received her gladly. "If the Democratic party la ia' earn est about thla business, then we ought to support It," Chairman Cummings shouted when the convention wavered oa accepting the resolution to accord women' equal rights and equal member ship en the national committee, and with great volume of applause the coats. Uoa4opte4 jtU--'?" 'W When Mrs. McNabb sffered a rasow- tioa of sympathy aad appreciation to the wife of the President, the conven tion went wild with enthusiasm and 'a great ovation was tendered the first lady of the land, furnishing fitting climax to a session that waa epochal, Senator Robinson, Southern. Demo erat, paved the way in hia keynote speech, when he; pleaded -the- cause of international peace ana equal suffrage, declaring they are inseparably bound together. "Let North Carolina and Tennessee race for bono rof ratifying the' amend ment." he urged while the convention cheered North Carolina offered little objec tion to adoption of the resolution of congratulations to the Tenueee gov- ernor, at most realised opposition was futile. TAR HEELS ENTHUSIASTIC OVErVCUMMINGS'SPEECH Dispels All Doubt That League Will Be Endorsed; McAdoo ' Stock Xisinf By JOHN A. LIVINGSTONE. (Staff Correspondent.) San Francisco, Cal June 29. -North Carolinian are enthusiastic tonight over Cummings keynote speech, which met the highest expectations, and if any doubt existed that the administr' tions' stand on the league would hot be endorsed this address teems to have dispelled it. It was a great speech for a great occasion and Tar-Heel feel Cum mings measured up. McAdoo stock is rising with Cox go Tut iv'i" ,iirrrr..-1i--i T I -n , ing oincr way. umo man - may rana second place on ticket, however .Texas and North Carolina have , stood solid for New York, man, while western states have given encouragements North Car olina voted for Senator Robinson for permanent chairman of convention to day. . . ' E. E. BRITTON ASSOCIATE CONVENTION SECRETARY II By JOHXjL LIVINGSTONE. (Staff Correspondent.) San Francisco, June 29. Edward E. Hritton, private secretary to Secretary Daniels, was today named assciae--eee- rttary of the Democratic National Con vention. B. O. Everett, of Durham, member of the North Carolina delegation, was mad secretary of the Committee' on Perms seat Organization, with Governor Ral ston, of Indiana, as chairman. MrvBTittonr'was-first recoiuraendod- for the assistant aeer"taryahiD of the ton- vent ion, but the -com mittee later made him. associate secretary.-, HOTEL FIRES AT BOSTON : MAY BE WORK OFINCENDIAET Boston, Jiine 29 The fifth hotel fire within week, all of them Of uncertaia origin, , was discovered at the Hotel Essex early today while every hotel in the city -was specially guarded to pre vent sueh an occurrence. All of th fires have started in hallway or closets and the police' believe they were set by an incendiary. The other fires have been In, the Hotel Brewster, the' Amer ican House, Hotel Holhs and the Adams Honse. In each ease the damage bat been slight. , DEMOCRATS BR G VOMENINTOPARTY G HELD -J I I loteraat - for Democracy, ara to tha affect which a Demoeratio convention haa ever the Srst Democratic eonrenUoa ever held beyond expectation. ; ' s , Appear Certain He Will Be Nominated Unless Tammany - and Taggart Control . M'LEAN REPRESENTATIVE ; ; . ON M'ADOO COMMITTEE Oumminfs' Clear-Out Speech ' Znooursares Movement for .. Tomer Secretary; Kot De cided Who Will Present Sim. mons' Name for Komination; ' Suffraj-e TFor Women Certain By JOHN A. LIVINGSTON!. (Staff Correspondent.) - . San Francisco, June 29. The nomina tion of William Glbb McAdoo for the Presidency is assured unless Tammany leader from New York and Tom Tsg gart's delegate from Indiana can oa- tro enough votea under the two-thirds rale to giock it. m Meaaoo movement gain niweBtum dlly, snd-his frteads sow - have- hi boom thoroughly - or ganlaed. with a' steering eommittee ia action and holding meetings each night. ffational Committeeman A. Wilton McLean,' of North Carolina, is a member of the McAdoo steering eommittee s representative from the Southeastern Statea. McAdoo talk ia heard .oa every hand and the Cummings speech,' with iH clear-cut and straight-forward presenta tion of the Democratic record has en couraged it. The boom haa been spon taneous .and San Francisco papers piny it op today as a feature of the conven tion developments. If only a majority instead of a two-thirds vote was re quired McAdoo would win out oa the firat ballot, . The convention had an "off day1 to day while the platform eommittee held hearings. Delegates and visitors en joyed trips over San Franeiseo Bay to day as guests of the city. Slmmona ta Be PrrMatad. j It haa aot yet been decided who will present the name of Senator ruraifold M. Simmons to the convention when the nominating speeches are taken up Wed nesday. The Demoeratio party has practically settled the suffrage questioa and it is not being discussed here. Women are sitting in th convention and also on its committees and are taking a part in all the deliberations. Delegates from North Carolina have received concrete evidence that suffrage is inevitable for the Nation as a whole and show ho dis position to fight th issue. May Not Mention N. C The platform is not expected to eon- tain any specific reference to North Carolina, but will call on all Democratic Bute to ratify th suffrage amendment Mia Mary Owen Graham, president of Zeaiift, Jjurtituta.atA,Knlriah,irho ,,hsj been woman associate member -of the National eommittee, will continue as woman member of the body under the new plan, wheih gives each 8tate one woman and one. man member. - Miss Graham wss the unanimous choice of (he North, Carolina delegation. NO POLITICAL MEETINGS IN GEORGIA'S CAPITOL Atlanta, Gs.,. June 29. A resolution requesting the Governor of Georgia to refuse the use of the legislative chamber to any political gathering without unani aious consent of the House and Senate CoVnntlttWt oirPtibrhj --Building, -was adopted by the Georgia House 107 to 49 toddy. A similar resolution already hat beea adopted by the Senate. : The action was a result of th recent squabble in the Bepublieaa State Cob veation In which police ..intervened on n plaint of Rtate officials with office l. the eapitol. The Republicans ususlly have met in thi eapitol, and members of the Legislature laid after the latest mootis; that meosurea would be taken to deny the privilege in, the future. ; SIXTH6USAND MINERS"- ORDERED TO STOP WORK Charleston,. W. Vs., June . 29. Six hounand anion -minora in Mingo County, WjVa., and: Pike, county, Kentucky. were , today ordered by district hesd quarter -of the United Mine Workers here to rcirnin from reporting for work tomorrow. Itnnancf of the strike order, 1) it t riot f President C. F. Keency nn nouneed,-followed, the refusal of the Willi.imson'- Coal- Operator Association to treat with, the miners. ... BOOM FOR MTAD00 GAINSMOMENTUM CONPNTION ROUTINE. Representatives Weaver and Pou Also In Accord; McLean Says Wiir Name McAdoo -i Ths News and Observer Bureau, 03 District Katioaal Bank Bldg, By B. K. POWELL. (By. BpftW letsH V1miEL Washington; D. C, Jsn T9. Dem oeratio opinion in Washington is in thorough, accord ia viewing the key-1 note speech Chairman Homer Cummings I delivered at San Franeiseo yesterday. Tha threa memhers of tha T.v ITm1 I CUMMINGS' SPEECH PLEASES SIMMONS oWieaalonai deligstiuu, Oeuatut Dw::nftTe 1 mons, Representativ Weaver aad Rep resentative Pou, are in high spirits. - It waa a very fins speech,'' the Sen ior .Senator ald over long distance from Virginia . Manor, hi . eountry home in Maryland." WhUs it doesn't indulge in much prophesy for the future it will mahs a strong appeal to - the conn try." Can yen follow Mr. - Cummings ita the treaty I" the Beaator asked. I think what Mr. Cnmmiagt said will be generally approved." "How about prohibitioa business t" 7 think the sentiment win not In terfere. There is no longer an bane and I don't think the eon ventloa will un dertake to create one." Weaver Mack Pleaaed. . Representative Zebnloa Weaver Ma especially pleaaed with the Cammings declaration that the only high dignitary of the Government on the way to the penitentiary ia Truman Newberry, Re publican. He has th cotton mill wealth of Lv L, Jenkins to fight ia th tenth district this time. - "Seriously though," Mr Weaver said. X hop the platform will ring just a clear a the keynote, speech. Compared with the paeon, of hate Ledge uttered St Chicago, it is a eonaarvatir master piece. William Gibbs McAdoa la eertaia to be nominated at San Franeiaea in. the -opinion, ef Katioaal Committeeman Wil- toa McLean, commirMicatcd by ' wire .hers today, - . . , Tsr Heels Fee McAdoa. "The North Carolina delegation Is unit for McAdoo" the message from Mr. MeLieaa read. MIf Simmons cannot nominated. I believe MeAdoo's nomina tion eertaia. Ife Is th choice ef a Urge majority of the delegates. Anetimatermade- ntr the office of Senator Simmons today Indicates that more than one thousand- temporary residents of Washington will 'east their absentee votes in the secoad primary in North Carolina, , Ticket for a large percentage of the total have been, tuffplied at Senator Simmons' office. Of thoaa whom tickets have been furnished, a record has been made of the way a majority have vot ed in the ron teats between Morrison and Gardner, Cook aad . Portia m aad Stacy aad Long. To Vote la Primary. Washington's Tar Heel population is variously estimated at from five to fif teen thousand and some declare the number even larger. ' "Bill" Leintter, of the senior Senator' staff, says there are five hundred voter, i the North Carolina society who will vot. in the second primary and as many more not of the society. . Iredell county, tha kume of Colonel Alston D. Watta, claims the distinction of being the birth place of more of these nbsent voters than aay other ecunty in the 8tit. Since ths absent voters law became effective, the two Senators and Con Cremmaa are requiring unidentified constituents to pror their residence in North Carolina by establishing their voting place. Ia this . way. folks who havs been living here for agea are aot apt to claim patronage over the Tsr rreeirvonng nff jaytirffairet ftrrw State.. . ATLANTA STILL SECOND LARGEST CITY IN SOUTH Birmingham 20,000 Under Georgia Metropolis; Other Southern Cities Wash ingtoa,- Jane 29.- tlanta. with 200,618 people, retain her rank at sec ond cMy in the South, figures for Birm. itigham announced today by the Census Bureaa showing the Alabama city has 178,270, as imreasajrr.5t per cent. Birmingham was third city in 1910 with 133.683 while Atlanta at that time had 154339. . Southern cities of 100,000 or more an nouneed 'thus far ia the fourteenth census sret New Orleans, 387,408, in ereaaa ItJ per c.nt AtlaMs, "Q.61. Increase; S9a per cent; Birmomgham, 178570, increase 84.4 per eent; Memphis, iti:,;i5J, increase ZiJi per rent; ISan An tonio. lfil,108, increase B7i per cent. Dallas 19876, increase 72.8 per cent; NaahviUe, 118rt42, increase IS per rent Norfolk, 113,777, increase 71.6 per cent. Richmond, which ranked as fifth Southern eity ten years ago, is the ony 1UUJJUO population eity " of 1910. waete 1920 census haa not yet beea aanouneed. 1 In the 1920 raaking of Southern, cities of thejOOjOOO cURSxlshrjller sixth city, haa been passed by San Antonio aad Dallaa. t, ' Of the smaller cities which ia J910 had 3,000 or mor. the only anear that remain to be announced are Hoastoa, Fort Worth, Charleston Little Reck, Montgomery, Galveston. - Portsmouth, Austin, Waco aad Muskogee. ' CLEARS SLATE AND Affirms Action of Denying Seat To Senator Reed and of Scat- - ing r Palmer Delegates .'.j ; v rrom ueorgia NOMINATING SPEECHES -SCHEDULED TO START WITH TODAY'S SESSION 4z Senator Robinson, , Permanent ' Chairman, Delivers . Second Key note Speech; . Severely iappins; JtepnDlicansjL nI Nomine-4- Hardinff ; t Kai - tional Committee Member " ship Doubled and Additional Places Given To Women r Congratulatory i i: Telegram! Ballotinf Kot To Begin Until Platform la Adonted - -'" : !i San Francisco, Jon 29. I Ut tee oad day session ths Democratic Ka - tional Convention perfected ita organic tatioa aad got ready for business. It will assemble again tomorrow morning at 11, o'clock, with the plans laid for beginning the nominating speeches fuf candidates. (. . I Ths convention affirmed the action of the credential committee in deny ing a seat to Beaator Reed, of Missouri, in acatiwg the PsUmer delegstca from Georgia over the contest of the Smith-Wstsoa faction. - Then it-atOrmM the plan to . hesf nominating speeches delivered whilj the platform eommittee is working en the party declaration of principle, but prorldmg that balloting for a nominee cannot begin until after the platform haa beea presented and adopted. Women Now Oa Committee Ths convention, after some delay tie cause ef n misunderstanding of termi, finally adopted the National committee reeolutisat to double the membership of the eommittee snd gtv th nddH tional places to women, en from ear Bute. The resolntion had gotten intd the tortuous way of parliamentary pTaetiee, whUA wa j""1 it back t4 i Csmminga saved, it. hy aa explanation of tta terms. ' ' .; . . : - - lf th Democratie. Party" ia In, ern eat about this basinets of taking women; into ita party councils," aaid Cum ' minga, "let it adopt thia resolution and A adopt it tow.'i - i' v'. j .i- t j.,'.'v The resolution then went through. Bebiaaea Rape BepabUcana Senator Robinson's speech as perman4 ent chairman waa devoted almost en tirely to an arraignment of the BoduIx lies a platform and a defense of the md ministration's conduct of government. affairs, particularly President Wilson' . eourae ia negotiating the nesce treaty aad the League of Nations. One of the surprise of th dsy pro (ceding was the adoption of a resoliM tion which permits the breaking of th Unit rule ia Mew fork without any protest from the delegation from thai State. .It passed without a dissenting vol on recommendation of th rule committee. . -v . , .." Today' session, largely nerfunetofV and oae.of theneceiisaryLjteps in get- fi. . v-: 1 , -- .uwut rvuicui iuu nnucrway, waa the last of the "play dsys" for th drlegatea. Tomorrow they wil begin, hearing candidates placed ia nomina. tion aad may possibly have some ninlia " sessions when the balloting starts. CoagraCaUte Ger. Reherte ' W'ith some opposition .from h Southern States and oa motion of Gor, smirn, of ew York, the convention tent a Congratulatory telegram to Govt nooens, ox jennessee, for his action, id calling a apecial session of th legisls4 ture.to act on the womaa auffrag; ' ameadment to the ' constitution. 1 recognized the women of the narfv h giving many placet in the list of offi eials, including Mrs. Martfn" H. Glynnj wife of the former governor of New Yorh.- . . .. . ... . The working committees which haJ bee-a in session 1J ..morningjadjou.rnc in timi to take part in the conveution session without having completed ths) platform. , . Senator Robinson waa escorted ta. tha- platform by a eommittee headed! bw - Gov. Brough, of Arkansas, aad bopi; his speech about half past two. Attack On Hardiag L - ' -" Senator Robinson deoarted ennaidM ably from his prepared address and! launched into aa attack on Snnatnt Harding, the Republican presidential nominee, who he said had referred td Hiram Johnson as a faker" and Theo dore Roosevelt asf a Benedict AmoM A California audiences liked the .refer enee to Johnson aad applauded roundly, 7 .-x-uaior nooinwa gos stetdy retpons from-his audience, which warmed an he proceeded and gave him 'one demonstration over another, each ev. eceding the preceding one in volume a ' ae scored tne Kenunlicana of the Sen. ste for their course toward the pese " treaty aad the League -of Ksrions. Hs referred to the fnet that President Wilson hsd been assailed for not takinir some Republican Senatora with'' him on the 'American pence mission, to Paris. Hi:a Rrpablicaa Scaatera. - - "If they could not have- shown tnr more capacity and ability ia negotiatine the treaty'than they have shown in their consideration of it, ne shouted, "then Almighty God ' bless Wood row Wilson for not taking them along to Europe." It waa - a ball a- eye -shot-and The - audience acknowledged ths hit bv rising; sad -going in for a iucccisTon'" of ' shouts."'" ; "T7'i ."' ' ' " . "Hit 'em some more, shouted voices from the galleries aad the delegate. Robinson wen ad up with .a V-agua ef Nations pcroratioa thtt, brought the (Cettlnaed aa Page Three.)

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