NEWS AND OL-ZUVLU.. RALE1CI1. . U. C; FRIDAY MOIUw.'G, JULY 9. I:j ....iiJy.HKI ; PLAN REORGANIZATION ZllZ war mad 00 enly SINGLE TAX PARTY IS IITMESTEOIiJ allow, re 1m sod aadar 200 bond; Joe Burleson, charged witSt having' in hia posssaaiua mora rbiakey.thaa the law A large beau tt Uriah flax grower will kava. It ia believed, tha effort f greatly increasing the acreage devoUd te flax railing ia Erla. - I Wood backer to mea of Ufluenee tUUWAIIU! AUUAIlUn got Wood totw. "Maay f th men ' (bathing Wood wero former peetmtst- AGAINST LAFOLLETTE SingU Ttvxari WIS Bolt Third auowa, oat aadea 93M bond. DlgaU PIab" Zsdorsad Bjl". RA!D!!i6U;;BE Sot diraetly, bat tier Would aot let Kapoleoa by publle decree) ordered rtiaai ef tha Bret pnbli alaugbUr ,Utali Tatchart At lleetlnf tko arowa bo oftorod tkoa too may tmxtj If Larolltt If Prti r ldenti&l C-bie At Bait IaIm Citj timet,' Jobaaoa aaawarad. "I aii! koaaee la rraae. , EIG TY ORDER Chilrmia P..;3, of N. C. High ivsy Commission, Before Kew aad Obtervtr Bur, COS Dirtrlet Nat Bank Bldf. . By a. a. ma. " (By Bpechtl lted. WIn.) Wtahinftoa, nip S Chairman" Frank Page, ef th Bute Highway Commit lot, B Q, latiiter, Broaiiaeat tractor of Oxford mad other vera among- tht toad tfteUle ana road tttild ara appaariaf today before tat Inter stats Commerce Ooamisaioa asking modification of (ba rt arflef giving to tha eoal movement prtferctet U distribute f pea ten ear. Tha ituaUo a it affeeta toad work la North Carolina, Mr. Pg aaid. li rather terkw tad tha buildiag of kl war Buffer mink, nnleo b Order ia modified, erne Commission made tha order partially U tha interest of fa Austria! eeneera it KaaUra Norta Carolina aad Sad itaalf up against , knotty problem. Too iadieatloat ara. kowvr. tkat tha ardor will ka modi- lied, a tooa a Uio eoal aituatloa ia relieved. - - Tha 0Bellly General HoaplUl at Ota, aear Atkvill, kaa aoaiplated 'aa iavottlgatiea aad atada a report to tha War Department deaiiag with hookworm aad it! reletioa to mrstatea tiagaeoe of tubsrealoaia. Too propor ,noa of bookworm foaad kaa boaa grat and tha proportion of hookwormert, who conditio kaa atimttlated tuber ealotie aad ytt who ara aea-tuberenlar, it Mid to bo ttartltagly Jarg. So faf aa ta known, tkia ia tha f rat , 'madital investigation mad along theaa linet aad accurate flguree ahowlnf tha ktimbtr of hookworm ease which had hewn all tha indication of tubereu lotia will toot ba compiled, tt ia esti- aiatad, tha report ay, that abottt taa Jor at of tha patients ffr from oohworm at tha time of admlaaioa aad .that about two pr coat do aot hi to tnbtrcaioei. . ' ROACH'S BODY SHIPPED TO REIDSVILLE RELATIVES Salt lako City, Utah, Jaly l-Tarai I Pint aid to en attartr f Ihm Cmii. kaadrad ttok foaakora ibia er.aiBg VL 7-"n TZZ.VZ mI Z rttalLliavai Pkatmuw a.d rtmmt.m Kavua aU r loin vx rvvrganiuiuoa iut mi niuon-i vrwn , - 1 Serious Trouble Expected Be fore Strike Is Ended. . . i . i r ... '(Caatlaaed fro at fag On.) loiboro, July I. Tha bollet fiddled body of Xd Booth, tko negro who wa lynched tail igb by a mob of two aaaaroa natiea aiea ror aa attomptoa heaaali poa a 14 year wklta girl aear karo, wa yoeterday tktppod to kla koao at fioidirlllo at tko request of rolatiroa. Prior to the ropoint of tko roqnoet for tho body It had boon buried tho Pottef'i field at tlrt Pertoa uoantr noat. Tkoro kava beta nO fafthor derelop ataata ia tho1 eaaa aad preteat iadlea tioaa ara that tha Identity of member of tho mob will aot bo revealed. Tho affair ia already regarded her ti a jtloted laaideat. . , GOVERNOR COX TO HUNT , IN ALABAMA THIS FALL Montgomery, Ala Jaly 1 Ooternot lamea m. vat, or Uhio, Demoeratie aamiaaa for Pmldoat of tho United State, will ipaad a week hooting la tjutama flaring tho year. Tha Dontoeratla nominee, la a letter - to yoloael1 Id tool la, of Tuekegee, ro- aetred today, garo thia atauraaeo ia roepoaao to aa argent latter from the Toakegea man, written jatt before tho DomooraU. eoavoatioB mot at. Ban FraaaleeOi Ooreraor Oo apeat aarorai , day ta Alabama la it fall hunting oa game preeerret ia Maeoa county, aa lb guoat of mioael totolle. FIGHT BETWEEN DEMPSEY AND CARPENTIER REMOTE Kw York, July Chaoea of 4 hamploaakip boat between- George Canwatiar and Jaeh Dannaav ia m. fardad aa unlikely before aeit year, -r aror, jock Kaaraa, Dempeay' man agar, doolarad today followina a ton lereae bore With Praaeoia Peteamp, ine rreneamaa'a aaaaager. aad other promiaoat (a boilng eirelea. Kara bad aigalfled kla wlUlagneaa t tht eoafertnta ta contract to bot Car pen tier at any time or place agr' aoia to ta tw priaeinaia. far tha kith art puree offered, bot William A. Brady, rpreirvg uaariee uoearaa, boadon flght promoter, produced, a aoatraet wkiah Carpentier. algaed after ha had knocked ant Jot Beckett, EfigUeh hoary wolght, la Loadoa laat fall. Thlt eon. treat gara Coehraa aa optioa until Doeombot II Beit. A lau fbrblda Carpaatlor or hi manager from erea diacuHlng with Uempeey or any other promoter. MAY VOTE ON MOVING CAPITAL TO MACON, GA. Atlanta, Oe-, July I. A concur Maelatioa wa paaaed by tha apper houit of the atato legiaiaUr today aubmlt tlat tha nronoaitioa of tho removal of tha capital from Atlanta to Macon to tho rotor of tho etata ia be DemoeraU primary to be held September 8th Tht reeclutioa matt aow go to tha kouio, 11 Cdaoatloa Atooelatloa aad agreed to wars for ita adoptloa la th Ataoeia. tioa'l moetlog 'tomorrow. The aeheme ia the chief ioma bofor tho roeat coavoatioa of that body. Margaret Daley, af Chicago, leader I of thoo) who eppoee rcorgtiaiaatloa, at I occur while the piekatera ara ao faf teaded tha meeting bat did aot (peak. I outnumbered br the combined farmiaa Bpaaaora aot kaowa ay u chairman l popoianoa, aad ih tnea at work. wero roqiiirod to giro their addretccc, I effort an booa mad, n wa rrad Aaderaon. proaldoat of th I it ted, to-import worker from Ie Utaa Edoaatiog AaaooUUoa, wle pro. where, and lit, Mai ay that aa anea aided, expelled two atoaogranhera who move will bo mad aatu the aitutioa had bogua taking a record of th oaeot I dear as. ' To piekotor UrrtNi lag. ,' i I Joined by womca from the adjolalag Huak A, Magllt. of fiorlaadeld. IB- UlU . aottiomeat of Chin Ororo and Bold aoerotary of th aeooclatioa, do I EannipolU, aad a aumber of than eiarcd that wlthoot reorganltatloa it I were ia court aa witnoaaoo thia mora wao poatibl for th toaohora af the lag wna th trial of threw pieketcr locality wher th aaaaal meetiog waalan aa antj-itrike tympathiar wor held f aontrol tkat meeting. Utah, ha arraigned oa charge of disorderly eoa aid, eould balk large ia tomorrow I aui or accauit, . batlaeet meeting or ooatrol tt I v Thro Coarktod Howard B. Urbrca. of Chicago, for I Tha trial wa bold ia Saliabary bc- merly af th UaWorclty of Utah, made I 'ore Boeordcr P. 8. Carlton, and la it a trong appeal to tfl TJtahaa ta ua anraveang whole gamut of th op their control to adopt tha aow alaa aad Poaiag contention waa diacnised. Hra. make It ImpcMlble fef any locality "ever Boulak Motley waa Charged witk aa- to pack a eonrentioa agaia," Mr. Drigg oanw npoa i.La jtiaioa, a ja yearoia referred to the mooting laat year at ha waa going kom from wrk. Milwaukee. Wlc Which ha aald waa land Beaai Eflgliah with aidilur and controlled by teachar af that locality, kbotliaf ia the aataolt. : Loa aglik ', I waa cnargea .. wiw uing ooscene ana II 0 TO nr RTPRrCrMTrn oairo langoeg aad U 1. Blaehwtldar af noiieeri a onuonFco I - Z "-a- v ft I DnUdoCU WUIIUnCdd rwer or aaaavit aad battery, II w round aot guilty aad th other will Repreienthtlon Will Not Be OfflciaJ, Bowaytr, Bacratarj Houitoa Bhjt pay flnei. Thi particular trouble aeturrtd yn tctday aftoraooa whoa, aeeordina ta th Tldoac, th Motley woman, witk otne 13 women aad girl, stopped th Hma ll a att .Va wlf WaabiHgtoa, July I. Th Vaitod I anhealfled ha fr ar.lthe..i..u oiaiea win oa repreaentea onoomcinuy obligatioaa,'' threatened . aad corttd t th Brutieli fiXhnelal Coagreaa ua. her, aad twtated her arm painfully la def tha League of Kation oa July 3,lna effort ta maka hae nnmlu t oerreiary noaeesa aaBoanemi loaay. work any more. BlaokWelder Inter lae reprraenwiTea 01 inia country, reaed ia her behalf, wheronpoa th who, Mr. Houetoa laid, would aot b ontir 18 womea, th eoart bold, turned government offloUU, will b ehoaoa upon him aad pnrtued blm dowa th iw hbh 4i w piaaaaa, uo itreot, bcatiag him aa ha weut. aeeretary -aaid, to ad thro repro-l ... Hr Mlut TruUta. aanutiToato ooaervo th proreortiag. Thl. I th only pereoaal antouaUr aad eoaaidar th diaeiusioa and official I that kaa got a far a th court. rruorw 1 Nunaroua otbara rm V... m . ;1l i ( . I . ' -' " in cvnAerearv wiu iihuh vxxmvniM eoaditloB of the varioua nation, the eeerctiry aaid, nd many helpful mig ration for workine out tha rasoa- atructioa problcma of th differeat coua- eurred at varioua timea aa th worker wer leaving th mill. Detachment of picket, officer ny, follow worker to and from tho mill daily, eallina teu til thaia ! 4k. ..J l 1 .Mwm nn. mi nvm pvau mutt rr The Weather Local 09, fjalted tUtaa Weather Baroaa. .....,- ... , i-llUt;AHT Baleigh, Ji7CH fuWl . Tot North Carolina r Ceaerally fair rrldar ad Hatarday. ' - tEiU'tttATCKK RlghM temperatur ...v.. ...... lwetl tcmperttnrt ...... Mean UmperatuM ............. Kxeata or delhieary for tho day .. Average dally defloleney lnc Januarr let it Tl 71 0 ,1.1 . PiUiCU'ITATlON (ia laehea) Amount for tho S hour eading at p. m. ' M Total for th month ta date .... At tVnVieney for the moath ...... e.M l)f;firtenpr eine JaAuerv let n, 4.117 HUMLDITV ,8am. l!m.,8p.m. Pry bulb ....... 75 ' i2 78 Vet bulb t3 T TS t l. humidify ... 82! 88 .,. ...... t'KirfibUJ-; : . .- : . (Seduced to aea level) a. m. AOJOI lp-m JO.OS rr:it,..iC5a.B. 5uiiet.j.t:3i p. av "7, "PT.10 . . 1 Wherwi.eaaaoyla.tham. Thlamornla. i at wbiwo oiaiea aanaoi do oouna ,v. ,,j . t.k t , - waa frequently used. Oa tpeech, aom wbat incondiary ia character, waa made, but wa broken off with loud lauahtat whea th womea took ap the ahant toH greet the arrival of a group of worker. Th towa baa two polioemoa for the Ant time la reari. kfavo fiaal kll IS NO HflAl SHflRTARP them alao the baginninc of the aiakot t wvm m miu mrn raaiaoaia vt me town and are paid avt ef th municipal troarary. The atrikore charg that they ara hired fcy tha oorpo ration aaa paia oy n. anorlir Jim Kridat and two depatloa ara ea head alght aad morning, whea tho mill ttart aad whea July 8. Aiaur they eloa for th day. Bach troubl Mr. Houitoa doclartd, adding that It wa aeeumed that noae of tho rarlon foreign rpreenUtlvea would hve an thorlty to make any agreement ia be aaif or their govornmnt. CUSHINQ SAYS THERE Bttvtei Thra Hu Bean Too Mttoh aovramental Aglta i, tioa About Fuel Watblngton, D. C, aaeo of aa adequate eupply of eoal to a haa occmred hat Uka plaea during "w. mn uwHivatw rvquiremania aurmgi km avienoa. tha earning month waa givea today by . Looking For Geveraor. ueorge ti. uuiamg, managing dlreetot Town authoritiea waatad th Gov of the America Wholesale Coal Ao raor to order a email detachment of oijuon, wao ueoiarca i a autemeat troop Here to preorv ardor, but Gen that reporU of ta impending coal abort- oral MetU told th maror that ha HA ago war unfounded. The public, holaot beller thl could be dona, anil id, ia panie atrickea without reaaoa or eaeue. Thr i ao ahortagc of eoal," Mr, Cuahing Hated. "There ia no dane-ar of aay auok ahortaga. Therefore, there i a reaaoa, nut ao eteuee. for th u rent high price ia the open market. The reaaoa if that wa kava had to much geveramentai agitatloa of th dan gor ef a famine, tuggeeted that the aheriff bo aoked U awear la additioaal deoutlea ia en ft), eient aumber to preeerve order aadef tha axiatin limiiiiiHu. TT i.j. 4 - m , uv 1.1, tore lut night and retamd t Raleigh to report hi findtnaa la Oo.rmo uieaett. The bcUef nrevalla bare tkat a r. onl viait from Governor. Blekett will do neceisary Borer tho wrHn al.. Mr. Cuehing dolarod that' for th rait I .., nr. huVu J. . " inn hi vvjwn , i uie paaii day or evea aa boar whea tome got- ernmoatal agency wa negotiating about eoal ana predicting a rau famine." Prices, be aald, have reached th highest peace time level ia hiatory, beeu tho who need eoal at "frantically bidding agalnat each ether la every market. , All faotloaa. r,ni,h.... hla aettlemrnt ef ether labor trouble in tho State, are looking for him te come dowa and take a hind t. th matter here, and hopeful that ha wtflt uo i colore the wont tome. DEMONSTRATION AGENTS TO HOLD SCHOOL AT ELON MAY PUT PROHIBITION TICKET IN THE FIELD WIanIa 0Irl - uounty ciubg Will X a Chieaga, 1IL. July aVA prohibiUoa en.... tikt a hm nil. U k. 4..A .-.I. I AUOfa thi fall, aeeordina to an iimuim. meat mad today by Virgil C. Blnahaw, During tha laat week ef July then hairmaa af tha Prohibition NatUnal will be a aumtner aehool at a Committie. Ha declare it "hath tha Dam. I -loa Colloce for tho nrlaa l,.i.. . . ' . . .ii ...... . . I rt 1. t . .L . . . ..... ... . wraua eaa MpuDiioan aauonai pantos, I '" KU rouniy eiuDe which bare la emitting a plank endowing the 18th formed by the home demoattra amendment, had diamally failed la liv I - geat through th But. Thi ing ap to th etatidardi demaaded by no1 " have bean held originally Ainvnraa people ia ao mate. I -ww vwiege lor womea la Decision to a ticket will be mad, Oreeneboro, but teter development he (aid. at th national aaaoaatioa I proved that there waa not aaak te be opened ia Lincoln. Keh . aa Jul available there at thia DartiouUr im. tU I whereupoa Eloa hoepltality threw (tt uoon opoa i or the Uemoaatratioa eehool and Dr. Harper ia aeaneratina itk Mra. Jan McKimmoa and her agent .n iiu. ivr it. I.L I 1 . aaa mea aaaeririno th ai.t i. to giv to thee girl a bettor idea af av-o semonst ration work, aad at the aamo tim to vlv tkam a utn QUALITY IELLI Florida Fruit Gum I of highest anal- ityj that' why it cells. Th "flavor gaina instant favor. Made by Fleer. AU dealer-i.(adv.) 0. t. WILL Bt BEPRESfttTED iNOrriCIALLY AT CONFEKENCB. I taste, brleflwh ? VUTZ. - year rae am of t9t ohool was held at th But College la Greeasbor. aad man- at tv i.i. k . 1 1 . . .t - J . ' . . O r.k .k I, VI ""'"""y "red with th deeir to become atudent ef mi jDiirg. - - Waahlngtoa, D. C- July 8. Th United State will be repretented oa- officially at th Brussels flnaeial coa greaa under the" leago of nations oa July t3d, Beeretary Houttoa aanoanced today. Fred Mitchell Fined . It ef the Chicago Nationals today re- ?meV Mine Martha Cralghtoa, eelved word that he had booa fined 830 0M-..raUo agt for Mecklenburg for hi recent argument witk Umpire "i". " j oesigning, eioctioa. Uoraa. on.r, .c nmr ansa suaua Wallace, . oasaeiry, aaaer miu sawy B.lrkptrick. K . it . . . A ft . t I k.maka.l.-!.. . . uommiuee uoes 10 si. louis :;rr.r ',.U. . nf' .wa.v iuiu monrr aiisa U1B tnieago, ui, jev ' av-PJaat ef a group of liberal aad radical ergtaiatv tion fof aad united prty, with can didtc lot prldoat aad rtee-trestdent la the Bald, ritd) tt getbaek today whoa giagl Tta Party member an nounced they woall aot topport Bsaator tobert It, UFolletM, wk 1 ezpMted M b the ahoue af the etket troto. ae tsingie xaiers, wno arrived today to prepare for teeir convention which opsa Batarday,, dealaked. they woald bott tad combine aad ao ml net a se artU ticket, If tha Majority k La- Follette. While the Biagl Taxerr were threateniag t pteeeat their ewa ticket. Amos Pinehot and' eGorge L. Beeord, of th cemmitto at rorty-tlght, war ia Madiaoa. Witv. today . onf erring WiU Laroliott, wh Bat noeived a majority of a mail atraw voU of th party.- . . The committee ef Forty-EIcht aad Biagle Taa eeavwatloa opca Btitur- day, aad ea Buaday the Labor Party of th Uaitcd SUtes, aaother proape tire mtmber ef tha proposed third party combination, meet her. The National v.. v.t... r .. . oi.iki. . i m . i'UU I .II1D.U AJVmUVj ASiyiW A111UCV of the Northwest, National People't League of Minnesota, World War voter one aad National" Publi Ownenhlp League bar bee a iavited to tend frater aal dsierate to tha coavoatlon aad later eador th platform and candi dates. , . , ; i . . . FIVE PLAGUE VICTIMS REPORTED FROM TEXAS Austin. Text. July 8. Elirht cases of Bubonic plsru bar developed kadi three victim have died to dat at Beaumont, Teiaa, th But health f- ficer anoiauBoed her today. .At 01 vestoA ther hare baen thre easel of plague with two death to far. h added. Th health director deelared tweaty per eent of all rate killed at Beaumont war infected witk BuboaU plague, wklck h tald k considered a heavy rat. Coasldorabl progreo la bolag taad rat (Xtermlnatioa campaigns at th Texas port, he aaid, but addd that fifteen thousand more trap were needed at Beaumont, where But and rederel health force were being fa- rd. . , . , ,,!. Ata:aljaf3J Officers )nvs The Notorlcus - Anderson Settlement With GoodResutti AtkovUle, Jaly tV Cight parson were eapfared la aa all-day raid today by poee af tea federal aal attta atUwra, who twept dowa ' as th aUria "Groaay BIB Aadereoa aottieaMat aear Barartdtvllla ia tkia eeuaty ta eoaaeetlea WUA htoekadiag, which ha bca golag a la that vWaity for year. ' Anoag tha vat fr4 Aaderaoa, aa oaeaped Manet, waa get away great ta 8Ut wrtaea a boat II avoatk age, whea he kad md thro month a ef three year torn. Bob. Med Barak, aad Robert Aaderaea were aia arretted ta the raid, aad all hard with eperatiaf a blocked tun. Mra, Baby , Situ, formerly ta deraoa, waa arrested ebarged witk ro- Uiilng llaaor. jrklle Ouy Metaalf aad Joe Burlosoa, woll-h-owa farmer, tt Buneombe teaaty. wr arrseted aa a chart af rlviag at ere Baaer tkM I aa w - th law euowa. - Th capture af tha alght peraeat cam aa th iiati ta a aerie ef tald which hare booa made by Sheriff MiUhell darltg the pact three taeatk Soate ateatki age Aknll wa wrought up vr th eaptir af Oepaty Valted Sutea Marshal OtrMr aad Cowaty Jaitor Xd Wllliamt, wk wart eelaod by the mooashlaer la tke Aaderaea sttlemat wkll they war aa a raid. At WhittBBor Braack U poo di vided laU tkra gaaga. Oa mader charge ef Dputy therlfi Co Ilia west up Wkittlmore Branch aad worked croca th atauatala t North Polk. Thlt gang captured Ffd Atdroa. AAdertoi tta aaotttr sua wer play ing mumble peg at the time. Collin poked hi gas ia Aadereea'a back aad ordered kirn to throw ap hla haada. Aadertoa offered Colliat 100 ta let him ft Tkoa arreeted weret Fred Aadcr so, oaeaped eon viet, lodgd ia tke eout ty jail wftkoat bondi Bob Aadtreoa, charged with running a. blockade aUU. relaed ander $300 bead Barek Aadar son, charged with operating aa illicit till, oat andr a 1 300 boadi Mr. Baby Hick, charged with retailUg liquor, out under $200 bead: Ouy Metaalf, charged witk ttetivlnc atirt Udttor than the) law Joy ! T X THEN golflngf, or walking, or V V working, or boating, or tennis, or shopping;, or motoring, have aroused in you the oveupovveiing thirst of a fatigued child you'll find .joyin a glass; ol zn. pMk $ Win fully maturexl win which Mtisfies thirst Virginia Dare is tht finest among all pur food fruit drinks, because it is a real wine, Bgedihwood. Sold Everywhere , Writ aa fof "The Art ef Hoepiulity- book that ov tb problem at aociol oatawtairioMata GARRETT COMPANY. lae. Oay 4urtM Waom tf Cmtmt intrtttWk 10 Seek Terminal Breokly., Najrh - . ' . ... -3wty Sugar, not ttccd in making Gracilis nor retired in i cncssal cereal Is sb vSeewSt froia natnisl J frva the grains. Vj Vigorous Men ( , atnri Wnmen it rat ' 1 1' in Demand . ? 1 If your tatbitlea ha left yea, youlr tappUoo kaa gone forever vaJeea you take advanUg af Hick Uptown 6 torn, Wake Drag Store, flUver Drag Ce Tacker Bldg. Phamaey magol soeat Star te refund yaur meaty 'oa the Brtt box port booed If Waadeil't Flllf Ambitioa Brand, da aot put yur yaUn ia Baa eoaditloa and give 70a the energy and vigor you have lost. Be ambition, be atrong, be vigorena. Bring the ruddy glow ef health to yjour chock aad tb tight tparkle te your eye. r WaadeU'i PUU, AmbUioa Brand, th great nerve tonic, are splendid for that tired feeling, nervous, trouble, head ache, rtleaeea, trembling, mental depression, (leopleeamees, norvout ia digectlon, and loaa of appetite, -row take tbom with thi anderstand- ing that: la two day yea will feel bettor, fa a week yon will feel foe or after taking one box, if not- benefiUd, tha druggie will .refund tb prise ef the box. - - --: - Ba tore aad get a 80 teat box today ad get cut of the rut, Bomember EQek Uptown Store, Wake Drug Store, ad. a.-" - FOR - IIS Tkia la aa eaaeaatrated tahlot fern ef TITAMIKKkVtkat proeio ol. meat laat froat feed aad which Science eay yea ataat get te be treag and well,' hteaey back If Tit. amea ia net worth mere ta yea than yea pay for U, At all drmggltta. FOR PROMPT REUttl TAKI 3 MBLBT WITH WATER ACCA SNUINIASPIKIrd . vaaaa taaaei aainanaa PACKED AIRTIGHT toinsuri - mritI)taNAlVAUAil irmirtiimnimnimmmttrmtnrtmnuiiiiinnitrmtim Wmted BookkeeprB---Stenographerf Tkt demand for young men aad womea wka are wall trained la thea calling 1 greatly It seea of th tupply, and will aoatltu to be so. Smitkdeal grtduttM are recogtlted bp businett mtl t be abort the average la eompotoae. Tht fatuity will taka a ptnoaai in tercet ia .flttiag yea for a good-paying position.- Attend our Bum mer Bessloa yu are aded at a lumtiv aalary text fall.- .Writ for eaUlogue. , Cdllof!o Hll,tAlltmdlvt.eabmC bLDDST BUSIKB93 'COtLllrOV IN TH1 OUTH nnntniiniiiiunntutniRttraitRu'Utttunuiiiitiinnit It la th plaa of Mra.' MaKlmnXt continue thia ecliool rack aummer. in, suojecu uught will be tiinple Pterhenso. asent for GullfAMl ui WalUo will have charge also of th courses ana achauit and Mia Ward from Alamance the housekeeping ar rangement Th teaching fore will b composed wholly af demonstration For Further Inquiry (Ceatltaed from Page Oa.) ; . . . 1. 1 there wer eoa trolled by th admtali t ration. Going back to tht Wood eamnaiea. I gnta Mr. McKimmoa will al. w. Johnson said National Commlttoemaa there part of the time. I addition Oeorge Bean, of Florlrtaj CapUla tht courses mentioned above there Henry Blun, of Savannah, 04 and U1 b lectures la penonal byglen tad former Postmaster Cole, of Atlanta, nutrition. It la art.ut that ika av "rrcd nothing about Wood but were will b attended by about a hundred ordered to ..."prepara a delcgatloa for frit of afteea and otr coming fro M.r HitcBcofk to bos - I all the flv dUtrlct. and avenai.. Johnson charged that affert ef potV two to eoutty. . -. HERBERT ROSENTHAL'S mm wmvi ffart many exceptional bifgAlfls in low Shoes for Mn, Womtn and Children. One lot of Men'i hljh ttrade Oxfords at , ; " 1 $5.95 One-lot ef Ladies white, . low heal Pumps tt $2.95 Gome and get thnrSvhiiljey last : Rosenthal Herbert Tha Shoe Fitter I2t FayettawUle St to lUklglt, N. C. Pffico Supplies and Specialties " Sporting Goods SJi Kodaks and Supplies' 4- BellPhoM 135 V Raleigh, N. 4 Wa Maintain Tha Moat Convenient Storage and Service . i,V.L Caraga In RalaltW .V . J Beeaaa wa are most centrally located; ' " Becaaa our garag acooasibl at all koura. day er night) Boeaaae la eoaaectioa witk it we ara prepared te kaadle ail repair wrk Becaaa you eaa buy all poor supplies from out cary dprtmati .vi wi aiT ai ouuiyiwvm ubi ocaanonv) .. Beeaat w tell Goodrich Tire and Tub ' Becaaa "Oar Busitss la Bervlce." . . MOTOR SERVICE COMPANY, ui Kaieifb. inc. f- VL BOT riSUEL, Manager. - ) For Information About The Famous Red River Valley Cotton ' - and " 4 JRUCKING DtftoS IN LOUISIANA " WRITE ' , mi. POLK & COOT AI1Y' P. 0. Bos 41IVA. ALEXANDRIA, I LA. This Model 11 the Princess Pat - anal !a iacluded in our Smt-Annual Shoe Sale Mftde of White Cloth with Low, Flat Httls. jg Same thine in Genuine Black Kid. Priee jg gQ We also have over 200 pain of Men's Shosi and Ox fords that must go at...... .. .... ..... ,,. ... gr - i;vvv 4 pbwELL's I V.,V Walk -Over Boot Shop lit Payetteville Street