OBSERVER.; RALEIGH. TUESDAY MORNING. JULY ). 1923 y;if.;;is in- PRICES IN STATE . "4 " ' .'''' Representative Department of Justice Urcet Teachers To , " Spread Gospel of Economy ftn.Vkliur last fticht with spirit fore to feir-siaed audioae a ja , Colleg Summer school. M'ss riorene) Bohr, rrwUhfi f th .Department of Justk. th twektN wh hr her to prd th roipel o eeoaomy and nimplieiry ia liv ing la wder to e..Uret th d travaganc in bkh thi MS try .bee plunged ine the . - Mis Bohr early ta hr addr em- pha.ised th bet 4ht NoiU and Virginia v whIly nncrgenUed 'toward th furtherane of Ui eo iemy campaign whk& the Department lot Juetiee I now rryiag ,aad a eonsequiwo, prices are i8B"r,. . North Caroling than. In my othaf 'Stales at the present too. . " lliia Bohr, -"that U BaWigh hotel I paid tho hlgbst prieo for two fried eggs that I hv nywher mJ which ia from Main to the Gulf of Meslei" V' f , ' . . AasaHs JUaUaoji BstrsvsgB. ' Mia Bohr wigoroasly assailed tho mad "spirit of rehle aatravsgsnce which ha vf-pt vr vry section of the ' eooatry tinea tho eloao of tho war. mak Ung K appear that tho trraadoue se rine of tho straggle bad ' Tb government of a country en 'ot possibly bo oa a m ftaaaelal lasts i. i. ....... aitizea ia financially un- Bound," aaid Miaa Bohr, and followed thia p wUh iUoatratioa of how ihop firJi are buyinit fur ooata, aad tho fir. " .nuT.fran." and eon- Mai to the towoa for their butter aad .in. Miao Bohr eoaaidera that the apirit of tht tinea l well expreaoed J 'tko worda of the eoaatrymaa who aaked for fouT.Uk oklrt. which a haboMaaher's window, aad whoa told .by tho etartl.4 elerk that they wero 12.0O each, repUed throogk hia ouid. 'I lili ait yer in p" " ter fi0 o th' ohirta." - No Csaaaalra Wioke. la ompkaUe deaial that the eoaomy eampaiga waj a eampaiga atroko iMtl tated la behalf of Mr. Palmer'a recent .' candidacy , Miaa Bohr eited tho fart thtt aioro Republ Irani wero enragod in it - tlian Deaocrate. Baring thua oleared .k. .1. of mar miaanDreheaiioa which 'lght hieeaieted ia tho aaiad of her nudwece. Miaa Bohr plnngrd into tho " dlacutiioa of her real oubject. the ne- ' eeaeity of oeonomy oa tao po i tho only really effect- lo method of reducing price. "There - v.. ku . m 1m. rnanectioB between oxtraragaBra through hiatory wo and that thi haa , been true. And ao wo aro at present faeiag aot only aa eeonomie problem, bet a moral one aa well. Our people .have temporarily loot their meoUl bal ,aaee. Oar eitravaganeo haa become a , menace to tho eUbility of our own gor f ernment and a menace to our frienda OPPOSE FEDERAL R0AD01ERSHIP Southern Newspaper Publisher! Adopt Ringing Resolutions Against It Aabeville, July l-4a a rlfUf reap lutioa tho Bouthera Kewapaper Publiah an' Aaaoeiatioa ia the 18th aanual ooBwatioa whksh opoaed hero loday at Orore Park Iaa went oa record aa etreauooly oppoalaf gororameat own crahip of raUwny and federal owaorahip of coal r inea aad their operation by the corernment. The publiahera, by their rVaoluUoa, Mad It elear that they aro juat as oppooed to tha Tedetal oawer. ship of the roade aad mlaoa aa they would bo to goTomment J".'"'"! ia tho maamfaetaro aad dUtnbutioa of newspapers. - . They recognise, koweTer, they tato, iho oiWing ahlpplag iltuotloa 1 pri marily responsible for tho danger of a coal famine and a real faetor ia mala taialng abaormal high prieoa and, therefore, a poaaibUlty of renting a do for daaaeroasly oatarginf tho goTorameatal power aad thia they arr trying to avow, wo, oy opio further faeroachmenU of tho gorora meat U thia direction, Tho reeolutloa ... .MMitod br Charles I. Btewart, chairman of tho Kewiprlnt oomtalttoa, and camo after a long a4 oxhauatlro report, although Titally iatereeting, which ho paeaeaUd. With membora, 71 of tho aurnbo? being aew, takea la at tha aeaaloa to il. th eanTentloa opened with The i...t ..Miimeni and la r rest attoa la ita hiatory. North Carolina UIIKIIII PARIS ACTIVE SUF RAGE F mm EAST Suffrage Worker Declares Sec tion Not So Blackly Ami . - As Painted : ; Visa Vara- fclixabeth PldrtOB. of Tir- glala who ia working under tho Equal Muh Asaoeiation of North Carolna of tho enifraare eanaa ia tUa State and who waa ia Baieigh . ytsteraay, gim out aa her opinion that the sentiment la tho Eastern part of tho State which haa been represented aa so bitterly op posed to tha Anthony Amendment is, as matter of fact, ntueh mora firor ably inclined than tha publie haa been led to belter. According to jus no geoa, the Interest ia ratifleatioa ia thia loetioa, particularly ia Kiastoa, Edsn taii. PWmouth and Snow Hill'! ia- eroaaiag daily, aad th auffrago organ i- aationa la tbeae Maters aro aeeiaeaiy iliva and functioning aetirely. Of all, iMentnm ia the community moat inter acted ia suffrage, aad most active ia its behalf. Min Pidgeoa ears that th Eastera part of North Carolina ia a long war from beia aa blackly anti a it hu beea painted, aad those of th op poaitkm to th suffrage amendment who pia their faiU to th hoetU ienti ment ia thia aectioa may get a jolt or two before tho special session of jthe r.l.i.t,,r. U .. Thia nart of North ahootina Hoiay aad Eaai wer reihed Carolina ha beea tho particular field l. . . k .hi. aia nutiiiiu pvi.iwH wnua riuKwm u hot id. Th affair oceurwd between 6 aad iB her work for uff rag, aad h ia a .'.i.h. I in an excellent position w ssw wi vf tt.Uv and Ennls wer waraod auto of nubile feeling there n.rU it ia alleaed. by par. A iDirited meeting favoring th Aa tie ia that aection, apoa their arrival, I thony amendment waa held ia Kinstoa .1... . ....mmi waa oa foot to run! last week. It was largely end enthuai- ":. ... Mnr.MBted br E. B.!.. .... in. th aei;hborhood. oatleally attended. Other recent meet- Jeff rimVof Greeniboro Daily Newe; 3. 1 paying ao hoed they begaa their work ingt at whUhMiaf Pldgeoa .poke wore U Horie, Jr., Boeky Mount. W C. WB ,boT. Walta. Th dipping at JaekioB. WamatoB, Plymouth aad nL..Tni. v w. piaitor w. a I a .a nn.b tmii' m&ca an iui. iwoq uunui. au u un w.lm Rh.wlll. of CoBeord. Joha A. Park, aa4L.bnt -ft,, kaving been rebuilt for the oseeptioa of Wirrentoa, hav long kad J. L Bell, of Baloigh aad other. - hfoarth Urn. Th. Hit tim it m d- lullrag loaguoi, "V"f?v"Wt! n-u;aaa K1 tl bllBUfiral OB UBIialA I afvavafi Whaal IDOUf XWO WNU g.V I AVfWVVh vv atHWUt . e. wvw of the Stated T Oovoraoa T. W. Bieett, rZTZ. ' hica e0B "I. arrived her D I UnRTflM C Pn FOR ducOaa. freaueot opportuaitle have S." rd.; 'to. formally . WUJ eUprR0R COURT 5!" &JX2JtZ Tw f VW J, -W w w w---- - - - - s Vaa imuwj uaraa vyyvs I however advantage has not yet beea lit. H. T. Edgertoa of Johnston eoun-1 taken by any pugiliatleally Inclined, tr. through hi attorney, Willi Smith, jju, pidgeon very emphatically de- hT. .adreaa a typical Blckeft talk, was y,terday Hied wit ia Wak county ,ud th charge of tho antiiuffragiate His aflareas, m VP . 1.., .i.t J..D. Judd and Uh.t th. anrri.ta lWa bv a ''new tit the cits OX m iu j - aupvciu. "... . I " - ; , ... A .. .ih r,rlonred t. nrtn. both of Raleigh, for dam- Bible" saying that aot a suffragist ia U H 1'" - - . I . I .i n !;- V-J ..,i. v. drove vhia argumeat ate ia th sum oz ai,uw. xvonn Carolina or Virginia, umu lha nawapaper men. Th aa- peculiar circumstance are alleged m leea tha alleged Bible. .!.. .-.. . of aratitude to th I th eomplaiat It ta alleged tnat Jiarcn FIRE OMWORKERS Two Men Fired On n Beaufort . County While Engaged In Dipping Cattle - 1 Wasalngtoa. V. l-D. R Helny, vetoriaary Inspector ol th UnlUd Btste Department of Agricul tan. for th aradleatloa of cattle tick ia tkU'eoaaty, aad Jwi A. Eaaia, aront for th sam dpartmat of th OoTorameat, earn near being killed Bat- arday afteraooa wkoa thoywr ra Z7 t. n.w tawashiP. Th shoot ing took plae at tfc Buck lwl dlp ping vat, about vea Ue from th towa of Bethel. . M.UH. Hainv aad Enala wer engaged Im spraying sattl at thU dipping vat, aad wr at a wau across . . drink of water whoa th shot war arod f rom ambuik. Without warm log tho gua belched forth with K ro k.t x.aia waa atruek with M No. shot la th face, back, atomaek and legs. Heiay was struck witk sevea shot, two ia th face aad flv ia th -body. Tho injuries of aeither maa will prov fatal. Although th party was aot seen at tb time, it is stated that, h wa subsequently reeornisd. Bs wa a .1.. ji.t.i. ..t.. the .mi. - mmn. ibiu.ui.wj - - ISEMAII! KiEiUAjMIFFRAGE Summer School Students Over whelm Antis and Start In- tensive Campaign v Haturoay xo iur"v ""- , , State traiaing Corps for womea, said that he oxpected to bo la Baleigh by thi tim, wating blood and water over woman auffrag and tn xa .1 - - - . i nri i ri, n nini I c I ri r- ....n.n.r. for tha part they puyea I J3. mid, Mr. Edgertoa aeeepieu sw DCl-ICC Uinu IHIOOII1U in the war, which e. v.r b. repai ,, ,2,QO0 I fo, . SINCE 1 902 IS FOUND V. Void tho delegate, --thin, of J W(llBM1' , r,. th. old North Btate, . wnKn n. .i..;3 w " ' ' ... ..ra. Kan cumDeo iruiu jmiuo i aaercoania " : ' i wan ariwa Y flsri : .VT.. ...i.Hnral State, has tho .her it had beea , deposited, Mr. lo via ---- - r - . . . .u t - ,. .v. ..I...'... lowest death rat and tao nignes in tagenoa roiyuig "i" " ' rata, uaiaa moio eradle aad fewer eof to make arrangement fof th renewal, fin. thia any Stat ia th Unloa, ae- 0n May M, whea th aoto "J:' In. Tha Stat ha nllad hr tho bank, it wa discovered corains w sf- v i r.- ' .u .... w """ r. -?. lea thaa on per eent. lows,- mas nm us "- - when ska wa flv year old, irom aer th Oovroor tatd, whleU will rv, I been signed only by Mr. Edgertoa and homt a ear Church Bold, Dlnwiddio ho state as a freat breakwater sgainstl jir. Hortoa. . eounty, has been found ia tho peraoa tide of bolshevism, mat grew m- ine aoio waa paiu jowiy "7. "lot Mrs. W. T. Biekard. now vUlting la .... ttaaata thia aoantry. Produeo I Eda-erton and Mr. Bortoa. Mr. eager. I Tti..k.... ..u ir irionoe - .. a....i: n. ti nm """ " ".- wtahed to mer eottoa to tno aero inam y oa is now aouina: . after thorough inetigatioa by mem la th UbIob; ha, more ptadlesvnth wWch h paid en th aote, alleging j,,,, ot th Joynr family, brother an ''4lffrat'U" ar'aptiea and th maaufaotured that Mr. Judd had professed Wa la- li(terI 0 ,h, ,onf loit srirl, aeeordinj s th proowia w. " - --.rr j- v r . : to report receiv.a aere, When She Was Fir Tears Old, Now Vialtlng, Sister Bichmond, Ta., July 19-That Luna Joyner, who wa kidnapped, ia 1902, "i heln. -r - Miaa1 Bolrf -ii;uiwcd-th i . . . il. V : . liariaaea ,-eauaes oi iu nmu man i. rlv a billion lor ims nnrton had, contended that aa is not -,u - . v i.. ...... .vim i. .HAfffafM. in Til. nnUUr(IUH V. mwtmm- , .. . I - . A. 1uIm I..m InlHl i - . - " T ........ Trrar. : iiuphimwr."""""."- -"""I,M1inmi f i Wf. ttil MrL HfII.M 1 iven which j'- ; . .1 r m phi I aama ino wis suDseauenuy marrieu. sne would hivo on in ia oou MmcniUHliO mrt ui.un e0upl moving to Tonawanda, aoar rate of njr eivlliied government in- WPCP IM TPNNI5 PI 1Y Buffalo. 6ho ia bow th mother of two I coiiuren, u m rt.ii.uiK ui uvw v. I. i . . -r.t--l.. T. .... 1 . . . .n n. AVI AI.V.H'. . w. rvimoieaon y mi, uv I . .k. ; work to et th. people back to th. Am.rican. ad. a iweepjia the Z.rT" T.Zl TaZZ uavis VUp - lennia I Johnston and Wm hS't! staHlln. atatement ho mad. aad WSU" ;?a?ari. a whith 4,r,,'r S"r.h H,lhm , . " " Z.Ua Earl., under whl 7nTtrfvSr that -ext year North Carolina p . ..m9 lh. wi lelu.tly marriod, t HT.i. -'? ... .I 6he called attenuou io mo urn noTpmment departments which aro at present fBttcmpting measure to help lower pricea-tho department or . w 'nd nrged that tho publish. rWaltnre. with its home eeonomie work t,onl f" V- i. i...w . th. ..-I,!. H raferred at length to what I th State proposed to do la an eauen- 'aad rederal Braerve loaa regulation, the Department of th Treasury with htrlft eamnairna. aad the economy cam Jiaign. But the moot important faetor n the lowering of prices, according to - Mis Bohr is th America woman, who -anenda 90 per cent of the household i monev. ' , "What ia th aena of aa elaborate system of courts," aaid Mia Bohr, "if you do nothing about the condition " that bring but tho crime. The Am " erica woman is the most important V faetor ia three eoaditioas, she is ai -1 most equally responsible with the prod r i wer. Btartlin- Fliwrea. !ia Bohr rave the following surprla- i'. t fleurea ia rr-aard to increased '. prices. Ia th last thirty yar th J . aulatioa of th United State ha ia- , creased 75 per cent, end th purchaa of millioBery fOO pr coat. The poo- pi of thi eountry epeud each year . Bnnm.imatrlT 2J10A.O0O for tortSC . tMnaaSxn for chewing gua i 1,000, . 000,000 for randy. 350)u0)00 for ice ' rream aad soft arinhr, and 4,O00.OOO 'for th movie. Altogether for laiarie alone th American people pd year . ' ly 8,71O.0OOJ!O, and avenge of 34S rpr family. llMt Waatefal N'atlow Tnrnina- then to a eonsideratioa of eitravanaea ia food. Miaa Bohr con .. tiaaed. "Ia th matter of food, w are ' . th moot wasteful aatioa oa the far . . tha aartk." Khc compared th Asa- farm, where ther r no ism. PROMINENT ROSE HILL CITIZEN PASSES AWAY contests. Wm. M. T. Tilden" kad al ready woa their right to challenge the Australasians for th trophy and th championship by winning three of the series of svr including the aouDio on Saturday. Today Johnston defeated Major Klnscote, of the English team, ia a hard fought match, while Tilden disposed of Parke, th. other English Bill. Jul 19,-Mt. C. C. Boftey Boss Hill's oldest eltiien, passed away this afternoon, lie waa a brav. Coa- fedrrato soldier and volunteer wno served throughout the War Between th. RtatM. He suffered on. wound, Be waa bora October 10, mi, aad was . t Priarilla O. Wells oa Febru ary 27. 1S65. Nina children survive, I through th Trench and English series these being I W. Boney, Wallace t Mrs. without tho loss of a single match, Henderson, Bc Hill; Mr. Newton I UNSUCCESSFUL ATTEMPT Canter. Wallace; Mra. Edgar foweu, Clinton: B. B. Boney. Marion, 8. C. C. C Boney, Jr., Florence, a C.t Har vey Boney, Bom Bill, aad A. T. Boney, Boeky Mount. informed of her real nam and where h was from. Investigation oa her pan caused her to mak a trip to Bliekston to eadeavor to establish bar identity She dps aot remember muck about the kidnapping. At the tim of the kidnapping neighbor of the Joyner family waa ar rested aad narrowly escaped lynching Citizen wot so positive that he was ZiZSlSrtW a rop-wa. actually plod manner. - I Jn thai contests for th Davia cup -.w iniMiiia.A .arai-rii Johnston and Tilden- hav come right OAT JUAOniM d NlClslfU. Celebratea Third Birthday. little Katherino Glascock1 celebrated her third birthday oa Monday after noon. Though the weather waa ex erleaa attitude with that f th frugal I tremely threatening at th party hour, foreigner, particularly th rrcaenmea l about any mue giria ana ooya were ,. .... .aid ta har. "Toe know, to nil her guests from four to six o'clock. A i.4 i. a Mlt af arabol af life and I professional entertainer directed . tho . a lt mla with it. a remark rc-1 ehildrea ia many game, ana when the ' vealing ta sragi aatioaai wrory v. i.n, wiwm., hw.h. auU "v aara f thia neat people, which I were distributed, it sounded like a .. . .. . I , . . v i : i h.. MMitad la taa zarmauoa ox aw-1 veriwuia ranu, . aliarahlo habit at thrift. "Do you real-1 la the eenter of th tabl Wa ker ia that th world I kaagry for what birthday cake, oa th earn old-faah a nriil aaatiaaed th speaker. Finally attacking tb ertravsganca I Dinnaay ease waa serrea. ueiectaoie ' la drees, Mia Bohr spared aeither th l reireMmeai were enjoyca ana many . sroSteoriag merataat aer ie womaaiioveiy gira presenwo. ... .. 1.1 . ka waa wiuiaa so par "'' aat nrieaa ia order to atily her wa i a . aa i raaitv. Kb arged aer Bearer w faahioBbe. Sh closed hod tail ay a seuiag i- l...tratia af how Individual Iinaaeiai CONDITION WAS FACTOR Devreiiion of Boa of Zx Xaiier, Who Killed Himself. Oanio of Concern BerUa. July K. (By Th Associated Press) Th mental condition of Prince Joachim, who committed suiciae, naa lately eauaed his family grave concern, His adjutant, th ideriy uoionei von Steuben, with whom he talked 1st Fri day vnlng. without indicaung a ae- iga to take hi owa wa so alarm ed at th Prince's d.pressison th cam evening that he told Prince Eitel of th younger brother' condition. Joachim, according to ta national Zeltuag, after taking leave of his three- year-old son, shot himself through th chest about Friday midnight. The sound of th firing was aot heard, the servants finding him ia th early hour of fUtnrAav Ivina- in front tit hit bed REPORTED I N AUSTRALIA unconscious. H wa removed to a kos- , pita! and regained eoaceiousa ana TT..1. Tl. 10l..t... .Vtn.1 WM Bbl tO U1K tO 111. iU in OOC ping interest are waraed of aa acut jn w tnr wa ao aope. n. rap- rui nortage ia Australia ia a reponi a - ' ...u. V.W .),. riit.n.,ta.iit af ram. I Sunday morning. .. . merce today from th America consul I Th 2eitungAmmlttagay Priac .t.nrf aa whioh ha. fatfcar'a flrat at SvdBflT. U(Smtlag th adviaability I J0Chim left B0 tottOT. zrom ANOTHER QUAKE AT LOS ANGELES; NO HARM DONE Los Ancrlos. Caln July 19.A hrp earthquake shock was felt her at 0:48 o clock tonight. o damage waa re ported from any quarter of thuclty. Evidences of panie were also absent. TO FIND BURIED RICHES Tampa. Fla., July 19. CspL A. T. Hirley is bick ia Tampa after another unsuccessful trip for the burled treas ure hoard or Caaperuia, the pirate, supposed to hav beea buried by the pirate ia a longboat pearly 100 yean ago a-Coral Creek, near Charlotte harbor. Captain Harley s launch wa wrecked it Causey pas and he bad a aarrow escaperfrem drowning. He haa a chart showing th location of the treasure. I Th chart ia aaid to hav been atolea by Gomes, a eabin boy on Casparillas pint ahip, and by him given t friend who gavs it to Qarley some years ago. SHORTAGE OF FUft. OIL Chapol H3U, July 19- Oa Friday wa ning, th woman of th summer school of th tnlveralty of North Carolina, overwhelming tha aaU-suffrag fore. took their stand for th rltineation f th ldth Amendment te th Constitution ef th TJnltod State by adopting th following resolutions: - "We, tha wMa.. af tniaZaaaunar school representing a suay thousand of women who will be most vitally af. f eeted by th adopt! ar th lajeetloa of the 19tk ameadnieat t ta veasu. tntion ef th TJaited Statea, fl it our privilege an our eluty ta tw oapiws. ioa to ear desire both as a group and a individuals. " - . . ' - - "Therefore we, th women or u aav a,a achaol af th University f North Camliaa. adopt-th following roaola- TlAflSl - "v Tirtti We, aa a boay twpreseaang th edueaUd eitiseaahip at en Btato, request our State legislature to ratify a . a.akZMa. the lfth amenamens io m vaau.w Man of tha United States. . Second: We aa individual will writ ear legislators, requestiag them aa ear Tanrasentativea to aiv their aacwiaae toward - th : retineadoB af th 19th Itnaadnant. Thirds W. aa ladividBaas wtu aa our every influence toward making th adoption of this amendment a progres sive step f or our aatioa, and toward the making ef a more intelligent woman itisanahlp byi . Va Bewomias? intelllgeat euraerve alnnv tha linaa af true aitisvnahip. hi Aaaiatina? toward ua aaa wiia whom w ome la contact, epaiiy the school ehildrea af thia State." Via. Katharine Kobiusoa. aetiag ahsir- man, on presenting the resolutioa ehal- laaaaif tha wamasu maar aanaroaa. whom wer ia th audience, to disprove the stock argumeat that ta women of North Carolina d not want th bal lot Witk th oseeptioa of approa matalw tea. th entire body of teachers eo'.lege students, public welfare workers, aad resident o; ta town, roe so case their Tote la favcr f th adoptioa of th resolution aad to signify their in ter t ion of carrying them out. SUIT FOR DAMAGES FOR i SINKING OF STEAMER Km York. Jnlw 19,-Dejnegss f .llr 800,000 w-re asked by tha Cajted S tato. Shipping Board to aa admiralty ault rr'ri-T.!.. Bvatnam Paeifl liner Co- musbesrua today in Federal Court here a a teeolt ef ta einuug oa tha atoatner rramptoa uw r lialon witk th Comas eft tb New Jer- "ZZZ aTL.iaivaV -Jleaa that fault for the sinking of. the vessel wa ntirly witk Ua officers nnd crow of the Comas. The rramptoa waa a total loss aad two ef her erew were wsr. Sure sai saa mam a A Coed Mesaory. v , 'Triia.a' Huribaesu. cei th atmew pher for hia stories ef rural lif Hegos op te aa affie h aa th X)th floor ef a skyscraper aad thinks about the tint. wha ha was a. ovj the farm.;- M h' DON'S BE BAtD HoeTto'llake-Balr 6rww Kreaf, Thick j and Laatiwaa. r : Hew t Mah IHr Oi-w anna. Thmk ad 6 BtUrANS Hot water Sure Relief Few ef . WMjn ear. hava. aaato wualag whea aw haw thln- rlawaMr. Sai ukkl torn a hair r a saw mfewth n be rahbrf ta the eat o the ,UrWk..r raalir abasrh W.a, n tha vital aUaulatiaa a aai'r .. y wtllr.r.1, U Wlsht- wth. r- ..plication, foe y-sr hata aa eealp ebeuM look ..a msi to r Su-' t... . varislaa ea fc awsanilm It a . !7i " Tr...l.. ad aumi Mm hair naafa ImU ilrJ. O. arsauar s m4 m rL iamkm with raaraata. ts.aiwi pe aiMutM a mmmf iaf aaoa. . -" . . . . v-i. t. 3)VSl INDIOISTIOH ?.", WW , , !, . 1 ,, Innlrlna half baMn-a while llttte tasSTthiek aM l-tr. - ParlatM aaaw sa-e nish-o wlU not alMppaiatai A.) - s Harding Ought To Be Satisfied If He Wanted Reply , j (Caatlaacd from Tag Oa4 sional candidate kaowa to b favorable No CapUalatiea ky t to modifying the present law. Th Whit Boas eonierence ana " attendant harmony does not mean th eapltulatloa of Governor Con, Th President, in hi most reecaa aewapapa. interview, clearly inaieawa xnas ao r aired no auek eanltalaUon. Be has beea abaadaatly assured ef the thing k was meat vitally concerned about, th de termination ef the Deatoemtle party to gain for tha United States a peace with honor. Damoerata leaving Waahlagts to night for th conference, at the Nation, al committee in Daytom predict that either Bepreeentativ Cordell Bull, of Tcaaessee, or Aomcr vsnuaui wu d .hnaaa ta direct the campaign. It I thonrht that th White Hons confer ence yesterday impress a uovernor von with th etrength of Cummins a a national ehalrmaa aad that he left with a feeling ttat U might b well to r tela hi acrviee. Chairman Cummins win he ta great demand oa tha stump this fall aad th eppealtloa to hia re-election came largely from member of the committee who felt that he would be of most serv ice ther. Ball is said to hava th baekini. however, of th Taggart ele- meat aad th Bouthera member of the committee. Bamaeg Crea af Tehaora. Waahingtoa. N. C July 19-Mnny person wh hav viaitod Pitt, Craves, Martin and ether counties ta taia see tio daring th past week or two, ar convinced ef tko fact that Beaufort couaty baa th flacet crop of tobacco that can be aeea anywhere. Ckooowinity township haa an unusually spladid quality of tobacco thi season. In aee tions of Wsshiagtoa township, especi ally ta the vicinity of Old Ford the tobaoeo ia also showing up ia fla akape. Tbe awful menace of Flies causes health experts to ga that to tolerate them in toot home is a little short of criminal negligence, Aak yottr doctor, WAR-OlFUES , will rid any taiMing of Flics and keep them away. It iaa simple dry powder which to puffed into tha air by aqnatasing tb i bellowa box it ia sold in. It ia aot apoboo bat acta vpon tba wapiratory orgaiai ofTUaa aOdoUsar biaecta, eanciiig inaiast death. Ilarmlesnf to llniiiaaui . llArmleas to Food - ;;..; ! , ; .ipeeCa to AH Ille7 Sett, le Eudies, ttBmss. Hesiaflees aa. AH CStr lascdi . Sold Eterywbm.ljL oriTEl mewa. WAaONuess. 1 V-ZKCSii HARKsLESS TO ITCHES A FOOD a s - a aaHHB a m THS SIMPLEST SUREST WAf "COMMERCULCeWlKlCALCa" ?h.7uralVdTa 0F! REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS J. U. Whitley and wife to U M. Gould, one lot on the south aid of consul reported that recently two American steamship, th Lorain and th Cireinu. had been forced to lay up at Sydney to hav coal burning equip ment substituted for oil burning Pa eans thaw war nnabla to teeura suffi cient oil to tak them to th next port. REX BEACH SENTENCED Kw Tork. July ISPaul Dair, for- mer secretary to Ben Beach, the novelist, wis sentenced to serve a maximum ef three years in th penitentiary her to day after being convicted of forgery ia connection witk miauae ef signed t stability eaa insure - - Hortoa Avenue? Zebuloa. for 110 aad CANADA'S FOREIGN TRADfT hiUty Of a naboa by aiiauiag ta ins other aaasidwatioa. .SHOWS SPLENDID GJtOWTH I checks, entrusted to him by Mr. Boaeh. way ia which the iademBity put apoa I J Tonlim Md mitt to g. 0t aUcb. , I Instead af ing th hek to pay rraaee w paid nr ""f- Pa lot th corner of , Boylan Avenue Ottawa. Ont, July 19. During April, 1 currant hoehold xpe during his Prasaiaawar. Thia Udemairy waa paiai.-j B..I,. rwi. n.i.i.h ..' timlu.. i... r....'. t.raian trAm I .k.mi ( itcsiea last sort nr. Ur. , by th eommoa people, by the peasant. a oU.r eoniideriUoa. . iacreasad 13I00.00 over that for th Beach declared Pair dUed out th check who gave 1W-. aavine aur rkr-Huntr Boal Eatate Company, I sane period in the pre vioua year ao- with fictitious names sna easnea some .j, uu i k Vi, letdaey met ana wir, oa lot on I cording to trad stetistics issuea neriss,uuu wona. inmt.uTO weir tmuj - icsmds street, JBaieigh. for tioa aad today by the department or customs, iciemency. , tag'T impoaaible.' . . etbar consideration." Depteiea scX or urgasosauaw. p jj, Kel u Vu j. Uwrenee, ! . Vi-L.. - - - - ftkan lsulr I . ....... ' I Auas om '" -""- - . I 3 acres West r utchfor's ,-pond in A letter from Dair' wife wa read ia court tstifg that Pair had com- ntra. Keaahtoa Dead. EUnhath Cirw. Jul" 19. Urs. Wcbblmittjul tha forveria throusk hi doair , r ergaaisatioa in ena wnuss i St9M Bieer township, for 100 and Boughtoa, aged abont TO, dia uaaniy 1 1 provid for hi wir ana enuar. Baturday night at ar aom a x arson-1 I . . A. 4 Vaar lt.aaia.IT imva WBBlim. " w ip , : i . .. rr- ws. a i Tak th Old Standard GBOVE-8 TASTELESS chlH TONIC Ton know jitst TBI THING what won ar taking, aa the formula Boraford'i Aeid Phosphate lis printed en every label, showing it is tag of numerous summer schoola. Bh in fruit Juice add a pleaeant, nary wuinin ana iron ia a uwina wra. '...,i; mnH arvaaiav ki Kinmr I Mvara tarritorT from Maina ta tha I tlarar aad na tonia DrODCrtie. AUTh Quinln drive out th malaria, th -J ia t pre-i:t Ukirg advsm Jiui , . - truggistaiBKAaT.i -. r ' w punas op jn sysicia, uwut.4 this oeonomy campaign. She any thatL,. (onuderatioa. the department f Justice etaads reaay i Jok tardea - snd te caea wp any anca organisation, wna i aa ampl salary for th head of th " work and proviaioa for a teaoirapher, . alia Bohr goes from Baleigh to Durham Inmnrrow. and from there to Bock Hill f .u'h Carolina. She is ' engaged la Boater Bealty Comrauy, . one lot on 8h i survived by hr husband and a I Battle Street, Baleigh, for (100 audi number of children. other eonsideratioa. . Old FoIJt's Best Friend That's what many call it, for it puts vim and vigor into eld atomaek; rick, red Ueed lata old veins; sound Seek cm old boaoa. Drink a alas ef this delicto digs. tent witk eack anssL Slilvar Ale mm sitrmvt oatics wrnt saivAi wstm auiia aaa iaa Your grocer or elraggist wiD refund year money em trot eWea ii yo are aot plssssd witk wsalta. Bottled and guarsjleed by the eel. prated Shivar Mineral Spring. Shek Ion, & C If year regular dealer ' cannot uppry yea telephone . , POBTEK CANDT COMPAHT Dtstrikateca Pet Baleigh. RUB-MY-TISM . IT Ta a vtAwravfnt Aatt!a.ntie Mn Pain killer, cures infected cuts, old sores, tetter, etc. Relieves Sprains. Neuralgia. Rheuma tism. adv. -. DETAILED COUNTY MAPS Hade By '. ) i r WILLS. BRIXKLfT Boeky sionat, N. a . Information . apoa . requast. ' You Think of Cbildraii's Waarinf , Thinax of When lUleiffk, N. C Phoaa 2230 M This REDUCTION ON BOYS' Vash Suits . Sizes 2 to 1& Years. " ' " '4.1 ' . Every Good and New Style and Material m Included, Variously Priced from k $1.75 to $18.75

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