'iy: ) vSWEHASSUr.iES BADLY SLASHED l?Vi CAf,l!GiI PLANS I PEOPLE; ALLIESWiLL REPLY; VATERhOVERBlLL Ar n s c rr r " i - v hnn.ivi. UiU 1 ...... .. I cc:aVE:,Ticr i:i haleigh NEWS 'AND OrSHWEIt RALEIGH V. C. VEDNTSDAY" MORNG. JULY j CCLUSIC.'i WITH TRAIN DriTer of Automobile) LUi Both Legs Broken When Co TC - To 8m Train " Greensboro, July 17. Augustus Hot Mi, a member of tte High Polmt police ( HUGE OF TO SOVIET DEfJAIi'D Tentatire Proram Arranged Tor t CatLericY oti , ., Eoosterfl. llext lloalh' OFFICE OCCUPY HARDING - UROiiaG SUFFRAGE CETOPARKS 1 Frcsidcfit of Equal ;Suffra.e Lc;;'J3 Arrives From Golds tcro Fur Campaign Mis Gertrude Well, et Ooldsboro, for, it la local hospital with botM leg brokea eat mnn eat kit body aad foe M the" result of what aarrowly avsrted being a eerieae eoWrioa at tt t.rMidat of tha North Caroliaft Eoal " . " Tv " 17... Suffrage League, arrived it Baleigh ye automobile. whh he woe wrjviag with terday afternooa ta aainma personal I ft rreigns traia at in gra crossing .a Republican Nominee T&lks Over Campaign. Outlook With : :r- Party Leaders ' - . " , Marioa, Ohio, July 17 Various ob ject ralatiag ta maatgsmeet et the Bepublleaa etapatga vara dlseusssd tad it br Senator llardln 1m a ssriss chart of - tha Bcadqnirtcra af tha Wart Market atraeL. aaa af the u!i af tufumiM wltk nartr loader from Leagu at lis Payetteville etreet, aaranhfaraa af tta city, last sight mal actio of th sountry. ta dim from thara the aotlrltle la TTi aM7T. .J rZ.3.-7Z. Oaa af tha callers wa Joha T. behalf af tha tuffrtg amendmeat, eweT "fB. ' .7 . Adam, af Iowa, vice-ehalrmaa af .tta -Vet," said Mi Wall ehortly aner I oerta Honrmaa, tun erea aiaer injune Mtioaal eemmittee. who reported aa Iter arrival, 'aa aha emiled eoaSdeatly, I whea .she wa ant aa tta fare, while Laditioat la tta watt aal told tta uo otaor oeeupania ai iaa aueniae, an- aoailaea hla acceptance apeceb had otter daughter, tha wife aad a graad- a great Kit there. Be predicted daughter af tta Injured aaa wera oaly tha the cBepublleaa ticket would badfr ehake ap by tta eraak. Their ,,, the eoaatry." aaeaDa fro a almost laatant death la ft.ta Bum. tha natioaal ' anmmtt. aaaalderad miraculous. . ' Itee'e publicity diraeter, alaa had a loag It ia thought that Mr. Eoffmaa did talk with Beaator Hardin relative to aot aee tta freight ear approaching the advcrtielag aapftigft to be the araatlng whea ha waa adraaeiag la launched toon la the taterett of the tke direction of the ereeeiag, ... eaatiag aatioaal ticket Be waa aeeompeaied dewa a ateea grade which leadi to the I by A. J). Uakaf aad WUUaat Wrlgley, eloaalna froaa betk aidea. After the 3rj af Chicago, who alaa la eeaaeetad machine aal tha aara eolllded the for-1 with tta publicity department at tta Bier whlehr waa eoaiDletele demollahrd I committee. by tha ratk waa dratted fer a diataaee Another taller wai George B. Lock Of aboat 80 feat aad thrawa lata a diUh wood, editor af the Natioaal Bepubll bee da tha track. Mr. EoCaiaa waa aaa. of WaahiiigtoB, wha told Beaator trinaed aader the wreckage, aad It re- Harding that m eaaraaa at eeatimeat anired aoatlderabla effort ta remote I thfonghoot tta eoaatry Indicated be hla la order to carry him ta aa ambn-JwoWd be elected OTerwbelmiagly." lanaa which mahed blsa 1m uaaa. I , Dorini tha day the nominee had atiooa eoaditloa ta tta heepluL where ""P ' bfu PfP ration of tha he ia reported to be reeling well today. peB he will make here Saturday ta The drirer la a machine which bad iuat delcgatioa from Maaaflald, Ohio, bat trou! tha traeka hefan thji n.k m. ha aaid toaight he had aot yet area tarrmA atataJ thai ha AiA at tVa I decided What tubiecta be Would dla train, tta abeeaee of a light at thlau"- He iadieated he might aot eonine 1 I htlflt wMakina M laaiMa hU av tlaaamlll KV ODI aellUJWSwav atOU WU COnaBrtnK hay morameat af traiaa aa thia track iioenaaioa of eereral toauee that oaly at Bight. ' a . ; iwerw (oauieu M me apceca va VSPIUHk Support fraaa the National Jfooaevelt League waa premiied today la a letter ! am' kere, aad X am here ta atick." Min Weil eamea armed for the fray, but ia gay iSriU aad entirely andannt ed by the atreaaoaa day ahead. It b ttottght that tta arrival U HaJ elgh et tta bead af tfco enffragt foreee ia Nortt Carollaa will add lmpetua U tta campaign, which ia already being waged "itb eueh aplrit. .." Dealea Cemaalga faad. Ia a letter, which baa beea aeat to the Bute Xicculatora. tha Equal Bur frage League af North Carolina, dcaiea tha alleged anbeeriptioa af ft tea tnoa aaad dollar aamoaiga fund, aad repu diatee the aocuaatioB that tta tadaeee of aataidera 1 being brought ta bear ia the campaiga waged by tta Leegae ia thia State. Tha letter wee eigaed by Miaa Weil aa preeident, aad by Mra. Palmer dermaa aa ehairmaa at the leBialatire committee. "Ob of the patamoaat qaeetlona ta be decided by tha LagUlatura when it meet ia Auguat ia tta ratifleatioa af tha ttaffrage Amendmeat," the letter read. "May we call year attentloa ta feature in eoaeetloa with Itt Tke fltht for raUlcatloa by North Caroling to flgbt of North Carollaa waaea anadaeted by North Carollaa wemea'for tha honor af their State mad tha welfare Of their bemea. "We take tta liberty af etnphaeUlag ttla ta yoa, beeanaa eUtemeaU hare ra ce ntiy appeared la ua preae uat tea thoaaaad doUara haa beea tubeeribed aad horde at oateidert are aft route te ear etatc to urge ratifleatioa apoa tta Enthusiastic Meeting Featured By strong Addresses By Leading Citizens ia time v to TAR HEELS GOSSIP ON STATE POLITICS '"" l rldeat, Bel TokeJU who wroiei Parmlt ma behalf of tke offleore aad. meai bare of the Natioaal Sooac elt League to emplia-eat yoa apea (Ceatiaaed fraaa page eaeJr no loaf age aaid that mewtpaper epeen latioa ofteft lead to eoacluaiona, aad your eommoft lenae addreM accepting Lee-ialatore. If each ia tha eaaa. tta ...i...i... . 71a .. the semination. The aalieat potato la North Carolnia Equal Suffrage Aaao- feta. Bo waa aot talkiag about kim- ".? tharoughly appeal to aU rJaUoft, tta orgaalcatioft eaUrely ra-Ulf at the time, bat iuat tke at mo a 10. W Mal Aaiericaaa. Thoee eltiaeni who do not meajuri ap to the Ameri- Oj.pUed to cumat ?T.0.?Jf!-2:2eti!f !?.ttfiT!2 aa.vaap vaa vtovMWH mmj wi w yiwAw v our ke.-rry aapport To hare eur best withe fo.' tueaeta.4 BMBtiblo for tho preaent aampeJga. treat mtar af hie friaada a.iia.4 kaow notaing oz it, aaa ie ia aa way i that it might bo . connected with it. , , IrumbliBga. There ia email group or Natioaal I If he ramaiat 1ft karaea until kit Saffragiata which la much 1ft aaraaat preeaat time oiplraa, be will; bare .Vam. mHAmHm. ana 'aha aa uiJ a.. . i .v. 0 may hot maintain lobby kere during Dariag thia time ba iaa gathered onto Make Little PrOQreSS t Hunt ne aOT.io. n wo, , . wui wijr e" nimeeii aooui au iaa aonore ua senate Cmm WntTi9nF N avar that whoa North Carolina deal with haa to give. Be haa ieea the head of " cr "Oman S Oiayer nneatlaaa af Batlaawlda lmBartaaea. aha tha nawarfal ! i.,ihu. v. muir expect aatloa-wlde attentiou, It might, have beea tta maJoritr leader I ' (Caatlaaad fraaa Page Om) doea aot altar tha fact, however, that I la the "tana Iuat AA aaa la ti the work for .ttla meaaure Iaa for taaay last year waa eatruated the biaxeat iob kM T,r wcJId-for baggage, u ft being, tarried oft by I the Demoerata bad ta offer thet af jffor " locate the second trunk. MAN ANSWClINOr DESCRIPTION OF LEKOY AREXSTXO IN KANSAS v-cerai aad la eUll being, oar asaoelaflofti erganlaed by aad mad I talk lag treaty reservation with f reai- ue entirely af Horta caroiiaft womea, aat wusoa. a work of North Caroiiaft womea, fori McLaaa Aa Bla I NVirtk CanlJna eramea. bv North Cftra I Theaa tkiajra eaaaidaead. aaA Ui Una womea. ' ' . atato af tha Beaator'e health, make it I jUwrenca, Kaa, July tt-k maa ao- "We wlak farther ta call your atteav fairly eartaia that he wiU aot a tain rua, I wnf ua aeearipuoa af sugeoo ba- tioa to tho fact that there haa beea aal his friends eey. ' Therefore, some af of Detroit, sought ia connection orgaaitatioa at ftatttraffraghitt la- ttla then think A. W. McLaaa WlU bo picked " the murder of a womaa who atata until tha waat few waeka. Whaa 1 to aneceed kim. There la ft beraistent body waa chipped la a trunk freer De- womca from tta outeide, ftotably from bit of gfamip that Cewgreeamaa CUude ttoit to New York, waa arrested Bear Maine, New York aad elaewkere, came I Kitcha oometimeo ttiaka af ending here today by Sheriff J. K. Woodward, here for the aarDoea af aslat each re-1 hi brilliant career la Ceagrasa with a I or ueugiaa aounty. xne maa wat work ..Mnnarv aeatlmant aa thaw aauld arva- tanft la tta apfiet body aad that be wiU i.uig with ft tbreahing crew. talis or aaaaafactare, for thatr walfo to tta mat with any maa Da the I The maa gav tha nam of Dillard eadn The aaaapalga agalaat tta pa- owto lor tke aoauaatioa wkea Beaator I aaniey, ai Beaicr, &y, aaa said he JiUcal freedom Of tht womea Of yoaf I " num. . I wai whmiii mma lueauaea- .tata aad aara haa haaa atartad aal aa. Thera Ore BOme aoadlUOB about the Uoa at Omaha. rltd forward almost eatirely br la I aUtehla' report that halt conclusions. I The Informatloa waa mad on lafor- wai! amnaa arha aara aa llttla aWilOne 1 the eitent to which Mr. Xitckia I matioa from Klnus City, and the man consequence to tha South that they u bIa u eovt from hla recent! I being held awaiting the arrival of have aot va bealtated to ataka capital ttk or persiy. - ; saasa ctty omeer. ... -ah,)!,, ara.a hM IkM.ki t I KltChlft May C Oat. , I 1 1 ' aavwvi Mm nm wiwiihj mwi mm i n waa W.. Vbva liianiiaail Demoerata wiU wia tha Beat Bouse aad BY A PULLMAN PORTER. Mr. KJtehla aa elevated from majority leader to speaker. Bat aelther af these I Oilcato. July MV-Police todav wera eoaoittoae preveai ate rncaaa irom ex-1 lavestigatiaf thl report of O. C Pia areeaiag the hope that be may give the ley. a Pulluiaa sorter, that a man aa. satire state aa opportunity to boaor J sworlng to B. Leroy'a description, who aim. ! . I came irora xMtroil to Chicago recently, have eaffered from almUar lavaaion of arouser ine porter a ausptsioa oy re- th.rwVtir aimiiar lavasioaa ax I waatera d strict it appeara that Hacy m,rU .boat police balag ia search of ia goiaw ie a ui rbiinoi aaaaiuaie ia i aim, ittM. U be dec idee aot to aoeept the Tarbore, July f7-Tbe . ratification ffloetlag bold hero today gave tta lie to anti-lastruetions of politician before the Stato convention. A telegram was read from Beaator Warren Ear ding enrooting desire that "oar womea may all b Oftfranebiaed participate ia the 01061108." Ulna 6111 B. Staton, ehairmaa, bad received ft letter from Governor Cox, which read a follow j 'Let me extend to year organize Uoa greetings. Zt 1 my earaest hope aad shall bo my oadoavor that full uffrag Alkali W. rm mA aS MuS Mayor Bardiaoa, of Tarbore, teat Special message of regret that he waa uddniy ealled away aa he had hoped to be present. Eev. K. B. Browa, Epla- copal rector, presided at the mcetinc Dr. L I Btatoa, who apoke, declared tkat ha waa so slacker but ready to take hi place la thia Sght for Dam oeraey. , - ' ; - Profeasor Hlntell also (poke declar ing that ha bad recently tpokea at aa anti-maetlng la Wake county bat ha tlaoa changed to a belief la auffrage about which be ' bod aot ccrioualy thought before. Other peakr were. Rev. DV X. Earnhardt, Mathdit Mr. Zeao Moore, coaaty agent Mrs. winstead, of JSoeky Moaat, aad Mis M. E. Pidgeoa, of Vlrtiaia Beach. ' - A rosolutloa urging ratldeatloa wa latrodactd by Mr. Jas, S. Lloyd. It read aa follows i w "Whereas, both the Democratic and Sapublleaa Bute eoaventlonc declared la favor cf the ratifleatioa of the eoaol suffrage emeadmeut to the Federal con stitutioa aad whereaa President Wllsoa aad the candidates of the Democratic aad Sepublicaa partle for president are la favor of the ratifleatioa of the amcadacBt, ' " "Therefore, be It resolved, That we earaestly arge tt General Aaaembly of North carolia at lta special aeacioa to ratify the ftmcadmeot" , would help theaa. j Will Call Vpoai Womea, If Need . If tha North Carollaa Eqaal Suffrage Aasoeiatioa fade tt aeeeeaary to tor help from the outside, It will bo apoa womea 'of our aelgkbor etatce Beotbera, all of them whose problems aid allegiance are alee aara, ana. whe their owe statee. . "la the flnal analrati, bawever, thte le.aa loager a qucstloa for womea. It The. police teat wire out to west - -v. -. 1 .......... .LUi L.. W... I . ii . ... it eauaMly op to the political Prtle ?-",?",w'V "u V ti, ! - nl TYma ouoing ta per and to the men wha -re euBoiaatly f, ttat tha man, aoeom- .if-....iiv. ta i i. .1.. -k.,. I " e long hot that ha hope to wear pealed by ft womaa, aaid be wa acta m uoa ABgeiec. . The porter tjd the maa azproased eon sera about the iaspcetort aa the traia, that ba could aot sleep, that th police wera after blot, and that be wa both from th aatioaal aal the elate viewpoint. '"Tho womea at North Carollaa, year womea, are aaiiag you to vote for rati a cation." 1 ator retire. It la generally edaeeded that Beaator Ovarmaa will aot b a leaadidate atala. ' Waald Make Gead Team. mJicaiai aaa hwi but iir oiiih.Hh. ti.,.i. lu. itk... .a . r-.!i"kai tj?" ' UriP"o. aim by th porter to the vwa-aa-ra. wa-m -BMt-m) IftCI Wa-ft I aVfatlaTlil fl thA WiAIIaVal fatal Iba te.ah U. S. STEEL' CORPORATION r DECLARES DIVIDENDS "'i LT. Tenreo"r h iMftunX . ivrvermaa aaa keep the Tar Heel repre I Maaaaaa mJ tK aar. voutas eaused tta Chleam nallea aa give rder te have west-bound trains watenea. -i BILIirtB LEROY IN MEXICO OR IN S. AMERICAN COUNTRY. 1L. f ft. - -a-- I ' In, Juae l0w.re a4S.lM.70fl; art ' attautlo. til? T.w" la. S T??. r Lcror. tt imiiji waa smjHtMvw aaf tha auro ua. n v.. r."7. r aougai oy iaa ponce ia sonnee- aievvaaai -ivarwuaa aaa aaai la vvograaa aiarvj.i.. .trhx k. -,,-A. ' .V. -' ' IRTitoh a aama. mu. a -. . . ..... . . i - - hvww NK.rra .unnra wiva WHU aana. Jag of ea,080,01, act laeoma of DV J- .... I- -i. Kew York. July WTke Ualted But. I?"? 1ZZ,TTmZ I? ' ! Bl ii. - I riiuir, aatauiiaam pt lira au lag nsre today declared regular divl dead of 1 1-4 per eeat oa eommoft stock aaa l -4 oa preferred stock. Tot.1 earaing for the quarter 0d. ""71, T.... an laiM -aia ian. ... lnmor Or Raaacm aad carried oa by Simmons and Ovarmaa. The Kitchia record la the National Coagreso t aomething to marvel at aayway. Boey, aa the baby Congress I Kitchia Cea Far Cevaraar. IPV. . - ....... l. . a.tl. ob the gubrnatorlal eoatest fonr year from aow With McLean in the rua alng, many of them thak Jh1c Joha H. Kerr will he atao Bat the mac whom both all f red faetloae want ta hear frtira I CoL Albert Lyman Cos. of lUlelgh. It waa evea ao last year when dpe of the prevtoea Quarter. The Weather Local Office, Ualted Btatea Weather r-. . lr ' Bareaa. ' ; r'-'"'rjV"'"ToECAST"'""'"r"n' " "U1-J . Baleigh, N. C, July 17. 1KU. North Carollaa Pair Wedaesdavi Thursday fair wanner central pnrtlo TfiMfUtAIUaUa Highest temperature 71 Lowest tempcrstura M Meaa temperature td .Defleleney for the day ............ U Avrg dally defldsacy sine January 1st 1.1 T tUCCmiAUOH (ia Uehee Amount for tho t hoar ending ai p. aa. ..........Tr;.-. i otai ror we aoata to aate Excess for the month ....... Peflfllency einee Jaa. 1st ... a. a m ..... 0,71 j BCMXD1XZ " a-m. Una. ' .1 p. wu Dry bull ft 71 . M Wet bulb ....... C M M R-l. hnmldtty ... 70 47 TO fhXboUiiS (Bedaeed to oca level) 8 a. m. 40.08 I p. m MX7 Sunrise 5:11 a. m. Scunact 7:2J p. a. , . , , Wi.VTED ROOM AND BOARD Ef private family by youag married couple so childrea, Addrosa B. B. 3., thl Office. i. it IM, 'irti lit would bv rvruld psycnolotieal expert te tell whether Cam JJorrlsea or Nat Oardaer brcelheg th rreatt ic!.i imuitBra wta the tor an. oui.rm eat that be aat raanlnj In IKfO Therefore. ar hi frtonda. b loome large for the Immediate tutor. ENGINEER BOUND OVER ON CHARGE OF ASSAULT L. P. Wlllard, aa engineer aa the Beaboard Air Uaa Bailroad, waa yes terday bound over te the Buperior Court by Justice of the Peece J. B. Owea for aa aaeault apoa J. E. Baaa, a Seaboard aaachiaiat, Tha flght between the two men, which occurred at tha Beaboard round house ea Jaae is, 1 alleged to have occurred ac result af Buna's attempt to evict Wlllard trem one f tho rooms which be eccupiee ta Buna's kerne. Talrteca wiUcesea teetifled at yes terdays hearing. It appeared that WU hud, ft email maa eompared to Buaa, wha la ft veritable giant, grappled with Buaa, asbed his arm. aad twitted it c aa to inflict serious injury. At the bearing yesterday i. N. Elans represented the private prosecution, aad Armistaad Jon go appeared for tt defeadaai. ' ,,, Calioraia'a area is IS time that of St AfMsaehusettea, tloa wftht the murder af the womaa whose body wa found la a tnmk shipped to (his city, is probably ia Mexico or Bom South American cnaa. try, Assistant District Attorney Bobert T. Steel, of Detroit, laid here today, aner a preliminary tavestigattoa of th ease. Ii aaid he wa sura Loroy wa aoi ia nw icra tiry. The Detroit district attorney tatd that bis Investlgktioa led kim to be lieve that jealousy was the motive for lbs alleged crime, aa Mr. Leo Trumbull, wife af a Detroit policeman and aa acquaintance or aire Lsroy, had told aba Leroy eftea quarreled with the womaa vr her attentions to Allan A. Tatam, la whose aaa th mystery iruua woe snipped. ROME OF PEAD WOMAN WAS AT TtJRGlfl, MISSISSIPPI. Birmingham Ala. July 17. Ths wonua-whose body Was found jammed la a trunk la tba New York offlaa af tke Aiaeriraa Bailway Erprse Company waa Mra. Katkoriae Jaeknoa IP rears old, aad bet hem waa la Stargta, Mi, a little towa to mils outhwat of Starkvtll, according to Investlgstloa made by the Birmingham Newt. Oid aiecoy jaektoa. a vount farmer. wa her bnsbaad, aotordiaj to the New. Her aaaldea name was Katheriae Lea foadrea aal tho waa the tp-dughtr f Alfred Vaughn, a Sturgi farmer. Her father waa Hampton Pondrea. wha died wbca she waa 7 yctre eld. . After the death at her mother, life la the email eoaatry towa palled apoa the youag wife and the disappeared. Krerrthlat Ready. : Cokomo find.) Tribune. Going Westi will Mil my five-room bungalow, furnished or anfuralnhed: alaa three grave la Crowa Poiat Come- ONLY FOURTH OF BACK DUES ARE COLLECTED v. . . , Directors of Chamber of Com- meres Appoint Committees to Interview Newspapers " Only one-fourth of the M.100 due the Baleigh Chamber of Commerce ba teea collected to dat according to report tuomittsd at a lunebeoa yesterday by too memDorship committees appointed from the directorates at the chamber. the Botary Club aad the Eiwaala Club. It was alio reported , lid new members have beea tecured. It wa stated yesterday that ooroxl- mately oaa half of those oa the book have been - vlirfed,- number f th other beiag aut of towa. Tho mitteee were continued aad will report agaia at ft lunehroa to bo held rriday, Pollowiag erltielatnt by Secretary Peamaa aad ether of the topport that aat Decs givsa the thamMr by the local eras, a eommittoo jftompoeed of Preel dea Howard White. Mayor T. B.-Xl drldgc. Dr. Z. M. Cavlaese. Mr. C. T McCleaaghaft ftnd Itt. Paa. TUlcrr was appelated te visit th publiahsrs of each Of the Baleigh newspapers and request more active eo-opcrctloa la boosting xaleigh aad giving pubUoity to the ta urines or tut Chamber. Tho present at tta lnnrhsoa vaster day werei Mr. Howard White, Mayor T. B. Eld ridge, Dr. Z. M. Cvlness, Bcv 0. A. Ashby, Mr. A. M. Maupin, Mr. C v. York, M Hal Worth. Mr. Paul Til lcry, Mr. C. T. MeClenaghan, Mr. H. H Brlmley, air. W.-I Beasley, Mr. Joha T. McDonalds aad Mr. Karl O. Hudsoa Bolshevik! Must Reverse Atti tude If Peace Conference " Is To Be Held T. McDonald NEGqgii try, old part; iain)ediate posseasloa. KlSTICE NOW IN JAIL John Henry Bethea Wanted Za Bobeion T or Xillinf of Deputy Sheriff . Lambertoa, July 17. Joha Hsnrr Be. the, ft astro, ahsrrsd with killias Deputy Sheriff i. A. Kitchia, of Hobo oa county oa the night of July 81 gav biaaelf ap to aa officer ia South Caro Uaa Batvrday aad ia aow ia jail here. Bathaa araa a aat(aue ril11 Booth Carolina, aad waa taksa to jail as voiumDia arter a surrsndered to tne officer. Sheriff Bi.S. Lewie went to-Co lumbia yesterday and broueht Bathaa here last Bight. ' Deputy Kitchia died from the effect of wounds inflicted wha shot aa he stepped out of bla ear beside a ear drtv. ca by Joha Henry Bethea aad his brother, Dave Bethea, la Alfordsvlllc towashiD. Tha car drivea br tha nt groea wat loaded with whiskey and Was stopped la tha road aa account of ft puactare whea Deputy Kitchia aad f e licemaa W. W, Smith overtook It. Dave Bethea waa shot aad killed by oaa af (he officers after Kitchia had beea aer ially wcuaded. while Joha Henry es etped lato the wood. HOLD EXAMINATIONS - AT STATE COLLEGE Eaaminatioa for teachers will b con duct sd st the Btate College Bummer School tomorrow end Pridsy. The ca tmlnatlont wtl be divided lato two sec tions, for clemeatary teacher aad high school teacher. - Iiaaiaattoae for elemcnUry teachen will bo conducted eft the folio win t echo. lulsi Thursday, Ha, Group A pro fssaloaal ttudy (Bapeer tad Davi,) Thursday, li80 p. a. Group B begin ning with tpcllingi Friday, S a. a, Group C beginning with Arithmetic) Friday, If a Group D beginning with North CaroUaa History. . Th schedule for tha examinations for high eebool teachers I a follow i Thartdty, Un profestloaal tubject (Dressier aad Colvmlt Thorsdsy, fl p. a4 English aad "Hletoryt Prlday, S a. Arlthasti and Algcbrti rriday 1:49 p. a. Modera Lantuarct aad Gen eral Baisaee. Angler Sunday Schewle tTomrag. The Methodist and Baptiat NBunday school et Aatier. Harnett county, will picnic at Pnllea Park today, ' Boulogne, July 27, By the Associated Press.) Premiers Lloyd George aad Mlllerand determined at their confer ence here this afteraooft ta stand by the original plaa for a peace conference with the Buasiaa Soviet, They also outlined executloa of the flnanclal parte of the oal tgreemeat with Germany. Mr. Lloyd George accepted In the mala M. Millerand'e view aad It wa decided Great Britais should reply to the Soviet demaad fo aa international conference that it could aot take place unless the Bolshevikl reverted their present attitude ad agreed to discus peace with Polaad aad that all qualified rcpTeseatatlvet af Buttle tad tta bor der state ihoald attend. : , t. Should Moscow - aoeept thee (audi tions, then M. Milleraad will be con sulted by Great Britain aad ha will lay dowa tha eonditiona necessary for rec ognition of th Soviet. Thia attitude ia taken, to incur Poland aot being overwhelmed by facing the Belahevlki alone la the negotiation. .- . Regarding the advances to ucraany agrosd wpoa at Spa ia the coal agreo ment; it wa determined that Oermaay houid deliver to th reparatioa com' mission by September 1, 1920, German treasury bond to the Value of OUiXW,. 000 gold marks, boariag 8 per cent, in terest aad maturing May 1, 1921, which may ba aold or used aa collateral ' with or without tho allle' endorsement aa a mesas for the reparatioaa commission rsallsine udob ' v.cm. After September 1, Oermaay chall do- liver to the commission similar bond corresponding to the advances Praace ia to snake for fnlflllmeat of the prom ised coal dsllf sry 2a thia way Prance will bo relieved of the burdea through a eimple banking operation- To estab lish quickly the amount of advaaee f rat er 1 te aaake to Germany, the repetatioae eomaiaaloa eaa flx forty gold nmrki p toa provisionally, th amount to be adjusted later. -, .,- Tba repsratlon commiscloa will be charted with tt entire elocution of the I Hp agreement to far a concerns coal delivna aad allied advlecc to Ger many oi account of the coal delivery, Pleasure ws expressed at the de cision takea which were ia accord ance with the Preach viewc. The plan for the flnanclal arrangement wa pre sented by U. rrancoit-Marsal. After the conference, th British rep- reseatatives left for England oft a war ship aad Premier Milleraad and the French party returned to Paris. , ' Many Application Per Medals, ' Within the last three dayc over one hundred applications for Vlitory med als have been made to P. IT Terwtniger, A, P. C, who haa bea here to receive such application. H will be her until Saturday tight to receive further appli cations, and aaa be found at the army recruiting station, SOS Ptytttevillc rtfeet, ; . '.; ;....,; Effort To Be L!ad3 To Have - National Parks. Excluded From Measure v Wtahlngton, July 17 Aaaadmtat of the sew waterpowor act ao aa te cx- elade tke aatioaal park frost lta pro vision Willi be demanded of Congress at itt Beat easion, it 1 aaaoaaeed by Bobert Sterling Yard, executive secre tary of the Natioaal Parke Asaoelatloa Mr. Yard also says that light will be made to have Congress reject pending legislatioa, wMch he easerta, opens the way for irrlgatioa projects to draw on the parka for water. " ' Without amendment, Mr. Yard say tte watorpower act is "the death war rant of otiia atioaal parka ytem," bo- raa ell gevorameat owned load and ,eervtlont are embraced witfela its terms, making it possibla for private la- terut to erect;; da ma, power kouses, traasmlasloa line and other strurtnrei by ebUtaiag lease front th federal waterpowor com miss lea. " ; ,-. It waa oa until the water power bill reached Prccideat Wilaoa for approval that discovery waa made by conferva i tiohlsta - that aatoaal parka : wouti be affected, aad bow the tight, Mr. Yard says, will b msde for It amendment. : Beside the effort to change the wator power act; atr. xard say a, are evea or ganising aow for tte defense of the perks. Our new natioaal park system bit fairly caught the laaagiattioa of this Idealistic aad very practical people, who aee ta rt aot oaly a ayatem of ex hibits of the native Amerleaa Wilder Best, untouched, for all time, but th beginning of ft colossal aatioaal eoao mla aaaot which ball aaormeutty apar domestic travel aad business, aad brUg Increasing .thousands of f oreiga vlaltors here every summer to aee them. Any legislatioa which will detract from the value of the same aatioaal park aa aatioaal trade-mark ia the competition for the world'a travel ia likely to arouse ft mighty norm of popular protest. ALASKAN FLYERS LAND AT EDMONTON, ALBERTA ' Edmonton, Alberta, July S7 Oa their second slay a flight aeros Canada aa a trio from , Minoola. N. Y to - Nome. Alaska, four United State army avia tor,, .who left Saskatooa, Beak- thl morning, arrived kere at 1:1. . The flier expect to got away Tin re- day morning after they have thoroughly overhauled their machines. EARTHQUAKE EPIDEMIC AT . LOS ANGELES CONTINCXS Lea Aagclea. July 17. Aa earthquake lasting about two accpada waa felt here at 1:33 o'clock this" afteraooa. The hock rattled building but a damage wta reported. A second chock of about th tame Intensity wa felt at t:10 p. m. The vroDortioa of persons of more I than 65 veara old la e-reater ia Irian d I theft ia aay other eoaatry. . " H Greensboro. July 7. Beoreeentstivee of about 23 commercial, industrial and trades aaaoeiatioaa of different parts of th Stat ia meeting here today, went oa record favoring modera highway sys tem for North Carolina, Attending th meeting was CoL P.'L. Kirkpatrick f Charlotte and other good roads mca of Charlotte, ML Airy, Monroe, Greens boro sad other places. .: , A tentative program for big toad meeting ia Baleigh Auguat 10 wa also adopted thia afternoon by meeting.' Among speakers scheduled' to be oa pro-. gram ar two gubernatorial candidates,' Morrisoa aad Parker, Judg J.. C. Pritehard of Asheville, aad prominent road boosts re of this State, together with olSeiala of tho labor and former anh a aad aa official of tha Federal iirhwav couaeiL f Waahiaetoft. X. C. Aciut(x mately ZJDW cHixena.are ex pected to attend the Baleigh meeting which is to be Boa partisan, Bon-seetion-l aad only in interest of modera high' wy for North Carolina. .-;-.. ' 1 TAf Last! Title Are Colag. i Berlin, Jury t7j Th MinUtsr af Jut- tie ha stated that aa the. Prussian government aa longer: applies titlea such aa. Boyal HighncscU Sctcbc High- aaaa, atc It consider eueh titlea aa abolished ia eoacequeaeo of tke change from monorchia! to tte republieaa .form cf govemmeat. ( . , t yo'jh :o:.:j; PLIES in poor home reflect (1 - ttLnrcfl jmif WWkU iiwawa. ww aTft ftor- ON-FLIE3 (a powder) wiltrto your Borne) of all filet and other iaeecta la s few minutes. Yon -mtrrif qaeese ft box of WAn-ON-FLLtS notnepowaeria polled lata the ftir.Itltdoata to flic bat ie Acraleee to WMN M l-a Jfc A. rBk 1 W I . aflaaff Matsuvi TO) I vr n 1 TM rnwn awe sooa j ry si tiMcsr way -ea- i-- t ei 0 Save Money r-Put Goodyear Tires on Your Small Car; " Avoid duaprjoiatmerit with tires made to be soli at senflarionally. cheap prices by using Goodyear Tires built to deliver majrimum mileage at rnlnlmnm costs.. - ; ' 1 The high relative value built into Goodyear Tires of the 30 jc 3- 30 jc 3V2- and 31 x 4 inch sizes, results from the application of Goodyear experleoce and care to their man ufacture in the world'a largest tire factory devoted to these sizes. w - -ty .... T v ' :". ' '1 . m fit- ...-'-. . Such facts explain why more cars, using these' sizes, were factory-equipped last year with Goodyear Tires than with any other Idnd. " : :,aA If yoa drive si Ford. Chevrolet; Maxwell or Dortv take advantage of the Opportunity to ; enjoy true Goodyear mileage and economy; equip your car with Goodyear Tires and Heavy Tourist Tubes at our nearest Service -Station, ' l f AU.WeatKc Tread, 4m1J'- Itagu'ciro FaMet VI 50 Aati-SU4Trai.... X Ooodyea llaawy Tourist Tube coat no aaoea tbam tho pcteo yoa era aeked topay ' Car tube of lea snerit why risk CMMtly rasing wham each tare protect -tloa It avaflailet 30ft)V4 aba Kft , 7r faeaaroemwwof hag MILLS TIRE CO.; Distributors RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA

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