. ' - . " A a wti - " ' M yM MS", f I I' . 7 kfoi !,.... aa a., sitaa a Hhh . Lc J ilowtn and ttieadesw stemi .haraday 4 Friday M change la tsBBiiat - VOL. CXL Na 45 SIXTEEN PAGES YODAY. , ; ;V RALEIGH. N..G, THURSDAY MORNING," AUGUST 1 2, 1 920 SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CEfiTS MAJORITY MEMBERS OF HOUSE SIGN ANT POLAND WILL SEEK " IVlOTERMlm U. S. IMMEDIATELY NOTABLES OF DEMOCRATIC. PARTY, AT HYDE; PABK ., . ' ; WlSHiNG : FRANKLIN D.'ROOSEVEL-T "GOOD LUCK WIRE TO TENNESSEE f r ; ' f Assure Lecisteture of That State That North Carolina - Will Not Ratify-Federal ' v Siiffra.e. Amendment , URGES THAT MEASURE BE NOT FORCED UPON PEOPLE OF THIS STATE Sixty-three Member Hoase Sign Telegram and Claim That This PaU Tinis Mark Oa Suffraja Tight In State; Amendment ' WiH Kot Be Submitted i Before Pridaj, " OoTernor TBickett Say," and ; Possibly Kot Before Satur day; Governor Win Hot Ap pear In Person Before Lefts- ' latnrtV v : - Aati suffragist assumed the offen- siv J tb suf frag fight here bat atght MB.. tUMBB SVUM "J WJ I threa member f th lower braaea cf I tha General Assembly, elaimed that the! antnony nmenameai wouia a reject he submitted by tha Governor. is eeieDrate meanest ws aire - .la tod yeeterday aad, addressed t thai ueneraiassemoiy or tcbbssscs, weaii ripdiag everlth wire to Naaaille aortiy alter, cupper tun lass augnw s- f, th aadraiTid aiaaiber ef th Boaae of BepreaeatatiTC of the Uaral Aewmbly ef North Carolina, coaatitating the majority of aaid body, aead greetiaf, t th Oeaeral Aaacatbly of Tenneaaee aad aarar yea that wel will aot ratify th Baaam B. Aathoay amendment iatorferiag with th eorar eigaty of Teaaeaae aad ether State of-1& Uaioa. w aioe reapeetxuuy request that thia aieaanr be aot foretd .Jipoa th people of 'orth Caroliaa." . Th aw of th telegram - aprcad quickly about th lobbie ef th hoteli hat might aad brought laataat reaetioa ia legiaaltfTO eirele. 8affragitwr ataag to ,-iek ree absent aad ' the elainta were Bad freely that arral name wer iied to th telegram aa- dw anaapprehaaaioa. A reruUioa or I feeling agaiaat th method of th an till PP w .f1' w It will aa is problematieal. Th Cer tainty that today's development- will uter about the "rooad-robin , giTea sotor t th claim last might thtt th TAgb h juat AeaaK-t4" r- - -Ovaraor.wni Sebmit AaMadaaca Th fight wilt probably eoai t the floor of th Bone om tim aext week. Gorernor Bickatt yasterday aa work oa drafting his meeaace t th soloaa oa th subject aad will probably send it to both hoase tomor row r certainly Saturday. Th Gover nor will mot appear ia peraoa to deliver his meaaage regarding th amendment but will eonflne his commeat oa ue snbjeet of ratifleatioa t th written word. Thia will be read ia both hoase by tha respective readies: elerka. i Th' etaaadmeat, 4a all probability, wilt b promptly referred to th special suffrage committee f th Rons aad th oaatitutioaal ameadmeats aommit- ' tre ef th Seaate. It will hardly have eeasideratioa before Moadayrat whkh tim It is expected that both aide will appear ia full battl array aad armed lor th Bxbt. It 1 certaia to get to th floor, eves if by a minority report, aad am opea tight with lot of opportunity for ora- tory ia promised befor th curtain rings dowa oa th Extraordiaary aea. . siea. ' Aati Claim Far Metw. Ia addition to th sixty-three mam- lxra of th Hons who, last night, eign- rd th "round robin to th Tennee- sr leaisktar. Barry P. Orlcr - and Liasday C. Wsrrea, aatl lead era la th Hon and senate, respectively, aa ...noaaeed last sight that there er four additional vote la th lower braaea agaiaat ratifieatiea. They arc: - Beprcaeatativ rarnah, oa his way . her) from Caaada: Bepreaeatative Der da of Green, wh i expected Batav--lv! SMreaemtativee-Pharr. af hleek- lenburg, an4 FounUln. Of Bocky htonnt, both of whom are iaatraeted by eoaary conventions to Tot against ratifieatioa. They ale point t th fact that aly 13 members oat of a total membership of ISO have so far aaswrd the roll ealU Coaatiag Foaateia aad Farrish, the claim that aot mor tbaa lis mem ber will attead th aeaaioa. Clalmiag th pledged Tot ef aixty-eevea of this number, they say that ratifieatioa by North Carolina h Impossible aad that th aending ef th tolegraphi meaaage to th Tea esse aoloaa tost aight wrote flai to thvflah la th Old North ' Th rejectionixts appeared la high spirit last aight. Th circulation ef easa oy memoere as ins sessioa yss th "roaad robU" was without aay die- torday morning. With on or two ex- play aaUl ths lastAaae bad been wnt-1 ten. TThea tt was mad avaiiabl ft the tJ . . t- nawariaitar . ! , ' . I Suffragist da aot regard th petitioal to th colons T th dsaghter State as th nd of th fight. Quite to th con trary, they believe that North Carolina will yet ratify thi unendmeat Added nreseure oa 8eaatos Bimmoa was broagbt Into play yesterday ' aad last airbt it hinted aboat th lobbies I "that FUnstnff Onmis bit ami arowad ' tha nart im tm lima tot Bain tha litnatioa .re. ' "Farmer Bob Doacbtoa a HaaA Congressms Bobert Ii. Dough to a, of th JEighth North Carolina district, ar mod ia th .city laat aight bat dis claimed any part ia th saffrag fight Ia respoaa to th pointed qantioa, Mr.l l . :a At... i, v i m - I Dnughtonsaid that if hs had a Tot k would certainly east it ia favor ef ratifieatioa. Bo ' eonaldera rati Ilea tioa la North Carolina a duty th 8tat ewes th party. Th. principle ef suffrage, h 1 certain, ha been settled for all tin aad whether - Teaaseass, North Carolina, Coaaecticat er Vevmoat ratify iCoaUaaed ea Baf Tw4 TAX BILL PASSES SECOND Gets Minor Amendment Tagged on in its way Through Lower House . ONLY THREE DEMOCRATS CAST NEGATIVE VOT Eerrinf, . of Sampson, Bepab lioan, ; Offers . Substitute . DaHs rWonld Mak PlBto! , Carryinj a felony and An y thorlie Arreit and Search i On Snspicion l ; : With ealy thre ef th twaaty-thr aegatiT Tote cart by nernben ef th I majority perry, th bill submitting th MWf f ,aW TttMIMJl.mi November election passed the Btut oa second reading yeaterday after all i smeBmenu and substitutes, aara a I minor offend by Brrt, ef Dor 1 asm, naa. Dea defeated bv am over- whelming i Toe Tot. - me minority substitute wss offered bjr Bepresentetive Herring, of Semp- son. ana ur virtues unfolded la lengthy speech to which BeimblieaB Stat Chairaaa Frank Linaey aad Jeha J. Parker, Bepublieaa candidate for governor, war interested listeners. Brie Or, th mendment doss thaae things: ; Provide for limitation of 13 eent oa. the 100 property ralna- tioa, a graduated tax oa all ineomei aot to exeied S per eeat, strike al tli reqajjment that a Toter ball hare paid - his poll tax before aiting his ballot, chances th qaaliSeatioa of voter from two years' realdrae is th state aad six months la th county to oa yar's residsae ia th Stat aad four awnths in th Toting ereeiact saa atiBtinates th "stead or faU to- either" featar from th Grandfather TkrM DeatMrat Tot AnlaaU Tb three Demoerat Toting agaiait ttt bUl mbmittlag th amendment wpr Brm and Galloway of Pitt, aad SLaw, ef Scotland. The Bepoblieaas voted for th adoption of th Harriag Destitute, whkh would hnvr classifisd property (abject to taxation, and Toted simo wOldly agali tvmmtte biU.,Th Bryant amendmrat, Sdopted with practically no diueat;, inskes it possible for additional taxes for special rarposM by special or general act af tne Ueneral Assembly. Tbs original bill, by iasplieation. left approval of additional, taxes for local purposes to a general act. hfiaority leader Williams' amead meat, alsj defeated, was aa assault oa what h chow to term tautology. Th adoptloa of th Bryant amendment, h insisted, was a repetition ef the eom mitte phraseology dealing with th special purpos section of ths amend- in a- bill. Governor Poo eh ton, piloting th bill, was of th apiaioa that the eammrttes's version ws constitutionally rood Entiish and th House sceepted th Governor idea about the mattcj Crisp, of Dare, proposed aa amend' ment permitting th counties to levy S per cent additional for special pur poses wbor th property valuation tinder fly million. Thar was a n- thosissm ever his suggestion aad the ssm fats was dealt to hi amendment a to th substitute of Herring end ths smsndmsnts of WiHiams and Brown All matttrs presented by them had beca threshed oat la tl eommitte meetings befor th session opened. Signs of a sput ia th Durham dele gation, consisting of Victor 8. Bryant and Bennehan Camsroa appeared oa th acene yesterday ia a spirited tilt between th two over th frilur of th amendment to provide as effectively for road taxation aa it does f or th schools. Col. Camsroa insisted that h had' be liberal toward his colleagues , ia ,the matter ef education and 'that h x- petted, in return, liberal treatment o th aabjeet of rosds. Mr. Bryant -(retted th - Coloael's dissatisfaction aad proceeded with his speech, , Marylsad Bceelatlon Came In. Although M. receipt her had been pretty well advertised, opesker Brum' mitt yesterday sailed to th attention f th House a rcsolutioa - from, the Maryland lccialataro 'Miliar atma th Tar Heel solan to aphold "State's rights" aad reject th Susaa B. Aa thoay amendment, The tacssag from th Marylsnders went to th speeis! soffrar sommitte. Quito a fsw protesting petition! against th revaluation get wer pre- eeptloas, uey wer all presented -by request en Iheavw bai i gv,ianBi vasiv. waasa mipw myyvrntm "eavy ds memoers , isrt ; oouga to traaamit the lamenteUoas of eonstitw auto i ui ueneiai jueemoiy, , Tack Eradicatlea la Bewa Also. Bepreeentative Mints effe.sd ia th Heos the sempauioa bill ef the Sea ate providing for tick radieetioa, this beiait th only Important measar of State - wide import. Introduced ia ths lower- branch yestarvay- Th as old BranswlcK county conrthouss flsht. which ass been a perennial affair with legislator ef th past, earn forward - agaia yesterday. This time Bepreseatativj Hewett offered , a straight t bill to move the - eourt- Kons from Boathport to Shallotte. Ssv oral lobbyists ar already oa hand ia . iv. i Ji : a... th interest of tioa. i " " .' XJavvls, of Warren, aiatsd heavily yes terday at th carriers of concealed weapons. He offered a bill to maks th earryiasrof them a feloay aad aa- tther to picvid for arrest and search f persons atspeetrd of having them. IContlnsed Pag farJt , READING .. .: ' . 1 ? , li ' inni.-i . i. in. ii i i. ii.. i i : I Scan at Hyds Park, N". T where didat for vie president. Left to rights Homer 8. Cammiags, former chairman of th Demoerati National Committee: William Q. UeAdoo. former secretary of lb a treasury, and Mrs. MeAdoei Beeretary Jopha Daaicls. Mr. Franklia D. BooMvelWaad Mr. Booaevelt. Picture -r Wilson'sfHanil In Diplomacy of the World ROOSEVELT MAKES INITIAL ADDRESS Urges Republicans i and Jnde pendents To Support Demo -v cratic Platform 1 1 ai . I Chicago, Aog.11 -Franklin D. Boose volt. Demoeratie candidate for Tie president, opened hi eampaiga here to night with th tm address a has es llvarcd sine ha a scented th nomins- tins, Mat Waadavv Baf or d crowd of I.- 000 at tbs Auditorinm Theatre, h argedl Bepnbliean aad Independents to join th Democrats is support of ths plat form adopted' at th Baa Franehwo eon ventioa aad ef th ticket aomiaatsd there. He told Republicans their party had been split by a quarrel among the leaders sad that us faction represented by Senator '. Harding was th "Old Guard1 which Theodor Boossvslt had opposed. Addressing himself particu larly to those who ar aot Democrats, Mr. Boosevelt said: "Th day is past when it J either popular or useful to damn everybody aad everything connected with th op position , ; , , "Kepublicaa leaders, howsver, he said, "show a signs ef having taken to heart ths drastic lesson taught jtbem artaat t.r-r-:-ii - t Tonight w ar firing th opening gaa or a battl of far-reaching import ane and one again th shots ar goiag to b hsard around th world for th aetioa of the American aatioa this yssr will b watched with anxious eye by all civilisation, . . . . , . . -- - .-Beaa for Campaign. -.-.. Tirst of all. Gereraor Cox aad I be lieve that it is th simpls duty of th esadidate to give to as many, eitixens as possible, ia as many state a pos sible, ss opportunity to see and hear aad form their wa impressions of th men they ar to rot for. Ia thi eon- section, too, it is only frsnknss to say that ths great majority of ths newspa per throughout th country ar owned or controlled by men affiliated w'th th Republics party. It la therefor, doubly neeeeeary for us to present our views ana our aim in person. "1 hop oa this journey to th Pacific and m aU my subsequent tiavele, I shall hav opportunity to talk aot only to Democrats, bat also tbos who sre nor mally affiliated with other parti aad ii (Ceatlned Pag Thrj , YEGGMEN GET 520.000 IN CURRENCY AT FAIRMONT Crack Safe In Poitoffloe and ..H61d Crowds Away at ' T Point of. Onns - Lamberton. Aug. 11. Teeamca rob bed th post office at Fairmont, Bobeson eonaty, last aight of $20,000 ia currency aad several hundred dollar worth of postegs itampsr Ths money belonged to w Jisaa of Fstrmont, nsving tttm Mat ther by Insured mail. Th build- hf was entered by prying epea a door end ths safe was blown opea. People living near by tbs building wsrs awak ad by th explosion and wha they raa out upon th street ens of the rob ber fired a pistol several time and or dered them to retreat which they did. Th robber" left th seen in un auto stolen from a garaga near th post of fie but abandoned th ear a mil from town. There i no elu as to th guilty parties. :;: '- " ACQUIT FOUR OFFICERS ON CHARGE OF MURDER Boaaoka, Va- Aag, 11 Federal aro- hibitlon agenta J. N. Wood aad B. H. Drammond, Jrw and special police of ficer B. H. Wilaeth aad W. Push. jointly charged with - th - murder , of Hose Thomas,: war acquitted ia . Fed ml court here today, following in structions for acquittal givea to th tort. b. Judg. Henry, fi ciDpwtU, y Mr. Booscvelt was formallly motifled of his waa taken Just following th eon elusion ef Latest Note.On Russian-Polish - Question uraws Clear ana "j, Definite Distinction REPUBLICANS WORRIED OVER HIS LATEST STROKE Senator Simmons Expected To Come Out Strong-For Snf f raf e at Proper Time i Ths News and Observer Bursa, , 60S District Natioaal Bank Bldg, (By Special leased Wire.) . Washington, Aug. : llv Diplomats Wliahlngtoa se JU th Crite Btato not ea th Busslaa-Polishquastioa th master mind of Woodrow Wileoa again at work Thi tim th President seen to b collaboraiiag with hia able Secretary of Stat and th mote hu reiadieated America's - leadership in diplomacy and world polities. It has com like a vivid flash f lightning to pierce th moral darkness ia th diplo macy of Europe. Republican who had been devoutly hoping thst the Bussisn-Polish problem weald furnish a pitfall tot th Wilson UnlAnaMf aa J Ka Tlaa.aa.ata la thia eampaiga ar keenly disappointed ia th msster strok of th White Hons and th Stat "Department. The aot ha Muaned them and they are now try ing to show thst St demonstrate th alter incompatibility 'of American and European interest, aad aims. Ths President has simply told Europ thst America share it friendship with both Poland and Russian people aad that it believes Its friendship for th Russian peopl and not for their government is th beet and la fact th only ear plsa to destroy Bolshevism. Its friendship for Poland will aot willingly allow that country to b destroyed. Draw Clear . Dmtlaetloa. Th British aad French do aot see th situation exactly as Mr. Wilson sees it. They do aot draw that clear dis tinction between. Bolshevism nd ths Russian peopl that th President does. Th Republicans grab at thi difference between Americas and European diplo macy with the desperation of a d re wa ins: maa at a straw and shout i "See. w told you sot Americas aad Europe interest esn ao- mor be mix ed thaa oil aad water. Keep out of Europe. Keep eut f th Lssgus of Natioas." '. -- ; ' Th Bopnbliean would dama tha British aad Frsaeh. They would maka all men and all astions outslds of ths United States pariahs, outcasts, degrad ed humanity, publicans and slnasrs thst th United States and th RepubHeaa party especially might tlay ths Vol of a pnarise. w shall aot mix with yon pecans we in twtter tnaa yeai It is understood her that both Parties win mbdy th aot la their ssmpalsa textbooks but th Republicans will pat something like th abov construction upon is, whjl the Dsmoerat wilt point t the fset thst the aots ia wholly in lino with the President's peae policy at Paris. It will b showa that had his sdvic bcesr followed not only by the Allies but by th united Btate Bensts ia promptly ratifying th pese treaty, mars woum in au probability b a Bussiaa.Polish questioa to fret Bad rngatea th world awr- Expect Bimmoa to Sneak. North Carolina is berinnina- to ahare with Taaessse soms of the keen interest manifested here on th uffrag quea tloa.. Ersryons is sskln what will Sen. ator Bimmons do. Will h say nothing or will b com out strona for suf frage Ths Senator is a prudent maa, oat mere I aotblna weak her timid ia his make-up and it ia freely pre dicted ber that h will com out for th enfranchisement of the American women at th right tim and ia a man ner that will leave no doubt sa. to his meaning. It i aaid f him that-h hss ao superior ia hi knowledge of th psychological moment to do a thing: At ths hsadquarters of the National Woman's party there wss much reiole- ing this afternooa when the asw cams seleetioa aa th Deraoeratia party's ean- th notification csremeaie. . , RATE OF BEST Senator, Horton Offers Bill Rec ommended By Federal . I'-... . Reserve . . TICK ERADICATION STARTED IN SENATE Brief Session Yesterday Morn inf Sees 23 New Bills Of. f ered, Majority of Them Be inf Local Katters; Appro . priations Committee 4Kay Pisproro Appropriations A bill to amsad th inheritaac tax law la uch msnner as to msks trust funds inherited by North Casoliaiaas from testators without th State sub ject to tax, another to eradicate ticks throughout th State, aad yet another to make th eoatraet rate of interest a loans 8 per eent instead of B were th only measures that stood oat among 23 introduced at th half -hour sessioa of th Beasts yesterday morning. Adjournment waa taken ta allow com mittee tim to examia th 40 bill that hav the far appeared ia the Senate, aad for a majority ef the local bill ; offered, favorabl report mad aad they will com ap or second reading thia morning wha th body eoeveaea agaia at 11 'clock. No billa of Btate-wid interest hav yet beca considered by committee. Baaator Stacy is sponsoring th bill to eradicate tick. It will require th county eommisaioaer of ths, 21 eoua tie ia th Stat that hav ao cattle quaraatia: lsw to proceed at oaee to establish such euarantiae -aad ma tela it aatU th entire Btate is rid of ticks. Governor Bicktt stated several day ago that h would . reeommead such a meaeara. bat hia rwommeadatioa ha aot yet com to th General As sembly. .. . v" HM PabU Bearing Senator Hortoa'a bill providiag an per cent interest rat oa contract loans instead of the statutory S . per eent west immediately , to Judiciary Commit tee No. I, after djournment, where it was determined to hold a publi hear. ing ea it aext Tuesday afternoon ia the consulting room of the 8uprm court Th nieasare ha bee recommended by th Federal Beeerve Board, Senator Hortoa said... . : . Th flood-gate for aew bills were opened a few minutes after Rev. C. A. Ashby rector of th Church ef th Good Shepherd, had delivered th open ing prayer yesterday morning, aad th staff of page had a busy St minutes rushing them to th reading' clerk' desk from where they wer retained la their turn. Local meararea of tint lit. tie passing interest most of lutm wars. Th first roll call ef th session cam whea Sj B. 11 cam ap for it final reading, and 44 senator answered to their BSmee. Afterward Senator War rea aros to offer a memorial from th Mary lead Geaeral Assembly calling apoa tns nor u Carolina Leaislstnr to . defect . the aaffrag amsadmsnt. Senator Warren said that b would bsve hsv It read at th proper time, and It took it place-amoBg the bills iatro- dued, taking 40 for Ha number. Bt at By-Flay. Th Preeident called th Beaate's ac- tentioa t a stack , af telegrams about a foot high received during the moraine SL4 airectea the clerk to read them to th Benator. Th reading be ran. From all over th country they cams, Impor tuning th Legislature t giv ear ta th suffragists, aad ratify th smend ment : Beading Clerk Breachtaa had progTesecd for per ha pa aa, inch dowa th stark ef yellow sheets whea Bena tor Glidweil, sought recognition. "Mr. President." he remarked drilv. l mov that tha telegrsm be referred to th Senator . from Beaaf ort, Mr. Wa-rea. , ". ". - : - - ..' "Ual there 1 objection the tele grams will be referred to th Senator from Beaaf ott," i ruled Mr. Gardner, sad senatorial dignity was lost for som VOULD INCREASE X ACeatraaI ea Psgs iT).. SUFFRAGE FORCES ?lfl FIRST SCRAP Motion To ! Defer Action On Amendment 'An Tennessee ' Assembly Is Tabled JOINT RESOLUTION IN - HANDS OF COMMITTEES Joint Hearuf To Be Held To night On Batlfleatlon Before . Two7 Committees ; Another Eesolutidn Would Prerent Action of Any 1 Kind; Out y Alders Tarfet of Xesolntion .WILL T0TI ON SUFFRAGI '"" . IN TCNNE88EK FKIUAT Nashville, Tsbsl, Aag. IL Chalr- bub Klddtck, of' the Be mltte a coastHatioaal ttoaa aad amndsaats, to which waa gsfsrtwd today th Joint reaolatloa providiag for ratifieatioa af the Federal wemaa suffrage" amend , meat, aaaeaaesd late tonight that the towr branch f th Teaaseasa Lsgfalatar weald vats mm ratiflca ttoa Fri'day. At th aama tim - Saeaker Todd, ef the Seaata, stated -, that th jipaer Bease she weald act that day. NashvUle, Tenn Aug. 11-Suffrags forces weTa victorious today ia th first skirmish of th battle for ratifieatioa af th federal woman suffrage amend ment by th Tennessee legislator. A joist resolution which had for it ob ject postponement ef aetioa until Au gust 24 ia order that Tennesseean ia mas meetings throughout th state oa August SI might express aa opinion for er against ratification, waa tabled by a vote of SO to' ST" inf th" Hons after 'a debate which at time aroused th mem ber aad th crowded galleries to a high pitch of snthuslssra. Tsaasssss. a perfect thirty-Six, is th slogaa proposed by th suffragists whsa th deck are finally cleared, for aetioa aad debate oa tho resolution be- gins ia sensts aad house. . Referred to Committee. Th Joint ratifleatioa resolutloa la aeh houas was referred todsy to th eommitte - a eoaatitatioasl - soavaa- tions and amendments and it waa sn Bounced thst a joint hearing would bs conducted tomorrow night. t which probably th only limitation as to ar gument would be the length of time graated each speaker. Tentative arrangements earlier la th day were for a hearing tomorrow aight oa th constitutionality . ef aetioa by this legislsturs, aad a aecond hearing next Taeedsy aight oa other phsses of ratification. It was stated tonight, however, thst titer wss a disposition to conelnd th taking of testimony at oa hearing and if possible disposs of ratineatioq by Saturday night. OoBesittoa Get Bust. While the eampaiga ef tbe suffragists waa moving forward rapidly, tbs op position wss squally busy. Represents rive Frank Hall, one ef the authors of th resolution which would hav de ferred action until Inter ia- th mdith said th messur waa not offered ss sn obstruction, but waa a siaeer effort to sound eut th sentiment ef the state at large. Suffragists, however, charged toat it was merely a cog in the Brechin sry of th opposition. Undaunted by it failure, Representative - Story, of wsire county, late todsy introduced joint resolution, which, if adopted, would prevent action either for or against passage or rejection. - Aa effort to suspend ths rules for immediate eon ideratioa failed aad th resolution went Ml, Until htmA?tn . Story BcsolatUe. Th Btory resolution declares that sines ths assembly -ia" regular session last year granted the right ef presi dential and municipsl su Drags to the womea of Tennessee, rati flcation of ths Federal amendment would ivs thsm BO additioaal privileges before 1021 that ther was great doubt as regards legal' Ityraf action br-this- Legislatarejhst the legal talent of the State was di Tided apoa tbs qusstioa of legality aad ". (Ceatiaaed aa' Pag Two) HARDING SPENDS DAY " OF COMPARATIVE QUIET Plays Golf and Attends. Party itJrrortJunjoAjn. Hpnorof . His Brother ' ' Marion, Ohio, Aug. 11. Senator Hard ing had only a few appointments todsy, most ef tbe day being reserved for per sons! and family matters. Be had been invited to a party at Worthington, Ohio,, in honor of his brother, Ur. -Geo. T. Harding, Jr. Clearing his dsk early, ths Seastor left for Columbus shortly after noon by motor for a gams of golf aad oa ths way bsck he stopped st Wsrthlngtoa to joia th party at bis brother's kern. Former Governor Frank B. Willis, who wss a candidate for the Bepublicsn nomination for United States Senator in tbe Ohio primary, yesterday called oa Benator Bardlnsr , this morning. Mr. Willis said bs was leaving todsy for Kansas to make severs! political speeches aad would go from there to New .York, where he would b spaking until ths end of August. , "The primary campaign in Ohio has been very animated," said Mr. Willis, "but ao personalities came in at any time. All the, esadidate devoted them selves 'to ths discussion of issues, and regsrdleei of who is nominated, I don't think ther will be any uncomfortable feeling' anywhere. The party is ia ex cellent condition to bsck th ticket and ther will be no disaffection growing, put eg in primary." , t -v- Will Also Endeavor To Develop Meaning of Announcement That U.S. Will Employ All Available. Means EXPRESSES COMPLETE v -SATISFACTION WITH . THE AMERICAN NOTE " i - ' ' ' '' SBBS-BSSSBSBBBBS.-. , - Polish Council of Defenie Is . . sues Proclamation Warninf Nations That a New World War Hangs Over The World . and Says That If Tha Bol . sheriki Crash Poland, It Win Be Dve To "The Indilference of a World Which Calls Itself Democratic; Speculation As To What Immediate Steps ThU Government Win Take Tin Matter; Xnssians Preis On Washington, Aug. ll-(By Th Asse nted Press.) Pound, it bsck to th WS fa--lte-llghrBgainn1rffevic will aak immediate material aid ef the United States, it wss announced today by Prince Lubormlrskt, tbe Polish min ister. Mor thaa thst, it will seek to develop precisely what th Amerieaa government meant by -the announce ment ia its aot of yesterday to th Italian government that It would m ploy all svsilabls maaa" to maintain free Poland, ' - . Expressing complete satisfaction with tbs Amsrieaa note, the minister de clared he wss convinced thst it would inspire Poland with asw spirit of hope. He added that his sountry ws orely ia aeed of wsr materials of all kinds snd thst it probably would first seek credits from the United State with which to parchsss them. , PracUmattea Mad Pablle. Simultaneously with th minister's announceineBt, th tegstloa made pubUa a proclamation issued by the Polish Council of National Defenss at Wsr ssw, warning th aatioa that a "new world twsr-hangs over th world" and thst if Poland should bs erushsd by ths Bolshsvjki, It would bs dus to "th indiffsrsne of a world which sail it self democratic." V .Copies ef th Amerieaa aot to Itslv, . it waa ssld todsy, at th State Dspart ment, hav beca delivered to th repre- ' iontntlves ef ths allied and associated ' govrnments and distributed to all th sew centers of the world, promising it widest disssminatioa, even in Bussia itself. Diplomat generally regarded the document j hsving three-fold purpo! i 1 It Thre Farpssia, First, th extension of moral sup port to th Polish government, and peopl. Second, sn appssl to ths msssss ia 7 Bussia to throw off the Bolshevik! yoke snd establish a constitutional govern ment. . Third, th influencing of other aa- J tioa to refrain from recognition af th Soviet regim. . laformsl Cenversstlons. 1 Th dispsteh ef th aot to Italy foN lowed a series of informal conversation , that had been ia progress for several wssks between officials of th Stat De- girtment and - th - Italian smbsssy, arly in th dourss pf th nsgotistion ' between tht entente powers prellminsry to the Hythe conference between Pre mier Lloyd-Gsorge and Millerand. th Italian government hsd mad it knowa that under ao circumstances would tt be resdy to enter Into any snean-emont ti go to war with Soviet Bussi. . Having thus by its owa act excluded itself from psrtielpstioa ia the Hvtb conference, the Italian government was said to bar naturally turned towards America as ths ons great powsr asso ciated with Italy ia th wsr which hsd . not psrtlcipated la th dlvisloa of Rus sian territory nor committed itself t hostil act against th Bolshevik!. s Italian T Keep Oat. Ia Italian circles todsv it wss de clared that regardless of the heavy pres. ur exerted . by th Italis Socialist 7 T party and th workman la favor of the . establishment of friendly relation with - tha Bovkt regime, th ItiJ lan govsri- T most had not finally decided apoa a V' Un of policy beyond the determination 1 not to be forced into war with Bus- sis. Whils Italy had sent a som mis- lion to Moscow and wss sbout to re ceive a Soviet eommlssioa in Bom, it wss explained that th purpos ws stm- ' ply to ascertain by original inveatiga- tioa th. exact eonditon prsvsiling la ,' Bussia and that ths Italian 'government -' had not committed itself to a political 4 rennioTr-tiir-LentBridititni! tioa. . All thess matters had been ander in formal discussion between ' th Btate Department and th Italian embassy. which had kept its government inform- cd, and it finally wss concluded thst ths tims wss rip to gather up th vari- . ous phases of ths complex subject la ' ths shspesof a formal note definitely expressing ths position of th Uaited ' 8tates. . Hsv Fsr Rs aching Effect. . In dlplomatie circles her it is x-- pected that ths American note will havs far reaching results upon tbs attitud of many governmenta which- hav aot yet assumed final positions' regarding ths Polish snd Butsian questions. Bom diplomats feel thst even th gders- ments which alresdy hsve discussed th ' subject may find their-future course ss effected by ths position taken bv th United States snd they believe thst th projected London conference, which : wss to hsv dealt with th Soviet dels- gates with ths possibility of polltiesl , recognition of th Bolsheviki hss fsdsd ' into improbsbility. ' ' ,,. . .' Administration officials xDeeted thst ths American sole will elicit a' respoase from th allied governmenta. Thi I based upon the statement in th doea- . ment thst th United States would r. iContlnss4 oj Pag Xwt ' , . ... . -"

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