Kotth Carolines Local skew, ere go ad ay aad probably Monday. ' tw rwt I ."Sara Mara arlra. a a4 ai4 mtaeiaa ainoa cap;. ;1. VOIT'CXI. NO. 43 FORTY PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. G. SUNDAY MORNING. AUGUST 15. 1920 FORTY PAGES TODAY. PRICE: SEVEN CENTS ADOPT KB' PLA11 OF ATTACK UPOII STATE PRIMARY House Leaders About Agreed , On Submitting To . Voters MUCH FAVOlt FOR RETIREMENT BILL Finance Committee Members Befin Work Drafting Ma chlnery For Xedncinf tax J v ttrji Extra Tea Per Cent - ' Heeded ;' Repeal of Absentee Voten Law Wasted Alio i- , -Z Whils ln$rift aad uU leaders eon- t, tinned thtir , respective maneuvers ia Ue ratification Ight ia tha Legialature, any members begaa to turn Ueir at- tentioa . to other problems tha Geaeral Assembly ia aura to grapple with before is leaves Jtaietga. . ". Chief ia interest b tha sew piss ttrnnvlit n A1ina with tfca BMiurel lined (A aboliafc thav Wtata. widt primary.; Democratic leaders of 'thi House said laat Bight that a substi tute bill would bar offered for the ifrowa bill la the Senate aaa ue wear - bill in the HouM submitting the quea- Such a dispositioa of a matter-that la concerning eome or . tne eoioaa heavily will, it to pointed oat, terra the purpotee ia the minds of the abolition- bniI . k. mmmtm tiu ahanln tk - Geaeral Assembly of aajr possible rese- nou irom toe xoias nu nomev - : . ' Lai Bath Paitlea Vote. The ateasare contemplated wooM tubmit to the people thia election the question of abolishing the primary es ' tlrely and substituting therefor the old .convention system of nominating eaadi .dates for district. State aad Congree- ., sional officee, It ia the idea of Ue Bathers sf tl mesrentent-totov two boxea provided for woting , oae for the Repnblieaaa to vote la aad saother for the Dtmoerata to vote la. in una way miM Wa nhlatml tha ehanea for the Bepobliesaa to tasks politleal capital oat or a uemoe ratia icriuanTo which rnijht proro aapepnlar witb . The enbetitttte bill wUl probably be "-' offered ia botk hoaaee Monday erea- lag whea they a) act a I o'eloeh. Bea ator Brewa will probably offer a aob- etitate for hie owa blU ia the Seaate ' while ia the Honae BepraeeatotiTO Will t Veal .will eoaUaoo to wfO the ight - for wiping the primary eyateai off the .1,1. TW, numlaJ ekann ia aader- " itood to bo eatisfeetory to both Meeera. .'rWB aaq nai,.- , - --. iaafiaiaai a lUraaat BIS. There la awith aeatiaioat among mtm - here of both hoaeea, partiealarly amoag the laymea, for tha paaaago of the Btowa bill to retire State Jndgea at eeventy aad ptaee them ea three-quar- lort pny Xor life. TheteTe eome ladiea tl.. V.. ak aatarv llilla taT StatO Ofl- iala and for the 8tate, Depart eat tlerht will be trented geaerooaiy oy tae ' hfiiUton, - The inereaeee mnet bo pro- - aided for at the tpeeial eeaaioa or elee h will be impomible to raiae the eala riei ia time to banefit the effieiala who will be elected ia November, font of the ie eonrtitutioaal of fleere aamed ta the Crwp biU would bo raised to o.OOQ ' . each b4 t ttoray Gcoeral aad the members of the Corporatkia Commia- lion, the Commissioner! of Iaearaaoa, Mrrieultare aad tabor aad Priatiag to 5,000. Jadgee of the Bnpremo Court, .- Mr. Griap would ratoo o 4800.- -While the House It praetieally through lv tk. km nhmlttinr tha tax amead- anti to the voters this fall, there re- vaiu to be writtea aaa Biea ino wvr to be applied UBder the aew Uw revalu ing property. ' - Will Kcesire Extra Tea Per Coat Members of the riaaace committee aaid yasUrday that it U praetieally ' , eerUia that the levy would have to be high enough to absorb- the tea per coat Increase in rerenne which ia provided i. ..ab..ts.ar tiiiL-Prelimlaarr IUI 4J1 M . t framing of the rejeaue od maehiaery " . -- a - - w - - g - aiT - acts lor passage as --iai-. r-"r, T nnthahrr bo doao th time 1 Border to estimate, as correctly ' at prsatleable, the reveBue ueroea v. ...r. Amlinr tram Jaauary, 1921. The Boeds of the aehoolt loeakS larger than anything alie ib wo mwoa drive ea good roads, having boea eoa- - tiaued BBtil January, oaa aiau - . '' eome effect oa the miada of the liiaMlarw1iirrToatt lo IU UaW , Bo far, no bill haa been offered call ing for a committee to make ia iavetti gatioa of tha lease of the A. aad K. C ' railroad how held by the Norfolk South- r..n rmliBai svrmbera Wer- ested i the matter insiat, however, that this resoluUoa wm no lairoaucea w time for passage before th'e close of the special eersioa. Keablkas Agala Wk Bepeat I tessoa and out, the Bepublieaae talh. about the absentee voters' law aad tpeeial er regular session they always - ffer a bill to reaesl 44. Bepreeeatative Herring, of Bam peon, offered bill yoo toTday to repeal thia law. Otherwise there was little SUto busineas proposed by members, due largely to the abeeaee of many who had gone home Friday evo- king for the week-end. Both the House and Senate meet sgaia at eight o'clock Monday evening. Senate la Brief With only SO Senators present at the brief sessioB yesterday morning, bori aess wst confined, by agreement, to bills of locsl import only, and of then a eonsiderablo aumber were ' passed oa - their second and third readings, and a few bills were introduced. The eeejjpn was opened with prayer by Bev. W. W. Feels, pastor of the Eden ton Street Methodist church, and adjourned a half ' boa later to meet again tomorrow sight at a o'eloeh.- . ' ; Not ripple broke the smooth per- iCoaUnaed a rfe Fobs 7 GehemlrrIn Eloquent Appeal . Asks General Assembly to Ratify Durham, Aug. 14. General ' Inltaa a. Carr, detegatMtJargo raoea Vorth Carolina to the Dematiatle National Coavaatiow ta Baa rraarlaeo, nora hie rotara ' kaaw yeeserday aftov a protraot- eel aheeaca, was asked to state h vtewa em tho ratlBcaUea of tho eowal an grace aaaeadmeat, - The ' Gamaral haav hang ha an nawent - najBortar of aajaal auffrago, aad la sewly aaldi t "I havo ahrana been, aad still aaa, la favor of woaaaa tnffrage, and am saafrald to ooaso oat la tho eaa aad aay ae aad to do an U tke apher of aay limited T lnlaeaco to bring it to seas. Not as a nutter of expaaneaey, but of Jostle sad Bight. fee right la right atsco Cod m V, : God, " - Aad right Ua day will win To doabt would be disloyalty. To falter weald bo sis. . Tke time for debate la regard to eevarato BUte actios giving -women ecual aaffrago has Beamed, and tho'anrntin of Urn right by satloatal action la' ears of aeesmpHahaaeat Is tho soar f ataro. ' -"Senator Blmmosa is has recent "That It was generally conceded by leaders of both political parties at tho National Capital that tho pabUo opiates sf Ue world sad of Ula eeaatry bad settled jtao cjaeatlos of eejaal female aaffrago, aad that tke aHlmato ratllcatlos of Ue prop aa ad sat rage aaaeadmeat was laevi -tobeav "Aad for Ue effect It will havo proorklng election I waat seats See kern State to pat it scroop, aad aped ally do I covet for North Carolina that honorable distinction. -"I as clearly of Ue opinion that It weald be eminently wis aad prajpar for tke present Leguleian to ratify tho Amendment. Frankly, I an at a lees to sadaretaad how the Democratic party caa fall sf each action. If party platforsts sr party loaders stoadfor anything. The National platform sad oar State platform declare is favor of ratileatieaj then, as srthodos Democrats, I don't ses what la left for as to as. "Tke votes of oar wise President, la the Nation, end 4ho voteo -of ssr popular Governor, the leader of tho DoBMcratle warty Is Ue State, advise rati Acs tlon. "What jsstiscatloa can tho Destocratle party plead for repudiating our platform obligations and ssr recognised leaders T Vho platform sf tho party should rightly bo regarded ssr Ark sf tho Covenant, sad " no man chUmlsg to bo s Democrat should lay vtoleat heads spas U. -Fallow Democrats, It la safest ssd beet to abide la tho ship, for It sill prove aa evil day. when the crew repudiatea the votes of Ue sailing master aad deport frost the Inst met ions written ta the chart. Ns sua la s aafe counsellor whs wtlL The party's platform m the party's chart. "Sloe the party hue proven Ha "against the negro male voter, I am heads of tho fomalea. Some of ss at least have sot gone ssywhoro sines tho Vrliana' daya sf INs, aad claim to he doiag bnmnoas st Us eld stand and profess to hnow sow. I reepactfally arga Ue asembers sf Uo Geaeral Assembly, lrraapac. . ttvo of party aaTlllatioBS (both parties is Uelr pUtferms favor sejnel esarngo) on the grosad sf Jnstiee, fairs aaa, morality aad statesmanship, , and hacaaaa It la everlaatlagly right, to oslso thin extraordinary eppor. tusity to ratify the ltth Amendment, nnd thus signally honor tho State IU Ue eyas of dvtUaed aaaahlad. Leostolee, this Is my faith snd, principle, and, God haloing me, I ess advise no ether." ; - v; POLISH DELEGATES To join Bolshevik! For Peace Conference ; RedsApproach- ing Warsaw ..'.''-"' ' . v -J rmr Tba Faliah seses delegates. ks ta meet Bolshevik teproseBts- Uves to discuss aa armisties and peace. left st dawa wis morning lor miw. where Us conference is to bo held. The string of automobiles carrying the i,kha atrcaaaad ant of Ue CaDttal jiiat as day wat breaking.' They are echedulcs to pass the rronuer oast Siedles before T o'etoek, where they will maat Bolshevik offleers. who will eondaet theta to MlBsk Seme of Ue delegates hsvs not boea la had far two oishta. A slcht's prepa- natioa, with conference held up to Ue last moment st various bureaus, pro ceded Us start.: ' ' r Much baggage ws takes by the dele gates, la addition to Ue records snd reference books. Packages of food, enough for aa extended stay, if neces sary, ware elao carried. General listowskl heeds the military experts, while among ths diet members of Uo party la BUsialas Grabski, the aational democratic lender. : A oorrespondent - of Ue Aesoclatoa Press and another correspondent ' ao- companiod Ua party. FIGHTING BEING BBOUGHT" NKAKEB TO THE CAFITAL Waranw. Aar. M. (By Ue Associated Press).TTha front it being gradually brought nearer Warsaw. Before flatur tb dawn, artillerv flashes were viai- blTallisTmrlEtottai "tar UioWlf'snd sorthesst sad at times tke Dark si ess bob eould ho hoard. People es roofs of Ue highest bolidings watched Ue geaeral flashes until Us early hours,,, - Today's communique concedeo that the Poles withdrew further in tha center ef Ue Warsaw front, asserting it wss for Uo purpose sf regrouping soldiers who had fallen back poa Ua def esse lias less than 19 kilometres out.,, .. ' Cavalry men A Menace. - But sves mors serious tha a the ap proach ia that direction, according to obsemfrs, is Ue situation ' sorth west of Warsaw, where some tJSOO Bed cavalry men are making rapid progress toward Uo Vistula- The cavalry's right flank, which follows Us wing of Ue Prussian frontier, has bees reinforced by Bed infantry soldiers, whs have . requi sitioned Ue pennants' horses sad ere following elossly upon the heels of Ue cavalry division. -" - The Poles say that Uars is ss ess nee sf Us Bolshevist crossing Us Vistuls, eiUer below or above Warssw, sa th( K amis ns hsvs bees doing habitually for 200 years ia taking Warssw from Ue west, aad that all precautions-1 tsete tactions have bees taken. Bety On Coantor Blow. It is estimated H will requirs several daya before Ue Beds from the north west roach Uo river. Meantime, Ut newspapers eontisos confident that a counter stroke will bring Us results desired to free Warssw from immedi ate danger. The Beds, however, are I. ICoatlased ss ftga Twsl DEPART FOR I -1 GENKKAL JULIAN 8. CASK Interview sayat oa she NaUenal ticket is tho ss- the leader sf tho Democratic party ability to preserve whits sapremaey - content to risk Uo franchise ia Ue Polish Industrial Association Taken Over; No l&pre Clos Ings Likely Boston, Aug. I'L Amursnee that Jio further . bsak closings are "likely as- a result ef .the collapse of the flnaaela dealings of Charles Pons! ' was gives tonight by Joseph Q. Allen, StaU bank eommtssioner. ......... Ia respoBse to repeated inqoiriet,' Us commissioner said, "I again itate that the Hanover Trust Company fend Ua "Polish Industrial Aasoeiation ere the only banking lnatitutio.. . Is New England knows to be in any way af feetod by the Ponxi failure." The Polish Iaduetrial Association, eoBdneting s private bank, steamship ageaey, and other accommodations for immigrants, ' was token ov .' by the commissioners today. Hour)' . H. Chmielinski, president of the sssoeis- tios, slto ia president of the Hanover Trust Compsny, closed by the eommls- sirnsr earlier ik Uo weeks Mi. Allen sei.l that sffaira f the two. institutions were hopeleeely intevwovea, that Ue Polish amociatioa. had exhsuater prae-tieally-aU of -its-cssh, ssd rthat Its loaaa were either bad or of doubtful value."' Ns bondsmen were forthcoming" to day for Ponxi, or for the three 0" rs ef the Old Colony Foreign 'Exchange Company, the "100 per cent is six montha concern, who wtrs arretted yesterday. - Ponsi remained is Us M lilesex county Jail st East Can Mdicessi,, '.! . ifetJbmssbi&m. llT'Briihrwell, Baymoad Meyers sad FwdMeyere---T- Us Oharlee street jail. Samuel Zors, ss sgent sf Us foreign exchange company, wat re leaned ia 12KK. bonds. . ' ' reflnite clarification of Ponsi's tangled affairs ia looked for if p.ti tione for receivers for his Bveuritlet Exchange Company are granted by Ue Federal Court A hearing will be given oa 'heat petitions next Tuesday fore noon. : r-: s--i--rr Bankruptcy petitions were ' filed agaisist Ue Old Colony Fo.ciga Ex change Company today. i.anch officee ia several New::J:Bgland netttei-wert eloeed by county suthorltlea, . Tbs officee of Attorney General 1. Weatoa Allen st Ue state house were crowded throughout the lay with note- koldert of the Been ritiee Exchange Company snd the Old Colony Foreign Exehacge Cominy. - Their names "and particulars as to Ueir notes - .-re taken. Many of Us visitors : were greatly excited, aad voiced angry demands for the return of Uo money which Uey had t.veated. Prssentation of thees Botes already has - disclosed -Hiabilttioirou Ponxi'l eompany to Us extent e" tZfiOflOO. A larre aumber of Botes tent by mail have not yet been examined. The at torney general's office will be kept opes tomorrow for further work in this eon aeetioa. . , Ths possibility of drShakenp la Ue police department ss a result of Ue bursting of the Jronsl nnsneisl bubble iContiaaod os ags two, -iL , SECOND CLOSING IN INSK PONZI CASE OCCURS MULAHO CHARGED V'THVRECKINGOF ilE Editor Varnel Files Suit Against R. Baxter McRary, ead o negro oroer.-. SUIT FOR DIVORCE ALSO FILED BY NEWSPAPER MAN " AasBBHnamawaajna While Plaintiff In Oases Away - Oa Buiineis In If ew York, - Citisens of Town Claim They . found . Prominent , Kejro ' Leader In Basement of Kdl tor's Homo There Lexingtos, Aug, le8ult for 100, 000 damages hat been died la Superior Court hers against B. Baxter MeBsry, a mnlsit with, lsrgs holdings here aad elsewhere, who for years haa posed as a moral spUftsr sf hit race ssd whs has bees for s aumber of yes re Grand Mastsr sf Ue segro Masonic Lodge, The grounaf complstnt It that MeBsry deliberately eoughV to sad succeeded is wrecking Us domestic life sf H. B. Varner. Us plaintiff, by invading Mr. Vsrner s home during hit absssee. UU taehment has boea rua against all taa gibls holdings of Us defendant Uat caa bo discovered. jl-T- While MrrTsmer wat ia New Tork Monday night ss one of a committee ef Bias representing Us motion picture exhibitors of Us aatioa ia nn impor tant conference wiU large meties pke hire produce ra, MeBsry was taken from nnderneath Ue floor . ef Us Vamer horns between 12:30 ssd 1 o'clock Tues- day morning. Being informed Uat Me Bsry had entered Uis homo by stealth oa previous occasions while Us husband was away, a number of citisens set a watch and saw MeBsry enter the premises shout 10 s clock, ' f. Order Mulatto to Loevo. : : - Guardi were placed around Ue lot aad a search msds sf ths hoses with nobody found. Soma of Us eitisena re. stained aad continued Ue sesreh, a spotlight locating MeBsry, whs had evi dently entered the basement apoa hear ing Uo first alarm, crawled out ef ths basement sad. made his way under Us floor toward Us front of Us house. The miscreant waa taken front his hid ing place- and gladly took advantage of aa opportunity to spend Us sight ia Jail. ' ' . - ;' . v Most sf Uoes whs knew sf Us eri- rinai search had tone homo and but a few were -present when McBary was round. Early Tuesday morning promi sent eitisons hold a -harried -eoaf create and delegated Mayor J. T. Pedriek to unur too nui,Hs a message mat 11 as valued his personal safety hs had bet ter Jeavs tows without daisy, snd fur- I-" - aw. w. wis ..wimw WW mw tnav thai r aa Mtnnui h. is peril. .Where hs hst gsss is sot aennuety known here but it is believed he Is sow at a long distance from Uis plsea' ;7-.: r'";-" " Mr. Varner was reoueeted ta ratarn immediately from Now Tork and upon arrival hers he waa acquainted by hit friends with the Jituatioa, of which hs wst totally saawAs. Upon arrival he went to a hotel snd conducted a search ing investigation. Following thia he remainea at MO Bote! until after his wife, who is a astivs sf Kentuckv. had left Thursday evening to join her motaer. v ' Suit for absolute divorce has bees be gss by Mr. Vsrner. It will bs allesed in Ue complaint Uat oa Uo eceaaioat walls Mr. Varner was away from hit noma at nights his wifet companion wst s negro woman servant about 63 years old, rather hard of hearing. It will also bo alleged that this servaat't room was upstairs ssd the waa accus tomed to retire early sad usually slept sounaiy. Incident Stirs Tows,' Nothing that hat occurred ia this town aad county, where sausua eeear-reneee-are, rather frequent, hat to ttirred the people here aa thia. Ex pressions of loyalty and sympathy from hundreds hivs poured is on Mr. Varner since hit return home regardless of previous fsetional differences. ' Cruihed y the deplorsble- occurrenee Uat hat suddenly sundered a home of about twenty years, be hat stated to friends that hs will continue to devote hit time to hit newspaper and business interests and his duties at chairman of ths State prison sad la variouo official capacities ia connection with tha motion picture exhibiting industry. - The influential local law firms of Raper and Baper, Phillips and Bower, Wrsws-Trad " Wfitheisr JfBT MeCrary and J. F. Sprulll repreaentMr. Var ner t Interests in Us pending litigstios thst is to bs the outcome of the dis closures of tht week. . , CROWD TRIES TO RUSH ; DUBLIN CASTLE GATES Dublin, Aug.' 1. (By The Associated Press.) Dublin was arouaed at - -9 o'clock tonight by heevy firing ia the vicinity of Dublin cattle, ths result of a crowd attempting to ruth ths cattle gates.' (Soldiers fired over ths people's heads and there were a few? revolver shots from tbs crowd. No oas waa in jured. - ' ': ;' - ; The trouble sUrted when a crowd saw a aumber ef soldiers of Ue Lancashire fusilliers, who they believed shot a boy aimed Farrcll during Ut recent riots In Ua city. The soldiers were pursued to Ue esstlt gates. Th firing lasted tea minutes. '' " . Later wlid rumors were cJreslsted-4s the city greatly exaggerating Us affair. GET j40,iMe WOBTH OF JEWELS FBOM SAM METZGEB'S, HOME Asbury, Park, N. J- Aug. 14V-Jewels valued at nearly $40,000 wers stolen last sight from s safe ia Ue residence of Bamusl Metxger, aa official of the Guggenheim Corporation,, while the family wat out, it became knows today. The thieves overlooked s number, of securities ia ths safe, which wst open ed, police say, by soma on who under stood Ue eQmblsa.Uon, -' ... LEXINGTON I, mm CUES HIS ATTACK 01 1 , POLICY OF G.O. P. SENATORS Says They Are Trying To "An nex ' The Presidency To iTheir OomliuitioaVW MAKES TWO SPEECHES AT WHEELING, WEST VA. amnaawawaennnwasm -;' Declared Eepnblican Senatorial Kinr Wants To Make Got ernment Affair of Their Own and Hot of a Bepf blican President; Urg-e The People . To "Stop, Look and Listen" Wheeling, W, Va, Aug. lw Oovsrssr Cox today threw , hia force lata Uo preeldoBtial campaign wiU Ave speeches hew ssd through Ohler Bls6 flaying what hs termed ths BepubUcsa reactionary eeadidate and loaders, aad eupporting tho League sf .vstioss aa tha nramier Domoeratie eauee. Tht Democratic candidate - stormea ths Benubliess position, attacked Ue "senatorial oligarchy," which, hs said, waa twins -to sdd Us presidesey to its domination; denounced prepoenls4 for a separate peace with Germany st pe fldy,6 sad emerged -that -"a few men wers banded together trying to buy Uo presidency. Mill! ens . upon millions of dollars, Governor Cos added. are being takes ia Uo Bepnbliess campaign fuad. ' That Senator Harding, ue pubu- caa nominee, ia surrounded by a sena torial "ring waa asserted by Gover nor Cox. The Democratic , nominee added, ia a fling at Uo Hsrdisg front porch campaign, Uat he. eould not bo "kept muxxled" oa his frost porch by any- risg. 7-; - Big Campaign Day It was Ue first big day of palgnlng sadertakes by Us Demoerstis candidate. Motoring -from Columbss early Uis morning, ho made Urea, brief addressee earoute st Kaaeevllle, Cam- bridge. aad St. Clairsvills, Ohio: ad dressed Us West Virginia Domoeratie ooaventioa late today, aad S big public meeting tonight on Us river frost. All Urosgh Ohio ho was gives isforaisl receptions, waring st groups gathered at almost every village, many gay with flags, aad shaking hsada with hun dreds. Ths league was foremost is all sf Us Governor! addressee, . Ths Bepub- lieaa leaders, he eharged, are behind s Smoke Screes sf hypocrisy doc , ess thiag pais sad (Im pie, sdstia 1st retinal spoils,'' He also strsosd what ha de clared wat the flght bet wees Uosary Bepaleaaisai ; sad rprogres aive Democracy' -and- predicted hit eleetioB. r- All of Us Governor f referesees to ths league we -, high place ia apple ase. Kees FslU WIU H 'The outetsading question of , the campaign,'', he said to: Ue Stats coB- veBtioB," hi whether wo are sr ere act going to keep faith wiU Us hoys whs died ia F ranee.? Declaring Uat ths league is a plsdge to those who died, Governor Cox told of hit recent visit with president Wil ton." " "I Wish every Amsriess eould have bees with ate," hs said. -The free dent's whols Uought is Uat he gave a premise to Us mothers of the. nation whea hs ssked thent for Ueir boys sad hs waste to live loag eaough to tee Uo faith kept aad Uat pledge ful- filled.- Tbe governor declared Uat Ue league aleo wat s pledge which "will make war impossible, or praetieally so." Ths Be publican leadership, ho said, wat acting in partisan "bad faith"" in opposing it. Governor Cox added Uat hs had Ue "highest personal regard'' for Senator Harding, bat -wat against Ue "party Urn." . . Lodge Heada Oligarchy. Governor Cox named Senator 'Lodge, of Massachusetts, ae the head of ths "senatorial nligarehy. Whit; ths Mae- saehusetta Beaator proposed compromis tng :ths .trestr ; reaervations, Governor Cos said. Senator Borah, ef Idaho, aad Johnson, of California, "served notice that they weald bring nbout n rupture of the BepubUcsa party." The Bepub- licaa platform, therefore, Governor Cox asserted, waa "ambiguous aad meaning- lees." 1 In euds-elinc the proposal for s sepa rate peace wiU Germany," Governor Cox said it earns direct from Beaator Hs "But he will sever be gives ss op portunity to make a eeperate peace wiU Germany. There will ber aone, because I will not mtke one, "If you are for poses with ecoaomjee by reduetioa ia great armaments," hs continued, "support Uo governor of Ohio. -If you sre for war eaa want expeaeo for armament to eentiaaa vote for ths Senator -xrom unio. i Fregraeelvs Adlsstmest- Tas aeeeaeity foe "progressive'' nd Juatment Was emphaeiaed by Governor Cox, who declared at St, ClairsvUle, that a reedjuetment "uader reactionary aus pices" eould not wis popular confidence. Peace or, war, economy or conunuea exnense." 'was the sloeas ho gave. ,-Tne Dentoeratis candidate else point ed to hie guernatorial record and de clared that never, during bit adminle tratlon, had "a soldier fired a shot to settle a ttrise is onto. "Aad atk capital if ita property was not nroteeted. he challenged. '"Ask labor if its rights wsrs aot upheld. Aeh Ue courts if Us Isws wers sot enforced snd lives ssd property protected." Governor Cox alto ehsrgeo; pexors too State convention that plans already have bees laid "to emasculate the Fed oral reserve set," which hs interjected, the Bepublican leaders fought for Wall 8treet Interests. ;-. , Is Gives Ovstlos. ; Ths Governor received an ovation at he satored Ue Market Street audi torium, where Ut Bute eoavestios was sitting sad wat cheered repeatedly dur- .Cpntipatd sa page Two.) -.Jn. SECRETARY OF NAVY- IS QUICK TO RESENT WILLIAMSON CHARGE CRIME TO SUPPORT SUFFRAGE, HE SAYS W. Hi Williamson, of Raleigh, senas Telegram To Tennes see Legislators - Nsshvilla. Toss, Aug. 14. Aatl rati- fi cation headquarters mads public today a telegram from W. H. Willismsos, preaident ef tts-fitsts Bights League sf North Carolina, declaring Uat suf frage would be defeated is thai State. The message follows! "We ere going to wis la spits of pressure from tts- Wlits House, from Daytoa. Ohio.' and from tha TTaltad dutes 8enaU aad the Secretary ef Ue Navy. The will of Ihe people of our 8tstee muat be the law. If tka crime I h perpetrated 1st it sot bs laid st the door of either North Carolina or her daughter, Tennessee. ' Fight to tho last ditch, and then some.' .' SPEAKER WALKER ANSWERS MESSAGE FBOM PRESIDENT a saasssanasnaaew 0 y Nashville, Tssa4 August 14 Beply ing to a message from President Wil son expreesing the hope that Ue Tenn essee house would ratify Us suffrage amendment "in Uo interest of na tional harmony and vigor snd sf Ue establishment of Ue leadership of America la aU liberal policies.' Speaker Beth Walker telegraphed, Ue chief executive that ths President wat "too greet to ask it aad he did sot believe tho men of Tennessee would "surrender honest convictions for po- hticej expediency e harmony Mr. Walker told Ue Preaident he did aot attempt to expreee ths opinion of ether members of ths houee, but spoke for himself alone, declaring thst hia views sb Us nmendment wers eon tmry to UoeS of Mr. Wilson. Ths speaker is ths leader of Ue op poeitioa in the house and tho suffrage iats hsvs regarded hit influence aa sne of Us most difficult obstacles to over come, Although many members sf ths ss- oembly were spending - Us week-end st their hornet, pro tad -anti-suffrage workers-today continued their cam paign among Uess whs . remained ia Nashville. BoU "the - Senate, which ratified Ut ameadment yesterday, and ths hosts, wers ia adjournment until Monday afternoon. Oemmlttes- Meets Monday. - Ths Hoses committee in charge of Ue euffrags resolution la scheduled to meet Moaday sight to eoasider the measure sad s report It expected Tuesday morn ing. It waa rumored last night an at tempt to bury the resolution ia com mittee might be made by Ue opposition, but various members of this faettoa said today Uey did aot expect aueh a mors. U a report w made Tues day, it It laid, debate on s motion for adopt ioa or rejection probably would begia at once. Many members have signified Ueir intention , of speaking aad a veto before Wednesday was .not expected snleet a sight aesaioa should bs srrsaged." '-""'T Both sides still were confident of vic tory. Several opposition leaders said tedav tha were eertaia sf slight ma jority, but the suffrage advoeatea JttiU !, that, ni 1 1 nr Trnm iu 10 ou, Fifty Wotes sre accessary for rstiflca- ties. " Tale tram Frsen WQllamaon. Anti-ratification forces made public tndav a talee-ram received from W. H. Williamaon Dresident of tho - State's Bights Defense League of North Caro lina, amine Us Tennessee force to "flint to Ue last ditch aad then some.1 The satis snnearea eontideraoiy nearv- eeed by tte North -Carolina league a predMbea of 'etory- It ia reDorted es eapitol hill Uat aa soos as tbo aaffrago fight is finished, many of Ue legislators will furl their teats aad return to Ueir homos, leaving the hundred odd local bills to go to seed for lack of a quorum. MINERS SUBMIT DEMAND FOR INCREASED. WAGES Coal Workers of Indiana, Ohio, ;Ttirv,estrPertn:T syhrania InTolyed-- Clevetand, Ohio, Aug. 11. represent atives of Ue minora os the joint scale committee of misers aad operators of Uo central competitive bituminous coal field. Ohio. Indiana. Illinois an. West ern Pennsylvania, at a joint conference tonight, submitted to Us Operators a 4 J Head for a supplemental eestree eall-ina- for a waca Increase ef $3 per day to all day aad monthly laborers and an increase of 10 cents per ton on both pick and f 'achins mining, both re troactive to Auguat, J. WIFE OF ROSEMARY MAN IS DEAD IN RICHMOND Biehmoad, Vs, Aug. 14. Mrs. ' TU-' liam F. Homer, aged 01, wife Sf a bIUt North . Carolina plaster of Boeemaiy. N. C died this afternoon at 3 o'clock la Stuart Clfds HespttsVifiis city. Fuseral Monday rt 10:30 o'clock st Headeraou, NC ' '.":. .1 ' POPULATIONS OF TAR - HEEL TOWNS ANNOUNUbU Washington, Aug. -14. The Censot BureaST tonight announced the popula tions of several North Carolina towns. The places are: .'..! Kiss's Mountain. 00: Shelby, 3,- 0 Bessemer City, r,178j Cherry rille, 184; Lowell, 1,151 8 MeAdamtvUle, I,- jl2j Mount Holly, tjfiOi Dssa, ffiOS. f AWTI S TELEGRAM BlIGS- RETORT Daniels Cannot See "Crime" In Promoting Party Platform . On Suffrage ; - "tf: SAYS STATE SHOULD - RATIFY AMENDMENT Secretary ' Spendinf Day lja Baleigh On Personal ' Bnsi neis Finds Telegram That Stirs Him To Action; .. Re states Position On Woman Snffrafe Coming horns ss , whally--yiriSs'iT business yesterday, wlth'ne thought of adding to what he had already said ia behalf of suffrage lor women, sad with - , as, thought to bring suffrage pressure spoa any) member of , the General As semblyr6eeretary of the Navy Jotephut Danielt wat thowa a telegram aent by w. u. , Williamson, a Baleigh sottoa manufacturer, that called from him a sharp retejrt, sand s re-stateraeat of - bis poeitioa os tuffragt. :. -The-WUliamioa telesTsm was direet."" ed to Us Tennessee rejeetloaistt, de claring that "we sre going to win, de- - spite preaurs zrom ths Whits House, from Dayton, snd. from ths United 8tatet Senate ssd the Secretary of Us ' Nsvy. If this crime it perpetrated, let it not be laid at ths door of either North Carolina or her daughter. Tea sessee." s , - : Secretary -Tunisia waa keenly reeeat- -ful of Ue ehsrge that ht, ths Presi dent, ana 'toe next Preaident, Gover nor Cox." w-re endeavoring to perpe trate s 'crime' in Nsrth Carolina, aad gave vigorous .-spressioa to his resent ment, caught ia a mood to talk of suffrage when ha had Jitended to re turn to . Washington without further utterance, ho re-stated hit attitude to ward Ue entire movement, ssd Us sr gumeat of "expediency" that hat corns ' forward during the pat. few weeks. Visits Ceneral Assembly Mr. Daniels arrived early yesterday" mornlng--front Washington, aad will return to Ue capital late tonight. Dur iag the morning h. with Mra. DaaUls; wat at the eapitol for s chert while, where joth irreeted msnv , frinia .. smong ths members of ths General At-eenbly;- His-rltir Wat entirety Inf or msl. During Ut afternoon hs attended to a volume of persona: matters, and la the evening waa ths gueit of friends. Ths Secretary is confident thst Tes sessee' will ratify the Amendment snd feels Uat North Carolina should do ths tame thing. Of outeids pressure, ' f " sad M thor oughly tatlsfled to leave the dlapositios of the question of ratification to Us good tense of the members. Hs gym pathliet with the yiews of ttos who oppose it, but believes that Uey will consider Ut question i its Urger ss peete when they come te the decision. Secretary Danl.U SUtemeat The. leeretery'i itatement follows. -I am quits surs that Mr. Williamson eaa wholly ignorant of the meaning ef Ue word 'crime' whea he assumed President ef Us Doited States, Us Democratic nominee for President of the United. tSetee, who will bo sleeted is November, the United States Bes sie, Ue Secretary of the Navy, one thousand delegates to Nstioiial Demo rratis convention, and an overwhelm ing majority of Ue people of Uo Unit ed States.- Webster's dictionary defines crime at as omlaeion of a duty commanded, or ths aommissioB of an set forbiddea? -IT includes 'all grades of public of-' fences, which to Ue common Jaw are -often elasaified at treason,- felony; or " misdemeanor.' "There is, of course, s difference of '' opinion smong good citisens a. ta womsn Bsffrrs, but to characterise mote who fsvor It as guilty of trying to perpetuate a 'crime1 is aa nnm.M at it would bo unjustifiable to make auch seentatlns against its opponents. 1 trust Mr. Williamson will not present ;?F' "JL nesd jur..fas.la. alCtinent Zfhe should anrfrtk snou nsve ut puntsncd, the epectaels would be witnessed of s few Uonssnd Ameri cans seeking to place the ttigms of - criminalt upon over one hundred miilln. - citizens of America who In legal eon- inutionai ways nave kept step with ' world prcarreas by favoring s lawful method of asking women to share with ' mea Ue duties of eitixenahio. An1 If jailt enough should be created to In- " careerate all of ua who wiah to pcrpe- " " iraio mis crime, 11 would Involve such a large burden upon Ue tax-navere Uat , Mr.- Williamson and ' other taxoavera . would, be the fl ret to complain of Ut increased tax involved. No "Preeeare" Brought v, 4 "Mr. WUliamson says that tha Prnal- dent, Ue next President, Ue Senate and tho Secretary of the Navr hav n.ad 'preaaure' in. the 'perpetration' of a 'crime.' It will be newt to the North Carolina legislators that I have sought -to put 'preaaure' on them. At a eiti ren ef North Carolina. I have for. manv years advocated three great measures: . rljProhibition of, Uo liquor traffic oC every foot of ground ia ths United States. - -' . 3. ' Prohibition of ehild labor la any factory within Us" borders of Ue Unit ed States. .;,.. '9. ' The ' full enfranehltement of every woman, upon the same termi as Ue franchise is granted to men. "Sines Wilsos was inaugurated I have teea two ef Uess great reforms enacted tad confirmed by the Supreme Court, snd before Us close or hi ' - CoaUaaed os f ags Fosr4. T

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