NEWS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH N. C THURSDAY MORNING. AUGUST 19. 1923 04 ' - REPORTS FEATURE J New Bern People Greatly Dis turbed Over Retaining Con: V crete Shipyards ' " ' : ' , . , . , 'K Xcw Bern, Aug. 1$-Tb aceoad day tseaUa of th SOth. uiid 8Ut council TZr-v r Tui 7 i.-T 7-v.n' of the-Juaior Ordrr TJalted -American ateenantes, wnien convenes, aero ear. waa featured by tha tubmlailoa af " reports of th work don, during 'th jest year aad a discussion of plain for . tha coming twelv month. Wilmington and Ashevilla ar both akla( to teeurs th next council tad th odd ar ia favor of Wilmington, thla to b decided tomorrow. Th Selection of oOeeri for the ensuing -"year It & (aid, will not be mad untii near midnight, if by that tim and it ia poaiibl tbtt thi will not b don . before tomorrow, ... . : ... . - lb. Eliabeth Adam, aged 73, died bar at aa -early hoar today. Bh wa th mother of William Adams. Kw Bern teem to b having a hard tim la eiaehing It con ere t building 1 ahipyard aad tha folk her ar mor ap ia th air aboat it today thaa vr aad ther if a sneaking belief that eomwhr somebody U attempting to . pat something ever os th town and to tak) hard away. Countless delegation it ba to Washington to confer with Senator Simmon and Other ia regard te th awarding of contract to th loaal yard and (till thr 1 no atis faction fro Waahington or from tha management of tha line. Business men met hr twiea today to discus th ait aatloa aad te aak th hipbnllder( - what they aonght and if ther 1 any way af reUining th plant and build ing tlx million dollar worth of hlp here, thi being the valu of th eon- tract In question. New Bern folk in tead te bring AhU' about. SENATOR HARDING SENDS MESSAGE TO MR. DUNCAN Beaufort, Aug. 18. Many letter and telegram of lympathy from all part af th country hov been eoming here to E. Carl Duncan, who baa heeu criti cally ill for the rt week. One ro wired tonight from Warren O. Hard ing wa parUeularly gratifying 10 air. Duncan. II regard it aa a tribute to ' hi life long devotion to the Uepulili eaa party and to hia country. Tha message readi: "Marion, Ohio, Aug. JS. To Hon. E. C. Duncan, Beaufort, N. O, Newspaper aeeountsof yourill aea bar diatreaaed m mor than I ran tell you. Please accept my earnest ympathy and hope for your complete aad early recovery ia which I know your friends all over th country will join. Signed, Warren 0. Harding." Although (till deaperately ill, Mr. Duncan aceated mueh brighter today thaa aiual. He talked and joked with those about hi bedsid with hi old tim friendlineaa and good nature. FRANCE IN ACCORD WITHu.S.ATTITUDE (Contiaaed front Pag Oaa.) ela, that th Bolshevik! bad shown that they "strictly adhere to obligation!" fend that if they promised to protect the United Bute "ngslnst agitation of th Third Internationale, all our rep reeeatatiTM will rigidly fulfill thi plrdg,' "X do not suppose,'1 aaid Mr. Colby, "that ifr. Tchrtcherin ha superseded laraine the authoritative spokesman af Soviet purpose. The actual worda of famine ar i very harp eentrast to th utterance iff til foreign miniiter. Qaot N'tkoUl Lenin. "Said Lenloe before the council of tha people' commissaries during the negotiation upon the-. Prinkipo confer ences V "I. have never hesitated to torn to term with bourgeoia government when by. aa doing I thought I could weaken the bourgegaie. TI10 time haa now come for na to eonclnde a aecond Brest Litovtk, thi time with the entente. We mnat make peace nut only with the entente but alio with Poland, Lithuania 'and the Ukraine, and all the other force which ar oppoalng u in Ruaaia. W must be prepared to mnke every coaeenioa, promiie and aaeriflce in or der to entiee our foea into the eonelj ioa of thi peace. We ahull know that we have but concluded a truce permit ting ue to complete I our reparation! for a deciaive unalaught which will aa tur our triumph.' Want Uafavorabl Peace. "Ia the tarn connection on February t, 1919, Zinoviev, the intimate asaoeiate f Lenine and Trotzky, aaidt " 'We ar willing to aign an uafavor abl peace with the allien. It wald onlv mean that wa (hould put no trait whatever ia th bit of paper we ahould aiin. We ihould uae the breath tag a pell to obtained in order to gather ear atrength in order that too mere continued uiatence of ur government would keep up the world-wide props . ganda which Bovjet Ruaaia haa been earrvina on for more than a year.' 0a another oeeaaion be is reported by Mr. Lincoln Eyre to have aaid: "Our propaganda ayatem la ea atrong aad a far reaching a ever. The Third lateraatljnala ia primarily an inatru ant of revolution. Thia work will be " continued no matter what happens, lenlto ar llletally. The Boviet govern treat may pledge ittclf to refrnla fro-n trapaganda abroad Dut tn jniru in trmational, never.' . Turther- comment tipon. Mr. Tchit thrin'( statement would aecra t be 1 tiBneeeacary." . SOUTHERN ANNOUNCES NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE Elfeetiv Baadar Auguat 12, th aekodnl f the Bouthera' Ballway eta teagtr traiat No. IS and 16 operat bg betweea talaigh aad Greenaboro rill b changed with No. IS leaving Raleigh at 7 a. m. ana arriving ia OreanabOT at 10:80 a. m. Xraia Jt l wiU leav Oreaabora . si 1:50 p. m. aad arriv Raleigh tt :10 p. m. Th aehedal of No. 139 will be changed o aa to leave Baltigh U 4iM p. wu tha bw tim of No. 16 . aad riv direct eonnaotioa from anm ' ttr if arriving at preeabro 1:3 J a. m. from all point bttweea Greena- - bora aad Raleigh, "r--- -t PERFICTION. Hertford' Aeid FhosDbata la eold water aad fruit jniea makct a Irink af la )wit pwpriaysdv4 , UfllOR MEETING House Still Has Opportunity To Rescind Action; Steps To Test Legality Already Taken ' (Centinaed frees Page One.) , ' thif measure goes wherit belongs, to th table" - Iastaataaaosw Uproar. Instantly the Chamber wa ia aa ap roar. Suffragists elaaiored for recog nition wIill choral of "second th aiotloa' earn from th entie. J Mr. Overton, howsver, refused to recognise anyone aad ordered th roll ealL The rote waa aeek aad aack rae aad at conclusion "-y puto, , ..,. who h,d kept i tally, bad total or 49 la favor 01 I motion and 47 against It Aa equal tha or greater number declared the vote was 48 to 48 and an appeal to tna eiera developed that hi tally also showed a tie". ' ' Pandemonium, reigned, member leav ing their teat aad crowding around th peaker's atand,- many demanding another roll call, other declaring it Hancery. , M w Pve-n,,.wlio..,,oe-enpied th ebair during th remainder of tha aeioa, managtd to reatore order aad instructed tha clerk to proceed with teeea4 rail eali ia truer that ther might be no doubt Th second ballot showed a tie of 48 to 48 and the speaker declared the motion lost for want of a majority. - - A Cracial Moment 1 , Instantly th anti-tuffragiata de manded a vot oa th original motion te eoneur ia th Senate action. It wa a crucial moment. Th motion to table had jurt been loot through a tie vote, and if the oppoalng' force held to gether and another tie reaulted, it meant rejection of - the amendment. When th Bpeaker put the motion hun dred of tuffragiat regarded th battle a lost. Th vote at th outaet waa on parti san lines, but whan the nam of Rep resentative Harry T. Burn, Republi can, of McMiun county, was called he voted "aye." Th oppoaitlon then vir. tually concede! df cat, for Mr. Burn had toted with them to table the reio lution. and hia change gave th suffra gists th needed majority. Turner Votes "Aye" The stand of the members was un changed, aathe clerk ran down the liat until the name of Representative B. P. Turner, Democrat, of Gibson eounty, waa reached. Mr. Turner passed, and irmtantly Ihere waa a shout of satisfaction rom the antis. He had voted against the motion to table, and hia failure to vote on ratification bal anced - the loaa Incurred through Mr. Burn's vote for the amendment. The pleasure experienced by the antis was slsort-llved, however, for Mr. Turner, just before the end of the roll call, re quested the clerk to record him . as voting "aye." ' l ' Mr. Turner bad aaid repeatedly that he would" vote neither for nor against ratification unles it was evident that hia vote waa needed for paasag Or re jection and that if such an oeeaaion arose he would vote for the amendment. Ruffraaiata everywhere launched an uproarious demonstration before the clerk announced the vote for there waa no question suffrage had won, Bedlam of Cheers The Chamber became a bedlam of chem and shunts, women screamed ut th top of their voices, eores pljiced their arms sround the necas 01 moso nearest them and danced, so far as it was possible to do so, in the mass of humanity. Hundreds or sun rags uau n.r. were waved wildly and many r- mMl the vellow flowers they had been rearing and threw them upward to meet a similar shower from the gal Icriea A motion to adjourn until ten 0 clock tomorrow morning was offered after the official vot was announced, but in the uproar it waa doubted whether any member beard it or wnetner , waa seconded. The speaker put the ques; tion, called for th ''ayes" and ' noes and announced gravely that the motion had earried unanimously. WATER EVERYWHERE BUT NOT ENOUGH TO DRINK Kin.tnn. N. C. Aug. 18. Water, water everywhere, but not enough to L a condition that eontinuea to trouble the municipal authorities. Fur ther shortnget such as occurred Sunday and Monday are expected, unless me publie takes wr to conserve "every drop." Monday iiternoon not a drop was available from spigots for hours, and, Bunday, following th city' Sat urday; night bath, things were aa bad but for a thorter. period. Roda foun tains were nearly put out tif buslncas by Monday't drought. Washerwomen had to quit work in the nuast or tueir washing. WOMEN OF VOTING AGE IN VNITED-STATES IN 1 (E.tln.t.4 far Itil frma lilt tnt.) Llee- Fmats Mala, torml tl and II and Vota. Over Ovar 191 1 Ala. ... Arts. .. Ark. ... e-iiir. .. Colo. . . Conn. . . tola. .. Fla. ... Oa Iriaha .. Ill tml. .... lows ... Kan. ... Kr 1 Ma. ... Mil. ..: Miu. .. Mich. Minn. .. MUa. .. Mo. Mcnt. Nb. ... N, ... N. H. .. N. J. ... N. M. ,. k. y. .. K. 0. .. N. I. .. Ohio ... Call. .. Of .... H2.IS4 4S.1S0 "7,l 7S". Mi JS4.7ST IDS.C44 ; llt.5M T4.4S 7S.T9 H4.IU S1.051 44.824 l.erl.7 I0.4t IM.SM - S7.IH7 n.ts 42.61 122, 8J l.Slt.lSt S04.4S4 7t.7i SAS.Mt i.44 4V1.S1 l.'.a.ttt U1M wt D-t D-9 D-lt h K-T K-t r- n-i4 D-4 $r R-M D-10 "D-lt D-l SH4.AAK ... SS7.7J1 ... 4M.MS ... 10S ... 405 2 M) ... 1.111. DM ... Mi . ... tfS.K'.l ... 4M.:t ... 17 iS.9 . ... IZ7.SU 1I.CS4 ... nasA ... IIS.I14 ,4T ... I.0JJ.2TI ... 71.4! ... llt.4t ... I.ill.lll ... tSl.lll .... lM.m l.t 'SSs SoT.tTt R-1S 70S.SSS 4S..M I.oto.oh: - 17S.01I tS8.42 44.0.S 14.M t.T0 -ft-ll D-l D-t D.l D-t D-t D-4 R-14 T-t R-4S D-1J D-t . D-t4 D-l K-t R-si K-t 1U,J7 t.119.771 SS4.184 tso.toe l.tll.lS 4S1.IS t.l I.IIIKt 17 S14 ISi.lSt tet.tct I.103.UT 114.115 l4.ot t7t.SU 4S.J4 Pan Faun, I.I11.40S R. It ........ 189.03 3, rB( 14T.0 Tana, .... Taaa Ouh .... Vt. ...... Va. Waah. ... Va. ., TaW, K-S D-lt 8?' K-4 D-lt D-t K--D1 M.44I 72.!t S4.I01 - 11T.71 7.12 tns.44 IH.4M " 7t.t7t tl.724 14.481, l - vti.741- K-ii M.tM D-t tt.tTi.ta . (Ke allewsae alttnf ) It aueV n this table far Wkeaersr raw Need A Ceaeral Btreagtheniag Teate Take i the Old Standard GROVFH I TASTELESS Chill TONIC. It Strenath. en ana oujia up to. Pytt.m by Puri- tying ana Enriching th Blood. Yon can soon feel it Strengthening. Iavia- .salt.. .a--a. .. I a k orating itei. 60e(a4v SAYS WILSOHsPUT ONE t ; OYER" ON LLOYD GEORGE Tranklia EooidTelt Sy United State Em Twelr Votes la Leafs anssBassasassaa ' Butte, Mcnt, Aug. 18-Presldent Wil son "pit cia over ea Premier Lloyd Qaorg. of Great Britain, ia th distri butioa of Toting itrength la tha league f aatioas, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Demoeratie vice-preaidentisl nominee, declared ia aa addresa here today. "Th Bepnblieaa ar playing a shell tame on the America people,' the. lominee declared, because they are (till busy circulating th story 'that England ha tlx Tote to America's on." . ... "It is just th other way," he went oa. "As a matter of fact th United State has about 12 votes ia the As sembly. Until last week I had two of Ihem myself and bow Secretary Daniel ha them. You kaow I hav had some thing to do with the running of a eon- jlaof Jittle jpuiblk, FaiCts . are that I wrot Haiti s constitution myself, and if I do say, it, t think it pretty good constitution." Mr.- aWesavelt aaid that Haiti and San Domingo, Panama, Cuba and Cen tral American countries who had at least twelve votes in the league's assembly, all regarded Uncle Sam as a guardian sad big brother and that (Bis eourftry virtually would have their vote in th league. Great Rejoicing In Capital Over Suffrage Action , (Continued frees Page One.) Langlcy Boaher, Virginia author and acting president of the Eqnal 8uffrage League of Virginia, thia afternoon when informed that Tennessee had furnished the 36th state for th ratification, of woman suffrage. - Mr. B. B. Valentine, for many yssrs president of the Equal Suffrage League, is seriously ill at her home 2338 Monu ment avenue. She was cautiously in formed of the victory of th cuffrag cause by her sister, Miss "Marianne Meade, and appeared deeply satisfied at the victory, but wa too weak to make any statement for publication. ''I have been working for 0 years to secure votes for women," said Mra, Bosher, "and I atn veiygrateful that it ha at last com. to pais. I hop th women will -take their new responsibil ity very seriously in order that we may bring about a better and fairer and finer social order in which all people may hav h chance. I am glad that I have lived to aee the day whea womeU will share with men the responsibility of citizenship and the responsibilities of proper surrounding for th rearing of their children. We will try to prepare ourselves to use the ballot wisely." DOUGHTON OFFERS NEW REVENUE BILL (Contlnaed from Pag On.) year in our previous history. Some of th older membres may remember that about 1K80 the State sold its interest in the Western North Carolina Railroad for t)$00,000, and for that year thit capital asset was used to defray the ex penses of the State government, and no State tares were levied in that year. 'The hapry point where "the fitat surrenders ita power to tax the prop erty of the State hn not been cud. denly retched, but is the culminatloa of a policy that haa been pursued by the finance committee of the General Aceembly during the last aia years, working in co-operatioa with the State Tax Commission in developing our sources of revenue other than th prop erty tax. Six years sgo it was my privilege to participate in a thorough revision, of the revenu act, looking to ward thit end. Our expedience in thit direction haa indeed been fortunate. Deficit to Surplus "A former deficit wss rapidly eon verted into a surplus, sufficient revenue ha at all time been provided to tak car of th annually increasing expen ditures by the State government, and when at the last regular session w INSTANT RELIEF FOR SORE CORNS "At-Eatw" Forma Thin Coat ing Over Corn, Prevent Friction and Immediately Eaten Pain. A Few ApplU cations Remove Corn En tirely. MONEY BACK IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED. Shoe pressure Is what causes corn to hurt and get (ore. "At-Ese" imme diately reliever the pain by forming a thia coating over the corn, which pre-' Vents shoe friction. A few applica tions of "At-Esse" and the most sever corn i entirely removed. Also excel lent for taking off wart. 80s at any druggist, who will refund your money if you ar uot satisfied. (Adv.) "CORNS" Lift Right Off .Without Pain Doesn't hurt a bitt Drop a Uttl Treexone" oa an aching corn, instant ly that eora stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right off with fingers. Truly 1 xour oruggut- sells a tiny bottle-or Wreetone'' for a few cent, eufflcient o remove every hard eora, soft corn or eora between tha toea, and tha aUua. -1 . I . ' y'lrUhoRt, aorAa ; ilT)tfiq war confronted with th aeeaaaity for providing for tha aia month pub lis school, that bad been approved by ue vote of th people ia W of th 100 eountie) of the Bub, w found that tha tax rata levied try th State for its wa us eoald b reduced from 23 2-J te 11 l-Se. After making largely In creased appropriation and after cutting thia property tax rata ia hstf, wa came back at thia special sessloa to lad that ample revenue had been provided aad that a substantial surplus is ia prospect at th eloee of tha present fiscal year. '- ' "It ahould be generally understood that ia providing for th revaluation of property It was tha purpose -and ex. pectatioa that fay the meeting of the General Assembly in January aeSt, and with tha adoption of the income tax. amendment, the Stat would aot tax property for it revenue, and would leave the property valuation under the revaluation act for the use of tha coun ties aad the publie school' fund, it hav ing always been intended that whea re valuation wa complete, larger1 revenu would be. provided for the State from other aoureea. rjf gti luppy novrtO Jnd that with a prospective surplus in th Treasury, and that with the- additional revsnut Provided la th Wit which I tiw pre sent to the House upon franchises of rll corporations, domestic and foreign, industrial and publie servics, with the increased listing ef salary incomes si ready on tha books, and with the ad ditional revenp from privilege taxes provided for ia thia bill, the Bute will be abl to meet the demand upon it during the eoming year after entirely surrendering its tax upon all lha prop erty of the 8Ute. I aak that the bill may be entered on ita first reading tonight, that it be made a special order for a general con sideration and a vote npoa its second reading tomorrow, and with the hope that we may complete our labor aad adjourn thi tpeclal session early next week." The follnwina near tiilla nva IhIm. duced at the aight session: H. B. 322, Bryant Relating to ao- plieants to prsetice law. ; H. B 323, Bryant Regard to pro cesses. H. B. 824, Ayeoek-To authorize Fre mont trustees to issue school bonds. II. B. 823, Redwine To authorize Monroe trustees to issu school bonds. H. B. 398, Doughton To amend th municipal finance act. H. B. 327, Poole To authorixa Troy school district to iasue bonds. H. B 328, Poole To authorize Mt. Oilead graded school district to issus bonds. . H. B. 329, Pool To authorize Bls eoo district to issue school bonds. H. B. 830, Hodgtn Increase , the number of county commissioners of Hok. POPULATION OF CHARLESTON IS ANNOUNCED AS af.MT Washington, Aug. 18. Tha Census Bureau today announced the census of Charleston, South Carolina, aa 67,837. Thi show aa increase during the past decade of 9,124 people, or 15.5 per cent Not Employed By Waks Ante Co. A few days ago an item appeared stating that a young woman arrested at th union station for some offense wat employed by the Wak Auto Company. Thia wa aa error.. The young woman waa sot known, by members of that firm. Are The Lending We can answer for the Citizens. We always provide for the needs of our customers. We decline foreign business, even though profit able, rather than fail to take care of our customers. They carry their balances with us they. are entitled to help-sand they get it. The Bank that is able to help in time of stress is the Bank to tie to. Uniform rate 6. Balances desired, expected but not required. Citizens National Bank I Countersunk Felloes Riving sup port on tha whole rim instead of at fix points only mark a very distinct step forward ia wheel design on "of ten cuperior feature! dbtincuishing the - The Leadertof Llihi.WtigLsZCar Tea other nin features: avea-lncJi frame, S beariaf ' eoanbsr-baJancad craakahaft, universal (oint cantering . device, transmission brake, non-skid tires all around, disamer" lenses, 54-inch rear springs, strsight-lioe drive, aad 4 atorra-curtaiaed doors, i 4. ' J. H. Dbtfibutor for 19 Wet Fourth Street, Charlotte, N. C COX JOYFUL OYER ' SUFFRAGE VICTORY . (Ceatlaaed f rasa Page Oa4 , them aa thi aapitel step fornovWig picture. v - Conference with . Senator Earrisoa ea hia travel plan and with tha uf fraga eslsbrant kept Governor Cox biv almost natil hia train left tonight for South Bend, lad, wher h will oak two addresses) tomorrow at pub lic meeting in the tftsraoon aad another at th vning banqust of th Indiana Democratia Editors' Associa tion. V, ' , - -. ( . To Meet Harding. A new speaking engagement which is expected to bring; Governor Cox and Senator Harding, hia Republican op ponent, together for th first tim dur ing th campaign waa. announced today by Senator Harrison. Governor Cox to day tecepted an invitation . te speak here August 31 oa "Presidential Day," tt th Ohio state fair and Jt wa an nouneed that Senator Harding also had given aa acceptation. That the League of Jifltiofis issue Is to be pressed by Governor Cox and also by other Demoeratie apeaken waa indi cated by a request the government made) tday t Senator Harrises te hsv rpecial teat reserved at all meetings for former soldier and their friend. Interest Ia Leigae. "In th preliminary campaign meet ings,' aaid formal letter of Governor Cox, "I have notice a nniversal in terest in discussing;, th Lesgu of Na tion aa a mean of keeping faith with thos who aupported the war with their all. i ' "This interest is especially among disabled soldiers and their friends and those bereaved by war. Beeau of thi I would respectfully suggest that ia future meeting arranged by you for ma and any other national speaker that th local committee '' be asked to ar range that several rowa of seat near tha speaker's platform be reserved for disabled and other (ofdier snd their fsmilies a well as families of thos whose lovtd ones died in th war." , CENSUS OP PLACES, LOCATED IN HOKE COUNTY Washington, Aug. 18. Census of Hoke county , places: Allendale, 909; Antioeh, 1,199; Blue Bprings, 1,086; Little River, including part Of Camp Bragg, 621; McLuueblin, 1,407; Que whiffle, including part of Camp Bragg, 1,246; Baeford : township, , Including Baeford town, 3,010;, Stonewall, 1,244; Raeford town, 1,233. The Roman errperor Vespasian wss the ion of a man of humble origin. tAT-SNAP KILLS' RATS Ala sales, Aaaalataty prtnsts VaWa fraa carcaaa. Oa tcfcas srvaa thla. RAT-SNAP naaas ut cakaa a Bnixin wltk atnar ts4. Gnrmataas. at tlw (I aaka) eawasa far rsatiy, KlUlwa ar OlUr. - CJa alts (1 calm) faf nkkaa Bam, SMtw. ar aaull saUaiaaa. M sis (t cakaa) aaaaail far al) fans ant Mt-kalMIn, starasa kaU4ua, ar fartarr kalMtasa. SaM an GuraBtsaal ky T. . 'Brissv a Raw, Taakar Balldlns Fharsiarr, J. C. Brant. lay. UssmIs TaaiaU Bids, J. P. Wratt. Banks Money? HAM the Carolinas B Expenses Will . Be $14 and Campers Can Stay Full; or Part Time Mr. Byroa O. Latman, boys work director of the Y. M. C. A, will be ta town this afternoon front t o'clock antll 7 o'clock at tha T,. 1L C. A. building. All older boys between the ages of 14 and 17 who want to go on the) T. M. C. A. Older Boy camp at Lakeview ar requested -to meet him ther at th tim stated. The cost of tha camp for tan day will be $14, th camper leav ing th city Monday afternoon .at 3 o'clock for Lakeview. Detaili'of trans portation will be decided later. V Camper can go for a part or whole time, and .while ther they will have good food and will be under th psr- SLEEP WELL AT NIGHT! Baby's sleep is important. At birth baby sJeeps about nine-tenth ef th tim and (hould tak daily nap until about four year old. A -quiet, peace ful sleep is a sign of perfect health, whll . disturbance of sleep ia almost always due to improper feeding, whieh causes indigestion, constipation, sour stomach', gat, ate; ' 'A baby specialist, while admitting that good baby laxative ihould bi used la such eases, warn mothers against th use of strong, irritating drug that eaus inflammatloa ef th delicate membran of baby' atotnaeh, and recommends 'Baby , Easa, -a per fected baby laxative by a baby (pee lalist. "Baby East" is excellent for all dis orders of the stomach and digestion in babies and children. It ia aay-aeting, non-irritating, doe not produe over action or leav baby constipated. It 1 a safe, harmless and efficient baby laxative and corrective. If "Baby Eaae" fails to correct these trouble after few dotes, tak your baby to a specialist for a thorough sxamint tion. "Baby Ease had from your druggist. (adv.) , ' I OLDER OY'S CAMP D OPEfJ MONDAY Hiirrib-v-.. i in .v. wtai x y ' s r 1 fOil I 1 lilS . a- I. a nti n - . liiitv v --, u ' ." ' s 209 FayetteriUe St 2jffj ' Raleigh, Ntirth Caroflna " " , " 1 ." , ' wzgl Let Your ' 5 O Y - Be A BOY WASH nhK BEACH , Boys are going to be boys anyhow, so you might as well provide yours with plenty of . Wash Suits. You can effect a substantial saving now while we 25 off. Chambray, attractive short sleeve son eapervitioa ef ilr Lutmoa a4 a trained aorps af boy loaders. A four fold program will, be ia aee at .the -camp, with Bible study te build aaerat Character, aad outdoor- life U build aeafta.1 The camp breaks Brptaenber g. , Tha following . equipsnaat wUl be needed i Tooth brush aad peats, two shirts, two pair ef stockiags, handker chiefs, poncho or raincoat, Csce towel, swimming suit, rush and aesab, change of aaderwaar, pajasnaa, two blaaksta, bath tswei, aeap (floating), Bible. Aa additional oatflt, aa follawa, W suggested:' Kodak aad films, pocket knife, tennis shoee, musical instrnmenta, favorits book, ashing tackle, extra but ' aot bast suit, baseball outfit, aad smaU pUlow. v ; I " .Th word "book" ia derived front tha Teutoaia "beea, or beech, the wood specially suitable for inscrip tion, i ' Raleigh'. Busiest Department Store Sells It For Less i are selling them at Crash and JJnene in models A Efirfi LJLJ III I. IIS 2) T;. l- ;