Mo Xrh Csrolins -Lacst sh-ow ers IrUay asd probably Et ardy. " m rw pr. i-. ""-1 4a ft fn vMrmtHrt SuS ' a,ia Stall VT- ! i " I V SIXTEEN PAtiES TODAY. - : i ', RALEIGH. N. C, FRIDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 10. 1 920. VOL CXII.NO. 72. SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CDH. ft mm mm Democrats Do Not Re;2rd Re suit of Georgia Primary As ' Slap at The League PERSONAL ISSUES IN CAMPAIGN RESPONSIBLE Thomson Lawyer Plays Bolt of , Martyr In Political Game Senator Hoke Smith Boasted v of Opposition To President . Wilson ; Ont and Out Snppor ... -; ter of Lodge Reservations Xm nd Observer Bares ' t ; 603 DUtrkt -Kational Bank Bldg. . v By Special Lessed Wire , Washington1, Sept. $. Democrat do not look upon Tkoma E. Watsoa a vie Ury is Qeorg in m a rebuke to President : Wilson r a eommendatioB of tha League of - Natioat by a Southern Democratic atata any mora tbaa they regard tka nemiaatioa af Senator ataee la a ew Hampahir Bepublieaa primary as set-back to tha Lesgue. .Neither vnt is discouraging to tha Democrat. Tka Wataoa victory ia explained withoat touching tha vital issuee of tha sanv wige. Tha Mooes victory looka more - like dafeat for the Republican declare Democrat. -; Tha iatarpretatioa among Democrat her ia that Watsoa, though anatie, ta far and away tha heat public maa ia Georgia and that tha paople of that State have eoma to look opoa a la aa tort of a martyr. Ha haa either latea- . tioaally or unconsciously played that Tola with eonaummata ait. For instance , mm reara aa-o. ha aiada aa attack on ' the Catholia anarch aad tha papacy. Ha continued that attack with aach raaoor and akill that it got and.r tha akia at Homo. Hit paper m suppressed from tho mail en the ground of alleged ob (realty aad indecency. It graatly .,- iittered him toward tha Poatoffica D- . iartment aad tha administration. Ha haa lueeeedod ia. miking tha great . kiaeseo of tho rural poop la of Georgia believe that he haa aot oaly beea badly treated bat that what ha alleged against tha Catholia chnreh waa tra. Smith Opposed PraaUeat. At tha tama time he waa opposed by Senator Hoke 8mith who aoaalnatioa J or Senator to succeed hlaaaelf woald hare beea a direct flap 'la the face to - '.he administration. 8s 1th haa beea .tn ;poa enemy to tha Presittent and haa for the kit ire .yesrs absented hiauelf from tha Whit Hoaae, He boaated to . the Georgia opting primariee whea he waa candidate for Presideat that ha had with hia ewa haad penned tha Ledge teaerraUoaa to the Ijeagae of Nation. 14 hia recent eaaraev for Senator he ' repudiated that elaia bat im the Seaato La aerer lost aa opportnaity to oppoea tha ratifleatioa of tha VeraaUlee tnaty ead League of Nationa aa sabmitted by ' tha Preaideat. Tha people of Georgia i bare .admialatered two craahing defeata 1 to Senator Boko Smith withia a few tnontha of eaeh other. - . ' ' Both of theaa defeata were really aeored . by Tom Watson. The ' eaa- - didaey of Got. Hugh Doraey wa rarer aerioaaly aoaaidered. Wataoa had demonstrated that he hadeaptared hw people before the campaign had epeaed aad Doraey waa pat ip it t forlorn tope. Democrats aay that Wataoa caa bo depended oa to rote with the party oa practically every question exeept the League of Nations. " Admiaiatratioa Senator wha are here aay they woald preferhlm to Smith, Ematy floaw for alaaea. Frank Hampton, .' Senator Simmons' secretary, said that George Mooes' re ported triumph ia Mew Hampshire waa aa empty eae. It matt bo boras ia mind that Moses was one. of tha most extreme of irreeoaeilablea in the Bea ata oa the League. Ia the New Hamp shire primary he reeeiTod about 28,500 votes, or 12,000 more thaa hia oppoa at, Henry 1L Bpaalding. 8pauldini's 1 000 votes were pro-League rotca, said Mr. Hampton, Democrats are eon Bdeat that the balk of the Bpaalding vote oa November 2nd will go to the Democratic candidate because Bpaald ing fought Moaea aolely oa tha League isaue. New Hampshire ia bow a cloee rtate, Wilaoa carried it by M votes ia 1918. If Moaea Democratic opponent goto I per eeat ot the Bpaulding vote he ia an re of being elected. Mr. Hamptoa aaid it is the Bpaalding Bepublieaa vote for the League of Na tioaa in other SUtee as well aa ia New Hampshire that ia giving the Bepublieaa leaders each aaeaaiaeee aad causing Harding to shift his position oa the league. There ia a strong Bepublieaa element that will desert the party .for the league. Two well knowa Tar Heela are ia Washington today, A. U Brooks, of Oreeasboro aad Joha W. Dawaoa, repre scBtetive ia the house branch rof the legislature from Kiastoa, Lenoir county. Mr. Brooks said the Bepublieana were organising ia North Carolina for a stiff campaign bat it was hia belief that they would aot capture a tingle eon greaaloBai district, aot even the Tenth. I a that district tha womea will aave the Democrats, for tha Tenth borders oa Tennessee, and the word haa come over the border that tho womea are expected 1o vote the Democratic tiakrt. Ia that district they are organising Democratic clube to take it out of the doubtful column. , ' '" : Brooke Diacaaaea Tebacce. Mr. Brooks was asked what waa the local explanation of the tobacco market clump ia the Bute. He aaid for eae, thing many of tho farmers had pat oa tha market what n called lugs, er the bottom leave from the sulks. The lugs are of a very inferior quality. Had they offered their beat grade a more favor able market would hare .opened But aaide from this there is a marked ten dency downward ia the pricee of all farm products,, eottoa aad graia as well as tobeeec Mr. Brooks said ha had understood there waa a large de crease la the amount of tobaeee held by manufacturers aad dealer this see ton com 33,000,000 poinds aad that (Continued OB Pare Two.). Retired Speaker, of, . . James W. Lowther, who Ss quitting moaa, which he had held for the last sixteen years. Mr. Lowther is a Conservative aad haa beea a member of the Commons for thirty-are year. H ha a bril liant record for service ia th legtalative body aad as a leader of the empire. No Fixing of Tpbiao: Prices I . Richmond Tohaccon ist Says Head of Tobacco Association of United States Enters ; ; " " : Strong Disclamer " ,fy, " '' ' eaaMHaBaaaBBi 1 WILSON MAN FIRM INr BELIEF SOMEBODY DID IT New Bern Beporta IneTeaa of ' Ten Cents In Average nd Other Markets Better ' The Tobacco Aatoeiatioa of the United Blates through ! its president, T. M.- Carringtoa, of Biehmoad, Vs, takes Bote of the' slump in .tobaeee prieea ia ' North CarbUaa and vary vigorously denies 'harUged . prices st it meeting U AUantie City W. B. Dixoa, of Wllaoa, wb intimat ed la a public speech the' ether day thai aarh might have beea doae, ae- eept Mr. Carringtoa s deaial but . Is still strongly of tha epiaioa that some body did. The two geatlemea teem to be ia thorough accord la their deeire for farther information oa the (object. Ia the meantime the eastern North Carolina tobaeee marketa continue to market their robaeeo aad. New Bora reports an increase of tea cent ia it average or SS eeat a pound, which is eoaaidered - quite aa - improvement. Prieea war , also stronger oa th Greeavilla market which epeaed again yesterday. -.-,..- Henderaoa aad Vance county people have taken Bote of. the aituatioa aad have called aaother mass meeting for Saturday whea they wUl take farther steps toward establishing aa organisa tion. ; ' . v . - ; . Nat Blamlag Carringtoa. Th diarlaimer of Mr. Carringtoa 1 accepted - ia meet 1 quarters aa being true, aa Mr. Carringtoa ia . knows to many North Carol! ni ana a aa upright aad honest business man. Thos hold ing to. tha theory ot price Sxing believe that it ia "higher up." Believer ia th prlee Axing theory refuse to accept the explanation of the tightness of the money situation, the leik ef foreign credit, the bountiful nese of the present harrest, et cetera, a beiag responsible Jot i M per eeat slump. They; believe hat those 'higher up" arranged -for the drop te a very informal manner aad aot through the functions of , a formal organisation. i Mr. Carringtoa wires th New aad Observer ss follow: "In re statement ia year paper of . 8th reports, which report emanated from 'Wilsoa, that the prices were Ixed aad juggled at Atlan tie City last July for this year's crops. This statement la absolutely without aay foundation - whatever aad if the euros f this informattoa will be given' it will be prosecuted to the limit by th Tobacco Association." Dlxea Wants T Help. W. B. Dixon, ef Wilton, to whom the atatemeat waa accredited ' ia reply to Mr? Carringtoa 'a denial says: . , 1 do mot know the functions of th Tobaeee . AseoeiatioB af the - .United 8tatee. Seeing that a meeting wa held try taem ia Atlantic City last July,. I thought that their function -might be price fixing. I did aot. ssy who fixed the price of . tobaeee.' Uadoabtodlv ae T"t fued them. The trthsnno farmer want to know. Will Mr. Car riagtoa please inform us if hs knows who .did, it" .. .... SITUATION MUCH IMPROVED WHEN GREXNTILLB RaOPENS Greeaville, Sept. . Prices showe. ceasiderably greater strength whea th GreeavUl tobacco market re-opened to day ia accordance with resolutions of Pitt County planters ia a maa meet lag here yesterdsy and as a result hun dreds ief farmers,' diaeoorsged becaaae f the apparently serious opinion pre- vailing all over tae State the .earlier part of th week, bow look forward ta the future more hopefully, believing that condition will improve gradually, particularly ia this diatriet, where the tnest quality of bright leaf ia the coun try is produced. - . , It is estimated that there wa aroun I 700100 pound of tobacco oa tha ware house' flooro whea aalea were resumed this moralng, and 'while itlwaa aot aa attractive and Inviting ia appearance a oa the opening day, this fact failed to detract from the demand that presented (Coatlneed oa Psge Two.) House .of ' Commons f V. i ft his poet a leader of the House of Com- Women .- Voters May Register Themselves As "Over . . , t -Twenty-onew It is not BocesMry for women, reg istering, to vote ia North Carolina aa dpr tha 19th Amesdmaat to dirulgt their age. ' x ' ' m . : - Y , '' The Attorney Gensral , of the State yesterday eo ruled in aa opinion fur nished Chalnnaa Thrma D Warren, of. the Demoerati Executive Commit i tea,,, Jiolding, that, it Ja, euf aeimm h the rotor, mala or feuela, dosignate hi or her age as over twenty-one, . "Section 6a af the CeMdlidated Btatntea of 1911 provide t'-e require ments of a' proposed voter presenting blmself or 'herself "for registration, read th Attorney' General ; opinion Among , other - i this: 'He (or : the) hall atat accurately a possible hi tame, age place of birth, place of resi dence etc. The question ha been pre sented to this office a to whether the requirement that the age should be stated ia mandatory with special refer cnte to female voter recently qualified under th 19th Amendment. The re qniremeat' that the ' age ' ahould be stated is for two' purposes; Irst, to show that the voter has reached or "Passed beyond the -voting ag of 1; second, as a cheek opoa the vjter oa the ques tion of the payment of poll tax. This ptoviaioa) hss. never been construed ai mandatory in regard to the ststemsnt of the age of the proposed voter eo that it appear that h la over SI. Th oaQj rrorided ia this section required th voter to state oaly that h is II yea of age." In its applicalioa to womsa iretcrs, then, sll that is necessary for them to state t register (they not be lug liable to poll tax) is that they are ever SI years of age. Of course they, ss w-l! as the; aisle rotors, must testify to residence, etc-, so as to show that the are eatitled to vote at the partic ular iwceinet or ia the particular county in which they offer to regiater.'' '. , U. S. CRUISER PITTSBURG AGROUND IN BALTIC SEA Flagship of Admiral Huie Grounds Off Liban; Olym ; pio Team On Hoard , rf -Wsahingtoa, 8ept. 9. The armored rruiser Pittsburg is aground ' ia " th Battle Sea three miles off Libeu, oa the coast of Courland. A report re ecircd at the Navy Department today from Vice Admiral Huse, oa board th Pittsburg, - did not indicate whether the vessel was in serious danger. Th report aaid the 'transport : Frederick, now at Antwerp, had beea ordered to proceed to. the assistanee ef the Pitts burg after transferring to another transport her 'passenger,' . consisting chiefly of the Navy. Olympic team. ' . No detail of th ; cans of-. the PltttbUrgV grounding' were given in th report, nor -was it indicated how long she had beea aground. Th eniis sr waa proceeding to . Beval -' from Oansig, where ah had recently been cent at the request of the Stat Department'.- ,: - Maria chart show the existence of a rocky shoal near the entrance to Libeu harbor and it 4 presumed at the Navy Department that the Pitta- burg grounded on this art Ami awhlla NOT NECESSARY STO DIVULGE AGE proceeding along th coast. Th PUta.L" P piatrorm, ... . . . ... ."i "". . I Imis lam Hia matavtef'sa i oo rg i ta nagsbip or Viee Admiral icaa aaval foreee in Enrepeaa watert. SECOND DAY OF STRIKE ' IN ALABAMA UNEVENTFUL Blrmiagham, Ala Sept 9. With'coal operstors- estimating that SO. per cent orthe 7,000 miner of the Bute are Ml and anion officials placing the num ber' at 40 per cent, the second ' day of the strike in the Alabama eoal fold provide aa uneventful at the first, no industrial ' eperationi dependent upoe eoal having beea affected, although four Or flra mines In the State ceased eoal I'Toductioa1 today, t , ISOiJFUlYS PI(ER;; OEFEIIDS TAXATION SYSTEM Declares That Tar Heel Women Need No Invitation To Join Democrats ADDRESSES JOHNSTON COUNTY CONVENTION Bebukei , "Puny Democrats" Wlio Don't Want Butler's a V a-.a-A. 4 Bepublieana Tor Low Oottb " anil , ' Rlwmit T " TniaA" I - Greeted By Large Audience r By M. B. POWELL,',. (Staff Correspondent) Bmithfleld, ' Sept. 9. Democracy's taadard bearer in North Carolina for four year to eome today saddled the Bepublieaa party with the drop ia the ? rices of eottoa and tobacco, claimed or tha Democratic party of th Stat twenty yean' administration - of th best government sine Abraham as cended oa high and, by way of reply ing- to John J, Parker' thrust about th women, declared that , the new voter need bo invitation to 'com ints the fold of Democracy. . . It was th opening her of th John ton county convention which, after Cameron Morrison's speech, wa called to erder by its aewly ehoeea chairman, George Boa Pou, oa of Congressman Poa and a young Democrat with old fashioned way aboutf carrying the fight into the enemy' country. Mors thaa fifteen hundred Johnston voters were on hand to hear their candidate for governor and many time daring th Mventy mlaut speech Mr. Morris on waa interrupted by prolonged out bursts of cheering. Mr. Morrison came to Smichnald this morning from Wilmington, having ad dressed th Democratic convention ia Brunswick yesterday. H wa accom panied to Smithfleld by hi running mate, Senator W. B. Cooper, and after hia speech here he motored to Raleigh where he went Into, conference with Democratic chiefs regarding- th earn Siiga plan for th coming eixty day. war presented to the - eonveatioa to-day by Congressmen Edward W. . Scarce Parkar Taxation Talk. . Mr. Morrisoa - want deeply into th subject of revaluation Here to-day, em-Dhaalaino-a he did ia Brunswick yes terdaythe bi-partisan enactment aad administration of the lasr and de elaekew 4hagsea faith ahato the month of the Bepublieaa, whose action, lik that of th Demerst, earn a a re sult ef aa iavesticatioa mad and re port submitted by leading mea of th State, including their own WU iAn " 'Thcv are bow making a campaign more audaclooa and more shameless than the damnable Butler ever made," declared her They say that under the revaluation law the Democrat arc about to tax the people to death whea they know, or ought to taow, tnat un der a Demoerati adnuniatratioa w have "ran our government at lea cost oer eanlt thaa ' Bay 8tato ia the He reviewed earefully the law aad the. provisions for iu administratioa, pointing oat tnat one mem oer or ue board ot appraiser in every eoobty ie a Republican. In om eountles, like BuUer'a own county, two members are Bcpltlieans. . ' - Abent Banka aad Railroads. ' Ohallensin the Bepublieaa candi date to specify rather than generalise hia charges of undervaluation or xarm property, Mr. Morrisoa pointed out iit tha banks have always beea pay ing tax ea the true value ef . their holdings. A for th rsllroad-, h aaid that the Corporation Commission, ia aaaeaain thia elaa of property, as a remaral TroDosltlon accepted the fig' are submitted by the railroad to th Interstate Commerce Commission. Hs made rjlaitt the natural tendency ef the railroad to boot their, property a little because it Is oa their capital stock and their holdings that th rail road bas rate to giv them s stand ard Mttirn. "It the railroad property of the SUt, or th bank property of the State, U undervalued, let Parker apeei fy. eases," h id. Cotton mill and lik property, the speaker pointed' out. have been valued higher thaa farm property and . oa thia statement h again challenged tn jtepuDiieana ta aie the facta. - When Mr. Morrison had reached that Dart ef hia speech. where he referred ta Butler' cronies on the board of appraiser in Sampson, ha sardonically anolosixed to "a lot of puny Democrats who stand gusfd over the name of Butler and say that . it shouldn't be mentioned for fear it will fomeat bad blood." - ' -'' Batlef Kerned Perker, tie Bays. He charged Butler with naming John J. Parker as the Republican candidate for governor aad declared that the Union man waa picked "beeaut they wanted oa so young that hs hsdn't had anything to do with their devil ment. ' -r " 4 . ."And this system ot taxation based on' the Income tax where did Parker get that t" he asked. Month beforcvbe had beea) picked a wss advocating this form of taxation all ever North Caro lina. , Now h come along and takes There is noth ing in the party' record in North Carolina that it eea afford to ask for rtapport and eonfldenee oa and Parker it forced to steal my program. "'That is all they ve ever done In North Carolina," he said, - touching briefly the mal-administratloa of Butler and Russell, .yet with a few smart, little lawyer they, hav developed a perfect genius of criticism ia the State. Th ssms crowd that denied the farmers of North Carolina aaything but a mi- erable, stingy existence ie now promis ing to lower taxee. School Ta la County Tax. -The Democratic Legislatures ef 1917 and 1919 have, he reminded the Johns- , . .v ' , , .d- . (Continued oa Psge Two.) BZAIR CONFIRMS CHARGE BY COX THAT REPUBLICANS HAD QUOTA GOV. COX PLEDGES Would Present The Irish Cause To League of Nations If He " Is Elected FUnTHER ATTACKS ON REPUBLICAN LEADERS Democratic ; Nominee Declare! Senate InTeetijation at Chi ' i cag;o Has . Borne . Out ; Eii ' Charfee As To Bepublieaa .Campaign Hethbds; doses : Els Campaifn In Montansj' . Butte, Mont," Sept 9-A deCaHe pledge to reaeat the Iriah cause" to th Leagu of Nation in eveat at hi election aad a further attack ea Be publican leader aad that party' con tributions war mad here tonight by Governor Cox, of Ohio, la closing his Montana eampaiga, - - ' la three extensive tpeeehee today,-at Helena, Anaconda aad Butte, aad ia a half dosen rear-platform talks ea route. th Democratic presidential candidate. concluding the flnt wK er bis wester tear, hammered the leecne. th Re publics "eorruptioa fuad aad labor lesuea into hi audiences. : The Irish question developed at the governor' meeting her ia front, of ka aaahnua law.' ' ' Datv Ta Prsesat Caass. "It would oa mv duty." he aaid. mu4 very quickly availed ef, as a friend af peaee, asserting the frieadly right af any member ef the leagu. to present th Irish cause to the atteatioa at ta leegn under th authority give by Article Eleven aad give to Irclaad. or any other aggrieved people tha oppor tunity to plead their eeuea Derore toe bar of civilised opimoa." . Aaaaalt Oa Has.- ' Dealing with testimony bat ore the senatorial iavcatigatiag eosamlttee at Chiean-o. Governor Cox.mado fresh a. tauU upoa Will H. Hays, Bepublieaa national ehairmaa : Treasurer Vpham and hia aaslsUat, Harry M. Blair. The .n.r. dsalarad that the Chieaga teetl- moy had confirmed hi "shise fond" chargea aa the, heel . t denlala by Chalrmaa .Hays and efher -Republican officUIe. , . ' , ' - Argnmenta oa the Wan, eUlement of atrike by th goldea rul instead f bayonets, and proaprasiviam were givea by th govtraor. Be also reiterated attack upoa Senator Harding, hia Re nubliean ODDonent . tka "Senatorial Oligarchy- aad "big baataeee." . . PreseaU Local Qeesttoa. Ia discussing th league, the govera or presented local ejnestloaa la Anaa anda aad JButte with their large labor ing population of many racial sources, and their eopper inreresw. abb a Helena he also argued rejlamatioa de- velonment. Itwul the leagae, taa caadidat aaid. ' material prosperity would be had by creating foreign aaas kets for eopper aad ether prod nets of mine, farm aad labor, wbob ceropeaa conditions become stabilised. . - , iriah Oaootiea. " The) Irish question. Governor Cos said, aeed settlement to promote peaee between the English- peakiag race. Beading Article 11 of the league covenant, providiag for tlderatloa by th league council er as sembly of any international oaeatioaa whatever, "which, threstsa to disturb either the peaea or the good nndsr stsnding betweea nations Gov. " Cox said that uader existing condition th Irish question could aot be presented "to the bsr of smblie opinion." Tnder the leans it caa." ha con tinued. "We have four tinea aa maay Ssopl or Usaiio blood ia Ue Caited tatee as ther are ia Irclaad aad their natural feeling not oaly fig re ia oar ? ' (CaaUaaed aa Page Two.) URGES CO-OPERATION TO ' MOVE FREIGHT RAPIDLY Prompt Loading and Unloading of Cars Win Help Be. ' lieve Congestion - ' Washington, Sept. . Maaafaetarcr and shippers la general were urged to assist Amerieaa railroads ia making fullest nse of their rolling etoek la aa appeal issued today by the Railroad Committee of the JJaited Btatea Cham ber of Commerce. By eo-operatlon la loading freight ear nearer to maximum capacity and cutting down delay ia loading and unloeding at terminal, the committee said, shippers caa accompli the aame effect that woald be secured if 635,000 ear could b added imme diately to railroad equipment. Vader preeeat economic conditions, h waa added, the railroad cannot obtain tho care at reasonable prieea or make terminal improvemeata that might expe dite their movement. A average freight ear spends J7 per eeat of its time await ing loading or aaloadlng by hippera er receiver, th committee estimated; 41 per cent moving through terminal or waiting movement; 11 per; cent ia train moving betwee terminals, aad 9 per eeat in repair shops. It was sug gested that shipper voluntarily reduce the Urn ear ara kept by ttem to hours, which practirs, if adopted, the committee said, would produce the same Improvement in transportation facili ties that aa additioa of 300,000 ears would iavolve. The average freight ear capacity. It wa added, ie 41.6 tons while the aver g actual load carried ia 27.8 tone. Co-operation with roads to raise the arerage load t 30 tone, th committee aaid, and also using care to avoid dam age tor ears, reducing reps Irs, woald eomplish th bale ace of th results dc ired. ', IF in LIST FOR PRETTY GIRL EXPERT ON FINGER PRINTS p- L Miss Pauline Buenxie, who haa been placed la charge of the California stato eager print department. . Despite th fact aha ia oaly IS year old, ah ia a hag print expert aad ably qualified for the poaitioa. Aa increase ia trim ia predieted by California official, for pretty Mm Buenxie mast hold the hand ef th criminal ' whea making finger print. , ;- , , . VATSONSTILLHAS Incomplete Thomson. Returns Publishers : ' Show Main taining Good Majority Atlanta, Oa, Sept. 9. Thome X. W t- H maintained hi majority in tha cot toot for th Demoerati senatorial aoml- aatloa ea the face et ia complete 06l effielal returas from yesterdsy' prima eoajpilsd lata today by th AtlnnU Jour a!. . i....; t-H- i.fc 'r, Incomplete return to' th Atkato Ooaetitatioa toalght . lso iadieated majority for Wsteoa. . ', . A raa-eff will be Beessry to decid th gubernatorial nemiaatioa ea the face ef complato returns compiled to- alghtiiy the- Constitution. " These gsvj foroter United State Senator Hardwlek 190 county unit vote; Clifford Wslker 17S nd John Holder 18. A majority ot th S8S county unit vote I necessary lor nomination. ' , . . . -. Tha gubernatorial return were com piled from official counts sent in from all except ZO of the 155 eeontie In Ueor gia. Th rerasining SO were from the aaomeial counts. ' . . Latest figure en th tehstotial pri mary were from the Journal aad Indi cated Wataoa had SIS county anit vote, Governor Dorery 87 aad Hok Smith, incumbent, 42.. Thee are baaed aa ui. official - report from mere than two- thirds of the counties. ?, Compilation of - complete,; return, partly official aad partly from unofficial total, by th Constitution fonight on th popular rota in yesterday" primary showed 1 i. , Senate:-Watson, 93,475; Doreey, 90f 801; Smith, 60,751 ; Cooper, 842. Governor: Iftrdwlck, 8757; Walker, 1979 1 .Holder, Z3,673i Browa, S,47, The county . anit vote, however, de- termiae th result. ' OLIVE THOMAS. ACTRESS, - j IN CRITICAL CONDITION Takes Poison' Throogh; Error; , Now In American Hospital at KeuillT, Prance 'Paris, SspU 9. Olive Thomas, motioa pietare actress, is lying ia a critical eoaditlon at ' the Amerieaa hospital at KealUy, ' where ah wa taken aeveral day ago suffering from mercurial poi soning. Aa official ststement lasusd by Dr. Joseph Choate, aa American physi cian, who ia ia charge ef th ess, ays: The aituatioa - ie serioas, but- rs- covery I hopeful." It is leaned, however, froi-a relia ble eouree that' tho condition Tif Miss Thomas ia extremely! critical, and that her recovery ia doubtful. Dr. Choate aaid today that the actress had awallowed a-eolutioa of alcohol preparation contaialmg twelve gramme f bichloride of mercury, sufficient to kill twenty five men, bat k added that he had taken. U through error. i Recently Mite Thomas. It i aaid, had beea suffering from aervons depression aad had expressed fear for the safety of hY hustiaad, Jack Pickfqrd. Ac cording to Dr. Choate, it we only through the prompt first aid given by Pickford aa bis return ' to th hotel, where they s re., stay ing. that Mist Thomas is liv Bow. - LORD MAYOR OF CORK SLIGHTLY FEVERISH Ix ado, 'Sept. a. Late tonight Lord Mayor MarHwiaey," of Cork, was re ported to be (lightly fevsrua. The numbness ia his limb and th dixxiness from which he suffered during th day were increasing, but th patient was (till conscious, JAFE LEAD III RACE 51 CITIES Substitute Document For 'Fern 101 Shows Plans For In tensive Drives By Repub ' Hearts In 54 Cities- . QUOTAS IN OHIO FIXED' AT DOUBLE THE AMOUNT EXPECTED TO BE RAISED Document Presented By Blair Indicated ' That National Treasurer Was To Appoint City Chairmen of Ways and 1 Means Committees, While Two State Chairmen Subse quently Testify - They Ap-, pointed . Local; Campaign Heads Themselves; Woman Vice-Chairman -Tells of Hard Job of Raising; Money Amons; Hewly Enfranchised Voters; Details of Organisation Work Uncovered Chicago, 111., Sept trT time ay bearing upon Governor Cox' charge that a quoU list f 61 eities had been i at ut by tha Bepublieaa national ' tommittet wa elicited at today' ee. io af th Ssaato eommltte invert! gating campaign funds. . WhUa Harry M. Blair, aulstant to Tred W. Uphsm, national Bepublieaa treasurer, was en the stand, a document was introduced which th witness Iden tified as a subttituts for "Form 101, th campaign plan which - Blair , drew up, bat which waa rejected by the a a tlonal asoeatlv committee. Thi substl. I tut doeamsnt dated that aa inteasiva campaign wu to be undertaken ia fifty! four (54) cities and it also indicated! that tha natioaal treararer waa to. p- point eity chairman f th . way and. mean committees. ' John A. Eslly and Q. T. Deforrest Klaney, atat waya and mean head for Ohio and Illinois, respwetively, later aid they appointed the local chairmen themselves and that the natioasl tress rer had nothing to do withi these ei lection or with axing quota for th variona Matties. - ; - Mr. Kinney also added " that h waa eoaeerned only with th campaign out side -Chieag aad Cook county, ,' . Paid AsaistBBt TsetiSMb , la addition, Henry Owen, a paid slitaat to Mr. Blair and. organiser for Ohio, Xeatocky, Tennessee, West Vir ginia and Indiana, testified that he had never heard ef any plan to ergania cities a distinctive from tha county or gaaixationa, B said, furthermore, that ha never saw Pom 101 and kaaw noth ing et it being located in a saf t Be publieaa - headquarters after it had beea rejected. - 'r j Mr. Owca told Senator Spencer that i th whol Bepublieaa method ef raising j fund wss a "stock plan. "I can buy it for you ia printed form for twenty-five cents,''' he added. "Where!" asked Senator Seed. "From the international eommitte of th x". M. C. AV said th witness. Ths nlan is known to hundreds of men. It is twenty-five year old and anything but original with thi drive." - Held Night Sessioa. ,' j - The committee held another night ! session, Chalrmaa Kenyon explaining that they hoped to wind np th commit tee hearinp in thi , city by Bator day night. .- Other development today" included testimony by Mr. Kelly that he fixed the quota of- Ohio eoaatie at Just ! double what k expected to raise, but did aot inform ehairmaa' of that feet. On that bssls, ' the worker : in. that state, it wu brought out by Senator Pomersne, were itrivlng to get $1,300, 000 instead et th 6SO,000 which th national aommitte wanted. - ''W shot at the moon, hoping to hit the tree-tops," explained Mr. Kelly. . WOmea Poor Contributors. ' ; Mrs. Bertha Bear; of Chicago, way and means vice-chairman, for Illinois, told ot the difficulties of rsising nancy among women voter. i- ; "W thought that line women had assumed th pririlcge of the ballot they ought to assume some of its responsi bilities," shs said but her figures showsd that sh had collected MM1J&7 from i only fire eountles in Illinois wad that ' all except $3X6 had com from ' Cook county. She said the hid tried to ap point vice-chairmen in etch ot th 101 counties of th state, but had succeeded in only 02. . ' There wa on subscription of $3,000 end thirteen of $1,000 in Mrs. BaUr list. Th $2,000 wa received last May from Mrs. John H. Gary, th witness snid, and sh explained that it aa divided betweea two fiscal year "in cccordanee with whet I then understood waa t general plan.",. "Did yon hare any ainlster Durcoae in raising these fundst" queried Senator Kenyon, ask Inn a stock question. . ' "No, sir, it was for the best purpose tm 4k. ..U If II.... ..J ... w w v. " ) icjiucu wi. vault Mm he then smilingly sssured Senator Fom eiene that the remark was aot a rcflec tioa npon ls Democrats.1' . ; rim Evidence ef jDayv At (he start of th day's session there wa evidence thst Charles Boeschcn tein, of Edwtrdsville, llli, Demoerati national committeeman for the state. had' tent letters to postmasters asking volutary eontributiona to hi party campaign fund. 1 Fir of these addressed tt ' th postmaster st Augusta, Ills, a rural, towa ia, Hancock county, were ! given to the committee by an eramismry t f th poatmaster, who explained that I the official would be too busy to com ' ia persoa antil next week. He ' else 1 aid th postmaster was Progressive who had won sppointrrtent by a civil; servics ' examination after th Demoi erati incumbent resigned n year ago. Blair On the Stand. Mr. Blair wa on th stand the ret cf th morning and at the start ot th 'Continue oa Tag Two.) X