n::: k.v-i7';;..y Centrally fair Saturday aad Sunday; no chance ia temperature 7 rrP. - ' - f t ft ip-r. f r -l ys rfw -tmm a a i ! j opr. , , T" VOL CXII. No! 73. TEN PAGES TODAY RALEIGH, N.C, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 1 1, 1920 TEN PAGES TODAY.' TRICE: FIVE CCJT3 V r C0L.DAVEMILT0I! ' "'RMS AS HEAD OF SOLDIERS HOuiE His Retirement Culmination of , v Controversy of Four. J ' .Years' Running . WILL RETURN TO HOME - - ' IN GUILFORD COUNTY rindi Compensation For Bur dens of "War! In Lot of . lien Witl Whom Ee Eaa ' Been Thrown; No Suggestion of Suocessor Board Meeting Probably Next Week ." "A aoatroveny of four year running! culminated yesterday when Col. Iter . MUtoe, Superintendent of the Boldian' l t Hone, tendered bit reiignsGoa to the! Board of Director, ' th lame to take I ; affect oa tba S rat day of October aext fretting personal buiinee i tba rea- bob Col Milton anient ia hit reeaest to be relieved ef tba charge of tba homeJuw," isye Joha F. Kramer, Federal a-responsibility which baa beea bit for four yean ending tba data he, expects , to retire. Hot back of .the Official reaaoa for bia resignation lie a aerea ef quarrel probably wthout a . counter part ia the multiple wriagle that have Marked the administration of govern mailt la North Carolina, ui auinv tin? ii iKct ivi m g-eriuui Vt nearly three year a minority of thai board of directors hat been after the I For tome time ia fact for a period viiu Kaip- toj. union. xne lani i meeting held here, a week age tba past Tneeday, taw the old fight reaewed and vol. Wilton victor by a tie vote. Gen oral Juliaa S. Carr, Chairma of the Board, eonld not break the tie vte at v la poMible ia tome parliamentary tan glea became State inttitutiona do not come within the tcope ef ralea govern' Uf deliberative bodica. HOW THE DIRECTORS STAND. f- Col. W. P. Wood, Vlce-Preeident of : tba Board of Directora of the- Home and a member of the Executive Com' mittae. baa beea the eonmtent ehara pioa of Col. Milton. Voting with him alwayr ee the propoeitiona relating to tbf retention of the Superintendent have , beea aire. - Wary' Bennett kittle, of Wadeeboro, and Capt J. it Fleming, of Balelgh, while J. N. Kelly, of Clark- toa, baa beea aligned oa thia aide, but 1 en account of ill 'health baa net attend . ed a meeting of the board ia tome time. Voting with - General Carr to remove Ruperintcndent Milton have beea Mite Martha. sHaywood and Col. Armistead Jonca, -Mtli of Raleigh "The "war" aa 'rated hot at different v time and Col. MUtoa haa remained alt. ebarge ior the pant year ia epite of a determined oppotitioa to. bia aervieet. The inception of the fight on the Colonel . who it at fan-out for bia pert ia 6oc holding Bobceon and aaving the State at he U for weathering the etonnt that have beat abont the home for aeveral monthly date back to the time when Col. At H. Boydea employed Mitt I, Irvin Pavlor aa an entertainer aad com. tunina fr lb. Vetemna. . Mm Paio atmrt fUmctMma-1 I "When'Sliaa Paylor came to the Home, i i .i . jj ... -m r- w:i. . .v. I afarted aomething.. She told' the veter-1 ana that the State ef North Carolina waa I rich enough to give them anything they I wanted, and the proper procedure wa I to apply to the Colonel. Aa a reault, one I hundred and eixty-aeven mea out of the I eame aunibe of inmatca beeoaght Col. enforcement of the law. Congraaa re Milton for different reaaona. Some fmea to appropriate eutBeieat moaey wanted meala aerved la- their rooma, t0 gud ttU Mqaor ,ld ,T .hmivw"te mn,'ltt ttel' bnadreda of gallona ef it are beihg 111. UIDCH Yuriw- ucuioumi TT tbl, ILUtt' wood Hoore and rich Peraiaa nigt attached to handsomely tiled bathrooma. - None of theno thinga the Colonel bad and the State had provided ao amy for him to to favor the eoldier. A careful, thnh an-nahat l.winn.. nlantln nf the a tuatlon eat aficd noat of tha I one hundred and eixty-eeven. -Some ntT . 'ape puauhmeat. twentrdve believed Mite Paylor, how- ' , : Klaety Per Coat Efldeat. i aver, and aa a result. : ther determined to Kotwitbataading the-fact that Co tight it out oa tboee linea if it required I aeveral win ten. , " 1 Some are Stilt Fltbtiat. ' I While none of thete luxuriea have I beea afforded, aome ef the veterana are atill fighting. It ia, partly, becauae the battle ia too long drawn out that Col. MUton prefer to move back oa hi old .mea ana uae up aeaoquarara u. I0ra. v I Ti..l 1. A V-.L TU! 1.Mla. tiv I It ia aaid. aommunicated oftea with Mia meat Of the Hotae. Boo. Governor Biekett appointed MUa Haywood ea the Board of Directora to eueeeeed CoL Boyden, the venerable Bowaar eoldier vreferrlnt to paaa the reine to othera. General Carr, who ahared hi aympa- thiea. became ebairmaa, . and Col. Armlrtead Jonea went ea the board. Tha mm of fur beat abont the abore of the Home and at timee reached It -fill be recalled that tha Senate into State officialdom. CoL Milton had committee aow laveatigating aad verl atrong defeadere. State Treaaurer lacy, fying iti Chicago Geveraor Cox' - who part the billa, pronounced him aa I ana a Baperintenaent aa any maia -1 atitutioa could elaim.- But the luxu riea and the thing Mia Paylor told the eoldier they eught to bar sever got t the Home. , , . Reealla Lincberry Fiaht. 1 So Col. Milton, weighed down with dUnjlon,dddedto letomeoneel. "When he ineeeeded Superintendent I If. MO - "-' Lineberry, the booka thowed that there - were 167 inmatea, but CoL Milton de clare he waa never able to cheek ap more tbaa It. Thi number haa grown to on hundred and aixty-aeven, and thoae not away ea vaeationa eaa be found at the Home, th Colonel aaya. I A recant inaDCctloa of Ue Home by I ea iunector ef Ue Bute Health nartment reaulted la, a eleaa bill of health for the Miltoa management of affair. Ia addition, there ia a Beat, well kept record of every eoldier beaid which it jotted dowa Ue aoldier'a to- aueita to be carried out after death. Th creaent auperintandst leave, be I . explained yeiterday, with vo bard feel- ! Inga. Ee feela that bia taik haa beea a , trying one, but that eompentatioa ia to (Cotitlnacd en Par """-ly BOOTLEGGM III CITIES CAUSE OF SERIOUSTROUBL Enforcement of Prohibition Law Least s Difficult In Rural i Mountain Districts BONDED WAREHOUSES IN COUNTRY PROVE NUISANC Congress railed To Appropriate Sufficient Money To Guard Adequately Liquor Supplies Drastic Laws By State Prove Great Help, Says Prohibition Commissioner .. The News and Observer Boreas, 4 601 Diatrlct National Bank Bldg, . (By Special Leassd Wire.)';. Washlagtoa, Sept 10. The greatest domestic task before tba Halted State government at tbla moment ia the efll- I eleat enforcement of tba prohibition prohibitloa eomataaioasr, "and tba re markable feature of tbla tank' ia tba fact that ia the ratal mountain die- tricta of tba eountry where tba iataraal revenue department baa bad to flgbt the illicit atill, tba enforcement of the Volstead act ia far Iota difficult tbaa - . 1 tb towaa and eitiea where tba liquor smuggle and bootlegger hava, baaoaie im "It ia far eaaier to aaforee probibi tioa ia the mountaina and valicyt ef North Carolina and Teaaeaaeev where men for three geaeratiana have made Dooaahiae liquor, thaa bara la the eountry'e eapital,' Baltimore, . Pbiladel phia, Nw York, Chicago, or New Or leana. There are twe 1 ontatandiag eanaea 'for thia eituatioa. There are 50)00,000 galloaa of wbiakejr ia t50 bonded warehoueea la the TJaited Statea. There ia no way la which i provide prompt court triala for viola t or of the law ia theee atatea eepecially where the ' big eitiea are located. Ia deed the effort ef the Federal gov ernment to enforce the law ia theee I eentert eonetitute a writable battle ia wntcn many ex ua ao-eaiwa rea pact able elementa, latr-abiding la ether reapecta, are arrayed againat tba pro bibitioa law. Ia none of theea atatea there are ko etate lawa to bach ap or aid ' the Federal onlcera and the Federal eourta are clogged with easea ox Tjoiauoa. Jfecd Draatie Bute Lawa. f Now take a atato like North Caro- 1Ut wMeh kM , 8ut, Uw minwk the manufacture and : aale ' of . liqaar. It aharea with Ute Federal government the enforcement of the law and pro hibitioa there ia a far ampler problem, What ia needed are draatie atate pro bibitioa lawa la MaryUnd, feanayl. vania, New York, Bliaoia, Ohio, Mia- N,r ,OTr Kentaeky. Pab- Ue ecatiment ia thoae ltatee ia aot behind ' the Volatead act. Probibitioa foltted npoa them by the Federal .i..4..l V IW Ilka. V.-rfk Carolina and, a doxea of other atatea, where the atatea. themaelvea adopted prohibitloa . before the federal amend- anent waa ratified. "The 80,000,000 galhma ef bonded liquor ia a etanding menace to the atolea and aold by bootleggera ia the big eitiea. Thia anlawfol t raffia baa attracted .thoutande of profeatiaaal eriminala. Hold-up mea and burg Lara have gone to bootlegging aad emug- fUC- They eaa make more money at 4 w jwrv vi frreaa appropriated only about 3,000,- imp to enioree the voitteaa act aaa the aareotia law. that public loatimont ia the big eitiea ia aot-yet educated to enforce tba law, that the Federal eourta are lax arith offendert, and that the agent of tha government are elaader- ad at grafter aad are the victim ef . iyiBt vnnt thf) tnforeemcnt of Ue l.w. daclai-aa Mr. Kranar. la OO Mr ' . " ,1emw.t j, -Ick u wou(, h''Pi! - : Tbe proof ef Governor Cox'a ehargea that the Bepublieaaa were raiaiag vaat lloab fund to eorrnpt the elec torate and buy the preaideaey haa aow made pertinent , the lat act ef the JM eiomng aour oa vune ara I1"' I Probed Weed Kxaeaditu chargaa - M tbaraame eonautteo that ia- Teetiguea aaa prdved Ue ehargea Uat General .Wood aad Governor . Lowden ware pending million ia trying to purcha the Bepublieaa aomiaatioa for Preaideney at Ue Chicago ee a van tic a. The . revelation brought out by thia committee defeated both ef theee mea eommittea'a, Hfe would have tor-' ainated with the extra aeaaion ef Ue Senate ea June 3rd. bat for the fart that Senator MeKellar, a Decaoeratia Senator of Tenaeeaee, arged that Ue eommittea'a life be protracted aver Ue eampaiga,to meet jutt neh aa emer gency a ha aow ariaea. SeaatoT Pomereae, f Ohio, anoUer Democrat, ana one oi me memoer ex ue corn De-lmittee la responee to Seaaotr McKel lar, moved Ue following resolution! To iuTeaugate, after Ue adjoura- ment of the Democratia eonveatioa aad- before the November eleetioaa. 1920, the receipta aad expeaditure ef the aeveral poltieal committee, aad U receipt aad expenditure f the earn. f aiga conducted by, aad ea behalf ef, It agalntt, Ue eleetioa ef U aeveral eaadidate for Preaident aad wke-pree- ' V--,---l HT"iJ" 1 . I . n 1 1 1 1 1 f" GENERAL WOOD GREETINGrSENATOIi HARDING F"S"8W iiawgtWUUIlLu,UJlUl General Leonard Wood, who aa Senator Warraa 6. Harding oa the caadidato'a arrival at Chicago aa rout from aeuverea aa aaareaa oa agricultural laane at th Hinaeaota State rirn Mra. Harding ia also ahowa la the photo. Thia waa tt aeeand meeting between General Wood aad Senator Harding line th Chico convention, where the former waa vanttntahad and tha latter aama ant viMariAna. . ' :" ' Appeal to Senator Simmons :,' n -'. .:n ' ' v:f- Behalf Tobacco Growers GUARDSMEN KNOCK - OFF FOR HOLIDAY Gov. Biekett Guest of Honor a National Guard Encamp merit During Day ( By NATHAN PALMES.) ' (Staff Correapondent.) ' Camp Glena, Sept. 10. With Ua ex eeptioa af bitting for picture Ui after- nooa work ia' Ua camp waa at a tand atall today, practically all af the mom ing being tikea up with th iTlw of th troope by-Oavtar ft 'W.bkkeU, aad abwat a4draeWiTn Tiftwwsra. xne uovernor wa pieaeed with hie aol diera aad iid ao. Ha wa introdaeed by Colonel Don Scott, cams eo-nmaailar. who wasted a worda ia hia apeech ef laneaaeuoa, praeeatiag kin (imply aa Ueir Governor aad commander ia chief. The Governor began, try aayiag that he did aot kaow what the Governor would do but for the fact that ha ia ale commander ia chief and while he did aot make (pacific mention of H, hit hearer had' ia naiad aeveral iaeidenta of hi admiaiatratioa whea but for Ue timely aaantaaeo of U -Natioaal Guard there would have beea aerioa trouble. 5 .-: - '' - He told Ue mea that H waa their high privilege to be Ue etrong arm of th law, a asighty bulwark agaiaat Bol aheviam aad anarchy without, whoae ecrT.ee th eourta would often be pow erleaa. It waa their, he aaid, to ee that nothing waa dene , la violatioa of Ua atatatoa made aad provided for U peace aad dignity ef tha State. - He paid high tribute to U valor of the National Guard ia time of war aad welcomed the veterana ef .the world war back into th armed foreea of Ue State, praiaing them for their intereet maintaining the civilixatioa ' that ttey fought for. - '4. The Governor recounted in humoroua Tela hi owa txperieneee ia Ue State guard back ia tha eightiea whea every guardamaa bought hi owa uniform, paid hia part of U cook a wagea and Ua ceet of rationa, aad enjoyed the annual encampment - at Wrightaville Beach joat aa maeh aa the boya are enjoying Ue encampment here. All Uat Ua Stat furnished ia Uoae daya waa a railroad ticket from Ue hom ttatioa to Writhtaviile aad return. There wa on. compeaiatioa, h admitted, ia the aaiform they were permitted to wear la Uoae daya, with ita helmet aad chining tpik, Ua long double breaatea ' bin (Coatlnned aa Pag Two.) LORD MAYOR MACSWINEY WEAKER, SAYS BULLETIN Suffer Much -Pain, But Mind Is Clear; His Sister He-' : fused Hearing London, 8cpt 10. Th Gaelic League' balletia iaaued late th-a evening aayi: "Lord Mayor MaeSwiney grow weak er He euffera morb pia, but hi mind ia perfectly dear." Thia waa Ue 2SHh day of the Lord Mayor' hunger at tike. Mary Mae Swiney, aiater of Ue priaoter, when leaving Ue priaoa Uia afternoon told Ue aewapaoermea Uat her brother wa abb to apeak to her thi morning. He asked her what day it waa. "Whea I aaid it waa Friday, Ue tenth," aaid Mica MacSwiacy, Terence id. It M the beginning ox ue aim eek of my hunger otrike'.' Beferrina to her visit to Portamoutb yeaterday, Mi MaeSwiney aaid th la bor official! at the Tradee Union uon- definitely refuted to give her a hearint. E'i waa told by aa official Uat the congress could aot help her, aad ah laid the thought ttey were afraid of her urging direct actioa for the purpose ef obtaining - Ue Lord Mayera release. "I.did not want to arte direct ac tioa," aha declared, "t oaly desired to hare Ure minute of plain talk with Ua representative of elx and a half milliona of working people ef England. waa told that U a atnke -wa called tomorrow they would not be able to get t r-;T"" rn to leav w'.J one af Ua leadin eaadldatea far Ua VonnhlUaa riMiiaatial tl. 'I.t:.. 'it u: Council of State Asks That He Take Up Matter With Treasury Department BUYERS CLAIM MONEY . . STRINGENCY TROUBLE Want Duplication of McAdoo' Action When He' Poured Money Into South To Sate ' Cotton Market From- De ' moraliiation; Farmers More - Optimistjo Orer Situation The Council of State yeiterday aaked Senator f, M. Simmon to exert hi Influence with the , Secretary '-'of' Ue Treasuryto aato fh aepattmat duplj sate ita actioa efwa year age -when Secretary . MeAdoo pouted eny Into 8oathera banka to save U cotton crop irom a aiaaaetroa arop in price.- f Thia time it ia tobacco. The memberi of U Governor' official family arc erlously concerned aver the aituation la eaatera Carolina tobacco centers and tha impending diaaater from demorallxa- tioa of the market. Bnyr elaim Uat they are unable to pay for tha tobacce Means tney are anabl to aeear Bron- er flaaneiai accommodations. , Bememberlng the memorable nromot- itud wHb which Secretary McAdoo directed that eredita be diverted south ward during a atriageacy ia banking eirelea at a time whea the eottoa crop waa coming to market, members of Ua Council of State hope that Senator Simmons will be able to leenre favor able actioa from Secretary Hoaatoa. . aigm money lease. ., Money- stringency and over-Drodna- tioa have beea offered the grower a reasont zer Ue laadalide of prices this year. Buyer claim that they are un able . to . secure financial accommoda tion! ia local banka lo handle th arop, and for Uat reaaoa are compelled to oner lower price. The eame erplana. tioa haa beea offered all over the entire tobacco belt, and member of th ad- misiitratioa are looking for a remedy, Production ia estimated by the De partment of Agriculture to be 60 per cent greater than last year's crop, with Ue added produetioa of newly opened up tobacco growing territory la Georgia, where millions of souadi hare, beea growa oa laid that never produced to bacco before. Total figures thia year are" expected to be 100 per cent over last year a agurejw But va with production at each St are, growera are anabl to Sgure out reaaoa for each price ee Uey are receiving for the loaf ea Ua eaatera market. They expect lower prieca, and ara prepared to accept them, but the present price paid are declared to be not equal area to the cost of tradint tha leal and placing it ea Ue market. Ca-ald Take Half. - "We would be willing to take half the price -we got for it last yearrde tlared a promWajt Pitt county fariner who was in the New and Observer office yesterday," but we cant aell it for let Uaa that. It coat a that much to mak it, aad a good deal ef it wt raised oa credit. If we have to sell it for lets Uaa it coat aa to rait it, I doa t know where we ll be.. , - . "Eastera North Carolina went sort of tobaee wild Ui year," declared aa of ficial of the Department of Agricul ture yeiterday, "aad it ia only natural to expect a conditio a ef Ui ort I am rot one to aay 1 told you ao,' but tt iHipartment early ia the year warned the farmre agalnst ever-pradnetion. and th danger of planting tobaeco aad nmuing cue. - ,t . i- Visitor ia Balelgh from' the bright tobaeo belt bring wiht - them , mora hopeful tiding thaa emanated from Uat' section of Ue State Ue day marketa opened. Farmers are aaid to be taking less Impulsive view of the aituation and are holding their crop from market until it elarif ie to a degree. Sufficient tobacco ia being brought to market to keep Ue market open, but aot mutk more. Prices are rising slowly aad th belief ia expressed that before many weeks mora reasonable price will be offered.; -...: - - .'. ' V, Near Interest Areaaed 1 Tobacco haa had every this -' else backed off the tnap ia' so far aa public interest i concerned ever since the sen sational flop ia prieee Tuesday. Where ever one rurna there ia anally but on ' n.r J. y Marioa to St. Paul, Minnesota,, where he i'SEflATMRDI Five Delegations Stage Several Hours oi Demonstration 9-1 and Oratory . NEGRO LEADERS AIR . GRIEVANCES OF RAC - . . With Camp; Meeting Spirit Pre Vailing; "Amens", and "Hal lelujaha'l Float Hearenward : ; With fOh,s Boys"? and "Toft TeU ,'Im'fi"; Homines Be spouds, In 2 Short. Speeches Marion! .Ohio, Sept.-10. Five delega- tioaf btt Hepublic, reptesCtting drioui organisation of Ue race ia Ue North and Boutk, gathered. at Senator Harding' Xront porch. i today aal pledged him Ueir aupport la several oara ef ebaraeteriitie demoaatratioa and oratory.. ,; . ., j ,.; Ja rsiponae the Republican, nominee made two apeoehe. praiaing tb loyalty and attainment of U aatioa'i Bear eitisenship and promising that the fed eral govertment -will aot fail the Ameri can .negro.; . He aaked that they, make services to eountry Ue everyday itaai ard of. Ueir citiaeaabip aad . declared hi abherraae to th use of .'"brutal and unlawful violence" against Ue black race or any other alas., . . Ia several private eoafereaeea. Bsna- tor tisrdina; alto heard the grievanje of various aegre leader and aaurd Uem k' would mak a careful atudy of the aituation. Lynchbit and aturo- gatioa of negro Federal employn were two 01 the thing for whoa euppreetioa tne visitors made a partienlar plea. - raraay at Hymn rr Hardlat. Convantieaa of aegco Bapitota ia a oa at Columbuf and ladianapoli seat th largest delegation!, and a camp meetiag apirit ruled ue day eelebra- tioa. The xl rat group cam up ting ing; Harding will ihln toaiaht." in parody of a revival hymn, aad "Amaaa" and "Hallelujah" floated beavewrd wiU "Oh, Boya," and "You Tell "EmV aa the (ueeaaaioa of oratora poured out Ueir professions of loyalty to th nartr oz JLaneoia aaa urant, " .' - Henry Lincoln Johneea Thtra. Henry Lineoln Johnaon, Bepublieaa national , eommittemaa Jl or i Georgia, headed Ue group from th national Bap tiat convention- at Columbue, which ar med during th morning and wa th. firat to bt addrewed by Ua aomlnee. The afternoon ipeech wm to reDresent- ativee of th National BaptisfC"' tioa, laeorporated, which ia meeting la (Coatlaaod aa Pg Two.) STATE-WIDE MEETING TO DISCUSS TOBACCO PRICES Wilson' dhamher of Commerce Takes Initiative In ;; Move. ' ment To Reduce Acreage . ' ; Wilton, Sept. lo. Th Wilaa Cham br of Commerce is thi day eendlng a penonal letter to U owaera aad pro prietor! of every tobacco warebeute ia North Carolina a well to prominent tpbaecohiat urging them 'to attend meeting to be held ia Wilioa aext Tue- day, September 14th, at I o'clock. The Chamber of Commerce realixea Uat Ue present price paid for tobieeo ia below the coit of produetioa aad that aome thing aiutt be done, and for Uat reaaoa they trs ' requesting th rarioa ' in terest ia the Bute to meet wfth Uem aad work tha matter out aa a business basis. Soma plan must be formulated to redaee tha acreage next year aad Ue Wilson Chamber of Commerc haa a plaa to offer, but it aeeda the eo-oper-ntioa of the .entire tobaee force ef North Carolina. Thi I aot a loea prop sition, but effect the entire State aad a. large attendance ia expected. , EEPRESENTATIVB LITTLE " . DIES IN WATAUGA COVMTT Rv-.t RmL 10. Dr.' McD. Little. repreienatiya for Wautaga County, died at hi boma in Boon thi afteeraooa. He wa takea aick ia Baligh bat ral lied aaotth to be brought home. He grew worseTuneral arrangemeat have yet tie meje, " ' COaiMITTEEPLANS T6 WIND UP WORK AT CHICAGO TODAY V COXSPEAKS AT SPOKANE FAIR Nominee ' Declares , He Is Preaching Progress and . - ' Gospel of Peace CONTINUES ATTACK ON G.0. P. CAMPAIGN FUND , ... 11 am i Beplies To Question In Spokane newspaper Regarding Quota , of That City By Oirlng Facta 0a Money .Raising Tactics In Washington State; Outlines Progressirelsm" Fair Groaada, Spokane, Wah, Sept 10-Speeking at Ua. Iataratate Fair today, Governor Cox aaid h had .,m to know U people. - 4 "X m a Progressive. X am a Demo crat U U broadest en," th Gover- aor eoBtlaaed. ' . (I com to preach progress aai th gospel of -peace," h aaid. I ask you to forget that I am a taa- dldate f a politieal party," he "Lt a aatemble aa American aai ait a nartlaana"- Goveraor Cox reiterated hi attack ea tt "Senatorial Oligarchy." Th candidate also vent ever hi charg agaiart th. - Bepublieaa eoatributina plaa aad tb Bepublieaa leader. . Ha produced aa hia information Ue Be publieaa treasurer's "official bulletin" aad Ue copy of aberiptioaa t Ue Xe- publieaa hn book of William Bar Jr of New Tork. whom he dubbed "t Saint Paul af Ua Bepublieaa party.' ad the author of the "BepabUeaa Bi- oi - tor ukso. -- i r, Dlecaaae Ck O. P. Qaetae. Goveraor Cox also discussed hi charge ef Ue Bepublieaa eontribatioa quotas. Assistant Treasurer Blair, the eaadidate said,, testified yesterday that tb aumber ef cities alloted quo taa waa 04 instead ef 01 aa named by the ctaor la hia Pittsburg address. Baerrlng to denial tt hi ehare-ce before tha Senate eommtttee, Gorar Cos deelared that he ?had Ue r'eht la. itulit apotr eafercement af law agaiaat perjury.' : , The geveraor replied to a qaeetioa ia a local aewapaper regarding Spo- aaas quota. .The loeai , Jtopablicaa chairman, Th add sea 8. Iaae, waa em- ed at declaring that Spokane quota wa $5400 aad aot 15000 a aharged by th governor at Pittsburg. . Tha candidate produced a' copy ef aa al leged letter wrlttea August S by A. D. Btewart, tte tat , ehairmaa. atatint taat wasningtoa -probably eoeld aead 90OSXQ to Ue Bepabliea natioaal mitte, af $300100 a ceded la tt atato. The, goveraor asked ale if aeveral UouBtad dollar haa aot beea subscrib ed st a breakfast her attended W. H. Cowlss, a local publisher, aad E. T. Oomaa, Bepublieaa candidate for goveraor. Also, Goveraor Cox said he would ask hia representative at Chicago to have Mr. Cowlea and Mr. Comaa and oUm aaid to have beea" at tt break fast ubpond before Ua Seaate ecaa- mlttee to teatify regarding U Watbiugtoa ejuota. Pregreaelvieat OatHaed. PTogreeeivism waa euUiaed by. the governor aad he reiterated that Radic alism would hare beea avoided North Dakota if iti Itgiilatur had pro- roc rea mo termer agaiaat being "rob bed by Xaatora graia interests." Qoveraor Cox wa iatiedueei bv former United Statea Senator George w. Turner, vr. llxabtt D. Chris tian, aatieaal eommltteewomaa from Wuhingtoa, introduced Senator Tura- Th raia had atopped by the time the goveraor reached the fair groaada, bat he'epok) ia a sweater aad aver- coat. ,;- !,-, , .v .. SATS BEPCBLICANS HELPED ,' . TO DRAW UP LEAGUE PACT Walla Walla. Washa. Sent. 10-Da. fB of the league of aatioaa ahared with diacuaaiea af Beanblicaa eamnain method th attention ef Goveraor Cox, of Ohio. Democratia eaadidate for Us presidency, ia hia addreeCtoaitht. ia governor arrived aboard a pedal traia from "Spokane, where ha ;ntiJ the atato from Montena today, aad de livered here th third let addreoe of Ue osy. a had ipokea twice Uia forenoon at Spokaae, once to a crowd f Bret voters and agaia at th latentate Fair aad late today at Paaeo. Uovernor Coa declared that Ue leeme CI aationa laatead of being a British league- or a "Wilson league," a he aaid Ue Bepublieaaa have charged, was leallr the product of certainly "aa lea than 600". of U best mind la all Ua eivilixed aatioaa." '. He declared that eeveral ef tte lead era ef Ue Bepublieaa party had aa aa (. part ia ita formation, mentioning ia, Uia eoBBeetioa former President Taft, former Justice Bnghee aad Eliha Koev ' . ' BepabHcaaa Gave Aid "Ex-President Taft offered four amendments, all ef which were adopt ed." he declared. "Jndae Hnahe of fered aevea amendments, Ave of which were adopted 1 Eliha Root aeggeeted six tmeadmenta aad th aubataaca ef Br of Uem found Ueir way into Ua Baal covenant, la aeveral instas Mr. Roct 1 exact worda beia introduced. . "Mr. Boot area approved Ue laeiaalaa ef Article Tea, for a period of Bve year. Doea any Bepublieaa hontatly think Uat if Mr. Boot believed Article Taa. would 'sacrifice our sovsrr'gnty' h would have advocated Uat wa a II CnlBad aa Pa Thaws-)'. Investigation . of . Republican Campaicn Fund Raising h Chicago To Complete Prcbe t; .:r;-; Into Cox' Charges , COMMITTEE WILL" MEET AGAIN IN AN EASTERN CITY ON SEPTEMBER 22 Yesterday's -Session Brought . Out Practice of Bepuhlicana t : of Boosting Quotas In Cities ' ! Zdmund H. Moore; Oorernor ' Cox's Personal Bepresenta C tire, Questioned Aa To St i ports ' of Aid Oiren Demo 1 crate By liquor Interests; , Dirergent ;TIews As To Be. Bolts of Hearing of Zridenea Bearing On Cox Charges; ' Senator Edge Says Charges ' .TrresponsiDle," While" Sen ' ator Beed Says Any Com ment at This Time la "Inde - eent" l-. -. ChUago, Bept. 10 lavwtigntioa tt flk Bepublieaa mpalga to raiee fuaia U Chieaga tomorrew will eempleto Ue Sea ate oauittea'a Uqairy bora into th ehargea ef Governor Cox that Ue Be publicaaawar aeekiag to eorrnpt U electorate by aolidUag tUfiOOfiOO. Tha aemmittea plan t meet agaLa September SS la com eastern ity to be aeleeted by Chairaua aEaaya. Tha Dsmeerati msaabers want to go to New Terk aad pareue th invtetlgatlea ef the Cox ehargea there, while th Bepub lieaaa faro removing to Pittsburg to look Into reports that liquor iatereot ara taking aa aetiv aart la th Deute- rSratie aomiaae'a campaign. v Widely Dirergeat Tlaw. The widely divergent view ef th committee membere aa to Ue result of the heariag here was ahowa today whan Senator Edge, Bepublieaa, af New Jar-, aey, issued a formal statement, asserting the Democrat had failed to eabarsatiate Govern er Cox' charges, aad Senator Beed, Democrat, af Miiaourl, asserted Uat aay express low af opinion at thia time Ta ladeceat.M - Senator Beed today asked that Charle Pica, former preaident of tha Emergency Fleet Corporation, aad aow ehairmaa of Ue Bepublieaa way and matn com. mitte ,1a Ciicago, t cubpoenacd to morrow to tell of the fuad drive la Chi cago. Th Missouri senator aW asked Uat William Wright, Jr, and Frederick : Courtoaay Barber, th latter of whom la th S000 a week director af the Chi cage drive, be summoaed. ' . .... Beoatlag Practice," . . ,. Today teetiasoay chewed . Uat tha praetie ef Bepublieaa State worker of boosting Ue quotas assigned Uem by the aatioaal eommittoe waa general la ' many sUtes. A quota," Charlee Mavity former director af Wert Vireinla cam paign explalaed, Ts a target at which we snoot, bat we doa t expect to hit It Mavity aad other witneasea told hew Uy eometimea doubled Ue Bguie aa (igaed Uem to raise. They stated Uat Goveraor Cox'a flgun ef qaotea fee ' many eitiea war correct, but that Uea figarea were thoae Uey orsoaally had jet, aad aet Uoae en pp lied by Fred. W. i pnam, aauoaai treasunr. Upham Takea BeeaaaafhlllCy. Mr. tlnham. recalled to taa ataa aaM h took full responsibility for th de fuaet plsa outlined ia "Form 101" to aet aaide Chairmaa Will ' Hare Halt mf l-000 a eoatribatioa aad aabetitat a itmn t siojwo. Tb aatioaal way aad meaaa eommittoe. however, wto4 ta propoeal, he aaid. Mr. Cnham defeadsd tL, mA m Barry M. Blair aad sthsr former T. M. C. A. secretaries. Wh ara bin aaaktaata. Yoa assume rnanaihiiit i' Psalm eiagera'P ; Seaator Pemeraa Baked. :.- - ,y T it, aad lam peeed f U week mr . A. eaBigaM w dotag, aid Mr. Vphaaa. "I hH tka I. shewiag here af reaalt I aoald, aa a baaiaa Haa, get Ue job f wiaiag th Demoerstis camTmiga fund, aad whea they reortaaiaa their flaaaaaa I u.i.k Uey will adopt ear ytm." - rrsag Jfew Paying Blue. He pointed eat Uat hltharta v- ma baa always paid Ua bill ef bott parties. "But ap to date two-third af ear fuad have come from what New Tm-k aaa. aider the West'," he said "That fact. I taut, ia a pretty good argument that e are gettiax away from what la aalia the Mffall Street influence' about which we have heard s mnek her. . ee sTeeamsa Stead. Edmaad H. Moore. . Goveraor Cn'i personal repreeeatative. wa raeallaA a " the etoad and aaked concerning report that liquor interests ia Ohio had sup rorted Us Dane rati aomiaee in Ue gubernatorial eamnaiea four wsai-a bm and charges that Ue New Jersey liquor " -vrs raising ronas to aaeist th Dsmoeratie caadidaato this year. Mt. - Moore dealed aay kaowladva at tha ' ehargea aad aaid tt ass ef hia Bam a prospectus of tte Assoeiatioa On- poaed to Natioaal Prohibition was aaau thoriaed. He aaked if Senator Bpeacer, hi ameetioaer. waa "attsmDtins to In. ieet a wet and dry iu into U presi dential eampaiga." -. , "The fact Uat I am kaowa as a strona anti-prohibitionist hi of ao more tignifl aaaea Uaa th -fact that Georg Whit, chairmaa ef Ua Democratia aatioaal committee, advocated aad Toted for s probibitioa whea ia Coagreea," Mr. 1 Moore aaid. ' Ha characterised Ua Anti Saloon League as a Republican org asisa tioa and 1 aaid'.Wayae B. Wheeler, it general coaaeel, aad aUe leader were Be rablicaa. . i - ' -. Sea. Ed go's Btatoateat. ' . '- ' The atatement iaaued by Senator Edi age tonight declared t -I am eoaviaeed Uat tha eommittoe aimpy becoming th vehiel for all . , ,, - I raM-w a pga Two.) t

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