tzx:s and VmvzJL nALLicii.. i;. c. Saturday mg.u,::,g. .310 UEI; EVAHS F0 TITLE Cu-r.pior.s win out In Scrni-Finclj r . - . Boalyn, N. T. Sept. 10. -Cluirlee Ev as, Jr.,' of Change and JVaaei Ouimet of Bostoa eeah ef whom has previsusly been amateur sad" opn golf casta pfena f the United 8Utco. Will pixy tomor row at the Engineers Coaatry Club for this year's (Kite or title' a a result ef their victories la thd semVfiaelt today. Guinea defeated Robert T. Jones, Jr. the yenthful etar from Atlanta, fix and fire, while tvana amiBatod Edward. F. AJhi,. ef . aUiwaukev formal . .Barvard captain, 10 and aV' ." - " Ouimet, aad Craw hrre net bat eaee before ia match play, Last rear la the amateur toanaaieat for the national title nt Oakmentv Penan- Ouimet elim inated vaaa-ia the aeesed round by one op ot the home groan. , Erase held beta the amateur aad open title 4a 1916 and la the Only man to have wen both championships ia tlia aaaia year. Ouimct wae victorious ia the aaaataar la 1914. Ouuaoi displayed aU around snperd ionty aver his youthful opponent, who wae as well liked by the apseulative fraternity that some of taa geaUeaiea wre giving odds oa aim More the pair teak the turn. The fij-wree show that Ouimet waa acttar la driving, approach ing aad pattinf. pver 28 long -holes which taa fair pUyed, Ouimet aad the longer , drive at 16. There were "live abort hole and Oultwet wae Bearer the pia with aia tea ehot at throe at them. Ouimt approached better aa IS oa taa loaf hole. - Jones' averaged two patts ta WW g-cva.- -wa"a7- mwim k.-m. better than twa putte to the greea la the morning round aad tws better the a twa putts to the green la taa after noon round. -, ' v, D. Jil....... :... (titi. Al t-uui(cyM;iiy in tiucj ui ...Serious' Trouble - fCaatiaaaa' fraam. Fill OmJ . Ident, aad tka trailed States 8eaata. Chaimaa Calde railed the expeadi tbroa caaamltte of the Seiata tacetaat and. tire RepoUlieaaa wotad H report the above reeolatioa adewraely, that the Kepabltea. wieaihera of this eemmittee were eprtoeM ta aay farther lareetifa tioa of sampalRa faada. Ia rtew of the dieeloaares af the attempt of Chair naa Will Ifays sad Treaearer Uphaea to raise enoufh atoaey ta bay the preai dency, ' the artiea f the Bepablleaa neaitwra -ia glvea added sigaifieaaea. - I rilea Mlanrttr pUpart , At the time Braator MtKellar, perna erat, toads Un following aiiaorit re port i -5 " .': - " '' -; - - -Tor the tekority I diaaerit froaa the report of the majority. . If srer a Sea ate inveatifatloa haa baea f raltf ul ef good resnlte, thia iarettigatioa has beea ' fruitful. , Already , it haa ba ascertained that million of doOara la the aggregafa 4wreS) beaw aaed by war lose eandidrtee for aomiaatioa "tor Ahf preeideaey. The was of tbeee faada ia te way; they hare bee, seed le eom uioniy enlled a Natioaal arandal. If uea will spend .atreral mlllioaa fr a uominatioa for 1 he presidency, how much will, be spent ia the actual elec tion t ' "Where 'ii thia thing going -lo stop t Are we going to permit the presidency to be put up for sals aad bought ' by 'the candidate baring the moat money t I da aot believe anyone will say we ought to do that. Thea wa ought to continue thia Inrettigatioa. ! If ws stop this aow It will ha equiva lent ta saying that tbs Beasts la per fectly willing ta eatabliau the truth bout the. eunipoiga expense af eertaia of the contostants for ths aomiaatiba, hut it, la aot willing ta tara tha light of day upoa Hi campaiga sxpenees of the suaeeaaful a a d 1 d a t a after they are aominkted. Suppoas ne of thesa eaadidatea who haa ased a half million or a snUiioa or more aeeurea a aomiaatioa) the defeat af this resolu tion would be aquivaleat to saying to hia 'Wall, you hare bought year aumi aatioa, aow go ahead sad hay . your c. actios. The Bnate will aot moieat you.' Kaither a aosaiaaUoa c aor aa eiectioa ta ths presidency should be pat up aad sold to ths bigheet bidder, we hare a splendid opportunity aaw to put aa sad to the improper , ass af money la tbsae elections tad la aoml Eating primariea, Thia eotanittea has doas a aplaadid work aad is ea titled to tka thaaha of aU patriot! aad aaaeat Americana. Let u give them authority to fiaiah it toofl work, i'or the mi nority I reeommaad th,t ths reeoluUea : bs passed." .. Oas Airaraft Bid Mada ' Tha poatofliea department, haa re eeired from ths Lawsoa Aircraft 'Com psuy, of Milwaukee, a bid ta carry ths tnaila by asropltae from New York to Atlanta by way ef Kiehmoadi Baleigh aad Columbia. It waa said at tha de partment today that thia bid would probably ba asteptad sad too Haa would bo axtedaed from Washiagtoa to Atiaata about rebraary 1, JKL Mr. Iawtoa bid oa thia roots the maaximam limit -of SSOOOO.. Bo propoeee to pianea ox lajjvu paaaoi tipaeiiy ia- eluding f aaL Tha plaaes will bo equip ped with three motors with a maximum speed of 120 milee per hoar, foal ca pacity 13 hears. Ba. will, arry paa- sengero aad bo sble to aaeomaaodats Iium' 10 to 10 passtngsrs.' , GIGANTIC MASS-MEETINQ vi MiivsihiiN- iii iiuie , 1-x.nri rarasrg Will Take Action Ia . prya County T&Tora J A.I ' Kew: Bsra, Sept. 10 Cravea County tobaceo srrowera are ta meet ia New Bf ra tomorrow aftaraiVoa ia a gigaatis a iss meeting to sxpresa their feelings over tha low prkea being paid fat ths weed which haa beoa ld, oa ths floors of ths warehouses hers thia week, ani to take eonecrted action which they hope will relievo the existing aituatioa and maks it posalbls fat them to sees re higher prk'---" ' - ' A personal message has beea aaat ta no leu than ore hundred farmers, aad h one has beea arged by aU means to be la attendance. At ths same time Bern buaineee wiea, bankers and warehouRemea are to bs present aad will a'kd to take a Prt ia the meet int. ' i. hitiona aimlUr to thus passed ly t i frmer of Titt County will bs - CFF FCn 'HOllOAY f , - - -V - a. (Caatlaaed from rage Oa0 , ' coat, with three aoaads af ahlalng brass buttons dowa ths treat. Bs told several good stories about ths ell State guard,, greatly pleasing tha saea aad closed, with, the declaratloa thai the State has absolute deaee la the National Guard 1 asd kaowa that' tha guard will sisal every mergeaey with effective action. la tee reviewing staad with the Gov ernor and his wife were Adjt. Gtn. X VM&'Motta, Cel. Doa. XL Hoott, Col. aad Mrs. U. E. Karoes, Col. Wallace B. Scales, lOas Elotls 'Webb, Ed. Chambers Smith, Mrs, George Thompson, Mis Mildred Wallaeo aad Lisas. Commander PfohL cat the aotut award aviatioa etatloa. "" Following the- review aad address of Q overs or Bkkbtt, the party of visitor wore the guests of Cokaela Scott, Eaass aad Sealee at dlaaer, which had for Its leee do resistance, stewed ehieksa sf aa eaeellaat tenderness, quita suitable lor his excellency, who eajoyed the party almost as much as ds did that aneaaorabla Bight of th women's jollification at the Yarborouga ia Baleigh daring ths special legislative aeaeioa i & V, r,.v.. The ofSoers saees this year ie ta tha efflcieat ear of Mr OtU ht Hsdriek, of ueiiBitoa. who has a varied oxperieaes aa a mesa director e;tae Maxieaa bor der aad u Europe waa ,te uta at vialoa. ' " .; -, ' What, wtta aamsroas fair- aammar visitants, ' baseball, Moving pictare. surf ha thing, boxiag, daaeco and a work program not ' exceptions! ly - graelllag, the soldier contingent hero find that they are not altogether unappreciated by their government, area though pre vious to the groat war there were do- fieienelea In the matter of rroparedaes aad haadliag Of the Sclav.-. r .; The social activities i of 'the samp harea't bee as Urely as la 1913 aad 91L alnco the Atlantic Hotel at Vore icad -City ia so. loafer la 'operation. This huge wooden structure where ia tha aato-bellaai of Messed memary, the annus! offleer"- ball aad ether miaor dance were bgld, went out of business two years or more ego, whoa the gov ernment la it attempt to build chips faster thaa Baa submarines could de stroy them, took over the place ta i lta force of shipbaudera, Ths frame work of a large vessel oa the way, staading stark ia lta incomplete- only a short distance from to hotel, testifies to their good work which waa so happily interrupted., - --. As a substitute, however, there Is. at ths beach Just a half aa houi'i boat ride from Merehoad .City the Beds- worth, which doviag the summer months, was srowded to its capacity af several score rooms with lovers of earf bathing aad the joy of the coast stripped of it frill. Bare the helding sad surf Joys sipcrieaced that are second to aoae for the breakers roll eight feet deep. - :;..'Mivvv.;,;-,j,i Committee Plans To Wind Up worx at Chicago Today (CoaUaaod from ?age Owe.) type of lojlneere folttica ehnrges sad rumors for partisan effect. Ia ths light ef the erhleaco. Governor Cox. hat beea gtvea area more soasidaratisa than hi irresponsible charges warrant. It nukes no differeaee what witnesses testify an- der oath, if each testimony displease Mr. Cox, h at oaee proceeds to vllllfy them aad apparently no' one tells ths truth bat himself. The eltoatioa le un paralleled la Amerlesa polities. Under sack eircumataacos what eaa possibly he gaiaed by foUowlag his so-oslled leads farther! Governor Cos owes It to the AaMrieaafpeople to withdraw hi extravagant statements or etaad con victed ef descending to the saoat despi cable type of profeaaioael polities imagine bis." . lea. Reed In Reply. ' When Beaator Seed learned ef Sena- tor Edge's statement, hs-said la reply i "I hare ao comment to make oa our inreetigatloa at this time. The duty of the committee Is to lavestigat aad re port to the Resets what It tads whea ths iaveatigsttoa ia over, end to parens any other coarse is, ia my oplnloa, ia deccBt.,l v. ',;!' " . F1IST BiL OF COTTON J - , 50U IN JUN1SN COUXTT : Moaroe, Sept. 10. The first bale of new crop cotton was said Oa thia market today by J. A. Araat of Chesterfield county, aad was boaght by J. E. mark sad Co for 90 cents a pound. The cot toa waa ginned by 8htite and Wilson who also bought the seed for 75 costs a bushel. Following the custom ao charge was made for ginning the first bale aad a premium waa paid fop the seed. Mr. Arsnt has sold ths first bale hers for sevsral years, t .. ; kterra a cheat keeo Borsford's Acid Phosphat . I very beneacial for eshauted son ditioas due to heat, overwork sr in-omnia- (Adv.) ' . ' ; - taEcnczs call cn ? EK ATC.1 HARDl'nS ' (Coettlawod from rage One.) fadiaaapoltt, the KatloBSl Eqaal Rights League, ths. African Methodist Episco pal Chareh tend the Methodist Episcopal Church. - ," - - Besides Aofrnam, those whs madw speeches Included ths prcsidenai of both of the convention j WUlisat E. Lewis, ef Boston, a former amlstant attorney geaetalt Chsrteo CsttriU, of Toledo, feraatir olleotor or tntoraai revenue at Baaolola Mrs. Thomas W. r. Usnmlar. af Clevaland, head of the celered weomen'S anviaioa ef the Republican awstioaal rsesnmittes, a Bailie Q- Bronm, president of ths I tional fedevataota of eolorrd women's clubs. : 9 A prayer oposaed the afioraoea meet ing, which had J acted for acmrly two hours . aeforo akaaier Harding was reached oa tha iwogras af speakers. Other' sseeehee sot lowed aia, aad thra the visiters iockodl ap tha front steps of tha Bardiao; roafvdeaee and kept ths candidate haay fbsr half boor shaking haada. ' - Pardiwo Teare) Weoaem Totes. Twa kaadrotl thousand, votes frwm aegro women arena promleed .the SsnatM by tha wet ana speaker, . on or whom praieol hist staad for party goveraatoat ana aaaa gae wromoa st acr race woald claim) reptrsaautiea la the govoraaaent , ia ptmwrtioa to their anmborn, :i At txitk tha sasrnlnr aad afisraooa eiebrntioan. Goal Jsha 3. Pershing, na overnight gnost at tha alarding home, was aa added attcaetkss - thtt helped stir the eBthneaaaea of faO visitor. Ts each crowd ho anad a Short speech praising the ocunico or aegro ooiaters ia tso war,as aos soariaing oa pou tieal smbieetsu Z, "-. . Oao of theoa who epnfemt wit tha aoaator daring the day was Wil Uara Monroe Trotter, otf Bostoaoxo entive secretary of the Is'atroasJ Cqual Bigbta Iaagua. He asked that see; ro gation ef BogTO, e)aployva af ths fedrr- al gov cram eat ba aboihaod, ana Ce eUrcd afterwards that the aomlaeo had given the request appreciative sonald eraUoa. - - " "' " ' ' " ' " Tomorrow Senator. .Harding, will apeak to delegatloas of bullae mea front JMeaere, uotrolt, aa inaiaas cities aad is anoeted to max one of the important speeches of his eat paiga, oat lining his staad ea- hosiasss im and kts idea gar . snsr-war financial reeewstrnetios. ,. 11 ,, , ' Abpeai To Senator1 Simmons On Behalf Wton Growers ' (Conthsaod from Page One.) ' topic ot eeawersstion whaf b the to. bacea marhot going to do Eveo ia the Admlniattratioa sirclrgi whsra In tercet of any aort is popularly snppoaed to bo eonf laed ta matters ef administra tion, tobacco has been th thing for days. . "C ;"'"v.-;- ' Prom the Ooveraor gown, eva ta th elevator boy over in the Stat depart ments building, U has been ths one text for proachmoat and ipfceulatloa, and la tha basineao districts, there has beea aa -ather matter oa the mind of the ctttsoary. Tubaera hal tanlry come ta be recognised as ths source ox the mate s greatest wealth, even dethrpning ths an. elent ruler. King Cotton. . Erea the politician hna forgotten his votea, or thoae ho would have, aad ho lends himself to hour ef speculation over what farmers of Eaatera Carolina are gorhg to do If something Is aot done. Msa whooo mlnde run back little remember ths Night Eiders af eataeky some years back whoa they were much ia the public prints because of their somewhat high hdndea method of hoisting the price of tobacco, erea The Weather to the extent of hoisting sundry roeal oltrant grower by th neck. ; Takca altogether, more of optimism was ia evidence yesterday thaa at any time eince tha break. The opinion per vsdes that tbs federal Beserve System will be able to rmove from th buyer th excuse If excuse It is that money stringency a the cause. Nobody oa peeta the prices of a, year ago, but ev erybody expects oaough to eave the sit aatioa from otter demoralisation, aad ruin to the fanner of the section. AH over the tobacco belt today there will bo farmer aaaas meeting to dis to ths situstioa. Plans will bo evolv ed ts get word to or cry body to sit tight aatil the situation i cleared ap, aad til time is had to tike some actios through this Federal Beserve bauhe to take care of the movement of the crop. M'ADOO POSITIVELY WILL APPEAR AT NEW BERN FAIR Hew Bora, Sept. 10 ITaleae Ulnces or death prevents aim from ntteading the New- Bora Fair, William O. MeAdoo, former Secretary of the Treasury, will bo hero to make aa address oa next Wednesday. Mr. MeAdoo has already eagaged Pallmaa necommodationa from New York to New Bern, and la a tele gram to a local newspaper be ate tee that b will absolutely and positively bo aero ea Beptemoer jots. ; Whomever Toa Need A General V Btrengthealag Tonic . Take the Old Staadard QUOTE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC. It Strength, ens aad Build Up ths System by Port fytag aad Enriching the Blood. Tea can eooa feel its Strsngthsnlag, la' vigorating offoet, 60e-Adv.) phUNCIS WEI BATH, foromaa at Ceadrldh Babhe Co, Ahraa, Ohio, who dadareo ho haa Imaoowod so slace taiiag Taaloe that aa aao weald over take htm to ho the smma man. Soya ao gained . feartoea poanda. . INVALUABLE AID : ; TO BABY'S HEALTH Baby SpecialisU Parfact Idaal Laxatira amd Bowal Cor rejctiT ''For, Mother'a Usa Willi Babtas and ChUdrtm. Preparation Known As "Baby Eaa)" It Easy-Actln, Non Irritatine;, Safe, Reliable and PlaasanL : Raliercs Colicky Pain and Indigestion. i ;, Thm Bast Laxative For Babia and : Children'g C o 1 f s , Caugba and Croup. . No Bad After Effect. J 0 Whoa baby gats constipated, has di arrhoea, soar atomaah, indirection or gas, which is indicated by fretfalaess, sleeplessness, lose ef sppctits sad fever iihncos, "Baby Eos" will quickly cleanse the intestinal tract, produce regular and natural actions, giving al most instant relief from colicky pains and rodueiag ths fever, with ao bad after effects. - -".-....;; "t",.-v. it1.'-t , Baby Eaee'' is. a perfected , Uxa- baby, specialists )hat is. safe, rauabie aaa . pleasant, ana ts rsoom mended for stomach sad bowel com. plaints of lafants and children. Ask your druggist -' for "Baby ' Ease," ' the perfected laxative and corrective. ', 40s sad 5o sisee-(Adv.), . ; Local OSica, Valtt4 Ststos Weather i. Bereea. Baleigh, N. C September 10, IPSO . Generally fair Saturday aad Buaday; no chance ia temperature. " "TilMPKlLATUBli . . '''- Highest temperature SB Lowest temperature 61 Mean tern per to re ....... IT Exses for tha day ................. o Avorag daily doadraey sines Jan.' lat 1.1 P1WC1P1TAT10N (ia inches) t Amoant for the ti hour ending at ; p. m. 0.U Total for the month to date...,,. 0.1 Deficiency for the month ........ 047 Pefletenev since Jan. 1st ......... T.05 ? ; It m. I Pry Mttb ....... 70 ti Wet blab 67 75 Bel, hamidlty ... M gg p.m 76 66 62 8 a. m, ' PKtaaiJBB (Bcdueed to Boa Level.) ass g p. m. .29M 8unrle--t8i a. ta. Suaset 6iM p. m. Just Received?-: i a i W always havsj plentyi of speedy Horses 'with "and without Reeorda at all times. You cain always ret any kind of mnle or horse at opr Barns at Wilson, New Bern, Ayden and Middlesex. ' OHIO REAL ESTATE HORSE and MULE CO. Wflsen, N. C-J. D. FARRIOR, Mir: - Inirnirhed womexoiV To look at mo today as eaa woald ever take mo to be tha same person I waa before I begaa ta take Tunis. It has simply done wonder far mo, aad I want everybody to know about this medicine,' eaid Prancis Weirath, foremaa of a largo departmeat af the Goodrich Bobber Company plant 'at Akron, Ohio. Mr. Weirath, resides at S10 West State Strsetv that city. "I was ia aa awfully bad stats st health for fourteen years, aad . dar ing ths past toa years- X got to the point where IifS was a bardca. I suffered terribly with fadigostioa aad dyspepsia. I a ever had aay eppotito. aad all X could eat for breakfast am a soft boiled egg aad a Utile milk. I woald got ao servou aad saiaerable that many a night X aevor alept a wiak, aad tajiea nothing would bring ms say relief X had just about some to ths conclusion say ease waa hope less. l haveat takea bat Urea eettlea of Tanlse, bat I eel aetter than I have felt ' for twelve rears. Tve gaiaed feartoea ponada la weight, aad am getting heavier aad atroager ovary day. I .aevor . hare ladiawetioa aay more, my appetite is splendid, and I est just anything aad everyUiiag J want -1 ajeep oouad every eight, aad all that tired, wora-oat fosliag is gona. Ia fact,, X am a well maa ia every "Ths men. at ths plant sll tea ms I am looking ana thoae days aad get ting fat. They all want to know what I am doing to myself, aad it's, alwaya a pleasur for m ta toll them about Taalac ' . . - ' Tanlae is sold by tha stadias- drue glats ia arery townv Adv.T s "- en srwaea ' ' . a rseeiaTio s (at ssvicoaa. , Stm i rt emit.. . , . SMs Omiilwis am CluC r-ht, Ms ml SM I-Mlbtrt BUU. Am sriwiML B Ba-rha MMSa mum. m wk t tw at aw sty saawos st mm ktau Hmm. Omm. 1. . W. WhOaSt Bmmmm a Ow Omw at Miria CafatkM. mr rirMa at aiCiiiiii as wa, mas m law. aa km tua atf trm a irw4 1 twa n aa4 Sftr ta lh aiil ml rmmm mmu mt mm ana I Os tainta aa aSMa uw sum sac aartitwL aa mmt Musaas ka aaasS as mmmmm mm pmk il warn . Taia oCir mt sawarS lasslae to Saras Sat tea faata nwa Sds Cat. Data a e Mf af bMsa. Oat 0 Oa at Saa WM, s tkv ymmr mm Lmr4 eaa mini Wa kamfc- mt lataa aa St ska aaa kaiaiat aa isaaM ( t, w. aicsara, ny ts. Onajmatt ' '. wtij.i k M n an ..if. maa) aaaaaaa. -. MkuaimoN: Wkio: i m raw at aaa: aha s IMS ts aaHiis tan; w-wtaa mmmm m mr a-ar aaa a kit arati ataa kat aaa aa WMrliw blaa kuaan laar). ktat aan. khw aaat, aare snaa aat, aaa aaai taata, wa. a at a. I, C WEATHERS . .. Uoetat ef . CBIKOPODT and OBTBOPEWCS Practice Oasited t Ptsaese aad rfarmlttos af the Poet U7H Payottovillo 8t, Baleigh. K. O. ITe-ar-.: . I r K JSa Lm. t '7-J !1a --IS i- 1 - rv , tv 'I ' ,7 J Electricity For Every. Farm" "V: easlislBea -e-neurA-uay dec trie Serrtca " Dclca-Light is made for long, depend able and- efficient oervlco. The belt ' meehlnic are employed in the factory ' whore Beleo-Iight is msds. Oaly th boot of material are used aad each plaat ie repeatedly totted before boiag hipped. V ' There's a satUaed Deleo-Iight ' aser asar yon. Talk with him aad Isara whether Deko-Iighl will do for yon the thing claimed. If your aeighbsr hain't Deleo-Iight ask for name of nearett ar. " .. . ' t -.:.f v... ,1 Write For CAtalofir. , I . ' rr iiere' a Satisfied User Near Yoa! h t Raleigh Electric Service Co. . i a" J "f A4-i .: "if y , Dealers For WAKE. JOHNSTON and. WILSON COUNTI US Oaecf 23 Calk ' Stores Store Open Until 9 P. M. Saturday R 'r Go. Department Store Gun's Fall S BITS Kir8cJfbaumM and Other . : a . rr ' ... mas flUCED - - V ' $25.00 T0 $60.00- : Men! Felt Suits in Serg-e, Unfiniahed Serge; Flannel, ' and splendid line of Mixtures. In all the new snappy models for young men and conservative "model tot) elders. Priea saafa v $25 S3S, $49.50,4590 RocBofd Hatofor r.lcn Felts and Velourt " $6.95 $7.45 , IMS aad te-N Talae Bahj , j' I . , . - v - I " ..,, i. . "Boelofa" Hats for men in all the new styles for fall wear. Felta and English Velours in colors of brown, green and black. Priced Special . vv.S6.95 and $7.45 BOYS' v SgIiooI SUITS ,We show one of the , m o a t complete lines, of Boys Fine School Suits to be found in the . city. Our prices are al ways the lowest. $2.95, $4.98, $6.50, $9.95 00- Headquarters for the WORKING MAN JOER ALLS" -": m. Sweet-Orp .- &Q AQ t Overalls. DaJr W Carhartt - djo JQ Oreralls, ptkvdAO Everett Over- o alls, pair . . . .vOs lD Lee pair Complete lino WASH SHIRTS," SHOES and SOX : 4 C3eoclOgoii--3gICij "(So,

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