NEWS AND OBSERVER.1 RALEICH 11 C. VVEDNSSdAY MORNING. SZPTElZIl 15. 1323 :vsf.msTS0LVEf llinj Says Solution of Pa- c,;.c coast: Race Question Is Imperative Kariofl, O, Sept., l.8olntloa I IA Pacifi Coast rate problem waa declared ly Senior Harding, Jb iptiek her , Uiaf, to be teperothro if the nation's future eeourity and tranquillity art. to .'if,. . " 6paklnr .tt party of Calif eraianf, th Bepnblieaa nominee laid tat Federal , government euld net afford to be an mindful of , tha- aiUatioay raised by Oriental feamigralioa, bat mast giro tU enppor to tht far Western etate 'ia . necessary measure, consistent with oar national honor, to relievo these of their dim-tiltl." ,'.....- Without raiting the gneetlen of ra ck 1 iaeaualitr. he' asserted precision eoull lit audo to exclude aliearof any rata who tad ohovm theaeelvea iuea pa Ma tf AmeriesDiiation. lit added that tat right to taka anek steps waa at aured both by Moral law tad by later .. aatioiial Mage. la the aamo tpeeeh.- which a!ao waa ncard by a delegation from Belmont ceunty, Ohio, the Senator . replied to Democratic charge of . a Republican "Senate OHgarehy, aartng thit ao y on complained about the oxefeiee of Congressional power except tboae who want M perpetuate, "aetocratia, penebal government." H4 also touched oa tha tariff aueatio . declaring it aaa- possible That a long lirt of agricultural product mlcht foaad requiring a protective tariff levy when the problem. Wa brought up for study and acUoa by a Republican ad miitistrutioa. -s : i " ' About ferry itiit e political loadera aad repreoeataiive ef atate and aity orta- laatUaa aaado ep th. party from Cali fornia. Hrsceu by Uevernor w, it. Stephen, tliey mar bed to the Hnrdiag front perch in line llb the Itelmeut eeanty contingent and assured hint thai California weald Join With Ohio ia No vember pa aanko. ha election tertaia. Cheering oatwerid anaay of the ao.a isees' tleclaatiim and after ha had lOnleked openkiaa, the trowd gar "three eheera fo Harding.' ' Vomttt ttepbeae aad if re. a. B. Haaie were apoheemoB fot the Celir foraiaae, the latter teUlaf Senator Htrdtsg that the women of her atatt wtrald rodaoai themnrlrea thta year ef " tha eritleiam of baling ro-aleated Pfea- iilcnt Wilaoa heeanaa t Kept na out . of war." A. H. Uitnhell mad tb ad- drea for tha Bclaioat eovaty people. Among otllet eallera today a Par id Jaya 11U1, ef Naw Tork,f armor: am rHwador to Oermany and a delegnte to tha aoooad Bagu aWa oaaferaaeav - Cotton Growers Facing a nous Crisis In Prices Se- (Coatlaaed frwan Page One.) El I1U1 til i 1 L.OIlU ODD FELLDVS HERE Miffmr Wmei(! without defeat a-ioi -taiaa-ana) Da..aO Ha .1 OerdM A A 01 a-il J ia bHvwniwi aieHiipvw of Uia bittereat opponent of woman auffrage being aaaured that tha Be jmlilicaaa hoiT flxod tha wom0 in Maine aad aould do ao fa, hia owa "Slnfe, tamo one atrong for ratlflcatioa of womna auffrage by tha loglalatort ootr ia oeaaioa at ITartford. Tha He imbliraaa aow botlort they, en a vote tha aomen and they ao longer neonate to ad(Ua 8lata that plawi ratifleatioa beyourt tha bottada of a aerioag legal eontett. . " ' Bor-tha Maine roault ia not without a groat danger to fh Roputllcana. The irty la hot likely to alow down in it campaign. Apathy la lot tta danger aa aome BeihUcarie. aeeei'' to fear according to the view or tae lei- oerata. Tha dangrr la that tha Maiat oaeeeo will taoto tht irreooaeUablo to path Harding and tha leader entirely away from any aort of a league. It It reported that lliram Jobatoa 1 toaalaf Eut aad anil damand of listdlng aad hia friead Uke Taft aad Wlcktrehaaa who taaiat oa a Lettgar that the promlte of aay tort of aa , tntematieaat organiaatioa that beare tha leaot atatbaneo af a league ef . Nation moat be abeolotely abendoned. Tht Doaoeratt are hoping that Harding ' and hia party drank with the- hope of Meeeeo will taVo taia potitlon. At any rat they txpeet the Bepublieaaa aow to ttiffea thtlr attitude again! the i ajeaiiiv r muy uuiuhii mmw had to practia tha aomiaoaa mental trtddla of riding two hone going ia oppoaito diroehoaa. Eia poaitioa ha vnm iMRMir fwinwuii i mum Uaiaa before hint ha . may challenge tha god. Tha Domoerat art hoping that be will. League Gives Out Text of Pro- 7 posed Court of Justice . : (Ceatlaaod froaa Pago Oae) particular eonreatloa betweea tht par- lie, ... . The oourt ia tonildering oaeitlona applloe International convention inter national taitoma, general imaciple of law reoogalaed by eltiliied hation aad dotiaioaa and teaching at .the uott highly taaUaed publicitta otN Ttrloaa .aatioa. , ' v. htethed of Appllcatloa." - A atatt detiring to hart reeoant to the conrt make application, toth regie Uar, who aotiaea tha court and tht aiembera of tha league. ' It tht diaputt oacern act which la immlatnt, tht . court baa power to auggett prorltional ' meafuret to preaerr th right af tha partiee. Tht hearing ia ourt tball bt .; publi and tha deeitiont of the court ihall be by majority of tha Judge preaeat at tht hearing. Ia tao of a tie tha president taata tht deotding vote. -Tat oOieul languagt of the, court I Trench, bat anothea language may ba suthariaed at tha tttyteat of partita to a , cite. s '. . - ', ' Tht draft alto providea txttaderl pro- ii.ioB -foo tht -taeprdng tetUWa . of jiidgiatate. etc ' Pythian To Ht BarWeae, rayettetilie, 8ept 14. Tayeeil1a Kou-hta of Pythia wUl gla a teal aid lima tiarbeewa for memoort of Cum' Vrland lodge No. 0 and their frienda J'hurtflty afternoon. Tht barbteat will le held at "Eutaw." Dr. 3. V. UcCoBg- i nn't country place watt of the city, fnmed aa a totting for auch affair, ihera mthy gueeta ef i'ayotterilie, ia ci'iuciing General Joha J. Perahlag, tiv firtfkea ef Bouthera barheenw. . v. . ' vr. r. Smith nj w. ( ! na ; f C-t !!; r?t ia Mr. V. B. Easwell, of Durham, Elected President; ; Wext Kectir.j In Durham. Mr. W. B. Bagwell of Darnam, laat aight waa elected ' f rtaideaT- of tha Eighth Diatrk Colreatioai L 0. O. Tn ia aewi-iaamal meeting' here. Tha aon oeatioa, renreaenting Odd Fellbwi froaa the coaatioa oi Wake, Jahaatoa. Vaaaot rraahlia Warram," CraWTiHe, Darhara, Oraago, ami Ferae a, waa wall attoad'ed. The aoxt mooting wiU bo held with I'alona Lodge Wo. .79 ia JDorham, ia Uareh. -' ' Other ofleora elected lift night werw, Um. A. E Brewa, Baet trorham, rieo preMdentUr. Bora a Thoosaa, Bal eigh, eeretary-tieaanier ; lit.- H. L. HaaaOtoa, Oxford; marshal Mr. J, B. GeWt Headeraoa aentryj M. J. M. Wil der. Kalelgh. ehaplahi. . , v Two aaeekimT wore hied yesterday, bnt the principal meeting waa Inat aight. Mayor T. B. Eldridge, a ateiaber of tha hkad Mr. W. B. Bagwell, rot ponded. I There wore other addreatut during tht areaing. . " t ' - - - " - COX RAISES G.O. P. . V v SLUSH FUND TOTAL Cemtiaed froaa Peg Owe) . . . , ... . I.. - - WUHant Barwea, JA, of Kftr Tart, Gor eraor Co aadd ha ebeerred ia today papera that bo eorporatieaa' milia had boea ee dered reopened. The goreraor aid he "waa too anodeat" to diaetu tha incident further, except to reeonat hia recent attach on the ewrparatiow ad M. . Wood, whoaa he charged with aeh Ing to deproaa wool price, ia the face ef inareaaod demand, aad oo force aea pleyea to accept lower Wagon. Ia thia connection, the . gorernor agaia do aewaeed "big bfuine'' aafl charged it with ooatributiag toward "patchaao of the preeadcaey.'' ! ' OoTOTBo Cox wao'aeoemaaaied eat tta tour through Idaho by Boaatog Nugent, tocrat, wb la aeehiag re-alertloii, former ttooernoa X U." Ilawley. aad T. A. Walter, Pentrarla gabotaatofial ea adulate - V INCREASED' PRODUCTION ' FIRST WEEK JOF STRIDE Birmingham,-Ala-, Sept. lO-Boporta to the redarai tniao aUtietieiaa today bowed that produetioa ia the Alabama coal field during thai artf Week of thoJ mint ntrtao oseecfiea inai or ui pre ceding week, figJToa being oomptlod for laat week iadieaU that iSOfiW teat woo mined, aa iacroaoo of VifiCO toaa otci the preoadiag week- Stgarea bo- Ina eemoUod for laotw oak, tadieato that tmfiOO tout waa miaod, aa iaereaaa of liijUOO toaa over tke rroeoung wee. The aoraul weekly avetaga 100,000 toaa, ' ."' A aoieeablev feetoro ef the roporta it the iiarroaaed hear which the miner ore working rengiag froaa , ao-hoara to iS houra for tha week. v' ' Baxgrmo Wed flag Pea gaeweer. '. Bpeaeer, Sept. 1 Of apoeiai Inter at ia rl Denser ie the announcement of the marriage of Mr. B. B. KurU to Miaa Mary B. Morgaajaf Mario a, tha aoro moay having beea performed at that place Sunday at the homo of the bride'a oieter. Mra. Geo. B. Baaaor, by Boo. C. Story, of the Protbytoriaa ehnreh. The, aaauoaoement came aa a dlatinet eurpriaa to Mr. Kurta friend Bert wno are ploaaad that ne M lo go waopaa. kwDiac ia Sponoer aa too aa a homo eaa ba aeourtd. The bride la tha daugh ter of the late Jno. S. aad Mr. Eliza beth i, Morgan, of Statearlllo where the bride formerly reaided. Mr. Kurta ia a member of the Arm tf Kurta-Ptrklaa Servieo Compiay aad fca made many frfhad ia Speaoor aiaoo coming hero nereral mentha ago free Iadlaaapolia. TOTAL TAX MB- F I1L1E0AT Qnicldy Conqnen Constipation art Doat art eoaeUpattoa paiaoa youtbioeal aad curtail your eoerrr U foor thfet and bowej doa i arm prop trtjr taka niirrt ' Lalita Uo l PUU today A ad roar 4 troualt) win fffaV IipilLgI Far axxTMoa. lack at aoootitm aaadarat) aad blotchy tola aothlof. Oaa oo, uat laora, tavoip aiegotabla. Seaeii mttaaa Oeeo SeneJl Prleo Township Scljpol Tax, Including Bond Jssue. Tax, Villi Ba ' " v, '; .19 ,Cents Tha total tax rate for a eitizea of BeielgbJ. ' toWpakiiv ' loeludlng . State, coaaty and too im hip tuea for alt par- pence, wtu aoWJW oa eaea feoaored dol laro of property, agaiaet tha xato of 13.81 1-3 laat rear. , Taxpayer kare Dea paaaliag over tht total rat ia eeaaeetioa with tha peial aehool taa of tea cent ea th hundred dollar, tutd thirty etnt o the poll, to be voted? oa Oetober 2. . Tht tax rate for epetfia! purpoaee ia Sa le Igh towaokip U ilBl" waa 3i eanta, bat By the avahtatioa program .rhi rata haa boea aeakcui tu Id ooata, ' The bead, tar iaout oat dSO.fJOO' worth of bond amoonting to ' eeata ia lfilB.wu aealed thio year ' tot rao oent and' a timliar tax of tis eanta a 1100,000 bgnd hamto waa aealad thia year to too eeata. The tpeelal taxet, together with tht three teat bond tax, giver a total rate of 19 eeata for aehool pnrpove ia the townntrip against 43 cento in 19 19. Tha tlJSO tent total ia arrived at by addition ef all tha titxe impoaed in tht county, including city, taaj of 83 etnt: Slat ecaoolf, O eeata; t county' ehoola, U nti county, general pur pose, It ooatif ermaty boadav't eeata; eorinty road, JO eentj townahip tefaoolat, 19 teat.' x The taxable valno) of tht towaahia it lUtcd at $42e,77 aad a-19 cent rata f or aehool parpoeea trill give 7933.4K, part ef which mutt ga to bond puxpoe(, aad alt of which aador present enrtalled program will leave lae aehool board, with it deficit ef ore 113,000., To giro the teacher of SaJeigh too inoroaao' id aalaric pladgtd at the ioataaaa ef the pareat teacher aaeociation. the Botary Club, BUwanla Clnb, the Womaa'o Club aad the chamber of eommeaeev will re qnire aa additionara20)00 or more. . The noepoeea tea oant tax wiU bring ia, Mayor Iljridga maimatea. about t42.0ed.7a, aot alfowiag for leaaea and dtliaooonoi, aad wilt give the aehoal board a theoretlrah balaaeo ef ov.OoO, wi which to bdlater up the crippled hluh aehool. trovide four temoorarv room te tha Wiley aehool aad fomiah teach are and tcntlptatat and meet aohie other 'argent aeedw of other pnblio tshoola. . V" Beghrtratfea for the tpoeial tax elec tion ia atin ander Way, aad rotora are argtd to lot bo time la re gi staring. Although th registrar are required to be at tha registration place only oa Saturday, the hooka, for the meet pert may be found at any day at tha polling place. Saturday, however, id the-laat day for regmtraiioai aadV tht) book will do oa that day at unet, and thott ho have not reglatered cannot rota en Oetober 9, Guno;;eniii;i; CUSTODY OF PQUCE VtHftj-.of R. 0, Arexantfer Has Peace Warrant Sworn Out vWhen He Retupts I Charlotto, Sept lLl", 0. Aloxaader, pmmiaoBtS Charlotte. eMttom'aaanav waa today, todgol in jail at tha police atatioa oa a peace warrant leaned bp aim wife, Mr. MaaV H. Alexander. Ba ia alat charged- with abaadbaanowt aad aoa euprwrt. . -. :. "- : -j" - ; r The warrant eame mm tha clitnaz ef apldly enacted episode at . tht Alexander - home when Mr.- Alexander arriwed froaa the North hot atght, acaorapanied by taroo atraaga toafciag rolicioaiat! -and demanded, to. aoa hie cbildrem, who war laat week given te the cart of Ntfr. Alexaader after a probata ecrart: hearing la BpWingnold, Mate, ft waa believed ha had COfxt XA kidnap the childrea aad , neighaor BWked te th Alexande horae, fear intr for the aaJety ei Mr. Aleaaader and her cbiidiwn. Mr. Alexaader wa tahoa to tha poliea atatioa bat aa bfal etioa waa iaatitated agaiaat him. lie vat placed, i a local loaut aador police guard, where fca remained until this afternoon. Tho-arimigoiB, fww wwaaea and at man,, weia aaJxadl ao htarv town tht marnfng by Waitar B. Orr, polico ehiof. TVy departed, at UJO o'eloak. - . 1 T- Bearing of the taaa wUl'aaa place te morrow morning ia th leuoumi' eorart. Mtj AleaanJer h amid' to bo a retigiona fanaaio and haw ft anaay rear preached aa BibUeai prophecy, for tha pnet year ha kectwxed rhoough ut Bow Torh fecate. ...... Wemoa are elanarlng to gat a all tha boards aow." "I doat aotieo aay wild ruah of 'aaa. ta th waahhreV' Baltimore Hcrtca's Fcctcs Shoe Who' Who 7llEtI YOUR conpLEXion DEGIIISTO FADE You Cm Bring Back That Tut of Youth by thm Uaa of Black and White Ointment. ' If through aeglect or fmprf -treatment, your complenctoa haa T fun to fade oowt eaapalr you e ring bach that elear. amooth tint youth by tb use ef Black and Wfcf Ointment. ' Black and White Ointment not n glvee the akin a delicate coloring, I. lll remove tan, eunfrerklea. pkt plea and dark, eallow dlsroloratlot ii ie pure ana vi Apply n email before retlrlnr. eft with Black ami White Boava. Tft 8oap te racommendee) t yon beenio" It la th beat for deeming and pre-. serving 4h akin pore. niack and Whit Ointment. Ie 'fm ale -at all drug and department stored, SSe tke naekeaeT (toe else contains three tlirtee aa much). Black and White Soap, tSo the-cake. Should you rot be pleased with the results after uslag they will refund yea thp gro. nure and verr dnllahtful to iif Apply a amah) portion te th sk ' Meat mormnar rlt PS w r , . ., ' v. " r y a V It V. the Way You Feel About It- and we know that every man feel; that it's about time to discard the old - Straw-tbereV - no 1 law that -says you must, itj merely a mat-. ter or personal pride and comfort. jt any rate . , Li " Fall Hats oAro Here Products of thie best makers in America and Europe-os fine an -' assortment as any ,' house could ' ' boast. . ' "s. We've Started the Fall Clothing is already on display in our show windows and our " v stocks are ready for' early buyers ' none too soon either, according y to the weather man though, we "are always the first' to show, new ' merchandise. ' ":r - , - v . a- Co. - "3? Ywarg RaUlgVa Ladlnf aoUtlara1 Whiting-Horton rati r ' ... ,. The r air L. IAMVXLB, Prop, , 216S. WUmtaftoa3t Ulelgh, B. C Boll Pheae UfT Mothers ' Doi't overlook Uia opportaalty v at aupplyiag tha thUdrea with Kheol aeeda. Valtteo that ahtald aerit your attoatien. ' . ,. . , ChUdron'o , Cingham Draeeoa Poll madt aad of good material . Agi I !, britei J J 25 OT ' ' . ByVvSntu hfsd ef atrowg, darable 4rlal all ahade,,atyi ' ej mm yw aad aiaeo. Special. aPlel 'i a ' We ftothe aad Bhae the Pamlly '.. 'L1 '. rraraw ITEMIZED. Our Rent Statements are Made as Follows: v Ptrat. Each payment of rant U eat rod aeparatoly giving date of payment tad ajaoaat paid. Tkia koejw aa abaelat aeeeaat tf all eoUectlon ao that both landlord, aad taaaat aaa thtch tta report aad ' know that It b tonoet. . o - : ! ' v .,r---.'3K : f..f'" - ' j ' '. " ' : '! '--.;'.: ;; ... k'. Seooad. (If wo attend to repair) t Eaeh item aptnt tor rtpairr la ahargtl Mparatelp witl raaehar . fcoa (ha aopplp lout that furoJahad tht mat rial and aoaehera fot Labor charge art gaada by taa labor-: art wht-dld tht work. Thit girtt-a detail atatemeat for all repair charg., , '. . v. - -i .; ? , : j , -. - . ; .". Third. W charge tin per cent tt eoUoenona of rest aad aix par Mat ea all repair eh art. A ahect- ta teat PBOXPTLY each PJoath for balaneo dut tht laidlord. . ' - i . - - . Thit tyitem aaabltt tach property, owntr to aback tack item of tollection tad axpeaM aatl tgmrt hi ntt lnloma ta the property. v ',..''.. , , t, : , " -.' ".-.- v , !''""' ,! v ; " ; J"--: . ,. ZKC0UB Tit BIP0KT8 rtqnlrt thaabovt tafomatioa ACH TtAB. By hooping tar atoathif . ttattmtata yta taa taaht ap your iaaoaa' pix report from your real tttalt without trewbla,. ' ' .If poa art hot already familiar with- t'ht advaatagol tf tar ayaUxt of haadllag teat attoaata, plotoa . oalat Oar ottet.aad wt will bt pleated to go am tht matter with fta at aay tima. - The Pmker-Huiiter Realty p. Inturanct) and Ral Eatata , - "S. - t AT 0 Witch This Space It ('Will Pay You ; THIS MORNING . Starts Our i '1 SPECIAL1 SUIi Hosiery- Sale $ 1 ,a3):B.. $5.00 Ladies .V SILEC HOSE 100 Dozen LaoW " 1 FINE SILK HOSE including Plain Black, White, Cordcw , Nvan, Navy, Clock's, ; Drop Stitch,.7Tand other f ancy' Hosevalues stroma .to If 5. TM. 9m!aa W.11 Roen'n' WFriNF.?Tl A Y , a m BahalOaT Sad api(w ( v j tvaa twar a- tBaaaaaW a sanafOassiBa' a m.. . . " Monung . - ana continue as long as mis nunarea dozen HOSE lasts. . Come early, and get the best v . v Special Lot Men's Madras SHIRTS this, is new Shipment just or V . -.'..- ir.t tt nr o aa " ?" T ' . ,t01UCIU)l lUfV.VAJ ' .;:. 6PECIAU VALUE a? i.9'S ' I Boy !s Wool t - . - 1 :: s. , , aS'cobdl Suits . . .Speciar Price t A Visit To Our MILLINERY DEPARTMENT , Wjil, Prove - ; " A SAVJNCr TO YOU 4 171 Caftans. i0 ii n