m - F.'r la taterWr. K'ATCl e7 Mm ziriiNi a-. mrndf a statu . wiia probably rala Ml th Cmm Infer. .-. . - VOL. CXIL NO. 81. FORTY PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH, NC, SUNDAY; MORNING SEPTEMBER 19. 1920 FORTY PAGES TODAY. PRICE: SEVEN CENT. PRESIDEI1T VILSOII coirauTESii TO CAMPAIGN FUND Executive's Note Says He Of . fers Money As a "Private In The Ranks" . TEXT OF PRESIDENT'S ' NOTE IS MADE PUBLIC ; Feels That Very Honor and Des" i tiny of Nation Are XnTolTed in Campaign; Georf WtyU Oommenti On Contribution; Badly Needed From flnan- ' xial Standpoint , New York, Bept IS. A S00 eontri - button to the Democratic national earn i paifa fund waa received here today ' from President WUsoa, who wrote that he wat offering the money as a "private t ia the raaka. ' ' '.- ... v v. -Tke text of tke President's Bote,' as givea oat by W. W. Marsh, Democratic national treasurer, wee aa foHowt! Tha Preeldeat'q Note. , , ''May I not, as a private ia tke raaka, give myself tko pleasure of contribut ing tha enclosed to too expense of tko Democratic campaign X teal Tory 1 deeply that tko Tory konor and destiny of tha natioa ara involved la tkia eaav- palca and tkat I, and all eitixens wko love Ita konor and covet for it a fcigk influence ia tha world ahonld contribute to tha success of tho oaadidate wko ctanda for tko ro-oatabliakmaat of oar .. position among tko nations. Tho contribution waa accepted. George Wkite Comments. Ia commenting oa tko Preeideut'e lat ter, Katioaal Ckaimaa Goorgo Wkite aid: ."-" Throua-hout tko land thera ara "pri vate eitixens in ths ranks whose thought and aspiration tho President kaa ex " oroiiod ia kia letter. Tha honor and destiny of tko natioa a truly in volved la tko onteomo of tko campaign. for npoa tha aeeopteaea by Americans of tha ideala for which tka Demoeratio eaadidatea aro lighting dependa tka place tkia nation ia to kold ia tka world. To aaek cause wo are committee:. "Tha eoatribntion of Wood row Wilaoa ia weleomo and needed; trot a financial .standpoint" :.'.- '. ' fUCSWINEY IN STATF. ' COMPLETE EXHAU'; iN indon.' Bert. 18 Terenee Mae. Hwiney, lord mayor of Cork, pasted a vi-rr bad aia-ht. wlttoat aay amep, ana thii morning waa ia a atete of complete exhaoition, aaid a bulletin iaraed tkia forenoon by tka Irish self -determination ' league. Mary Mae8winey, sister of tha lord mayor, wko Tiaited ker brother at , Brixton prison Cnia morning, said no waa looking worso-thsa aha had over I 'trenhim, but waa still eoaaelons. Tkia is the 87th day of bin aaager etnka. DISTURBANCE EAST OF - " YUCATAN THREATENING Washington, Sept. lSConditlonj aro bseoming threatening orer the western Carribeaa Sea and tha southeast Gulf of Mexico and there are strong indications of a disturbance ia tha - inrly itago of derelopment east of ' I'oeataa mowing toward tho Taeatea channel, according to adrieet to tho - weather bureau tonight. - Caution ia adrised all Tesaela ia ;t gulf, northwestern Carribeaa Boa md Oonth Atlaatia waters, further idrieea will be issued Sunday morning. , DE PALMA SETS THREE DIRT TRACK RECORDS Syracuse, ST. Sept. 15 Ralph de Talma established three new world ' record oa aa oral dirt track at the State fair here tkia afternoon against ao of tko fastest nelda in the country, Including Gaston Chevrolet, Eddie 0 'Don nail aad Jimmy Murphy. In the ten mile race de Palma set a figure of T.7.40 against the old record uf f.5D.ft. For the twontr mile strotbh the official time waa 10.08 agalait 162644, the old record. The new fifty mile record ia 4049.88 against fO.58, GOVERNOR OF VIRGINIA , r VISITS SING SING PRISON Oastatnr. N. T. Sept. 18. Aftef U- : speetiag Sing Sing prison today. Got eraor Daria, of Virginia, aaid it was his intention to Install In tho atete prisoa and state reformatory of kia state, some of tko reforms he kad aoted. Tha KOTornor waa especially interested in tho electric -chair and iiiucht information relative to the Mutual Welfare League. . V "Everything to flao karc, waa kia vommeat to Warden Lawea. SAYS PACKERS WOULD WELCOME BETTER PLAN Chicago, Sopt. 18. If tko Federal Trade Commission kaa aay better plan . . to suggest tho packers will welcome it, F. Edsoa Wkite, Tiee-preaident.jlf Ar 1 moor and Company, said today when ke learned that tho commission had report id to Attorney General Palmer that tha plan for selling the packers stock yards interests to F. H. Prince and Company of Boston would not bo a real cepara--. -, tion. , - . '- - NEW PRESIDENT OF THE R. r. AND F. TAKES OFFICE. . . Richmond, Va Sept. 18, Eppa Hub I ton, Jr, who waa elected in New Tort on Thnrsdiy to succeed the late Wil liam E, White as president of fie Sick, mond, Fredericksburg and Po,omai ' Railroad, assumed kia r.ew dutlee todar. , His Jaw partner, E. Randolph Williams, is being mentioned to cueeeed hint u general counsel of the road. . , ,. . - i ' V AMERICAN LEADERS IN GERMANY 1 I ' -- J HnitiS. --.. .as , ,,.. cete'et' A.oow..t. . . ' ''; . Y.' '1 t ' I ;h i j! ;i ft ilJ r 4A : . - -t- ' v ya i. - - , 'A i Lir. -ipi..?' iWA -awv v .-ytfrafeJ' t Major Caaend Hear T. Alloa, la Ooeapatioa ia Germany, aad Frank - I tete photographed ia Coblena, Germany. Democratic Candidate Refers .3 Calif ornian's Training r Fpr Service ' Sau FraaeJaco, Cat, Sept 18. Gov ernor Cox, in aa address today kef ore a lunch eon of business men; referred to Herbert Hooter aa tko ' typo of trained mind ke would1 like te kavc ia kia eabinca.tf locteeV "Mr. Hoover's effective serriec la tko war was largely due to kb tkorougk training as aa engineer" ne said, "and if Z can iadaoa kirn, one of tko boat beet eagineera in the eovntiy will ait ia my cabinet." Tha Governor also favored in' this tpeeelTthc' abolishing of the excess profit' tax, which ko aaid' wis Justified daring the war, bat no longer neces sary, aad tka subatitutioa for it of a tax of one or one and one-half mt coat oa tho vsluc of business of a firm. At a lnneheon by the Ban Fraaelaeo center, a woman a organisation, kc declared tkat tho country would kavc had a much better idea of basic eondl tionc in Russia if a group of womea of tko character of Jane Addams or the keade of American - edueatioaal insti tutions .bad been Included In the Boot mission to Bussia. A fund by which the President eonld buy up an entire sugar crop or ia other way meet a food crisis when Con gress was not in session ws proposed in Dota ats tains, lie said the govern meat akoald hsve inventories of . all food supplies to forestall alarm over tho possibilities of food shortages. COX ARRAIGNS PROFITEERING IN 8CGAR AND OTHER' WARESJ Oakland, : Caln Sept . ISv-Sugar profiteers were arraigned tonight . by Governor Cox, Demoeratio caididate for President. Specking from tko rostrum where President Wilson made one of the last speeches preceding his breakdown. uovernor Cox reviewed attempts by the President te dethrone profiteers who kavc reigned "for live years, sordid. sonuess, ngiy and enteral' - I am ia favor. Ia etrenmstaaees like tkia? the Governor eald, "of having the government, through Congress, supply a rotary rand to be placed ia the bands of the President for Ihc purehsse of as much of the eager crop as is necessary to prevent profiteering. , If elected la November, I shall recommend to the Congress that this be done for future emergencies in food supplies. The ' extent to which profiteering r revelled during tao war, and especially siace the signing of the armistice, kaa bcea outrageous. The amount ctolen from konscboldera of America ia tkat time by the profiteers would pay oft the greater part of the funded, debt arising from the war1 iteelf. 'It mast be more than a ee incidence thct the mcny profiteers who were pro- tee tea by the senatorial oligarchy In the present Congress 'are paying their snare into too .Republican campaign land, which I charge will not be leas tkaa 115,000,000 . RADICALS POSTED ON . BANKERS' MOVEMENTS Chicago, Ills. Sept. 18. Radical, fol low the movements ' of international bsnkera so closely that they are able to tell ct eny time the whereabouts cf every well known financier, Chric Sloiser, head of the poliee anarchists squad announced today, following a raid in which a copy of "The Auar. ehlste Soviet," published in New York, was found. - The headlines ef the paper, dated June 19, 1920, read: - Tamnnt ia Paris Morgan in Lon. don Yanderltp ia Tokio Kebn in Berlin Schiff in Amsterdam." Tho paper was taken la' , a ' raid en L W. W, headquarters oa the Wet Bide a few day prior te the New York bomb explosion. - .... - COX UKES HOOVER TYPE FOR CABINET oommand of tho Amerieaa Amy of Polk, former aider secretary of KOI milEED OHES Democratic Candidate Hasn't Much Use For Democrats " With Tender Memories f . Special to tka News aad Observer j High Point, Sept. lt A'large crowd greeted Hoa Cameron Morrkton tkt evening, Demoeratte candidate for gov ernor, at the auditorium. Mr. Morrison was f his bee aad electrified 'his audi ence. He la a great believer in tbe League of Nations, a devout friend of Wilson aad kaa aot muck sympathy for tko Democrat wko ia afraid wkca it comce te exposing the record of the Re publican party la this State. . - - Mr. Morrison aaid among other things that the 4pabUcane of North Carolina and a few gentle Democrats demanded that the people of this State should cease to study the history of this Bute, ia order that they might aot know' the record of the Bepublicea party at writ tea ia this Stete'e history. It arouses their great disgust for a Democrat to evea mention the bad government which the KepuUiean party gave this State when in power. v "I think wc kavc a right to - license the record of the Republican party ia this State without being offensive, even to the Republicans," said Mr. Morrison, "mack less to their tender friends who claim to be Democrats, bat tonight I am aot going to disease the record of cither party in the State, but I simply desire to assert to ith utmost that a study of the Word of the Republican party will ahow that it never did do anything for good government in this 8tate and it. ia tanning this campaign by resorting to misrepresentation rather than by chowing sny thing construetivs they ever did. For twenty ysarc wc have kad the beat State government, all things considered, the people ever en' Joyed anywhere on tko earth aad accord' lag to reports of the V. eV government at less coat per capita than the State government has eost the people in. any estate in us anion. , I Reviews Democratic Record. Mr. Morrison said he would not speak at length oa the Republicans la this State, aot that he feared those who com manded that our history should be stopped ia the State, but that be par ticularly desired en this occasion te dis cuss ine revaluation act aad the new system of taxation to which the Dcm oesauc party was working and the League of Nations. ue stated that the revaluation act waa not the new system named after the Democratic party bat simply a part ef the great program aad that the cams Ueneral Assembly that passed the re valuation act also passed aad submitted te the people a change ia the eonsti tutioa of the State relating to the power of the stats te levy aa income tax, that this amendment waa endorsed by the Democratic State convention nd tho special cession of the General Assembly amended the eonititutioa by reducing the maximum tax which could be levied oa the 1100 valuation from H 14 te 111 cents except by a vote of the people, that it was the purpose ot the Democratic party aot to levy any property tan for State purposes here after, that it levied aow only for school purposes, which went back to the eouaty, tkat the new system named after the Iamoeratic party would obtain the tax te ran the State- government through license tax, franchises, Inheritances aad fiom many other special sources now taxed and when . necessary a small income tax of the acme sixes new paid i y in paysiciane, ministers oi ue goo eel and school teachers, firemen, eoa euetors, etc would raise all the money tko State needed for every purpose. He went fully into tkc question of revaluation aad other tax methods and warned against the dangers ef being misled by the misrepresentation of Par. ker aad Bolton and other Republicans. He declared that the Democratic party had never oppressively taxed tho people of this State aad never would.- Passing N Of SCORES .- - - (Ceatlaaed oa Page Two. ' ' - ' GARDNER qPEIlS UP PARKER BACK FIRE III UNION COUNTY Great Reception Given Lieu tenant Governor In Opening Gut) of Campaign SHOWS INCONSISTENCY OF JOHNNY J. PARKER Hany Women Sear Shelly Man In Eloquent Defense ef .' Democracy's Record; The Ohlnchy Politics of XepnbU. leans Denounced By Lets ' Candidate For Nomination By R. E. FOWEIXt . (Staff Correspondent.) i Monroe, Sept. Jl O. Max Gardner came viato Joknny J. Parker's kerne town today and started a back fire ea the smouldering biases wkick tkc pie hungry coterie ef the Republican party of North Carolina lighted months age for the purpose ef burning their offi cial lust into the political hearts ef a potential, Bonth-kating, Senatorial oligarchy control of patronage. Not antil he had pumped Parker's person eat of Cleveland county wells did tka lieutenant Governor, late primary contender witk the Democratic standard bearer, come witk aa. antidote for tka so-called county pride to wkick Parker ia her appealing. Bat Gardner' brought it and aa a 'counter Irritant it proved highly stimulating ker where the word , hae ' gone out , to the world tkat some pony Democrats are going to steer from tkc moorings made fast by Ayeeck, Simmons and Morrison te the rocks planted by SosseU aad Bntlcr. Croat Reception Foe Gardner. They are ot if the temper ef Union county folks eaa bemeaaored by the reeeptloa and . by ovatlea tendered Gsrdner here today; It was Union Democracy konoring Ita primary fav orite wke kaa bcea weighed en tko scales cf Andrew Jackson, Union's moot noted eitixen, and foaad not wanting. Tko Gardner speech here this after boob opened tko campaign in this eouaty aad it marked the formal entry ot the lieutenant Governor into his party's fight ia North Carolina. Oonaty Chairman George 8. . Lee, Jr., assumed the offensive ia the fight here and brought Gardner to Sri the big sheila into the enemy enmn, Gard ner came and the shells exploded while men aad women cheered the firiag ef miaeilae tkat tore the vulaerablo walls ef the cpposlHoa. - - Hany Weeaea Attend. V If carry one hundred womea, promin ent ia Monroe and the rural sceuons ct the county, eat witk. the hundreds of Democratic mca ef ' Union who came te take their campaign cue from Gardner. Tha lieutenant Governor came here because this was a strong Gardner county, in the primary eon tests aad an altogether unorthodox suffrage cotfnty. He also came because Candidate Parker recently went te Shelby, his home town, to capitalise the wounds ef Osrdacr ' supporters who caw their favorite' beaten by Cameron Morrison. Parker aaid nice things at Shelby about Mr. Gardner and with fewer words and equal sin cerity the latter followed the McAdoo- Simmons precedent at New Bern a few days ago. ,- "I here and heartily endorse aad reciprocate his complimentary refer ences to me.' Gardner aaid. "How ever, there is one fundamental econ omic and political difference between us. Parker ia a partisan Republican and I am a partisan Democrat. This fundamental difference ia not suscept ible ef reconciliation unless Pnrker turns Democrat and I see ne reason- ahla alvna lw that direction." "In kis Shelby speech" the 'lien- tenant Governor continued, "my friend Parker manifested deep . feeling and anguish of aonl over my defect. - He ia reported to have said, ia effect, tkat k . waa lh VWklltiftal tMvwl Ike UIA age that 'I so young, an so lair, should have bcea sacrificed like , a lamb led to Ufa slaughter.' I admit tkat it was awful but I did not know it waa so cruel until tkey told roc ebout Parker c prayerful peroration ia Shelby. I ap preciate the solemn solicitude or my friead aad X may reciprocate by re turning te Monroe after the second dsy of November and assist in holding a sympathetic post-mortem over kis blasted bopee aad defeated ambitions." No one doubted Gsrdnsr'e Democracy either' today or since. July 4th, bat it was one of the few dramatic momenta of what has been aa otherwise listless campaign when he was asked by a countryman te state 'to the audience hie oplnioa of Cameron Morrison, of Charlotte. Evidently it caught Oard acr unawarec but he waa mere than eqnal te the occasion. . "Aay man," he shot back te hie heckler, "wko eaa beat Bob Page 19,000. and me 1,000 la soma man.- , , , I scene latency of Parker. It was fine for the crowd and the bead master-caught himself signalling for the "Recessional.1' One man had bcea floored. Gardner sharply chal lenged the Parker appeal to Union county pride. Parker didn't think encugk of county pride ia 1910 to sup port Thomas Walter Blekett, a favor ite son of tkia county, wkca Frank Unney was making the bed bug cam paign over North Carolina. Belf ag grandizement la the boundary of the county pride cry today, he declared. The beet campaign pan of the seasoa was provoked by tho lieutenant Governor whan he referred te the Be publicea Campaign four years age wkea their chief issue wss the bugs found at tho soldier's home. He regarded suck' a tack as plenary evidence ef Chlnehy polities aad the crowd yelled. For straight argument' and a dear cut presentation ef political issucc be fore the country, the . Gardner speech kere ia a challenge te the welkin ring ers from this dsy forward. It waa as dsvoid of platitudes as a aaake ia of hips. Revaluation, denominated as the ID VOTERS III fiTAlORIHf III OIIE OF ELEVEN WARDS Second Division of Second Ward Has Total of 217 Women Registrants TOTAL REGISTRATION FOR BOND ELECTION OVER 2,500 '. .. '' Ten Out of 11 Precincts Tab. - nlated Last lfight Give 1,- 498 Men Voters and 767 of Tbe Kewly Stafranchised; Registration t Unexpectedly Heavy and Polls Crowded Timid souls whs have bcea comfort ing themselves witk the esse ranee tkat women didat want tko ballot will Sad small easement for their feelings wkca they consider the results of the regis tration for the school bead issue, which closed yesterday at sunset . witk 767 womea ea tka books ia 10 ef tkc 11 precincts in Bnlcigk township. Tkc total registratloa ia the 10 precincts wet 1,498. ;: The second division at tko Second ward ia where the women are' moot de termined te vote, and there tkey nave the situation in their kaa da by a ma jority ef ens, registrant, tkc coast tending at SIS for tka mere men, and 117 for the. women. Tkat precinct else has tha largest total registration in the etty, witk tha figures at eloeiag time steading at 433. Ita aeighbor, the first division of the Third Ward, hat the next largest total, bat fewer women t There waa. a mad rack to tka polls yesterday by eltiteaa who had nut efi te the last dsy the duty ef registering te vow in the election, waien wilt be held two weeks from yesterday. Fif teen knndred ef tko 1,500 ea tko books wkca the aan dropped out ef eight little after o'clock had bcea. placed there during the day, and even after sunset there-were eeorea who west te the polls, thinking tkat there would be time after the ball game for reg istering. But there waa aot time, and they win not vote. Registrars Are Swamped. The v. registration ia surprisingly heavy, i Evea witk ' the woman vote subtracted from the total, tka remain der vrould be bigger than la nanally tbe ease when Kaieigk cttiaena called npoa - to. epwak , Ikeis- etude a bent matters ef Usee and bonds. Or dinarily the eeuat goes bat little be yond 1,500 ia sack cases, and registrars were swamped daring the day yes terday, right up to the goiBf down of the aan. uarerui counts aad aot been made ef the names ia the books last Bight, bat it ia aot thought that offi cial count will alter the total tcriauy. The Second Ward is o fa cial. . ' The Caralcigk Mills preciaet weat te within a quarter of an koar of dos ing time without a singls woman voter appearing witk a request tkat eke be put dowa among the voters. Senti ment ent there ia against suffrage by aa overwhelming weight, bat Mrs. D. M. Deal earns along and registered sad the count ia tkat preciaet stands at 43 men. and one' woman. Tkc Pilot Mills precinct, yet nnheard from, was reported as registering about maa to four men. Only 40 negro womea were registered throughout the city, aad approximately double that anmber ef aegTo men. The ratio for negro women to negro men is about the same as thst of white women to white men. Eleven ef tkc negro women registrants were la the first di vision ef the Third, 18 ,1a the second dlvisioa of the same wfcrd, 10 ia the second division ot the Fourth and one ia the second dlvisioa ef the Second. The registration by wards ia gives below j s Hew Ward Stand. First Ward, 1st Division Mea, IBS, women, 48; total, ZOl. -' First Ward, tad Division Men, tlT, women, or, total, so. Second Ward, 1st Division Men, 188, womea. luor total, as. Second Ward, tad Division Men, ZIS, women, 117 1 total, 438. Third Ward, 1st Division Men. tfil, wemca, 04 1 total, 823. Third Ward, tnd TM vision Mea, ITS, wemca, 19; total, Z17. Fourth Ward, -1st Dlvisioa Mca, IBS, women, 107: total, ZVX, Fonrtk Ward, tnd Dlvisioa Mea, 104, women, ti total, IBS. Outside West Mca, 184, women, M; total, 18. Outside West Bon tk Mea, 45, wom en, It total, 40. Total Mca, 1,731, women, 767, Men and women, t,498. NEGRO WOMEN OUTNUMBER WHITES IN REGISTERING Richmond, Va Sept, 18. Negro womea were reported aa outnumbering white womea nearly three to eaerat registration headquarters at eae time tedsy, where they sought te become qualified voters. The negro women have outaambcrcd the white women In ap plying for reglstratioa sines yesterday, wkca Central Registrar Woodson called for aid, policemen being cent to keep the applicants ia line after arrange ments kad bcea made for segregating the races at registration headquarters. - KILLS FIFTY CHICKENS - TO FIND LOST DIAMOND Davenport. Iowa, Sept. 1 It waa a tedious process' for H. U. Walbournc, a grocer and butcher, to recover a Ipet, diamond valued st 600 for ho wss un able to tell which of hie ISO ckiekens had swallowed the gem The diamond was missing from his ring after he had anloeded the chickens from crates aad Disced them ia a coop aad he suspected one of the fowls had eaten it He found the Jewel today ia the gizzard ot the EXPERTS CONTINUE INVESTIGATION OF BLAST IN WALL ST. NEW REPUBLICAN - GOVERNOR OF MAINE Frederic H. Psrkharst, ef Bangor, Republican, wke won ent in the, ' re cent electiea ia Mains, getting a a Jority ef 65,000 votes over kia Demo cratic opponent, Bertraad O. Mclntyrc THEORY FEASIBLE Psychologist Declares Fischer May Have Received Telep- athic Warnings ; New York, Sept 18, Psychic knowl edge. ef an Impcadinf disaster la as twacaaie as thoogk it wore "picked p' by radle operator, whose instrument ofcnaeed te be "tuned , er within re ceiving rnage of a wirelessed message, aeoordiag te Dr. Walter F. Prince, act Ins; director of the American Institute for Scientific Beasarch, founded by tkc ansa jrror. Jam so a. uyaiop, authority ea psyekolotr. Tr. Prince declared tkat tkc" asser tion of Edwia P. Ifiseheri detained at Hamilton, Ont that his postcard warn inga te friends here of the Wall Street explosion last Thursday were inspired or jNryenie pnenomenn, "were highly within the realm of possibility .M Dr. Prince cited two striking eases of a train wreck aad woman's suicide, premonition of which, ke aaid. he had receivea la dreams aad which were borne out ia detail the following day. Dr. Prince aaid the mind of Fischer, wkoee . brothet-ia-law, Robert A. Pope, aeewroa ne naa possessed psyehie pow ers for a anmber of years, evidently was tuned' te those who plotted the ex plosion, receiving telepathetie impresv sione of the tragedy that later occurred. He said the expressions or thoughts of tae conspirators thus eonld have bcea registered ea the abnormal mind of Fischer. It is reasonable to suppose tkat Fischer i mind, being 'tuned . in harmony with the workings of tkc minds of those wko planned the disas ter, received the important fact that such a occurrence wss te happen, he aaid, -but misread tko signals as to the exact time, which eeeouuted for tkc faet tkat kia written waraiags fixed tkc time ef the disaster about. 14 hours ahead ef ita actual happening. a regard it as a proven fact by a urge namoer ox authentic instances known to me by personal inspection, or other good evidence, thst there ia sock a thing aa predictioa ef future events. I regard those instaneee aa nsoally of the stars ef super-normal reasoning. - As tae intention to commit the Wall Street crime was undoubtedly in the -minds ef aome persona for days previous, it is coneeivBDie mat jiacher got hia Infor mation oy a quasi-auditory process, whether or not it was intended for him. It likewise ie possible tkat ka got it by teiepatay from living minds." DANIELS' IN REPLY TO . CHARGES BY HARDIN. Defends U. 8. Eule In San Do. misfo and Haiti; Surprised -"-at The Charges';"1:"'-"'.; Washington, Bent 18. Replying to Senator Harding's charge that the ad minis tratioa waa carrying-on "unconsti tutional warfare' against Haiti and Baa to Domingo, Secretary Daniels de clared in a statement today the United States waa administering affairs in those island i ln pursuance of treaty oblige- lions. v The single end sonant in the naval administration of ths countries, the Sec retary added, has bcea "stability and safety for the inhabitants' who, he de clared have heretofore bcea ruled by "bandits who -nude government a farce." '..:,- -... The Secretary expressed "surprise" that a United States Senator should 'give currency to . so unjnst a reflec tion upon tho members of the Marin Corpa on duty in Haiti. air. Daniels said that a personal In vestigation of conditions in Haiti and Santo Domingo was being made aow by Major ueneral John A. ljenne, corn ea dan t of tho Marine Corps, who left Washington a week ago for an inspee- v'v' ' '''' ASSERTS PSYCHIC Divide Their Efforts Between Searching For Radicals sr.d - Driver of The Dilapidate ; ed "Death Wagon" ! DEPARTMENT OFFICIALS ' FIRM IN BELIEF BLAST WAS WORK OF RADICALS Chief nynn , and Assistants Workins; To Asoertaia Tien tity of Person or Persons Who Deposited Tire Kadieal Circulars In Mail Box Inst Tew Minnies Before Explo sion, While Poliee Are In. deaTortof To Locate DrtreF of Waf oa Supposed To Saro Carried The Explosives; Edwin Tiscker, Who Care Warning's of Disaster, Also Being Eeld For Qnestioainr; Two Other S aspects Xe leased . f ( RUSSIA ABRISTXD AS AN ClfDRSIRABLI Hew York, Bens. It By eko Ac eclated Fresm.) Alexander 1. BvwaV evaky, a Raaslaa Journalist, waa waa taken late cmetody late tale after, aoea after tbe aeUee aad received aa aaeayasame letter that ke waa aoea to the Saaacial district a akert time after Ue Well street earpMoa Thursday swam, was formally placed nnder arrest jest before midnight ea a charge ef being aa aadssarable atlea. He win ke iaraed enrea- to Department aft Justice ageaaa, the smites said, while a check ta hctag madc oa kia movements. Brailovsky wss seised In' n canal! stationery store ea Kant Seventh street ia the rear ef whlrb b n print ing snoa where the Rassky CW (Raaslsa Voice), described by the aataentioa aa a radical magstlne, la aabUcaea. New Fork, (Sept 18. (By tkc Asso ciated Press.) Investigation at the ex plosion ia Wall Street Tharsday aouu -which eost 88 lives and did property damage exceeding $1,000,000 , broadly divided itself tonight into two separate channels, Firm ia their belief tkat the disaster ' waa censed by a time bomb planted by . a band of anarchists who were also In- plicated ia the mail bomb plots ia Jane, 1919, department ef Justiec investigators, hsaded by Attorney General Palmer aad William J. Flynn, chief ef the de partment's bureau of investigation, bavs centered their efforts in seeking the identity ef the person er persons wke depooited tve radical eirealar la a mail box near tha aeeaa Just a, Sow minutes before the explosion. Theee circulars, printed ea . shsse : paper and signed American Anarchist Fighters'' threatened ''sore death tor aU of yon" unless the -"political prk oners" were freed. They bear a striking likeness. Chief Flynn pointed eat, to those found la the iavcctigatiewo ef Juan, 1919. Bearcklag For Driver. ' ' Meanwhile, police investigator were ' concentrating their attentioa oa trying te establish the identity ef the driver . of the dilapidated wagon,' which was abandoned near the J. P. Morgan h Company bank a few minutes before tkc explosion and whiok la believed to have contained the infernal machine. Experts in tke bomb squad, wke have examined aad pieced together metal frsgmoat believed to kavc been part of the bomb, declared the deadly missile apparently weighed about 600 pounds, two knndred at wkick were 'tka ea plosive itself. Saapect Is Release I. ' Department ef Justice ageat late tew day arretted an Italian stowaway ea the outgoing steamship Cedrie on sa ieloa that he may have bcea implicated i the plot Ee was taken te depart-' msnt headquarters, questioned aad hater ' released, sgente stating ke kad satis factorily sstablishsd kia innocence. . Police detectives also questioned a for. elgn jonrnslist lata today following in formation that ko was sees ia the flnan-: clal district a few minutes after the explosion took place, but kc, toe, was ' later released. Ho charges had bcea preferred against him. 'lecher Being Detained Tke only man being detained la eenneetion with the explosion ia Ed wia Flsehsr, a lawyer aad former em ploye of the French High Commission here, who sent pott-card warnings ef -the disaster to friends ia ths Saaacial district He was turned ever to the police ef Hamilton, Ontario, yesterday by kia brother-in-law. Robert Podc. who aaid he waa acting queer. Fischer was later adjudged mentally incompet ent by a lunacy commission aad tem porarily confined to Ham lit oa jalL The police Investigators have bcea seat to question him, and if ka kas direct knowledge ef the explosion, to bring him back te New York, if pos sible. Fischer claims te kavc received notice of the impending disaster by ' "mental telepstky." Chief, Fiyaa ex pressed the opinion that Fischer ia ia . ao way connected with the cxplosioa Itself. Police department officials ad mitted tonight they had 'aaeovered , nothing new ' during the day which -would aid la solving the mystery. Ko eae kaa been found, they said, whe knew the owner ef the horse aad ' wagon, which were blown to pieces by ' the blast Blacksmith Clvea Hope One blackflnith, after being shown the shoes and hoofs of the dead horse, told tke police ke believed be might ' throw light on the identity of the ' jCotlm os) Fare, Te

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