NEWS AND OXZHVER.- RALEIGH. II. C MONDAY MORNING, 'L-. i. Peel's Store en; West . Martin Street Elown Open Late ' . : r i . - Saturday .Night 'f--, v .::,,-; .', - i i i Safe-crackera, oka, Jo judge, from tt trail left behind1 them are ma -' af long and , nndoubtedlgr , eueeeasful experience in tC Mi ecracklng basl iatas, blasted open u lro Mfe j k, H. Poole etore at 8 Wait Hargett street eonae time Curing U nig ht bat ardajr a ad got aaar with 4890 ia auk. The robber? oaa tlmcovered earl vee tarda morning "wkea the proprietor arrive "at toe atoro to fee4 km koraa, which la Utitlei uv tta tear. PoUeo aothoritloa wara iafromed of tba robbery, but aa far ae arrests have resulted front their iaveeugafloaai aad but little eiue aa ta tho identity of the athteroaata. o aaa aeerd the e plosion that took away tba door of tba ; safe, aa tba jproaampUott Of the P. liee ia thai tba daed waa timed with tba arrival of noisy locomotive la tba Union -station aaraaa tba street fronv the store, aad that tba fobbera made their eerapo o tba .aama trala aa it naUed eat ax tba ettw- r Batraaeo ta" tba atora 1 wee through tta iron door, cy breaking aa ordia ory took and t lala look Uat faateaed it. Apparently tba work woo , done wttk crowbar. In oomblaanoa lock en tba Soot of tha cafe waa eat away, aad ton explosive placed within tba aaia iti detonated. But littla damage araa done.. Tba aafa waa' opened with 4 minimum of confusion, and ita eon- teate laid out -before tba, atarandora. Mai area waa Urge plate glaae wia daw a. few faat away era eked. V Soon dtoertaJnatioa - waa exercised by tha looters ta their aeloetioa of value bleo tba earrled away.. Tba left meet of-the checke tbat wore in tka ' aafa, ad iaeuraaeo policy, aad a bible, .Tka ether valuablee wad) earrled eff, most of tba money being ia eneh. The atora ia located at tba fat end el tha - trala abed, only a little wavo from tha Uteraeetleav.. or Martin aad sawten ctreeta, bont wkleb eeatera anoat of tka -alikt tratta af tta alty, aad tka weader la that m aaa ebaerred er beard tba tebbera -wkaa, tkey were at SEVERAL ADDITIONS tO TBINITYlCOlLEGE' .STAFF ' Trinity Conaga Dtwham, Sept. W. Wltk tka addltias af aararal hew men ta tba faealty af Trinity College aad wltk . . tremendoue enrollment whlcb kaa lot. at beea comblated. tha lndt aatroaa. are that tka eollega ia entering npoa-a year thatTi aapraeadaatad tt . Ita kia tor. : .-. Erery domltary la arawded to Ua at- raaat oapaelty aad tha apeelooa alai reeal are tiled to orwflowlng. ' pro- riiioa kaa beea made for tka aceomma datlaa of tka overflow by patting extra beda ia roona abkk are large enough to admit tbeai aad by eeenrlag qnartera in koaiea adjaeeat to tha aaatpaa. Tba collata baa orerided extra toavenleneei fat plaeea for atudy by turnlag err tbo largo wall-lighted rooma c. tha Eaet Ihiko buUdlng aa a plaeo ahere the Ma may work la preparing their reeitatleaa. Plaaa are being aide whereby jrorUioae any be aaada for tha are taereaaiag atadent body aad it ia aonfldently aapeeMd that tha erodwed aoaditiooa will bo - rellared within ; tha near f atora. r: r URGES PATRONIZING OF INSURANCE CONCERNS Waihlagton, Sept. American ahlp. ping Interest! were nrged to patroniia Aaiariem aoarlna iniurance eonrprni by - Chatrma a Beatoor f tha 8htpplng Boardi la a atatement limed tonight. Deflating that torn Araarftaa buaiarai latateita were not glrlng the reraatly organized Amerieaa Merehant Marine eyndtrarea tha aama tnpport that for olga intereati give their homo under writing rompsnfrm, Mr. Benson aald that failuro to gira Amerieaa marina under wrltrra wholehearted tnpport weald mean "tta onnaeeisary flow of mllllona , of dolfnra of marina premltima to tha other aide, tha na of marina insurance by qnj competHora as a eommereial weap against our- interests, and in ability on eur part to properly safe ' fuard- aoatmereial Information." ' UEUt. COLflOOSEVELT TO TOUR THE WEST AGAIN Chicago, tgept. 19. - Ueutanaat Coloaol Theodora Baoeevelt plant to make another speaking toot of the Wast ia behalf of tbo candidaay af Senator Harding aad Governor Coolidfe, be said tonight oa kia return from a trip tkraugb aeraral states witk Bar Bond Boblaa. Ha left tonight for Albany, h. r to attend a apeeiai aeaaion af tha state Jegltlaturt, aad will return to tka West aa aooa aa tka eesstea la aver, Colenal Rooaerelt declared ha kad ,foaa4 aa "taereaaiag Bapublteaa senti ment" ia all tta westera autre ka viaitad, a , v N. C COLLEGE FOR WOMEN ' WILL OPEN THIS WEEK Hundred of Students Turntd . Away Bteantd of Xavck of J Koom; Kaw Oonrteg Oreensbore, Sept., tS Tka - North Carolina College for Wearenf will open ita door for tha new eeaeion this week nitk proepecta for tii boat year in ita kiatory. All noma ia tka aollage dormt tcriea hare beea engaged and hundreds ot atudenta bare beea turned away be cause of tba lack of room. Tbo aa- rollment thia year will bo orouad BOO, Students kao already begun to ar tire, many leaders of college orguil aatioaa karlag arrirad yeeterday. ' Tha final touebe Kara been put oa tbo col lege Bandings and grounds aad all in'reediaeea for tka BDeaino. : Tha faculty of tka college bald their flrat dinner In tka college dining naQ hut night, at wklek timo tta earloaa eommlttaea were announced aad plana tor uia eomiag year diaeuaaed. frcev dent i. L fosst. made a brief talk to the teachers, serersl of whom arc ad- ditiona to tha faculty of last year. Pre liminary oianunauone will no held Monday aad Tueaday, aad atudenta IU raglatar aa Wednesday aad Thuro day. witk rsnlar oollcco work on Tri- fay.. ; : . Among tha new ooareaa to bo offeMd thia year, thoee la tha now department a naaiia ara attracting mneb attcaUoa aad Interest. Thia new department will bo la cbarre of Dr. Anna Goto. and tka work will ambraeo many sub jects, This work ia a part of the work f tbo Caltad Statea JntaraaUoaal Bo fial Hyariaaa Board. wbUb worked du. log tba war with tbo army aad nary, put ta now carrying oa ita work la tba leading educational institutions ' of tbo country. New eonraea will aleo be of fered in community welfare and rami economies. , m . addition,, many aaw couraaa Bare beea added to tbo depart mente of tka college already aatbliak- HUNGER STRIKERS IN CORK JAIL STILL ALIVE Cora. Bent. IB-TkO hnairer atrlk- era la Cork Jail were reported today to bo la aa exceptionally weakened condition, duo to a bad ' alcht x- perieneed by an, oapeeially Burka and rower, who hare been suffering from Insomhia for aaarly a week. A Cork hospital Burse . wko waa permitted to aeo tbo priaoaera last OTening aald that uennaany waa uaeoaaoloaa eeareely mara tbaa IWIng. Tho-condition of Kenaedy aad Donoraa wad grara. I BnOerlor Caort at Wadaabat. Wadeaboro, Sect. laV-fiuDarlor court. wntcit aaa been in aeaaion alnea last Monday, will continue thia week. Judge P. A. McEIroy. of Marshall, ia oresidino. Beeauaa of tha .hear arlmlaal docket, aa eases win not be dUpoeed of, at thia Marketlnc of cotton en tha Wadea boro 'market. kaa bcrun. Howarar. the offerings bare not been largo, aad It ia laaicaiea m moat of tbo crop will "9 MW MlfUWT prKaB. mmim U i.r aj s-ju- f ' t 111 (ctfjMiJrf Hi t - - - ' WILL-TRY ITALIAN AT - CHEENSBORO THIS WEEK i - : J 1- lYamk Fiatro ' Cbaxgrad With ., CUbbinf Latnut J7oman ; : to Death at Hih Foiiit , Crocasboro, Sept. WOullford aona ty ta parlor court, far tka trial of erim iaal casta will open Monday and be in sssainn aaa week witk Judge J,Jtia Bay, presiding. - 8a aaany caaeo arc oa tbo docket that an appear waa made to Governor prolong tbo aeaaion aaa week.? However, thia appeal waa re jected on'aeeoont of the fact that the law roquitee at least go day notice be fore celling extra eeaeiona. Probably the moat sensational trial will M tbatA ax rrana netro, Italian, cnargea witn having atabbed to death Maude Utbaa a yonag white woman at bar noma ia High Point a number of weeks ago. The I ttliaa waa aooarder at tka Lothaa homo aad la alleged to be to cat the woman to death oa a bod la the house la tbo dead of night , Ho ia aald to havo fled from the aecne after the dead oaa aommittad,' but wss csptnred tome hear later near , Jamestown. , He kaa beea In Jail hero aince, aad kaa 'talked oa aeveral cecnaJoaa to aa Interpreter wko, It ia tnderstood, kaa laid kia case before. Jha Italian cestui at$hlladel nhia. Whether tbo consul will arrange for Pietre'e defense la not known. The trial promisee to be a difficult one, bo- aanaa tha accused Italian epeakj almost ao Englishi . . CALL FOR FREEtNff OF ;' POUTICAL PRISONERS Worcester, Maaa4 Sept. 19-Delegatea front many statea attended meeting of tha Jewish Co-operative Society of America kera today adapted reaolutloaa eaUiav for tta United Btatoo gorera meat to free all political priaoaera aad to recognise the Soviet goverament of Bueala. Committeea were appoiated to orgaaJao aad conduct additional co operative .atoreg ia all atatog or ua anion for tke.purehaac aad akla of rice. , ' S Jala Ray Baatea. - Btoekholm. Bert. ..-Jolo Bay, tka Tllinoia ruintr,- wss beatea today by B. lamdaraa by io yarda ta a ipw mete rae. Tka lima waa font minutes Bra aoeonda. -; HURT ALL OVER COULDN'T SLEEP Suffered So Much aad So Long Indiana Lady Bocamo Dit- eoorated, anal at Timoa Cared Uttl to LiveT . ' omaamamaonam 1 leareaworth, lad. Wra. Haaaak Peru, of this town, writes: "About atx yearj ago I began the aaa of Cardul for female wnkaeaa. I tufforcd auck fear ful 'fceorlng-tew palna -at V It aremod like soar thing waa jnat praaalng oa the top of my bead and It burned like Are. I waa indeed a nervous wrack. 'for four yearg I eouldnt da my bentework. X wma la bod meet of the time . . I got bo discouraged, and atHmee I, wanted to die, X was in ao arncli poia. At time X iart all over. . At night , I was restless and touldnt sleep. X had ao appatUorta fact waa a misery to myself and aver oaa also. i' eoatlausd la thia eondltloa antQ Anally I btvaa Curduf. Took Cardul regulorl inlll X took a number at hot ttea. It tnrcd tne I cannot toy too muck for thia treatment, aad highly reeommcnilt to others." For mora than forty oars Cardul has rove.&entfliciat to suffering women. Tour drugglet eella it Try hi adv. GFiEEf:s:or.o theater MANAGER IN PROTEST City Conuniaoion r That Ceni orshlp Ordi. -J nance Be Bepealed. - .Greensboro, Sept. II. Declaring that It weald bo "utterly impossible" to operate a theater in tha city of Greeaa boro Under the ordinance which pro video that all 11 censors will dictate arhat shall end shall not bo staged by way of production, Jako-Wells, bead Of tko Jako Wells Amusement Com pny aad lessor of tko Grand theatre, cent before tbo city board of eommla tloaara Priday and auggeeted that far the benefit of business aa well ao the eitixana of Greensboro tta ordinance be repealed or rather not put inta effect. ' Mayor Stafford stated that final de ciaioa of the matter will bo taken Mon day at tha regular aeaaion af tha board of city commissioners. UNSUCCESSFUL EFFORT TO FEED DR. SEDGWICK Muskegon, Mieh Sept. " U Phy sicians today . made uasuceoseful at te npt to .forcibly feed Dr. Otis W. Sedgwick, of White Hall, near bare, wUo kaa ref need to eat or talk siaei ke waa arrested early Thursday morn. 4ng lit connection witk tha deaths of bis wife aa 3-year daughter. Buby. The bodies were found oa the lawn nt the physician's bona ia White Halt Ex amining phyetciaaa aald death waa dua to etrangulatlon. ' Dr. Sedgwick ia aald to hare fought two phystcthae who attempted tba for cible feediag. , A email quantity ' of water waa forced down bit throat, how ever, v ' ... .,,.- . Mrs. Sedgwick formerly waa a .pro fessional ajnger in Ujtea, New Torn. New Fall Hats '" '.' '' ' - f la AH The Newest 5! -Shapes And xi J Shades For Young Men And Men Wh o Stay Young : Veloura $7.50 and . up ' ' Foils $5 and $7.50 Cloth Hats $3.60 and $4.50 "VOGUI SUITS ME . FUNERAL SERVICES FC ' UR. W. R. NEVVSOrj TODAY from Edenton- Etreet IXetho. . dist Chnrch at 11 o'Clock; Buxial.ln OakrVood- . Fanertl acrviaea over tha romalaa of the Ute Walter' B.. 'ewaom, whoae death oecarred ta Box Hospital Satur day alght after a weck'i Illness, win bo conducted from tho Edentoa Street Uethodiat chareb this mornlnf at 11 o'eloek, by tha pastor, Bev. W. WJ 1'ecle, D.D. Intermeat will follow in tha family lot la Oakwood Cemetery. Tka local lodge of Elka, of wklek tha daeaoaed. waa a member, will asaemble at tho roaidaaeo at 10:30 o'clock this morning to attend tho aervieee ia 0 body. Tba pnllbeerdre will be aa fol lowsi : W. B. Irrnke, J. O:- Brown. Charles Home, A. . Baker, & S Jar man, Henry J. Young, H. C. Srulthera, Edward Hugh Lee, John B. Allen, P. B Harrison, Dr. A. W. Goodwin, JoeeGant, J W. Harden, Daniel Allen, John Me Kee, C. B. Allen, C. B. Barbee aad W. H. Williamson, knnorarvj aad JoKa G. Allen, Jaiueo AlcKce, Gilbert Crab' , , tree, . H. Weathers, a O.' Wrcnn, W. C. Katman, J. U Johnson and Jokn W. Hlnsdare, Jr, activo. - ' - Ixpsctsrdlkli: ASpeedyReorjvcrjr, . -M dm 0aaaM r. :i I. "js my mtrmm o majk-m to owr s aitwrCO 1 . 1 Gilbert C. White CO ITLTINO INGINSEB , Durham, MC WATERWORKS, ' MGRT AND , . - rtink, ' SiRkETS The Weather Ual Offiea, United Stttea Weather ' Barean. ; Boleigk. N. C, Sept. 19, mo. Hertk Carolina Ttir Monday aad Tuesday, witk ao change ia tha torn. yeraiore Highest temperature gg Uwast temperature V gg Meaatjompcraturo ......,..,.. ft Excesa for tka day ., 4 Average daily deficiency since Jaa nary let f........ l.g fitclOPlTATION (ia lackee) Aaiouat for tka t keura eading at S p. at. , ToUl for tha moatk to dat O.lo Deneiency for tha moatk in 100 ,v.( aUJMlDlTir v- Dry bulk) ' as S3 f Wat balb , M . 64 64 al. knmMlt.v ... 04 ! 4J (Bednced to Sea UvoL) ! !' M-00 ...... torn Sunrise diOO a. m. Buntcfr giU.p..m. LOfT ONB MALIC , POODLB DOf. Anmwr to name of knooks. Pindar pl.aa return It H, W, Uargatt at. and rlve rawarit. 1-r-' tvid.on Motorrycle. for-all so. I tr 1 -n "rty. h'1 ir aba. JaaH a ,v. , iy..kt,t it, ik ,n " ""XT Fall Turns the Trend "of Thoughts From the Porch to the Living Room The cooler days of Fall bring . vividly to mind the furnishings . of the living room, where so many pleasant hours are spent thro'out the long winter days and evenings. Harmonious designs In living room suites equally beautiful rugs and draperies to match are j. shown in our displays in an end ' , less chain of harmony. , ROYALL & BORDEN The Home of Depondahlo Furaituro' ' '"'i ' ":'t; urn ;:' -' . nil- p a,i II I 7 . S III ' BT BT '-US ....... I. .. V ." ' .... - xA Good Coolc ' A Good Rand'e Bach is neceteary to the other if yon tmitgobd cooWnff all the time.' Just bay an Allen's Range for your kitchen and watch the cotidnf fcnprDva. Wax " ' . Is always dependable. - It eliminates chance In codSdns mA does awavr . with worry and waste. , The Allen Range will last a lifetime, and continue , to ive (ood senrics as long as it lasts. -' '. ; . - - It will pey you to investigate the Allen Rsnt and note its many patent- ' ed devices for saving; time, labor and fuel and making good cookms; easier. There are' Allen dealers everywhere Consult one of them, or writs direct for our illustrated catalogue, f .' . r fJdJM NIANLACTURING COMPiNY " i . NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE ' " T31 ' an iA Tr IT T?(3 r For Sale In Raleigh Exclusively By Goodwin-Smith Furniture Cbi ' Y ' , - The House That Makes Homes Uappy United Confederate Veterans RE.UMION October 5th -8th, 1920 ' Low Round Trip Fares, Through Standard and Tourut Sleeping Cars, also Special Train; Service Southern Railway System (The Official Route.) v Gen. Julian S. Carr, commanding the Department Army of Northern Virginia, which Includes North Carolina, has arranged the following itinerary for the accommodation of veterans and others attending the reunion at Houston. This, being the official Y route; . - . - - , v Lv. RaWgk, Sea. Sr. : r. M. Sat, Oct. nt. Lv, Do roam. Sea. Br. S:1S T, M. Sat, Oct, Sno Vr. Onforc. Sen. Br. li f. U. Sat, Oct a4. -v lv. Croonaboro, Boa. Jtv. Viel f. M. Sat, Oct. Ia4. ' ' 1 . Lv. CharletlcSoo. By. llrll P. M. Sat, Oct. Sai. V Ar. AUanta, Son. Br. TUS A. M. San, Oct Sr4. ' ' ' . Lv. Atraata, Weat Paint Bto, ttH A. M. Saa, Oct. SH. ' Ar. foo? Orleans, LAN. IiM A. M. Mon, Oct 4tk, ' . t ' . An Boaatoa, Son. Pae. S:0f P, M. Hon, Oct. 4tk. , ' ' : ' ' ,v ' . : '".'; - : . j-' Special train will be operated from Charlotte through to Houston. ' Standard Pullman and tourist sleeping .cars will be operated through without change for accommodation of all desiring to make this trip. .Round trip tickets will be on salo October 2, 3 and 4,, with final return limit to , reach original starting point by midnight of October 31. 1920. Stop-ov'ers will be permitted at all points on both going and return trip within final limit, , . Round trip fare from 'Raleigh'," $27.20; Durham, S27.08; Oxford, $27.74 i5elms, $2744; Goldsboro, $27.84.. These fares d not include war tax of eight per cent.. For sleeping car reservatlopq and further details in connection with the trip consult ticket agents, or, address . . y ,.,....;" .w . , J. O. JONES, District Passenger Agent, Raleferi, N. C. n. M -