NEWS AND ODwERVEH. RALEIGH U. C V.TDNESDAY MCNIG. ' UTUZR 11. DAY RESOLUTIIIG Stand On Creaked LsSor Oc casions Long DebatCWith out Any Action ' , j ': '' Clsvelanj, Ohio, Sept. tS-th second annuel eoavsntlon of tha, Amsrtta Le.loa 14 settioa her today aaderweat barraj of resolution and eommlt tc report! and ties whea adjournment was taiea thi avaainf, after a nine boar session, there Were Mtal torn mitteee to be beard. report af- which wilt be brostnt ap tomorrow morning-. The stand of tie teflon In regard to organised labor was not mentioned in the report of the committee, oa resolu tion. However a, minority It pert 'aras submitted, waleh recommended that the "America Legion reitarata it well known positioa, that It has noparticipa liea la atrovrle between capital and labor. The American Legion la not kniuu tjk mtammimmA lHn whea ti'nit diet Itself a wn bellsr it normally dots, la eoafermity with law and order.' Bested discussion -followed and the amont rvpura wn uumiij nmrauea mm that tka lu.ft utNIM waa allmilkatafl. Still th debate continued, some mem ber taking the poaltlea that tha Amor-, teaa Lefioa need not nuke any state Meat oa tha subject, a tha eondaet of the orfenlsstien bad beta lueh that ther wit no qaeitioa where it stood. Other contended that people eensured tha legion because they did not know tia imA takal mm ttila ' H Bowvr, a substitute for the minority report presented by California and adopted by the convention, elating "that this eeaventioa endorse th( state meat recently Issued by the national commander. Franklin D Oiler, nftd ao- - tepte that statement as the Legioa Ini, terpreUtioa ef its positioa ia regard te orrtaUed labor." Tb attltad ef the aational com mander hu been that ef "strict neu trality" la matters baring to do With ortaalsed labor.' fhl "strlet neutral ity" ir whit all faction wanted, the bead of Coutentio being a to whether ot tot tt should be read into tha records. Tha stand of tha Legioa ia regard to polities wa not bronght Bp today. The chairman ef tha eommitte oa eonttitu tional amandmeat reported that they had wet reached decision oa this que tioa bat would bring it ta tomorrow. . Article IS of tha Legioa constitution rtbea 'wa Had Which provides that tha report of the" committee oa constitu tional amendment mat be read M hour before actio is take. Tb chairman proceeded With the business An lined by his committee, which included recem meadatron regarding redistrietinf of th United States, with tics com mander as an Intermediate admlnia ; trsMv Unit ia aeh district; that a national commander be ellglbla for re election and that past national rem msadsr. be mad Ufa members, without vetlrnr, power. ; "H - Wbea th report of th committee an eeftntit tional amendment regarding political restrictions is bronght ap be fore the soavenvlo tomorrow, Article 18, probably will be the center of a stormy attach. If, aa Article IS p re vide, U hear later, that will put the convention ia aeaaioa oa Thursday, while tha convention is soppoasd te close tomorrow. Oa tb ether hand, tha mat tar being brought up at that lata hour may ba.dclard illegal or oat of order, and die a natural' death. . The Irit resolution lubmlttcd, wsb Inuik trm ta Wvaalflailt WHana. snraaalna' "Sincere sympathy for him in his pres ent suffering, affilictioa and reiterate ta . him our inalterable determination . to support an aphold the principle aad tjoastftatloa of our country." It was anaalaonsly pnsscd by a tiaing Vote. By a hippy coincidence, Just at tne 'poppy bad been recommended and adopted aa th memorial flower of tb . Amerieaa Legioa, General Marie Fayolle aad his party entered tb convention ball. FIT minute of cheering inter- .... - ft v. mmA ti . M.tlaaal aomaiaadet den In red th regular order of baelseee. temporarily saspended. rraaeea C. Drake, eommaader ef Parle poet. He. 1, tntrodaoed General Fsyoll. The gerl mad a brief address, Sir Admiral W. S. fltaat, of tha Boyal Kavy of Great BrHata, then addressed th aonventtoa. A he retired - there aiae arte fot "Wood Wood," for Gea ami Leoaard Weed, who wa la tb party. Whea tb general appeared be wa greeted aa a "regal member" and aa aa aa "honors r atember' Re ferring to the prerioaa atatemekU of tb repreeenUtlTO of th gorernmanti f Frwaca aad Great Britain, regarding U feed will existing between those aoaattte aad Amnion, Oeneral Wood Aa bCh ef ear distinguished Tint tors bar said, ths peace of tha world and the hacpiaees ef mankind very tntaly depead npoa keeplag P that frtoadly spirit. Doi't let any inaiatoas itiatieni oroev ia among as aa to who woa tha war. We wea it altogether." ' Praetisslly members of th national OaecutW eommitte, aad eereral indi irtaally received "paper ctntioas,, from tb reeolatioa tommiHev thanking them for their work. The press ef the Uaited fitot ale name la for its bouquet, being thanked "formally for erne reaearea. ( KEGRQ TO BE TRIED FOR ATTEMPT JO COM M IT R APE ' Walter Bolllas, - negro of Oberlln, charted with aa assault with Intent to ommit rap On Bessie Bswkiaa, aegro , girt, will b giro a bearing before Jattie of th Fesee 3, K. Owsns this afwraoea at o'elock. The girl alleges that h was at tha Weet Baleigb Prug ttor Bats rd ay aftarnaon wha a friend tatradaeed bar to Bollias. She sayi tby talked awhile aad thea be induced bar t walk ap th road with him. The aegr taked bet te go with him U a aafa bat taaWad of fading the restaur . set tonk her down a email nath leadinc to faillibore street where h allege th aaaaalttoek plate. . Flea Men Arrested. Hector blcNeat, charged with larceny -f neckties 1J. W Butler, charged wHh draaksaaess oa Us street; Lewia Hin- tea, asgror Charred wWk- sseedtaav aad Archie Brew a aad George H. Long, charged with drunksaaeaa will be giraa a jaeariag ta aaaaieipai rt this mora lf at 10 a 'clock. ' f h docket of th court this saqraiag win preoeDiy ce s aeavy as tea mob day moraing's mill duct a aessioa . kail yesterday flu to th b ee from- tb any f Jadg W. C. EXPOSES HOLLER OFIEPUBLIIIS Morrison Shows Utter Incorv slstency of Charges Made,. By, Old Guard r.. . By '1. e. rowtxiv.' . (Stat OrraspeadeaL) JHUnt Sept 18. Departing Slightly from bid . finished 'argument ef yeater dsr at Bpsrta, Cameroa blorriaaa to night srpoaed tb boiler about, electioa laws whiehN tha . -Republican, bar brought iato th oampalKa this fall.' B Ipok t a lara audienc of Hurry rotefa. Unlike the eounty Elkia l Demeeratia by big majority, (id tb wemea ber are Pcmoentid, 4oo, and many wr eut tonight, ,. - ' - Pshsing la hi kpceeh ' for few minute, Ms. Morrison charged that the BepobUcaa Btato .' organisation, which la fathering th court attack oa tb constitutionality of, th abnute voter law.' ia not half so mad at tha law as it is desires ef fteepiag- th travailing men, most .of, whom are Democrats, from totang At all ia Btat ontota, , homo fcepabllcaa . laeoaalateney. The greea iasonsiitency, though, of this bit of Republic fuss making i lerly abowa, said Mr. Morrison, la tha way Butler and Joha Morhead mbesalcd their power af delegate to th last Bapublleaa oavatlon. While, most everybody' knew it, Mr. Morrison told kow th SepubUean of Kertk Carolisa voted for Hires John sob for president in ths primaries aad how Hiram got aothlng bat aewapspsr reports to show for bis big vote down here. ' Tb Deuioeratie candidate felt sorry for Johnson' as Joha Parker does for . Mat Gardner. Johnson had "Judge" Iredell Mean got the tote la th primary bat he oooldnt vss get Butler sad Morehsad to (mil at ths convention. s " But they go Over th Stat mouthing about lectio law. Tb Bepttbliean have alwsya been opposed to th pri mary aad it 1 nothing Strang for then to be howling soms about th abseate voter law. They are scainst everything except Federal patroniga aad they art all hungry for pi. - Much arvlsus greeted t nfomsea turn oa the opposition. He w fr quently applauded during hi discussion ef th League of Nations and bit In creasingly dear defenie of revalua tion. ' While Mr. Morrison ft moving toward th Kast, "Farmer Bob"' Doaghtoa aad Dr. Ike Campbell are carrying oa their Joint debet and elassie it ia, ever th hill of th Eighth, district. Dr. camp bell, making much fuss about th soldi, I wondering why these mountain high way haven't been helped by Cengreea- man Doaghton, Of course, they Jiav d "Farmer Bob" pulled a contract n hi Stanly opponent yesterday. Joint Debate Entertaining. . Th auditor at th Joint dissuasions it well entertained. Th candidate ret along dn until they run th Speaking and "Farmer Bob" finds Jt a hard Job to say enoagh about Dem ocratic prosperity!) In an boar by the am token, Br, Campbell ha a right tough time talking about Democratic Mravagaas and high taxea. , LikhU party bo la agninst vrything and like Person of Franklia en Biekett, would repeal th wholo , Wilson administra tion. And 'talking about taiee, th Con greisman certainty scored a point or two;' Wilson called Congress together a year had a half age to reduee taxes but they haven't dons any reducing. "Farmer Bob" mad tb railroad bill, which bo voted against, a most Inqult out piece ef legislation. It adds freight to the folks who want to ship their cat tle aad their wheat. . Dr. Camnball makes a rsther lame inauH oa the League but he ia entitled to Credit berauao be doesn't even pro- fos to a it is bad. Ho doesnt de fend th Bepubliean isaaulta at large but rather talk after Parker oh taxation. Answer Eatrataganc Charge. Coagreaimsn Doughton ia perhaps moat effective i he answers the charge of extratsgatte ia conducting th war. It la to bltaphem tb great Victory th United States wan, b says, "To wbat desperation ar they driven for lasuaed. b says, "before I would ttiak political capital eut of th ao tiflce of Amerlcca boy. I would rather tnf tongue elv to th roof of my month and my arm bans lima by my Id.- Demnrracra record la Vie that flrf won't destmy nor flood wlpt away, hs declares. The leagn covenant la just M holy al God' corehant with Ahrv him. Noah and Isaac. The treaty breatebe th apirit of th brotherhood of mil. They hive a week in th mountain kid a week in flat territory. Tha ds- biter ar accompanied by stenogra pher aad a aewapspsr man. RALEIGH DISTRIBUTING POINT FOR COLE CARS Xaletirh become th distributing point for th entire eastern eeetloa ef the State for th Vol automobile with the oneninc bare ef a .branch of tha Gate City Motor Co.. with W. W. Oridr in charge nf the aew omeo, Mr. Oridgo, with O. 'W. Edwards, of Greensboro, was ia th eity reaterday arraaging for the 000101; of the aew office ere. Th oominav of th aew company to Baleigb ia snot he evideao that Bal- igh ia coming t b recognised in the sutomobile Industry a the natural dis tributing point for astoaaobile la North Carolina. The normal volume of bull ae doa by th Col la this ssctioa kaa growa largely during the paat yar, Slid with th activ work of th new organisation behind it, it ia axpeeted that Kastera Carolina will buy many or OC uta. . : APPRECIATES OFFER BUT UNABLE TO ACCEPT IT Chicago, Ills, Bcpt. 8. "It's a pleadid offer ad on . I artircdat from th bo torn of y heart, but I'm if raid there it lost I eaa accept It," Mid Chaflo A. Ceiyiskcy, whea la formed that Jacob Buppert and T. L Huston, owners of th New Tork Tan ks, bed offered to plac their ntlr team it th fllipqial" of tb Chtcagoia to replace th met b tuspended. "Th League rules definitely say that to trades or trnafr Can b mad after August 81," bs sipUlned, "ao I mow mat sue tl art.wonld not be sanctioned by the league. But It wa wonuenui ining ror-inam w uo, i'W i I i ill i - . J ' Penguin sM-im aith their wiaH. BiB CRO WDS HEAR CAUDATE SPEAK Harding Speaks In Wheeling On His Policy of Govern-. 4. ment Economy Wheeling, W. Ya, Sept ft-pak-tag to a larg rowl which pack) the test squar lack t th Wheeling add torinn while thoasaada mor battled ta th streets outside fof dmlaUa, Saa tor Harding laid dowa ker tonight policy;'- of - gorerameat ooaoaay aad strict busia admlnhrtfatioa. - . Front th time f hi arrivu aer ta tb oarly attaraooa, tb BcpahUeaa preildeatlal aomlae w bodegM howling throag an daring tt aodi trrium address hi word egaia aad agaia avakad aa avalaaeh at ap- puuso. v ' . a- j ..a akUjiM ms tha arowd along the Hae front tb Beaator betel to the auditorium taai aoia an that which carried Mrs. Harding wsrs loat for a tint ia trsifis Jama, Mr Harding, going by cHreateuJ toat. reached th ftaii am aaa wa givv ovation aa sb waa pushsd through erowded aisle up to th platform. Whea th nominee arrived tb gtoat crowd ros and sheeted fot mora than minute. . Previeudy Seaatot Harding bad mad hort talk draonaelng on ma gov t,rM & trmwA of mans1 thea sands who flocked the streets about the hotel aad earllaf la th diy b kid ipohoa to ivo crowds that gavara ,! his orivat ear a It tarn across Wert Virginia. ,; . . , .. Ia a referenca to tae arewu wwu bad seat t Wheeling to bear kim, Bea- IWI Aaruiay w -------- . race why be bad prfrrd tb front porek campaign, "tt waa not because I did aot deelre to com to yoa and preach the gospel I Amerleaalaat from th Bepublleaa standpoint," b (aid. "I'va beea doing v. .it utm eliat'a mh T'm a. mnmu aea for President, bat t chose to (peak from th front poren over at surion for th vry reason that I kav M,j.rmA kM In Wheallaa today. I did aot like to disappoint any aa. 1 wnt i com to your city una nm . 1.nnt,IUnlaiH rtinnlhf blah Aad ther ar 8000 ptopl la Wheeling wh want to heat th gospei or jiepuouc lam as 2 delight to preach H, oat Only aboat or uoutana ei a eaa erowa u hero. " ' "On thing X could d la Marloa waa v V.iT .ih tm vletacltr all the American people tbrougk thsopedinni of the great Amerieaa preaa. . "I thing u American peopio tmtw heard. I know they kav heard ap ia hfnln and I think the hav beard verywbero and bv resolved wt ought to do tw things, arst, to put oa awa houaa In order, and than 1st tb world know that wa eaa manage oar ow falra. : t i t a. TtMMMlU avtrava- VBCWIUI mum gaaea hud miimahagemeat had brought th aatlon to the Driaa or ananciai air tUnmji HktAn told bla ludi- it... it.m nnntl(eaa Mrtr Or posed to InaulMrct poUey f eomy nd. efficiency tnst wouia put ta bdi federal soternmsnt oa a ona mtsi- loss btis. TH.. xnnlmA Tmtott Detmrt' A H, II U 1... " V ,hv.vw - 4 MitinAvt tile here Of H, ,tUI,l " "If"-- - l-J mmAtnma ait SaavHeO MWHIllWit i. u v ' that op effect of tb administration' proposal lot a new issue ot rcaurj rap the money market and to lnerea the coat of living. "Unless w check th.' stilting systsm PI VUI UU9 Vir"B""ww . ed, "w shall run head-en Into disaster. Wo bar beard daring wi iw oay front the Democratic administration nt nr .1 ,v, I, m A m mamv. MOV money( alway aior money. And dar ing tnes name aaya w nave ueara . n.,Hila aadiilata that if be la elected to the presidency ha will mt9m ta tha neon e or in is eounny i i . .M anfll mm tt, nreal Amnt. with whem he ears h is ia amsord. rejected last June." Th Bepubllesn nominee's speech her mrmm tha ata mm hmA delivered during th day In West Virginia. Crossing from Baltimore during xne morninB, n ..J. .I.. . mmmr tilatrnraa talks tO vda at Grlftoui Fairmont. Manning- tea, Camesoa and Moandsviile. At anmou point wnr at trma did not stop crowds were at tb ta- tiona hoping to catch a glimpse of him, .-j i. wtuilai ha was welcomed In tumultous fiahion a h rod through th street. nANIFI S WILL MAKE TWO ADDRESSESJN ASHEVILU i Ashevllle, Bept. W.-JTorph Hsnlsb, aader whoa dlrsctioa th UaiUd Btat Navy cleared tb Atlaatl aeea of snhmsrlae during the war bad trans ported th Thirtieth Dlvisloa theif field of glory, win arriv ia juneviuv at 11 :M o'clock tomorrow morning t mak two addressM, on t thoo who crashed through the Germaa lined to victory aad th othr la behalf , of those who are paving lb way to peacs. Insofar a It n be learned. Secretary Daniel will neither be eeompid by officers of ths NnvT aot aUrinwn. com ing, ss b do, as a spokesman ef hi party a wall a a representative of the government for Which th Thirtieth fouahL Hi first address will bo msds t th elty auditorium lata tomorrow anoraiag whsa b appear oa tb offi cial program of th HhirUsth Divbua reunion, deliveriaf tb last addreoa i the eosventlon. wleg to tb illness of Judg Jeter 0 .Pritekard, ot th V. 8. Circuit Court of Appeals, 8rtary rtaawl wiU be introdueed by Jdg Thorn A. Jones. At o'elock tomorrow Wight b wiU dUcuss partissi In far tb first tim speaking la , th eoartbaaa to a Democrat! auditse. Bo will b Intro duced by former Governor uocte Uratg Secretary Danlela arrival baa beea awaited aaxlouily by both audisace aad It I assured that ht will speak to a capacity hoas oa both occasion. During his stay ia Ashsvlll b will b tb guest of MaBBgev Fred Seely, at Orov Park laa. " ' ' ' - DU alm Ms. Bobeet rbJlllao. Bobert rhlllips, M North Blouat street, died ddealy Monday night at 80 'eleek at hia hem. . Mr. FhUlip leave a widow, and a sea and dsaghtef both of wbeat ra married, U former living la - Ralsigb aad th Utter ia Carpenter. Th body waa hlpped ye, trdav to Carpenter ia Chatham obt where tha fuieral wQl tak . plac today. RiDDDi will curia CONTEST ED IN COUHT KgUt Valaed at Over f 30,000 . jBTOiyea ia cupte) sc. r . twta'a Ctirt . - - isBBaaamaBBBBB) Trial of tha coateat arising ovef fke will f Joha W. Bddiah,.fraMrly f Bartoa Creek towaaklp, wb left al aetata valued at betweea tSOWO aad HOflOt wa begua yesterday ia Wahs eounty Superior court. Shortly aftet Mr. BeddUka death aa January 19, U19, a will wa tied for rroBoto, Whiea derm tae) uat af WW t tha deceased' Sister, Mrs. Martha HeW Barp, th remslader f tha -tat barUg beea divided Vetweea tw brotbor, Bufa T. aad Paaekai Bed disk. - .. - .'- Mr. Bar tied a tavaat, aateadlag that th -will was sreeutod tb to suit of andua presaur aa tb a rt of tha principal beaeaclaiie aad that tb deceased waa aot af twaad mind at tb tim th trUl was aeated, Feb ruary, lflW. r ' 6va wttaesaaa fat the aavasUraad ifteoa for th prepesadsrs were ea mlacd y torday, tt k!et oats tioa being raised a re aad tk Nlatlea sxistlsg botwom Mrs. Earp aad hr brotbar.-' ' . - Th ease kaa attracted oeaatderable Heatlon. th trial being aauaally wail atteaded both by member f th bar aad tha tubii araiiy. J. a. Xittl ad Douglaao d Doaglea ppear for Hra. Harp, wall the propoundera are feproomted by C P. Mayaardy Jamet . raa ana w. u. 4aa. BASEBALL RECORDS ,6F EIGHT SUSPENDED MEN ns-asaa-B-ba) I Cbitago, Sept. ClFollasHng ar th flaying record of Sight pUyer U dieted by th a read iurvi -- Edward V. Uieettsi nithf, aera fa Detroit ta'lboa. Played hid fret pro feaeioaal baseball whea twenty year eld with' Seult- St Marie. Seat to Soaibara Aaaoalatioa. bsnvha bs Da. tsoit and Sent back to th minor. Bought by Boston Americana and sold to Chicago ia 1912. Married, live la Detroit, " Claad William t: witcaar. bora ta 1898, U Aurora, MlatoarL Brek tat professional baseball ia 1911 with Nashville, Boataara AMoJatla team Oivca try out by Detroit and eeht t Salt Lake, ParekaMd by Ckwago la wis. atarrUd. Utm ta Atiaatau oa. Charles A, Bit be re I shrttp. bora la 6aa Francisco ia 18i, Flayed first wra- ressioaa besebsu wita Ttrnew Coast Leagu club. Bought by tb Whit Sot la 1S1C Marrhtd. Horn U Baa Fraa uo. - '.., Geoff A. Weavtrt third baama. Bora at Stow. Psaaa. tt year old. Begaa hia baseball art with Korth mptoa, Mas la 1910. FUyod with Tork la Paaaaylvaaia Lssru. Pur chased-by Chicago la 19U. Wa farmed ta wa rraaeJseo aad recall ia wis. Married and Uvea ia Chicago, . rred McHulllai atuity inlelder. g9 veer ld, bern ia Scamatoa, Kan. flayed witfe BoattM ia Coast Udgtad tad later with Loa Angel from which club b waa ebtaiaed bv tha White Bott la WW. aurriori anavoa bo Aageioa. Joseph Jarhaoai autlalder. Borax la OrooavUla, B. O, ia 18S7. Started play- lag au thsr aad ntadd hia major league debut With ClcvtUld. After (tarring ther for several year bo wa obtained by Oh lea go la 1918 for Pitcher lepftf, outaoldw Beta aad Mak oonua Married. Uvea ta Savaanaa. Oa. Oseaf Fetich t outlelder. Bora ta Milwaukee ia lSil. Begaa playing ball profeaatnsaJty at road 0a la. VTlaeon. ia la 1918. Thea went to Milwaak la th American Association aad wsl bought by Chicago la. 1914. Married. Homo la Milwaukee. Arnold Gondii, frit baa ems. Bora ia St. Pad! la 1889. Brok iato prs fesslonsl baseball la Shrovtport, Le ia 1908. Plartd With BaeNmenta Coast Leagn, until bought by Chleag 18 1913. Beleaaed to Montreal la WlSbonrht by Waablngton la 1914, and told to Chicago ia 1917. Did act report thi . Married. Uvoa- ia La Aagal. . NORTH CAROLINA WOMAN HEADS REBEKAH BODIES "sJBaaBna. Boston, Sept. fS-liifs. . Hatti WhiUker, of Korth Carolina, whs elected president of th National As soeiation of Bcbckak Assemblies. Mr. Jesa Johason, f Livingsten, Michigan, vrna elected vice-president: Mrs. hlrrtl Tandy, or Illinois, secretary, gad Mrs. Maria Shank, ot Maaitoba, treasurer. Tha aaaaal report showed aa iatreas last year in th memberahip f 07 heaiotoa SwU To Flay. 5ew York. Sept. 88-Prmieioa far thi Cleveland American to aaa Short. ' A) bewclL snceeisDr to ths lata Bs ciAjpmaa, ia to World series, If th Indiana wla tb Amerieaa Leagu pen Aatrtr was graated tonight by Cbarlu H. Ebbets. president of tt Brooklyn Natnal League sham plena. Jpnae. poo'pl inalB' their fall heighth at aa oarller ag tbaa do Cat oasisna. Em..Y a.ej-r-tr" ny x , ya t .w til i f Cir.ATCa HAEDING (Coatlaood from Psg Oaew) , , , high.taria lot tby "aaU bo now. Thi oantry ha passed out of that period and th tariA export ia th Be- tabiicaa parry aaow it, Tb marked deer ia tb alto tt tb favorabto trad balaaca of th Cat ted State a avideaeed la thi forelga trad ot th OMatry daring August kaa beea expected for months 14 la a way tsflset a aaseuad eeeaoml oadiUo la th laHoa, aoeordlnf to a tummary ef trad eenditlen last night by Olivtr P. Espklns, acting 4irer ef tb bursa sf iorslga aad domesti tamer. , - -. . Cans af Biaort Drop. -Mr. BoDkia laid ovral fietar kav beea worklig to reduce the yro rioua normul sce's f s-rporta, which fell frma U4,0u0,A0o ia July to t5,000,000 ia. August, Foteiga ou trie a wall a th cited KtatM, a aid, hav beta awaltlag garal brk la otmmodlty prteee aad drt kav bta withhold. Boadjustaieat af arteo levels, ho added, wuld hadoubt edly Mean laereat la vsrssl ihlp msnta, ia duaaUty, if hot la itlu, a falling prlee' would bo faster In lowerUg tt taluto f both aaptru tad lm porta. - . - America' trd4 balaaM," .Us. Bp kin declared, "eanaot b -ialcukud from tt asa 1 portt rt lm' ports. lateteat Uaal tad by tt bank al thi Country t foriiga bar rewer aad fNigbt sharge for good carried la Amerieaa vessel ferns la vitlbl xport' which, muit b coa mA,mA im strlvina at a eorrset aider itakdldg of oar import trade. Coatld riag'. ear aaoratoaa - fsreig leaaa, actual exports ould drop very much lower tbaa they have without impair i.. -.--1 ... J. - law U r W9MA um va,aaiv. DaaUla LaaveO Fo AhVlU The Secretary of tb Ntvy left to night for AhvUls, whr h wUl if liver a address at tha taniol at teat 80th Division, which brok th Bladen bars) lino and wkieh will lbrat th seeead aanlvarMry tt that attmorabl eecssio September ft. iu. canicis will visit other Mint In North Car Una befor returning to WaihingteeJ Iridav. Mrs. Daalela returaed thi aft raoea frost a brief visit it Virginia. r : a w ,,.., w it i w, (gupnoeed to b by u wo ooa't h A barodr t WorasWetta'e 04 The OaeheOi 0, blith nsw MraSf boor w hyt W"d aladly hsar yeU meto; a ekeaert ehall we call you Iff StH aaS fwful boref . - t -., Whll w are lying oa anr bed, lnoee scathing atrslna a near; front ar t aak, around oUr bead, How blest. If wo euld heart 5iouaA bussing 'round us to assail ' would be to- ut sweet btlsst . . , would b wt wittelo, without f - va tkougk our oheeaa pea kissed. l-'j ik . V . Wall west strain Would bring, and tear! Ts. though it were a shrieking aauaii, t ma f.ii 1 A aalv haael . S Th same that to oar ocheol-boy daya We heardl the eame old aound! They made ua look a thouaand.way to what elusteted 'round. - Se kill yon. W did omucb lvf , n walla, an on the acreea: ' Ana yea are yet a petty trevt, Much spoked for, saldont seen. - J' tl and listoa for yen Ul(, . . , nd rou and fret ih palm Til you, veu wicked stomaoha nil, Whll our lit' blood you drain. Hot nights, our hem aa awful plal A aroaniiia, rolling aeenel ... We hv lo Wrap bp, Cv'a th fie! Our Window ha hV ere. . JT- Pi. Vt- ll'ft, Author of the Book Acoretlq. eto Book mailed to any address, post Paid for Aee. What laf t ef -"On ofTth boy wta went." . Addres. wltt nrle and oblige, -L vaie, Boiaiera- rtome, tollah. N. and sam will be Saw preaiated, a 1 am not abi to wain aad ecu boon any wore, ' i Manv of th toti who btv toitri bated to Chlact Uteratur kav be women. ' ' I , aaaaaaaMBMaf , t Pravsat Chills ttl GROVE'S TASTELESS CffTtJi TONIC to destroy th Malarial Osrml ia tha Blood and Urn Pnvslt Chill. T5ej(dr.) a AMi?n wmmo. scass. Sick ssd Kust aea .vxm p" ra aaowuas aaMeass. Bad outckly br ftauabls b its tituiB auicK irrtcU IIH2QI INDIGESTION I aew yaitar I QUICK RELIEF! . rttoa, tMOTI - marbtrs g SCOTT'S EMULSION It ;.1"920 . CITY TAXES DUE v ' All tAxe paid during the month of Sep tember 2 discount allowed. If no state ment received, phone- 269 for amount Mail check now. to avoid rush to' City Tax Department, JVO. Box 42 1 . ------ ' T. B. ELDRIDGE, Mayor ' - c avatl CoaunaMlottdf f FiaAao. -f1. S. 5 trawl Phwrnf PaytrtanU wwroj hij Sapt ltt wayc:-:; THumFC'dlay' 'r .For An --7" Ahnounce ment of extraordinary interest to . ths peopls of ths two Caro linas. We have tomethlng very tinutual. in store for you Efird's Chain Stores are located in ail the following' towns t 'v. ' ' "' - CHAIU-OTTE, N. C. WINSTON-SALEM,. N C RALEIGH. N. C - COLUMBIA, Sa C. ' v ; GREENVILLE, S. C. -1 ANDERSON, S. C. j DANVILLE, VA. DURHAM, N. C. MONROE, N. C. SPARTANBURG, S. C. V GASTONIA. N.Cs , GREENWOOD, S. C. v VSUMTER,S.C CONCORD, N. C. SALISBURY, N. C. " HIGH POINT, Ne C. , - ROCKY MOUNT, N. C. LUMBERTON, N. C. BURLINGTON, N. C. LENOIR, N. C STATESVILLE, N. C. ; ' V SHELBY, N. C. 4 ROCK HILL, S. C. . LINCOLNTON, N. C. LEXINGTON, N. C. WILSON, N. C, GREER, S. C. . CHERRYVILLE, N C. FOREST CITY, N C x LAURINBURG, N. C, Eiitm . - - t . j . . t t Store Bep rr-fi. irVT 203 Fayetteville Street Raleigh, 1. C t -tiW" -