.iiild SM, d VOL. CXI1. 97 . SIXTEEN PAhES TODAYS ; - RALEIGH. N, d TUH.DAY MORNING, OCTOBER 5, 1920 SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. PRICES, f i 2 C '.V .4 f ' ;.M; EXPERT; IS OFPOMJELY C'.::r.t cf Lcayj8 Covenant est In Csnpaisn CLEAH5 UI ATLtQSPHERE , rnOLI REPU3UCAH FOG Eeaator Etchoock ..IXakes It , Clear That Article Tern Wffl Kot Ptnnit ' Other JTations Lead America Into War; Eecretaxy 'Daniel Says leafarb Principal tome . Wows tad Obwnr Bares' SOS District Nstloaal Baah, Bldg. By Special ImmI Win)" . Washington, Oct. e-',Tke President Bag again psvsd Masself.aot only a Mater wf jUtieel etateisoata but aa adept U politktl imyehologyT fill in ths mumiu of oommeat of Dessoerahs ta Washington today en Prssideat Wilsos'l drat bugle blast in the campaign for . the covenant of the Leans of Nations. It b believed the Prssidsat eould mat ha ehesea bom propitioue moment to aatar the can asnga. Tha whole aatioa ' baa beea rHrttarrg intently far s fortnight U bear grw the nana te tka White Houee. The people bad besoms mora apathetic thaa waa ever known In previous presidsntisl emmpalgaav $ "But the people,' ' aaid ' fteeretary XmsJsis U ooiBmcatiag oa tko Prssi loafs statement, "hunger for only aaa thing ia this campaign aed tha is knowledge af the eevsaaBt of the Leagoe. Wbaraw I have goaa in my posting team both aiaa and ..woman corns to me and nay don tall aa about tba Federal Keaarra aa4 other domestic ehisvementa ef rear party. Wa aaow abaat tbaaa. Vaat wa da ot kaaw abaat, aa do aot aadantaad, tka wraaaat f tbaUagM of Natioaa. It is tka only thing that latere!- m, bat tka ipeakara ia t&ia aampaiga dp aot czplaia it aad that to why wa appaar Claara TJa Atnaatin. . Ta Piaaideat'i itatameat," aaid tba Secretary, "aoeeatuataa tka aaa iansa for.it aarnaa wkaa the paapla are haagry . fa it aad it amaaa frma tka great .aaaatet f, tba oabjaet. Tea dya ago , tka whslo political atmoapkera of tha oaatry waa deaaa with fog. Tba Ba . pnblictna bare coadoetad aaea aa af- j. iraaifad propagaada of : aUarepraaaa Utioa and falaebeod .-that XtoBuwrata faarad tbt tkay aoald aot ia time gat 4. Ua trtrth to tha poopla. That fear kaa . Maaad. , Tka (off ia JifUmg aad bfr. Wilaoa'a atataamit aenaa dowa like - tka aaobarraetsd rtya of tba- aaa . 8eaator Hitekeoek, leader of th aght for tba Praaldaat for tka laagao of Na tioaa wka 4a aow bora deelarad that tba Laagao' ia tha amly real iatua ia . akiek tba poopla are intereeted. Befer nag to Eeaator Borak'a oonmfnt oa . tba PraaidaaV Seaatar Hitabaoek aailr , 'rSeaator Barak pay ba aoTroet wkaa ha atataa that tba preeideat ia a vary aiok aua, bat tka Praaident is evi dently: aot too akk'ttf denounea B imbUeaa falsehood and' BapubUaaa mia repreeeatatioa aa tha Laagna .of Na tioaav Praaidaat Wilaoa'a atataiea(. thoagh. aMderata, ia kqaaHflad. Be1 vnblieaa leaden aad Bapablieaa aew pa pen kaa aaid tbatadrtiela Tea of tba covenant asakes it poaaibU for other ' . aatiana, or for tba Iagna of Natioaa to decide wketkar, we ahall go to war or aot. Tbia lio kaa beaa nttared time and - two again, aad tba giat of tha Pre, I. .dent'a tatoaMat ia that it ia " a lie. Comiag front such a high aoarea it may tndaea '.aoaao r people to read - Artkle "- Tea who have aot dona aa.' - " AaMriea Caald Saaa .War. i. fArtieW Tea aaly ooaaiata. of two aeateneea, Tbo drat ia tha pledge of v aek aatioa to Teapeet and , preaerve - .tba territorial integrity aad political tedepaadjaeo af all natioaa ia tha feggna againat oxtamal aggreaaioa. The aaeoad feateaeo however, limit atha lrat . aentenee aad acta forth tha only-way Im which tbo pledge caa be carried ant or made effective. It eannot ba carried ant by aa order of tbo leagaa.- It ean not bo earned oat. byV aaa aatioa ap pealing to another. Itoaanot ba earned out by one aatioa volaotarily going to the aid . af noher. It oaanet ba ear ried into affeeVla eaae tha niao aatioaa ia tba eoaneil aaaaimoualy agraa aad ndvW tka aatioaa of tbo leagno what ahoald ba dona. They oaaaot order i all they aaa do ia ta ad viae, aad even the advice cannot -be given aieept by aaani- , - "The Halted Statea being oar V tba , ' naoaabara af the eoaneil. even the advice eannot bo riven ' ; uleaa tha - Caitca Etatea agrao ta ft. Haaea tha United Gtates aot oary kaa tbo fall daeiaioa aa to whether it will go ta war, bat it baa a -veto aa nay ether aatioa going to war to carry tbia pledge into effect. Before' tha campaign enda a great many tboneaad people wha bavo bee a , mia led by tho.falaa atatament that the TJnitad Etatea aoald bo ordered to go V'to waf ar oatvoU la tha laagao oa the "aabjeet af golag ta war will diaeover ' that Preaideat Wileea ia eorreet whea ha aayat this Im abaolotaly falae.'" Preaeat RJtaatioa Serioaa. '.A leading admiaiatratioa Pcaioerat wkoaa nana cannot ba aaed in tbia eon- leetioa ia aiaeamiog the Proaident'i a'atemeot aaid that what arged . tbt President more than anything elaa to take a hand ia tha campaign is tha preaeat eenditioa af tba world.; The ' two forces ia the world which are today straggling for supremacy are aomewhat . aimilar in mocivea and aapiratioaa to the ' two ackooh of poiitifil thought that are battling ia thia country for ' victory tin tha November election. ' . i - Ha aaUad atteatioa to the ralatioaa - bctwaea tta United Htntee aad japan, ; which be aaid tha. President foreeeei . might beeoma very serious even .'dan . nwrons if the Bepublieens should wis . the election aad.refase to allow aa ta enter the league, u tine ooantry aoea naS onter tbo leagae. tka lea rue will fall to p- rva neotiie Cassiaaod ta fsaw rnerve.) ciiatiiam cournr has FIRST WOMAN SHERIFF Pittsboro, i Oct t 4. The first woman BheriT in the history tM North- Carolina filed the necessary! bond and took the oath, of office in Pittsboro today. She ia Miss Myrtle Siler and is now the reffular high sheriff of Chat ham county. '-..:.":' Leon T. Lane, who has been .sheriff of the county, for tea years, and who is the Democratic nominee for a seat in the 'North,' Carolina General Assembly.;' tendered' his resignation to the board of county commissioners,', and same was accepted. v The commissioners today elected Miss Siler Sheriff of Chatham to fill the vacancy caused by Sheriffs Lane's resignation, and the job of officially placing her in of fice was quickly done.- x. 19th Amendment, Says Attor ney Generates Not Im pose This Liability1 The ratifesUoa f tbo 19th amend ment to the United States Conrtita tioa i atado aa .change ia the status sf women, aa" far as their liability, for Jury duty is eoaesraed aad tka 'only way U whkh they may become liable for men duty is, by legislation impos ing this' duty, upon them, aeeording to aa opinion aent out .of tba Attorney C -si's office ; yesterday by Prank Kaah, ' aasiatant Attorney - Cneral. "Oar statnte does aot reauire that a Juror ibouid ba a .voter, iadeed, it does aot r .ha that at all tta ooaditioa ef Jury1 aa. . ice. The - board ef county oommiaaioBOTS for the several, counties at their regular meeting' on the-drat Monday of June, year 1005, and every twa years thereafter shall eauss their chirks to lay before I them tba tas re turns of tba preeedilg year for their county, from which fhey Shall proceed to select tko names af all suck persons ran have paid all the auwa aaeeaned Sgainat them for tka preceding year aaa an ax gooa mom anarawer ana I of sufficient intellireneCt etc It . ia evideat them that tas-pagars sf good moral ebaraetar aaa intelligence are tht eosrea from which Jurors are drawn. On the face of this act, tit would ap pear that women us-payers are as sli gible for jury service he male tas payersV This aeastruetioa ia aot ad' miaaibls. however, because the tana Jury st tka time of the anaetmeat of tbjiai eta tuts had known, and definite signification, and so the Istatuts must bo interpreted in the light of this fact. That definition is as follojrc: A jury is a body-of men -who are w?ra to 6 elaa the. facta of the eaae after they are proven from the evidence placed before' thjsn. - . ,- ' : . vA jury then, has from the very bo gU 'ag to the preaeat" day been a body ef men, bot the right of suffrage hat aad .ssthiag to do with their liability to jury earviee.. While the 10th amend ment is self -eseeating in egard to aU exercises of the privilege of voting, tt is aot with refiersaes ti liability to jury service. ' The. only ' way that women eoald bel table to such service now. notwithstanding the 19th amend ment, ia by act of the Legislature im posing that . liability upon them. -. Ia the absence at such statute they are ao mors ruble to Jury sorties now tha a they would have been rmm to the rati fication af that ameadmeht.'' DRASTIC SLASHING OF - QUOTATIONS FOR WHEAT All Delireries of Wheal" Droa ' Below 1 2 For first. Time ; ' Since Guarantee Chicago, Oct 4. Wheat futures de clined 10 to IS Cents a bushel today in the principal grain market of the West, in soms eaaes toueatng low levels not I afore reached sines the government es tablished the war time wheat price. - December delireries closed in Chi cago sad St.. Louis st 1.95 to tl-95 1-2 and at Kansas City even a lower level was reached at S1D1. At Minneapolis. roe December option closed at an even t2, a drop of 11 1-1 cents from Satur day. , : ,t. ..I ' htarek options sloeed: . At Chicago II Jl to 111 1- at Kansae City, $L87 t-4r st 8t. Louis HSi 18; at Minne apolis S1J8. . Declines in whest . wer reflected in sew flour quotations from Minneapolis where recessions of sixty cents a berrel tinea Friday were reported by two mills brincing flour to tlUO and 111.35 a barrel ia qnsrter barrel sacks.. ' , TEN MILLION PEOPLE " IN NEW YORK STATE WaebingtoB, Oct. . New fork State, the moat populoat in the country, has a populatioa of 102M1U. aa iaerease of 1,270,530, or 13J per cent over that of tea years ago. Populations of three other States also were ssnounced today by tha Ceaeua Bureau. Tcxss hss V 601,027 Iphsbitants, sa Increase of 7A4V 483. or 19.6 per sent ever 1910. New Jersey, with a populntion of 1,155,174, showed aa increase st 018,307, or 24.4 per cent. ' Idaho, with a populatioa of 41 26, infroeaed or SJ.g per cent.. ' ' . ' f ' . . v New York's growth was tas" acoud largest i its history, but wai'74.190 below -that of the decade ceding 1910. Its percentage increase was aext to the leweat oa record a growth ef 2.9 per cent being shows for the decade ended With 1870:. , r. . VOiMEN WILL NOT SERVE ON JURIES BORAH COMES OUT- HI OPPOSITION TO ' HARDjXS LEAGUE Republican f!rTcconcHab!ew Is Against Proposed Assocla-, . . " tion of Nations ' '. SPEAKING IN BEHALF OfU BRANDEGEE'S CANDIDACY Declares Zrerjf ( Plan7 of a Lea,jn or Association Leads : . To Europe ; Wants America To Be. Tree To Meet 'Any .Crisis and Throw Xnflnenee On Bide of justice ; DanburyT Consv, Oct. 4-America'i entry Into . an aasoeistioa of aatioaa, wkeh. has been proposed by Senator Herding, the Bepubliesa presidential candidate," as a . aubatltute fpr tbt League of Nations aa drawa at Ver aallics, waa .opposed here Wight by Senator Borah,' Be publican, of Idaho. Opening four day's speaking tour in support of the candidacy of Senator Brandegee, another of the Bepubllean "Irreconcilable opponents ef the Ver sailles league, Senator Borah declared that the thing which made the ..United Stats "powerful 'for good is its com plete freedom and . its unembarrassed right to threw its influence e the sids of justice and peace ia "every great crista of affslrs." 7 "There is today la ths world," saVi Senator Borah, 'no influence for peace aaid for eiviliaitioa equal to the free and - untrammelled America, aad ths best eitisenship of ths country, regard less of : arty, i will . preaerve that ia fluence, nneoDipromised aad antamisli ed." - ' i . ; ,Kight of Detarmlaatioa, , ,lOur right ss a people, anembarrass- sd by alliances, leagues or associations, to determine lor ourselves, la every crisis said la the face of every confront ing situation, what it is our duty ttf do and what it ia in the interest of humsaity and eiviliiatioa to do, in volves ths whale question of self-gov ernment, the whole question af an in dependent republic, .and J venture to say that the voters of the Bepubliesa party will never eompromiae this right. 'The' voico of Maine war the choice ef Lincoln sdeaking through the sturdy aad patriotic . men and women , wha havs kept tka. faith.. rH Baal Lsagao of Nstleoe. : fThs real- question. wb'h this whale league schema presents to the rvorage eitrsca iS this: hsll we go into furope aad take upon ourselvss as a people and as a part f our hardens aad ob ligauons ,tbs turmoil, tka strife, tne racial ' conflicta vand the -Unperisliatle schemes of the Old World or shall wa stay Outf . Kesp that, plaia fusda msatal proposition before you,- ' , ' ' 'All these schemes lead to but ons doatinstlon Europe; Whether yea havs it with or without reservations. It. alt leads to eaiopt and joins you ad yoar children tad yout children's ehildrss to their eou-eils, the. ' settlements, their atandardr of living. , their eon- reeption of governmeat, their wars and their eternal ulplomstlc ' Intrigue just bow tormenting Europe as it bat rot three hundred years.-. .''),...". t , All Lead Ta Eareoo. ' - 'Whether . you call the seb'emo . a league, a concert of powers, aa alliance or aa aasoclatioa thsy all lead to Eu rope and plsci upon the alrsady bead ed backs of Americas tax-paysrs their scheme of exploitation and waste sad upoa ths shoilders of the American youth the military burdens which must eventually grow out of this Scheme. Thi is the reason why Lloyd 0eorge is perfectly willing for as to 'home in on our own terms. . This ia the reason why Viscount Grey Is willing for as to fik. our awn .method) gratify ear own vanity as. to the. method ef going in. For they nnderstaad, aad have so de ting -in is immaterial. Ones there, we must seeume sll ' ths Obligations and deal with aU, the sltust'ons ahieh our presence toers inevitably incurs. -aceaas-At Vsrsaittaa. 'Witaeas' sons of ths sccaef at Ver- niller. each as ths betrayal of China ths deal by which 8hantung was barter sd away to aa tan friendly power. America sst in the settlement and was silent.. If not silent, then: by reason of her sasociation, powerless.; This1 is ths flrst time ia all ber history thai aha connived at ths betrayal of friendly, people and broke every pledge, legal sad .moral, which a people eoald tasks. And that is ths flrst time that the United Stsiss ever sat ia ,a, a Europesa sattleBnent"- ' - WILSON INTERESTED IN COMMUNICATIONS MEETING Washingtoa: Oct. 4. Preside'ntWil- aoa is understood to 'fee taking 4 per sonal, interest in problems to be ,eoa sidersd at the preliminary eeesioa of the International Communieationa Con ference to be held here October 8. American claims for a shsre ia the Oer mss cables 'seised by Francs, Orest Britain aad Japan in 1914 are to be takeVup-but it was said today that Mr. iWlsoa was particularly anxious for improvcmeut.ia eommnniestios of press diapstches as a means toward promo tion of international comity-and good Will.'. ' . '. ; Ths American commissioners were ia conference today , with reptesentstives of various press assoeistions which re ceive and transit news dispatches by cable. Tha meetings are for the pur pose of 'getting the views of varioue in terests for the Informstioa of .ths Amerieaa delegates. ' Lamber t'isat ShaU Uowu. , Savannah, Oa., Oct. 4. Because of lack of demand for lumber' at this tims, ths Port Wentworth Lumber. Company aaaeuaees it will shut dowa its mill st Savannah this afternoon for as indefi nite period. Six hundred mehv will be throws out of employment. - . ' . ' " -,' '; "" " Gov. Cox Tells ; Women ." jShpulcl Support; The League ' - - rn Declare Wrath f Women Who Were Made to Suffer Will Pursue Those ho -Caused War. .Through All Eter rtiry 'Outlines Social Service ancl Justice Program Which Members of ISations of League Will Endeavor to J X Caxrf Out.' t' -.'V, '.'" ",!': 7 if : Daytoa, Ohio, Oct. Ia aa address a body of womea today, Goveraor went into senaldcrabl detail why woteea should support! the League sf KnUoaa cans - assorting that throagheot the years they have been "leaders of progress fa ths .world aad declaring that wrath of tka women who were made to suffer ia the war- will pursue Frsns Joseph, WyJmni Hohenaollera aad Nich olas BomsnoS "trrough aU eternity.' , Women . Know Baal CeeC ... Though asserting that ths monetary east of ths wsr, direct aad indirect, was 300.000,000,000, it was the women, Gov ernor Co declared, who know what the war-really art "for Ihey paid the pries la . personal, suffering to - provide ths ruin, ef ths earth with 10,000,000 mea which were throws into -the gauges sf battle to placate the anger of tko gods of war.. -' .-; T-- -''..;,, t The leagae, Governor Cox saidr aot only will prevent war, which ke asserted ia its .primary , purpose, but sis will promote progress, and -will '"set up, sr itself become a clearing bouse for is- ternktitnat justice aad social serries." "Thoae who waat to keep ea dream ing of 'a aew heavea and a new earth' csa perhaps afford 0 stay oat ar tas iesgua" the candidate aaid, "but those who really waat to maks -their dreams come true aad make thia world a St habitat for human spirit.rwlll waat to join ths leagae without delay." , Social Sarvlea Prosraau The governor- detailed ths following social serves aad - justice . program, which ha asserted member aatioaa af ths leagae will eadeavor to carry out - Supreme Court Finds Docket Crowded With Important , . Cases On Reconvening i Wsahington, OcfT4 President Wilsoa received today ths Justices ef tha Cat tsd States Supreme; Court, who called ta psy tteir, respects.. , The court oos Tsnsd at aooa after Ua summer roeam and immedintsly sdjonrnsd . until to morrow so tbt Justices might visit the White Souse. , ,7 ' The annual visit to the FresMeat was omitted last year because of Mr. Wjl. sen's UlnSss. ""..' '.t.'f? . : The Supreme Court reeoaveaad - to lad a docket crowded with Important eases. Besides half a doses anti-trust knits,' mattcra pending included farther fsttseks oa -the prohibition amsndaaent, suits -td test ths eonstituttonallty of tte anji-proflteerisg section . of the food control act of the Federal Farm Loaa act, appesls- la the Newberry election MM . I,H I.,, AtllAM ' V With the rederal sufi" ragd amsadmeat ra tided and proclaimed ainea the court adjourned early ia the cummer, court (Oelsis expect (hat eases fleslgnea to test ths eonstitutionslity of that amend ment also will reach the court during the present seasloaw. ' Ths flrst ease to be argued at this tons) will be government appesls ia ths dissolution suit agsinst the Lehigh Val ley BsUroad- Company, part ef tha al leged anthracite eoal trust. This case is set for tomorrow. By sgreement of sounssl argument of the other Sve anU trust suits will be postpoasd temporar ily. These suits are those against tas Eastman Kodak Company, ths Associ ated Bill Posters and Distributors of ths Halted States aad Caaada; Amett- ess Caa Company, SontBera Pacific Com pany and the Keystone Watch Cass Com nssv. - ; . Ths prohlbitioa amendment will reach' the court again through petitions asking for a reeonaiderstion of the do- aiaioa of last Juae T eustaiaing tne amendment end portions of the - en forcement act, rendered ia appeala of Christi aa Fngenspan, brewer of New srk, N. J, Bad-Oeorge C Dsmpssy. a Boston liauor wholesaler. ;AdeeiaioB on these petitions is expected witbin a fsw weeks. A aumber of other eases involving interpretatione of the enforce ment act still srs pending ansd further decisions smplifying ths court's original opinioa are looked for at this term. -. Other easea of sonseqaeaee before the court are those iavolving toe constita- tionality of provisions ia the 1919 war revenue act levying aa eseiee tsg oa profits derived from child labor; the boundary dispute between Oklahoma nnd Texaa andmhe case of the Uaited Shos Machinery vCospany which somes up from proceedings originally insti tuted by the government in Bt. Louis under ths Clayton act. GENERAL VAN ZANDT TO SEEK RE-ELECTION Houston. Texas. Oct. dEAsnouaeo- ment today by General K. M. Vss Zaadt ef Fort Worth, Texas, -eommsnder-ia chief of 1 fhe .United Confederate for reelectios prsetieally sliminstes all Veterssa, that he wnuldben a candidate probability 'of a contest for, any ef ths major offices of the organization, ae etrding to officials already in the city to attend the reunion of the-vetersns. Two cities. Ssvsnnnh sad Little Bock, it wss stated. will contest for ths honor of entertaining the veteran at aext ' .(!... . lrte BaprsaontaUre. ' Brusaels.' 0t." 4. Ofllcisl ssnounco- msnt wss mads, todsy thst Belgium's representatives oa the League of Na tions will be Paul Hymans, minister of forslga affairs! EL Carton Pe Wiart, former: miniater of Justice, and Jules Sestrss, . miaistsr of arts. iHSTjCT Tr yts seen re and malatsia fair aad humaae eoaditiona ef labor for men. womea aad ehildran thus lifting the standard af living everywhere. "Try to seeare just treatment of ths native Inhabltanta ef territories aadsr their sontroL .. - Try to seen re and maintala freedom of comaaaieatioa aad of traasit, aad eqaitsble treatment for. tha eommeree of members af the league. y ' "Labor together ia the effort to aoa- trot sad ultimately eradicate disesas. rrevent Illicit TraJB. Bet ep eommiaaions for tko preven tion ef the illicit truffle in arms, ia daagsrous drags a4 ia women for im moral pnrpoeea." - Aaserting that the Issue is not fuada man tally a legal or diplomatic'" one, bat a aaoral one, aad deeUring it fortunate that womea for the flrst tims hold ths balance ef power aad the deeidiag veote, tha goveraor said he has ao doubt la his miad bow the women's vote will be east. Be continued I ... . : , 'Kea Oar Pledge. "Tha womea af America -win vote to keep oar pledge ta el ,000 heroes whose blood hss crimsoned the poppies ef riandera fielde. They will vote for the limitation of armameata, the arbitraUoa of disputes, the public tioa of secret treatiea, the amelioratioa of distress sad ths slsvatioa of labor eoaditioas to higher standard. Ia a word, they will vets for a leagus which will eon- vert Christina idealism Into ths statutes of sooad stateamaaship aad bring to tka sobs of 'mea a peace that shall sever- ths earth as the water cover taaasa,""-V---- '-."' ' ' :': Floreen Zelenko, Arrested With suitcase of Dynamite. ; May Furnish Clue' , New York, Oct. Ay-Agaata pf the.Do- partmeat at Jnstieo spent today cheek ing np the Hf history of Tlorosa Ze- lenko, srreated in Pittsburgh witk eaitoase tllsd with dynamite, ta deter mine if he bold, tte key to the mystery sf tha Wall Street sxplosiea last nuath. Assistsd by the police, govs mm est in- vestigstors who have been workiag oa tha esse uader.the dirocUoa of WiU- a 9. rlynjs. chief ef the rederal Bu roaa, ef taveatication. sousht word of Zekeaka't doings both at his former lodgings ia Brdoklya aad at head quarters st tha Communist Party there. This actios was takea aetwUhataad- Ug that earner ia the day rederal ef- teiala who quisxod Laos Kookel. ths Kew Tork steam fitter whs brought aboof Zeleako'B arrest, ' had asserted Koakei told them sothing which would diraetly connect the priaoner with' the New Tork cxploaioa. . ' : :- ' Konkel, arriving here this morning rrosa nttiDargn, waa subjected yx maar exsmiaatioaf daring which he I eonated the soaversatioa he said he had with Zelenke oa a traia goiag from Cincinnati ta Pittsburgh. Koakei is said to have stressed tte point that Zelenke gloated aver tte Wall Street disaster. UNABLX TO Accouirr FOB , , MOTIMKMTS OK OTNAJflTB Waahiagtoa. . Oct 4-Departmsnt , of justice ageata at Pittabarg reported to- kigbt tkat rioreea . Zeteaaxa, arrested ss a mupset ia eoaasetioavwith the Wall Btroet sxplosioa ia Nsw Tork, had besa a sable to socouat for, hia movemeata sb the day ef the sxplosioa or -for ssvsm sticks of dyaamito which he ad- siitted haviag had ia hia possessioa. GEORGIA BANK CASHIER : TAKES HIS OWN LIFE Tennille. Gs- Oct.. A, The body of S. H. Areall, cashier ef the Teaaille Bsnhina. Campaay. waa fsuad ia ths rai.lt sf thst compears- baaking kouss whea the doors were opened this mors lag. There waa a bullet wound ia km ksad aad a pistol ia his right hand in dicated mat he had killed himsslf, ta tha oninion at aincers. . - Mr. Amsll waa last sesa Buaday night whea he left hie home to attend church. OCeials ef tko bank ssy thst a hurrisd uveatigatisn shows that his eeouata were all right. Worry over aa illneea sf hie spa, H ia believed by AraaU's fneads, uabalsaeed hie mUd. ALASKAN PLANES NOW :7 ON HOMEWARD FLIGHT . Haneltea, B. C, Oct v Plaae number . ,k. IT.itl fttataa im'i Alaska serial expedltioa bopped off at lt:t s'eloek this altera oon tor mnea ueornw. British Colambia, ea the return flight frosn- Nome, Alaska, to New Tork. Plan lumber oat, - piloted by Captain 8t Clair Street, developed a leak ia the tMaAlin talk and waa delaved ia start ing. Csptsis 8treet sxpeets to resums the flight uter toasy. , ' f ' '. . VH.llu. Mav FalL - Waakingtoa Oct. dv-rallure ef peace negottatioss betwoea the Poles mad ths Bolshevik st Buta was lorecasi in oui ial advices received here today. Con ti.n;. Pitli.h nsllitarv aaeeesees and ths Increasing strength shown by Gen- srsl Wrnnfel. aaU-BoIsbevia leaaer in fi.,,K tiiBii. ware aaid to be la- flneaeing the Poles not to make pesos at ate ttwie. . , : V - 'Bedaco Betsll Prices. ' Waskingtoa, Oct. A All clothing and dry goods msrehnnts sf Washington this morning as aoa need reduetioss sf from M to SO per cent in aU departments ef their stores, . - Of BOMB SUSPECT Uillli PEOPLE LIKE'LlOlSOil'S Democratic Candidate Opens Second Week of Campaign. .. For Governorship- YANCEY TURNS OUT A AN IMMENSE AUDIENQE From The Hills Sound About Host of Jolki Oatler to Hear Doctrines 1 of Demo. eratio t f arty Preached By ("- 8tate;;. Standard ' Bearer; Cheers interrupt ' Speaker ; J ,;;r By K. K. POWILL - V . (Staff Correspondent) ' -BarasvUls, Oct, 4v Cp here where mouatai; ranges are majestic, apples blushing red aad outside communi cation aot far removed from tko era ef stage coaches, the pojitleal parties "a bite tte baHlss ef essdidstes rags with a fury strsuge to most political sectors of ths State, and into the heat of it all Cameron Morrison came today Bis flue deliverance waa cheered round ly by a great gathering of folks Wko swarmsd into town from all parts of tne county aad tta neighbor eouaUee. The sddress hers waa the opeaiag of his second week's can rasa of the State and the beginning of a campaign tour tnat win extend to the capes aad sonnet of Carolina before tt reaches its crest ia 8halby and Charlotte oa Monday. oa November 1st. A masterly presen tation oi tne League of Natioaa aove- aant, aa appeal for ths income tax amendment aad a warning to Democrats to bestir .tbmsslves, wers the high spots m his speech. Ellis Gardner presented him. '. .-'-" J - Local fighting is intense ia Tsncey sad ths Democrats have, been expecting hlorrisoa to stimulats their foreesat with his eloquesee. He vu equal to the occasion, and ss his great thunder ous voice polled out the virtues of hia party the battle scarred veterans of har der campaigns gavs sigas of satlsfaetioB. from hia initial clarion call to Demo- erstis womea to hia final airheal to in dlvidukl voters, hia speech sommsnded rspt . attention . and .-drew frequent demonstrations of approval. The womea for ths most psrt weremore decoroni fa t their applause than ths mea. Mr. Morrison' renewed jils cbsrges ef Re publican distortios of fasts about re valuatioa and asssiWd Parker's derna gogid, sry for. better schools aad lower taxss. - ' i - .-. Hs knghod Bt the Bepubllean talk ef sow eat elections end declared that such 4 cry eomeg friths prof grsee from a party mat oenitu K u ewa eenawats, Hiram Johnson, the strength, be woa in the. June primary. The . Democratic ssadldate, Insisted thst ths Republican -ecord ia North Carolina will aot stand the searchlight of decent public opinioa rad accordingly the State hss bees lit erally, flooded with propaganda elreu Istod to catch, Dsmoerats ,off thsir guard. . i j ;, ',-.. . --' -'-.-- "It is the same old crowd bidding lor restoratioa, hs declared. "They have picked out candidates who hsd ao psrt ia thsir devslopms nt and expect yea 1e believe they have been elecnssd in ths voice of Psrksr and Tneker but ths hands srs ths hands of -Butler and Morehead." ' ' " 1 Ths force of the Morrison speech here will pat tba' Democrats to work. They have been backward ia registering ths womea white the Republican! havs been rolling them fast. Ths county i ordinarily safe but there is room for a lot of missionary work. , The League hasn't besa ia high fsvor and the Morti se speech will help wonderfully. PUZZLING VtKUIUI IN NEGRO DIVORCE CASE Although Wife Contests Action of Husband, Jury OiTSS Both .' v'Y' DiTorce ;;,''' x''- Durham, Oct. 4-Judge Ofivar H. Al ias, who is holding a alvil term ef the superior eourt is Durham eounty. ksi just bad' a case ia which the verdict is oae that is pussling ths. lawyers. Judge Allen, himaelf, declares Hhat is his long experience en the bench and si a superior, eourt judge, be has asvsr heard of a similar ease. He ia doubt fuLia fact, if there has stct, been a similar- verdict . rendered. ' It grew out of the divorce eaae of Miles McCoy agsinst bis wifs, Luis Mc Coy, both colored. Ths wifs did ssk for a divorce,. but contested the aetioa of her husband. The jury rendered a ver dict giving both of the MeCoye a divorce. The jury found that the eoa- Suet of oseh McCoy hsd made life la lemble for 'ths other, v . Admittedly pustled over tha verdict, Judge Alias M of ths opinion that tech aleally aetther of the McCoys can. ob tela a divorce. He believes ths find ing of the jury will put their status back to a starting point. Hs stated' thst during the . present week he will givs the nttorueys in ths esss aa opportunity to elucidate oa the law govering ths verdict. Hs will thea reader a definite decision. " - - y... ' ' , CHARLOTTE CITY CLERK NAMED FOR MAYORALTY rL..in.t. w.i a JTv- ir vxrn... for IS years cosneeted with the, itM flrst as tax collector nad then ssv city slsrk, wss this afternoon nnmsd mayor by the city commlsaioners to fill out the nn expired term -of Frank B. MeNines, who resignatioa became effeetie .Octo ber 1.. . Mr. ' Wilaoa'a familiarity with - ths city's flnaaeial affairs is believed to hare figured largely ia his appointment. Ths mayor Is by Isw ths commissioner sf flnsaee aad Charlotte's chief responsi bility just st this tims is In a financial way. Mayor MeNineh leansd heavily en Wilson throughout bis administration It is said, ; 7 ' Emm g FOU FlilAL BATTLE Governor Cox, Ccorgs , White, senator Harrison and E. H.. Moore In Meeting , NOMINEE SPENDS DAY . AT HIS DAYTON HCE Remainder "of Campaipi Tight - To Be Waged la Eastern - and Stlddle Western States; " nr. a . mm . Mf : usxaing xeiegrapts He r. Is Tor The Democrats ; ' Daytoa, Ohio, , Oct. A-Plsns for eompletloa of the Deraoeratte national aaMVtatana smansms J aula. aa. M fL M Si" " " wyvil ivm wj SCmUBII . MP f be entering Its hut stages, wers being formulated hare ' today by Goveraor Cox, National Chairman George White, , Senator Pat Hnrriaoa, chairman st the aational apeakem , burssu, aad E. H. Moore, the govsrnor's pro-eon vsntiea manager. Ths eoafarense waa held at Trail's End, -ths governor's country- aome. ; , - -- -j- Indiana, IUinois, Wsst VirgUUi New York, New Jersey and Marvlaad nrob- ably will be tte chief battle-ground until election, aeeording to Senator ' Harrison, though all detaila have aot ' yet beea worked out. . Goveraor Cos will Upend four days campaigning ia his boms state, three days ia Indiana. ens day in West Virgiais, oae ta New Jersey, and most of two Says ia XUia ols. Night meetings havs beea ar ranged- for Indianapolis for ths roth aad Chicago ths 80th. It iko wax aa aonneed that the governor will speak ia Baltimore, the date for the meeting not saving Deea decided. -To Speak la Ohio. ' iThs governor's firet soecehes la hie horns state will be October IA Bs will . speak first at ,TSa Wsrt, Lama aad Bellefoatslns, with a night meeting either st Springfield or Dayton, his horns eity. Ths aext day will And him at Detroit aad then again into Ohio with a aoon spssek , st Akroa ssd a '" night speech in Clovelaad, ' spending Sunday there. From! Clerelasd hs will go into New Tork State, jwhers on tte 18th, he will epesk st Rochester st aoon and Buffalo at night. . Two days Will be spent in New England, it .eras-said. He will spesk at Madison ' Square Garden in New Tork oa ths sight "of the f3rd- t- ,. -, iri . Oa 'next ' Wednesday - evening the ' Swing into Kentucky, fennevsee, In disns, and Illinois , will begin, resek- ing ths most sxtrsme western point nt St, Louis, where tbo governor will speak on ths Bight, ef October llthu. swinging back toward Ohio through In diana and Illinois - oa tba , 12th sad ,1.1th., - ".. -. . . Takee Bay Of Bast. r Ths Democrstis eandidats spent most of today resting st his country horns st Trail's End. During ths day h re ceived ft delegation of womea headed by Mrs. Florence Kelley, general sec retary Of 'ths ' National Consumer's Leagus, ssd Mrs. Mssds Wood Ptrk, chairman of tte Notional-' League sf Women Voters, who discussed with him questions pertaining to. child wel fare and other subjects In which -ths K two organisations srs interested.. Ths governor also talked to- them ea phases of ths League of Nations, par ticutarly why womea, should be inter ested ia Its sdoption. fm m si.t .f Ik. mimIIaMi niMiifil by ths women, especially ehHd welfare ' and ths Kenyoa - cold storage bill, , Goveraor Cos told them he bad stood for such reforms for twelve yean sad , thst Ohio hsd Isws similsr. to those y they, sought nationally. . .;,, Bran Per Democrats. mm connection wun aaseniona ny ine Demohratie campaign directors that ; a , reaction toward the . Democratic tieket hss est ia and thst ths IrU : Monla. who have haan 'althae nnnM4 -H . . . . t i. to or only lukewarm for tko Lea rue or nations, aow are lining up iqr cox nnd Boosevelt. Governor Cox aaid ha had received s telegram from Edward A. Bran, who wss arrested at Balti more whsa hs sought to ssk Senator HmmAin mm(Im mrimm V a mi fmm ' tha Demoeratia eandldatei Tha tan tit the telsgram wss not made public,; CASE AGAINST BAKERS FOR TRIAL POSTPONED " Charlotte, Oct 4v Cases pending la the Federal Court against bakers, charg ed with violating ths Lever Act, wsre eontinued by Judge Tstee Wsbb Mon day upoa applieatioa ef Charles W. Tillett with tte approval af Diatriet At torney Stonewall Durham. ' The fourteen mile stretck ef the Wilmington ..Charlotte AshevUle , high way lying between the Charlotte town ship Use oa the Moaroe road aad the Union County line will be completed if plans sgreed to Monday by the board -of county eommleeloners and two mem- ' bers ef the incoming board are carried .- , ' .' :' MASKED BANDITS R08:: : CUSTOMERS OF CAFE New . Tork, Oct' 4. Six, niaaked bandits entered a cafe ia Lenox avenue todsy, lined up 49' patrons against the well sad escaped with cash and jewelry ' estimated a)t mare thsa 3,000. . Four of ths robbers covered the patrons with revolvers while ths others emptied the victims' pockets. .-K j v All of ths bandits sscsped 'by fleciug over several roofs snd dowa a Are es cape, exeept oae who went directly late the street aad whea confronted by a polite officer ran into a subwsy etatiqa, ' jumped to the roadbed aad raced ahead . of sa oncoming train. ' , , . 77. S. A. L. Safe obbed. Athm, Ga, Oct. 4. The safe la the ticket office of the Seaboard Air Una Railway was robbed ef 12,000 last night -Detectives are conducting an iavestiga- -tloa. Ths combination was broken ap- jerently with sledge hammer. s"

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