' mt i I -'-ft . im vM.-.af t ..spat BUicC. . ' A'OL. CXIL No. 99 SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. : . RALEIGH, N. C THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 7. S; 1920 SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. TRICE: FIVE CZIHZ . i I I . - i V ... 1 1 , 11 ! i i I I I I 1 : 1 V j V raso;i makes STRONG APPEAL III HIS VESTERII TOUR Attracts Favorable Comment - From Women, Ministers and . ' Veteran Politicians: RECORD-BREAKING VOTE -FOR DEMOCRATS EXPECTED Butherford Voters Bally To , Democratio Standard, Under Leadership of Sol Gallert ; ' Gubernatorial Candidate Is ?. Heard By Bnthnsiastio Audi, net at County-Seat ; .::'; By E.E. powell. ... ' (Staff Correspondent) . '-. : l Bntherfordton, Oct fl. Cameron Mot: riooa it making a campaign speech en hie western tonr of North Carolina that will lira wit alia for a loaf time. It ia attracting the moat favorable earn Bent from women,7 ministers of th goepel and the veterana of many cam paigns. ' '" ' - ... Ha fieed perhaps the amallaat audi ence of hie tour hera thia morning tmt nowhere haa ha encountered ona more ytympathetie or retpoaaive. Stripped of hi extensive discussion of tha League and the revaluatioa law, ha mahea a powerful appeal to tha beek-sllder and offara tha right- hand of fellowship to tha recalcitrant willing to urge ' radi cal partisanship from tha heart. Ewerywhere ha goea tha Democrat! aro patting oa their armor for tha fight and ha has yet to leav a eonnty with ot the aaau ranee from tha aampaiga manageri that, with tha help of tha wo ' men, Democracy will get a bigger ma jority next month than it hia received tinea 1900. - V ' ". , ' Record Breaking Majority. , Ia Butherf ord for example, where Sol Qallert mads a great winning light for Max Gardner, the former Gardnerites, including tha militant Sol, are confi dent of a record-breaking majority for Morriaoa and Cooper next month. From Jantea M.' Cox dowa to tha local ticket tha, tight i for the Domoeratia party except is tha eaae of Zebaloa Weaver. Soma women here and im other" counties f , Ik. ! mrm Mlm te shake off ,r- family tie and vote not to much for Weaver i bat againrt U u jeatuaa. Weaver will probably load the ticket, " Poaten are already ot ia thia county N tanoanclng a matt meeting of the women of Rutherford county at Henri . etta next Taeaday night when Mra. 0. Max Gardner and Mra. Clyde A. Boey . aro to follow tha example of their fel- low -. eitixea of Cleveland, Dr. Delia . Dixon-Carroll, aad ring tha welkia a " ' bit themeelrcti. Other appointmeate in the tenth diitrtct aad Mra. Boey, and -.tha women, ara planning to ahow the .elder votert aomething about rail let. " Atologlea to Of or. Probaly five hundred ' voUn, a mix - ad and ienoe, beard thO Demoeratie tandard bearer hera today. Ba reit trated that tha Democrata hare. no apol- ' ogiea to offer for their new taxation lawwhith la but a foundntioa for "a atwTBodenr and np-o-date tyatem with the income - tax aa ita bed rock V principle.' "Young Johnnia Parker," tald Mr. Morriaon, 'lt only adrertiaing the tyt tern of taxation bated on tha ineome tax in order to hare aomething to talk about whea he runt again four yean from now. If tho crowd picka him again, at will declare that he made tha Democrata adopt tha iaeomo tax amendment whea everybody kaowa that - I advocated It in my primary tpoeeh at -Chapel HULM . , t . iV So long aa Parker doea ttiek to the Income tax, Mr. Morriaon declared, -he it appealing for a gooa tning, nui tgainat aU tha pledget of hit party. The Income tax amendment and the amend menta reducing the rata n the State re inaeptrable, . he pointed out, and moat b adopted together. Parker ' ' hain't the manhood to favor them all but wanta to make the folkt believe v that it'ia only aeeeiuary to adopt one amendment r, lt v Bepahlleaaa Boaad.By TetOr Tho Bepubllean party, by tha vote tf ita membera ia .tha General Assem bly, Mr. Morriaon continued, are" bound to tho whole aertea of amendment and te the ravalaatioa act "if there la any way to bind the minority party to any thing." , Further, ha explained, they htvo bad minority repreeentatiou ia itt tdminiftratioB in all. tha eountiea and In aome of them they have had major ity memberthipo. Tho Demoeratie candidate again tpoke eloquently for tha covenant of tht t T. League of Nationa, amphaaixing partieu- ' larly the proviaiont of Article ' Ten, which, he atya, mtrely make for tht tdvieo of member aationa aad in no (Contlnnod on Pago TwoJ NINBTT-FOUB TEARS OLD Birr KIGI8TERS AND WILL VOTE DEMOC1L "IC TICMT . Naahvllla, Oct. tV-Mr. Amarlab F. JoaklBt, ago M pmn, aad tho oMoa citliea Of tho wa o Vaah '.Ilov Way retiatorod and decla.d henelf a fnll-Sedgad Democrat. Mra. Jeaklaa ta a very great admtrwr f Woedrew -Wilaea, a. atreag Ueror la woman aoffragO aad aha cannot ate to aava her Ufa why Boa ate Harding ehaagea ao of tan on tho kVoagae of Natlowa ajoWrtlan. In fact, Mra. Jeaklna la ovorythlag that a goad Democrat la. She will got groat ataaaro In knowing that aha "killed" one Republic, vote, aho mytv-. ; : ' SHE'S U TEAKS TOCNG. Aaherllle, Oct. V-TTm glad that I have lived to ba able to .regtator aad be treparod to veto the Demo cratic 4kket at the next-electlon,' declared Mra. Soma Stoveaa, ago tS, it bar home. No. IS Beardea aveaao, thia of teraoon aa' aha took tho oataT beforo Magirtrato C M. Cfreonman, -iva. f ap tha laarth ararlaec. COX OPENS DRIVE TO EASTERN STATES Indiana, Ohio; Mew Jersey and West Virginia Counted On To Insure Victory : EXPECT ENOUGH STATES -IN WEST TO WIN SUCCESS Eepnblican - Over - Confidence -" an Awakening Interest' In Leagnt of Nations Import, ant Taotors On Which Dem. ocrats Count Tor Victory In The November Election Tha Kewt aad Obtervar Burean, ' , 003 Dirtrict National Bank Bldg., , " (ByiSpeeial Lotted WJraJ Waahingtoa, D. C, Oct oV Governor Cox'a Etttera .aampaiga will be a drive mainly to atptnrt) Indiana Ohio, New Jeraey and Weat Virginia. Chairmnn Whit ' tpectflealry mentioned theae atatea thia morning at tha chief goal of Domoeratia endeavor which meant that ha expect that with theae ttatoe and with on hundred and eixty eevea (107) aura vote of the "Solid South," (he Democrat! wiU carry enough atatea waat of the Ulaalaaippt to elect Cqx.' Will Bayt claim - practically every State in tht Union except Booth Caro lina and Miaaiaiippl but it ia known here the Bepublieant do not eouat en Maryland and they art sot eertaia' of Weat Virginia, Both Kentucky and Mlaaouri ara counted aa a part of the "Solid 8outh." So it Oklahoma. But the Democrata mnat get M vote to put to the "Solid South.'1 167 to win. Chairman Whit it will be noted did not mention Now .Tork or Connecti cut and ha did not mention the ttatet weat of the Miaaiasippl, but Governor Cox haa ataured the committee that California and Waahingtoa eta be wretted from the Republican and the one man who can do it ia Wm. G. Me Adoo,i who it going1 to the Pacific coast tha latter part of thia week. , Democrat Expect Victory. ! ' Tho Demoerita are eouating atrongly on the following aix factor! to win the election. Fintt Bepubliean over-eonft-dance. In many of tht ttatee thia over confidence hit caused a notable tltek oaing of Bepubliean effort. They are over organized ard with their eoeh lureaeoa are tpondlag their . time in rlotoua living. . :" f j . Thd teeond factor td . tha ttrong eat ia the awakening interest . of tha people ia the League tf Nattena. It ia a moral awakening aad it ia moat marked among the "women. It la par ticularly man if eat la the Weat where the neopl art more reiponaive , to ap peal for world peace than-ihey' are ia tho Eaat. .'. The third faetor ia tht tffeet of Sena tor Harding'! antl-itrike vot for the Eaeb-Cummint railroad bill among the rank of In bor. The Americt arjFedeni tion of Labor haa rung the change on thia record. i ' '.", Irish S peach Blonder. Harding Irlah apeeeh' blunder haa loat him many thouaaadt of Irian votes. . 1 Governor Cox haa tqntrely met the prohibition tune and hat proved him aelf at dry at Mr. Bryan. Bia unhesi tating deelaratlnna en thia aubjeet baa greatly aided him with tU prohibition iits, and it la believed he will lot few wet votet at tha wet Democrat! of New Jersey are ' working hard for him. Cox't attitude ha actually put prohibition beyond all danger ia tha next Congress whether bt it elected or not. " ' - v x. And Anally there it tht negro ques tion and there are renorta resarding ,Mr. Harding'! eoaneetioa with the negro that canaot be dueuiaed la pub lie. But they ara being discussed I private and to .the Injury of the can didate.. The candidate may be i ladder ed just aa tht BepubUeaat have pertiaV ently tlandered tho prealdent for the last four yeira. Theae privately cir culated alandert are oat of the most diabolical pohtea ot American poli tic, i " , Womon'a Leagwo Beatae Drive. . The National League of Women Vot er representing t ,500 ,000 women in every State ia the union haa begun a drive to .eaavata all member! of the new Congress that are to be elected on November Snd. The League's head quarter in thit eity hat tent out word to mil candidate! to leara who are and whoare not the Loasfus'i friends la the program of legislation that It will pro pose to the aext Con great. Ia making thia move the league hat to idea of tn fluenelng the election. , Y Included in , the list tf legislation which the woman voten art urging t adequate appropriation ' for the ehild ren't bureau ia the department of la bor. The Ltigne'e digest thowt that the Bepubliean platform ia silent on this demand, while the Demoeratie plat form tupportt it. Incidentally, tht Prohibition 'party adopted all tho plaaka offered by tht National League Of Woman Voters. The prohibition of child labor ie a second demand.' Tho Bepubliean plat form pledgee this, while the Democratic platform ''urges co-operation with the states ia the prohibitioa of child la bor." The league asks a federal department of education. Neither the platform of the Bepubliean party nor, that of the Demoeratie parly makes mention of toeh a departmeaCT , , Federal Reserve ProaUase Aid. Assurance that the Federsl Beaervt beak will lend every legitimate aid la redlse ounting paper test in by mem ber bankt whea it ia based on eottoa irt contained ia a atatement given out by Senator Smith of South Carolina, after a conference with Secretary Bone toa aad Governor Harding af the Fed eral reterv board. Th conference waa prompted by aoa- . ICoatinned em Page TweJt CAPTURE 1 Not Necessary: To Revive ; War Finance Corporation - .' - " -saa-ntnaBnaaaanaaamsamnana ' ' ' ' ' " ' v ; . , . , - , ' -Ji Secretary Houston Declares Private Capital Successfully Financing Exporters' Operations and Crop Movement : Treasury Frowns on Employment of Borrowed Funds to Majntain "War," or Higher Than War Prices, He Adds. Washington, Oct. 1 Revival ot tha War Finance Corpora tloa to laanee ex porter was declared to be wnaeeeseary by Secretary Hexutoa toaight ia aa tyering letters from nnnamed eorre pondenta, who had nrged that eoara. Present indieation are for a record year ot. exports and that it la evideat that private capital ia aneootafully financing th exporters' operation, Mr. Hon stow aaid. " -" " . " bThe letter reiterated the treaty pot- icy ox oaeouiBgiaaj suo ta vaa uwn ia crop move merit, but aaid the" sug gestion that the Treasury deposit fuada In agricultural eoctiosa for loans te the farmers waa "highly unfeasible." Tha Treasury, ho ealdTwaa not ia the banking ' baaineso aad had been com pelled te borrow itoolf at high rates te meet current requirement between tax payment. ' Malatalnlaat High Prfeee, ' -Orderly marketing of arop alwaya hat been fosterod by the Troeeary. ae well aa the Federal reserve board. Mr. Houston aaid, bat added that the de partment frowna on the employment ot TO SEIIDIII CHECKS Cox Can Be Elected If Party Men of South Do Their Duty. Says Sparks - , Jo Bparka, of Columbia, B. C, a sistant iTeasarer ' of the .National Demoeratie Executive Committee, eays Jame M. Cox can be elected President ot the United State it tha Democrata of the South will do their duty. H Uiued thia appeal ytrday to Sooth era Democrata I , . The next President of theae TJnitod SUtea will be Govoraor Jamea 1L Cox of ouo-ov'-N'-'-y-'-' Th next Seaatev wiU be made ap at a majority of Democrata: -;TrOTidedJ-;- rr'---,' "That- the funda are furnished by Democrata f tha South to pay the legitimate expenaea ef th National Campaign. ' ' ' ' - - - "It wa under damoeratia ral that the tbackle - woro removed .from boQthern butiataa aad Southsrm agrieuV tare. Th South ewe, mack to th Demoeratie party. . - ' "Tho Democrata ef the Nertb are baking a valiaat ' taghtte-get eoatrol of the doubtful etetoa from the Bepubli raa party. A groat amouat ef moaey wii' be needed terpey, for advortaw meata in Bepubliean paper.- which are to bo printed in rebuttal to th list which the Republicans are p reading. "We have th candidate aad w have the platform. Wa have the interoat of our eouatry at aearv. "Let me impreae apea every South- era Democrat, mea aad women, te con tribute. Make a contribution te this aobl eaae. ; "Please tend you ahacka to year State Finaaee Chairaaaa aad the money will be forwarded immediately te New York to aid tha National Committee ia it wonderful fight. "Let me Bay just mow that tha South hat more to gain aad more to lose ia thit election thaa any election ever held la thia eouatrr. ' - "Demoeratie success means Peace, Prosperity and Happiness for the Booth as well as the tntiro eouatry. - - The time It abort, delay may bt fttaL If the 'Southern Democracy re spond aa it should then actual dis inter will be averted. "Despite the lack , of fuada there It t spirit of optimism at National Head quarters. Wcitf bonnd to wla be cause w are right.- Nawa And O barrt taad. J Previoutly aekaowldgd tHt.53 J. F. Stan back 4.... i.tW HUltboro Democrat 10-00 N. W. Muagrave, Goldaboro ..... 10.00 Total te date tSAJS FATAL BATTLE OCCURS IN COAL MINING TOWN Depnty Sheriff Killed and Tire Men Wounded In Clash In West Virginia . Charleetta, W. Va," Oct. tv Ons deputy sheriff waa killed, three ether wounded seriously aad twoiaiaere we:e shot la a fight early tonlgM at Blair, Logaa eouat. , West Virginia, oa Little Coal river, according to iarormauoa reetived here by Frod Mooaey, ooere tary of district aumber 17, "nited Mine T7orksrs ot America. Mr. Mooney, aaaoaaead that hi re port ea the fight, received by tele phone, indicated that th trouble started whea tht deputy sherifiVInter rupted meeting of Clair local anion aumber W87, United ' Mine Worker. He added that according te information received by him that Joseph Gore, a Logaa eonnty deputy eheriff, waa killed and that one miner wae woaaded, prob ably fatally. . W.P.Q. HARDING TO MEET SOUTHERN COTTON MEN Macon, Ga- Oct eV Cotton mea from at least four Southera State will meet Governor Harding ot th Federal Bo serve Board la Birxaiagham, Abv, ea Friday, aeeording to advlece. roaehiag Maeoa from Waahingtoa thia morniog. The meeting is tho result, it la aadev atood, ef continued aad argent de mand! made oa Governor Harding by cotton mea that he make plaia the board ataad ia the auaUor af frntafiaf the arop, - j f . , DEMOCRATS URGED borrowed fuads te maintain "war or higher thaa war prices." . -. Diseoseiug curtailed loan, Mr. Hous ton aaid he believed the condition com plain td of were la ae way under con trol of the baaka. - . Cannot Control Matter. ' "Ns one wishee to have the prices lowered ia the thing he produce, th letter aaid, "but tha eonaumer appar- eatly haa made ap hiajaiad not to eoa- maae to pay high price, aruca trouble which, ia attributed to. the bank of the country aad credit eoaditiona ua ejnestioaably arise from fundamental eonditlona over which the bank have ae eontroL" ' -', " Croa Being Financed. Detailed report from tho bank ahow the crop atovementa are being financed amply, the Secretary aaid, adding that there waa ae reaaoa why th falling prices oa those product hould be at tribe ted to lack of credit. The Federal room board aad Treasury are ia ac cord ea the program ot encouraging rxteniioa o( each credit by the banks, he tald. , , . OPEN BIG REUNION Gen. J. S. Car Mentioned For Commander-in-Chief; Sev-. ' era! Sessions Held ,. Eeuatoa, Tex, Oct. (t The thirtieth annual reunion ot the United Confed erate Veteran waa formally opened here today with two sessions, at which Governor Hobby, of Texan, Mayor Am me rasa, of Eouston, representative of Texas Veteran and membera ef af filiated organisation exteaded a wel eosae to the survivors of the. South' army ia the war betwsea the State. Simultaneously with the aestlona of the veteran, th Bona of Veterans aad the Sooth era Confederate Memorial Ar eociatioa held business sessions aad sev eral social function were held for visit ing women v ;, .' A . . 'V ; :, Elect OStear Today. . Tomorrow the elect loa, of officer for All -three ergaalxationa wiU take puce, that el the Boas altMerani ia th foreaoea aad the .Tateraaa aad the Me- morisl .AatocUtUa ia the afternoon. It i expected, aeeerdiag to delegate ta the Son) reunion, -that N.-B. Forroat, commaader-iachiaf of the organization. wou ae re-iMted with oat apposition. wTvoiaa, waa wnt so rv-eiecs E. M. Vaa Zandt, ef F6rt Worth, Texaa, eommaaeer-ta-chicf of tho Veteraaa, al though he aaid ha woold aot bo a can didseor- Isk the eve at he ia aot nomi nated Arkansas delegate aaid Genera, Virgil x. Cook, f Bateovill. Ark: eoaamandov f the Tnns-Mistissippi, will he placed ia nomination. Friends of General Julia 8. Carr, of Durham, n. i, commander or the department ef the army ef North Carolina, stated the woald mnko an effort to bring about tha eleetioa of Geaoral Carr if Geaeral vaa zandt la not re-elected.' ' - Name CoavoBUoa Cltw. Next yewrt reualoa city will also be selected la tht afternoon. Little Roc, Ark, aad Savaaaah, Ga, having been mentioned at probable candidate for At the meeting of th Sons of Veter-1 ana today, epeakere aiiwoVthat trie er gaaiaatioa take ttepa to bring about the aoe of historic which would bring out too suns a or th Mouth Just prior and daring tha Civil War la a wav thev woald consider fairer to tho leader of the eaase of tht Confederacy A move ment also was started ia have,- the or gaaiaatioa indorse a projected trans continental nighwsy through tha South era part ef the United State to parallel the Lincoln Bic-hway and te be railed the Jefferaoa Davis Bighway aad ta bring about recognition of the leader of th Confederacy during tho Civil War by the inscription of their aamee ia aa amphitheatre ia Washington for which Congress haa appropriated tV 000MO. , Among th speaker before tho meet In; of the Bona ef Veteran wae Admiral A. O. Wright, of Jseksonville, Fla, com mander of the Confederate State Naval Veterans, wh stated that of tho original 6.000 member of the Confederate navy, 25 etill are living. Progrem For Today. , At tomorrow morning session of the raters a orgaaixation, ia addltioa to e anmbor ef report of committee, tber will bt aa- address oa "Cotton Tax and Pensions" by General George Billyar, of Atlanta, Ga. The meeting, will ad Joara at aooa to llow the veterans, tha eon, aad th memorial association, ta Jola fat memorial exercises. II Tomorrow alght will be featured by a grand ball la hoaor of tho United Confederate Veteraaa. Tha floor will bo twoerved exclusively for the old sol diers and their ladiea during th grand march. ' ' ' The only vnt oa tonight' program waa a song and dance re rue under the direction ef tho Booaton chapter of the Daughter ef tht Confederacy, depicting in ita scenes aad acta tho virions periods la tho history of the Sonth from Civil War dayt to th snd ef tho world war. Mbaloa to BsJU SseceasfaL ..Washington,. Oct- oU-Bsar- Admiral Kaapp't mission to Haiti to adjust re lations with the Haitiea government In cident to Americas occupation was ehsr aeterceid today by Secretary Colhv ns very ueeesf(il Th admiral had I a very favorably reeeired by th IT;. :i euthorities, he said, and It waa expected that friction which had developed woald he atxaigkteaed tat, . ... I SOKVETERAIIS PRESIDENT f SON WOULD LET VOTERS DETERMINE TRUTH Refers To Charge That He ; Pledged Military Aid To Ron , ; mania, and Serbia EXECUTIVEDISPATCHES TELEGRAM TO SPENCER Senator Eeed, Eeplyino; To In. cmiry' .of Senator . Spencer, Backs TJp .' Assertion - That - President Promised Military Aid In ' Address at Peace Conference In 1019 i L ' Washington, Oct 6 Pretident W,ilioa loaay Miegrapaea senator epeneer, Be pubHcaa, of .Miitouri, that he waa eon- lent to let th voter or Missouri decide which of them wa tellia tha truth. Th telegram referred to Senator Spen cer ehtrg thit the Pretident had promised military aid to Bumania and Serbia which th President ea yesterdsy aaid wa "fatae.1" Teat ef . Tlerm. ' . The telegram, which waa made Publlt at the White House without comment or explanation, aaid: T am perfectly content to leave It te the voters of Missouri te determine which af aa in Calling !.- .k g ... .UV U .U, Kenlrin ta tha PmUl'. i-mm -e yesterday, Senator 8peneer in a letter ataae puuiio si ot. tjOUt Jail alght quoted ia aupport of hit original atate ment from what he aaid waa the sten ographic note of th eighth plenary session of the peace conference. ' He asked the President ta Inform him whether Mr. Wilton bad made the atate ment a attributed to him ia the tienograpbte note taken at Paris. The President's telegram today ap- rarenuy wa in repiy to teas totter. Kansat City, Mo., Oct. 68oaator James A. Boed, in a telegram late today te United States Senator Spencer, as serted that President Wilson hid mada a atatement pledging American military aid to Bumania and Serbia, la aa ad dree at th peaee conference oa May SI, In CMgrsaateaal Boeord. ' ..The text of th address did not pas censor until December ,3, 1919, when it wat brought to thia country by . a aewspaper corretpoadcat and aubliihed in the Washington Star on that date. Th apeeeh also appeared ia full ia tha Cotigpeseioaal Beeord oa December 4, wiv, ue telegram addedV Senator Beod't telegram wit Bent ia response to one front Senator Spencer asking wrona '.noja on toe auojecj. : , Senator -Beed't telegram urged the P resident to produce the ttenographit record of th peace eoaf ereaee . "to ahow jutt what waa aaid. . . . . Senator Beed't telegram declared the President's atatement also wa copy righted by a aewipaper syndicate and1 given wid circulation. 1 , "On vernl oecawm I challenged the attention of th Senate to thia speech," the telegram continued. ' "My speeches by More of thousand wer eireulatod through th country. Numeroui pub licists and apeakert hav repeatedly rs- t erred to aad commented upon thia declaratioa of the President Its au thenticity waa never, disputed on the floor ef the Senate or elsewhere to mv knowledge until Mr. Tumulty recently announced it aa laise. . Aatkentla Oa Ita Faoa. The speech bean upon ita face evi dence of it authenticity- and it ' it couched i a the well-known' phraseology ox too rreeldeat. la view.of.. sthes facta, a discerning publie will aot be inclined to accept Mr. Tumulty's denial There is one way thia dispute eaa be settled. Let the President produce the stenograph! records of the pose con ference showing just what was said. iaeae official reports hav been stud iously suppressed and kept secret, al though the Senate foreign' relations committee asked expressly for them. ' It wa stated by Clemeneoau t private toe- retary that the reaaima why the aessiont were held la secret wat beause tht President of tha United States intitted upoa it aa against Clemtneeau a twa judgment. ' Cites Farther Proof. - "That the latter statement it abeo- lutely correct is shown by the testi mony of Secretary Lansing given be fore th foreign relation committee of the Senate, Augujt67 1919. Sea part six, -printed hearings, page 140. Following ' dispatch of the telegram to Senator Bponeer, Senator Bead gave out a statement in which be aaid: Bead Mahat Statomeat. "What bow do wt anderttandf That President Wilson mean we are aot to be under obligations to aend our armies ta protect Bumania aad other members of the. league against attack t If ao, what becomea of Arlele Tea, which he declare i the heart of tha covenant I SOUTH CAROLINA CENSUS FIGURES SHOW INCREASE . Washington. Oct . Alabama, South Carolina. and Wyoming made-substantial gain in population during the last tea years, while Nevada, the amallest ttat la th union in point of population became the third state ta show de crease. The Cenaus Burssa announced today that A la buna had a papulation of i',347,293, an Increase ef 2U9.201! or 9.S per cent over. 1910.. ; The ttate tjiui I sued Tennessee la standing of ths ttatee. South Carolina had a populatioa of 1.883,662. which la 10 "02 or 11.1 per coat creator than that of 1910. The state hqwevtr, fell short of Itt rela tive growth in 1910 by two per cent Wyoming, aext to the least populout state, hat a populatioa ot 194.402, which it an increase of 4,437 or 33.2 per teat compared with the 13th census. The ttate showed ita secon largest material growth, but ita percentage iaereae wat the lowest, , " " 7 . , BROOKLYN NATIONALS mmcowmiE of A Different Story , CUEVtLAND AB B H PO A B JsaaUasa. If. ....... 4 lit t Wambaganas, 1. ...S I t t Barn, I ....... .,..0 t t S S Laata,Sh. ...... ;.S t S S S Speaker, ef. ... 9 I 9 B. Smith, rf .. .... 4 S t S t t Gare-Bsr. Ib. .'....,. I I I S t W. Johnatoa, lb. . .4 9 9 S I t Sewell, sa. 4 9 9 1 I t O'Neill, c .........4 t f l I I Baghy, a. S t t lit Craaey. 1 t f t t t ChKp. ......9 9 9,9 t t Nnaaaukor, f I l.l .l I Total ts"t til f:i BBOOhLTN ' ABBBPOA B Otaoa, an. ..........4 1 1 S 1 t t. Jobaotea, IW,....4 1 1 t I t GrlsTlth, rf. .,. .4 t STS t t Wheat, If. ..S t 1 I t t Myers, ef. ...M.....S S 1 S t t Koaotchy, lb. S t t It 1 t KlldaSYSb, S t t S S t MUUr, a. S t t Sit Crimes, p. S 1 1 1 4 t Total ' M l 7 II U t tBatted for Baghy in fth. I Batted for WombsgaaM la 9th. fwBatted for Vhlo la 9th. . Score by laalagai ClevolBnd '..... .ttt 909 Brooklyn ..........191 919 Bammary T baa hit Wheat, Gardner, Griffith, Speaher. Stolen sVsaa, J. Johnston. Deahlo play. Cardaer te O'NeiU to W. iohaatoa to O'Neill. Loft ea base! Cleveland 19; Brooklya 4. Baa b. belle Off GrlBMO4t off Bsgby 1. Bite off Bagby, T la t laalagai off Vhlo, none In I Inalaga. Struck eat by Grim, It by Unlet. Losing plteher, Bagby. Time of game. It Si. - Vmplrae Can--oily (Amerlcaa) behind plstet O'Day ally (Amerlcoa behind platel O'Day . Natioasl at flratt Dlaata, (Asser lc at' aeeead . ha, Klem, (Na tional) at third baa. The inofficial attendance was 'give at U494, the same as yesterday.. , HARDVICK WINS IN Former United States Senator Walks Away With The ; ' - Nomination , k Atlanta, 6a Oct t Thomaa W. Hardwiek, former United States Sena' tor, wen : the Dcmooratie nomination for governor of Georgia ever Clifford Walker, former date attorney gonaral. In hit ran off primary held la Georgia today, according to Incomplete and un official return received by the Atlanta Conttttutioa and tho Atlanta Journal tonight '.. ( Figures compiled by The Constitution to 10 o'clock showed that with only fifteen (la) counties out of the eae hundred and f if ty-flve (155) ia the State ta renoetl Hardwiek had received 222 county unit vote and Walker 150. Only one hundred and ninety-four (194) vote were necessary for the nomination. . The Atlanta Journal aad the Macon Telegraph alto conceded the nomina tion of the former Senetor. AU three paper opposed Hardwiek. Mr. Hardwiek represented Georgia ia the Senate when the Vnited State ent ered the world war and wat eae of the 7 emocratle .opponents of maty adminis tration measures.' H was defeated for re-election by Senator W.. J. Harris. Ia the September primary tad in tht run off Hardwiek waa supported by Thomas h. Watson, who defeated Sen ator Hoke Smith for the Democratic nomination to tht Sentte. Both Wat son and ilardwfck were opposed to th League of KV'ioss. Mr. Wulker, the donated ta udidate for governor, fa vored tht league. . .. , DANIELS DENOUNCES REPUBLICAN SENATORS Bays fiepttblicans Preaching" 'Destruction and Disaster"; Speaks at Joliet Joliet, L'lsi Oct 6.---Republican nolitl eiaat "denouncing the Pretident aad the League of Nationa rt preaching "deitrnctloa and disaster,'' Secretary Daaielt declared la an address here to night Having kept the country "out of peaee for more than a year, they have no plan for keeping at out ot wir, bt tdded. Not "America, or even the Reeublieaa party,' had rejected tha League but "only tetiandful of lrrfctort who put polities above- patriotism," Becretarv Daniels declared, continuing! . "It wat nothing more than a burning, but Impotent" detire to destroy him (the Pretident) and all hia worki. to tear dowa what he had built up and climb to place and power oa the ruins. Do you doubt for a moment, does any one doubt, that if a Bepubliean presi dent had presented this League . 1 treaty of peace to the 8enatt, It would have bee a ratified in a month and hail ed at one ef the great cut eonstructlvt achievements of ths tget" , POPULATION OF U. S.;4 TO BE ANNOUNCED TODAY Washington. Oct. 6. The populatioa of the United Stitei, excluiive of its outlying possessions, will be announced tomorrow at 4 p. m the Ceniut Bureau announced today. Pooulations of the States ef Penn sylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Iowa, Virginia, Arknnsni and Florida will bo announced at 10:30 a. no. and those ot Minnesota snd Nsbrnska aimnltaneouaJy With the announcement of tht ountrys total. -. GEORGIA PRIMARY Dodgers' Victory Puts Them On Even Terms With cieve: land Indians In" Cattls 1 " v . For Championship GRIMES OUTSHINES BAC3Y IN DUEL BETWEEN STAF.3 OF TWO MAJOR LEAGUES Eacn Pitcher Allows Seven Hits, But Grimes Is InvincL hie , With lien On Bases While Cleveland Ace Permits National League Batsmen- To Bnnch Hits; Winnie; Elahsman Belies Upon Spit Ball and Change of Pact; Cleveland Gets, fourteen Men' On Bases Without . Scoring New Tork. Oct 6- Ia a pitching duel between tha leading hurlera of tho Na tional aad Amerlcaa League, Burleigh Grime,, Brooklyn' pitbaU ace, today shut out Cleveland, S te 0 ia tho second game of the world series at Ebbet Field. His ability to hold the Indiana ia cheek when hit would have meant runs, marked hit superiority ever Jamea C. Bagby, whom Manager Speaker se lected to -add a second gam te tho Clveelaad string. ' , : The victory which nlaeed the Rnnar. bat along tide ef Trit Speakers Iadiaaa, waa du almost sntirely te th excellent hurling of Grime wh had th havy hitting leader of the junior league baf fled throughout th gam ao far aa eon- secBtlve bingling was concerned. With uruno temporarily lost sight of tho home plate, Cleveland a ever appeared la tha light of a serious contender. Ineisn Barreader to Spit-Ball. Th inability of the Indians to con nect with Grimes' Blasts whea hit would have meant rune, ia aptly Clna trated by th fact that tha Cleveland elaa got 14 runner on the bags, of whom tea were stranded aad four re tired by subsequent plays. Iho Indiana wsr aot without repeated opportaaitice te eeore. . But- in .every emergency Brooklyn'! moiat ball star met the emer gency with a masterly eolleetia of sharp breaking Blasts, or slow break which eat th corner ef the plate, or shot ia close te th body of the batter with the result that that the Sevan hits af the invader wer a scattered a to be aseie ta run producing. - Bagby waa aot effective ia the box for Spakr'a team at waa Cevelaski la the OMhina? rams, or aa hia MrnaaaatalL Grimes, notwithstanding that h deli" vara to Bumcs luaa sua ms winning hurler. The Superb preached his f f exings fffeetively whea runner wer on bases, as eompared to the Iadiana, for, of tht tea Brooklyn batters to reach Arts throe scored, three wece retired aad tha remaining four left " ' s1 - . ' r White More Effective. The crux ef th pitching anaryaia I shown by th ftet that th winners scor ed thre runt en seven hit Mattered', through lix innings, white Cleveland with an equal number of twata was ja abl to end a ran acre th plate ia nine Innings. Uhle, who replaced Bagby' in the. seventh session proved more of a pntzld to the home combination, tho Bobin going r out on atrikca or flic ta nrH ilnvifia fliA , r viMtnAm im l!.k ' he worked. . Crimea Whole Show. ' Th eon teat, aaid from Grime power to puxalt tho winner ef tho Amerlcaa League pennant at critical time ia the struggle, waa devoid of sensational fea ture and color at waa the initial battle yesterday. Speaker pulled off another1 yeniatlonal catch in tha fourth iaalng whea he raced far over into Jamiesoa territory and hauled down KilduffV long drive. Bight Fielder Griffith star red with a catch off tho wall ia tha !. . k- . J A it. vtwum much um caMiirvu Dvmua smash in a manner somewhat similar to his thrilling handling of Speaker drive of Tuesday. A flash of the defensive skill ef tha Indian waa shown la the third inninf with Brooklyn at bat Bagby served up a slow floater to Grimes who prompt ly peppered it into center for n sinrl. Olson followed with a bnnt which Bag.- threw low to second. Wambaganas ia ! OTnTfa.ta VaM 41.- tt.1l ituJ 1 ever th bag aad Grimes, dashing into the sack, turned a complete aomersanrt over tht proatrate Infielder. Griffith's over the prostrate la fielder. ' Griffith's double to right scored Grime aad put Olson on third. Baghy purposely paastd Zaek Wheat and relied ea a play aa (Coatlaaed on Pag NlnoJ SATS COX WILL CABBT NEW TORK AND INDIANA Chlcsgo, Oct. -Scaalr Pat Han. rlaea, of Mlsstsslppl, chairman af tho astern apeak era harcaa of th Demoeratie Natloaal Caamlttee, to day tatted' a statement deeterlng Governor Co woald carry Illlmla, New York" Jfw Jersey, Ohld. Weat Virginia aad 4ndlaaa In addltioa to the solid (tenth. As for Maryland aad Ken tacky, ho aaid, there waa aa doubt, that they woald ho la tho Denracratle columa. Bo abas predict ed that at least tea western states woald to Democratic , Be described the claims of WIU nays, Bepabllcsa natloaal chairaaaa, is absurd." saying -It ass often been tho eaae that tho Bepabllcaaa wan In September, bat failed to wla In November. , , -We will mske oar big drive dar ing October," Senator Harrtesa aaid, "snd have purposely held baci natil now. Wo-will have mare speaker oat than the BepabUeaaa, aad aa to qaallty there eaa be mm eomaa risen. Despite the fact that the BepabU eaaa have tried te tie aa every hall la many atatea oar speaker will got before the people.' i